Registration Information Organisers 21st February 2014 Participation Fee: 150 Euro (accommodations included), 90 Euro (without accomodation) For a possible reduction of the participation fee, please contact us. • borderline europe - human rights without borders, Germany Baltic Sea Network - Conference on Migration Issues 2014 Coordination: Mrs. Andrea Dallek Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein Oldenburger Str. 25 24143 Kiel Germany Tel. +49 (0)431 735000 Fax +49 (0)431 736077 [email protected] Skype: bsn-migration Name Baltic Sea Network - Conference on Migration Issues 2014 Coordination: Mrs. Andrea Dallek Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein Oldenburger Str. 25 24143 Kiel Germany Tel. +49 (0)431 735000 Fax +49 (0)431 736077 [email protected] Skype: bsn-migration • Churches‘ Commission for Migrants in Europe, Belgium • Commissioner for Refugees and Migrants of SchleswigHolstein, Germany • contra - Foundation against the trafficking of women in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany • Diakonie, social welfare organisation of Germany’s Protestant churches • Ecumenical Network of Church Grassroots Organisations Initiative Kirche von unten (IKvu) • German Ecumenical Committee on Church Asylum • Heinrich Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein, Germany • KOK - German NGO network against trafficking of women and violence against migrant women Institution • National Working Group PRO ASYL, Germany • PICUM, Platform for international cooperation on undocumented migrants, Belgium Baltic Sea Conference on Migration Issues • Protestant Church of Northern Germany Address • Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein, Germany • Refugee Council Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany • Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany 6th-9th March 2014 Hotel Steigenberger Conti-Hansa Schloßgarten 7, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Telephone Fax E-Mail Funded by inter alia KED - Church Development Service of the Evangelical Luthern Church of Northern Germany and UNO Flüchtlingshilfe, EKD - Evangelical Church of Germany , PRO ASYL, St. Nikolai Church Kiel, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Schleswig-Holstein Programme Lectures: Saturday, 8 March, 2014 EU law as the basis for the situation of refugees and Thursday, 6 March, 2014 8 am: Breakfast migrants around the Baltic Sea 8.45 am: Devotion (optional) 3 pm: Arrival and registration • Karl Kopp, PRO ASYL Lectures: Access to Europe – the right to leave a country 9 am: Self-organization of refugees and their protests 7 pm: Dinner • Nils Raimond Muiznieks – Commissioner for Human Rights, • Spokesman of „Lampedusa in Hamburg”-group, Hamburg, 8 pm: Practical exercises for persons with posttraumatic 4 pm: Introduction of participants 5 pm: City tour / „Antimilitaristic City Walk“ 6 pm: Church service (optional) 7 pm: Dinner with music and international buffet Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (inquired) Germany (inquired) 3 pm - 5 pm: Continuation of workshops 6 pm: Short presentation of main results and demands arisen in the workshop stress disorder - relaxing without regression The Situation in Estonia 2013 9.30 am: Refugee defence: within the “Dublin regulation” (optional, max. 18 participants) Friday, 7 March, 2014 • Juhan Saharov, Johannes Mihkelson Centre, Estonia The role of the federal police in Germany • Franziska Nürnberger, Berlin, Germany From 8 am: Registration Introduction to workshops • Marei Pelzer, PRO ASYL Concluding results of workshops: “wall newspapers” 8 am: Breakfast (workshop design: problems encountered and portrayal of situa- The „Dublin regulation“ exemplified by Germany and Poland Afterwards: Cultural events in Kiel 8.45 am: Devotion (optional) tion at the Baltic rim, possible measures to be taken and specific • Harald Glöde, borderline Europe Germany and Aleksandra 9 am: Plenary session: plans for future cooperation) Welcoming speeches: Chrzanowska, Association for Legal Intervention Poland Sunday, 9 March, 2014 8 am: Breakfast 1 - 2 pm: Lunch break 11 am: Workshop cycle 2 2 pm: Workshop cycle 1 “Dublin III regulation” & specific ways of supporting refugees Refugees, Protestant Church of Northern Germany and Unaccompanied minor refugees / separated children • Martin Link, Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 9:30 am: Plenary session: Andrea Dallek, Coordination Baltic Sea Network on • Ole Vent, lifeline - Association for Unaccompanied Minor Refu- • George Joseph, Caritas Sweden Perspective EU-election - Panel discussion: Prospects of Aim and purpose of the conference • Fanny Dethloff, Commissioner for Human Rights and Migration Issues – Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein gees, Kiel Germany • Thomas Berthold, Federal Association for Unaccompanied Greetings • Anke Spoorendonk, Minister of Justice, Culture Issues and European Affairs Schleswig-Holstein • Stefan Schmidt, Commissioner for Refugees and Migrants of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany • Gerhard Ulrich, Bishop of the Protestant Church of Northern Germany (Nordkirche) Lectures: Experiences with networking in the international solidarity Minor Refugees, B-UmF, Berlin, Germany • Pia Lindfors, Refugee Council Finland (inquired) Religious persecution and conversion in the asylum procedure • Fanny Dethloff, Commissioner for Human Rights and Refugees of the Northchurch, Hamburg, Germany • Jouni Lehikoinen, Pastor in Mikaelin seurakunta, Turku, Finland Undocumented migrants • Eve Geddie, PICUM, Brussels, Belgium • Thomas Schroeter, medibüro, Kiel, Germany with refugees - from Europe to the front-line states Labour-related migration Experiences from a grassroots organisation • Jochen Empen, DGB Project Fair Mobility, Hamburg, Germany • Marion Bayer, no one is illegal, Hanau, Germany Practical solidarity in churches / sanctuary movement Experiences from a European faith-based organisation • Bernhard Fricke, German Ecumenical Committee on Church • Doris Peschke, Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe, Brussels, Belgium 11 am: Coffee break Asylum, Berlin, Germany 6 pm: Dinner approx. 8 pm: Evening programme Presentation of local and participating groups and organisations. Deportation & deportation prison / detention center • Svetlana Djackova, Latvian Center for Human Rights (inquired) • Uli Sextro, Diakonia Hessen, Germany Human Trafficking / Trafficking of women • NGO Shelter „Save House“, Riga, Latvia (inquired) • Jozefa Paulsen, contra - Foundation against the trafficking of women in Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany • Sarah Schwarze, German NGO network and coordination office against trafficking of human beings (KOK) e.V., Berlin, Germany Traumatized migrants / refugees • Doro Bruch, Network for particularty vulnerable refugees with special need for protection Berlin, Germany • Maria Ksiazak, International Humanitarian Initiative Foundation (IHIF), Poland 1 pm - 2 pm: Lunch 9 am: Devotion (optional) practical implementation of workshop results in Europe Afterwards: Arrangement of possible future commitment of participants 1 pm - 2 pm: Lunch Departure Technical information: Language: English
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