PHYC - 505: Statistical Mechanics Homework Assignment 2 Solutions Due February 11, 2014 1. Work out fully an expression for the Debye specific heat for a 1-dimensional solid at temperature T . Show all your steps so it will be clear you have understood the Debye derivation. Show what limits the expression you get has at high and low temperatures. What does high and low mean here precisely? In the Debye model, the atoms in the lattice are interacting with each other. These interactions cause the existence of quantized lattice vibrations, known as phonons. Let us consider a simple model for these interactions. Suppose we have a 1-d ring of N particles, each of mass, m, and coupled to its nearest neighbors with spring forces as in the figure below. The equation of motion of the nth particle is m¨ xn = −k (xn − xn+1 + xn − xn−1 ) x ¨n = −ω02 (2xn − xn+1 − xn−1 ) where ω0 is the natural frequency of the coupling. Here it is necessary to change the space from one in which the particles are interacting (n-space) to one in which they are not (q-space). The equations of motion can be decoupled by performing a discrete Fourier transform defined as X xq ≡ eiqn xn n 1 of 8 Applying this transform we have X iqn 2 e x ¨n = −ω0 (2xn − xn+1 − xn−1 ) n ! q x ¨ = −ω 2 −iq q 2x − e X e iq(n+1) iq xn+1 − e n X = −ω 2 2xq − e−iq X eiqα xα − eiq α = −ω xn−1 n 2 e iq(n−1) −iq q q 2x − e X eiqβ xβ β iq q x −e x 2 q = −ω x (2 − 2 cos(q)) q = −4ω 2 xq sin 2 = −ωq2 xq where q ωq = 2ω0 sin 2 This q-space equation of motion takes on the form of a simple harmonic oscillator with frequency ωq . This is the q th normal mode. Notice that, for a ring of N spring-connected masses, the periodic boundary conditions are such that eiqn = eiq(n+N ) From this it is seen that the allowed values of q can be calculated as eiqn = eiqn eiqN 1 = eiqN 2π q= ν N where ν takes on integer values between 0 and N − 1, inclusively, and so q takes on the values from 0 to 2π. Thus we have converted N coupled oscillators in n-space into N decoupled oscillators in q-space. The price we pay is that each oscillator oscillates at a different frequency. The partition function for a single mode with frequency ωq is calculated (using the fact that the energy of a quantum harmonic oscillator, with frequency ωq , is En = n + 21 ~ωq as follows Z= ∞ X e−β~ωq (n+ 2 ) 1 n=0 = e−β~ωq /2 ∞ X e−β~ωq n n=0 −β~ωq /2 = e 1 − e−β~ωq and the average energy for this single mode can be found as ∂ ln Z ∂β ∂ ~ωq =− −β − ln 1 − e−β~ωq ∂β 2 hEi = − ~ωq ~ωq e−β~ωq + 2 1 − e−β~ωq ~ωq ~ωq = + β~ωq 2 e −1 = 2 of 8 ~ω (Note that, without the ground state energy, 2 q , there is a resemblance to Bose-Einstein statistics.) The average energy for the entire 1-d solid would then be found by summing over all the modes in q-space as X ~ωq ~ωq + β~ωq hEi = 2 e −1 q modes Ignoring the ground state energy we have X hEi = q modes ~ωq −1 eβ~ωq If we approximate N >> 1, we can convert this sum over the q-modes into an integral with respect to q as follows: first we multiply by 1, that is, ∆ν = 1, since ν is an integer between 0 and N − 1. X ~ωq hEi = ∆ν eβ~ωq − 1 q modes X ~ωq N = ∆ q eβ~ωq − 1 2π q modes = N 2π N ≈ 2π X q modes 2π Z 0 ~ωq ∆q eβ~ωq − 1 ~ωq dq −1 eβ~ωq Next we notice that for small q, q ωq = 2ω0 sin → ω0 q 2 We will therefore approximate the dispersion relation to be ωq ≈ ω0 q and can be rewritten in terms of cs is the speed of sound in the medium and a is the interatomic spacing as cs ωq = q a Note: This is a good approximation for small q (acoustic phonons), but rather bad for large q. This yields a differential dωq = ω0 dq Combining these two approximations, we have that the average energy can be rewritten as Z N 2πω0 dωq ~ωq hEi ≈ β~ω q 2π 0 e − 1 ω0 Z ωmax N ~ωq = dωq 2πω0 0 eβ~ωq − 1 This is typically rewritten by introducing the Debye temperature, TD , defined by the relation kB TD = ~ωmax = 2πω0 Changing the integration variables above to dimensionless ones, x = β~ωq , we have Z ωmax N ~ωq hEi = dωq 2πω0 0 eβ~ωq − 1 Z β~ωmax N 1 β~ωq d (β~ωq ) = 2πω0 0 β eβ~ωq − 1 β~ Z TD /T N 1 x = dx 2 x 2πω0 β ~ 0 e −1 Z N kB T 2 TD /T x = dx TD ex − 1 0 3 of 8 Unfortunately, this integral cannot be evaluated in terms of elementary functions (although an expression exists in terms of special functions), but we can look at some limiting cases. When the temperature is much greater than the Debye temperature x in the integrand is always small so we can make the approximation ex ≈ 1 + x so we have that the average energy for T >> 2π~ω0 kB N kB T 2 hEi = TD Z 2 Z ≈ N kB T TD N kB T 2 = TD is TD /T ex 0 TD /T x dx 1+x−1 TD /T x dx x 0 Z 0 x dx −1 Z N kB T 2 TD /T dx = TD 0 N kB T 2 TD = TD T = N kB T and the heat capacity at constant volume of this limit is then found by taking the temperature derivative of the average energy as dhEi CV = = Nk dT in the high temperature limit. On the other hand, in the limit that the temperature is much smaller than the Debye temperature, 0 that is, T << 2π~ω kB , the upper limit can be replaced by infinity without much loss of accuracy due to the fact that the integrand goes like ex for large x. When the integral is extended to infinity, it can be calculated analytically in terms of the Riemann zeta and gamma functions as Z N kB T 2 TD /T x dx TD ex − 1 0 N kB T 2 ≈ ζ(2)Γ(2) TD π 2 N kB T 2 = 6 TD hEi = and the heat capacity at constant volume becomes CV = π2 T N kB 3 TD Notice that this is proportional to T since we are in one dimension instead of T 3 as in the three dimensional case. 4 of 8 2. Calculate the energy density of states for a 2-dimensional system that is otherwise similar to a free electron of mass m confined to a square of side L but is different in that the energy momentum relationship is E = Gp3 rather than E ∼ p2 , G being a constant of appropriate dimensions. Calculate the (temperature dependence of the) specific heat of a collection of N such noninteracting electrons in thermal equilibrium at temperature T . Consider the Hamiltonian H = Gp3 In the semi-classical limit, the partition function for one particle in such a system, accounting for the spin, can be calculated as follows Z Z 2 2 Z1 = 2 d x d2 pe−βE h Z L Z L Z 3 2 = 2 dx dy d2 pe−βGp h 0 0 Z 3 2L2 d2 pe−βGp = 2 h Now considering a circle of radius p, the above integral becomes Z 3 2L2 ∞ Z1 = 2 2πpdpe−βGp h 0 Z 3 4πL2 ∞ pdpe−βGp = h2 0 see Now using the substitution that 3 E = Gp → p= E G 1/3 dE = 3Gp2 dp = 3G1/3 E 2/3 dp we have that Z1 = 4πL2 h2 Z ∞ pdpe−βGp 3 0 ∞ 1/3 4πL 1 E = dEe−βE h2 0 G 3G1/3 E 2/3 Z ∞ 4πL2 = 2 2/3 e−βE E −1/3 dE 3h G 0 2 Z Here we see that this takes on the form Z Z= ∞ g(E)e−βE dE 0 5 of 8 where g(E) is the energy density of states, and so we have that the density of states is g(E) = 4πL2 E −1/3 3h2 G2/3 Now, in order to calculate the heat capacity, we find the average energy of the system, by first finding the partition function of the system as follows Z= = = = = Z1N N! N Z ∞ 1 4πL2 −βE −1/3 e E dE N ! 3h2 G2/3 0 N Z 1 4πL2 −2/3 ∞ −βE −1/3 e (βE) d(βE) β N ! 3h2 G2/3 0 N Z 1 4πL2 −2/3 ∞ −x −1/3 e x dx β N ! 3h2 G2/3 0 N 2 1 4πL 2 −2/3 β Γ N ! 3h2 G2/3 3 The average energy is then found as hEi = − ∂ 1 ∂Z ln Z = − ∂β Z ∂β N! 1 =− N N ! 4πL2 2 β −2/3 Γ 3 3h2 G2/3 2 = N β −1 3 2 = N kB T 3 4πL2 Γ 3h2 G2/3 and the heat capacity at constant volume is CV = 6 of 8 2 N kB 3 N 2 2N −2N/3−1 β − 3 3 3. Starting from the expression −kB T ln Z for the free energy, derive an INTERESTING expression for the entropy from what you know about the relation between the entropy, energy and free energy. The emphasis is on the word INTERESTING so be creative. Knowing that the free energy is given by the relation F = −kB T ln Z and that the entropy is given by the relation S=− ∂F ∂T N,V we have that the entropy can be written as ∂ (−kB T ln Z)N,V ∂T kB T ∂Z = kB ln Z + Z ∂T kB T ∂Z ∂β = kB ln Z + Z ∂β ∂T kB T 1 ∂Z = kB ln Z − kB T 2 Z ∂β ∂ = kB ln Z − kB β ln Z ∂β = kB (ln Z + βhEi) S=− Now we know that the probability that the system occupies a certain microstate s, is defined in terms of the partition function, Z, as 1 Ps = e−βEs Z The average energy of the system, hEi, is defined in terms of, Ps as X hEi = Es Ps s We also know that the sum over all the probabilities is equal to unity, that is, X Ps = 1 s Now taking our result for the entropy and maneuvering things a bit we have that S = kB (ln Z + βhEi) ! X 1 −βEs = kB ln e +β Es Ps Ps s ! X = kB −βEs − ln Ps + β Es Ps s ! = kB (−βEs − ln Ps ) X Ps + β s X Es Ps s ! = kB − X Ps ln Ps − β s = −kB X X s Ps ln Ps s 7 of 8 Ps E s + β X s Es Ps This is an interesting expression for entropy in that it can be reduced to the well-known expression written on Boltzmann’s gravestone Z = kB ln Ω for the micro-canonical ensemble. This is done through the relation that Ps = 1 Ω where Ω is the number of ways of forming the observed system, or the number of states having energy hEi. This is also known as the multiplicity. We have then, using the above properties in combination with our definition, that X S = −kB Ps ln Ps s = −kB (1) ln 1 Ω = kB ln Ω The combination Ps ln Ps is very interesting and you will encounter it in class when the H-theorem is discussed starting from the Boltzmann equation. 8 of 8
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