DXL Group QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL July 2014 DXL Group QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE NOTICE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 DXL GROUP POLICY STATEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 TESTING PROCEDURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 I. DXL GROUP RESPONSIBILITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 II. VENDOR RESPONSIBILITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 III. BVCPS RESPONSIBILITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 SAMPLE SUBMISSION GUIDELINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 VENDOR CONFIRMATION FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 PROTOCOL INDEX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Page 2 of 61 Revised Date INTRODUCTION This DXL Group Quality Assurance Manual provides the administrative procedures and quality assurance requirements under the testing program. The Consumer Products Services Division of Bureau Veritas (BVCPS) is the approved laboratory under this program and will perform testing on all items as requested by DXL Group and its suppliers as outlined in this manual. DXL Group performance standards are based on past experience. The Performance Standards are used as a guideline for the evaluation of DXL Group acceptability. Most test methods and test procedures are originated from: ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) FTC (Federal Trade Commission) Page 3 of 61 July 2014 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE NOTICE In addition, all products or product components sold to DXL Group, must meet the provisions of all U.S. Federal, State and Local Regulations. These include, but are not limited to: Code of Federal Regulations - Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles FTC Trade Regulation Rule for Care Labeling of Textile Wearing Apparel FTC Rules and Regulations under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act FTC Rules and Regulations under the Wool Products Labeling Act State Regulations for the Feather and Down Products Industry FTC Rules and Regulations under the Fur Products Labeling Act CPSC Rules and Regulations for Child Safety State & Federal Regulations for Restricted Substances Fabric Mills and Trim Suppliers must provide a continuing guarantee of compliance or test results assuring that requirements of all U.S. Federal, State and Local Regulations are met. Page 4 of 61 July 2014 DXL Group POLICY STATEMENT 1. DXL Group is committed to delivering quality merchandise to the DXL Group customer. 2. This program is based on the mandate that all merchandise purchased by DXL Group must be tested to meet all applicable laws and regulatory requirements, in addition to ensuring compliance with DXL Group customer satisfaction and acceptability. 3. DXL Group accepts test reports from BVCPS or a BVCPS affiliate. Any exceptions must be agreed to in advance with DXL Group. 4. This testing or any subsequent result does not limit DXL Group rights or diminish or remove vendor or manufacturer's responsibilities and obligations under the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions. Page 5 of 61 July 2014 TESTING PROCEDURES I. DXL GROUP RESPONSIBILITY Provide the vendor with a copy of the DXL Group Vendor Guide, Chapter 5 and protocols. When a product fails testing, DXL Group will determine the disposition as to retest or cancellation of the order, etc. II. VENDOR RESPONSIBILITY See Chapter 5-DXLG QA program for vendor testing policy. As a vendor to DXL Group, you are fully responsible for all fabric and garment testing of production merchandise. You must guarantee that fabric and garments pass all tests before production and shipment. The best timing for fabric testing is upon the initial run of production. The best timing for garment testing is upon receipt of our order with the correct samples. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary tests are done to meet DXL Group requirements. All initial or first tests will be paid by the DXL Group. All retest will be paid by the Vendor. Sample submission to BVCPS : Fabric Testing: For initial bulk fabric testing, a minimum of two (2) square yards must be submitted for full testing in one (1) colorway along with a minimum of one (1) square yard fabric in each additional colorway. Fabric must be identical in every aspect to bulk production piece goods including color and prints. Pre-Production Garment Testing: Send four (4) garments in each style in the largest size available for complete garment testing. Pre-Production Garments must be made on production machinery and must represent bulk production. If additional garment / fabric is required, BVCPS will immediately contact the vendor. A completed DXL Group Test Request Form should be submitted with garment / fabric. BVCPS will not accept a sample if the form is incomplete. The Vendor may obtain Test Request Forms directly from BVCPS (See Enclosed Test Request Form). Garments must include all bulk trim, accessories and embellishments. Findings and Functional / Decorative Trim Zippers Buttons and Snaps Elastic Applied Trim: Lace, Bows, Ribbon, Patches, Etc. Screenprint, Embroidery / Appliqué 6 10 3 8 5 Number of Samples Required Zippers Samples (To be tested on garment stage) Samples Samples, 1 Yard OR 4 Garments Samples OR 4 Garments VISUALLY UNSATISFACTORY SAMPLES (stains, tears, and missing pieces) WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR TESTING! Page 6 of 61 July 2014 II. VENDOR RESPONSIBILITY (Continued) Samples Required for Testing – Garment Retests: All retests are the vendor’s responsibility. Note: On product re-tests, the previous test report number must be referenced on the Test Request Form. If a previous report number is not referenced, the full fabric and garment tests may be performed on the submission. All retested fees are vendor’s responsibility. Ongoing Programs: Products that are purchased on an ongoing basis must be tested in accordance with the appropriate packages at least once every 6 months, and/or when changes have been made in production. Page 7 of 61 July 2014 III. BVCPS RESPONSIBILITY When the Test Request Form is incomplete, the laboratory will notify the originating vendor. Until proper information is received, testing will be delayed. Complete testing and evaluate the test results (See DXL Group Standard Test Package). Rate the product by: o Pass ― The product provides good overall consumer serviceability and requires no improvement. o Fail ― The product has deficiencies of such severity that the customer dissatisfaction will likely result and / or noncompliance or regulatory requirements. The product cannot be sold until improvements are made Reports will be emailed to DXL Group and submitter as well as posted on BVOS. Page 8 of 61 July 2014 SAMPLE SUBMISSION GUIDELINE Sample Preparation Guidelines: Collect production quality sample Each sample must fulfill the minimum sample size requirement Fill out the Test Request Form completely Send Test Application to Testing Lab Laboratory Test Turnaround Time: Regular: 5 working days after receipt of sample Express: Within 3 working days after receipt of sample at surcharge of 40% Nest Business Day: Next working day are available for some tests at surcharge of 100% Some test standards require specified testing period, default service turnaround time may not be applicable, no express and emergency services provided. Testing Working Day Calculation: Sample arrived laboratory Sample log-in From 9:00 am to 11:00 am Same day morning Service level available Emergency service Express service Regular service From 11:00 am to 15:00 pm Same day afternoon Regular service After 15:00 pm Next working day Emergency service Express service Regular service Test Sample Receipt & Test Sample Receipt provides information of test selected and expected report Hold Memo available date for regarding test submission. Hold Memo indicates testing halt when encountering situation of insufficient / inadequate information or samples. Report Distribution To: Applicant (Test Submitter) Cc: Per Test Request From Test report copy will be sent to Client by email when completed. Third Party Billing Official confirmation from Invoice recipient is required Page 9 of 61 July 2014 VENDOR CONFIRMATION FORM I acknowledge receipt of DXL Group Quality Assurance Manual. I have read and understand the policies and procedures set forth and agree to comply with them. Company Name (Type or Print) Company Officer’s Signature (Type or Print Name Signed Above) Title Date Page 10 of 61 July 2014 Protocol Index Protocol Name 100F Woven Fabric (Shirts & Pants) 100G Woven Garment (Shirts & Pants) 101F Woven Denim Fabric 101G Denim Garment 102F Woven Twill Fabric 102G Twill Garment 200F Knit Fabric 200G Knit Garment 201F Loungewear / Underwear / Terry Robe / Sleepwear Fabric 201G Loungewear / Underwear / Terry Robe / Sleepwear Garment 202F Swim Fabric 202G Swimwear 300G Sweaters 400F Leather & Suede Hides 400G Leather & Suede Garments 500F Lining Fabric (Applies for all Textile Items) 600G Textile Hats & Caps 601G Socks & Hosiery 700 F Outerwear Fabric (Shell Only) 700G Outerwear Garment (With or Without Lining) 701F Sports Coats / Jackets, Suits Fabric (Shell Only) 701G Sports Coats / Jackets, Suits (With or Without Lining) EU Market Requirements 800 Components Buttons, Shank Buttons, Snaps, Zippers, Other Hardware 801 Elastic 803 Belts 804 Suspenders 802 Special Claims Zipper Requirements Page 11 of 61 Page 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 52 55 59 July 2014 100F Woven Fabric (Shirts & Pants) Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A ASTM D3776 ASTM D3775 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Tensile Strength ASTM D5034 Tear Strength ASTM D1424 Seam Slippage ASTM D1683 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D3107 Page 12 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Growth: +1% Note: Mandatory for dress pants Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum < 6.0 oz/yd2: 30 lbs min. ≥ 6.0 oz/yd2: 40 lbs min. < 6.0 oz/yd2: 2.5 lbs min. 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lbs min. ≥ 8.0 oz/yd2: 4.0 lbs min. 20 lbs min @ ¼” ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. July 2014 100F Woven Fabric (Shirts & Pants) Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 White, Ivory if ≥50% coverage Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 13 of 61 July 2014 100G Woven Garment (Shirts & Pants) Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque AATCC / ASTM TS-004 Seam Strength ASTM D1683 Seam Slippage** Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 mod Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Growth: +1% Note: Mandatory for dress pants Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum < 6.0 oz/yd2: 20 lbs min. ≥ 6.0 oz/yd2: 25 lbs min. 20 lbs min @ ¼” Refer to protocol 800 15 lbs min. Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage: test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 14 of 61 July 2014 101F Woven Denim Fabric Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A ASTM D3776 ASTM D3775 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Tensile Strength ASTM D5034 (Warp x Weft) Tear Strength ASTM D1424 (Warp x Weft) Seam Slippage ASTM D1683 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D3107 Abrasion Resistance ASTM D3886 Page 15 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects Fabric Wash: -2.5% Rigid: -4% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum 8-10 oz/yd2 : 55 x 35 min 10.1-12.0 oz/yd2: 65 x 40 min >12.0 oz/yd2: 85 x 70 min 8-10 oz/yd2 : 4.0 x 3.0 min 10.1-12.0 oz/yd2: 4.0 x 3.5 min >12.0 oz/yd2: 6.5 x 4.0 min 20 lbs min @ ¼” ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. Recovery (30 sec/30 min): 90% min Stretch Denim: 100 cycles min Unwashed: 500 cycles min Washed: 200 cycles min July 2014 101F Woven Denim Fabric Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Ozone AATCC 109 CF to Burnt Gas Fumes AATCC 23 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Class 3.5 1 cycle Class 3.5 1 cycle Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 16 of 61 July 2014 101G Denim Garment Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) pH value Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) AATCC 81 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque AATCC TS-004 Seam Strength ASTM D1683 Seam Slippage** Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength Colorfastness ASTM D1683 CF to Crocking ASTM D1683 MOD AATCC 8/116 Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) 6-8 Report all defects Fabric Wash: -2.5% Rigid: -4% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum 2 8-10 oz/yd : 35 min 10.1-12.0 oz/yd2: 40 min >12.0 oz/yd2: 50 min 20 lbs min @ ¼” Refer to protocol 800 20 lbs min. Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Dark Indigo / Black: Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 2.0 Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage: test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 17 of 61 July 2014 102F Woven Twill Fabric Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A ASTM D3776 ASTM D3775 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Tensile Strength ASTM D5034 (Warp x Weft) Tear Strength ASTM D1424 (Warp x Weft) Seam Slippage ASTM D1683 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D3107 Page 18 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum <6.0 oz/yd2 : 30lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 40 x 30 lb min ≥8.0 oz/yd2: 60 x 50 min <6.0 oz/yd2 : 2.5 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lb min ≥8.0 oz/yd2: 4.0 min 20 lbs min @ ¼” ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. Recovery (30 sec/30 min): 90% min July 2014 102F Woven Twill Fabric Page 2 of 2 TEST Abrasion Resistance CITATION / METHOD ASTM D3886 CRITERIA Stretch Twill: 100 cycles min Unwashed: ≤8.0 oz/yd2: 300 cycles min >8.0 oz/yd2: 500 cycles min Washed: ≤8.0 oz/yd2: 100 cycles min >8.0 oz/yd2: 200 cycles min Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 19 of 61 July 2014 102G Twill Garment Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque AATCC TS-004 Seam Strength ASTM D1683 Seam Slippage** Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 MOD Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All other: -3% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum <6.0 oz/yd2 : 25 min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 30 min ≥8.0 oz/yd2: 35 min 20 lbs min @ ¼” Refer to protocol 800 15 lbs min. Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 20 of 61 July 2014 200F Knit Fabric Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis AATCC 20/20A Fabric Weight ASTM D3776 Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) ASTM D3887 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 Bursting Strength ASTM D3786 Pilling ASTM D3512 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D2594 Page 21 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends gm/m2 ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects -5% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Satisfactory for Double Face Fleece Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum <120 gm/m2: 40 psi 2 ≥120 gm/m : 55 psi Double Face Fleece with Anti-Pilled treatment claim Satisfactory @ 30 min Refer to Appendix 2 for rating of specimen ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. July 2014 200F Knit Fabric Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 22 of 61 July 2014 200G Knit Garment Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque AATCC TS-004 Seam Stretchability AATCC TS-015 Component Attachment Strength Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects -5% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Satisfactory for Double face fleece Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs Refer to protocol 800 Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 23 of 61 July 2014 201F Loungewear / Underwear / Terry Robe / Sleepwear Fabric Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis AATCC 20/20A Fabric Weight ASTM D3776 Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance Woven: ASTM D3775 Knit: ASTM D3887 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 ASTM D1683 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Seam Slippage (Woven) Tensile Strength (Woven) ASTM D5034 Tear Strength (Woven) ASTM D1424 Bursting Strength (Knit) ASTM D3786 Page 24 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends gm/m2 ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects Woven: 100 Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum 20 lb min @ ¼” <6.0 oz/yd2: 30 lb min ≥6.0 oz/yd2: 40 lb min <6.0 oz/yd2: 2.5 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lb min ≥8.0 oz/yd2: 4.0 lb min <120 gm/m2: 40 psi ≥120 gm/m2: 55 psi July 2014 201F Loungewear / Underwear / Terry Robe / Sleepwear Fabric Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD Stretch & Recovery Woven: ASTM D3107 Knit: ASTM D2594 Absorbency ASTM D4772 CRITERIA ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. Recovery (30 sec/30 min): Min 90% Terry Robe Only Ultra-absorbency: 75% min Two-sided terry: 65% min One-sided terry: 35% min Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Excludes Robe Fabric Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 25 of 61 July 2014 201G Loungewear / Underwear / Terry Robe / Sleepwear Garment Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque Loss of Lint AATCC TS-004 Visual Seam Strength (Woven) ASTM D1683 Seam Slippage (Woven)** ASTM D1683 Seam Stretchability AATCC TS-015 Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 mod Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects Woven: 100 Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum No Noticeable Loss (For Terry Robe) 2 <6.0 oz/yd : 20 lb min 2 ≥ 6.0 oz/yd : 25 lb min 20 lb min @ ¼” <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs Refer to protocol 800 Woven: 15 lb min Knit: <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage: test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 26 of 61 July 2014 202F Swim Fabric Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis AATCC 20/20A Fabric Weight ASTM D3776 Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance Woven: ASTM D3775 Knit: ASTM D3887 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 ASTM D1683 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Seam Slippage (Woven) Tensile Strength (Woven) ASTM D5034 Tear Strength (Woven) ASTM D1424 Bursting Strength (Knit) ASTM D3786 Page 27 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends Woven: oz/yd2; Knit: gm/m2 ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects Woven: 100 Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum 20 lb min @ ¼” <6.0 oz/yd2: 30 lb min ≥6.0 oz/yd2: 40 lb min <6.0 oz/yd2: 2.5 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lb min ≥8.0 oz/yd2: 4.0 lb min <120 gm/m2: 40 psi ≥120 gm/m2: 55 psi July 2014 202F Swim Fabric Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD Stretch & Recovery Woven: ASTM D3107 Knit: ASTM D2594 CRITERIA ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. Recovery (30 sec/30 min): Min 90% Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 CF to Sea Water AATCC 106 CF to Pool water AATCC 162 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 20 & 40 AFU Pass/Fail based on 40 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 40 AFU Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 28 of 61 July 2014 202G Swimwear Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque AATCC TS-004 Seam Strength (Woven) ASTM D1683 Seam Slippage (Woven)** ASTM D1683 Seam Stretchability (Knit) AATCC TS-015 Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 mod Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects Woven: 100 Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum <6.0 oz/yd2: 20 lb min ≥ 6.0 oz/yd2: 25 lb min 20 lb min @ ¼” <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs Refer to protocol 800 Woven: 15 lb min Knit: 2 <120 gm/m : 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage: test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 29 of 61 July 2014 300G Sweaters Page 1 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Visual Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Flammability CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Flammability Of Clothing Textiles 16 CFR 1610 Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis AATCC 20/20A Weight per dozen Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) ASTM D3887 mod ASTM D3887 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC TS-004 Seam Stretchability AATCC TS-015 Bursting Strength ASTM D3786 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D2594 Appearance after Ironing Page 30 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects -5% Growth: +1% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs <120 gm/m2: 40 psi 2 ≥120 gm/m : 50 psi ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. July 2014 300G Sweaters Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD *Pilling Resistance-Wool & Wool blends ICI Pilling box method BS NE ISO 12945-1 Component Attachment Strength Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering CF to Dry-cleaning AATCC 135 Commercial Dryclean CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 CRITERIA Wool blends Class 3.5 @ 4 hours (14,400 revolutions) Cashmere / Luxury fibers: Class 3.5 @2 hours (7,200 revolutions) Refer to protocol 800 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color Block / Contrast Trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White orIvory Class 3.5 Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 31 of 61 July 2014 400F Leather & Suede Hides Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD Flammability Of Clothing Textiles 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA Flammability Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Leather thickness Defects Performance Dimensional StabilityProfessional Leather Clean General Appearance after care Seam Slippage Tensile Strength Tear Strength AATCC 20/20A ASTM D1813 Visual Professional Leather Clean Per Care Instructions Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD ASTM D1683 ASTM D5034 ASTM D1424 Textile components / lining 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends report in millimeters ± 5% from claim Report all defects -2% No Growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 20 lb min @ ¼” 40 lb min <6.0 oz/yd2: 2.5 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lb min 2 ≥8.0 oz/yd : 4.0 lb min Colorfastness CF to Professional Leather Clean CF to Crocking Leather Clean-1 cycle AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 32 of 61 July 2014 400G Leather & Suede Garments Page 1 of 1 TEST Labeling Guide for Select Leather & Imitation Leather Products Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (If Textile lining) Wool Products Labeling Act (if wool lining) Care Labeling Rule Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance CITATION / METHOD Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional StabilityProfessional Leather Clean Professional Leather Clean Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Strength Seam Slippage (Woven)** Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 mod CRITERIA Leather Identification Fiber Content Label RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects -2% No Growth Differential Shrinkage (Shell/Lining): 2% No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 25 lb min 20 lb min @ ¼” Refer to protocol 800 15 lb min Note: 1. Any components not previously tested are required to test to appropriate standard 2. Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 33 of 61 July 2014 500F Lining Fabric (Applies for all Textile Items) Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A Woven: ASTM D3776 Knit: ASTM D3887 Woven: ASTM D3775 Knit: ASTM D3887 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 Appearance after Ironing Seam Slippage (Woven) Seam Strength (Woven) Seam Stretchability AATCC TS-015 Tensile Strength (Woven) ASTM D5034 (Warp x Weft) Tear Strength (Woven) ASTM D1424 Page 34 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends Woven: oz/yd2; Knit: gm/m2 ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects Woven: 100 Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% Differential Shrinkage (shell/lining): 2% Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 20 lb min @ ¼” 20 lb min <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lbs <3.5 oz/yd2: 20 lbs min 3.5-6.0 oz/yd2: 30 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 40 x 30 lb min ≥8.0 oz/yd2: 60 x 50 lb min <3.5 oz/yd2: 1.5 lbs min 3.5-6.0 oz/yd2: 2.5 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lb min 2 ≥8.0 oz/yd : 4.0 lb min July 2014 500F Lining Fabric (Applies for all Textile Items) Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA 2 Bursting Strength (knit) ASTM D3786 Component Attachment Strength Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering CF to Dry-cleaning AATCC 135/143 AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 CF to Sea Water AATCC 106 CF to Pool Water AATCC 162 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 <120 gm/m : 40 psi ≥120 gm/m2: 55 psi Refer to protocol 800 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Swimwear Only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Swimwear Only Color Change: Class 4.0 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 35 of 61 July 2014 600G Textile Hats & Caps Page 1 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Wool Products Labeling Act (if wool lining) Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) 16 CFR 1610 Fiber Content Label (If Wool) RN# or WPL # Country of Origin Care Label Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A ASTM D3776 ASTM D3775 ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL) Seam Strength Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD ASTM D1683 Seam Stretchability AATCC TS-015 Bursting Strength (knit) ASTM D3786 Component Attachment Strength Page 36 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim Report all defects Woven: 100 Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% Differential Shrinkage (shell/lining): 2% No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 10 lb min <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lbs 2 ≥120 gm/m : 50% and/or 7 lbs <120 gm/m2: 40 psi ≥120 gm/m2: 55 psi Refer to protocol 800 July 2014 600G Textile Hats & Caps Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering CF to Crocking AATCC 143 AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 20 & 40 AFU Pass/Fail based on 40 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 40 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 37 of 61 July 2014 601G Socks & Hosiery Page 1 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Visual Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Flammability CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Flammability Of Clothing Textiles Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis (If requested / Claimed) Weight per Dozen Fabric Count-Knit Yarn Size (If Claimed) Yarn Construction Defects Performance 16 CFR 1610 AATCC 20/20A Standard Measure ASTM D3887 ASTM D1059 ASTM D1244 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL) Abrasion Resistance of Socks (Heel Area) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Fit Properties-After Laundering CPSD-SL-31006-MTHD *Antifungal (If Claimed) Page 38 of 61 ASTM D4966 (Mod) AATCC 30 (Test III) Fiber Content Label Care Label Country of Origin RN# or WPL # Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As Claimed Report all defects Subjective evaluation on all sizes after wash No more than 7% shrinkage & the ability to fit NAHM form No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Athletic: 400 cycles minimum Casual / Dress: 200 cycles minimum Sock Stretch: Biaxial stretch: 0.5 lb min – 9 lb max Cuff Support: 0.25 lb/in min – 4.25 ln/in max Cuff: Correspond to maximum heel girth (inches) Qualitative Only July 2014 601G Socks & Hosiery Page 2of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 143 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 5 & 10 AFU Pass/Fail based on 10 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 10 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 39 of 61 July 2014 700 F Outerwear Fabric (Shell Only) Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A Woven: ASTM D3776 Knit: ASTM D3887 Woven: ASTM D3775 Knit: ASTM D3887 ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Tensile Strength (Woven) ASTM D5034 Tear Strength (Woven) ASTM D1424 Seam Slippage (Woven) ASTM D1683 Page 40 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends 2 2 Woven: oz/yd / Knit: gm/m ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% Differential shrinkage (Shell/lining): 2% Note: Mandatory for outerwear Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum <3.5 oz/yd2: 25 lb min 3.5-5.9 oz/yd2: 30 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 40x 30 lb min ≥ 8.0 oz/yd2: 60x 50 lb min <3.5 oz/yd2: 1.5 lb min 3.5-5.9 oz/yd2: 2.5 lb min 6.0-7.9 oz/yd2: 3.0 lb min ≥ 8.0 oz/yd2: 4.0 lb min 20 lbs min @ ¼” July 2014 700 F Outerwear Fabric (Shell Only) Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA 2 Bursting Strength (Knit) ASTM D3786 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D3107 <120 gm/m : 40 psi 2 ≥120 gm/m : 55 psi ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. Woven: Recovery (30 sec/30 min): Min 90% Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10/20 & 20/40 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20/40 AFU rating only Shell: Class 4.0 @ 40 AFU Lining: Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 41 of 61 July 2014 700G Outerwear Garment (With or Without Lining) Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque Seam Strength Seam Slippage** AATCC TS-004 ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 Seam Stretchability AATCC / ASTM TS-015 Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 mod Fiber Content Label Care Label Country of Origin RN# or WPL # Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects Woven: 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Growth: +1% Differential Shrinkage (Shell/lining): 2% Note: Mandatory for outerwear Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum 25 lbs min. 20 lbs min @ ¼” <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lb ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lb Refer to protocol 800 <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lb ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lb Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 42 of 61 July 2014 701F Sports Coats / Jackets, Suits Fabric (Shell Only) Page 1 of 2 TEST Analytical pH value Flammability Flammability Of Clothing Textiles CITATION / METHOD AATCC 81 16 CFR 1610 CRITERIA 6-8 Class 1 (if not exempt) All Colors Physical Characteristics *Fiber Analysis Fabric Weight Fabric Count Special Fabric Type Yarn Size (If Claimed) Defects Performance AATCC 20/20A Woven: ASTM D3776 Knit: ASTM D3887 Woven: ASTM D3775 Knit: ASTM D3887 Visual ASTM D1059 Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 135 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Hand Iron Per Care Instructions AATCC 179 Method 1, Option 1 Appearance after Ironing Skew/Torque Tensile Strength (Woven) ASTM D5034 Tear Strength (Woven) ASTM D1424 Seam Slippage (Woven) ASTM D1683 Page 43 of 61 0% Single Fiber ± 3% Blends Woven: oz/yd2 / Knit: gm/m2 ± 5% from claim ± 5% from claim As claimed ± 5% from claim Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Suede Fleece Thermal: -5% x -8% Growth: +1% Differential shrinkage (Shell/lining): 2% Mandatory Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 No distortion defects 5% or ½” maximum <3.5 oz/yd2: 25 lb min 3.5-5.9 oz/yd2: 30 lb min 2 6.0-7.9 oz/yd : 40x 30 lb min ≥ 8.0 oz/yd2: 60x 50 lb min <3.5 oz/yd2: 1.5 lb min 3.5-5.9 oz/yd2: 2.5 lb min 2 6.0-7.9 oz/yd : 3.0 lb min 2 ≥ 8.0 oz/yd : 4.0 lb min 20 lbs min @ ¼” July 2014 701F Sports Coats / Jackets, Suits Fabric (Shell Only) Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA 2 Bursting Strength (Knit) ASTM D3786 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D3107 <120 gm/m : 40 psi 2 ≥120 gm/m : 55 psi ≥ 5% spandex in stretch direction only Stretch: 15% min. Growth: 5% max. Woven: Recovery (30 sec/30 min): Min 90% Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Non-Chlorine Bleach AATCC TS-001 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Light AATCC 16, Option 3 CF to Water AATCC 107 *Phenolic Yellowing ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 With Suppressor for pastels only Class 4.0 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Provide ratings after 10 & 20 AFU Pass/Fail based on 20 AFU rating only Class 4.0 @ 20 AFU Color block / Contrast trims only Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. Page 44 of 61 July 2014 701G Sports Coats / Jackets, Suits (With or Without Lining) Page 1 of 1 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Textile Fiber Products Identification Act Care Labeling Rule Wool Products Labeling Act Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Defects Performance Visual CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) Visual Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Seam Skew/Torque Seam Strength (Woven) Seam Slippage** (Woven) AATCC TS-004 ASTM D1683 ASTM D1683 Seam Stretchability (Knit) AATCC / ASTM TS-015 Component Attachment Strength Pocket Attachment Strength ASTM D1683 mod Fiber Content Label Care Label Country of Origin RN# or WPL # Size Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report all defects 100% Cotton: -4% All others: -3% Knit: -5% Suede Fleece Thermal: -5% x -8% Growth: +1% Differential shrinkage (Shell/lining): 2% Mandatory Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, damaged components, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 5% or ½” maximum 25 lbs min. 20 lbs min @ ¼” 2 <120 gm/m : 35% and/or 6 lb ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lb Refer to protocol 800 <120 gm/m2: 35% and/or 6 lb ≥120 gm/m2: 50% and/or 7 lb Note: Please refer to special claims protocol as applicable. **Seam Slippage test the following seams: Tops: Side, Shoulder, Yoke, Armhole, Sleeve, Collar & Pocket Bottoms: Side, Inseam, Back Rise, Crotch, Zipper stress area, all pockets Page 45 of 61 July 2014 EU Market Requirements By Request Only or if indicated as Country of Destination Page 1 of 1 TEST EU Market if requested Analytical Azo Colourants Nickel Spot Test Nickel Leaching Formaldehyde Spot Test Formaldehyde Quantitative Sleepwear Flammability Fiber Label Verification Care Symbol / Wording Verification Page 46 of 61 CITATION / METHOD EN 14362-1:2012 / ISO 17234-1:2010 PD CR 12471 EN1811:2011 / EN12472:2005+A1:2009 AATCC 94 EN ISO 14184-1:2011 Nightwear (Safety Regulations) Determined by general garment testing procedures Determined by general garment testing procedures CRITERIA <30 mg/kg Negative If Requested 2 <0.2 µg /cm /week Negative If Requested or Nylon fiber included <75 mg/kg Comply Comply Comply July 2014 800 Components Page 1 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Button Effects of Washing / Dry-cleaning *Lead in surface coatings *Lead in substrate Attachment strength Manufacturing Qualities Shank Button Effects of Washing / Dry-cleaning *Lead in surface coatings *Lead in substrate Attachment strength Manufacturing Qualities Snap Effects of Washing / Dry-cleaning *Lead in surface coatings *Lead in substrate Attachment strength Manufacturing Qualities Page 47 of 61 AATCC 150 CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) CPSD-AN-00185-MTHD / CPSD-AN-00196-MTHD ASTM D7142 Visual AATCC 150 CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) CPSD-AN-00185-MTHD / CPSD-AN-00196-MTHD Pull Method Visual AATCC 150 CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) CPSD-AN-00185-MTHD / CPSD-AN-00196-MTHD ASTM D7142 Visual 3 washes or 1 commercial dryclean No Chipping, cracking, paint loss No color transfer No corrosion If Requested Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) If Requested Shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01% by weight) 15 lbs @ 10 seconds No sharp points or edges 3 washes or 1 commercial dryclean No Chipping, cracking, paint loss No color transfer No corrosion If Requested Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) If Requested Shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01% by weight) Straight position: Min 80 lbs Slant position @ 60°: Min 80 lbs Report actual data until break, specify if shank broke or fabric rupture No sharp points or edges 3 washes or 1 commercial dryclean No Chipping, cracking, paint loss No color transfer No corrosion If Requested Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) If Requested Shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01% by weight) 15 lbs @ 10 seconds No sharp points or edges July 2014 800 Components Page 2 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Zipper Effects of Washing / Dry-cleaning *Lead in surface coatings *Lead in substrate Attachment strength AATCC 150 CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) CPSD-AN-00185-MTHD / CPSD-AN-00196-MTHD ASTM D2061 Manufacturing Qualities Visual Other Hardware (Including Fabric with two layers) Effects of Washing / Dry-cleaning Attachment strength Manufacturing Qualities *Lead in substrate Page 48 of 61 AATCC 150 Pull Method Visual CPSD-AN-00185-MTHD / CPSD-AN-00196-MTHD 3 washes or 1 commercial dryclean No Chipping, cracking, paint loss No color transfer No corrosion If Requested Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) If Requested Shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01% by weight) Top Stop, Zip/Unzip, Bottom Stop, Slider Lock & Tab See Zipper Requirements No sharp points or edges 3 washes or 1 commercial dryclean No Chipping, cracking, paint loss No color transfer No corrosion Report data No sharp points or edges If Requested Shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01% by weight) July 2014 801 Elastic Page 1 of 1 TEST Physical Characteristics Elastic Width (mm) Elastic Weight Elastic Construction Yarn Size (If Claimed) Number of Elastic Yarns Wrapped Yarns Construction/workmanship Performance Dimensional Stability-Home Laundering (3 washes) Dimensional Stability-Drycleaning (1 cycle) General Appearance after care (3HL or 1 DC) CITATION / METHOD AATCC 150 Per Care Instructions AATCC 158 Per Care Instructions Visual CPSD-SL-31055-MTHD Elastic Memory (Narrow Elastic) ASTM D5278 Stretch & Recovery ASTM D3107 Standard Measure ASTM D3776 ASTM D37775 ASTM D1059 Visual Visual Visual CRITERIA As claimed Report actual data Report actual data Report actual data Report actual data Report actual data No Major defects -4% +1% growth Shrinkage: -2% No growth No distortion, defects, excessive puckering Pilling: Class 4.0 Stretch at 20 lbf: Length 120-185% Recovery at 60 sec: Length min 85% Stretch: One Way stretch: 20% min Two way stretch: 15% min Growth: 4% maximum Recovery: <5% spandex: 85% recovery @ 60 min ≥5% spandex: 90% recovery @ 60 min Colorfastness CF to Home Laundering AATCC 135 CF to Commercial Dry-cleaning AATCC 132 CF to Crocking AATCC 8/116 CF to Perspiration AATCC 15 pH Value AATCC 81 *Phenolic Yellowing Page 49 of 61 ISO 105-X18 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.0 Color Change: Class 4.0 Staining: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 6-8 Solid White or Ivory Class 3.5 July 2014 803 Belts Page 1 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulations (Applicable to the Packaging Materials) Country of Origin Marking Use labeling Claim verification - level 2 Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Dimensions Number of Holes Material Weight Sharp Point/ Edges Defects / Workmanship Page 50 of 61 NIST Uniform Laws and Regulations Handbook 130 19 CFR 134 Visual CPSD-GB-08612-MTHD CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) ASTM D3776-96 16 CFR 1500.48/ 1500.49 (Modified) CPSD-HL-01057-MTHD (Visual) Manufacturer, Packer, or Distributor’s Name & Address (City, State & Zip). Product Identification Net quantity of contents shall be expressed in terms of weight or mass, measure, numerical count, or combination so as to give accurate information to facilitate consumer comparison (U.S. and metric units). Shall indicate country of origin legibly, permanently, and in comparable size and close proximity to any mention of country other than country in which the article was manufactured or produced. Must be visible at point of purchase. Use/Care instructions that are clear and understandable shall be provided in language appropriate to destination Examine the retail packaging (or submitted artwork). Record each objective (factual) claim which can be substantiated by the testing within the protocols and rate accordingly. Record testing that extends beyond existing net quantity / dimensional testing on this protocol. Record all other objective (factual) and subjective (opinion) claims as “NT” and rate as “DATA”. Record information evaluated between the graphic imagery and the product. Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Report overall dimensions; shall meet label claims -0% / +2% Report all. Shall meet specification oz/yd2 ±3.0% from claim Shall Have No Sharp Points/ Edges, Other Than Those Required For Function Shall have no discernible surface degradation, including crazing, shivering Shall have no components missing, malformed and / or fractured July 2014 803 Belts Page 2 of 2 TEST Performance Functionality Effects Of Extreme Temperature Effects of Humidity Buckle Strength/Buckle Durability Buckle/Strap Strength Belt hole rupture resistance Bonding Strength Tensile Strength Tear Strength (Textile only) Belt Loop Attachment Stitch Reinforcement Strength Flexing Cycling Test Buckle / Clasp Functionality Colorfastness CF to Crocking CF to Perspiration Page 51 of 61 CITATION / METHOD CPSD-GB-01058-MTHD CPSD-HL-01012-MTHD CPSD-HL-01007-MTHD Actual Use ASTM D5034-95 ASTM D5034 mod CPSD-SL-81003-MTHD ASTM D5034 mod ASTM D1424 mod ASTM D5034 mod CPSD-SL-81005-MTHD CPSD-SL-81002-MTHD ASTM D5034 mod Actual Use AATCC 8/116 AATCC 15 (mod) CRITERIA Shall function as intended. No failure @ 24 Hours at 0 °F and 140 °F No change after 48 hours @ 95% RH @ 95◦ F No failure after 500 cycles of operation Original, After Humidity & After Cold (0°F) 100 lbs / In (min) 20 Lbs Minimum 22 Lbs/4 in 40 Lbs Minimum 3 Lbs x 3 Lbs Minimum 15 Lbs Minimum 35 Lbs Minimum (Functional) 50,000 cycles minimum 50 cycles @ 175 lbf and 0 lbf No fractures / breakage of buckle / clasp Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.5 Back side of belt at the front area: Class 3.0 minimum Buckle: No discoloration or degradation of surface finish/color July 2014 804 Suspenders Page 1 of 2 TEST CITATION / METHOD CRITERIA Labeling Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulations (Applicable to the Packaging Materials) Country of Origin Marking Use labeling Claim verification - level 2 Analytical *Lead in surface coating (If Requested) Physical Characteristics Total Length Total Width Thickness Total Weight Fit/Measurements Sharp Point/ Edges Page 52 of 61 NIST Uniform Laws and Regulations Handbook 130 19 CFR 134 Visual CPSD-GB-08612-MTHD CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 / AOAC 974.02 (mod.) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) CPSD-HL-01056-MTHD (Standard Measurement) 16 CFR 1500.48/ 1500.49 (Modified) Manufacturer, Packer, or Distributor’s Name & Address (City, State & Zip). Product Identification Net quantity of contents shall be expressed in terms of weight or mass, measure, numerical count, or combination so as to give accurate information to facilitate consumer comparison (U.S. and metric units). Shall indicate country of origin legibly, permanently, and in comparable size and close proximity to any mention of country other than country in which the article was manufactured or produced. Must be visible at point of purchase. Use/Care instructions that are clear and understandable shall be provided in language appropriate to destination Examine the retail packaging (or submitted artwork). Record each objective (factual) claim which can be substantiated by the testing within the protocols and rate accordingly. Record testing that extends beyond existing net quantity / dimensional testing on this protocol. Record all other objective (factual) and subjective (opinion) claims as “NT” and rate as “DATA”. Record information evaluated between the graphic imagery and the product. Shall not exceed 90 ppm (0.009% by weight) Shall meet label claims (-0% / +2%) Shall meet label claims (-0% / +2%) Shall meet label claims (-0% / +2%) Shall meet label claims (-0% / +2%) Tape measure end to end Shall Have No Sharp Points/ Edges, Other Than Those Required For Function July 2014 804 Suspenders Page 2 of 2 TEST Defects / Workmanship Performance Functionality Effects Of Extreme Temperature Effects of Humidity Spirality / torque (If washable) Seam stretchability - knit CITATION / METHOD CPSD-HL-01057-MTHD (Visual) CPSD-GB-01058-MTHD CPSD-HL-01012-MTHD CPSD-HL-01007-MTHD AATCC 179 ASTM D3786 mod Abrasion Resistance ASTM D3886 Stretch and Recovery ASTM D4964 Strength at Elastic and other joining area Clip attachment strength ASTM D 1683 (Mod) ASTM D5034 mod. Actual Use Clip Durability ASTM D5034 mod Clip performance strength Resistance To Corrosion ASTM B117 (Modified) CRITERIA Shall have no discernible surface degradation, including crazing, shivering Shall have no components missing, malformed and / or fractured Shall function as intended. No failure @ 24 Hours at 0 °F and 140 °F No change after 48 hours @ 95% RH @ 95◦ F 5% maximum Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature 2 <3.5 oz/yd : Minimum 30% Elongation or 6.0lb load ≥3.5 oz/ yd2:Minimum 50% Elongation or 7.0lb Load Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature Min. 300 Cycles Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature Calculate 95% (min) recovery when stretch to max or over 100% of original length Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature 100 Lbs. / In. (Min) Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature 75 lbs/in. Minimum Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature Shall be no failure or loose in serviceability after 500 cycles Open/closed. (Clip and unclip) Original, After Humidity & After Extreme Temperature Shall be able to clip and hold on the 2 layer of 8 oz/sqyd woven fabric when 50 lbs force is applied Metal Components Shall withstand 24 hours in 1% salt spray (fog) with no corrosion or visual change. Modification = 1% salt (fog) spray. Also report if entire item was placed in the chamber or if only certain pieces/sections. If pieces/sections were tested, list which piece/section, indicate pass or fail for each piece/section, and include before and after pictures of each piece/section Colorfastness CF to Crocking CF to Perspiration Page 53 of 61 AATCC 8/116 AATCC 15 Dry Class 4.0 Wet Class 3.5 Back side of suspenders: Class 3.0 minimum Buckle: No discoloration or degradation of surface finish/color July 2014 802 Special Claims Page 1 of 4 TEST *Antibacterial activity assessment of textile materials *Water Vapor transmission *Air Permeability CITATION / METHOD AATCC 147 ASTM E96 (b) Upright Cup Method ASTM D737 *Absorbency AATCC 79 *Water wicking test AATCC 197 *Water repellency: Spray test AATCC 22 *Oil repellency AATCC 118 *Water Resistance: rain test AATCC 35 *Waterproof *Soil release: oily stain method Page 54 of 61 AATCC 127 option 2 or ASTM D751 option A AATCC 130 CRITERIA If Claimed Anti-Microbial or Anti-Bacterial No bacterial colonies in contact area Test Original & after 20 HL All colors must be tested Test Original & after 3 HL-Breathable Fabrics ≥ 500 g/m2 / 24 hours Test Original & after 3 HL-Windproof claim 1.0 mm/s max. Moisture management Test Original only Maximum 30 seconds Moisture management-If claimed Test Original & after 5 HL All colors 3 inches minimum at 30 minutes Test Original & after 5 HL Original: ISO 90 minimum After 5 washes: ISO 70 minimum Test all colors for 3 in 1 or 4 in 1 premium pants Stain proof claims Test Original & after 5 HL Original: minimum 6 After 5 washes: minimum 4 If claimed water resistant Less than 1 gram Customs test on garments: no more than 1 gm of water penetration at 600 mm pressure for a 2 min duration If claimed Waterproof 2000 mm w.c. (200 cm w.c. or 196 mbar or 2.86 psi) Test Original & after 5 HL If claimed Original: Grade 3.5 After 5 washes: Grade 3.0 Test all colors for 3 in 1 or 4 in 1 premium pants July 2014 802 Special Claims Page 2 of 4 TEST CITATION / METHOD *Wrinkle resistance / durable press Evaluate Original & after 5 HL Test all colors for 3 in 1 or 4 in 1 premium pants AATCC 143 Formaldehyde Spot Test AATCC 94 *Formaldehyde JIS L1041 *Size Sticker Evaluation Lab method Heat: 120° ±2 degrees for 300 hours Durability & Residue: 120° ±2 degrees, 95% relative humidity for 6 hours *Anti-Fade AATCC 150 *Anti-pill AATCC 150 Page 55 of 61 CRITERIA Wrinkle Free or Non Iron Claims Post-cure process Smoothness: Grade 4 min Pocket Seam: Grade 4 min #Seams: Grade 4 min Pleats/Creases: Grade 4 min Wrinkle Resistant Claims Pre-Cure Process Smoothness: Grade 3.5 min Pocket Seam: Grade 3.5 min Seams: Grade 3.5 min Post-cure process Smoothness: Grade 3.5 min Pocket Seam: Grade 3.5 min #Seams: Grade 3.5 min Pleats/Creases: Grade 3.5 min Easy Care Claims Smoothness: Grade 3 min Pocket Seam: Grade 3 min #Seams: Grade 3 min Pleats/Creases: Grade 3 min #Seams include collar, yoke, shoulder, cuffs, center placket, front closure, fly, side seams, inseam) Wrinkle Free / Durable Press Garment Only Negative If spot is positive only <75 ppm Effects of heat on sticker: no wrinkling, de-bonding or curling Rate stickers durability & residue on fabrics No heavy amount of fiber fills on stickers No amount of adhesive residue remaining on stickers Color change on fabric: Class 4.0 If claimed All Colors Evaluate after 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 washes Color Change: Class 4.0 minimum If claimed Evaluate after 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 washes Pilling: Class 4.0 minimum July 2014 802 Special Claims Page 3 of 4 TEST CITATION / METHOD *Non Roll Collar AATCC 150 *Unbreakable Buttons AATCC 143 *Durability of Flocking AATCC 150 Per Care instructions *Tagless Labels *Ultra violet protection factor (UPF) *Thermal transmittance of textile materials *Feather & down: Content Analysis *Feather and down: Fill Power Page 56 of 61 AATCC 150 AATCC 183-2004 / ASTM D6544-00 (2007) / ASTM D6603-10 ASTM D1518 ASTM D4524-86 (2005 / IDFB 3 IDFB 10-B CRITERIA If claimed Evaluate after 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 washes Collar retains without rolling defect If claimed AATCC 143: Evaluate 30 buttons after 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 washes No chips, cracks or breakage ASTM D5171: Evaluate 30 buttons under 5.5 in-oz impact energy No chips, cracks or breakage If claimed Rate after 3 washes No obvious defects/observations affecting the end performance / appearance, color change, staining, satisfactory performance of the components and trims Screen Print, Pad Print & Heat-Set transfer Wash or dryclean according to proposed care method. Evaluate and record comments after 5,10,15,20 wash/dry cycle or 5 dryclean cycles Color Change: Class 4.0 Self-Staining: Class 4.5 Appearance: No fraying, unraveling, cracking, peeling, text must be legible If claimed Perform on original and after simulated use & care (as prepared per ASTM D6544) Report UPF rating only The UPF rating shall be given as per ASTM D6603 as below: 15-24: Good UV protection 25-39: Very good UV protection 40-50+: Excellent UV protection If claimed Report result or verify claim (1 rep) 0.6 CLO Original As specified (for labeling for the USA (ADA) Textile Labeling Guidelines for Feather & Down) 2-3% tolerance Original Steam conditioning If no claim is made report value only If claimed(min): + or – 5% July 2014 802 Special Claims Page 4 of 4 TEST *Feather and down: Turbidity *Feather and down: oxygen number *Feather and down: odor *Feather and down: fat and oil *Feather and down: downproofness Page 57 of 61 CITATION / METHOD IDFB 11-A IDFB 21/IDFB 7 JIS 6.6 EN 1162 IDFL IDFB 4 FTM 191-A Method 5530 (mod) CRITERIA Original 300 mm minimum US measurement Hypoallergenic/Super Clean Claim: 500 mm minimum Original Less than 10 Hypoallergenic/Super Clean Claim: Less than 5 Original No putrid odor Original 0.7% min – 2.0% max Original Grade 4 min July 2014 Zipper Requirements Page 1 of 4 Fastener Class (Chain Width: inch) 1-2 (0.125-0.180) Zipper Item Chain Width: inch) Chain Crosswise Strength Separating Unit Crosswise Strength Element Pull Off Strength Element Slippage Strength Slider Lock Holding Strength Tab Pull Off (90°) Tab Twist Off Operability (open/close) Top Stop Holding Strength Bottom Stop Holding, Stringer Separation 0.169 0.169 kgf 35.0 Brass N 343.0 lbs 77.2 kgf 25.0 9.0 88.2 19.8 9.0 88.2 3.5 34.3 7.7 2.4 2.7 26.5 6.0 4.0 39.2 15.0 3.0 0.30 3-4 (0.125-0.180) 0.163 0.177 0.177 kgf 35.0 CEF N 343.0 lbs 77.2 kgf 40.0 CEF N 392.0 lbs 88.2 kgf 55.0 Brass N 539.0 lbs 121.3 kgf 35.0 19.8 - - - - - - 9.0 88.2 19.8 9.0 88.2 23.5 5.3 - - - - - - 6.0 58.8 13.2 3.5 2.4 23.5 5.3 - - - - - - 4.5 44.1 9.9 8.58 3.3 37.2 8.4 2.0 19.6 4.4 2.5 24.5 5.5 9.0 88.2 147.0 29.4 2.94 33.1 2.6 0.66 15.0 3.0 0.30 147.0 29.4 2.94 33.1 2.6 0.66 8.0 1.5 0.50 78.4 14.7 4.90 17.6 1.3 1.10 8.0 1.5 0.50 78.4 14.7 4.90 17.6 1.3 1.10 18.0 4.6 0.35 7.0 68.6 15.4 7.0 68.6 15.4 7.0 68.6 15.4 9.0 88.2 19.8 5.0 49.0 11.0 4.5 44.1 9.9 3.0 29.4 6.6 3.5 34.3 7.7 Plastic Bottom Slider Type Page 58 of 61 DA Aluminum N lbs 245.0 55.1 0.193 DA DA DA 0.185 Aluminum N lbs 343.0 77.2 0.163 kgf 27.0 Plastic N 264.6 lbs 59.5 kgf 40.0 CEF N 392.0 lbs 88.2 19.8 9.0 88.2 19.8 6.0 58.8 13.2 34.3 7.7 2.5 24.5 5.5 - - - 2.7 26.5 6.0 3.5 34.3 7.7 - - - 19.8 4.0 39.2 8.8 3.0 29.4 6.6 2.0 19.6 4.4 176.4 45.1 3.43 39.7 4.0 0.77 15.0 3.0 0.35 147.0 29.4 3.43 33.1 2.6 0.77 12.0 3.0 0.50 117.6 29.4 4.90 26.5 2.6 1.10 8.0 2.0 0.40 78.4 19.6 3.92 17.6 1.7 0.88 9.0 88.2 19.8 8.0 78.4 17.6 8.0 78.4 17.6 8.0 78.4 17.6 8.0 78.4 17.6 6.0 58.8 13.2 5.0 49.0 11.0 7.0 68.6 15.4 5.0 49.0 DA 11.0 GS DA July 2014 DA Zipper Requirements Page 2 of 4 Fastener Class (Chain Width: inch) Zipper Item Chain Width: inch) Chain Crosswise Strength Separating Unit Crosswise Strength Element Pull Off Strength Element Slippage Strength Slider Lock Holding Strength Tab Pull Off (90°) Tab Twist Off Operability (open/close) Top Stop Holding Strength Bottom Stop Holding, Stringer Separation 5-7 (A) (0.180-0.310) 0.197 0.226 0.226 0.226 kgf 60.0 Brass N 588.0 lbs 132.3 kgf 65.0 Brass N 637.0 lbs 143.3 kgf 50.0 Brass N 490.0 lbs 110.3 kgf 50.0 10.0 98.0 22.1 12.0 117.6 26.5 12.0 117.6 26.5 12.0 117.6 7.5 73.5 16.5 9.0 88.2 19.8 6.0 58.8 13.2 6.0 4.5 44.1 9.9 5.0 49.0 11.0 4.5 44.1 9.9 10.0 98.0 22.1 11.0 107.8 24.3 6.0 58.8 20.0 196.0 44.1 25.0 245.0 55.1 18.0 4.6 0.45 45.1 4.41 4.0 0.99 5.0 0.50 49.0 4.90 4.3 1.10 10.0 98.0 22.1 11.0 107.8 9.0 88.2 19.8 11.0 107.8 0.224 Aluminum N lbs 490.0 110.3 0.203 GS Page 59 of 61 GS 0.256 kgf 40.0 Plastic N 392.0 lbs 88.2 kgf 32.0 Plastic N 313.6 lbs 70.6 kgf 55.0 CEF N 539.0 lbs 121.3 kgf 65.0 CEF N 637.0 lbs 143.3 26.5 12.0 117.6 26.5 11.0 107.8 24.3 6.0 78.4 17.6 12.0 117.6 26.5 58.8 13.2 5.0 49.0 11.0 3.5 34.3 7.7 - - - - - - 4.0 39.2 8.8 5.0 49.0 11.0 4.0 39.2 8.8 - - - - - - 13.2 6.0 58.8 13.2 3.5 34.3 7.7 4.0 39.2 8.8 3.0 29.4 6.6 5.0 49.0 11.0 176.4 39.7 18.0 176.4 39.7 18.0 176.4 39.7 15.0 147.0 33.1 18.0 176.4 39.7 25.0 245.0 55.1 5.0 0.50 49.0 4.90 4.3 1.10 5.0 0.40 49.0 3.92 4.3 0.88 5.0 0.70 49.0 6.86 4.3 1.54 4.0 0.70 39.2 6.86 3.5 1.54 4.5 0.50 44.1 4.90 3.9 1.10 5.0 0.70 49.0 6.86 4.3 1.54 24.3 10.0 98.8 22.1 10.0 98.0 22.1 10.0 98.0 22.1 9.0 88.2 19.8 9.0 88.2 19.8 12.0 117.6 26.6 24.3 8.0 78.4 17.6 9.0 88.2 19.8 9.0 88.2 19.8 6.0 58.8 13.2 10.0 98.0 22.1 12.0 117.6 26.6 8.0 78.4 DA 17.6 10.0 98.0 DA 22.1 Plastic Bottom Slider Type 0.203 DA DA DA DA July 2014 Zipper Requirements Page 3 of 4 Fastener Class (Chain Width: inch) Zipper Item Chain Width: inch) Chain Crosswise Strength Separating Unit Crosswise Strength Element Pull Off Strength Element Slippage Strength Slider Lock Holding Strength Tab Pull Off (90°) Tab Twist Off Operability (open/close) Top Stop Holding Strength Bottom Stop Holding, Stringer Separation Plastic Bottom Slider Type Page 60 of 61 5-7 (B) (0.180-0.310) 0.252 0.252 0.283 kgf 65.0 15.0 Brass N 637.0 147.0 lbs 143.3 33.1 kgf 40.0 15.0 Aluminum N 392.0 147.0 lbs 88.2 33.1 kgf 80.0 15.0 CEF N 784.0 147.0 lbs 176.4 33.1 8.0 5.5 6.0 20.0 6.0 0.60 13.0 10.0 78.4 53.9 58.8 196.0 58.8 5.88 127.4 98.0 17.6 12.1 13.2 44.1 5.2 1.32 28.7 22.1 5.0 4.5 6.0 20.0 6.0 0.60 13.0 10.0 49.0 44.1 58.8 196.0 58.8 5.88 127.4 98.0 11.0 9.9 13.2 44.1 5.2 1.32 28.7 22.1 6.0 25.0 7.0 0.70 13.0 14.0 58.8 245.0 68.6 6.86 127.4 137.2 13.2 55.1 6.1 1.54 28.7 30.9 DA DA DA July 2014 Zipper Requirements Page 4 of 4 Fastener Class (Chain Width: inch) 5.7 (B) (0.180 – 0.310) Zipper Item Chain Width: inch) Chain Crosswise Strength Separating Unit Crosswise Strength Element Pull Off Strength Element Slippage Strength Slider Lock Holding Strength Tab Pull Off (90°) Tab Twist Off Operability (open/close) Top Stop Holding Strength Bottom Stop Holding, Stringer Separation Plastic Bottom Slider Type 0.291 8.9 (0.310-0.390) 0.291 0.291 kgf 65.0 Brass N 637.0 lbs 143.3 kgf 40.0 15.0 147.0 33.1 15.0 147.0 8.5 83.3 18.7 5.5 6.0 58.8 13.2 7.0 68.6 25.0 7.0 0.70 0.335 0.335 kgf 50.0 Plastic N 490.0 lbs 110.3 kgf 80.0 Brass N 784.0 lbs 176.4 kgf 50.0 33.1 17.0 166.6 37.5 22.0 215.6 48.5 22.0 215.6 53.9 12.1 8.0 78.4 17.6 11.0 107.8 24.3 7.5 5.5 53.9 12.1 7.0 68.6 15.4 8.5 83.3 18.7 15.4 7.0 68.6 15.4 6.0 58.8 13.2 7.0 68.6 245.0 68.6 6.86 55.1 6.1 1.54 25.0 7.0 0.70 245.0 68.6 6.86 55.1 6.1 1.54 20.0 7.0 0.70 196.0 68.6 6.86 44.1 6.1 1.54 30.0 8.0 0.80 15.0 147.0 33.1 15.0 147.0 33.1 15.0 147.0 33.1 12.0 117.6 26.5 12.0 117.6 26.5 14.0 137.2 30.9 DA Aluminum N lbs 392.0 88.2 10 (0.320-0.500) DA DA Plastic N 588.0 lbs 132.3 kgf 100.0 CEF N 980.0 lbs 220.5 48.5 22.0 215.6 48.5 22.0 215.6 48.5 73.5 16.5 9.0 88.2 19.8 - - - 7.5 73.5 16.5 10.0 98.0 22.1 - - - 15.4 7.0 68.6 15.4 7.0 68.6 15.4 7.0 68.6 15.4 294.0 78.4 7.84 66.2 6.9 1.76 30.0 8.0 0.80 294.0 78.4 7.84 66.2 6.9 1.76 30.0 8.0 0.90 294.0 78.4 8.82 66.2 6.9 1.98 30.0 8.0 0.90 294.0 78.4 8.82 66.2 6.9 1.98 18.0 176.4 39.7 18.0 176.4 39.7 18.0 176.4 39.7 18.0 176.4 39.7 15.0 147.0 33.1 15.0 147.0 33.1 17.0 166.6 37.5 18.0 176.4 39.7 DA ASTM D2061; 14.1 ASTM D2061; 30.3 ASTM D2061; 14.2 ASTM D2061; 14.3 ASTM D2061; 87.1 ASTM D2061; 68.1 ASTM D2061; 52.1 ASTM D2062; 16 ASTM D2061; 22.2 ASTM D2061; 22.5 Note: 1 kgf=9.8N 1 kgf=2.206 lbs 1 cm=0.3937 inch Page 61 of 61 0.425 kgf 60.0 DA Aluminum N lbs 490.0 110.3 Methods: Chain Crosswise Strength Separating Unit Crosswise Strength Element Pull Off Strength Element Slippage Strength Slider Lock Holding Strength Tab Pull Off (90°) Tab Twist Off Operability (open/close) Top Stop Holding Strength Bottom Stop Holding, Stringer Separation 0.346 July 2014 DA DA
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