Wyndham Ridge Estate, Residential Subdivision – Statement of Environmental Effects Appendix 4 Stormwater Drainage Strategy Proposed Residential Subdivision Stormwater Drainage Strategy West Street Greta Hardie Greta Pty Ltd PO Box 3330 Merewether NSW 2291 M 0400 397 342 E [email protected] W fisherengineers.com.au West Street Greta © Fisher Consulting Engineers Pty Limited [2013]. Copyright in the information, drawings and data recorded in this document (the information) is owned by Fisher Consulting Engineers Pty Limited. This document and the information are solely for the use of the authorised recipient and this document may not be used, copied or reproduced in whole or part for any purpose other than that for which it was supplied by Fisher Consulting Engineers Pty Limited. Fisher Consulting Engineers Pty Limited makes no representation, undertakes no duty and accepts no responsibility to any third party who may choose to use or rely upon this document or the information. Issue 1 Description Original Issue AJF Author 05.05.14 Reviewer AJF 05.05.14 Approved by AJF 05.05.14 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |i West Street Greta Contents List of Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................... iv 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Site description.............................................................................................................. 1 1.3. Proposed development ................................................................................................. 1 1.4. Scope of work ............................................................................................................... 2 1.5. Available data ................................................................................................................ 2 1.6. Strategy objectives / criteria .......................................................................................... 3 2. STORMWATER DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY .......................................................... 4 3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 5 3.1. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUANTITY............................................................................ 5 3.1.1 4. Stormwater Flow Model ............................................................................... 5 3.2. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUALITY .............................................................................. 9 3.3. FLOODING .................................................................................................................... 9 MODEL RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 10 4.1. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUANTITY.......................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Probabilistic Rational method .................................................................... 10 4.1.2 DRAINS model results ............................................................................... 10 4.1.2 DRAINS modelled detention basin outlet controls .................................... 14 4.2. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUALITY ............................................................................ 16 4.3. STORMWATER FLOW CONVEYANCE STRUCTURES .............................................. 17 4.4. FLOODING .................................................................................................................. 17 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................ 19 6. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 20 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |ii West Street Greta List of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Locality Plan Indicative Lot Layout Existing Catchment Plan Developed Catchment Plan Stormwater Management Plan Detention Basin No. 1 Layout Plan Detention Basin No. 2 Layout Plan List of Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Indicative Lot Layout (Hardie Greta) DRAINS Data Spreadsheets PRM Calculations DRAINS Results Spreadsheets Stage / Discharge Relationship for Detention Basin No. 2 Nutrient Control Pond Calculations 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |iii West Street Greta List of Acronyms AHD Australian Height Datum ARI Average Recurrence Interval AR&R Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1987 AWL Active Water Level BASIX Building Sustainability Index CC Construction Certificate CCC Cessnock City Council DA Development Application DLWC Department of Land and Water Conservation FFL Finished Floor Level GPT Gross Pollutant Trap IFD Intensity Frequency Duration LGA Local Government Area PRM Probabilistic Rational Method PWL Permanent Water Level R.L Reduced Level TWL Top Water Level 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |iv West Street Greta 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Fisher Consulting Engineers has been engaged by Hardie Greta Pty Ltd to formulate a Stormwater Drainage Strategy to support a proposed Development Application for a residential subdivision off West Street Greta. The site is known as Lot 1 and 2 DP 1151267 (9.5ha total area), and Lot 2 DP 808354 (37ha), and is situated within the Cessnock City Council Local Government Area. The stormwater drainage strategy addresses stormwater quantity and quality requirements, and flood levels for the proposed development. A locality plan is shown in Figure 1. 1.2. Site description The site is generally bounded by the Hunter River to the east, Wyndham Street to the south, undeveloped land off Hollingshed Street and rural residential development off Water Street to the west, and rural pasture to the north. Lot 2 DP 1151267 drains typically toward the north and the north west and contains slopes typically in the order of 8%. The site varies in level from approximately R.L 92m AHD in its south eastern corner to R.L 62m in its north western corner. Lot 2 DP 808354 drains toward the south west to an unnamed creek, which ultimately discharges into Anvil Creek. The site contains slopes typically in the order of 6 – 9% and varies in levels from approximately R.L 108m AHD to R.L 62m. The eastern portion of the site, which drains directly to the Hunter River, has slopes in excess of 40%. In 2010 WMAwater released a report titled the Hunter River, Branxton to Green Rocks Flood Study, known as Flood Study 2010. The 1% AEP flood level for the subject site determined from Flood Study 2010 Figures 24 and 33 is approximately R.L 28.5m AHD. In July 2013, WMAwater released a draft report titled Hunter River, Review of Branxton Flood Levels. In this 2013 study Figure 16 profiles the 1% AEP flood level for the subject site at approximately R.L 27m AHD. The 2013 study reports that the 2013 report should be utilised for flood levels in the Cessnock LGA and the 2010 study should be utilised for flood levels in the Maitland LGA. In summary, the developments footprint ranges from R.L 62m AHD to R.L 108m, and the 100 year (1% AEP) flood level is R.L 27m AHD. Therefore the development is not affected by flooding from the Hunter River, and no further investigation is considered necessary for the intent of this strategy. Localised flooding will be reviewed within this strategy to ensure proposed lots are above any raised 100 year flow levels resulting from possible stormwater detention measures and stormwater flow conveyance structures. 1.3. Proposed development The proposed development involved the rezoning of Lot 1 and 2 DP 1151267 and Lot 2 DP 808354 for residential development. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |1 West Street Greta An indicative lot layout has been prepared and is shown in Figure 2. The indicative lot layout shows: 34 proposed lots over Lot 2 DP 1151267 zoned as R5 with minimum lot areas of 2000m2. 214 proposed lots over Lot 2 DP 808354 zoned as R2 with lot areas ranging from 600m2 to 3750m2. 1 lot over Lot 2 DP 808354 zoned as E2 with lot area of 7.87ha. 3 proposed lots over Lot 2 DP 808354 designated as open space for stormwater management, with an area totalling greater than 3.0ha. Access to the proposed development will be via West Street. 1.4. Scope of work This Strategy has been undertaken to provide the following information in support of the Development Application: Identification of the requirements of Cessnock City Council for the development site. Identify the impacts of the proposed residential development on existing waterways. Develop a strategy to minimise the effects of the development on downstream waterways. Provide concept sizing of the proposed stormwater management facilities in accordance with the adopted strategy. 1.5. Available data The following available information was utilised in the preparation of this strategy: An indicative lot layout plan supplied by Hardie Greta. A copy of the lot layout plan is shown in Appendix A. Stage 1 Stormwater Management Plan, Issue 2, November 2006, prepared by Patterson Britton & Partners. Stage 2 Stormwater Assessment, Issue 2, December 2006, prepared by Patterson Britton & Partners. Hunter River, Branxton to Green Rocks Flood Study, September 2010, prepared by WMAwater. Hunter River, Review of Branxton Flood Levels, July 2013, prepared by WMAwater. Proposed Rezoning, Stormwater Management Strategy, Issue 3, 19.11.13, prepared by Fisher Consulting Engineers. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |2 West Street Greta 1.6. Strategy objectives / criteria 1.6.1 Stormwater Runoff Quantity Criteria The majority of the proposed development site discharges directly to an existing unnamed watercourse in the south west corner of the R2 zone (Lot 2 DP 808354), which travels in a south west direction and ultimately discharges into Anvil Creek. The northern portion of the R2 zone drains to the north west corner of the development site. Stormwater flow management criteria include: The adoption of a major / minor flow approach to the design of the local stormwater flow management system. Conveyance of major flows through the site in a safe manner. Limiting the post development discharge rates from the subject site to predevelopment discharge rates. 1.6.2 Stormwater Runoff Quality Criteria Stormwater runoff from the development should be treated prior to discharge, consistent with normal practice for new developments, and with consideration to opportunities for integration with existing site features and topography. 1.6.3 Flooding Criteria Lots should have sufficient buildable area for a dwelling to be located at or above the flood planning level, which is the 1% AEP flood level plus 500mm freeboard for residential development. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |3 West Street Greta 2. STORMWATER DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The proposed stormwater drainage strategy involves: Capture of stormwater from lot and road reserve areas by a conventional pit and pipe drainage network located in the street or in interallotment drainage easements where required. Conveyance of captured stormwater within the drainage pipe network to gross pollutant traps (GPT’s) for primary treatment prior to discharge into the proposed combined detention basin and constructed wetland. Discharge from the outlet of the constructed wetlands will be conveyed over land to the existing unnamed watercourses. Other key points on the proposed stormwater drainage strategy are set out below: It is anticipated that further stormwater quantity control is likely to be achieved on each lot by rainwater tanks which are likely to be required by BASIX (Building Sustainability Index) regulations. The proposed combined detention basins and constructed wetlands will be located within drainage reserves and dedicated to Council consistent with other developments within the Cessnock LGA. Details of the proposed local drainage system will be determined at the time of Construction Certificate application, to Council’s standard requirements. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |4 West Street Greta 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUANTITY Existing and post-development flowrates are estimated using hydrological computer modelling software in order to demonstrate the magnitude of the local catchment flowrates. The post-development discharge is compared to the pre-developed discharge, and if higher, detention is usually warranted in accordance with Council’s standard requirements. 3.1.1 Stormwater Flow Model A stormwater flow model was prepared for the purpose of estimating existing and postdevelopment flowrates to demonstrate the relatively small magnitude of the local catchment flowrates. Catchment plan and model data Surface runoff flowrates from the site were modelled in two differing scenarios using the DRAINS – Urban Drainage Model, firstly in the existing state and secondly as a developed catchment. The RAFTS module was used within the DRAINS software package for both scenarios. For the existing state the development site was divided into three catchments, Catchments A, B and C. Figure 3 shows the location of the existing state catchment boundaries, including the external catchment where required. For the developed state the development site was divided into three catchments, Catchments A, B and C, however Catchments B and C were modified to reflect the developed catchment, including redirected stormwater where the flow is conveyed via the street drainage system into Catchment B from Catchment C. Minor overflows from Catchment C will continue to discharge to the existing outlet of Catchment C during major storm events. Figure 4 shows the location of the developed state catchment boundaries, including the external catchment where required. The methodology for stormwater quantity comprised quantitative analysis of available data to estimate existing and future flow behaviour from the development site. The analysis involved examination of surface hydrology to assess runoff characteristics from the site and sizing of stormwater mitigation devices to negate the impact of site development on existing flowrates. This involved the following steps: Estimation of existing peak stormwater flowrates at the downstream drainage outlets of the site using the DRAINS drainage software package. Flowrates from the DRAINS software were compared with flowrate estimates obtained using the Probabilistic Rational Method (Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1987), which is normal practice in rural catchments where long term flow data is not available for model calibration. Revise the existing scenario in the DRAINS drainage model to include the additional impervious areas that will arise due to development of the site. This resulted in the developed DRAINS drainage model. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |5 West Street Greta The critical storm was then selected for each ARI, based on the peak discharge from the site. The hydrographs of these ‘critical’ storms were plotted to determine the approximate volume of storage required. Identification of potential locations for on-site stormwater detention structures to reduce post-development discharge flowrates. Rainfall data Rainfall for a range of design events from 1 year ARI to 100 year ARI, and storm durations from 5 minutes to 12.0 hours for each, were modelled in order to identify the critical storm duration (producing the highest peak flowrate) for each ARI from the site. The required rainfall Intensity Frequency Duration (IFD) rainfall data was obtained from the tables supplied in Australian Rainfall and Runoff and is reproduced below. Latitude = 32.680 S Longitude = 151.380 E Skewness = 0.08 2-year ARI, 1 hour intensity = 27.59 mm/hr 12 hour intensity = 5.33 mm/hr 72 hour intensity = 1.72 mm/hr 1 hour intensity = 51.50 mm/hr 12 hour intensity = 11.02 mm/hr 72 hour intensity = 3.52 mm/hr 50-year ARI, Probabilistic Rational method Probabilistic rational method flow calculations were undertaken for existing Catchments A, B and C, and their external catchments using the procedure outlined in Australian Rainfall and Runoff to calibrate DRAINS stormwater modelling in the existing state. Table 1 summarises the adopted values for catchment areas and fraction impervious for the existing Catchments A, B and C, used in the probabilistic rational method flow calculations. Table 1: Catchment values for probabilistic rational method calculations Catchment Catchment Area Fraction Impervious A 51.515 ha 0.0 B 5.273 ha 0.0 C 1.766 ha 0.0 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |6 West Street Greta DRAINS model parameters Table 2 summarises the catchment storage and loss parameter values adopted in the DRAINS models for Catchments A, B and C. The parameter values are adopted by calibrating the exiting scenario DRAINS model results with the calculated values from probabilistic rational method calculations. Table 2: Storage and loss parameter values adopted in the DRAINS hydrological models for Catchments A, B and C Parameter Catchment A Catchment B Catchment C value value value Storage Multiplier, Bx 1.2 0.95 0.95 Pervious Area Initial Loss (mm) 15.0 15.0 10.0 Pervious Area Continuing Loss (mm) 1.5 2.5 2.5 Impervious Area Initial Loss (mm) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Impervious Area Continuing Loss (mm) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Model subcatchment data Full DRAINS model subcatchment data is provided in Appendix B. Subcatchment Manning’s n roughness values used in the DRAINS models are summarised in Table 3. Table 3: Roughness parameter values adopted in the DRAINS models Model - surface type Mannings ‘n’ value Existing model - pervious areas 0.1 Developed models - pervious / impervious areas 0.1 / 0.011 Subcatchment impervious area percentage values used in the DRAINS models are summarised in Table 4. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |7 West Street Greta Table 4: Impervious area percentage values adopted in the DRAINS models Model - type Impervious Area Percentage Existing model – natural 0% – existing external catchment 5% Developed models – natural 0% – existing external catchment 5% – developed lots 50% – developed lots with half road reserve 65% – large developed lots (>1200m2 approx.) – half road reserve 400m2/lot 85% For normal residential lot including half road (<1200m2), fraction impervious of 65% was adopted. For the larger lots, (>1200m2) 400m2 of impervious area was adopted on each lot, with the fraction impervious for the total subcatchment area being adjusted accordingly. Catchment A, subcatchment 1.00, will be reviewed to determine if any detention is required prior to developed stormwater leaving the development site and entering adjoining external property. This flow ultimately re-enters the development site on the northern side of West Street after passing through the external existing catchment. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |8 West Street Greta 3.2. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUALITY The methodology for Stormwater Runoff Quality typically involves selection of stormwater quality treatment devices based on identified opportunities for stormwater quality management referencing the development site and catchment conditions, and normal best practice. It is proposed that nutrient control will be affected by the provision of a total of two combined nutrient control ponds / detention basins designed in accordance with The Constructed Wetlands Manual (DLWC, 1998). Figure 5 shows the Stormwater Management Plan and details the locations of the combined detention basin / nutrient control ponds. The combined nutrient control pond/detention basins will also act as a detention storage device to limit the catchment’s discharges to existing flowrates. Gross Pollutant Traps (GPT’s) will be provided at the downstream end of all pipe systems prior to discharging into the Nutrient Ponds. 3.3. FLOODING Following the stormwater modelling process, and the inclusion of any required stormwater detention measures and/or stormwater flow conveyance structures, proposed lots are reviewed against localised 100 year ARI stormwater flow levels to confirm that there is sufficient buildable area for a dwelling to be located at or above the flood planning level, which is the 1% AEP flood level plus 500mm freeboard for residential development. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |9 West Street Greta 4. MODEL RESULTS 4.1. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUANTITY 4.1.1 Probabilistic Rational method Summary of probabilistic rational method flow estimates are provided in Table 5. Full calculations are provided in Appendix C. Table 5: Probabilistic rational method results ARI Catchment A Catchment B Catchment C (years) 3 (m /s) 3 (m /s) (m3/s) 1 0.891 0.117 0.047 2 1.37 0.180 0.072 5 2.08 0.275 0.111 10 2.67 0.354 0.144 20 3.44 0.458 0.187 50 4.38 0.585 0.239 100 5.32 0.711 0.292 4.1.2 DRAINS model results The DRAINS models for Catchments A, B and C were run for various design storm durations to calibrate the model. The following three results summary tables are provided below: Table 6: Catchment A Model calibration. Comparison of DRAINS-predicted peak flowrates with probabilistic rational method peak flowrates for existing catchment conditions (0% impervious percentage). Table 7: Catchment B Model calibration. Comparison of DRAINS-predicted peak flowrates with probabilistic rational method peak flowrates for existing catchment conditions (0% impervious percentage). Table 8: Catchment C Model calibration. Comparison of DRAINS-predicted peak flowrates with probabilistic rational method peak flowrates for existing catchment conditions (0% impervious percentage). 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |10 West Street Greta Table 6: Model results of ‘existing’ state for Catchment A ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State – Probabilistic Rational Method) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Existing State – DRAINS with impervious % = 0.0) (m3/s) Percentage Change (m3/s) 1 0.891 0.786 -12% 2 1.37 1.41 +3% 5 2.08 2.32 +11% 10 2.67 2.90 +9% 20 3.44 3.72 +8% 50 4.38 4.75 +8% 100 5.32 5.67 +7% Table 7: Model results of ‘existing’ state for Catchment B ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State – Probabilistic Rational Method) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Existing State – DRAINS with impervious % = 0.0) (m3/s) Percentage Change (m3/s) 1 0.117 0.086 -26% 2 0.180 0.167 -7% 5 0.275 0.288 +5% 10 0.354 0.370 +5% 20 0.458 0.484 +6% 50 0.585 0.597 +2% 100 0.711 0.712 0% Table 8: Model results of ‘existing’ state for Catchment C ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State – Probabilistic Rational Method) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Existing State – DRAINS with impervious % = 0.0) (m3/s) Percentage Change (m3/s) 1 0.047 0.048 +2% 2 0.072 0.184 +16% 5 0.111 0.128 +15% 10 0.144 0.159 +10% 20 0.187 0.196 +5% 50 0.239 0.240 0% 100 0.292 0.284 -3% 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |11 West Street Greta The flowrate comparisons in Tables 6, 7 and 8 demonstrate that the DRAINS models were producing peak flowrate estimates that were similar to those estimated using probabilistic rational method calculations for 1 to 100 year ARI storm events. This validates the effectiveness of the parameters used in the hydrological models in DRAINS. The DRAINS models for Catchments A, B and C were run for various design storm durations to determine peak flowrates. The model-predicted flowrates for existing and developed state flowrates, and developed state flowrates with detention, are summarised in Table 9, Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12. Full model results are included in Appendix D for the 1, 10 and 100 year ARI events. Table 9: DRAINS Peak Flow Results for Catchment A (Detention Basin No. 1) ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State with Detention) (m3/s) 1 1.26 1.52 0.981 2 2.12 2.88 1.65 5 3.00 4.78 2.38 10 3.53 5.94 2.73 20 4.34 7.42 3.76 50 5.46 8.81 4.87 100 6.45 10.29 5.78 Table 10: DRAINS Peak Flow Results for Catchment A - Subcatchment 1.00 ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State) (m3/s) 1 0.055 0.058 2 0.096 0.093 5 0.159 0.156 10 0.206 0.202 20 0.258 0.265 50 0.309 0.333 100 0.373 0.394 It is noted that Catchment A, subcatchment 1.00, has developed flowrates similar to those in the existing state. This is considered to be accurate due to the reduced subcatchment area in the developed state. And due to the flowrates being relatively similar, detention is not considered necessary for this subcatchment. Furthermore, with the provision of rainwater 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |12 West Street Greta tanks, as required by BASIX, the peak flowrates will be further reduced and the resulting flowrate difference would be marginal. Table 11: DRAINS Peak Flow Results for Catchment B (Detention Basin No. 2) ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State with Detention) (m3/s) 1 0.137 0.374 0.125 2 0.197 0.711 0.189 5 0.302 1.17 0.294 10 0.374 1.44 0.331 20 0.486 1.78 0.487 50 0.599 2.04 0.603 100 0.714 2.32 0.713 In Catchment B the 50 year ARI peak flowrate for the developed state is marginally higher than the existing state flowrate and is considered negligible. Furthermore, with the provision of rainwater tanks, as required by BASIX, the higher flowrate will be further reduced and the resulting flowrate difference would be marginal. Table 12: DRAINS Peak Flow Results for Catchment C (Detention Basin No. 2) ARI (years) Peak Flowrate (Existing State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State) (m3/s) Peak Flowrate (Developed State with Detention) (m3/s) 1 0.048 0.094 - 2 0.081 0.145 - 5 0.129 0.196 - 10 0.156 0.242 0.033 20 0.195 0.294 0.073 50 0.242 0.319 0.107 100 0.286 0.361 0.158 Developed flows in Catchment C are diverted via the piped drainage network to Catchment B, with minor overflows occurring in the 10 to 100 year ARI events. The modelled pipe size to convey the Catchment C developed state peak flows was DN300mm. The detention volumes required for each basin are shown below in Table 13. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |13 West Street Greta Table13: Detention Volume Detention Basin No. Detention volume) (m3) 1 8487 2 2667 4.1.2 DRAINS modelled detention basin outlet controls Outflows from Detention Basin No. 1 have been designed so that all ARI events up to and including the 10 year ARI storm event are controlled and conveyed through an outflow pipe system. The outflow pipe system will restrict the flow and water will be detained in the detention basin. For ARI’s greater than 10 years, flows are to be controlled and conveyed through the outflow pipe system and the designed spillway. Outflows from Detention Basin No. 2 have been designed so that all ARI events up to and including the 50 year ARI storm event are controlled and conveyed through an outlet structure. The outlet structure will restrict the flow and water will be detained in the detention basin. For ARI’s greater than 50 years, flows are to be controlled and conveyed through the outlet structure and the designed spillway. Table 14 shows a summary of the parameters and proposed outlet structures for each basin used in the DRAINS model. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |14 West Street Greta Table 14: Summary of Basin and Outlet Structures Basin 1 2 Parameter Description Permanent Water Level R.L 61.10 Active Water Level R.L 61.30 Top Water Level R.L 62.50 Top Of Bank R.L 63.00 Outlet Pipe Size 3 x DN900 RCP Outlet Pipe Invert Level R.L 61.30 Spillway Length 10.0m Spillway Invert Level R.L 62.32 Permanent Water Level R.L 85.10 Active Water Level R.L 85.40 Top Water Level R.L 86.50 Top Of Bank R.L 87.00 Outlet Structure Size (4 sided weir) 1.2m wide x 1.2m long x 0.94m deep Outlet Structure Invert Level R.L 85.00 Outlet Structure Inlet Level R.L 86.34 Outlet Structure Inlet No. 1 Orifice Size 2 x DN225mm Outlet Structure Inlet No. 1 Orifice Invert Level R.L 85.40 Outlet Structure Inlet No. 2 Orifice Size 2 x DN250mm Outlet Structure Inlet No. 2 Orifice Invert Level R.L 85.85 Outlet Structure Outlet Pipe Size 1 x DN525mm RCP Outlet Pipe Invert Level R.L 85.00 Spillway Length 5.0m Spillway Invert Level R.L 86.45 The flowrates and maximum heights over the spillways were determined for each detention basin and are shown in Table 15 and Table 16. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |15 West Street Greta Table 15: Flowrate and depth over Spillway for Detention Basin No. 1 ARI (years) Peak Flowrate over Spillway (m3/s) Maximum Flow Depth over Spillway (m) v.d product 10 0 0 0 20 0.25 0.06 0.025 50 0.578 0.10 0.058 100 1.30 0.18 0.13 Table 16: Flowrate and depth over Spillway for Detention Basin No. 2 ARI (years) Peak Flowrate over Spillway (m3/s) Maximum Flow Depth over Spillway (m) v.d product 50 0 0 0 100 0.10 0.05 0.02 Calculations for Detention Basin No. 2’s outlet control devices (outlet structure and spillway) modelled in DRAINS are shown in Appendix E. Drawings showing the basin layouts within the proposed development are included in Figure 6 and Figure 7. 4.2. STORMWATER RUNOFF QUALITY It is proposed that water quality control will be provided in the form of Gross Pollutant Traps (GPT’s) at the discharge points of the street (pipe) drainage network into Nutrient Control Ponds 1 and 2, as shown on Figure 5. Nutrient removal from the proposed development is proposed by means of Gross Pollutant Traps (GPT’s), located at the discharge points of the street (pipe) drainage network, and Nutrient Control Ponds (Constructed Wetlands). Details of the proposed combined nutrient control ponds / detention basins are shown in Figure 5. Nutrient control ponds were designed generally in accordance with the requirements of The Constructed Wetlands Manual (DLWC). The calculations of the nutrient control ponds are shown in Appendix F. The specifics of these ponds are presented in Table 17. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |16 West Street Greta Table 17: Nutrient Control Pond Data Nutrient Control Pond Contributing Catchment Minimum Pond Surface Area (m2) Actual Pond Surface Area (m2) 1 A 4511 5453 2 B and C 1185 1175 The modelled surface area of Nutrient Control Pond No. 1 is 21% larger than the calculated minimum required surface area. And the surface area of Nutrient Control Pond No. 2 is within 0.85% of the calculated minimum required surface area, which is considered negligible. 4.3. STORMWATER FLOW CONVEYANCE STRUCTURES The proposed access road to the proposed lots on Lot 2 DP 808354 (R2 zone) will require a culvert structure to convey overland flow from the eastern side of the proposed road to the proposed detention basin / nutrient control pond which is located on the western side of the proposed access road. The culvert structure was modelled in the DRAINS developed state model to provide a sizing requirement for the conveyance of the 100 year ARI storm event without overtopping of the proposed access road. In the DRAINS model the proposed access road was set at R.L 65.0, and the 100 year ARI event headwater level was R.L 64.48. Table 18 summarises the details of the proposed culvert. Table 18: Summary of culvert parameters Culvert No. 1 Parameter Description 100 year ARI Peak Flow 1.99 m3/s Piped Culvert size Twin DN675mm RCP Culvert length 24.4m Inlet Headwall Invert Level R.L 63.00 Outlet headwall Invert Level R.L 62.50 Pipe Slope 2.0% Inlet Headwall Head Height R.L 64.48 4.4. FLOODING Following the stormwater modelling process, and the inclusion of any required stormwater detention measures and/or stormwater flow conveyance structures, proposed lots are reviewed against localised 100 year ARI stormwater flow levels to confirm that there is sufficient buildable area for a dwelling to be located at or above the flood planning level, which is the 1% AEP flood level plus 500mm freeboard for residential development. The proposed Culvert immediately upstream of Detention Basin No. 1 has a headwater level of R.L 64.48, and the proposed access road has a preliminary level of R.L 65.0. It is considered a conservative approach to require proposed lots adjoining the proposed basin and culvert to 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |17 West Street Greta have dwelling FFL’s of minimum R.L 66.0. This proposed minimum FFL would compensate for a full blockage of the proposed culvert in the event of an emergency. However the culvert design should be reviewed in the CC phase to ensure that the road design for the proposed access road and the culvert design are compatible, including required blockage factors in accordance with AR&R. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |18 West Street Greta 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS At Source Management Although not a specific requirement of this stormwater management strategy, it is anticipated that rainwater tanks would be provided for all dwellings to meet BASIX requirements. Where installed rainwater tanks would provide at-source stormwater management benefits. Stormwater Flow Management (stormwater runoff quantity and quality) The strategy for management of stormwater runoff from the development is depicted on Figure 5, and comprises: Capture of stormwater from lot and road reserve areas by a conventional pit and pipe drainage network located in the street or in interallotment drainage easements where required. Conveyance of captured stormwater within the drainage pipe network to gross pollutant traps (GPT’s) for primary treatment prior to discharge into the proposed combined detention basin and constructed wetland. The detention basins will provide attenuation of developed stormwater flowrates to existing flowrate conditions. The constructed wetland will provide secondary/tertiary treatment and polishing of the stormwater runoff prior to discharge downstream. Discharge from the outlet of the constructed wetlands will be conveyed over land to the existing unnamed watercourse. The proposed stormwater management measures will be located within drainage reserves and dedicated to Council consistent with other developments within the Cessnock LGA. As illustrated by Figure 5, there is sufficient area within the developments footprint to provide stormwater drainage management measures to negate the impact of the proposed development. Flooding Review of the WMAwater report titled Hunter River, Review of Branxton Flood Levels indicates that the 1% AEP flood level for the subject site is R.L 27m AHD. The proposed developments footprint ranges from R.L 62m AHD to R.L 108m. Therefore the development is not affected by flooding from the Hunter River, and no further investigation is considered necessary for the intent of this strategy. The proposed Culvert immediately upstream of Detention Basin No. 1 has a modelled headwater level of R.L 64.48, and the proposed access road has a preliminary level of R.L 65.0. It is considered a conservative approach to require proposed lots adjoining the proposed basin and culvert to have dwelling FFL’s of minimum R.L 66.0. This proposed minimum FFL would compensate for a full blockage of the proposed culvert in the event of an emergency. However the culvert design should be reviewed in the CC phase to ensure that the road design for the proposed access road and the culvert design is compatible, including required blockage factors in accordance with AR&R. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |19 West Street Greta 6. REFERENCES Stage 1 Stormwater Management Plan, Issue 2, November 2006, prepared by Patterson Britton & Partners. Stage 2 Stormwater Assessment, Issue 2, December 2006, prepared by Patterson Britton & Partners. Cessnock City Council, Engineering Requirements for Development. Hunter River, Branxton to Green Rocks Flood Study, 2010, prepared by WMAwater. Hunter River, Review of Branxton Flood Levels, Draft, July 2013, prepared by WMAwater. Australian Rainfall and Runoff, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1987. The Constructed Wetlands Manual, DLWC, 1998. 14001 Greta DA Stormwater Drainage Strategy r1 |20 FIGURES Lot 2 DP 808354 R E ER RIV HUNT T S ST E W ST W M HA D YN W Client: Hardie Greta Project: Stormwater Drainage Strategy Location: off West Street Greta ST ORIENT ER AT ST Lot 2 DP 1151267 LOCALITY PLAN FIGURE 1 APPENDIX A Indicative Lot Layout (Hardie Greta) APPENDIX B DRAINS Data Undeveloped Catchments DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment A ‐ Undeveloped Catchment PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Volume (cu.m) N 1.00 Node N 2.00 Node N 1.04 Node N 1.01 Node N 1.02 Node N 2.01 Node N 1.03 Node N Outlet A Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Elev SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Pit or Node Cat 1.00 N 1.00 Cat 2.00 N 2.00 Cat 1.04 N 1.04 Cat 1.01 N 1.01 Cat 1.02 N 1.02 Cat 2.01 N 2.01 Cat 1.03 N 1.03 PIPE DETAILS Name From Pressure Change Coeff. Ku Surface Elev (m) Max Pond Depth (m) Base Inflow (cu.m/s) 79.2 73 59.1 64 62.6 62.5 59 58.9 Init Vol. (cu.m) Outlet Type K Dia(mm) Centre RL Pit Family Total Area Impervious Area Avg Slope(%) Mannings Time lag n (mins) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Rainfall Multiplier Hydrological Model Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS 8 9.7 7.3 8 8.2 7.3 6.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y 800 610 323.611 832 730.48 602.32 320.08 188.889 Bolt‐down lid Part Full Shock Loss Inflow Hydrograph Pit Type x y HED Crest RL Crest Length(m) id Pipe Is No. Pipes Chg From At Chg Chg (m) Roofed D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Type Dia (mm) I.D. (mm) Rough DETAILS of SERVICES CROSSING PIPES Pipe Chg Bottom (m) Elev (m) Height of Service (m) Chg (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service (m) Chg (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service (m) etc etc CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Base Width (m) L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) Manning n Depth (m) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To Length (m) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C Cross Section Safe DxV (sq.m/sec) Bed Slope (%) D/S Area Contributing % OF 1.00 OF 2.00 OF 1.04 OF 1.01 OF 1.02 OF 2.01 OF 1.03 N 1.01 N 2.01 N 1.03 N 1.02 N 2.01 N 1.03 N Outlet A Safe Depth SafeDepth Major Storms Minor Storms (m) (m) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4.2 10 3.3 10 1.8 10 Pit is 1 21 36 5 14 24 26 56 U/S IL (m) 500 253 1 43 1 195 1 id ‐578 ‐124 ‐337.5 ‐303 ‐301.36 ‐314.32 ‐351.76 ‐373.611 Length (m) N 1.00 N 2.00 N 1.04 N 1.01 N 1.02 N 2.01 N 1.03 To 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Surf. Area 2.169 6.928 5.781 14.678 6.67 4.57 10.719 Blocking Factor Rl (m) Chg (m) RL etc (m) (m) id 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 50 40 18 52 54 58 500 253 1 43 1 195 1 DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment B ‐ Undeveloped Catchment PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Volume (cu.m) Pressure Change Coeff. Ku Surface Elev (m) Max Po Base Depth ( Inflow (cu.m/s) x Bolt‐down lid Node Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Elev Surf. Area Init Vol. (cu.m) Outlet Type Total Area Impervious Area Avg Slope(%) Cat 3.00 Pit or Node N 3.00 PIPE DETAILS Name From To Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Type CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope Base Width (%) (m) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To Length (m) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C OF 3.00 N 3.00 N Outlet B Cross Safe Depth SafeDepth Safe Bed D/S Area Section Major Storms Minor Storms DxV Slope Contributing (m) (m) (sq.m/sec) (%) % 0.45 0.3 1 10 0 5.273 0 1 K 0 0 y N 3.00 N Outlet B SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name 83.8 83.7 Blocking Factor Dia(mm) Centre Pit Family id 320.08 ‐351.76 188.889 ‐373.611 Part Full Shock Loss Inflow Pit is Hydrograph Crest Length(m) id 26 56 Pit Type x y HED Crest RL I.D. (mm) Rough Pipe Is No. Pipes Chg From At Chg L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) Manning Depth n (m) Mannings Time lag Rainfall Hydrological n (mins) Multipl Model 6.8 0.1 0 1 Greta RAFTS Dia (mm) Chg (m) Rl (m) Chg RL etc (m) (m) (m) Roofed id 58 1 DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment C ‐ Undeveloped Catchment PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Pressure Volume Change (cu.m) Coeff. Ku N 4.00 Node N Outlet C Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Elev Surf. Area Init Vol. (cu.m) SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Pit or Total Impervious Node Area Area Cat 4.00 N 4.00 1.766 Outlet Type Avg Slope(%) 0 K Surface Elev (m) Max Pond Base Depth (m) Inflow (cu.m/s) 88.5 88.4 Blocking Factor x 0 0 Dia(mm) Centre RL Pit Family y Bolt‐down lid 320.08 ‐351.76 188.889 ‐373.611 id y HED Crest RL No. Pipes Chg From At Chg Mannings Time lag Rainfall Hydrological n (mins) Multiplier Model 5 0.1 0 1 Greta RAFTS U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Type Dia (mm) I.D. (mm) Rough Pipe Is CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Base Width (m) L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) Manning Depth n (m) Length (m) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C Cross Section Safe Depth SafeDepth Safe Bed D/S Area Major Storms Minor Storms DxV Slope Contributing (m) (m) (sq.m/sec) (%) % 0.45 0.3 1 10 0 1 Crest Length(m) x Length (m) N 4.00 N Outlet C Inflow Pit is Hydrograph Pit Type To OF 4.00 Part Full Shock Loss 26 56 PIPE DETAILS Name From OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To id Chg (m) Rl (m) Chg RL etc (m) (m) (m) Roofed id 58 1 Developed Catchments DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment A ‐ Developed Catchment PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Volume (cu.m) N 1.00 Node N 1.03 Node N 2.02 Node N 2.00 Node N 1.05 Node N 1.01 Node HW1 Headwall N 1.02 Node N 1.04 Node N 2.01 Node N 2.03 Node N Outlet A Node N bdy Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Elev SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Pit or Node Cat 1.00 N 1.00 Cat 1.03 N 1.03 Cat 2.02 N 2.02 Cat 2.00 N 2.00 Cat 1.05 N 1.05 Cat 1.01 N 1.01 Cat 1.02 HW1 Cat 1.04 N 1.04 Cat 2.01 N 2.01 Cat 2.03 N 2.03 Pressure Change Coeff. Ku Surface Elev (m) Max Pond Depth (m) Base Inflow (cu.m/s) 79.2 87 80 78 65 66 65 62.5 69 63 62.5 59 58.9 0.5 Init Vol. (cu.m) Outlet Type K Dia(mm) Centre RL Pit Family Total Area Impervious Area Avg Slope(%) Mannings Time lag n (mins) 0.084 0.07 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.07 0.07 Rainfall Multiplier Hydrological Model Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS PIPE DETAILS Name From To culvert HW1 N 1.02 18.4 36.4 50.8 5 50 5 0 60 32 33.9 Length (m) 4.7 9 5.5 4.5 4 8 1.5 6.3 3.8 4.9 U/S IL (m) 24.4 D/S IL (m) 63 Slope (%) 62.5 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Surf. Area 1.522 2.181 5.58 2.469 1.247 13.724 0.631 3.719 7.965 8.612 Blocking Factor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type 800 591.204 329.551 377.083 405.44 832 602.3 543.533 452.315 333.102 319.363 188.889 110.59 Pit Type Dia (mm) 2.05 Concrete, under roads, 0.5% mini y x I.D. (mm) 675 Rough 675 Height of Service (m) Chg (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service (m) Chg (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service (m) etc etc CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Base Width (m) L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To Travel Time (min) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C Cross Section OF culvert HW1 N 1.02 Name From To OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF 2.03 OF bdy N 1.00 N 1.03 N 2.02 N 2.00 N 1.05 N 1.01 N 1.02 N 1.04 N 2.01 N 2.03 N Outlet A N 1.01 N 1.04 N 2.03 N 2.01 N 2.03 HW1 N 2.03 N 2.03 N 2.03 N Outlet A N bdy 0.1 Length (m) 65 Spill Level (m) 397 287 343 408 72 144 1 207 15 120 1 30 Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C Safe Depth SafeDepth Major Storms Minor Storms (m) (m) 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 10 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.3 Part Full Shock Loss Inflow Hydrograph Crest RL Crest Length(m) id Chg From At Chg HED Pipe Is No. Pipes 2 HW1 Manning n Safe Bed DxV Slope (sq.m/sec) (%) 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 Depth (m) 1 Chg (m) Rl (m) Chg (m) RL etc (m) (m) 0 Roofed D/S Area Contributing % id 0 D/S Area Contributing % 3.3 6.3 5.1 3.7 2.8 2.1 2 3.2 3.3 2.9 10 Pit is 1 14 36 16485 69519 5 41158 24 69505 16489 69546 56 21632 y Safe Bed DxV Slope (sq.m/sec) (%) 0 0.6 Cross Section id ‐578 ‐173.38 ‐271.874 ‐506.134 ‐314.583 ‐303 ‐314.314 ‐321.867 ‐269.444 ‐398.495 ‐351.018 ‐373.611 ‐388.368 0.011 NewFixed DETAILS of SERVICES CROSSING PIPES Pipe Chg Bottom (m) Elev (m) Safe Depth SafeDepth Major Storms Minor Storms (m) (m) 1.7 Overflow across road low point ‐ p 0.05 Bolt‐down lid 41165 id 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 16472 40 16492 69523 18 54 69514 16498 21313 21634 397 287 343 408 72 144 1 207 15 120 1 DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment B ‐ Developed Catchment PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Volume (cu.m) N 3.00 N Outlet B Node Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Elev Surf. Area Init Vol. (cu.m) Outlet Type Total Area Impervious Area Avg Slope(%) Cat 3.00 Pit or Node N 3.00 PIPE DETAILS Name From To Length (m) DETAILS of SERVICES CROSSING PIPES Pipe Chg (m) Bottom Elev (m) CHANNEL DETAILS Name From OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Pressure Change Coeff. Ku Surface Elev (m) Max Po Base Depth ( Inflow (cu.m/s) 83.8 83.7 6.79 39.7 U/S IL (m) K Blocking Factor x 0 0 Dia(mm) Centre Pit Family y Bolt‐down lid 320.08 ‐351.76 188.889 ‐373.611 Part Full Shock Loss Inflow Pit is Hydrograph Crest Length(m) id 26 56 Pit Type x y HED Crest RL Dia (mm) I.D. (mm) Rough Pipe Is No. Pipes Chg From At Chg Bottom Elev (m) Height of Servic etc (m) etc Mannings Time lag Rainfall Hydrological n (mins) Multipl Model 4 0.07 0 1 Greta RAFTS D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Height of Service Chg (m) (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of SChg (m) (m) To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope Base Width (%) (m) From To Length (m) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C N 3.00 N Outlet B Cross Safe Depth SafeDepth Safe Bed D/S Area Section Major Storms Minor Storms DxV Slope Contributing (m) (m) (sq.m/sec) (%) % 10m W 0.3 0.3 0.6 10 0 1 id Type L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) Manning Depth n (m) Chg (m) Rl (m) Chg RL etc (m) (m) (m) Roofed id 58 1 DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment C ‐ Developed Catchment PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Pressure Volume Change (cu.m) Coeff. Ku N 4.00 Node N Outlet C Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Elev Surf. Area Init Vol. (cu.m) SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Pit or Total Impervious Node Area Area Cat 4.00 N 4.00 0.806 PIPE DETAILS Name From To Outlet Type Avg Slope(%) 33 Length (m) U/S IL (m) DETAILS of SERVICES CROSSING PIPES Pipe Chg Bottom Height of Service Chg (m) Elev (m) (m) (m) CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To OF 4.00 N 4.00 N Outlet C K Surface Elev (m) Max Pond Base Depth (m) Inflow (cu.m/s) 88.5 88 x 0 0 Dia(mm) Centre RL Pit Family y Bolt‐down lid id 320.08 ‐351.76 188.889 ‐373.611 Part Full Shock Loss Inflow Pit is Hydrograph Crest Length(m) id 26 56 Pit Type x y HED Crest RL Dia (mm) I.D. (mm) Rough Pipe Is No. Pipes Chg From At Chg Mannings Time lag Rainfall Hydrological n (mins) Multiplier Model 4.4 0.07 0 1 Greta RAFTS D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Type Bottom Elev (m) Height of SChg (m) (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of Servic etc (m) etc Base Width (m) L.B. Slope (1:?) Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Length (m) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C Cross Section 1 Blocking Factor R.B. Slope (1:?) Manning Depth n (m) Safe Depth SafeDepth Safe Bed Major Storms Minor Storms DxV Slope (m) (m) (sq.m/sec) (%) 0.3 0.15 0.4 4 m wide pa Rl (m) Chg RL etc (m) (m) (m) Roofed D/S Area Contributing % 1 Chg (m) id 0 58 1 Developed Catchments with Detention DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment A ‐ Developed Catchment with Detention PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Pressure Surface Volume Change Elev (m) (cu.m) Coeff. Ku N 1.00 Node N 1.03 Node N 2.02 Node N 2.00 Node N 1.05 Node N 1.01 Node HW1 Headwall 0.5 N 1.02 Node N 1.04 Node N 2.01 Node N Outlet A Node N bdy Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Surf. Area Init Vol. (cu.m) Elev Basin A 61.3 5829 62.5 8316 63 9063 SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Pit or Node Cat 1.00 N 1.00 Cat 1.03 N 1.03 Cat 2.02 N 2.02 Cat 2.00 N 2.00 Cat 1.05 N 1.05 Cat 1.01 N 1.01 Cat 1.02 HW1 Cat 1.04 N 1.04 Cat 2.01 N 2.01 Cat 2.03 Basin A PIPE DETAILS Name From culvert HW1 Pipe basin outletBasin A Total Area Outlet Type 0 Culvert Impervious Area 1.522 2.181 5.58 2.469 1.247 13.724 0.631 3.719 7.965 8.612 To Length (m) 4.7 9 5.5 4.5 4 8 1.5 6.3 3.8 4.9 U/S IL (m) 24.4 24.4 Base Inflow (cu.m/s) 79.2 87 80 78 65 66 65 62.5 69 63 59 58.9 Dia(mm) Blocking Factor x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centre RL Pit Family Pit Type x 63 61.3 Slope (%) 62.5 59 Rainfall Multiplier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type Dia (mm) 2.05 Concrete, under roads, 0.5% mini 9.43 Concrete, not under roads, 0.5% m I.D. (mm) 675 900 Rough 675 900 Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service (m) Chg (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service (m) etc etc CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope (%) Base Width (m) L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To Travel Time (min) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C Cross Section OF culvert HW1 N 1.02 Name From To OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF basin OF bdy N 1.00 N 1.03 N 2.02 N 2.00 N 1.05 N 1.01 N 1.02 N 1.04 N 2.01 Basin A N Outlet A N 1.01 N 1.04 Basin A N 2.01 Basin A HW1 Basin A Basin A Basin A N Outlet A N bdy Length (m) Spill Level (m) 397 287 343 408 72 144 1 207 15 25 1 Crest Length (m) 62.32 Weir Coeff. C 10 Crest RL Inflow Hydrograph Crest Length(m) id Pit is 18904 Safe Depth SafeDepth Major Storms Minor Storms (m) (m) 1.7 Overflow across road low point ‐ p 0.05 Safe Depth SafeDepth Major Storms Minor Storms (m) (m) 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 10 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 7.5 m roadway with 3% crossfall a 0.3 1.7 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 10m Wide Overflow Path 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.3 Safe Bed DxV Slope (sq.m/sec) (%) 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 Chg From At Chg 2 HW1 3 Basin A Manning n Safe Bed DxV Slope (sq.m/sec) (%) 0 0.6 Cross Section No. Pipes 0.011 NewFixed 0.011 NewFixed Chg (m) 30 Part Full Shock Loss 1 14 36 16485 69519 5 41158 24 69505 16489 56 21632 HED ‐351.042 No Pipe Is Height of Service (m) 65 id Hydrological Model Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS Greta RAFTS DETAILS of SERVICES CROSSING PIPES Pipe Chg Bottom (m) Elev (m) 0.1 Bolt‐down lid ‐578 ‐173.38 ‐271.874 ‐506.134 ‐314.583 ‐303 ‐314.314 ‐321.867 ‐269.444 ‐398.495 ‐373.611 ‐388.368 y 319.213 Mannings Time lag n (mins) 0.084 0.07 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.07 0.07 D/S IL (m) y 800 591.204 329.551 377.083 405.44 832 602.3 543.533 452.315 333.102 188.889 110.59 0.5 Avg Slope(%) 18.4 36.4 50.8 5 50 5 0 60 32 33.9 N 1.02 N Outlet A K Max Pond Depth (m) Depth (m) Chg (m) RL etc (m) (m) 0 0 id 0 D/S Area Contributing % 3.3 6.3 5.1 3.7 2.8 2.1 2 3.2 3.3 13 10 Rl (m) Roofed D/S Area Contributing % 1 Chg (m) 41165 id 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 16472 40 16492 69523 18 54 69514 16498 21313 21634 397 287 343 408 72 144 1 207 15 25 1 DRAINS Data Spreadsheet ‐ Catchment B ‐ Developed Catchment with Detention PIT / NODE DETAILS Version 12 Name Type Family Size Ponding Volume (cu.m) N Outlet B Node Catch C Pit Sag NSW RTA SA Inl SA1 N Outlet C Node N Dummy 01 Node N Dummy 02 Node DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Basin B SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Elev Surf. Area 85.1 85.399 85.4 86.5 87 Init Vol. (cu.m) 1.44 1.44 1575 3274 3856 Total Area Cat 4.00 Cat 3.00 Pit or Node Catch C Pit Basin B PIPE DETAILS Name From To Catch C Pipe Catch C Pit Basin B 2 Outlet Type 0 None Impervious Area 0.806 6.79 Pressure Change Coeff. Ku Avg Slope(%) 33 39.7 Length (m) K 83.75 88 88 83.5 83.4 Blocking Factor 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 Dia(mm) Centre Pit Family x 254.931 298.023 275.813 237.956 217.785 0 Pit Type y x id ‐378.167 ‐363.701 No ‐358.777 ‐356.647 ‐352.811 Part Full Shock Loss Inflow Pit is Hydrograph 56 11475 1 x Ku 11481 11490 11495 y HED 293.114 ‐374.235 No D/S IL (m) 86.5 Slope (%) 85.5 Type Dia (mm) I.D. (mm) 300 5 uPVC, n Rough 303 Pipe Is Crest RL No Crest Length(m) New id 5603 Bottom Elev (m) Height of Service Chg (m) (m) Bottom Elev (m) Height of SChg (m) (m) CHANNEL DETAILS Name From To Type Length (m) U/S IL (m) D/S IL (m) Slope Base Width (%) (m) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name From To Travel Time (min) Spill Level (m) Crest Length (m) Weir Coeff. C OF Dummy B OF Catch C Basin B overflow OF Dummy C OF Dummy 01 N Outlet B Catch C Pit Basin B N Outlet C N Dummy 01 N Dummy 01 N Outlet C N Outlet B N Dummy 01 N Dummy 02 Cross Safe Depth SafeDepth Safe Bed Section Major Storms Minor Storms DxV Slope (m) (m) (sq.m/sec) (%) 0.45 0.3 1 Swale w 0.45 0.3 1 Swale w 0.05 0 0.6 Overflo 0.45 0.3 1 Swale w 0.45 0.3 1 Swale w Bottom Elev (m) No. Pipes 0.009 NewFixed DETAILS of SERVICES CROSSING PIPES Pipe Chg (m) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Bolt‐down lid Mannings Time lag Rainfall Hydrological n (mins) Multipl Model 4.4 0.07 0 1 Greta RAFTS 4 0.07 0 1 Greta RAFTS U/S IL (m) 20 1.5 Max Po Base Depth ( Inflow (cu.m/s) Surface Elev (m) Chg From At Chg 1 Catch C Pit Chg (m) 0 Height of Servic etc (m) etc L.B. Slope (1:?) R.B. Slope (1:?) Manning Depth n (m) Roofed D/S Area Contributing % 1 1 1 1 1 id 0 0 0 0 0 11499 11485 5624 11498 11500 Rl (m) Chg RL etc (m) (m) (m) APPENDIX C PRM Calculations Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 1 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 0.4 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 52.1 0.38 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 2.6 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 37.2 2.99 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 1.2 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 36.8 4.17 0.056 0.309 0.426 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 1.2 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 42.7 1.23 0.146 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 0.8 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 36.8 6.21 0.635 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 1.0 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 44.1 1.03 0.126 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 1.9 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 35.1 9.13 0.891 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 0.9 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 44.8 0.94 0.117 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 0.62 0.177 0.3 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 53.9 0.31 0.047 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 0.891 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 2 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 0.5 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 67.4 0.46 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 3.1 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 47.9 3.57 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 1.4 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 47.4 4.98 0.086 0.475 0.656 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 1.5 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 55.1 1.47 0.225 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 1.0 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 47.4 7.41 0.976 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 1.2 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 56.9 1.22 0.194 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 2.3 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 45.2 10.90 1.369 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 1.1 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 57.9 1.12 0.180 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 0.74 0.212 0.4 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 69.7 0.37 0.072 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 1.369 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 5 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 0.5 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 87.2 0.55 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 3.7 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 61.3 4.24 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 1.7 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 60.6 5.92 0.132 0.723 0.998 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 1.7 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 70.8 1.74 0.343 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 1.2 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 60.6 8.81 1.485 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 1.5 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 73.3 1.45 0.296 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 2.7 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 57.7 12.97 2.081 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 1.3 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 74.5 1.33 0.275 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 0.88 0.252 0.4 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 90.2 0.44 0.111 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 2.081 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 10 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 0.6 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 99.0 0.62 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 4.2 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 69.2 4.82 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 1.9 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 68.4 6.73 0.171 0.927 1.279 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 2.0 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 80.1 1.98 0.441 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 1.3 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 68.4 10.01 1.904 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 1.7 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 82.9 1.65 0.381 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 3.1 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 65.1 14.73 2.667 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 1.5 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 84.4 1.51 0.354 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 1.00 0.286 0.5 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 102.5 0.51 0.144 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 2.667 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 20 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 0.7 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 114.6 0.69 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 4.7 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 79.7 5.40 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 2.1 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 78.8 7.53 0.221 1.196 1.651 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 2.2 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 92.5 2.22 0.571 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 1.5 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 78.8 11.22 2.457 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 1.9 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 95.8 1.85 0.493 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 3.4 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 75.0 16.50 3.440 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 1.7 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 97.5 1.69 0.458 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 1.12 0.320 0.6 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 118.7 0.57 0.187 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 3.440 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 50 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 0.8 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 135.3 0.75 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 5.1 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 93.7 5.85 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 2.3 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 92.6 8.17 0.283 1.523 2.102 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 2.4 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 108.9 2.41 0.728 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 1.6 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 92.6 12.16 3.129 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 2.0 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 112.8 2.01 0.630 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 3.7 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 88.0 17.89 4.377 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 1.8 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 114.9 1.83 0.585 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 1.21 0.347 0.6 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 140.3 0.61 0.239 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 4.377 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 Proposed Rural Subdivision - Greta Probabilistic Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations ARI 100 C10 0.29 Location: Greta 10 I1 = Min tc 39.00 mm/h 6 mins Subcatchment Data Subcatchment Runoff Coefficient Subcatchment tc DS Channel Data S v Total Area Imperv. L S n FFy C CA Bransby.W Regional Kinematic tc L t ha % m m/m - - - ha Min. Min. Min. adopt m m/m m/s Min. 14001 Date: 8/01/14 RAINFALL CA FLOW Min. INTENSITY mm/hr ha m3/s TIME OF CONC. u/s this Min. Project No. Kinematic Wave Method 1.00 2.169 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 0.8 10.6 10.6 500 0.030 1.5 5.6 10.6 151.3 0.82 1.01 14.678 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 5.6 22.0 22.0 43 0.015 1.5 0.5 16.2 22.0 104.4 6.38 1.02 6.670 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 2.5 16.3 16.3 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 22.5 22.5 103.2 8.90 0.345 1.851 2.553 2.00 6.928 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 2.6 16.5 16.5 253 0.042 1.5 2.8 16.5 121.6 2.62 0.886 2.01 4.570 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 1.7 14.1 14.1 195 0.018 1.5 2.2 22.5 103.2 13.25 3.801 1.04 5.781 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 2.2 15.4 15.4 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 15.4 126.0 2.19 0.766 1.03 10.719 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 4.1 19.5 19.5 1 0.010 1.5 0.0 24.6 98.1 19.50 5.315 TOTAL 51.515 3.00 5.273 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 2.0 14.9 14.9 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 14.9 128.2 2.00 0.711 4.00 1.766 0.0% 0.10 1.32 0.378 0.7 9.8 9.8 1 0.100 1.5 0.0 9.8 156.9 0.67 0.292 ARI FFy FFy 1 0.62 0.80 10 1.00 1.00 20 1.12 1.05 50 1.21 1.15 100 1.32 1.20 Rural: Urban: 22.5 24.6 5.315 2 0.74 0.85 5 0.88 0.95 Zone B <500m Intensities for FFY I12,50 11.30 I12,2 5.33 APPENDIX D DRAINS Results Undeveloped Catchments DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Undeveloped - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB-CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 1.00 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.04 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 2.01 Cat 1.03 0.055 0.182 0.169 0.364 0.164 0.138 0.255 CHANNEL DETAILS Name OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 2.00 OF 1.04 OF 1.01 OF 1.02 OF 2.01 OF 1.03 Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (1.90 impervious + 49.6 pervious = 51.5 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 7469.68 0.00 (0.0%) AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 8139.8 78.42 (1.0%) AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 9774.54 1180.67 (12.1%) AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 11025.5 2358.95 (21.4%) AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 12673.12 3847.39 (30.4%) AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 14011.65 5023.18 (35.8%) AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 15916.85 5652.97 (35.5%) AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 18242.75 8230.57 (45.1%) AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 20029.03 9641.10 (48.1%) AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 22854.63 9675.36 (42.3%) AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 25165.08 11331.54 (45.0%) AR&R 1 year, 18 hours storm, average 3.2 mm/h, Zone 1 29672.64 7783.63 (26.2%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) -244.24 (-81.5%) -574.58 (-159.7%) -419.47 (-103.4%) -156.93 (-33.6%) -3.11 (-0.6%) -567.62 (-96.9%) 538.97 (80.3%) 827.75 (112.3%) -1058.61 (-125.9%) -1416.81 (-153.0%) -5732.89 (-525.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 322.66 (4.1%) 1755.25 (18.6%) 2778.41 (26.2%) 4004.31 (32.8%) 5026.29 (37.2%) 6220.59 (40.6%) 7691.61 (43.8%) 8813.35 (45.7%) 10733.97 (48.8%) 12748.35 (52.6%) 13516.52 (47.3%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Due to Storm Due to Storm Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.055 0.182 0.169 0.364 0.527 0.055 0.182 0.169 0.364 0.527 Safe Q 1.695 1.67 1.302 1.778 1.302 Max D 0.124 0.183 0.151 0.248 0.232 Max DxV 0.11 0.25 0.28 0.37 0.57 Max Width Max V 1 1.46 1.21 1.99 1.86 0.842 1.259 0.842 1.259 1.313 1.302 0.381 0.321 0.55 0.98 3.05 2.57 0.89 1.36 1.85 1.47 2.45 Due to Storm AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 1.45 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 3.06 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 0 N 2.00 1365.01 N 1.04 1183.86 N 1.01 2782.97 N 1.02 4097.23 N 2.01 6448.92 N 1.03 9691.02 N Outlet A 9691.25 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A undeveloped r1.drn run at 10:33:44 on 12/5/2014 0 1365.01 1183.86 2782.97 4097.32 6449.19 9691.36 9691.25 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Undeveloped - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 1.00 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.04 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 2.01 Cat 1.03 0.206 0.482 0.426 0.995 0.452 0.351 0.717 CHANNEL DETAILS Name OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 2.00 OF 1.04 OF 1.01 OF 1.02 OF 2.01 OF 1.03 Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (1.90 impervious + 49.6 pervious = 51.5 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 13951.98 5124.91 (36.7%) AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 14939.35 5941.47 (39.8%) AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 17888.59 8951.30 (50.0%) AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 20090.85 11237.80 (55.9%) AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 23489.98 14550.40 (61.9%) AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 26065.73 17014.01 (65.3%) AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 30134.99 20631.69 (68.5%) AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 35004.44 24918.17 (71.2%) AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 38636.25 27985.71 (72.4%) AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 44784.57 31967.71 (71.4%) AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 49696.53 33319.61 (67.0%) AR&R 10 year, 18 hours storm, average 6.3 mm/h, Zone 1 58510.73 38366.45 (65.6%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.206 0.482 0.426 1.153 1.605 2.413 3.533 Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) ‐655.10 (‐127.6%) ‐730.92 (‐132.9%) ‐446.20 (‐67.8%) ‐153.40 (‐20.7%) 244.51 (28.3%) 485.16 (50.6%) 899.00 (81.1%) 1319.22 (102.4%) 1658.54 (116.6%) 1432.39 (86.9%) ‐1040.03 (‐56.9%) ‐502.23 (‐23.3%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 5780.01 (43.0%) 6672.38 (46.4%) 9397.50 (54.5%) 11391.20 (58.9%) 14305.89 (63.2%) 16528.84 (65.8%) 19732.69 (68.0%) 23598.95 (70.0%) 26327.17 (70.7%) 30535.32 (70.8%) 34359.64 (71.8%) 38868.68 (69.0%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Due to Storm Due to Storm Safe Q 0.206 0.482 0.426 1.154 1.605 2.413 3.533 Max D 1.695 1.67 1.302 1.778 1.302 1.313 1.302 Max DxV 0.205 0.264 0.214 0.382 0.352 0.5 0.473 0.25 0.46 0.5 0.75 1.14 1.21 1.87 Max Width Max V Due to Storm 1.64 1.23 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 2.11 1.73 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 1.71 2.32 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 3.06 1.97 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 2.82 3.24 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 4 2.41 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 3.78 3.95 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 1199.95 N 2.00 3756.12 N 1.04 3170.78 N 1.01 9207.6 N 1.02 12819.94 N 2.01 19117.09 N 1.03 28089.53 N Outlet A 28086.4 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A undeveloped r1.drn run at 10:38:13 on 12/5/2014 1199.95 3756.12 3170.78 9208 12820.92 19115.5 28086.91 28086.4 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Undeveloped - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB-CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 1.00 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.04 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 2.01 Cat 1.03 0.373 0.883 0.803 1.811 0.811 0.658 1.271 CHANNEL DETAILS Name OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 2.00 OF 1.04 OF 1.01 OF 1.02 OF 2.01 OF 1.03 Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (1.90 impervious + 49.6 pervious = 51.5 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 21035.29 11898.64 (56.6%) AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 22666.6 13355.60 (58.9%) AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 26659.44 17570.48 (65.9%) AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 29879.13 20841.78 (69.8%) AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 35236.27 26144.68 (74.2%) AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 39356.17 30163.91 (76.6%) AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 46053.13 36423.79 (79.1%) AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 53782.95 43553.49 (81.0%) AR&R 100 year, 6 hours storm, average 19.4 mm/h, Zone 1 59963.46 49157.01 (82.0%) AR&R 100 year, 9 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 70006.31 54529.52 (77.9%) AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 77885.53 59568.59 (76.5%) AR&R 100 year, 18 hours storm, average 9.9 mm/h, Zone 1 91897.61 67605.66 (73.6%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.373 0.883 0.803 2.116 2.926 4.423 6.446 Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) -643.30 (-83.1%) -701.02 (-84.0%) -229.84 (-23.4%) 95.53 (8.7%) 608.23 (46.9%) 931.10 (64.3%) 1448.94 (85.5%) 2035.41 (102.8%) 2546.13 (115.4%) 300.56 (11.7%) -258.58 (-9.0%) -2486.62 (-73.5%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 12541.94 (61.9%) 14056.61 (64.4%) 17800.32 (69.3%) 20746.25 (72.1%) 25536.46 (75.2%) 29232.81 (77.1%) 34974.85 (78.8%) 41518.08 (80.1%) 46610.88 (80.7%) 54228.96 (80.4%) 59827.17 (79.7%) 70092.28 (79.2%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Due to Storm Due to Storm Safe Q 0.373 0.884 0.803 2.116 2.926 4.423 6.446 Max D 1.695 1.67 1.302 1.778 1.302 1.313 1.302 Max DxV 0.255 0.331 0.271 0.48 0.441 0.5 0.5 0.37 0.67 0.74 1.1 1.66 2.21 3.22 Max Width Max V 2.04 2.64 2.17 3.84 3.53 4 4 1.43 2.02 2.73 2.3 3.76 4.42 6.45 Due to Storm AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 1889.71 N 2.00 5846.62 N 1.04 4912.47 N 1.01 14295.44 N 1.02 19924.87 N 2.01 29682.34 N 1.03 43609.91 N Outlet A 43609.21 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A undeveloped r1.drn run at 10:43:35 on 12/5/2014 1889.71 5846.62 4912.47 14295.16 19924.87 29682.2 43608.68 43609.21 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Undeveloped - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 3.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 130.31 (13.0%) 231.62 (20.5%) 355.77 (27.4%) 457.49 (31.9%) 465.93 (28.6%) 700.36 (37.5%) 827.80 (40.4%) 911.68 (39.0%) 1003.25 (38.9%) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) ‐30.77 (0.0%) ‐41.54 (0.0%) ‐36.05 (0.0%) ‐16.51 (0.0%) ‐4.32 (0.0%) ‐85.92 (0.0%) 43.54 (0.0%) 74.93 (0.0%) ‐21.30 (0.0%) ‐119.99 (0.0%) ‐1058.00 (0.0%) ‐1142.16 (0.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 30.77 (3.7%) 171.85 (17.2%) 267.66 (23.7%) 372.28 (28.7%) 461.81 (32.2%) 551.85 (33.9%) 656.82 (35.2%) 752.87 (36.7%) 932.98 (39.9%) 1123.25 (43.6%) 1058.00 (34.8%) 1142.16 (33.6%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.137 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol Max Q Total Max Q Low Level CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow (cu.m) N 3.00 Outflow (cu.m) Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 911.7 911.68 Run Log for 14001 Catchment B undeveloped r1.drn run at 09:27:23 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 N Outlet B Min Freeboard (m) 0.137 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.00 impervious + 5.27 pervious = 5.27 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 833.18 AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 1000.51 AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1128.55 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1297.2 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 1434.21 AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 1629.23 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 1867.3 AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 2050.14 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 2339.37 AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 2575.86 AR&R 1 year, 18 hours storm, average 3.2 mm/h, Zone 1 3037.25 AR&R 1 year, 24 hours storm, average 2.7 mm/h, Zone 1 3404.25 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Safe Q 0.137 911.7 911.68 Max D 1.05 0 0 Max DxV 0.14 0.24 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 1.12 Due to Storm 1.74 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Undeveloped - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 3.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 Min Freeboard (m) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 616.57 (40.3%) 910.29 (49.7%) 1129.90 (54.9%) 1433.77 (59.6%) 1662.51 (62.3%) 1976.96 (64.1%) 2353.48 (65.7%) 2623.86 (66.3%) 2956.81 (64.5%) 2683.11 (52.7%) 3459.62 (57.8%) 3119.64 (46.5%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) ‐76.33 (0.0%) ‐61.92 (0.0%) ‐45.04 (0.0%) ‐25.44 (0.0%) ‐14.36 (0.0%) 10.48 (0.0%) 34.79 (0.0%) 63.35 (0.0%) 55.19 (0.0%) ‐596.34 (0.0%) ‐106.73 (0.0%) ‐646.22 (0.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 692.90 (45.3%) 972.21 (53.1%) 1174.94 (57.1%) 1459.21 (60.7%) 1676.87 (62.9%) 1966.47 (63.8%) 2318.69 (64.7%) 2560.51 (64.7%) 2901.63 (63.3%) 3279.45 (64.5%) 3566.35 (59.5%) 3765.86 (56.1%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Constraint Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.374 Due to Storm Due to Storm Max D Safe Q 0.374 1.05 Max DxV 0.204 0.46 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Overflow (cu.m/s) 0.374 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.00 impervious + 5.27 pervious = 5.27 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 1529.17 AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 1831.05 AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2056.47 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 2404.4 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 2668.05 AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 3084.57 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 3583 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 3954.75 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 4584.08 AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 5086.86 AR&R 10 year, 18 hours storm, average 6.3 mm/h, Zone 1 5989.07 AR&R 10 year, 24 hours storm, average 5.3 mm/h, Zone 1 6707.26 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 3.00 1662.52 N Outlet B 1662.31 Run Log for 14001 Catchment B undeveloped r1.drn run at 09:30:42 on 8/5/2014 1662.52 1662.31 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 1.63 Due to Storm 2.26 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Undeveloped - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 3.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 0.714 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.00 impervious + 5.27 pervious = 5.27 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 100 year, 5 minutes storm, average 207 mm/h, Zone 1 909.59 AR&R 100 year, 10 minutes storm, average 155 mm/h, Zone 1 1362.19 AR&R 100 year, 15 minutes storm, average 128 mm/h, Zone 1 1687.36 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 110 mm/h, Zone 1 1933.43 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2153.14 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2320.12 AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2728.82 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 3058.38 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 3606.73 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 4028.44 AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 4713.93 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 5505.14 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 71.18 (7.8%) 491.80 (36.1%) 800.65 (47.4%) 1033.55 (53.5%) 1237.45 (57.5%) 1385.22 (59.7%) 1793.20 (65.7%) 2112.27 (69.1%) 2615.49 (72.5%) 3000.42 (74.5%) 3582.34 (76.0%) 4238.76 (77.0%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) ‐27.96 (0.0%) ‐54.85 (0.0%) ‐65.95 (0.0%) ‐73.96 (0.0%) ‐80.95 (0.0%) ‐89.94 (0.0%) ‐69.50 (0.0%) ‐52.35 (0.0%) ‐31.87 (0.0%) ‐20.04 (0.0%) 1.96 (0.0%) 27.73 (0.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 99.13 (10.9%) 546.64 (40.1%) 866.60 (51.4%) 1107.51 (57.3%) 1318.41 (61.2%) 1475.17 (63.6%) 1862.70 (68.3%) 2164.62 (70.8%) 2647.36 (73.4%) 3020.45 (75.0%) 3580.38 (76.0%) 4211.03 (76.5%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.714 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment B undeveloped r1.drn run at 09:34:18 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.714 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 3.00 4238.71 N Outlet B 4238.83 Due to Storm 4238.71 4238.83 Max D 1.302 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.259 0.69 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 2.07 Due to Storm 2.66 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment C - Undeveloped - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 13 January, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 4.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 16.21 (7.1%) 31.90 (12.5%) 45.42 (16.3%) 98.39 (29.4%) 138.18 (36.6%) 172.38 (39.7%) 200.53 (41.7%) 210.49 (38.6%) 229.64 (36.7%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) ‐17.87 (0.0%) ‐29.79 (0.0%) ‐37.94 (0.0%) ‐43.92 (0.0%) ‐39.46 (0.0%) ‐34.57 (0.0%) ‐36.78 (0.0%) ‐38.10 (0.0%) ‐54.99 (0.0%) ‐70.52 (0.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 17.87 (9.0%) 46.00 (20.1%) 69.84 (27.3%) 89.33 (32.0%) 137.85 (41.1%) 172.74 (45.7%) 209.15 (48.1%) 238.63 (49.7%) 265.47 (48.7%) 300.16 (48.0%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.048 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol Max Q Total Max Q Low Level CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow (cu.m) Outflow (cu.m) Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % N 4.00 Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 200.53 200.51 Run Log for 14001 Catchment C undeveloped r1.drn run at 10:33:33 on 13/1/2014 Due to Storm Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 4.00 N Outlet C Min Freeboard (m) 0.048 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.00 impervious + 1.77 pervious = 1.77 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 1 year, 5 minutes storm, average 70.0 mm/h, Zone 1 103.02 AR&R 1 year, 10 minutes storm, average 54.0 mm/h, Zone 1 158.94 AR&R 1 year, 15 minutes storm, average 44.8 mm/h, Zone 1 197.79 AR&R 1 year, 20 minutes storm, average 38.9 mm/h, Zone 1 228.99 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 256.07 AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 279.04 AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 335.08 AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 377.97 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 434.45 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 480.34 AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 545.65 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 625.38 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Safe Q 0.048 200.53 200.51 Max D 1.05 0 0 Max DxV 0.094 0.13 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 0.75 Due to Storm 1.34 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment C - Undeveloped - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 13 January, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 4.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 4.00 Min Freeboard (m) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 11.19 (5.7%) 85.84 (28.6%) 157.55 (42.5%) 211.93 (49.3%) 256.99 (53.7%) 287.46 (56.1%) 382.65 (62.4%) 447.97 (65.0%) 540.38 (67.1%) 608.89 (68.1%) 706.41 (68.4%) 786.59 (65.5%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) ‐5.10 (0.0%) ‐30.90 (0.0%) ‐28.16 (0.0%) ‐30.44 (0.0%) ‐31.01 (0.0%) ‐30.77 (0.0%) ‐29.12 (0.0%) ‐30.08 (0.0%) ‐32.14 (0.0%) ‐35.72 (0.0%) ‐35.64 (0.0%) ‐68.61 (0.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 16.29 (8.3%) 116.74 (38.9%) 185.71 (50.1%) 242.37 (56.4%) 288.00 (60.2%) 318.23 (62.1%) 411.77 (67.1%) 478.05 (69.4%) 572.52 (71.1%) 644.61 (72.1%) 742.04 (71.8%) 855.20 (71.3%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Constraint Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.156 Due to Storm Due to Storm Safe Q 0.156 Max D 1.05 Max DxV 0.147 0.27 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Overflow (cu.m/s) 0.156 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.00 impervious + 1.77 pervious = 1.77 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 10 year, 5 minutes storm, average 134 mm/h, Zone 1 197.2 AR&R 10 year, 10 minutes storm, average 102 mm/h, Zone 1 300.22 AR&R 10 year, 15 minutes storm, average 84.0 mm/h, Zone 1 370.86 AR&R 10 year, 20 minutes storm, average 73.0 mm/h, Zone 1 429.73 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 478.29 AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 512.14 AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 613.24 AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 688.74 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 805.27 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 893.57 AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 1033.07 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 1200 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 4.00 786.6 N Outlet C 786.64 Run Log for 14001 Catchment C undeveloped r1.drn run at 10:29:50 on 13/1/2014 786.6 786.64 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 1.18 Due to Storm 1.81 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment C - Undeveloped - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 13 January, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 4.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 0.286 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.00 impervious + 1.77 pervious = 1.77 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 100 year, 5 minutes storm, average 207 mm/h, Zone 1 304.64 AR&R 100 year, 10 minutes storm, average 155 mm/h, Zone 1 456.22 AR&R 100 year, 15 minutes storm, average 128 mm/h, Zone 1 565.12 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 110 mm/h, Zone 1 647.53 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 721.12 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 777.04 AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 913.92 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 1024.29 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 1207.94 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 1349.18 AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 1578.76 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 1843.75 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 90.86 (29.8%) 240.97 (52.8%) 350.22 (62.0%) 428.31 (66.1%) 497.69 (69.0%) 549.55 (70.7%) 681.14 (74.5%) 782.13 (76.4%) 944.38 (78.2%) 1065.00 (78.9%) 1250.37 (79.2%) 1448.68 (78.6%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) ‐29.54 (0.0%) ‐29.01 (0.0%) ‐27.07 (0.0%) ‐29.66 (0.0%) ‐30.47 (0.0%) ‐31.04 (0.0%) ‐29.46 (0.0%) ‐29.15 (0.0%) ‐28.65 (0.0%) ‐31.29 (0.0%) ‐33.37 (0.0%) ‐44.54 (0.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 120.40 (39.5%) 269.98 (59.2%) 377.28 (66.8%) 457.97 (70.7%) 528.16 (73.2%) 580.59 (74.7%) 710.60 (77.8%) 811.27 (79.2%) 973.03 (80.6%) 1096.28 (81.3%) 1283.74 (81.3%) 1493.22 (81.0%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 4.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.286 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment C undeveloped r1.drn run at 10:22:34 on 13/1/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.286 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 4.00 1065 N Outlet C 1065.07 Due to Storm 1065 1065.07 Max D 1.302 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.184 0.39 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 1.47 Due to Storm 2.11 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Developed Catchments DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Developed - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL HW1 N 1.02 SUB-CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 63.39 62.66 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 1.00 Cat 1.03 Cat 2.02 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.05 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 1.04 Cat 2.01 Cat 2.03 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Max Q (cu.m/s) 1.61 Constraint 0 None AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) 0.343 Max Q (cu.m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm 0.058 0.133 0.408 0.039 0.096 0.345 0 0.394 0.336 0.382 culvert Min Freeboard (m) 0.345 0 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (13.0 impervious + 34.6 pervious = 47.6 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 6909.25 1574.10 (22.8%) AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 7529.1 1874.77 (24.9%) AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 9041.19 3192.65 (35.3%) AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 10198.29 4238.97 (41.6%) AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 11722.3 5594.27 (47.7%) AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 12960.4 6695.76 (51.7%) AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 14722.66 7767.82 (52.8%) AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 16874.05 9770.99 (57.9%) AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 18526.32 10238.44 (55.3%) AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 21139.92 11086.47 (52.4%) AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 23277.02 13315.57 (57.2%) AR&R 1 year, 18 hours storm, average 3.2 mm/h, Zone 1 27446.4 15217.27 (55.4%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) 2.67 Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 1574.10 (83.2%) 1649.72 (80.1%) 1968.41 (79.5%) 2301.10 (82.4%) 2801.32 (87.3%) 3190.02 (89.9%) 3429.19 (85.1%) 4406.15 (95.4%) 4090.93 (80.7%) 3599.74 (62.2%) 4423.33 (69.4%) 5789.40 (77.1%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 225.05 (4.1%) 1224.25 (18.6%) 1937.87 (26.2%) 2792.95 (32.8%) 3505.74 (37.2%) 4338.64 (40.6%) 5364.84 (43.8%) 6147.51 (45.7%) 7486.73 (48.8%) 8892.24 (52.6%) 9427.86 (47.3%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 63.175 Due to Storm 62.659 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF culvert OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF 2.03 OF bdy Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.058 0.133 0.408 0.039 0.096 0.345 0 0.343 0.473 0.336 1.526 1.52 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 419.41 N 1.03 532.36 N 2.02 1862.61 N 2.00 0 N 1.05 284.12 N 1.01 2611.82 HW1 2968.86 N 1.02 2968.08 N 1.04 1865.3 N 2.01 N 2.03 N Outlet A N bdy 1960.28 11122.75 11126.23 11102.75 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A developed r1.drn run at 16:23:41 on 12/5/2014 Safe Q 0.058 0.133 0.408 0.04 0.096 0.345 0 0.343 0.473 0.337 1.526 1.52 Max D 5.98 0.886 1.382 1.04 1.137 5.971 0.367 5.981 1.113 1.079 6.034 5.997 Max DxV 0.015 0.071 0.131 0.052 0.074 0.051 0 0.052 0.128 0.112 0.116 0.079 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % Max Q High Level 419.41 532.36 1862.61 0 284.12 2611.82 2968.08 2967.92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1865.26 1960.28 11123.41 11125.93 11102.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Width 0.01 0.14 0.28 0.07 0.1 0.03 0 0.03 0.24 0.2 0.15 0.15 10 2.16 3.52 1.44 2.24 10 0 10 4.75 3.87 10 10 Max V 0.38 1.99 2.14 1.28 1.35 0.67 0 0.66 1.88 1.8 1.32 1.93 Due to Storm AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Developed - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL HW1 N 1.02 SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 63.71 62.77 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 1.00 Cat 1.03 Cat 2.02 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.05 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 1.04 Cat 2.01 Cat 2.03 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Max Q (cu.m/s) 1.29 Constraint 0 None AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) 0.967 Max Q (cu.m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm 0.202 0.584 1.43 0.178 0.346 0.938 0.026 1.171 1.242 1.51 culvert Min Freeboard (m) 0.983 0 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (13.0 impervious + 34.6 pervious = 47.6 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 12905.21 6944.24 (53.8%) AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 13818.5 7763.72 (56.2%) AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 16546.46 10400.61 (62.9%) AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 18583.5 12514.50 (67.3%) AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 21727.6 15514.88 (71.4%) AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 24110.1 17794.17 (73.8%) AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 27874.05 20935.22 (75.1%) AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 32378.17 24980.99 (77.2%) AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 35737.5 27613.38 (77.3%) AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 41424.52 31284.35 (75.5%) AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 45967.96 35080.61 (76.3%) AR&R 10 year, 18 hours storm, average 6.3 mm/h, Zone 1 54120.86 39857.35 (73.6%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) 3.57 Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 2912.76 (82.5%) 3109.84 (82.2%) 3846.03 (84.9%) 4569.32 (89.8%) 5536.59 (93.1%) 6265.53 (95.0%) 7172.46 (94.0%) 8520.81 (96.2%) 9251.08 (94.6%) 9986.46 (88.1%) 11116.61 (88.4%) 12744.95 (86.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 4031.49 (43.0%) 4653.88 (46.4%) 6554.58 (54.5%) 7945.19 (58.9%) 9978.28 (63.2%) 11528.64 (65.8%) 13762.76 (68.0%) 16460.17 (70.0%) 18362.29 (70.7%) 21297.89 (70.8%) 23964.00 (71.8%) 27112.39 (69.0%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 63.325 Due to Storm 62.773 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF culvert OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF 2.03 OF bdy Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.202 0.584 1.43 0.178 0.346 0.983 0 0.967 1.603 1.317 5.974 5.938 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 892.73 N 1.03 1273.36 N 2.02 3587.45 N 2.00 1342.54 N 1.05 752.43 N 1.01 7660.36 HW1 7805.15 N 1.02 7804.37 N 1.04 3755.82 N 2.01 6149.87 N 2.03 27310.87 N Outlet A 27275.07 N bdy 27262.98 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A developed r1.drn run at 16:16:53 on 12/5/2014 Safe Q 0.202 0.584 1.43 0.178 0.346 0.983 0 0.967 1.603 1.317 5.974 5.938 892.73 1273.36 3587.45 1342.54 752.43 7660.4 7804.37 7804.21 3755.64 6149.75 27314.04 27274.68 27262.98 Max D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max DxV 0.033 0.122 0.2 0.087 0.117 0.097 0 0.098 0.186 0.173 0.264 0.18 0.02 0.31 0.52 0.15 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.51 0.45 0.6 0.59 Max Q High Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Width Max V Due to Storm 10 0.62 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 4.43 2.57 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 6.84 2.62 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 2.71 1.72 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 4.15 1.68 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 10 1.01 AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0 10 0.99 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 6.38 2.76 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 6.07 2.62 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 10 2.26 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 10 3.3 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Developed - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL HW1 N 1.02 SUB-CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 64.48 62.92 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 1.00 Cat 1.03 Cat 2.02 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.05 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 1.04 Cat 2.01 Cat 2.03 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Max Q (cu.m/s) 0.52 Constraint 0 None AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) 1.989 Max Q (cu.m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm 0.394 0.919 2.294 0.334 0.549 1.71 0.059 1.74 2.208 2.574 culvert Min Freeboard (m) 1.992 0 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (13.0 impervious + 34.6 pervious = 47.6 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 19457.08 13343.06 (68.6%) AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 20966 14773.35 (70.5%) AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 24659.27 18558.22 (75.3%) AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 27637.4 21487.28 (77.7%) AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 32592.6 26338.33 (80.8%) AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 36403.4 29981.08 (82.4%) AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 42597.91 35452.18 (83.2%) AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 49747.79 42048.81 (84.5%) AR&R 100 year, 6 hours storm, average 19.4 mm/h, Zone 1 55464.6 47056.27 (84.8%) AR&R 100 year, 9 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 64753.96 54745.95 (84.5%) AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 72042.03 59050.22 (82.0%) AR&R 100 year, 18 hours storm, average 9.9 mm/h, Zone 1 85002.83 69890.00 (82.2%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) 4.3 Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 4595.33 (86.3%) 4969.00 (86.6%) 6142.89 (91.0%) 7017.04 (92.8%) 8527.08 (95.6%) 9592.10 (96.3%) 11058.83 (94.9%) 13090.37 (96.1%) 14542.78 (95.8%) 16928.47 (95.5%) 17318.47 (87.8%) 21011.30 (90.3%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 8747.74 (61.9%) 9804.35 (64.4%) 12415.33 (69.3%) 14470.24 (72.1%) 17811.24 (75.2%) 20388.97 (77.1%) 24393.35 (78.8%) 28958.45 (80.1%) 32513.49 (80.7%) 37817.48 (80.4%) 41731.75 (79.8%) 48878.70 (79.2%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 63.549 Due to Storm 62.916 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF culvert OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF 2.03 OF bdy Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.394 0.919 2.294 0.334 0.549 1.955 0 1.989 2.483 2.376 10.363 10.285 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 1343.95 N 1.03 1987.81 N 2.02 5255.27 N 2.00 2124.52 N 1.05 1167.49 N 1.01 14509.56 HW1 14505.42 N 1.02 14503.81 N 1.04 5537.82 N 2.01 9455.31 N 2.03 43827.34 N Outlet A 43791.12 N bdy 43777.42 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A developed r1.drn run at 16:12:07 on 12/5/2014 Safe Q 0.394 0.919 2.294 0.334 0.549 1.955 0 1.989 2.483 2.376 10.363 10.285 1343.95 1987.81 5255.27 2124.52 1167.49 14508.77 14503.81 14503.23 5537.77 9454.71 43828.2 43790.3 43777.42 Max D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max DxV 0.049 0.141 0.228 0.11 0.137 0.148 0 0.152 0.216 0.211 0.371 0.252 Max Q High Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Width 0.04 0.4 0.7 0.21 0.25 0.2 0 0.2 0.69 0.67 1.04 1.03 10 5.26 7.54 3.71 5.15 10 0 10 7.12 7.01 10 10 Max V 0.8 2.87 3.07 1.89 1.84 1.32 0 1.31 3.18 3.16 2.8 4.07 Due to Storm AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Developed - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 3.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 0.374 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (2.70 impervious + 4.09 pervious = 6.79 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 1 year, 5 minutes storm, average 70.0 mm/h, Zone 1 396.08 AR&R 1 year, 10 minutes storm, average 54.0 mm/h, Zone 1 611.1 AR&R 1 year, 15 minutes storm, average 44.8 mm/h, Zone 1 760.48 AR&R 1 year, 20 minutes storm, average 38.9 mm/h, Zone 1 880.44 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 984.55 AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 1072.88 AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 1288.35 AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1453.23 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1670.4 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 1846.82 AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 2097.94 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 2404.51 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 119.95 (30.3%) 205.63 (33.6%) 264.85 (34.8%) 312.77 (35.5%) 353.69 (35.9%) 412.01 (38.4%) 609.55 (47.3%) 750.95 (51.7%) 922.17 (55.2%) 1064.72 (57.7%) 1237.04 (59.0%) 1449.03 (60.3%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 119.95 (76.3%) 205.63 (84.8%) 264.85 (87.7%) 312.77 (89.5%) 353.69 (90.5%) 388.12 (91.1%) 476.11 (93.1%) 543.12 (94.1%) 633.11 (95.5%) 706.14 (96.3%) 808.53 (97.1%) 939.03 (98.4%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 23.89 (3.7%) 133.44 (17.2%) 207.83 (23.7%) 289.06 (28.7%) 358.59 (32.2%) 428.51 (33.9%) 510.00 (35.2%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.374 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment B developed r1.drn run at 15:25:42 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.374 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 3.00 1064.72 N Outlet B 1060.96 Due to Storm 1064.72 1060.96 Max D 6.04 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.038 0.04 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 10 Due to Storm 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Developed - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 3.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 1.444 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (2.70 impervious + 4.09 pervious = 6.79 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 10 year, 5 minutes storm, average 134 mm/h, Zone 1 758.22 AR&R 10 year, 10 minutes storm, average 102 mm/h, Zone 1 1154.3 AR&R 10 year, 15 minutes storm, average 84.0 mm/h, Zone 1 1425.9 AR&R 10 year, 20 minutes storm, average 73.0 mm/h, Zone 1 1652.23 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 1838.96 AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 1969.1 AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 2357.83 AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2648.1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 3096.13 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 3435.63 AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 3971.98 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 4613.8 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 260.53 (34.4%) 489.67 (42.4%) 756.53 (53.1%) 978.25 (59.2%) 1158.05 (63.0%) 1279.33 (65.0%) 1654.05 (70.2%) 1928.79 (72.8%) 2330.48 (75.3%) 2637.56 (76.8%) 3079.69 (77.5%) 3614.58 (78.3%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 260.53 (86.6%) 417.93 (91.2%) 526.60 (93.0%) 616.95 (94.1%) 690.46 (94.6%) 741.30 (94.8%) 899.15 (96.1%) 1016.48 (96.7%) 1197.43 (97.4%) 1335.50 (97.9%) 1552.75 (98.5%) 1814.19 (99.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 71.74 (10.3%) 229.92 (26.7%) 361.30 (36.3%) 467.59 (42.2%) 538.02 (45.3%) 754.90 (53.1%) 912.31 (57.1%) 1133.05 (60.7%) 1302.05 (62.9%) 1526.94 (63.8%) 1800.39 (64.7%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 1.444 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment B developed r1.drn run at 15:26:57 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 1.444 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 3.00 2330.48 N Outlet B 2327.87 Due to Storm 2330.48 2327.87 Max D 6.04 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.084 0.14 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 10 Due to Storm 1.71 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Developed - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 3.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 2.318 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (2.70 impervious + 4.09 pervious = 6.79 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 100 year, 5 minutes storm, average 207 mm/h, Zone 1 1171.28 AR&R 100 year, 10 minutes storm, average 155 mm/h, Zone 1 1754.08 AR&R 100 year, 15 minutes storm, average 128 mm/h, Zone 1 2172.8 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 110 mm/h, Zone 1 2489.67 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2772.58 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2987.6 AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 3513.88 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 3938.26 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 4644.36 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 5187.39 AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 6070.09 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 7088.93 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 497.80 (42.5%) 1077.72 (61.4%) 1493.66 (68.7%) 1807.74 (72.6%) 2083.02 (75.1%) 2289.76 (76.6%) 2803.51 (79.8%) 3208.24 (81.5%) 3866.21 (83.2%) 4374.29 (84.3%) 5163.49 (85.1%) 6059.14 (85.5%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 420.83 (90.5%) 653.26 (93.8%) 820.77 (95.2%) 947.79 (95.9%) 1059.30 (96.2%) 1144.33 (96.5%) 1357.16 (97.3%) 1527.45 (97.7%) 1810.59 (98.2%) 2028.97 (98.5%) 2383.37 (98.9%) 2789.42 (99.1%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 76.97 (10.9%) 424.46 (40.1%) 672.89 (51.4%) 859.95 (57.3%) 1023.71 (61.2%) 1145.43 (63.6%) 1446.34 (68.3%) 1680.78 (70.8%) 2055.63 (73.4%) 2345.32 (75.0%) 2780.13 (76.0%) 3269.72 (76.5%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 3.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 2.318 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment B developed r1.drn run at 15:27:27 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 2.318 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 3.00 3866.22 N Outlet B 3864.12 Due to Storm 3866.22 3864.12 Max D 6.04 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.112 0.23 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width Max V 10 Due to Storm 2.07 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment C - Developed - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 4.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 0.094 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.27 impervious + 0.54 pervious = 0.81 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 1 year, 5 minutes storm, average 70.0 mm/h, Zone 1 47.02 AR&R 1 year, 10 minutes storm, average 54.0 mm/h, Zone 1 72.54 AR&R 1 year, 15 minutes storm, average 44.8 mm/h, Zone 1 90.27 AR&R 1 year, 20 minutes storm, average 38.9 mm/h, Zone 1 104.51 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 116.87 AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 127.35 AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 152.93 AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 172.5 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 198.28 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 219.23 AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 249.03 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 285.42 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 15.77 (33.5%) 24.31 (33.5%) 35.83 (39.7%) 49.07 (47.0%) 60.73 (52.0%) 70.24 (55.2%) 94.12 (61.5%) 110.61 (64.1%) 133.72 (67.4%) 146.78 (67.0%) 161.32 (64.8%) 186.81 (65.5%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 15.77 (101.6%) 24.31 (101.5%) 30.36 (101.9%) 35.00 (101.5%) 39.38 (102.1%) 42.92 (102.1%) 51.97 (103.0%) 57.79 (101.5%) 69.76 (106.6%) 73.81 (102.0%) 80.15 (97.5%) 95.03 (100.9%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 0.00 (0.0%) 5.46 (9.0%) 14.07 (20.1%) 21.36 (27.3%) 27.32 (32.0%) 42.15 (41.1%) 52.82 (45.7%) 63.96 (48.1%) 72.97 (49.7%) 81.18 (48.7%) 91.79 (48.0%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 4.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.094 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment C developed r1.drn run at 15:29:06 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.094 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 4.00 133.72 N Outlet C 133.59 Due to Storm 133.72 133.59 Max D 0.908 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.049 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width 0.03 Max V 4 Due to Storm 0.7 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment C - Developed - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 4.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 0.242 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.27 impervious + 0.54 pervious = 0.81 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 10 year, 5 minutes storm, average 134 mm/h, Zone 1 90 AR&R 10 year, 10 minutes storm, average 102 mm/h, Zone 1 137.02 AR&R 10 year, 15 minutes storm, average 84.0 mm/h, Zone 1 169.26 AR&R 10 year, 20 minutes storm, average 73.0 mm/h, Zone 1 196.13 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 218.29 AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 233.74 AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 279.88 AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 314.34 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 367.52 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 407.82 AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 471.49 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 547.68 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 34.26 (38.1%) 80.56 (58.8%) 112.50 (66.5%) 139.01 (70.9%) 160.36 (73.5%) 174.84 (74.8%) 218.85 (78.2%) 251.85 (80.1%) 299.94 (81.6%) 337.75 (82.8%) 387.31 (82.1%) 451.52 (82.4%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 29.28 (98.6%) 44.86 (99.2%) 55.72 (99.7%) 64.90 (100.3%) 72.30 (100.4%) 77.53 (100.5%) 92.93 (100.6%) 105.67 (101.9%) 124.87 (103.0%) 140.64 (104.5%) 160.40 (103.1%) 190.00 (105.1%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 4.98 (8.3%) 35.70 (38.9%) 56.79 (50.1%) 74.11 (56.4%) 88.07 (60.2%) 97.31 (62.1%) 125.92 (67.1%) 146.18 (69.4%) 175.07 (71.1%) 197.11 (72.1%) 226.91 (71.8%) 261.51 (71.3%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 4.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.242 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment C developed r1.drn run at 15:29:46 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.242 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 4.00 160.36 N Outlet C 160.28 Due to Storm 160.36 160.28 Max D 0.908 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.075 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width 0.08 Max V 4 Due to Storm 1 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment C - Developed - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max HGL Max Pond HGL Max Flow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm Cat 4.00 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Min Freeboard (m) Overflow (cu.m/s) Constraint 0.361 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.27 impervious + 0.54 pervious = 0.81 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 100 year, 5 minutes storm, average 207 mm/h, Zone 1 139.04 AR&R 100 year, 10 minutes storm, average 155 mm/h, Zone 1 208.22 AR&R 100 year, 15 minutes storm, average 128 mm/h, Zone 1 257.92 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 110 mm/h, Zone 1 295.53 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 329.12 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 354.64 AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 417.11 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 467.49 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 551.3 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 615.76 AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 720.54 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 841.48 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 81.79 (58.8%) 150.56 (72.3%) 199.97 (77.5%) 237.30 (80.3%) 269.88 (82.0%) 294.44 (83.0%) 355.18 (85.2%) 403.64 (86.3%) 481.98 (87.4%) 541.60 (88.0%) 627.07 (87.0%) 729.88 (86.7%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 44.97 (98.0%) 68.00 (99.0%) 84.60 (99.4%) 97.26 (99.7%) 108.37 (99.8%) 116.90 (99.9%) 137.89 (100.2%) 155.56 (100.8%) 184.44 (101.4%) 206.37 (101.6%) 234.51 (98.6%) 273.27 (98.4%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 36.82 (39.5%) 82.56 (59.2%) 115.37 (66.8%) 140.04 (70.7%) 161.50 (73.2%) 177.54 (74.7%) 217.29 (77.8%) 248.08 (79.2%) 297.54 (80.6%) 335.23 (81.3%) 392.55 (81.3%) 456.61 (81.0%) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) Max Q (cu.m/s) Max V (m/s) OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 4.00 Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.361 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Run Log for 14001 Catchment C developed r1.drn run at 15:30:17 on 8/5/2014 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.361 MaxVol CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 4.00 269.88 N Outlet C 269.84 Due to Storm 269.88 269.84 Max D 1.486 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level Storage Change (cu.m) Difference % 0 0 Max DxV 0.092 Max Q High Level 0 0 Max Width 0.11 Max V 4 Due to Storm 1.17 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Developed Catchments with Detention DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Developed with Detention - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL HW1 N 1.02 N Outlet A SUB-CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 63.39 62.66 59.14 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 1.00 Cat 1.03 Cat 2.02 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.05 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 1.04 Cat 2.01 Cat 2.03 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Max Q (cu.m/s) 1.61 Constraint 0 None AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) 0.343 0.981 Max Q (cu.m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm 0.058 0.133 0.408 0.039 0.096 0.345 0 0.394 0.336 0.382 culvert Pipe basin outlet Min Freeboard (m) 0.345 0 0 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (13.0 impervious + 34.6 pervious = 47.6 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 6909.25 1574.10 (22.8%) AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 7529.1 1874.77 (24.9%) AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 9041.19 3192.65 (35.3%) AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 10198.29 4238.97 (41.6%) AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 11722.3 5594.27 (47.7%) AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 12960.4 6695.76 (51.7%) AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 14722.66 7767.82 (52.8%) AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 16874.05 9770.99 (57.9%) AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 18526.32 10238.44 (55.3%) AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 21139.92 11086.47 (52.4%) AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 23277.02 13315.57 (57.2%) AR&R 1 year, 18 hours storm, average 3.2 mm/h, Zone 1 27446.4 15217.27 (55.4%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) 2.67 5.39 Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 1574.10 (83.2%) 1649.72 (80.1%) 1968.41 (79.5%) 2301.10 (82.4%) 2801.32 (87.3%) 3190.02 (89.9%) 3429.19 (85.1%) 4406.15 (95.4%) 4090.93 (80.7%) 3599.74 (62.2%) 4423.33 (69.4%) 5789.40 (77.1%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 225.05 (4.1%) 1224.25 (18.6%) 1937.87 (26.2%) 2792.95 (32.8%) 3505.74 (37.2%) 4338.64 (40.6%) 5364.84 (43.8%) 6147.51 (45.7%) 7486.73 (48.8%) 8892.24 (52.6%) 9427.86 (47.3%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 63.175 61.45 Due to Storm 62.659 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 59.136 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF culvert OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF basin OF bdy Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.058 0.133 0.408 0.039 0.096 0.345 0 0.343 0.473 0.336 0 0.981 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Basin A MaxVol 61.84 CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow (cu.m) N 1.00 N 1.03 N 2.02 N 2.00 N 1.05 N 1.01 HW1 N 1.02 N 1.04 N 2.01 Basin A N Outlet A N bdy Safe Q 419.41 532.36 1862.61 0 284.12 2611.82 2968.86 2968.08 1865.3 1960.28 11122.75 10370.69 10348.6 Max D 0.058 0.133 0.408 0.04 0.096 0.345 0 0.343 0.473 0.337 0 0.981 5.98 0.886 1.382 1.04 1.137 5.971 0.367 5.981 1.113 1.079 5.989 5.997 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level 3457.5 Outflow (cu.m) 0.981 Storage Change (cu.m) 419.41 532.36 1862.61 0 284.12 2611.82 2968.08 2967.92 1865.26 1960.28 10370.69 10370.38 10348.6 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A developed detention with culvert r1.drn run at 16:05:54 on 12/5/2014 Max DxV 0.015 0.071 0.131 0.052 0.074 0.051 0 0.052 0.128 0.112 0 0.061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 752.66 0 0 0.01 0.14 0.28 0.07 0.1 0.03 0 0.03 0.24 0.2 0 0.1 Max Q High Level 0.981 Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Width Max V Due to Storm 10 0.38 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 2.16 1.99 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 3.52 2.14 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 1.44 1.28 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 2.24 1.35 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 10 0.67 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0 10 0.66 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 4.75 1.88 AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 3.87 1.8 AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0 10 1.61 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Developed with Detention - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL HW1 N 1.02 N Outlet A SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 63.71 62.77 59.23 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 1.00 Cat 1.03 Cat 2.02 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.05 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 1.04 Cat 2.01 Cat 2.03 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Max Q (cu.m/s) 1.29 Constraint 0 None AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) 0.967 2.728 Max Q (cu.m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm 0.202 0.584 1.43 0.178 0.346 0.938 0.026 1.171 1.242 1.51 culvert Pipe basin outlet Min Freeboard (m) 0.983 0 0 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (13.0 impervious + 34.6 pervious = 47.6 total ha) Total Runoff Storm Total Rainfall cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 12905.21 6944.24 (53.8%) AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 13818.5 7763.72 (56.2%) AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 16546.46 10400.61 (62.9%) AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 18583.5 12514.50 (67.3%) AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 21727.6 15514.88 (71.4%) AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 24110.1 17794.17 (73.8%) AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 27874.05 20935.22 (75.1%) AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 32378.17 24980.99 (77.2%) AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 35737.5 27613.38 (77.3%) AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 41424.52 31284.35 (75.5%) AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 45967.96 35080.61 (76.3%) AR&R 10 year, 18 hours storm, average 6.3 mm/h, Zone 1 54120.86 39857.35 (73.6%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) 3.57 7.26 Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 2912.76 (82.5%) 3109.84 (82.2%) 3846.03 (84.9%) 4569.32 (89.8%) 5536.59 (93.1%) 6265.53 (95.0%) 7172.46 (94.0%) 8520.81 (96.2%) 9251.08 (94.6%) 9986.46 (88.1%) 11116.61 (88.4%) 12744.95 (86.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 4031.49 (43.0%) 4653.88 (46.4%) 6554.58 (54.5%) 7945.19 (58.9%) 9978.28 (63.2%) 11528.64 (65.8%) 13762.76 (68.0%) 16460.17 (70.0%) 18362.29 (70.7%) 21297.89 (70.8%) 23964.00 (71.8%) 27112.39 (69.0%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 63.325 61.57 Due to Storm 62.773 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 59.226 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF culvert OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF basin OF bdy Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.202 0.584 1.43 0.178 0.346 0.983 0 0.967 1.603 1.317 0 2.728 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Basin A Safe Q MaxVol 62.29 CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 892.73 N 1.03 1273.36 N 2.02 3587.45 N 2.00 1342.54 N 1.05 752.43 N 1.01 7660.36 HW1 7805.15 N 1.02 7804.37 N 1.04 3755.82 N 2.01 6149.87 Basin A 27310.87 N Outlet A 26411.83 N bdy 26397.5 Max D 0.202 0.584 1.43 0.178 0.346 0.983 0 0.967 1.603 1.317 0 2.728 5.98 0.886 1.382 1.04 1.137 5.971 0.367 5.981 1.113 1.079 5.989 5.997 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level 6775.8 2.728 Storage Change (cu.m) 892.73 1273.36 3587.45 1342.54 752.43 7660.4 7804.37 7804.21 3755.64 6149.75 26411.83 26411.33 26397.5 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A developed detention with culvert r1.drn run at 16:02:40 on 12/5/2014 Max DxV 0.033 0.122 0.2 0.087 0.117 0.097 0 0.098 0.186 0.173 0 0.113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 901.51 0 0 0.02 0.31 0.52 0.15 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.51 0.45 0 0.27 Max Q High Level 2.728 Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Width Max V Due to Storm 10 0.62 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 4.43 2.57 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 6.84 2.62 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 2.71 1.72 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 4.15 1.68 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 10 1.01 AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0 10 0.99 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 6.38 2.76 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 6.07 2.62 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0 10 2.42 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment A - Developed with Detention - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 12 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL HW1 N 1.02 N Outlet A SUB-CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 64.48 62.92 59.29 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 1.00 Cat 1.03 Cat 2.02 Cat 2.00 Cat 1.05 Cat 1.01 Cat 1.02 Cat 1.04 Cat 2.01 Cat 2.03 CHANNEL DETAILS Name Max Q (cu.m/s) 0.52 Constraint 0 None AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) 1.989 4.515 Max Q (cu.m/s) Overflow (cu.m/s) Due to Storm 0.394 0.919 2.294 0.334 0.549 1.71 0.059 1.74 2.208 2.574 culvert Pipe basin outlet Min Freeboard (m) 1.992 0 1.3 Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (13.0 impervious + 34.6 pervious = 47.6 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall Total Runoff cu.m cu.m (Runoff %) AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 19457.08 13343.06 (68.6%) AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 20966 14773.35 (70.5%) AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 24659.27 18558.22 (75.3%) AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 27637.4 21487.28 (77.7%) AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 32592.6 26338.33 (80.8%) AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 36403.4 29981.08 (82.4%) AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 42597.91 35452.18 (83.2%) AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 49747.79 42048.81 (84.5%) AR&R 100 year, 6 hours storm, average 19.4 mm/h, Zone 1 55464.6 47056.27 (84.8%) AR&R 100 year, 9 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 64753.96 54745.95 (84.5%) AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 72042.03 59050.22 (82.0%) AR&R 100 year, 18 hours storm, average 9.9 mm/h, Zone 1 85002.83 69890.00 (82.2%) PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) 4.3 8.37 Max V (m/s) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 4595.33 (86.3%) 4969.00 (86.6%) 6142.89 (91.0%) 7017.04 (92.8%) 8527.08 (95.6%) 9592.10 (96.3%) 11058.83 (94.9%) 13090.37 (96.1%) 14542.78 (95.8%) 16928.47 (95.5%) 17318.47 (87.8%) 21011.30 (90.3%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 8747.74 (61.9%) 9804.35 (64.4%) 12415.33 (69.3%) 14470.24 (72.1%) 17811.24 (75.2%) 20388.97 (77.1%) 24393.35 (78.8%) 28958.45 (80.1%) 32513.49 (80.7%) 37817.48 (80.4%) 41731.75 (79.8%) 48878.70 (79.2%) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 63.549 61.7 Due to Storm 62.916 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 59.293 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Due to Storm OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF 1.00 OF 1.03 OF 2.02 OF 2.00 OF 1.05 OF 1.01 OF culvert OF 1.02 OF 1.04 OF 2.01 OF basin OF bdy Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.394 0.919 2.294 0.334 0.549 1.955 0 1.989 2.483 2.376 1.3 5.782 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Max WL Basin A Safe Q 0.394 0.919 2.294 0.334 0.549 1.955 0 1.989 2.483 2.376 1.3 5.782 MaxVol Max Q Total 62.5 CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N 1.00 1343.95 N 1.03 1987.81 N 2.02 5255.27 N 2.00 2124.52 N 1.05 1167.49 N 1.01 14509.56 HW1 14505.42 N 1.02 14503.82 N 1.04 5537.82 N 2.01 9455.31 Basin A 43827.36 N Outlet A 42515.8 N bdy 42504.25 Max D 5.98 0.886 1.382 1.04 1.137 5.971 0.367 5.981 1.113 1.079 5.989 5.997 8444.1 Max Q Low Level 5.815 Storage Change (cu.m) 1343.95 1987.81 5255.27 2124.52 1167.49 14508.77 14503.82 14503.24 5537.77 9454.71 42478.95 42514.96 42504.25 Run Log for 14001 Catchment A developed detention with culvert r1.drn run at 15:57:27 on 12/5/2014 Max DxV 0.049 0.141 0.228 0.11 0.137 0.148 0 0.152 0.216 0.211 0.067 0.177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1349.8 0 0 Max Width 0.04 0.4 0.7 0.21 0.25 0.2 0 0.2 0.69 0.67 0.13 0.58 Max Q High Level 4.515 Difference % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 10 5.26 7.54 3.71 5.15 10 0 10 7.12 7.01 10 10 Max V 0.8 2.87 3.07 1.89 1.84 1.32 0 1.31 3.18 3.16 1.94 3.26 Due to Storm AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Developed with Detention - 1 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL Catch C Pit SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 86.67 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 4.00 Cat 3.00 OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF Dummy B OF Catch C Basin B overflow OF Dummy C OF Dummy 01 0.047 0.6 Overflow (cu.m/s) 1.33 Constraint 0 Inlet Capacity 0.047 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 0.375 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Max Q (cu.m/s) Catch C Pipe CHANNEL DETAILS Name 88.11 Min Freeboard (m) Due to Storm Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (2.96 impervious + 4.63 pervious = 7.60 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 1 year, 25 minutes storm, average 34.8 mm/h, Zone 1 1101.42 AR&R 1 year, 30 minutes storm, average 31.6 mm/h, Zone 1 1200.23 AR&R 1 year, 45 minutes storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 1441.28 AR&R 1 year, 1 hour storm, average 21.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1625.73 AR&R 1 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 16.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1868.68 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 2066.05 AR&R 1 year, 3 hours storm, average 10.3 mm/h, Zone 1 2346.97 AR&R 1 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 7.9 mm/h, Zone 1 2689.93 AR&R 1 year, 6 hours storm, average 6.5 mm/h, Zone 1 2953.32 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 3369.97 AR&R 1 year, 12 hours storm, average 4.1 mm/h, Zone 1 3710.65 AR&R 1 year, 18 hours storm, average 3.2 mm/h, Zone 1 4375.3 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 390.33 (35.4%) 455.43 (37.9%) 676.36 (46.9%) 832.57 (51.2%) 1024.78 (54.8%) 1179.35 (57.1%) 1366.08 (58.2%) 1600.60 (59.5%) 1697.78 (57.5%) 1877.28 (55.7%) 1988.59 (53.6%) 2329.55 (53.2%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 390.33 (90.9%) 428.39 (91.5%) 525.32 (93.5%) 597.32 (94.2%) 697.59 (95.7%) 773.47 (96.0%) 881.06 (96.3%) 1023.32 (97.6%) 1036.09 (90.0%) 1057.29 (80.5%) 1001.35 (69.2%) 1399.67 (82.0%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 0.00 (0.0%) 27.05 (3.7%) 151.04 (17.2%) 235.25 (23.7%) 327.19 (28.7%) 405.88 (32.2%) 485.03 (33.9%) 577.27 (35.2%) 661.69 (36.7%) 819.99 (39.9%) 987.23 (43.6%) 929.87 (34.8%) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 0.047 Max Q (cu.m/s) 3.18 86.579 Due to Storm 85.871 AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.125 0 0.125 0 0.125 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.125 0 0.125 0 0.125 Max D 0.979 0.979 0.288 0.979 0.979 Max DxV 0.207 0 0.035 0 0.207 0.15 0 0.02 0 0.15 Max Width Max V 1.66 0 10.16 0 1.66 Due to Storm 0.72 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0.56 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 0 0.72 AR&R 1 year, 9 hours storm, average 4.9 mm/h, Zone 1 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Basin B Max WL MaxVol 85.87 CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 1 year, 2 hours storm, average 13.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N Outlet B 947.34 Catch C Pit 113.23 Basin B 1179.19 N Outlet C 0 N Dummy 01 947 N Dummy 02 946.67 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level 892.7 0.125 Storage Change (cu.m) 947.17 113.07 947.51 0 946.84 946.67 Run Log for 14001 Catchment B developed detention with excel outlet r1.drn run at 14:58:43 on 8/5/2014 0 0 231.76 0 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 Difference % 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.125 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Developed with Detention - 10 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL Catch C Pit SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 87.19 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 4.00 Cat 3.00 OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF Dummy B OF Catch C Basin B overflow OF Dummy C OF Dummy 01 0.219 1.7 Overflow (cu.m/s) 0.81 Constraint 0.033 Inlet Capacity 0.219 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 1.444 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 Max Q (cu.m/s) Catch C Pipe CHANNEL DETAILS Name 88.2 Min Freeboard (m) Due to Storm Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (2.96 impervious + 4.63 pervious = 7.60 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 10 year, 25 minutes storm, average 65.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2057.25 AR&R 10 year, 30 minutes storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2202.84 AR&R 10 year, 45 minutes storm, average 46.3 mm/h, Zone 1 2637.71 AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2962.44 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 3463.65 AR&R 10 year, 2 hours storm, average 25.3 mm/h, Zone 1 3843.45 AR&R 10 year, 3 hours storm, average 19.5 mm/h, Zone 1 4443.47 AR&R 10 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 5161.48 AR&R 10 year, 6 hours storm, average 12.5 mm/h, Zone 1 5697 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 6603.58 AR&R 10 year, 12 hours storm, average 8.0 mm/h, Zone 1 7327.86 AR&R 10 year, 18 hours storm, average 6.3 mm/h, Zone 1 8627.54 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 1289.68 (62.7%) 1425.38 (64.7%) 1843.75 (69.9%) 2151.91 (72.6%) 2601.27 (75.1%) 2945.32 (76.6%) 3436.77 (77.3%) 4032.65 (78.1%) 4400.13 (77.2%) 5076.28 (76.9%) 5644.83 (77.0%) 6069.98 (70.4%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 760.41 (94.8%) 816.39 (95.1%) 989.28 (96.2%) 1119.27 (96.9%) 1318.78 (97.7%) 1471.53 (98.2%) 1708.45 (98.6%) 1994.80 (99.1%) 2149.71 (96.8%) 2526.10 (98.1%) 2762.54 (96.7%) 2935.30 (87.3%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 529.27 (42.2%) 608.98 (45.3%) 854.47 (53.1%) 1032.64 (57.1%) 1282.49 (60.7%) 1473.79 (62.9%) 1728.32 (63.8%) 2037.85 (64.7%) 2250.42 (64.7%) 2550.17 (63.3%) 2882.29 (64.5%) 3134.68 (59.6%) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 0.187 Max Q (cu.m/s) 4.6 86.667 Due to Storm 86.296 AR&R 10 year, 1 hour storm, average 39.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.331 0.033 0.331 0.033 0.331 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.331 0.033 0.331 0.033 0.331 Max D 0.979 0.979 0.288 0.979 0.979 Max DxV 0.299 0.126 0.053 0.126 0.299 0.28 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.28 Max Width Max V 2.39 1.01 11.97 1.01 2.39 0.92 0.52 0.78 0.52 0.92 Due to Storm AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 10 year, 9 hours storm, average 9.7 mm/h, Zone 1 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Basin B Max WL MaxVol 86.3 CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 10 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 30.4 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N Outlet B 1983.13 Catch C Pit 269.59 Basin B 2597.46 N Outlet C 3.15 N Dummy 01 1985.07 N Dummy 02 1983.87 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level 1982.2 0.331 Storage Change (cu.m) 1982.53 268.94 1983.73 3.15 1984.47 1983.87 Run Log for 14001 Catchment B developed detention with excel outlet r1.drn run at 15:02:26 on 8/5/2014 0 0 614.03 0 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 Difference % 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.331 DRAINS Results - Catchment B - Developed with Detention - 100 Year ARI DRAINS results prepared 08 May, 2014 from Version 2014.01 PIT / NODE DETAILS Name Max HGL Catch C Pit SUB‐CATCHMENT DETAILS Name Max Pond HGL 87.22 Max Flow (cu.m/s) Cat 4.00 Cat 3.00 OVERFLOW ROUTE DETAILS Name OF Dummy B OF Catch C Basin B overflow OF Dummy C OF Dummy 01 0.344 1.7 Overflow (cu.m/s) 0.78 Constraint 0.158 Inlet Capacity 0.344 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 2.318 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Max Q (cu.m/s) Catch C Pipe CHANNEL DETAILS Name 88.2 Min Freeboard (m) Due to Storm Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (2.96 impervious + 4.63 pervious = 7.60 total ha) Storm Total Rainfall cu.m AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 3101.7 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 88.0 mm/h, Zone 1 3342.24 AR&R 100 year, 45 minutes storm, average 69.0 mm/h, Zone 1 3930.99 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 58.0 mm/h, Zone 1 4405.74 AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 5195.66 AR&R 100 year, 2 hours storm, average 38.2 mm/h, Zone 1 5803.15 AR&R 100 year, 3 hours storm, average 29.8 mm/h, Zone 1 6790.63 AR&R 100 year, 4.5 hours storm, average 23.2 mm/h, Zone 1 7930.41 AR&R 100 year, 6 hours storm, average 19.4 mm/h, Zone 1 8841.74 AR&R 100 year, 9 hours storm, average 15.1 mm/h, Zone 1 10322.58 AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 11484.39 AR&R 100 year, 18 hours storm, average 9.9 mm/h, Zone 1 13550.5 PIPE DETAILS Name Version 8 Max Pond Volume (cu.m) Max Surface Flow Arriving (cu.m/s) Total Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 2324.30 (74.9%) 2555.41 (76.5%) 3130.27 (79.6%) 3582.96 (81.3%) 4318.43 (83.1%) 4886.68 (84.2%) 5760.94 (84.8%) 6758.38 (85.2%) 7527.93 (85.1%) 8656.01 (83.9%) 9552.66 (83.2%) 10807.93 (79.8%) Impervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 1165.57 (96.4%) 1258.91 (96.6%) 1493.16 (97.4%) 1680.49 (97.8%) 1991.69 (98.3%) 2232.02 (98.6%) 2614.18 (98.7%) 3057.45 (98.9%) 3404.64 (98.8%) 3949.73 (98.1%) 4375.27 (97.7%) 4944.64 (93.6%) Pervious Runoff cu.m (Runoff %) 1158.73 (61.2%) 1296.50 (63.6%) 1637.11 (68.3%) 1902.47 (70.8%) 2326.75 (73.4%) 2654.66 (75.0%) 3146.76 (76.0%) 3700.94 (76.5%) 4123.29 (76.4%) 4706.28 (74.7%) 5177.39 (73.9%) 5863.29 (70.9%) Max V (m/s) Max U/S HGL (m) Max D/S HGL (m) 0.189 Max Q (cu.m/s) 4.5 86.671 Due to Storm 86.498 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 Max V (m/s) Max Q U/S Max Q D/S 0.713 0.158 0.713 0.158 0.713 Due to Storm Safe Q 0.713 0.158 0.713 0.158 0.713 Max D 0.979 0.979 0.288 0.979 0.979 Max DxV 0.4 0.227 0.076 0.227 0.4 0.45 0.17 0.07 0.17 0.45 Max Width Max V 3.2 1.82 14.26 1.82 3.2 1.11 0.77 0.98 0.77 1.11 Due to Storm AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 25 minutes storm, average 98.0 mm/h, Zone 1 AR&R 100 year, 12 hours storm, average 12.6 mm/h, Zone 1 DETENTION BASIN DETAILS Name Basin B Max WL MaxVol 86.5 CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 1.5 hours storm, average 45.6 mm/h, Zone 1 Node Inflow Outflow (cu.m) (cu.m) N Outlet B 3434.94 Catch C Pit 451.51 Basin B 4282.7 N Outlet C 34.99 N Dummy 01 3468.49 N Dummy 02 3467.05 Max Q Total Max Q Low Level 2604.5 0.713 Storage Change (cu.m) 3434.22 450.75 3435.66 34.99 3467.77 3467.05 Run Log for 14001 Catchment B developed detention with excel outlet r1.drn run at 15:08:17 on 8/5/2014 0 0 847.38 0 0 0 Max Q High Level 0 Difference % 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.713 APPENDIX E Stage / Discharge Relationship for Detention Basin No. 2 BASIN B - STAGE / DISCHARGE RELATIONSHIP FOR BASIN WITH STAGED OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE Basin WL R.L Increment 0.025 LOW FLOW ORIFICE HIGH FLOW ORIFICE Orifice No. 1 Orifice No. 2 For H/D < 1.2 : Q=1.32D^.87H^1.63 For H/D < 1.2 : Q=1.32D^.87H^1.63 For H/D > 1.2 : Q=1.62D^1.87H^.63 For H/D > 1.2 : Q=1.62D^1.87H^.63 Pipe Dia (D), m 0.225 Pipe Dia (D), m 0.250 Assuming Square Edged Assuming Square Edged Pipe Invert (RL), m No. Pipes 85.10 85.13 85.15 85.18 85.20 85.23 85.25 85.28 85.30 85.33 85.35 85.38 85.40 85.43 85.45 85.48 85.50 85.53 85.55 85.58 85.60 85.63 85.65 85.68 85.70 85.73 85.75 85.78 85.80 85.83 85.85 85.88 85.90 85.93 85.95 85.98 86.00 86.03 86.05 86.08 86.10 86.13 86.15 86.18 86.20 86.23 86.25 86.28 86.30 86.33 86.35 86.38 86.40 86.43 86.45 86.48 86.50 86.53 86.55 86.58 86.60 86.63 86.65 86.68 86.70 H (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.30 85.40 2 Q (cumecs) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.011 0.017 0.024 0.033 0.042 0.052 0.063 0.075 0.088 0.093 0.098 0.103 0.107 0.112 0.116 0.120 0.125 0.129 0.133 0.137 0.141 0.144 0.148 0.152 0.155 0.159 0.163 0.166 0.170 0.173 0.176 0.180 0.183 0.186 0.190 0.193 0.196 0.199 0.202 0.205 0.208 0.211 0.214 0.217 0.220 0.223 0.226 0.229 0.232 0.235 Pipe Invert (RL), m No. Pipes H (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.83 0.85 85.85 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE PIT 4 Sided Weir Length of grate 1.2 Width of grate 1.2 Perimeter of Grate (m) 4.8 Grate Opening Ratio 1.00 Opening Area 1.440 Pit Inlet Level 86.340 2 Q (cumecs) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.006 0.012 0.019 0.027 0.036 0.046 0.057 0.069 0.083 0.096 0.114 0.119 0.125 0.131 0.136 0.141 0.147 0.152 0.157 0.162 0.166 0.171 0.176 0.180 0.185 0.189 0.194 0.198 0.202 0.207 0.211 0.215 0.219 OVERFLOW STRUCTURES PIPE OUTLET Pipe For H/D < 1.2 : Q=1.32D^.87H^1.63 For H/D > 1.2 : Q=1.62D^1.87H^.63 Pipe Dia (D), m 0.525 Assuming Square Edged Pipe Invert (RL), m No. Pipes H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.26 0.29 0.31 0.34 0.36 Grate Grate Weir Cap Orifice Cap Total Flow 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.01 0.43 0.008 0.05 0.80 0.052 0.12 1.05 0.117 0.20 1.25 0.197 0.29 1.42 0.291 0.40 1.57 0.395 0.51 1.71 0.510 0.63 1.84 0.634 0.77 1.96 0.767 0.91 2.07 0.908 1.06 2.18 1.056 1.21 2.28 1.212 1.38 2.38 1.375 1.54 2.47 1.545 1.72 2.56 1.721 H (m) 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.35 1.38 1.40 1.43 1.45 1.48 1.50 1.53 1.55 1.58 1.60 1.63 1.65 1.68 1.70 Total Spillway Q=CspLH^1.5 Roadway Parabolic weir Weir Length (L), m Weir Invert (RL), m Csp 5 86.45 1.70 H (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.25 Q (cumecs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.17 0.27 0.38 0.49 0.62 0.76 0.91 1.06 85.00 Low point elev RL Cd Height above low pt Distance from low pt Parabola focus Stage Total Outflow 85.10 85.13 85.15 85.18 85.20 85.23 85.25 85.28 85.30 85.33 85.35 85.38 85.40 85.43 85.45 85.48 85.50 85.53 85.55 85.58 85.60 85.63 85.65 85.68 85.70 85.73 85.75 85.78 85.80 85.83 85.85 85.88 85.90 85.93 85.95 85.98 86.00 86.03 86.05 86.08 86.10 86.13 86.15 86.18 86.20 86.23 86.25 86.28 86.30 86.33 86.35 86.38 86.40 86.43 86.45 86.48 86.50 86.53 86.55 86.58 86.60 86.63 86.65 86.68 86.70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.011 0.017 0.024 0.033 0.042 0.052 0.063 0.075 0.088 0.093 0.098 0.103 0.107 0.112 0.116 0.120 0.127 0.135 0.144 0.155 0.167 0.180 0.194 0.209 0.225 0.242 0.259 0.280 0.289 0.298 0.307 0.316 0.325 0.333 0.341 0.357 0.410 0.483 0.571 0.614 0.654 0.722 0.808 0.909 1.022 1.147 1.282 1.426 1.579 1.741 10000 0.90 0.10 30 4500 1 Q (cumecs) 0.018 0.025 0.034 0.044 0.055 0.066 0.079 0.092 0.106 0.121 0.136 0.152 0.169 0.187 0.205 0.224 0.243 0.264 0.284 0.306 0.328 0.350 0.370 0.379 0.388 0.396 0.405 0.413 0.422 0.430 0.438 0.446 0.454 0.462 0.470 0.478 0.486 0.493 0.501 0.508 0.516 0.523 0.530 0.537 0.545 0.552 0.559 0.566 0.573 0.580 0.587 0.593 0.600 0.607 0.614 0.620 0.627 0.633 0.640 0.646 0.653 0.659 0.666 0.672 0.678 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.011 0.017 0.024 0.033 0.042 0.052 0.063 0.075 0.088 0.093 0.098 0.103 0.107 0.112 0.116 0.120 0.127 0.135 0.144 0.155 0.167 0.180 0.194 0.209 0.225 0.242 0.259 0.280 0.289 0.298 0.307 0.316 0.325 0.333 0.341 0.357 0.410 0.483 0.571 0.614 0.620 0.627 0.633 0.640 0.646 0.653 0.659 0.666 0.672 0.678 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 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Industrial Rural Residential Area (ha) % yield (Table10-5) 12.27 0 0 14.635 45 50 80 10 173.0 0.0 0.0 45.9 RunoffDA 26.905 RunoffDA (m3/day) 218.9 m3/day Wetland to be designed to achieve 50-70% removal of phosphorus Average Depths Generic Curve Method (from fig 16-8) choose Volume Open Water: Volume Reed Bed Ratio (typ. 2:1) 3 :1 Average Depth dAV 0.9 m (fig 16-8) Modified mean annual runoff method choose area reed bed:area open water for macrophyte zone (typ 3:1) water quality (4:1), habitat (1.5:1) 3 :1 Average Depth Macrophyte zone 0.7 m (fig 16-9) System Sizing Generic Curve Method i) determine the % of phosphorus removal rate (50 or 70%) 50 % ii) determine hydralic residence time Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 12 days iii) determine wetland system volume (eq'n 16-3) volume = Runoff DA * HRT = 3 2627 m iv) determine wetland area (eq'n 16-4) area = volume/dav 2 2919 m ZONE SIZING Deep Water Zone (removal of sediment) NB: Council standard GPT is designed to capture 75% of >0.04mm Deep Water zone to capture finer sediments than GPT i) determine min. diam of particales to be captured ii) Settling Velocity & ii) sedimentation efficiency ef iii) design flow rate (Q) Q1 iv) Surface Area Required (eqn 16-5) As v) Calculate pond dimensions (eqn 16-6 & 16-7) width length 0.05 mm 0.0019 m/s Table 16-6 76 3 1.52 m /s (from DRAINS) 2 1053 m 18.7 m 56.2 m 14001 DLAWC Wetland Catchment A r1.xlsx Macrophyte Zone NB: Flows in excess of 2 year ARI should be diverted around this zone i) determine the required detention factor Df RDAV for Df 132 mm table 16-7 (Newcastle) 50 % dissolved phosphorus removal 11.1 eqn 16-8 ii) calculate volume of macrophyte zone (eqn 16-10) Volume = Df * RunoffDA 3 2421 m 2 3459 m Area = vol/dAV Macrophyte Zone 2594 reed bed m 865 open water 2 4511 m (final sizing) = Deep Water Zone + Macrop 2 2919 m (preliminary sizing) Total Wetland Area (Zone Sizing) Total Wetland Area (Generic method) Design of Surcharging in Macrophyte Zone Aim to capture 'first flush'. ie first 10mm (Catchment <40ha) or first 25mm (Catchment >40ha) Fraction impervious (%) Catchment Area (ha) 26.8 26.905 volume of surcharge pool 721.054 m^3 min. depth of surcharge pool % ha 0.208 m (assumes depth over macrophyte zone onl TIME TO DRAW DOWN RESERVOIR WITH ORIFICE Surface Area of Pond (a) Depth to Orifice (h) Diameter of Orifice (d) 4511 square metres 0.208 metres 75 mm Orifice Eq'n Q = CA* SQRT(2gh) assume C = 0.6 Area Orifice (A) 0.004418 m^2 Time to drain (t) 350941.2 secs 4.06 days 14001 DLAWC Wetland Catchment A r1.xlsx Sizing of Wetlands - Catchments B and C The Constructed Wetlands Manual (DL&WC) 1998 (example page 254 Volume 2) Determine average daily runoff (RunoffDA) Land Use Type Residential Medium Density Res. Industrial Rural Residential Area (ha) % yield (Table10-5) 3.22 0 0 3.56 45 50 80 10 45.4 0.0 0.0 11.2 RunoffDA 6.78 RunoffDA (m3/day) 56.6 m3/day Wetland to be designed to achieve 50-70% removal of phosphorus Average Depths Generic Curve Method (from fig 16-8) choose Volume Open Water: Volume Reed Bed Ratio (typ. 2:1) 3 :1 Average Depth dAV 0.9 m (fig 16-8) Modified mean annual runoff method choose area reed bed:area open water for macrophyte zone (typ 3:1) water quality (4:1), habitat (1.5:1) 3 :1 Average Depth Macrophyte zone 0.7 m (fig 16-9) System Sizing Generic Curve Method i) determine the % of phosphorus removal rate (50 or 70%) 50 % ii) determine hydralic residence time Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 12 days iii) determine wetland system volume (eq'n 16-3) volume = Runoff DA * HRT = 3 679 m iv) determine wetland area (eq'n 16-4) area = volume/dav 2 754 m ZONE SIZING Deep Water Zone (removal of sediment) NB: Council standard GPT is designed to capture 75% of >0.04mm Deep Water zone to capture finer sediments than GPT i) determine min. diam of particales to be captured ii) Settling Velocity & ii) sedimentation efficiency ef iii) design flow rate (Q) Q1 iv) Surface Area Required (eqn 16-5) As v) Calculate pond dimensions (eqn 16-6 & 16-7) width length 0.05 mm 0.0019 m/s Table 16-6 76 3 0.42 m /s (from DRAINS) 2 291 m 9.8 m 29.5 m 14001 DLAWC Wetland Catchment B r1.xlsx Macrophyte Zone NB: Flows in excess of 2 year ARI should be diverted around this zone i) determine the required detention factor Df RDAV for Df 132 mm table 16-7 (Newcastle) 50 % dissolved phosphorus removal 11.1 eqn 16-8 ii) calculate volume of macrophyte zone (eqn 16-10) Volume = Df * RunoffDA 3 626 m 2 894 m Area = vol/dAV Macrophyte Zone 670 reed bed m 223 open water 2 1185 m (final sizing) = Deep Water Zone + Macrop 2 754 m (preliminary sizing) Total Wetland Area (Zone Sizing) Total Wetland Area (Generic method) Design of Surcharging in Macrophyte Zone Aim to capture 'first flush'. ie first 10mm (Catchment <40ha) or first 25mm (Catchment >40ha) Fraction impervious (%) Catchment Area (ha) 39 6.78 volume of surcharge pool 264.42 m^3 min. depth of surcharge pool % ha 0.296 m (assumes depth over macrophyte zone onl TIME TO DRAW DOWN RESERVOIR WITH ORIFICE Surface Area of Pond (a) Depth to Orifice (h) Diameter of Orifice (d) 1185 square metres 0.296 metres 43 mm Orifice Eq'n Q = CA* SQRT(2gh) assume C = 0.6 Area Orifice (A) 0.001452 m^2 Time to drain (t) 333967.2 secs 3.87 days 14001 DLAWC Wetland Catchment B r1.xlsx
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