E-HOUSE WHO WE ARE E-HOUSE Tecnosistemi FZ LLC is a company incorporated in the Technology Free Zone of DUBAI (Dubai Internet City), within the United Arab Emirates. We have a long experience in the field of High Tech System Integration, specifically in providing field services (survey, design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, in-warranty services, preventive and corrective maintenance) and turn-key solutions. Tecnosistemi provides the best quality power solutions to its customers. Back in 2006 our shares were fully purchased by IMESA S.p.A., with headquarter in Jesi (AN) - Italy. Since then we have been acting as a hub for Middle East operations of IMESA. An e-house is a pre-fabricated electrical substation building, fully equipped with medium / high voltage switchgears, low voltage switchboards, bus bar trunking systems, UPS systems, transformers, HVAC, Fire and Gas and auxiliary equipment. Our specialised know how and global experience over the years have helped us to construct and upgrade substations, wherever they are needed and according to customer’s needs. IMESA Group is active in the field of Electrical Energy and it has a yearly turnover of over 50 million Euros and about 250 employees. It is one of the leaders in Europe in the production of LV and MV switchboards, SF6 insulated switch-disconnectors for internal and external installations for MV, supervision and control systems as well as turnkey electrical systems. Recently we formed another company named “Powersistemi” fully dedicated to Engineering services. Powersistemi is an electrical engineering company with strategic partnerships and support from major European suppliers of switchgears and power generators. It provides turnkey solutions for all electrical system requirements. It is completely designed, developed, manufactured, integrated and pre-tested at the factory, then connected and put into operation on site. Our customers benefit from both our affordable and highly reliable applications and up to date technologies thus fulfilling all their requirements in terms of project execution, management and desired quality of the product. Our clients can be rest assured that we can make our product e-house ready for Factory Acceptance Test in five - six months from purchase order. WHO WE ARE E-HOUSE Tecnosistemi FZ LLC is a company incorporated in the Technology Free Zone of DUBAI (Dubai Internet City), within the United Arab Emirates. We have a long experience in the field of High Tech System Integration, specifically in providing field services (survey, design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, in-warranty services, preventive and corrective maintenance) and turn-key solutions. Tecnosistemi provides the best quality power solutions to its customers. Back in 2006 our shares were fully purchased by IMESA S.p.A., with headquarter in Jesi (AN) - Italy. Since then we have been acting as a hub for Middle East operations of IMESA. An e-house is a pre-fabricated electrical substation building, fully equipped with medium / high voltage switchgears, low voltage switchboards, bus bar trunking systems, UPS systems, transformers, HVAC, Fire and Gas and auxiliary equipment. Our specialised know how and global experience over the years have helped us to construct and upgrade substations, wherever they are needed and according to customer’s needs. IMESA Group is active in the field of Electrical Energy and it has a yearly turnover of over 50 million Euros and about 250 employees. It is one of the leaders in Europe in the production of LV and MV switchboards, SF6 insulated switch-disconnectors for internal and external installations for MV, supervision and control systems as well as turnkey electrical systems. Recently we formed another company named “Powersistemi” fully dedicated to Engineering services. Powersistemi is an electrical engineering company with strategic partnerships and support from major European suppliers of switchgears and power generators. It provides turnkey solutions for all electrical system requirements. It is completely designed, developed, manufactured, integrated and pre-tested at the factory, then connected and put into operation on site. Our customers benefit from both our affordable and highly reliable applications and up to date technologies thus fulfilling all their requirements in terms of project execution, management and desired quality of the product. Our clients can be rest assured that we can make our product e-house ready for Factory Acceptance Test in five - six months from purchase order. WHY OUR SOLUTION ONE STOP SOLUTION Building a conventional site-built power substation is considered to be often too expensive or timeconsuming for many projects over the years. It is often considered as a cumbersome process considering the tight schedule of the project or difficulties in site built construction and other commonly faced problems such as obtaining building permits on time for construction of the conventional building. The possibility of having only one point of contact for designing and constructing substations along with all the systems itself is a winning strategy. Our e-house can bypass all these troubles. Installation of e-houses can be done very fast thereby going hand in hand with other onsite activities and also it can be easily installed virtually anywhere thereby avoiding the issue of space constraints. Adopting our solution clients can overcome all the obstacles of complex civil works and they will be totally free from any construction related risks. E-house solution also helps our client to have some extra time which otherwise they would be spending for planning, and controlling of onsite activities related to civil works for construction purpose. Our e-houses in general consists of the following items. Please note that our products are highly customizable according to client’s requirements and needs. Containers (to house all the electrical equipment) LV / HV / MV Switchgears Power Transformers Protection and Control Panels. Bus bar system Variable frequency drives (VFD) AC / DC Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Battery Packs Programmable logic controls (PLC) Power and lighting systems Heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) Smoke and gas detection systems Access control systems (P.A.G.A.) Fire and Gas systems (extinguishing) Depending on clients needs we also install other systems such as earthing systems, cable trays and other accessories. Finally clients will have a complete and integrated solution. Since e-house comes ready to be plugged in at the site, the lead time can be made shorter as well as the installation time can be reduced. We take pride in informing that we can also guarantee a time limit of five to six months for our product to be ready for Factory Acceptance Test. Key Benefits Cost Saving in setting up Space optimization Time saving Reduced Maintenance costs Maximum return on investment Compact solution Lead time of 5 – 6 months for FAT Improved HSE audit Ease of installation in any environment including harsh conditions. WHY OUR SOLUTION ONE STOP SOLUTION Building a conventional site-built power substation is considered to be often too expensive or timeconsuming for many projects over the years. It is often considered as a cumbersome process considering the tight schedule of the project or difficulties in site built construction and other commonly faced problems such as obtaining building permits on time for construction of the conventional building. The possibility of having only one point of contact for designing and constructing substations along with all the systems itself is a winning strategy. Our e-house can bypass all these troubles. Installation of e-houses can be done very fast thereby going hand in hand with other onsite activities and also it can be easily installed virtually anywhere thereby avoiding the issue of space constraints. Adopting our solution clients can overcome all the obstacles of complex civil works and they will be totally free from any construction related risks. E-house solution also helps our client to have some extra time which otherwise they would be spending for planning, and controlling of onsite activities related to civil works for construction purpose. Our e-houses in general consists of the following items. Please note that our products are highly customizable according to client’s requirements and needs. Containers (to house all the electrical equipment) LV / HV / MV Switchgears Power Transformers Protection and Control Panels. Bus bar system Variable frequency drives (VFD) AC / DC Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Battery Packs Programmable logic controls (PLC) Power and lighting systems Heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) Smoke and gas detection systems Access control systems (P.A.G.A.) Fire and Gas systems (extinguishing) Depending on clients needs we also install other systems such as earthing systems, cable trays and other accessories. Finally clients will have a complete and integrated solution. Since e-house comes ready to be plugged in at the site, the lead time can be made shorter as well as the installation time can be reduced. We take pride in informing that we can also guarantee a time limit of five to six months for our product to be ready for Factory Acceptance Test. Key Benefits Cost Saving in setting up Space optimization Time saving Reduced Maintenance costs Maximum return on investment Compact solution Lead time of 5 – 6 months for FAT Improved HSE audit Ease of installation in any environment including harsh conditions. TAWKE - PROJECT OUTLINE Integrated Turn Key Package Substation CONTRACTUAL DURATION: CONTRACT VALUE: CLIENT: ADDRESS: END USER: COUNTRY: PROJECT: June 2014 - December 2014 Euro 7.600.000,00 DNO DUBAI - UAE DNO IRAQ (KURDISTAN) TAWKE – CPF2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: Diesel generator and integrated packaged substation ACTIVITIES: 1) BOP electrical design and detailed engineering; N.1 Pre-fabricated Structural Buildings (Switchgear Room & Control Room), complete with n.5 (390 sqm) Modular Container Units • HVAC System; • Fire detection and fire fighting system; • Lighting & Small Power system; 2) Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Assembly, Factory Testing, Packing and Supply of “Integrated Package Substation and Local equipment Room (LER)” for “Tawke CPF 2 – Export pump facility”. Equipment: • N.1 11kV Synchronisation Switchgear, Metal Clad type; • N.1 3.3kV Export Pumps Switchgear, Metal Clad type; • N.6 3.3kV MV Soft Starters for Export Pump Motors; • N.1 400V Low Voltage Switchboard – PC/MCC type; • 230V AC UPS - 75kVA (60kW) • N.7 1.500kVA, 0.425/11 kV Oil filled Transformers; BUS B • N.2 12.5MVA, 11/3.6 kV Oil filled Transformers; • N.2 1.500kVA, 3.3/0.425 kV Oil filled Transformers; 165 BUS B BUS A • N.1 11 kV Earthing (ZigZag) Transformer; • N.2 3.3 kV Neutral Earthing Resistors; 165 • Engineering and drawings; • Protection coordination & setting study for digital relays in scope of supply; • Furnishing protection relay coordination & calculation; 1100 25 1100 • Furnishing CT & VT study; BUS B • Packing (where necessary), suitable for Track transportation; 25 1100 1100 25 1100 1100 BUS A BOP electrical design and detailed engineering FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE DOL T4 SPARE FUTURE DOL SPARE FUTURE DOL DOL DOL T4 SPARE FUTURE FUTURE AUX FUTURE T4 SPARE FUTURE MOD 1.5 MOD 3 1100 600 M OD 3 M OD 3 800 800 300 4500 MOD 1.5 MOD 2 MOD 2 M OD 2 DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL T5 400A MOD 1.5 T5 400A DOL S PARE MOD 1.5 FUTURE MOD 1.5 FUTURE MOD 250 T5 DOL AUX 72 MOD 1.5 T5 MOD 3 MOD 1.5 FUTURE DNO International Offer n° 0290/14 dated 03/03/2014 MOD 250 AUX 72 SPARE M OD 3 AUX MOD 1.5 AUX MOD 1.5 MOD 1.5 E 3-4x-E FUTURE MOD 1.5 1100 S PARE DOL 600 600 800 800 FUTURE 300 800 FUTURE 600 1100 FUTURE 1100 MOD 1.5 FUTURE FUTURE 1100 MOD 3 M OD 3 M OD 3 MOD 1.5 DOL DOL DOL DOL FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE DOL 320 DOL DOL DOL FUTURE FUTURE - page 11 DOL DOL FUTURE MOD 2 Descrizione : R Dis. : Magagnini M. 28/02/2014 Contr. : Scaloni Codice : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 28/02/2014 Scala : R Descrizione : Revisione : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 400V LV MAIN SWITCHBOARD Dis. : Magagnini M. 28/02/2014 Contr. : Scaloni Codice : Frequency: 50 Hz Ambient condition: Altitude 600 m a.s.l., temperature 55° C, relative humidity 60-90% 678 Indicative overall dimensions and weight FUT 1400 720 520 720 Descrizione : R 400V LV MAIN SWITCHBOARD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti connessi con il presente documento con divieto di riprodurlo,utilizzarlo o renderlo accessibile a terzi in assenza di nostra previa autorizzazione. Dis. : Magagnini M. 28/02/2014 Contr. : Scaloni Codice : 28/02/2014 Scala : DNO TAWKE Genset in the container Service fuel tank 1:40 Revisione : 0 L (mm) 12 100 7 000 W (mm) 3 000 2 500 H (mm) 3 000 3 000 Hs (mm) 1 200 28/02/2014 Scala : DNO TAWKE 678 720 120 540 120 600 FUT 700 DOL FUTURE 350 DOL FUTURE 350 700 FUTURE 678 350 FUTURE 600 FUTURE M OD 2 Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti connessi con il presente documento con divieto di riprodurlo,utilizzarlo o renderlo accessibile a terzi in assenza di nostra previa autorizzazione. 520 FUTURE 678 1100 Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti connessi con il presente documento con divieto di riprodurlo,utilizzarlo o renderlo accessibile a terzi in assenza di nostra previa autorizzazione. 11100 25 DOL DOL FUTURE MOD 2 M OD 2 SPARE 678 FUTURE 600 MOD 1.5 E 3-4x-E MOD 1.5 MOD 3 MOD 1.5 AUX MOD 1.5 FUTURE MOD 1.5 72 SPARE M OD 3 AUX DOL DOL 1400 T5 MOD 1.5 FUTURE FUTURE 72 MOD 1.5 MOD 3 AUX M OD 3 M OD 3 DOL FUTURE DOL 678 MOD 1.5 MOD 1.5 E 3-4x-E 120 MOD 1.5 FUTURE T5 AUX FUTURE AUX MOD 1.5 120 DOL S PARE MOD 250 MOD 1.5 T5 400A 3300 SPLITTING FOR TRANSPORT MOD 1.5 MOD 1.5 BUS B FUTURE 600 DOL MOD 250 T5 400A MOD 2 1100 AUX MOD 1.5 FUTURE 120 SPARE MOD 1.5 1100 MOD 1.5 M OD 3 FUTURE 120 DOL FUTURE SPARE FUTURE 320 DOL FUTURE DOL FUTURE MOD 3 SPLITTING FOR TRANSPORT DOL 72 540 DOL MOD 1.5 FUTURE FUTURE 320 T4 72 MOD 1.5 MOD 2 25 540 FUTURE SPARE 2250 SPLITTING FOR TRANSPORT 1100 BUS A T5 FUTURE BUS A FUTURE DOL T5 AUX FUTURE Tank 3300 features included: 4500 3300 11100 1100 1100 1100 600 600 800 800 25 300 800 600 1100 1100 1100 25 1100 1100 upper sunshade 3300 4500 3300 visual fuel 25 11100 25 BUS Blevel 520 floating switches for700low 700 level alarm 520 FUT manhole, standard type internal diameter 500 mm 700 700 FUT complete of gaskets, bolts and nuts No. 7 DIESEL GENERATORS 720 720 FUT with power (COP) complies flanged filling port with Application capFUT as main power source. The rated available 720 720 prescriptions of international standards ISO 8528-1. Suitable for safe areas. threaded plugs on the top for venting 520 (flame arrester), filling by means of external pump, 720 fuel back flow 520 400V LV MAIN SWITCHBOARD 720 Main features 1:40 800 600 1100 1100 1100 on the bottom for engine supply (+ one spare) N.1 flanged plug Continuous Power (COP):1500 kVA - 1200DNO kW TAWKE at P.F. = 0.8 0 3300 N.1 flanged drain plug 25 Voltage: 400 V three phase + N 1100 SPARE MARSCHALLING PANEL 165 1100 DOL MARSCHALLING PANEL 175 25 S PARE MOD 250 MOD 1.5 T5 400A T4 SPARE SPARE DOL T4 DOL FUTURE DOL SPARE 165 Compagnia Tecnica Motori S.p.A. SPARE SPARE T4 MOD 250 T5 400A 2250 165 DOL DOL S PARE DOL MARSCHALLING PANEL FUTURE T4 2250 FUTURE 175 BUS B FUTURE MARSCHALLING PANEL FUTURE 165 DOL DOL MARSCHALLING PANEL 175 BUS A T4 DOL FUTURE DOL SPARE SPARE FUTURE 1100 MARSCHALLING PANEL 1100 SPARE SPARE S PARE T4 T4 FUTURE SPARE SPARE 25 BUS A Detailed engineering for: • Equipment list • Load list • Power Cable specification • Cable Material take Off – MTO • Cable tray routing • Specification for electrical bulks • MTO for electrical bulks • Earthing & Lightning • Lightning • Typical installation drawings • As building/close out activities FUTURE DOL DOL SPARE FUTURE T4 SPARE DOL SPARE DOL FUTURE 1400 Power Systems Studies including: • Load Flow Analysis • Short Circuit Analysis • Motor starting Analysis • Transient Analysis • Protection coordination study T4 T4 T4 Net weight (kg) 25 000 3 200 1:40 Revisione : 0 TAWKE - PROJECT OUTLINE Integrated Turn Key Package Substation CONTRACTUAL DURATION: CONTRACT VALUE: CLIENT: ADDRESS: END USER: COUNTRY: PROJECT: June 2014 - December 2014 Euro 7.600.000,00 DNO DUBAI - UAE DNO IRAQ (KURDISTAN) TAWKE – CPF2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: Diesel generator and integrated packaged substation ACTIVITIES: 1) BOP electrical design and detailed engineering; N.1 Pre-fabricated Structural Buildings (Switchgear Room & Control Room), complete with n.5 (390 sqm) Modular Container Units • HVAC System; • Fire detection and fire fighting system; • Lighting & Small Power system; 2) Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Assembly, Factory Testing, Packing and Supply of “Integrated Package Substation and Local equipment Room (LER)” for “Tawke CPF 2 – Export pump facility”. Equipment: • N.1 11kV Synchronisation Switchgear, Metal Clad type; • N.1 3.3kV Export Pumps Switchgear, Metal Clad type; • N.6 3.3kV MV Soft Starters for Export Pump Motors; • N.1 400V Low Voltage Switchboard – PC/MCC type; • 230V AC UPS - 75kVA (60kW) • N.7 1.500kVA, 0.425/11 kV Oil filled Transformers; BUS B • N.2 12.5MVA, 11/3.6 kV Oil filled Transformers; • N.2 1.500kVA, 3.3/0.425 kV Oil filled Transformers; 165 BUS B BUS A • N.1 11 kV Earthing (ZigZag) Transformer; • N.2 3.3 kV Neutral Earthing Resistors; 165 • Engineering and drawings; • Protection coordination & setting study for digital relays in scope of supply; • Furnishing protection relay coordination & calculation; 1100 25 1100 • Furnishing CT & VT study; BUS B • Packing (where necessary), suitable for Track transportation; 25 1100 1100 25 1100 1100 BUS A BOP electrical design and detailed engineering FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE SPARE DOL T4 SPARE FUTURE DOL SPARE FUTURE DOL DOL DOL T4 SPARE FUTURE FUTURE AUX FUTURE T4 SPARE FUTURE MOD 1.5 MOD 3 1100 600 M OD 3 M OD 3 800 800 300 4500 MOD 1.5 MOD 2 MOD 2 M OD 2 DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL T5 400A MOD 1.5 T5 400A DOL S PARE MOD 1.5 FUTURE MOD 1.5 FUTURE MOD 250 T5 DOL AUX 72 MOD 1.5 T5 MOD 3 MOD 1.5 FUTURE DNO International Offer n° 0290/14 dated 03/03/2014 MOD 250 AUX 72 SPARE M OD 3 AUX MOD 1.5 AUX MOD 1.5 MOD 1.5 E 3-4x-E FUTURE MOD 1.5 1100 S PARE DOL 600 600 800 800 FUTURE 300 800 FUTURE 600 1100 FUTURE 1100 MOD 1.5 FUTURE FUTURE 1100 MOD 3 M OD 3 M OD 3 MOD 1.5 DOL DOL DOL DOL FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE DOL 320 DOL DOL DOL FUTURE FUTURE - page 11 DOL DOL FUTURE MOD 2 Descrizione : R Dis. : Magagnini M. 28/02/2014 Contr. : Scaloni Codice : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 28/02/2014 Scala : R Descrizione : Revisione : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 400V LV MAIN SWITCHBOARD Dis. : Magagnini M. 28/02/2014 Contr. : Scaloni Codice : Frequency: 50 Hz Ambient condition: Altitude 600 m a.s.l., temperature 55° C, relative humidity 60-90% 678 Indicative overall dimensions and weight FUT 1400 720 520 720 Descrizione : R 400V LV MAIN SWITCHBOARD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti connessi con il presente documento con divieto di riprodurlo,utilizzarlo o renderlo accessibile a terzi in assenza di nostra previa autorizzazione. Dis. : Magagnini M. 28/02/2014 Contr. : Scaloni Codice : 28/02/2014 Scala : DNO TAWKE Genset in the container Service fuel tank 1:40 Revisione : 0 L (mm) 12 100 7 000 W (mm) 3 000 2 500 H (mm) 3 000 3 000 Hs (mm) 1 200 28/02/2014 Scala : DNO TAWKE 678 720 120 540 120 600 FUT 700 DOL FUTURE 350 DOL FUTURE 350 700 FUTURE 678 350 FUTURE 600 FUTURE M OD 2 Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti connessi con il presente documento con divieto di riprodurlo,utilizzarlo o renderlo accessibile a terzi in assenza di nostra previa autorizzazione. 520 FUTURE 678 1100 Ci riserviamo tutti i diritti connessi con il presente documento con divieto di riprodurlo,utilizzarlo o renderlo accessibile a terzi in assenza di nostra previa autorizzazione. 11100 25 DOL DOL FUTURE MOD 2 M OD 2 SPARE 678 FUTURE 600 MOD 1.5 E 3-4x-E MOD 1.5 MOD 3 MOD 1.5 AUX MOD 1.5 FUTURE MOD 1.5 72 SPARE M OD 3 AUX DOL DOL 1400 T5 MOD 1.5 FUTURE FUTURE 72 MOD 1.5 MOD 3 AUX M OD 3 M OD 3 DOL FUTURE DOL 678 MOD 1.5 MOD 1.5 E 3-4x-E 120 MOD 1.5 FUTURE T5 AUX FUTURE AUX MOD 1.5 120 DOL S PARE MOD 250 MOD 1.5 T5 400A 3300 SPLITTING FOR TRANSPORT MOD 1.5 MOD 1.5 BUS B FUTURE 600 DOL MOD 250 T5 400A MOD 2 1100 AUX MOD 1.5 FUTURE 120 SPARE MOD 1.5 1100 MOD 1.5 M OD 3 FUTURE 120 DOL FUTURE SPARE FUTURE 320 DOL FUTURE DOL FUTURE MOD 3 SPLITTING FOR TRANSPORT DOL 72 540 DOL MOD 1.5 FUTURE FUTURE 320 T4 72 MOD 1.5 MOD 2 25 540 FUTURE SPARE 2250 SPLITTING FOR TRANSPORT 1100 BUS A T5 FUTURE BUS A FUTURE DOL T5 AUX FUTURE Tank 3300 features included: 4500 3300 11100 1100 1100 1100 600 600 800 800 25 300 800 600 1100 1100 1100 25 1100 1100 upper sunshade 3300 4500 3300 visual fuel 25 11100 25 BUS Blevel 520 floating switches for700low 700 level alarm 520 FUT manhole, standard type internal diameter 500 mm 700 700 FUT complete of gaskets, bolts and nuts No. 7 DIESEL GENERATORS 720 720 FUT with power (COP) complies flanged filling port with Application capFUT as main power source. The rated available 720 720 prescriptions of international standards ISO 8528-1. Suitable for safe areas. threaded plugs on the top for venting 520 (flame arrester), filling by means of external pump, 720 fuel back flow 520 400V LV MAIN SWITCHBOARD 720 Main features 1:40 800 600 1100 1100 1100 on the bottom for engine supply (+ one spare) N.1 flanged plug Continuous Power (COP):1500 kVA - 1200DNO kW TAWKE at P.F. = 0.8 0 3300 N.1 flanged drain plug 25 Voltage: 400 V three phase + N 1100 SPARE MARSCHALLING PANEL 165 1100 DOL MARSCHALLING PANEL 175 25 S PARE MOD 250 MOD 1.5 T5 400A T4 SPARE SPARE DOL T4 DOL FUTURE DOL SPARE 165 Compagnia Tecnica Motori S.p.A. SPARE SPARE T4 MOD 250 T5 400A 2250 165 DOL DOL S PARE DOL MARSCHALLING PANEL FUTURE T4 2250 FUTURE 175 BUS B FUTURE MARSCHALLING PANEL FUTURE 165 DOL DOL MARSCHALLING PANEL 175 BUS A T4 DOL FUTURE DOL SPARE SPARE FUTURE 1100 MARSCHALLING PANEL 1100 SPARE SPARE S PARE T4 T4 FUTURE SPARE SPARE 25 BUS A Detailed engineering for: • Equipment list • Load list • Power Cable specification • Cable Material take Off – MTO • Cable tray routing • Specification for electrical bulks • MTO for electrical bulks • Earthing & Lightning • Lightning • Typical installation drawings • As building/close out activities FUTURE DOL DOL SPARE FUTURE T4 SPARE DOL SPARE DOL FUTURE 1400 Power Systems Studies including: • Load Flow Analysis • Short Circuit Analysis • Motor starting Analysis • Transient Analysis • Protection coordination study T4 T4 T4 Net weight (kg) 25 000 3 200 1:40 Revisione : 0 SUMMAIL - PROJECT OUTLINE CONTRACTUAL DURATION: CONTRACT VALUE: CLIENT: ADDRESS: END USER: COUNTRY: PROJECT: October 2013 - March 2014 Euro 5.500.000,00 EXTERRAN EASTERN HEMISPHERE FZE DUBAI - UAE DNO IRAQ (KURDISTAN) SUMMAIL GAS PROCESSING FACILITY - DNO GPF SUMMAIL - DOHUK DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: Integrated package substation and control room ACTIVITIES: N.1 containerized electrical substation fully complete as described below. - HVAC System - Fire detection and fire fighting system - Lighting & Small Power Distribution (including Distribution panels) Equipment: • N.1 Building (Switchgear Room & Control Room), complete with n.6 Modular Container Units; • N.1 LV Generator synchronizing panel; • N.1 Low Voltage Switchboard; • N.1 Low Voltage Switchboard; • N.34 LV Variable Frequency Driver; • 230V AC UPS - 75kVA • Furnishing CT & VT study; • Packing (where necessary), suitable for Track transportation Engineering: • Engineering and drawings; • Protection coordination & setting study for digital relays in scope of supply; • Furnishing protection relay coordination & calculation; • Factory Acceptance Tests; • Training SUMMAIL - PROJECT OUTLINE CONTRACTUAL DURATION: CONTRACT VALUE: CLIENT: ADDRESS: END USER: COUNTRY: PROJECT: October 2013 - March 2014 Euro 5.500.000,00 EXTERRAN EASTERN HEMISPHERE FZE DUBAI - UAE DNO IRAQ (KURDISTAN) SUMMAIL GAS PROCESSING FACILITY - DNO GPF SUMMAIL - DOHUK DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: Integrated package substation and control room ACTIVITIES: N.1 containerized electrical substation fully complete as described below. - HVAC System - Fire detection and fire fighting system - Lighting & Small Power Distribution (including Distribution panels) Equipment: • N.1 Building (Switchgear Room & Control Room), complete with n.6 Modular Container Units; • N.1 LV Generator synchronizing panel; • N.1 Low Voltage Switchboard; • N.1 Low Voltage Switchboard; • N.34 LV Variable Frequency Driver; • 230V AC UPS - 75kVA • Furnishing CT & VT study; • Packing (where necessary), suitable for Track transportation Engineering: • Engineering and drawings; • Protection coordination & setting study for digital relays in scope of supply; • Furnishing protection relay coordination & calculation; • Factory Acceptance Tests; • Training WEATHERFORD - PROJECT OUTLINE CONTRACTUAL DURATION: CONTRACT VALUE: CLIENT: ADDRESS: END USER: COUNTRY: PROJECT: March 2013 - November 2013 Euro 22.000.000,00 WEATHERFORD OIL TOOL MIDDLE EAST LTD DUBAI - UAE ENI IRAQ BV IRAQ ZUBAIR OIL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (Hammar-Zubair-Rafidiya Substations) DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: N.11 Electrical substations in LER including MV metal clad and LV PMCC switchgears (arc proof version), AC and DC UPS, power transformers, NERs, MV soft starters ACTIVITIES: All the containerized electrical substations (total surface equal to 1920 sqm) are fully complete as described below. - HVAC System - Fire detection and fire-fighting system - Lighting & Small Power Distribution (including Distribution panels) - Packing (where necessary), suitable for Track transportation Equipment – Hammar 1: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.9 Modular Container Units; • N.1 11kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.5 400V Switchboards PC/MCC Type; • 230V AC UPS - 120kVA; • 110V DC UPS – 50A; • N.4 2500kVA, 11/0,425kV Transformers + NERs; • N.1 250kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Hammar 2: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.4 Modular Container Units; • N.1 6,6kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • 110V DC UPS – 50A; • N.2 25MVA, 11/6,9kV Transformers + NERs; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Hammar 3: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 3150kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; Equipment – Hammar 4: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Hammar 5: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Zubair/Rafidiya 1: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.7 Modular Container Units; • N.1 11kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.4 400V Switchboards PC/MCC Type; • 230V AC UPS - 58kVA; • 110V DC UPS - 50A; • N.2 2500kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers + NERs; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 250kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Zubair/Rafidiya 2: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.2 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 6,6kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.4 MV Variable Frequency Driver; • 110V DC UPS - 50A; • N.2 7,5MVA, 11/6,9kVA Transformers + NERs; • N.2 1000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 160kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Zubair/Rafidiya 3: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 1600kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 160kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Engineering: • CT & VT study; • Engineering and drawings; • Protection coordination & setting study for digital relays in scope of supply; • Furnishing protection relay coordination & calculation; • Factory Acceptance Tests; • Training. WEATHERFORD - PROJECT OUTLINE CONTRACTUAL DURATION: CONTRACT VALUE: CLIENT: ADDRESS: END USER: COUNTRY: PROJECT: March 2013 - November 2013 Euro 22.000.000,00 WEATHERFORD OIL TOOL MIDDLE EAST LTD DUBAI - UAE ENI IRAQ BV IRAQ ZUBAIR OIL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (Hammar-Zubair-Rafidiya Substations) DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: N.11 Electrical substations in LER including MV metal clad and LV PMCC switchgears (arc proof version), AC and DC UPS, power transformers, NERs, MV soft starters ACTIVITIES: All the containerized electrical substations (total surface equal to 1920 sqm) are fully complete as described below. - HVAC System - Fire detection and fire-fighting system - Lighting & Small Power Distribution (including Distribution panels) - Packing (where necessary), suitable for Track transportation Equipment – Hammar 1: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.9 Modular Container Units; • N.1 11kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.5 400V Switchboards PC/MCC Type; • 230V AC UPS - 120kVA; • 110V DC UPS – 50A; • N.4 2500kVA, 11/0,425kV Transformers + NERs; • N.1 250kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Hammar 2: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.4 Modular Container Units; • N.1 6,6kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • 110V DC UPS – 50A; • N.2 25MVA, 11/6,9kV Transformers + NERs; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Hammar 3: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 3150kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; Equipment – Hammar 4: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Hammar 5: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 150kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Zubair/Rafidiya 1: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.7 Modular Container Units; • N.1 11kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.4 400V Switchboards PC/MCC Type; • 230V AC UPS - 58kVA; • 110V DC UPS - 50A; • N.2 2500kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers + NERs; • N.2 2000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 250kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Zubair/Rafidiya 2: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.2 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 6,6kV Switchgear Metal Clad Type; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.4 MV Variable Frequency Driver; • 110V DC UPS - 50A; • N.2 7,5MVA, 11/6,9kVA Transformers + NERs; • N.2 1000kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 160kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Equipment – Zubair/Rafidiya 3: • N.1 Building (Electrical Room), complete with n.1 Modular Container Unit; • N.1 400V Switchboard PC/MCC Type; • N.2 1600kVA, 11/0,425kVA Transformers; • N.1 160kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer; • N.1 75kVA, 400/425V Lighting Transformer. Engineering: • CT & VT study; • Engineering and drawings; • Protection coordination & setting study for digital relays in scope of supply; • Furnishing protection relay coordination & calculation; • Factory Acceptance Tests; • Training. ITALY U.A.E. OFFICES SUPPLIES SERVICE CENTRES Tecnosistemi FZ LLC Office # 119, Building # 5, IBM Building, Dubai Internet City, UAE - P.O. Box 500262 Ph.: +971 4 3900871 Fax: +971 4 4393463 [email protected] www.tecnosistemi.ae
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