Rosati-Kain High School Build the Dream...Live the Legacy Donor Roll The following gifts received for the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy Campaign are from December 2010 through June 13, 2014 and span multiple giving appeals including the Centennial Gala and the Cathy Coughlin, ’75 Challenge. If your name is not listed correctly or you would like to change how it is listed, please reply to this email with the correct publication name. If you have given a gift, and do not see your name, then please email us to let us know. If you have given your gift and informed us that you wanted to be listed as anonymous, your gift is listed as “Friend of R-K”. Please note, that there is still time to make your gift if you wish to be included in this year’s Annual Report. This will be the final Annual Report that campaign donors will be listed in. However, donors will be acknowledged in the new facility. New donors in FY 2015 will be included. You can make your tax-deductible gift online ( or via mail. Please have your gift to R-K no later than June 30. A-B B B-C C-D Terry Novara Adams, ‘64 Sr. Winifred Adelsberger, CSJ, ‘41 Cynthia Bollasina Agnello, ‘51 Christine Gerth Ahlheim, ‘95 Marcia Steinkamp Albrecht, ‘64 Ms. Sharon Albright Carol Hoffmeister Alexander, ‘50 Joan Rembold Alexander, ‘78 Leesa Rasp Althen, ‘92 Kathy Bryan Andersen, ‘75 Betsey Anderson Julie Anderson Liz Stelzer Anderson, ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson Jean Jacobsmeyer Andert, ‘48 Michael and Rebecca Andert S. Joan Andert, SSND, ‘68 Daniel and Ronda Andrews Emily Andrews, ‘93 Dolores Dalton Aney, ‘47 Marilyn Massie Angel, ‘55 Richard and Patricia Anthes Christine Anthony, ‘85 Linda Brock Anthony, ‘68 Jeff and Susie Antrainer Teresa DiRocco Arb, ‘78 Stephanie Arnold, ‘93 Teresa Honigfort Aten, ‘78 Arlene Avery Atkinson, ‘52 Matthew and Dana Aubuchon Carolyn Aughey Mary Ann Buseman Averbuch, ‘61 Charlene (McCann) Baer ‘66 Jeanne Hegger Baer, ‘78 Evelyn M. Baker, ‘66 Marion McWilliams Baker, ‘43 Susan Wuenscher Baker, ‘74 Alaina T. Baker-Nigh PhD, ‘01 Sharon Kroupa Ball, ‘52 Pamela Balls-Organista, PhD, ‘77 Lisa (Beardslee) Balmer, ‘86 Mary F. Balmer Jim and Laurie Banker Kathleen Gorla Bannister, ‘72 Ronald and Eloise Baran, Melanie Baran Heinle, and Maria Baran Dick and Barb Barber Carla Brauss Barnhart, ‘69 Dr. Mary Lee, ‘72 and Mr. Gary Barron Jillian M. Barron, ‘07 Doris McGirl Barry, ‘56 Sr. Charleen Barta SSND, ‘48 Marilyn Carnaghi Bartin, ‘62 Betty Schaper Bast, ‘53 The Batchelor Family Marianne Burgin Bates, ‘48 June Laurentius Bauman, ‘66 Margaret McMahon Baumann, ‘40 Sr. Sandra ( Jeanne) Bay, SSND, ‘64 Robert and Janet Bayer Mrs. Jenny Beatrice The Chicago Beckemeier’s Joseph Beffa Mary Elizabeth Engelmeyer Befort, ‘80 Linda K. Behrmann, ‘76 Margaret Burke Beintker, ‘39 Kathy Kehoe Benage, ‘69 Margaret Casey Benben, ‘70 Rosemarie Kreft Benton, ‘47 Susan M. Benton, ‘71 Dr. Kati Tusinski Berg, ‘95 Carol Altekruse Berger, ‘62 Marilyn Boro Berglar, ‘47 Jeanine Sitek Bermel, ‘78 Lynne Spaunhorst Bernard, ‘76 Carole Weise Bernsen, ‘66 Barbara Bertram-Abegg, ‘92 Mary McCarthy Bettlach, ‘72 Mary-Louise Butler Betts-Douglas, ‘62 Mary Wortman Bevolo, ‘63 Joanne and Rick Bialczak, ‘85 Lois Ann Slimp Billings, ‘67 Jane Luzecky Birkenmeier, ‘74 Peggy Cromer Bischof, ‘64 John Blaskiewicz and Theresa Blaskiewicz Carolyn Nicholson Bloom, ‘63 Mary and Rich Boehm Marisa Boettcher, ‘00 Joan Bohn, ‘74 Lorraine Ryan Bohnert, ‘50 John and Margaret Bolen Rachel Freund Bolin, ‘06 Bob and Carla Bolland Nicole Colbert Botchway, ‘89 Mrs. Katherine Schuermann Boudreau, ‘00 Sheila Boul Mr. and Mrs. Don Bouton Margaret Frigo Boveri, ‘54 Chuck and Diana Bowes Kathryn Rundell Bowring, ‘03 Julie Pool Bradley, ‘91 Pat Laublinger Brandt, ‘62 Margaret Gardiner Bratcher, ‘05 Mary Alice Hedigan Brauss, ‘42 Madeleine Lucas Breen, ‘80 Martha Schwartz Brennan, ‘70 Rev. Lawrence C. Brennan Carol Zarinelli Brescia, ‘71 Carolyn Hanifl Bresnahan, ‘62 Carolyn (Carrie) Brickey, ‘07 Jim and Kathy Brickey, ‘62 Melissa Brickey, ‘90 Teri Brickey, ‘88 Maria Biasbas Briggs, ‘84 Mary Ann Casey Brinovec, ‘77 Eileen Ryan Brooks-Pilling, ‘72 Maureen Brothers, ‘69 Carolyn Brown, ‘64 Kathy Brown, ‘63 Michael Brown Rachel and Travis Brown Carol Poettgen Browning, ‘50 Shannon Hagan Broyles, ‘91 Carol Varrone Bruce, ‘70 Marcella Bippen Bruce, ‘57 Donna and Michael Bruner Margaret Bruns, ‘71 Mr. Ray Bruntrager, Sr. John and Julie Sicking Bubash, ‘81 Dan and Holly Buck Mr. and Mrs. Keith Buckner, ‘75 Lori Buehler, ‘99 Ms. Jennifer Buehler, ‘96 Laura Burch, ‘93 Lettie Burgett, ‘67 & Ben Cowan Very Reverend Charles E. Burgoon, V.F. Helen Brindell Burke, ‘88 Jamie Messer Burke, ‘97 Ms. Michelle Burmann Melinda S. Chapman Burroughs, ‘71 Ms. Barbara Burton Christopher J. Burwell Kathleen Burwell Peter and Margaret Busalacki Shirley Custer Busch, ‘51 Jacqueline Cline Bussen, ‘01 Edwina W. Bussmann, ‘40 Ms. Maureen Butler The Byrne Family Mark and Maria Cabonce Sandra Eilermann Cadwell, ‘60 Kay Calcaterra-Hoelting, ‘72 Judson and Pilar Calkins Ms. Joan M. Callis Catherine Parisi Campise, ‘53 John and Jeanne Cantalin Mary Ann Supinski Cantrell, ‘63 Kathleen Miller Carey, ‘58 Tricia Carey’s Family Debbra Castro Carneghi, ‘72 Margaret Fullenkamp Carosello, ‘02 Mary Beth Carpenter, ‘71 Marie A. Casey, ‘75 Mr. Logan S. Casey, ‘04 Martha Casey-Philipp, ‘76 Connie Cassani-Beard, ‘63 Mary Kay Boehm Castello, ‘72 Mary Jezik Catanzaro, ‘72 Jeanette Richey Cavanaugh, ‘55 Joseph and Linda Cavato Carolyn Sue Cecil Christy Rose L. Cecil, ‘09 Sr. Rose Stephen Cento, CSJ, ‘53 Dr. Dan and Laura Cerutti Dorothy Helfrich Chambers, ‘69 Sarah Rotter Chandler, ‘96 Elaine Childress, ‘70 Rosemary Hogan Childress, ‘42 Sara Chrisler, ‘81 Kelly Garrett Christian, ‘85 Lynne Castiglioni Clanahan, ‘80 Ronald and Rebecca Clanton Anjanette Morrow Clark, ‘83 Lori Frederking Clark, ‘87 Anne-Marie Clarke, ‘67 John and Marigrace Clarke Joan Clarke, ‘89 Veronica McKay Clasmeyer, ‘45 Janice Claverie, ‘69 Charla Scott Claypool, ‘00 Patricia Cleary, ‘80 Carol Cleary-Schultz, ‘83 Michael and Mary Leahy Cline, ‘71 Christine Arnold Cofer, ‘89 Mary Hilliard Cognata, ‘76 Betty Colbert and Family Mr. Daryl Coleman Mary Ann Collins, ‘64 Sister Carol A. ( June) Collins, ‘47 Mary Reinhardt Colombo, ‘54 Jill Frankenberg Conlon, ‘73 Cadie Bardone Connors, ‘89 Julie Vogler Connors, ‘66 Nancy Todt Cook, ‘59 Donna Hummel Cooper, ‘66 Paul and Arlene Cooper Catherine Coughlin, ‘75 in honor of Laura Byrne Coughlin, ‘46 Sarah Coulom Laura M. Ceriotti Covert, ‘04 Patricia McGuire Cowell, ‘62 Maria Mattammal Cowles, ‘93 Anne Besand Coyne, ‘61 Nicole Hitchcock Crady, ‘03 Mildred “Dolly” Born Creighton, ‘39 Thomas and Patricia Croat Christina (Giudici) & Roberto Croci, ‘74 Barbara Crockett, ‘69 Ursula Stumpe Crosnoe, ‘75 Alexis Cross, ‘13 Andrew and Linda Cross Stephanie Zink Cross, ‘86 Laura Crosslin, ‘95 Ms. Christina C. Crowe, ‘03 Carol Crudden, ‘79 Judith Anne Culp, ‘87 Mary Diane Cummings, ‘51 Susan Richter Curran, ‘72 Kelly Curry, ‘89 Patricia Yee Dahl, ‘84 Julia A. Dalton, ‘01 Mary Beth Schmid Daniels, ‘63 Karen Rygelski Darby, ‘80 Jim and Karen Daues Joshura and Lisa Davis Mary Lee DeBlaze Davis, ‘54 Julia Day, ‘65 Ms. Cindy Deffenbaugh Elizabeth Koebel DeGraw, ‘72 Peggy Frederick Deimeke, ‘70 Rosati-Kain High School Build the Dream...Live the Legacy Donor Roll The following gifts received for the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy Campaign are from December 2010 through June 13, 2014 and span multiple giving appeals including the Centennial Gala and the Cathy Coughlin, ’75 Challenge. If your name is not listed correctly or you would like to change how it is listed, please reply to this email with the correct publication name. If you have given a gift, and do not see your name, then please email us to let us know. If you have given your gift and informed us that you wanted to be listed as anonymous, your gift is listed as “Friend of R-K”. Please note, that there is still time to make your gift if you wish to be included in this year’s Annual Report. This will be the final Annual Report that campaign donors will be listed in. However, donors will be acknowledged in the new facility. New donors in FY 2015 will be included. You can make your tax-deductible gift online ( or via mail. Please have your gift to R-K no later than June 30. D-E E-G G G-H Richard and Dawn DeLaria Christina Niemann DeMink, ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Gus Demos, ‘57 Mary Anne Deppe, ‘62 Janet Winkler Deranja, ‘56 Jacqueline Desnoyer, ‘02 Janet Meyer Desnoyer, ‘68 Donald and Peggy DesPain Barbara Morgan Detjen, ‘66 Catherine Burpee, ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVoto Joan DeWitt, ‘53 Jeanne Di Domenico, ‘97 The Dickmann Family Jeffrey and Linda Dickson Donna Dierker, ‘80 Ann Keary Dill, ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. David Dille Mary Reineke Dinnell, ‘71 Maureen Doyle DiSalvo, ‘62 Deborah Dlugosch, ‘90 Debra Dobbins, ‘78 Maria Petruso Doerle, ‘88 Sr. Cathy Ann Doherty, SSND, ‘74 Margaret Ann Cunningham Dooley, ‘84 Peggy Scannell Door, ‘74 Dan and Catherine S. Dorenkamp, ‘57 Peggy McCulloch Dougherty, ‘68 Matthew and Patricia Dreifke Virginia Druhe, ‘70 Renee Ducker, ‘94 Jim Duda Judith Doll Duda, ‘59 Lisa Renee Bragg Duenow, ‘88 Jacqueline Kroupa Duffey, ‘53 Patricia Duggan, ‘52 Jacque Serati and Bill Duhamel Ms. JoAnne DuMont Mary Ann Nall Dunmire, ‘64 Tom and Beth Durban Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Jill Duvall Sr. Marianne Dwyer, CSJ, ‘52 Margaret Oleta Easches, ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Les Echelmeyer, ‘48 John and Ginger Eichhorn, ‘73 Mary Lou Schwartz Eilers, ‘72 Maureen Baalmann Elfrink, ‘61 Doug and Cheryl Ely Joseph and Jane Emanuel Virginia Childress Emanuel, ‘68 Beatrice Emanuel-Sims, ‘93 and Dionne Sims Katherine Shaver Emerick, ‘01 Brad Emerson Peggy Eng Barbara Enger, ‘74 Amy Enkelman Enkelmann-Reed, ‘82 Marie Dorriere Erickson, ‘63 Mary Claire McCormick Eros, ‘64 Janel Esker, ‘94 Emery Evans-Burr, ‘59 Janet Niebling Evers, ‘63 Mrs. Theresa Everson Marjorie Failoni, ‘04 Wayne and Judith Failoni Bobbi Farley Rev. Robert Farley and Mrs. Roberta Farley Barbara Greaving Farnsworth, ‘64 Kevin and Susan Faron Ms. Elaine Fassi Sara Ann Barbarotto Favazza, ‘60 Ally Favre, ‘04 Carolyn Ponciroli Feder, ‘58 Margaret Brielmaier Federer, ‘73 Kathleen McFarland Feld, ‘63 Betsy and Bruce Feldmann Vita Nicastro Felin, ‘64 Mary Cathryn Lenzini Felix, ‘98 Mark and Mary Ferkel Julie and Joe Fingerhut, Jr. Amy Fister, ‘77 Cherie Fister-Trapaga, ‘74 Katherine Allen Fitzpatrick, ‘93 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Flaherty Jean Yanko Flanagan, ‘66 Arlen A. & Helen L. Flatau Audrey Bubach Flavin, ‘49 Desiree Fleck, ‘77 Janine Fleischman, ‘76 Loretto Jordan Flynn, ‘43 Martha Abbott Flynn, ‘48 Susan Schmittgens Fogarty, ‘76 Rev. Timothy M. Foley Thomas and Karen Folwarski Anna C. Forder Judy Wagnitz Foren, ‘63 Millie Fortune-Gilpin, ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Foshe Jennifer Cavato Frakes, ‘87 Nicole Franklin, ‘87 Ann O’Brien Frayn, ‘44 Bob and Ada Frazier JoAnn and Dale Frederickson, ‘64 Patricia Sullivan Frederiksen, ‘70 Diane Belgeri Frerker, ‘66 Mrs. Janice Freund, ‘71 Mary Aubuchon Frolichstein, ‘55 Art and Peggy Fuhrig Mary Gabrisch Nancy Stone Gagan, ‘65 Sandy Quinn Gaglio, ‘60 Kathryn Cerame Gaines, ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Galbierz Margaret Geiger Gallagher, ‘49 Judy Helfrich Gallaher, ‘69 Barbara Galli, ‘61 Dolores Sweney Gamel, ‘51 Agnes (Mickey) McInerney Gaona, ‘65 Adrienne Eisele Garcia, ‘62 Tom and Monica Garozzo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett Thomas M. and Patricia A. McCann Gates, ‘70 Geralyn Hendrickson Gath, ‘80 Joan Roach Gay, ‘53 Judith Gegg, ‘64 Barbara Geisman, ‘71 Karen Botz Geldert, ‘86 Marlene McCutchen Gentile, ‘63 Mary Ann Apel Gentry, ‘72 Mary Rohan Gentry, ‘64 Ken and Cindy Gentsch Debbie and George Genung Nancy and Joe Gerwel Rita Mueller Gibbons, ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gieseke Leslie Pinkston Gill, ‘95 Gail Pursely Gilmore, ‘85 Dr. W. Theodore Gimenez Mrs. Sallie M. Ginger Lucy Gintz, ‘00 Jim Gioia Suzanne Russell Gittemeier, ‘63 Theresa Fontana Giudici, ‘46 Sarah Godefroid Mr. and Mrs. Ken J. Goeddel Joanne Christanell Goedeker, ‘63 Kelly Goehring, ‘09 Sr. Jeanne Goessling, SSND, ‘70 Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Golden Lillian Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodman Niyanta Gopal, ‘06 Connie Manzelli Goss, ‘51 Deacon Thomas Gottlieb and Irene Hannon Gottlieb ‘73 Mrs. Cynthia Forcelledo Goudy, ‘03 Mary Emma Lintzenich Governick, ‘43 Ms. Laura Govero-Yann, ‘69 Patrice Murphy Grace, ‘71 Joan Bruns Grady, ‘69 Jeanie Williams Grana, ‘72 Ms. Lisa Granich-Kovarik, ‘94 Mary Josephine Grassmuck, ‘55 Loretta Zorich Grbac, ‘55 Patricia Grbcich, ‘75 Mr. Jeffrey R. Greiner Marilyn D. Grelle, ‘67 Susan Combest Grelle, ‘67 Ida Grider Jessica L. Griffard, ‘05 Kathleen White Griffin, ‘68 Dennis and Catherine Grindel Amy Unger Grothoff, ‘92 Nancy Coleman Grove, ‘62 Jenna (Giudici), ‘71 & Geoffrey Grubb Maureen Dowd Grumich, ‘57 Kathleen Forness Guazzo, ‘67 Helen V. Guenthel, ‘42 Diane Guerra, ‘70 Maureen Margherio Guffey, ‘68 and Jim Guffey Mary Bruemmer Guise, ‘66 Mr. Raymond Gunter Annie Hafner Haarmann, ‘02 Erin Ryan Haberkorn, ‘97 Marianne Haberstroh, ‘69 Mrs. Barbara Vilimek Hacker Margaret Hemkens Hagan, ‘48 Joe and Anne Hagen Lynne Krist Hagopian, ‘76 Diane Halbert Margaret Teepe Haley, ‘48 Mark and Agnes Halfmann Juliet Dickmann Halladay, ‘90 Patricia Olenski Hallemeier, ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Halliday Dawn Heim Hamilton, ‘93 Hammond Women (1987 & 2010) Laurie McDonnell Hampel, ‘79 Toni O’Day Hancock, ‘68 Emma Lang Hand, ‘92 Alexandria Hanewinkel, ‘10 James and Lucy Yoch Hannegan Joseph and Michelle Hanneken Sr. Joanne Hanrahan, SSND, ‘61 Mary Cortona Luebbert Hansen, ‘49 Anne Croat Hanson, ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hantak Charles and Josie Hardy Sarah Hardy, ‘07 Ms. Nancy Hargis Doris McWilliams Harrington, ‘44 Isey White Harris, ‘94 Luke and Amber Harris Julia Hart Misha-Renee Hart, ‘93 The Hart Family Tara Hartmann, ‘04 Mary Wessling Haserodt, ‘80 Mark Hayden Bethany Silverly Hayes, ‘85 Peggy Dowd Haynes, ‘59 Kathleen Scheumbauer Heagney, ‘69 Katie Fingerhut Heaney, ‘00 Mary Ellen Frese Heckel, ‘72 The estate of Cecilia Hederman, ‘39 by Theresa and Frank Sauer Lauren F. Heimberger, ‘05 Mary Cantillon Hempen, ‘56 Kristina Henderson, MD, ‘78 Ms. Emily R. Henderson, ‘10 Peggy Brown Henderson, ‘74 Susan Oldani Hendrickson, ‘88 Liz Henning, ‘02 and John Wolbers Joan Herbers, PhD, ‘70 Joyce Savio Herleth, ‘71 Mary Louise Herman Susan M. Herre, ‘72 Denyse Bredenkamp Herrmann, ‘70 Jerome and Tina Herrmann Barbara Guss Hertlein, ‘60 Rosati-Kain High School Build the Dream...Live the Legacy Donor Roll The following gifts received for the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy Campaign are from December 2010 through June 13, 2014 and span multiple giving appeals including the Centennial Gala and the Cathy Coughlin, ’75 Challenge. If your name is not listed correctly or you would like to change how it is listed, please reply to this email with the correct publication name. If you have given a gift, and do not see your name, then please email us to let us know. If you have given your gift and informed us that you wanted to be listed as anonymous, your gift is listed as “Friend of R-K”. Please note, that there is still time to make your gift if you wish to be included in this year’s Annual Report. This will be the final Annual Report that campaign donors will be listed in. However, donors will be acknowledged in the new facility. New donors in FY 2015 will be included. You can make your tax-deductible gift online ( or via mail. Please have your gift to R-K no later than June 30. H-J J-K K-L L-M Myrtle Tiemann Herwig, ‘39 Roberta Hummel Hesse, ‘72 Joan Byrne Heumann, ‘51 Jeanne Edwards Hevesy, ‘63 Linda Simon Hill, ‘77 Jean Boehm Hinman, ‘75 Hilary Hitchcock, ‘91 Charlotte Hezel Hoch, ‘43 Gerard and Barbara Hoeing Claire M. Hof, ‘06 Tom and Diane (Murphy ‘80) Hof Mr. Karl A. Hoffmann Chris and Karrie Hohn Michele Lumetta Holbrook, ‘77 Clare Holdinghaus, ‘06 Mike and Linda Holdinghaus Dennis and Anne Holdmeyer Angela Holmes, ‘91 Christina Holmes, ‘95 Judy Connelly Holmes, ‘80 Peggy Holmes Tim and Michelle Holschen Greg and Ruth Holzum Sharon McNamee Homan, ‘72 Meredith Hoog, ‘06 Chris and Teresa Horner Cathleen Carr Horst, ‘84 Janet Beekman Horvath, ‘94 Terri Hoskins, ‘84 Crystal Howard, ‘78 Linda Howard, ‘80 Patricia Scully Howard, ‘42 Patricia Turek Howard, ‘55 Rosemary Weismantel Howard, ‘44 Ann Hubel, ‘47 Joyce Evers Huelsmann, ‘63 Geraldine Hufker, ‘54 Mark and Kathy Hugeback in honor of Melissa Hugeback Schmidt, ‘05 and Marcella Bippen Bruce, ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hughes Sam and Julie Huhman Jo Ann Steinhoff Huhmann, ‘59 Susan Jutz Hunter, ‘69 Matthew and Mary Hurley Marian Besand Hynes, ‘71 Michelle Icaza Theresa Igel, ‘66 Margaret Brady Imo, ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ising Genevieve Powers Jackson, ‘52 Kristen M. Jackson, ‘02 Rose Sucher Jacobsmeyer, ‘53 Deborah Jaegers, ‘79 Thomas and Eleanor Jennings Brian and Joan Johnson Carolyn Kuciejczyk Johnson, ‘60 Julie A. Johnson Mark and Sharon Johnson Mary Lou Ronzio Johnson, ‘55 Mary Margaret Moore Johnson, ‘48 Robbie Davis Johnson, ‘55 Todd and Karen Shirley Johnson Pamela Beggs Johnston, ‘63 M. Rose Jonas, ‘64 Denyse Jones, ‘92 Jacqueline Jones, ‘07 Loretta Mansfield Jones, ‘60 Ms. Kimberly Jones, ‘91 Sarah Farley Jones, ‘07 Sue and Myles Jones The Jones Family Claire Meier Jost, ‘96 Rev. Monsignor Robert P. Jovanovic Mary Ann Beck Kacin, ‘53 Helen Mattaline Kaemmerer, ‘77 Chris and Diane Kainz Elizabeth Schmid Kalb, ‘69 Mrs. Joi Whittico Kalkbrenner, ‘78 Kevin and Rita Kane Kelly Shannon Karase, ‘96 William and Janice Kasalko Mr. Bryan Kasten Cely Wolf Kaup, ‘64 Tim and Amy Kavanaugh Kathleen Cummings Kearns, ‘57 John and Mary Ellen Keaveny Lorraine Rechtien Kehoe, ‘45 Patricia Hughes Kehoe, ‘72 Jamie Kelly Judith Kelly Michael and Denise Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly Sr. Patricia Kelly, CSJ, ‘51 Violet Jasmund Kelly, ‘55 Jan Adrian Kemker, ‘63 Joseph and Diana Keniley Dennis, Colleen, Grace Kennedy Grace Kennedy, ‘11 Jessica Liermann Kennedy, ‘03 Margaret Kenney, ‘51 Mr. William & Dr. Barbara Kent, ‘69 Jaime and Theresa Kenyon Maureen Childress Keys, ‘68 Bill and Mary Kikas James and Julie Killeen Ann Marie Kimberley, ‘36 Valerie Hubenschmidt Kinealy, ‘63 Elisabeth King, ‘88 Mary Magditsch Kiser, ‘68 The Kiser Family Fran Russo-Kister Mary Margaret Kleba, ‘53 Susan Trybula Kleimann, ‘64 Eva Klein, ‘15 Joel and Marianne Klein Margaret Ryan Klevorn, ‘49 Lizbeth Summers Klingsick, ‘84 The Knaubs, the Wagners, the Lewis’, the Carpenters, and the Lamberts Anne Fleischman Knese, ‘80 Matthew and Gail (Mueller) Knipshild, ‘75 Elaine Paluczak Knop, ‘59 Helen Holmberg Knop, ‘44 Emilie Koelling, ‘13 Amy Ihler Koester, ‘93 Mary Ann Roy Kohn, ‘74 Michael and Joan Lucas Kolisch, ‘80 Mary Ellen Komos, ‘55 Caroline Kopff, ‘12 Emily Kopff, ‘09 Thomas and Debbie Kopff Joyce Nichols Korhammer, ‘55 Martha Schuette Korte, ‘75 Donna Maniscalco Koska, ‘67 Christopher and Barb Koziatek Larry and Jane Kozuszek Dave and Joan Kralemann Mary Kralemann, ‘08 Paul and Laura Kramer, ‘78 Victoria Kranze, ‘87 Laura Kraus, ‘08 Teresa Krausel, ‘69 Patricia Barnes Krebs, ‘56 Carol A. Krobath, ‘53 Rose Haefner Krouper, ‘50 Julie Kuennen Krummenacher, ‘78 Rosemary Castro Krupski, ‘63 Annette Krygiel, ‘58 Mary Jane Kubik, ‘44 Anna Winter Kuck, ‘54 Ms. Elizabeth Kuhlman Toni Massucci Kuhlman, ‘65 Katie Sedlacek Kuntz, ‘04 James and Mary Kuntz Pashia Linda Kurz, ‘57 Sheri G. Lacy, ‘78 Laurie Lakebrink, ‘78 Juliana Ranciglio Lally, ‘53 Kathy and John Lamb David and Maureen Lampert Peg Morris Lampert, ‘47 Les and Dawn Landes Kathleen Brown Landolt, ‘78 John and Debbie Lane, ‘73 Kelsey Consiglio Lane, ‘07 Jakub and Ellen Langer, ‘97 John and Betty Langin Victoria Witte Laurent, ‘60 Angela M. Polizzi Laury, ‘86 Kathleen Leahy, ‘13 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Leahy Sharon Fleming Lederle, ‘70 Gloria Lee, ‘73 Rosemary Daus Leeker, ‘55 Ronald and Joan Warner Leggett, ‘60 Ann Denny Lehrer, ‘94 Most Reverend John Leibrecht Linda Leinicke, ‘61 Donna Leone Garrison, ‘65 Mrs. Irma Czogalla Lesser, ‘59 Lauren and Joseph Lester Bob and Sue Lewis Ms. Emma C. Lewis Jim and Judy Liermann, ‘66 Sharon Lightfoot, ‘76 Shannon Albright Linhares, ‘04 Caroline Lipic, ‘14 Joe and Joan Burtelow Lipic, ‘55 Laura Lipic, ‘17 Mr. Joe Lipic Jr. Mary Ann Manna Lipina, ‘55 Pia Lischke Susan Littlefield, ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Lance Lombardo Kelly Ryan Long, ‘92 Mary Steinhoff Long, ‘65 Schneiders C/O ‘96, ‘94 & ‘67 JoAnn Lubbers Lorek, ‘62 Kathy Stenner Lottes, ‘89 Martha Mayer Lubbers, ‘62 Sally Anderson Lukasiewicz, ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Luley Ellen Luning, ‘73 Lillian Luning Nancy Lydon, ‘68 Mary Jane Flotte Lyons, ‘55 Bob and Judy Macek Geralyn Mack, ‘70 Steve and Patty Madras Ms. Erin Majchrzak, ‘06 Victoria Malawey, ‘95 Peggy Brown Maley, ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malon Joanna Colombo Maltagliati, ‘55 Mrs. Jeanine Bayer Maness, ‘97 Rose and Ken Maness, ‘51 Michele DiLeonardo Mangnall, ‘65 Katie Gotway Markiewicz, ‘92 Constance Marks, ‘91 Jean Berg Marquart, ‘56 Jo-Ann Marquart, ‘55 Sr. M. Blanche Marschner SSND, ‘55 Steve and Elaine Marsden, ‘73 Joe and Sharon Marstall Mary Pat Dolan Marstall, ‘60 Robert and Barb Martchink Joyzelle Gerheauser Martinez, ‘51 Catherine Meyer Martini-Emmett, ‘47 Mary Alice Cottle Marty, ‘48 Mr. Jeff Marx and Mrs. Helen Wilcockson Mary Jo Mason, ‘64 Gerry Mass, ‘55 Chris and Jen Fischer Masterson, ‘99 Ms. Rebecca Mathews, ‘70 Victoria Mathews, ‘68 Dennis Matreci Margaret Morgan Maurer, ‘51 Maria Parker Maxwell, ‘55 Lelia Schmidt McAdams, ‘68 Marilyn Schnable McBride, ‘65 Brian and Sarah McCarthy Deb Bedford McCarthy, ‘75 Donna Renaud McCarthy, ‘74 Eileen Tiemeyer McCarthy, ‘63 Gerry Cody McCarthy, ‘56 Rosati-Kain High School Build the Dream...Live the Legacy Donor Roll The following gifts received for the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy Campaign are from December 2010 through June 13, 2014 and span multiple giving appeals including the Centennial Gala and the Cathy Coughlin, ’75 Challenge. If your name is not listed correctly or you would like to change how it is listed, please reply to this email with the correct publication name. If you have given a gift, and do not see your name, then please email us to let us know. If you have given your gift and informed us that you wanted to be listed as anonymous, your gift is listed as “Friend of R-K”. Please note, that there is still time to make your gift if you wish to be included in this year’s Annual Report. This will be the final Annual Report that campaign donors will be listed in. However, donors will be acknowledged in the new facility. New donors in FY 2015 will be included. You can make your tax-deductible gift online ( or via mail. Please have your gift to R-K no later than June 30. M M-O O-R R Mr. John McCarthy Sara McClenahan, ‘05 Michelle McClure, ‘91 Marniece McDaniel, ‘91 Kathleen Price McDermott, ‘78 The McGartland Family Paul and Debra McGrath Ms. Anne McIntyre Therese Carmody McKenna, ‘79 Ms. Boo McLoughlin Mary Jo McNamee, Ph.D., ‘62 Mr. Terence McNamee Mr. and Mrs. John and Katie Meier, ‘00 Ruth Meier Mary Janice Meiners, ‘48 James and Kathleen Menown Ms. Mariah A. Mense, ‘10 Amy Moll Mersinger, ‘93 Pat Merz, ‘55 Pamela Meatte Metzler, ‘59 Marian C. Meurer, ‘56 Ann Meyer, ‘32 Dave Meyer Kristen E. Meyer, ‘05 Patricia Flunker, ‘53 Ms. Alexandra R. Meyers, ‘10 The Meyers Family Mary Deck Meystrik, ‘53 Elizabeth Hausman Mica, ‘43 Mrs. Ann Michalski, ‘56 Drs. Ed and Mary Migneco Steve and Sandi Migneco Catherine Bresnan Mikel, ‘52 Randy Berzon Mikolas and Mike Oslance Katie LoRusso Militello, ‘03 Ann Maxine Chulick Miller, ‘56 Barbara Ebers Miller, ‘63 Margaret Eppler Miller, ‘55 Mary Ann O’Shaughnessy Miller, ‘65 Rick and Liz Miller Kathryn Christensen Mills, ‘95 Linda Min Judy Winkler Miriani, ‘55 Lisa Svetanics Mitchell, ‘87 Rita Gotway Mitchell ‘70, in honor of her mother, Gertrude Geisler Gotway ‘33 Keith and Ruth Modde Robert and Laura Moffatt Judith Peteraf Mohan, ‘75 Mrs. Patricia A. (Petschel) Mohan, ‘48 Patricia Ortolf Mohrmann, ‘52 Beth Ann Enkelmann Molloy, ‘80 Kathleen Michel Moloney, ‘65 Laura Heinz Montgomery, ‘88 Barbara Moore, CSJ, ‘55 Robert Morgan and Jan Morgan Joanne Palliser Morrissey, ‘82 Elaine Bauman Morros, ‘61 Jane Morrow, ‘51 Kathleen Deimeke Morrow, ‘96 Charles Dean Mueller Joan Mueller, ‘62 Marcia Mauer Mueller, ‘67 Nancy LaRose Mueller, ‘56 Nancy Mueller, ‘78 Walter and Mary A. Mueller, ‘48 Serena Kirby Muhammad, ‘92 Henrietta Hain Mullen, ‘49 Jane Fussner Mullen, ‘62 Jim and Jan Mundloch Barbara Stewart Murphy, ‘66 Barbara Wiles Murphy, ‘60 Mary Ellen Murphy, ‘59 Mrs. Luanne Murphy Sr. Pat Murphy, CSJ, ‘55 Timothy and Beth Murphy Kathleen Murray, ‘69 Ms. Jennifer Murray Rebecca J. Nagel Kathleen Meyer Nahm, ‘04 Michael Narez and Vickie Schoolman Jeff and Amy Naumann Regie Sicking Neff, ‘73 Leo and Rogene Nelsen Thomas and Christine Ney Patty, ‘78 and Joe Neyer Gwendolyn Nies Nichols, ‘63 M. Suzanne Nichols Martha Nichols, ‘87 Doug and Samantha Nickrent Helen O’Reilly Nicollerat, ‘46 Mr. Todd Nixon Erin Noelker, ‘05 Mike and Kathy Noelker Christine Rehg Normile, ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Norton Elaine Jacquin Notis, ‘67 Kay McCune Oates, ‘61 Angela Zanaboni Oberkfell, ‘73 Jackie McEvoy O’Brien, ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connell Patricia Dunn O’Connell, ‘84 Mr. Patrick O’Connor Kurt and Judith Odendahl John and Janna O’Hara Mr. Barry O’Keeffe Sr. Eileen M. O’Keeffe CCVI Diane Nachowiak Okerlund, ‘85 Kathleen Oliva-Whalen, ‘78 Maria Oliver Joan Grimm Onder, ‘55 Anthony and Jane Orlando Margaret Rebeck Orlando, ‘54 Rose Marie O’Shaughnessy, ‘69 Mrs. Patricia Osmundson Jeannine Hornacek Ossie, ‘51 Kathleen McCormack O’Toole, ‘47 Angie Witte Ottenlips, ‘65 Genevieve T. Ourth, ‘49 Doyle and Mary Jo Owen Lucille J. Owen, ‘01 Sara Losito Owens, ‘94 Elaine McCormack Pace, ‘51 Carol J. Padberg, ‘52 A Maria Page Kelly Page, ‘86 Kathleen McCann Palumbo, ‘65 and Peter J Palumbo, Jr. Mary Neist Pancella, ‘68 Patricia Gocal Panus, ‘55 Mary Gould Papulis, ‘06 Christina McDowell Parks, ‘91 John and Shelley Patrick Marquita Suggs Patterson, ‘81 Rachel Paul, ‘08 Barbara L. Paulus David & Joyce (Bohn) Payne, ‘67 Virginia Shelley Peck, ‘37 Anne M. Schindler Pepple, ‘41 Patricia Phelan Perica, ‘62 Meridith McAvoy Perkins, ‘97 Stephanie Perkins, ‘05 Matthew and Dolores Perlow Elizabeth Krull Peters, ‘48 Marsha Faust Peters, ‘68 Kathy A. McCune Petersen, ‘63 Lenore Petruso, ‘62 Chris Haake Pfaender, ‘67 Elizabeth Pfaender, ‘06 Cecelia Piekarski, ‘56 Raymond F. Pieper Jo Ann Rangle Pierce, ‘55 Dave and Debbie Pilla Mary Coughlin Pinney, ‘59 Isabel Pino M.D., ‘70 Salvatore and MaryAnn Pitti Gretchen Saller Poag, ‘80 Joseph and Christine Poett Jennifer Poindexter, ‘95 Maureen Polasek Reverend Monsignor Salvatore E. Polizzi Antonia Maysey Ponder, ‘93 David and Anne Porter Marc and Margaret Poulin Mary Ann Simon Powell, ‘80 Mary Hamman Powers, ‘51 Terence and Robin Powers Rosemary Pozzini, ‘57 Dr. Carleigh M. Prane, ‘93 Countess Price, ‘79 Kimberly Mueller Pugliese, ‘80 Patricia Purcell, ‘73 Patricia Pursley, ‘56 Ms. Patricia M. Quicke, ‘51 Tim and Mary Quinn Jean Marie Rachel, ‘55 Angie Raciti, ‘00 Alice, ‘55 and Jerry Raftery Andrea C. Ramsey, ‘92 Carol Harris Rankin, ‘70 Francis and Georgia Rankin Meaghan E. Rapp, ‘02 Mary C. Rascher, ‘56 Anne Rataj, ‘96 Dan and Molly Rater Anne Ratermann, ‘08 Julie Garrett Rauch, ‘83 Anna Rauth, ‘07 Alison Reagan, ‘13 Ms. Mollie M. Reagan, ‘10 Sherri Reames, ‘95 Thomas and Melissa Rechtien Jim and Marcella Ujhelyi Rechtiene, ‘55 Joe and Amy Reddy Allison Reed, ‘08 Kate Handal Reed, ‘90 Linda Brown Reed Bob and Kathy Reich David Reid and Kay Reid Susan Reid, ‘88 Mary Schnitz Reilly, ‘52 Kathleen Clear Reimer, ‘64 Nadine Bosse Reinhardt, ‘70 Dale and Catherine Reller Pat McAndrew Retzlaff, ‘69 Cathy Haug Reuther, ‘66 Mary Koenig Rhoda, ‘89 Margie Winkler Richard, ‘63 Barbara Purcelli Richards, ‘64 Hilda Ballard Richards, ‘53 Patty Tacchi Richardson, ‘73 Mrs. Abby Hughes Richter, ‘03 Tom and Nancy Richter Marian Riechers, ‘72 Mary C. Riegel, ‘52 Rachelle Riegerix, ‘08 Diane Odendahl Rinck, ‘81 Courtney Dombek Ritter, ‘01 Amy Franklin, ‘92 Katherine Robbins, ‘06 Lori Jost Roberts, ‘75 Vicki Gintz Robic, ‘98 Betty Anita Robinson, ‘56 Mary Ann Robinson, ‘56 Patricia Breier Rodriguez, ‘59 Annie Galle Rogers, ‘73 James E. and Shirley A. Pautler Rogers, ‘50 Mary Mullens Rogers, ‘72 Tammi and Rusty Rohman Future Kougars Ms. Barbara M. Rombach, ‘71 Maureen O’Neill Rone, ‘55 Dan and Marianne Ross Stephanie Hagan-Roth, ‘93 Tom and Lisa Roth JoAnn Rotter Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Royer Sarah Ruddy, ‘97 Mary Ann and Mark Rudloff, ‘68 Rosati-Kain High School Build the Dream...Live the Legacy Donor Roll The following gifts received for the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy Campaign are from December 2010 through June 13, 2014 and span multiple giving appeals including the Centennial Gala and the Cathy Coughlin, ’75 Challenge. If your name is not listed correctly or you would like to change how it is listed, please reply to this email with the correct publication name. If you have given a gift, and do not see your name, then please email us to let us know. If you have given your gift and informed us that you wanted to be listed as anonymous, your gift is listed as “Friend of R-K”. Please note, that there is still time to make your gift if you wish to be included in this year’s Annual Report. This will be the final Annual Report that campaign donors will be listed in. However, donors will be acknowledged in the new facility. New donors in FY 2015 will be included. You can make your tax-deductible gift online ( or via mail. Please have your gift to R-K no later than June 30. R-S S S-T T-W Susan Hass Rudolph, ‘78 Laura M. Rundell, ‘07 Sheldon and Helene Rundell Kathy and Jim Runge Mary Ruoff, ‘80 LaVerne Boes Russomanno, ‘61 Elizabeth Owen Rutherford, ‘00 Lisa and Frank Ruzicka Barbara Engelmeyer Ryan, ‘77 Madeline Mary Greco Ryan, ‘55 Meaghan Ryan, ‘00 Norman Ryan Ruth Sinnwell Ryan, ‘60 Virginia Hanley Saak, ‘72 Laura Schmidt Sadowski, ‘66 Ms. Stephanie Salsich Charlene Sammis, ‘64 Joann M. Sanders, ‘72 Sharon A. Sanders, ‘63 Ed and Marie Sandt David and Joy Sanfilippo Barbara Alice Sanvito, ‘70 Christopher and Dawn Saul Patricia McCotter Saulter, ‘69 Laura Ann Gotway Savis, ‘87 Kimberly Wheeler Savoy, ‘82 Carol Brinkman Schaefer, ‘55 Karl and Connie Schauwecker Claire Schenk, ‘74 Bernadine Bukowski Scher, ‘56 Courtney Scherer, ‘04 Mary Milligan Schildz, ‘47 Barbara Schmidt Schlueter, ‘66 Melissa Hugeback Schmidt, ‘05 Madeleine Schmitt, ‘61 Jamie Schmittgens, ‘05 Sister Mary Schmittgens, OP, ‘69 Jayne Baxter Schmitz, ‘71 Patricia Schmiz, ‘55 Therese Distler Schmoele, ‘48 Sue and Bill Schnefke Kathy Nash Schneider, ‘67 Rochelle Knight Schneider, ‘71 Patricia Rupp Schoedel, ‘68 Vincent and Lois Schoemehl Kathleen Klosterman Schoenhard, ‘66 Keith and Barbara Schubert Marjorie Lewis, ‘98 Richard and Austera Schulte Sister Judith Ann Schulte, CSJ Sr. Margaret Ann Schulte, SSND Thomas and Nancy Schultz Francis and Teresa Schwartze Mary Vavra Schwarz, ‘74 Gerald and Julia Schweiger Diane Ushupun Scott, ‘02 Donna and Wayne Scott Annie Guyton Seal, ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sedlacek Arline Ottenad Seib, ‘51 Jeri (DuMont) Seidman, ‘93 Bente and Neil Seitz Dr. and Mrs. John B. Selhorst Carol Sestric David and Kelly Sextro Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Lily Seymour Cathy Mueller Shapiro, ‘76 Rosemary E. and Joseph F. Shaughnessy Anna E. Shaver, ‘05 Janice Calcaterra Shayne, ‘69 Angela Zarinelli Shea, ‘67 Kathleen Kendrick Shea, ‘62 Linda Shead, ‘64 Veronica Shead, ‘98 Rose Meshelski Sheedy, ‘56 Sarah Basler Shehata, ‘05 Jean Ampleman Shelley, ‘49 Patricia Jost Shelley, ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shepard Pamela D’Angelo Shephard, ‘64 June Sherman, ‘51 Marilyn Timmerberg Sherwood, ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Beshara Sholy George and Chrissa Siampos Madisyn Siebert, ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Siebert Heather Sieve, ‘90 Gina Sigillito, ‘88 Terry and Dan Signaigo Colleen Hollowood Signorelli, ‘74 Lisa Silliman, ‘74 Mary Lucas Simitjis, ‘58 Kathleen Rice Simpson, ‘72 Geralyn Nester Singer, ‘72 Terri Schreiber Singleton, ‘55 Jeanne and Rex Sinquefield Mrs. Debra Williams Sitek, ‘75 Kelly Albright Skelton, ‘04 Lisa Hayes Skiles, ‘00 Mrs. Kelly Sedlacek Skubic, ‘05 Jodi Slaughter, Mother of Sarai Slaughter Sarai Slaughter, ‘97 Peggy Shea Smetana, ‘67 Jeanne Burns Smith, ‘53 Mark and Cheri Smith Mary Ann Gerbert Smith, ‘72 Maxine Grumke Smith, ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smith Cathy Soete, ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sommer Kelly and Todd Spann, ‘03 Caroline Stroer Speidel, ‘66 M. Eileen Stanley Joan Giudici Stark, ‘77 Chris and Gale Starkey Pat McDonald Steger, ‘50 and Peter Steger Miss Catherine Steinkoetter, ‘34 David and Carolyn Steinmetz, ‘61 Janet Kratzert Strader, ‘80 Mike and Mary Lou Strawhun Rod and Sindy Street Phyllis Harper Strutman, ‘57 Joan Belsha Struttmann, ‘56 Nancy Wittenauer Stubblefield, ‘60 Kathleen O’Keefe Stumpf, ‘55 Bob and Judy Suellentrop John and Elizabeth Sueme Kathleen M. Sullivan Margaret Sullivan, Ph.D., ‘68 Joan Stogsdill Sum, ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Sundhausen Dr. Eleatha Surratt Ms. Karilyn A. Surratt, ‘00 James and Anita Susanka Chris & Tori (McGrath) Sutton, ‘95 Donna Nicholson Svendsen, ‘78 Neil Svetanics Joan Swartz, ‘80 Shirley Sweney, ‘53 Theresa Cova Szwabo, ‘57 Jane Szydlowski, ‘52 Marianne Kosakowski Szydlowski, ‘48 Teresa O’Shea Taaffe, ‘84 Chris and Vikki Tabourne Virginia Venegoni Taff, ‘51 Sahra Berman Tanikawa, ‘89 Michelle Tankersley Elizabeth Taylor, ‘76 Rose Ann Chichizola Teran, ‘55 Virginia Kay Thenhaus John and Julie Theobald Mary and Eric Thoelke Mary Ann Thole, ‘43 Gloria J. Thomas Jan Thomas Michael Murphy and Maureen Thomas-Murphy, ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson Susan Colbert Threats, ‘82 Georgia Schuh Thu, ‘98 Maryellen Tierney CSJ, ‘57 Maureen “Cookie” Timme, ‘61 Steve and Judi Timmons Mr. John F. Toney Doris Mensinger Topolski, ‘51 Flora Unterreiner Torrie, ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Travers Ms. Angela M. Travers, ‘96 Ms. Patricia A. Treacy Mrs. Marie T. Trost, ‘57 Judie Baxter Tucci, ‘63 Marlene Jovanovic Tucholski, ‘55 Anna Tucker, ‘97 Carole Tucker, ‘81 Jane Tucker, ‘98 Maureen Gleason Tucker, ‘52 Michael Tucker and Donna Tucker Marilyn Gerbin Tumminia, ‘57 Msgr. Michael E. Turek Mary Kelly Turney, ‘51 Frank and Susan Tusinski Marygrace Rhoda Tyrrell, ‘97 Maureen Kavanaugh Tyson, ‘68 Lee Martens Ullery, ‘78 Anastacia Valencia, ‘12 Irma Jean Kubik Van De Riet, ‘51 Christine Rother Vancil, ‘89 Jennifer Day Vandever, ‘90 Terry and Mary Vanicelli Marilyn Baker Vavra, ‘71 Rosemary Gilsinn Verkruyse, ‘57 Randolph and Mary Vest Mrs. Beverly Vierling Joan Mary Villar Mary Walsh Visintainer, ‘68 Mrs. Jean Barnard Vogler, ‘41 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Voss Paula Wagner Marian Hollenbach Wakeland, ‘40 Angeline Gassino Walsh, ‘42 Angie Walsh, ‘77 Monica and Jim Wamser Mary Wamser-Scannell, ‘75 Abigail G. Ward, ‘10 Elizabeth G. Ward, ‘06 Ms. Mary R. Waterman, ‘10 Tom and Dawn Watkins David and Patricia Watson Sandra Nelson Watt, ‘63 Mrs. Karen Weber John and Carol Webster John and Patty Webster Therese Jost Wegan, ‘74 Jim and Cathy Weis Susan Stevens Welsh, ‘65 Mary Jacobs Weman, ‘63 Theodore and Jill Drury Wenk, ‘01 Mary Poliquin Werner, ‘49 Fred and Gloria Wessels Patrice Geers Whaley, ‘70 Mary Ann Wheeler Wheatley, ‘56 Patricia Washington Whisenhunt, ‘53 Kevin and Laura White Ms. Meredith White, ‘03 Mary Jo Coplin Wich, ‘73 Ray and Sue Wicks Barbara Beckman Wieland, ‘70 Carol Tiemeyer Wilbur, ‘65 Sheila Seidler Wiley, ‘68 Clare Sicking Wilhelm, ‘79 Elizabeth Wilhelm, ‘08 Catherine Keller Wilke, ‘03 James and Cathy Will Kurt and Jeannie Will Nancy Eckert Willard, ‘66 Aimee Willems, ‘06 Judy Williams Stromsdorfer, ‘81 Kathleen Frey Williams, ‘65 Christine Williams-Mrotek, ‘83 Nikki Williams, ‘90 Tracy Barton Willis, ‘95 Rosati-Kain High School Build the Dream...Live the Legacy Donor Roll The following gifts received for the Build the Dream…Live the Legacy Campaign are from December 2010 through June 13, 2014 and span multiple giving appeals including the Centennial Gala and the Cathy Coughlin, ’75 Challenge. If your name is not listed correctly or you would like to change how it is listed, please reply to this email with the correct publication name. If you have given a gift, and do not see your name, then please email us to let us know. If you have given your gift and informed us that you wanted to be listed as anonymous, your gift is listed as “Friend of R-K”. Please note, that there is still time to make your gift if you wish to be included in this year’s Annual Report. This will be the final Annual Report that campaign donors will be listed in. However, donors will be acknowledged in the new facility. New donors in FY 2015 will be included. You can make your tax-deductible gift online ( or via mail. Please have your gift to R-K no later than June 30. W-Y Y-Z Corporations and Organizations, and Estates Doug and Tracy Wilmsmeyer Mary McGartland Wilper, ‘76 Ms. Melanie M. Wilson, ‘04 Christy Wind, ‘67 Al and Mary Winkelmann Daria and Ronald Winker Mr. Pete Wissinger and Mrs. Kaylen Wissinger ‘06 Mrs. Karen L. Witte Caryn Wixom, ‘07 Joan Wojciechowski, ‘63 Susan Shea Wolfe, ‘72 Kathleen McHale Wolff, ‘65 Jean Kamprad Wolinski, ‘65 Annette Wong, ‘50 Mary Ellen Schellman Wood, ‘55 Robert and Jillian Wood Ann Ruhl Woody, ‘65 Dan and Ellen Wright Gayle Hornsey Wright, ‘63 Joyce Schnable Wright, ‘67 Charles and Mary Ellen Wurm Colleen Whealen Wyatt, ‘56 Beth-Anne Mason Yakubu, ‘87 Jim and Cindy Yamnitz Jo Ann Candela Yates, ‘59 Kristi Mundloch Yehling, ‘98 Susan Nienkamp Yingling, ‘76 Prof. Rosemarie Zagarri, ‘74 James and Beth Zak Janet Zak, ‘79 and Linda Barney Brenda Kirby Zanola, ‘69 Jill Sczepanski Zavertnik, ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Dona Zeidler Mickey Braun Zell, ‘76 Marilyn R. Zerman, ‘68 Jean Weyer Zgraggen, ‘46 Jane Zilch, ‘72 Stacie, Stefie, and Mandy Zink Stacie Zink-Duda, ‘86 Cathy Kochmann Zinkel, ‘75 Agnes Coad Zipperle, ‘44 Abigail Zulich, ‘08 Carol and Joseph Zulich Katherine Zulich, ‘12 The Archdiocese of St. Louis Boeing Gift Matching Program BP Fabric of America Fund Emerson Electric Co. Fister, Inc. Immaculate Conception School Incarnate Word Foundation James G. Staat Tuckpointing, Inc. JS Logistics Laclede Gas Company Meier Jost & Associates Potter Electric Signal Company Premiere Financial Partners Renaissance Financial School Sisters of Notre Dame Serra Club of Saint Louis Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet SSM Healthcare - Dixie Platt and the Corporate Office St. Elizabeth/St. Robert School St. Margaret Mary Alacoque School The estate of Margaret Ann Cushing by Ms. Andrea Cushing and Ms. Colleen F. McKeever The Estate of Ann M. Kimberley The Estate of Anthony Sestric The Estate of Helen M Wansong Wells Fargo Foundation Friend of R-K (32)
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