i London Liverpool Street Station – Zone 1 Onward Travel Information Local Area Map Bus Map PRIM ROSE STRE ET s B2 C3 C3 A3 B1 C2 C3 A3 A3 B2 A3 A2 C2 C3 B3 B2 C2 B2 C1 A1 C1 C1 B2 C2 C2 A1 B3 C1 B3 C2 B2 A3 A1 B1 A2 A1 B3 B1 C3 C2 A2 C1 A3 A3 C1 A3 C3 C3 C2 B3 B1 B3 B1 C3 Alderman’s Walk Aldgate Aldgate High Street Angel Court Appold Street Artillery Lane Artizan Street Austin Friars Austin Friars Square B Barbon Alley Bartholomew Lane Basinghall Avenue Bell Lane Bevis Marks Billiter Street Bishopsgate Bishops Square Blomfield Street Blossom Street Bonhill Street Bowl Court Braithwaite Street Broad Street Avenue Brune Street Brushfield Street Bunhill Row Bury Street C Calvin Street Camomile Street Catherine Wheel Alley Cavendish Close Change Alley Chiswell Street Christopher Street Circus Place City Road Clerk’s Place Clifton Street Clothier Street Cobb Street Coleman Street Commercial Street Copthall Avenue Copthall Close Corbet Place Cornhill Creechurch Lane Creechurch Place Crispin Street Crosby Square Crown Place Cunard Place Curtain Road Cutler Street B2 B2 A2 C3 B1 B1 C1 A2 A1 B1 Devonshire Row Devonshire Square Dominion Street Duke’s Place Dysart Street E Earl Street Elder Street Eldon Street Epworth Street Exchange Place F C1 C1 A3 A2 B2 A2 B1 A2 A1 A1 C1 C1 A2 C2 C2 Fairchild Place Fairchild Street Finch Lane Finsbury Avenue Finsbury Avenue Square Finsbury Circus Finsbury Market Finsbury Pavement Finsbury Square Finsbury Street Fleur De Lis Street Folgate Street Fore Street Avenue Fort Street Frying Pan Alley C3 C3 C3 C1 B2 B3 A3 B3 C1 C2 Goring Street Goulston Street Gravel Lane Great Eastern Street Great Eastern Walk Great St. Helen’s Great Swan Alley Great Winchester Street Grey Eagle Street Gun Street C2 B1 C3 B1 B1 C3 G H Harrow Place Hearn Street Heneage Lane Hewett Street Holywell Row Houndsditch J C1 C3 Jerome Street Jewry Street A3 King’s Arms Yard A2 C1 A2 B3 C2 B3 C3 B2 C2 A2 A3 Lackington Street Lamb Street Langthorn Court Leadenhall Street Leyden Street Lime Street Little Somerset Street Liverpool Street Lolesworth Close London Wall Lothbury A3 C2 C3 C3 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Mansion House Street Middlesex Street Mitre Square Mitre Street Moor Lane Moor Place Moorfields Moorgate Moorgate Place B2 C3 B2 A2 C1 A2 B2 C2 B3 B1 B1 B3 B1 A3 A3 B1 A3 C2 C1 A2 A3 M N New Broad Street New Goulston Street New Street New Union Street Norton Folgate Nun Court O C3 B3 C3 B3 C2 B1 C1 B1 A2 C1 C1 C2 B2 C3 C2 B3 B1 B2 St. Botolph Street St. Helen’s Place St. James’s Passage St. Mary Axe Sandy’s Row Scrutton Street Shoreditch High Street Snowden Street South Place Spital Square Spital Yard Steward Street Stone House Court Stoney Lane Strype Street Sun Court Sun Street Sun Street Passage A3 C2 A3 A3 A3 A3 C2 Telegraph Street Tenter Ground Threadneedle Street Throgmorton Avenue Throgmorton Street Tokenhouse Yard Toynbee Street B3 Undershaft Old Broad Street Old Castle Street Outwich Street B1 C3 P C2 A3 C1 C1 A2 A2 C3 B3 C2 C2 C2 A2 B2 B1 Paul Street Pindar Street Pinner’s Passage Plough Yard Pope’s Head Alley Poultry Primrose Street Prince’s Street Puma Court Q Quaker Street R Ropemaker Street Royal Exchange Buildings K A3 A3 C2 C3 C2 C2 B2 B1 B3 C2 A2 C1 A3 B2 B2 B3 B3 C1 B3 C3 S T C3 A2 A2 B1 A3 A2 C1 C2 C2 C2 A3 B3 C3 B2 B3 U V Vandy Street Vine Street W Wentworth Street Whalbone Court Wheeler Lane Wheler Street Whitecross Place White Horse Yard White Kennett Street White Lion Court White’s Row Widegate Street Wilkes Street Wilson Street Wormwood Street Worship Street B3 C3 A3 A2 A3 B3 C2 C3 Landmark finder A3 B3 B2 A3 A1 1 Poultry 30 St. Mary Axe All Hallows London Wall Apex London Wall Hotel Armoury House C1 C1 A3 B3 A1 C3 A1 C3 Bank of England Bank of England Museum BBC Community Centre Bevis Marks Synagogue Bishopsgate Institute Bishopsgate Library Broadgate Ice Rink Broadgate Tower, The Camomile Street Library Christ Church Spitalfields City Point Construction Art Gallery Dutch Church Exchange Arcade Heron Tower Leadenhall Building, The Leadenhall Market Light, The Lloyd’s of London London Metropolitan University (Goulston Street) London Metropolitan University (Jewry Street) London Metropolitan University (Moorgate) London Wall Buildings Lyceum Independent School Mansion House Marks & Spencer Museum Association, The Old Spitalfields Market Petticoat Lane Market Raven Row Royal Exchange St. Andrew Undershaft Church St. Botolph without Aldgate St. Botolph without Bishopsgate St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconcilation and Peace St. Helen Bishopsgate St. Katharine Cree Church St. Margaret Lothbury St. Mary Moorfields St. Michael Cornhill St. Peter upon Cornhill Sandy’s Row Synagogue Sir John Cass’s Foundation Primary School Smudge Gallery Spitalfields Children’s Centre Threadneedles Tower 42 Travelodge (City Road) Travelodge (White Kennett Street) Wilson Street Chapel Women’s Library, The Bus route 8 11 23 26 35 42 47 48 78 100 133 135 149 205 242 344 388 Bus stops FHW JLY CR CR FHW JLY JKY FHW EH JL JKY FHW JKY FHW JL FH NQ PU AR JL FH EHW JKY JL FH EHW JLY EHW JKY JLY FHW Night buses Bus stops G Destination finder Destination A Bus routes 11, 23 26 ++ C R J+ + L+ Y nationalrail.co.uk D 26, 388 Haggerston o 149, 242 Holborn — O 8, 242 Holborn Viaduct for City Thameslink R 8, 242 Homerton Hospital 242 Hoxton o 26, 48 8, 26, 242, 388 Battersea 344 Bellingham Catford Bus Garage 47 Bethnal Green — O 8, 388 Bethnal Green Road 8, 388 Blackfriars — O RB 100 388 Bow Church D n 8 205 Bow Road — O Brixton — OR 205 35 133 C Camberwell Green 35 ++ J K+ Y J+ + L J+ + L C+ + R J+ + K+ Y J+ + L F+ + H+ W F+ + H 42 Canary Wharf — n OD 135 Chelsea Old Town Hall 11 Clapham Junction o R 35, 344 Crossharbour ASDA 135 Curtain Road 35, 47 78 D Denmark Hill Sunray Avenue 42 Deptford Bridge D n 47 E Edmonton Green R Bus Station 149 Elephant & Castle — OR 35, 344 ++ J L J+ + K+ Y ++ E H+ W J+ + K+ Y N+ + Q A+ + R F+ + H 100 Fulham Broadway — O G Great Eastern Street Hackney Central o 205 11 C+ + R 135, 205 48 Hackney Downs R F+ + H ++ F H+ W E+ + H+ W F+ + H+ W E+ + H+ W 48 242 I Islington Angel — O ++ E H+ W F+ + H+ W 205 F+ + H King’s Cross — OR 205 Kingsland Road 149, 242 ++ F H E+ + H+ W K L Lewisham R D n 47 Leyton Baker’s Arms 48 Limehouse R D n 135 London Bridge — O RB for Guy’s Hospital 35, 47, 48, 149 Ludgate Circus 11, 23 133 26 100 M Mansell Street for Tower Hill — O, Tower Gateway D n 42, 78 100 and Tower Millennium Pier B Mansion House — O Marble Arch — O Marylebone — OR 388 78 J+ + L 8 205 Mile End Park 205 Monument — O 35, 47, 48, 149 133 Nunhead R O Old Ford Parnell Road Old Street — OR 135 205 Oxford Circus — O P Paddington — OR 23 23 205 Peckham Town Centre ++ J L P+ + U 135 23 205 N ++ J K+ Y F+ + H+ W J+ + L J+ + K+ Y A+ + R C+ + R J+ + L+ Y N+ + Q ++ J L+ Y C+ + R F+ + H J+ + L J+ + L J+ + K+ Y A+ + R J+ + L Mile End — O Mudchute D n D D © Transport for London Information correct from 10 May 2014 Hackney Wick Eastway ++ F H J+ + L+ Y C+ + R A+ + R J+ + K+ Y J+ + K+ Y F+ + H+ W F+ + H+ W N+ + Q J+ + L+ Y F+ + H+ W J+ + L J+ + L J+ + K+ Y A+ + R D ++ F H+ W F+ + H+ W E+ + H+ W J+ + L+ Y J+ + L+ Y 78 Destination Piccadilly Circus — O S St Pancras International R St Paul’s — O Bus routes Bus stops 23 C+ + R 205 ++ F H J+ + L+ Y N+ + Q C+ + R J+ + L+ Y N+ + Q E+ + H+ W P+ + U 8, 242 100 St Paul’s Cathedral 11, 23 26 100 Seven Sisters — OR 149 Shadwell o D n and St George’s Town Hall 100 Shoreditch Church 26, 48 149, 242 Shoreditch High Street o 8, 26, 35, 47, 48, 388 78, 135, 205 149, 242 Shoreditch Town Hall 35, 47 Southwark — O 100 Southwark Bridge Road Bankside Pier B 344 Strand Royal Courts of Justice 11, 23 26 Stratford City Bus Station — OoRD n 388 Streatham R and St Leonard’s Church 133 Surrey Quays o 47 T Tottenham Town Hall Tottenham Court Road — O 149 8, 242 Tower Bridge Road 42, 78 Trafalgar Square for Charing Cross — OR 11, 23 V ++ F H+ W E+ + H+ W F+ + H+ W ++ F H E+ + H+ W F+ + H+ W N+ + Q J+ + K+ Y ++ C R J+ + L+ Y F+ + H+ W ++ A R J+ + K ++ E H+ W J+ + L+ Y J+ + L C+ + R Victoria — OR 11 Victoria Coach Station 11 ++ C R C+ + R Walthamstow Central — OR Bus Station 48 F+ + H+ W ++ F H+ W F+ + H N+ + Q C+ + R Wapping o 100 11 ++ P U J+ + L+ Y C+ + R J+ + L C+ + R ++ C R F+ + H J+ + L Whitechapel — Oo for Royal London Hospital 205 J+ + L Whitehall Horse Guards Parade 11 C+ + R W Waterloo — O RB 26 Westbourne Park — O 23 Westferry D n 135 Westminster — OB Parliament Square LIVERPOOL STREET DR (CTY) TFL28245.05.14 (P) National Rail Enquiries Online D LIVERPOOL STREET DR TfL 28267.05.14 www 26, 48 242 Aldwych for Covent Garden D Hackney Road H Bus stops ++ E H E H+ + W F Towards Stansted Airport 42 Euston — OoR Coaches Appold Street 133 For night bus information, please see separate poster. Bus stops 133 Towards Bow Church Tottenham Court Road Fulham Broadway Westbourne Park Hackney Wick Waterloo Clapham Junction Shoreditch Appold Street Denmark Hill Bellingham Shoreditch London Bridge Walthamstow Nunhead Shoreditch Elephant & Castle Shadwell Streatham Crossharbour Old Street Edmonton Green London Bridge Bow Church Paddington Homerton Hospital Tottenham Court Road Appold Street Clapham Junction Blackfriars Stratford City Bus Station Bus routes Bank — OD n Day buses including 24-hour services D Destination Baker Street — O for Madame Tussaud’s 205 Route finder Bus stops 11, 23 L Bus routes B Street finder Destination 344 © Copyright Transport for London 2014 s — O Connections with London Underground o Connections with London Overground R Connections with National Rail D Connections with Docklands Light Railway B Connections with river boats Key D s ST RE ET HO UN STREE T s DS DI TC H s D s NE W BIS CHU HO PSGA RCH YARDTE WORMW OOD S T. CAM OM ILE ST s TE T D OL D ET RE EE DON W ALL GRE WIN AT CH STR ESTER EET ST R L ON NEW B STRE ROAD ET MIDD LESEX ST. AD US RPO OL S TRE ET TH E AR CA D E D LI V E BL OM FIE LD RYC SBU IRC GA ET PS RE HO ST FIN ON B IS E LD ©P1ndar BUS STA TIO N A © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100035971/015 BR O D Transport for London NRE App Free National Rail Enquiries app for iOS and Android Social facebook.com/nationalrailenq @nationalrailenq Contact Centre TraintrackerTM Text 08457 48 49 50 or 8 49 50* 8 49 50 All calls are charged at local rate and may be recorded. * Our short code number, designed to be easier to read and remember. Text station name to the above number for live departure and arrival times direct to your mobile. TrainTrackerTM texts cost 25p for each succesful response (plus usual text costs). www Online www.tfl.gov.uk 24 hour Travel Information 0843 222 1234 You pay no more than 5p per minute if calling from a BT landline. There may be a connection charge. Charges from mobiles or other landline providers may vary. Scan this code with your mobile to take this poster with you. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is correct at time of print. We can not be held liable for any errors or omissions that may have occurred. For any feedback, please e-mail [email protected].
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