www.birdsrl.it quick and customized Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica CATALOGUE 2015 Human Molecular Diagnostics Export CATALOGUE 2015 BIRD R&D division can interact with customers to develop special products, according to particular needs, although not included in the product list. Thanks to a sound and long-lasting experience in molecular diagnostics, we are able to quickly develop kits, protocols and reagents for the detection of pathogens, gene mutations or expression profiles on the main platforms of molecular diagnostics: PCR, Real-Time PCR, sequencing, microarrays, beads arrays. Thanks to this formula, we can cover a virtually unlimited range of niche applications and experimental diagnostics, merging flexibility and customization with industrial criteria of quality and standardization. A direct collaboration with customers often results in long-lasting partnerships. The request for custom product development can be activated by direct contact with BIRD after a preliminary interaction with our agents in the area. We believe that molecular diagnostics, that has today become an established diagnostic tool in the clinical laboratory, is still far from having expressed its full potential, either in terms of technology and application range. That is the reason why we consider the proposals of our customers as a way to broaden the list of useful applications, based and still unmet on real needs stemming from the clinical setting. BIRD is affiliated to Toscana Life Sciences The Toscana Life Sciences (TLS) Foundation is a non-profit organization with the objective of supporting research activities in the Life Sciences and, in particular, of sustaining the development of projects from basic research to industrial application. HEADQUARTER via Montarioso 9c 53035 - Monteriggioni (SI) tel +39.0577.588442 fax +39.0577.591097 e-mail: [email protected] pec: [email protected] web: www.birdsrl.it R&D and MANUFACTURING via Papa Giovanni XXIII 75a 25086 - Rezzato (BS) tel +39.030.2592041 fax +39.030.2596187 e-mail: [email protected] THROMBOPHILIA code description test tech G001 FII G20210A identification of G20210A FII gene polymorphism 50 RT G002 FV G1691A (Leiden) identification of factor V polymorphism G1691A 50 RT G003 FV Y1702C identification of the coagulation Factor V Y1702C polymorphism 50 RT G004 FV H1299R identification of the coagulation Factor V H1299R polymorphism 50 RT G005 MTHFR C677T identification of methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase gene C677T polymorphism 50 RT G006 MTHFR A1298C identification of methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase gene A1298C polymorphism 50 RT G007 MTHFR multiplex simultaneous identification of methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase gene C677T and A1298C polymorphism 50x2 RT G008 Coag Panel identification of coagulation factors FII G20 210A, FV G1691A and Y1702C and MTHFR C677T and A1298C polimorphisms and mutations 50x4 RT G009 APO E identification of the polymorphisms C112R e R158C associated with the ApoE 50 RT HAEMOCROMATOSIS code description test tech G010 HFE C282Y identification of HFE gene C282Y mutation 50 RT G011 HFE H63D identification of HFE gene H63D mutation 50 RT G012 HFE S65C identification of HFE gene S65C mutation 50 RT G013 HFE Panel simultaneous identification of HFE gene C282Y, S65C and H63D mutation, associated with haemochromatosis. 50x3 RT Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 3 VIROLOGY 4 code description test tech V001 EBV identification and quantification of the Erpstein Barr Virus genome by amplification of the EBNA leader protein gene 50 RT V002 CMV identification and quantification of the Human Cytomegalovirus genome by amplification of the Pol gene 50 RT V003 HSV1 identification and quantification of the Herpes simplex Virus 1 genome by amplification 50 of HSV1 – specific sequence within US4 gene RT V004 HSV2 identification and quantification of the Herpes simplex Virus 2 genome by amplification 50 of HSV2 – specific sequence within US4 gene RT V005 HHV6 identification and quantification of the Herpes Virus 6 genome by amplification of specific DNA sequence within the 13R gene 50 RT V006 HHV8 identification and quantification of the Herpes Virus 8 genome by amplification of a specific DNA sequence within ORF 26 gene 50 RT V007 VZV identification and quantification of Varicella-Zoster Virus genome by amplification of a specific DNA sequence within ORF 38 gene 50 RT V008 Herpes panel identification of HSV1, HSV2, HHV6, HHV8, EBV and VZV genomes by parallel amplifica10 tion of specific DNA sequences in the same assay RT V009 Adenovirus identification and quantification of the Adenovirus genome by amplification of the Hexon gene 50 RT V010 JCV identification and quantification of the JC Virus genome by amplification of the large T antigen gene 50 RT V011 BKV identification and quantification of the BK Virus genome by amplification of the small T antigen gene 50 RT V013 Parvovirus B19 identification and quantification of the Parvovirus B19 genome by amplification of the VP1 gene 50 RT V014 Enterovirus identification of the Enterovirus spp. genome by reverse transcription and amplification 50 of a specific sequence in the 5ʼ UTR region RT V015 HSV1+HSV2 multiplex simultaneous identification of HSV1 and HSV2 genome 50x2 RT HPV01 HPV12 HR Screening Quant quantitative detection of HPV (16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59) genoypes 100 RT HPV02 HPV14 Screening amplification and detection test for HPV screening 50 G HPV03 HPV 14 HR Typing Quant quantitative detection and typing of HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68 genotypes 100 RT Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 BACTERIOLOGY code description test tech HPV04 HPV 12 HR Typing amplification and detection test of HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,52,56,58,59,66 genotypes 50 G HPV05 HPV 12HR & 2LR Typing amplification and detection of HPV Low (6,11) and High Risk genotyopes (16,18,31,45,33,35,39,51,52,56,58,59,68) 50 G B001 Borrelia burgdorferi identification of the Borrelia burgdorferi genome by amplification of the NapA gene 50 RT B002 Bartonella henselae identification of the Bartonella henselae genome by amplification of the ribC gene 50 RT B003 Brucella spp. identification of the Brucella spp. genome by amplification of bcsp31 gene 50 RT B004 Rickettsia spp. identification of the Rickettsia spp. genome by amplification of gltA gene 50 RT B005 Pseudomonas aerugiidentification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome by amplification of oprL gene nosa 50 RT B006 Staphylococcus aureus methicillin resistance identification of the Streptococcus aureus genome and the detection of methicillin resistance by amplification of nuc and mecA genes 50 RT B007 Campylobacter spp. identification of the Campylobacter genus genome by amplification of inIA gene 50 RT B035 Campylobacter jejuni identification of the Campylobacter jejuni genus by amplification of 16SrRNA gene 50 RT B008 Mycoplasma spp. identification of the Mycoplasma spp. genome by amplification of the P1 gene 50 RT B009 Mycoplasma genitalium identification of the Mycoplasma genitalium genome by amplification of the B subunit of the DNA gyrase gene 50 RT B010 Mycoplasma hominis identification of the Mycoplasma hominis genome by amplification of the 16S rRNA gene 50 RT B011 Ureaplasma urealyticum identification of the Ureaplasma urealyticum genome by amplification of the Urease gene 50 RT B012 Ureaplasma parvum identification of the Ureaplasma parvum genome by amplification of the tuf gene 50 RT B013 Chlamydia trachomatis identification of the Chlamydia trachomatis genome by amplification of the ORF6 gene of the cryptic plasmid 50 RT B014 Mycoplasma pneumoniae identification of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae genome by amplification of the P1 gene 50 RT Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 5 BACTERIOLOGY 6 code description test tech B015 Helycobacter pylori identification of the Helycobacter pylori genome by amplification of the UreC gene 50 RT B016 Helycobacter pylori chlaritromycin resistance identification of the H. pylori genome and chlarytromicyn resistance by amplification of 50 the gene coding for 23S rRNA RT B017 Listeria monocytogenes identification of the Listeria monocytogenes genome by amplification of the inlA gene 50 RT B018 Salmonella spp. identification of the Salmonella spp. genome by amplification of the Nuclease gene 50 RT B019 Yersinia enterocolitica identification of the Yersinia enterocolitica genome by amplification of the Yst gene 50 RT B020 Shigella spp. identification of the Shigella spp. genome by amplification of the Yst gene 50 RT B021 Streptococcus pyogenes identification of the Streptococcus pyogenes genome by amplification of the 16S rRNA gene 50 RT B022 Legionella pneumophila identification of the Legionella pneumophila genome by amplification of the MP gene 50 RT B023 Chlamydia pneumoniae identification of the Chlamydia pneumoniae genome by amplification of the OMP gene 50 RT B036 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex identification of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genome by amplification of the IS6110 Specific Insertion Sequence 50 RT B024 Mycobacterium avium identification of the Mycobacterium avium genome by amplification of the 16S rRNA gene 50 RT B025 Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis identification of the Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis genome by amplification of the IS900 gene 50 RT B026 Clostridium difficile identification of the Clostridium difficile tcdA and tcdB toxin genes 50 RT B027 Neisseria gonorrhoeae identification of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome by amplification of a specific region 50 of the porA pseudogene RT B028 Treponema pallidum identification of the Treponema pallidum genome by amplification of a specific region of the 47kDa lipoprotein gene 50 RT B030 Gardnerella vaginalis identification of the Gardnerella vaginalis genome by amplification of a specific region of the ITS 16S-23S region 50 RT B031 Atopobium vaginae identification of the Atopobium vaginae genome by amplification of a specific region of 50 the ITS 16S-23S Coming soon RT Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 BACTERIOLOGY code description test tech B032 Lactobacillus spp. identification of the Lactobacillus spp. genome by amplification of a specific region of the ITS 16S-23S Coming soon 50 RT B033 Lactobacillus iners identification of the Lactobacillus iners genome by amplification of a specific region of the ITS 16S-23S Coming soon 50 RT B034 Lactobacillus crispatus identification of the Lactobacillus crispatus genome by amplification of a specific region 50 of the ITS 16S-23S Coming soon RT B038 Mycoplasma Multiplex1 simultaneous identification of M. genitalium, M. hominis, U. urealyticum 50 RT B037 Mycoplasma Multiplex2 simultaneous identification of M. genitalium, T. vaginalis 50 RT B039 Mycoplasma Multiplex3 simultaneous identification of M. genitalium, U. urealyticum Available on request 50 RT B040 Mycoplasma Multiplex4 simultaneous identification of M. hominis, U. parvum Available on request 50 RT B041 STI Combo Available on request 20 RT PARASITOLOGY code description test tech P001 Toxoplasma gondii identification and quantification of the Toxoplasma gondii genome by DNA amplification of the region B1 50 RT P003 Leishmania spp identification and quantification of the Leishmania infantum genome by DNA amplification of the minicircle DNA 50 RT P004 Leishmania infantum/donovani complex identification and quantification of the L. donovani complex genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene 50 RT P005 Leishmania major complex identification and quantification of the L. major complex genome by DNA amplification and detection of r18S gene Coming soon 50 RT 50 RT 50 RT P006 Leishmania mexicana identification and quantification of the L. mexicana complex genome by DNA complex amplification and detection of the r18S gene Coming soon P007 Leishmania (Viannia) identification and quantification of the L./ Viannia complex genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene target region Coming soon Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 7 PARASITOLOGY 8 code description test tech P038 Leishmania Multiplex1 simultaneous identification of L. spp, L. infantum 50 RT P039 Leishmania Multiplex2 simultaneous identification of L spp, L. infantum, L.tropica/major 50 RT P008 Plasmodium spp. identification and quantification of the Plasmodium spp. genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P009 Plasmodium falciparum identification and quantification of the Plasmodium falciparum genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P010 Plasmodium vivax identification and quantification of the Plasmodium vivax genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P011 Plasmodium ovale identification and quantification of the Plasmodium ovale genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P012 Plasmodium malariae identification and quantification of the Plasmodium malariae genome by DNA amplification and detection of the18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT P035 Plasmodium Multiplex1 simultaneous identification of P. spp, P. falciparum 50 RT P036 Plasmodium Multiplex2 simultaneous identification of P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae Coming soon 50 RT P037 Plasmodium Combo Available on request 20 RT P014 Trypanosoma cruzi identification and quantification of the Trypanosoma cruzi genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P015 Trypanosoma brucei identification and quantification of the Trypanosoma brucei genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT P016 Entamoeba histolytica identification of the Entamoeba histolytica genome by DNA amplification and detection 50 of the 18S rDNA gene RT P017 Entamoeba dispar identification of the Entamoeba dispar genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P018 Entamoeba moshkowskii identification of the Entamoeba moshkowskii genome by DNA amplification and detection of the18S rDNA gene 50 RT P019 Dientamoeba fragilis identification of the Dientamoeba fragilis genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P040 Amoebae Multiplex1 simultaneous identification of E. histolytica, E. dispar Coming soon 50 RT Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 PARASITOLOGY code description test tech P041 Amoebae Multiplex2 simultaneous identification of E. histolytica, E. dispar, E. moshkovskii Coming soon 50 RT P042 Amoebae Combo Available on request 20 RT P020 Blastocystis hominis identification of the Blastocystis hominis genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P021 Babesia spp. identification of the Babesia spp. genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P022 Babesia microti identification of the Babesia microti genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT P049 Babesia Duplex simultaneous identification of B. microbi, B. divergens Coming soon 50 RT P024 Ancylostoma duodenale identification ation of the Ancylostoma duodenale genome by DNA amplification and detection of the ITS2 region Coming soon 50 RT P025 Ascaris lumbricoides identification of the Ascaris lumbricoides genome by DNA amplification and detection of the ITS1 region Coming soon 50 RT P026 Strongyloides stercoralis identification of the Strongyloides stercoralis genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P027 Trichuris trichiura identification of the Trichuris trichiura genome by DNA amplification and detection of the18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT P028 Schistosoma mansoni identification of the Schistosoma mansoni genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 121 bp tandem repeat sequence Coming soon 50 RT P029 Schistosoma hematobium identification of the Schistosoma hematobium genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 121 bp tandem repeat sequence Coming soon 50 RT P030 Giardia lamblia identification of the Giardia lamblia genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene 50 RT P031 Trichomonas vaginalis identification of the Trichomonas vaginalis genome by DNA amplification and detection 50 of the G3 b tubulin gene RT P033 Cryptosporidium parvum identification of the Cryptosporidium parvum genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT P034 Cryptosporidium hominum identification of the Cryptosporidium hominum genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT P043 Schistosoma Duplex simultaneous identification of S. mansoni, S. hematobium Coming soon 50 RT Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 9 PARASITOLOGY code description test tech P044 Intestinal Parasites Multiplex1 simultaneous identification of G. lamblia, Cryptosporidium spp Coming soon 50 RT P045 Intestinal Parasites Multiplex2 simultaneous identification of E. histolytica, D. fragilis Coming soon 50 RT P046 Intestinal Parasites Multiplex3 simultaneous identification of G. lamblia, C., E. histolytica, D. fragilis Coming soon 50 RT P047 Intestinal Parasites Combo Available on request 20 RT MYCOLOGY code description test tech M001 Aspergillus spp. identification and quantification of the Aspergillus spp. genome by amplification of the ITS1-ITS2 region 50 RT M002 Aspergillus fumigatus identification and quantification of the Aspergillus fumigatus genome by amplification of the ITS1-ITS2 region 50 RT M003 Aspergillus flavus identification and quantification of the Aspergillus flavus genome by amplification of the ITS1-ITS2 region 50 RT M004 Aspergillus niger identification and quantification of the Aspergillus niger genome by amplification of the ITS1-ITS2 region 50 RT M005 Aspergillus terreus identification and quantification of the Aspergillus terreus genome by amplification of the ITS1-ITS2 region 50 RT 50 RT M018 Aspergillus multiplex1 simultaneous identification and quantification of the A. spp, fumigatus genome M019 Aspergillus multiplex2 simultaneous identification and quantification of the A. flavus, niger genome Coming soon 50 RT M020 Aspergillus multiplex3 simultaneous identification and quantification of the A. terreus, midulans genome Coming soon 50 RT M021 Aspergillus Combo Available on request 20 RT M006 Candida spp. identification and quantification of the Candida species genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene 50 RT 10 Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 MYCOLOGY code description test tech M007 Candida albicans identification and quantification of the Candida albicans genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene 50 RT M008 Candida glabrata identification and quantification of the Candida glabrata genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene Coming soon 50 RT M009 Candida rugosa identification and quantification of the Candida rugosa genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene Coming soon 50 RT M010 Candida parapsilosis identification and quantification of the Candida parapsilosis genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene Coming soon 50 RT M011 Candida tropicalis Identification and quantification of the Candida tropicalis genome by DNA amplification 50 and detection of the r18S gene Coming soon RT M012 Candida dubliniensis identification and quantification of the Candida dubliniensis genome by DNA amplification and detection of the r18S gene Coming soon 50 RT M023 Candida Multiplex1 simultaneous identification of C. spp, C. albicans 50 RT M024 Candida Multiplex2 simultaneous identification of C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis Coming soon 50 RT M025 Candida Multiplex3 simultaneous identification of C. tropicalis, C. cruzei Coming soon 50 RT M026 Candida Combo Available on request 20 RT M013 Pneumocystis carinii identification and quantification of the Pneumocystis carinii genome by amplification of the DHFR gene 50 RT M014 Criptococcus neoformans identification and quantification of the Criptococcus neoformans genome by amplification of the ITS2 region 50 RT M015 Histoplasma capsulatum identification and quantification of the Histoplasma capsulatum genome by amplification of the ITS1-ITS2 region Coming soon 50 RT M016 Fusarium spp identification and quantification of the Fusarium spp genome by amplification of the r18S gene Coming soon 50 RT M017 Microsporidium spp identification of the Microsporidium spp. genome by DNA amplification and detection of the 18S rDNA gene Coming soon 50 RT test 50 50 tech RT RT OTHERS code G014 HLA B27 G015 DQ2/DQ8 description amplification of HLA type B27 gene associated with ankylosing spondylitis identification of the HLA haplotypes conferring susceptibility to celiac disease Biotecnologia Innovativa per Ricerca e Diagnostica - Catalogue 2014 11 HEADQUARTER via Montarioso 9c 53035 - Monteriggioni (SI) tel +39.0577.588442 fax +39.0577.591097 e-mail: [email protected] pec: [email protected] web: www.birdsrl.it R&D and MANUFACTURING via Papa Giovanni XXIII 75a 25086 - Rezzato (BS) tel +39.030.2592041 fax +39.030.2596187 e-mail: [email protected]
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