Contents Speakers and chairs This Annual Forum on Combating Corruption in the EU will debate how best to ensure effective detection, investigation and prosecution of corruption, with special regard to new prevention and investigation techniques. The tackling of corruption, especially in an international context, suffers from a lack of effective investigation techniques and means of enforcement, resulting in inadequate compliance. International regulation is slowly recognising these deficits and is attempting to address them through new initiatives, notably the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Within the European Union several initiatives have been taken. In 2011 the European Commission adopted the socalled ‘anti-corruption package’, a set of measures to address more vigorously the serious harm generated by corruption at economic, social and political levels. One year later, in March 2012, the new proposal for a Directive on freezing and confiscation was published and in 2013 OLAF published a Study aimed at collecting information and developing methodologies to assist both the Commission and Member States' authorities with the implementation of the new EU anti-corruption policies. Laviero Buono, Head of Section, European Criminal Law, ERA, Trier Key topics Lothar Kuhl, Head of Unit D.1, Policy Development, OLAF, European Commission, Brussels • • • • • European and international legal framework for combating corruption and protecting the EU’s financial interests National experiences and new techniques in prosecuting offences affecting the EU's financial interests and key challenges for prosecutions Assisting Member States' authorities with the implementation of the new EU anti-corruption policies Developing a comprehensive methodology to measure the real costs of corruption in selected sectors of the economy New investigation techniques in criminalising active and passive corruption carried out in the course of business activities Who should attend? Judges, prosecutors, ministry officials, lawyers in private practice, police officers and policymakers. For further information Liviu Chirita, Head of Fraud Prevention at UniCredit Tiriac Bank S.A.; Chairman of the Antifraud Committee of the Romanian Banking Association, Bucharest David J Dickson, Solicitor Advocate, Crown Office, EJN Contact Point, Edinburgh Wolfgang Heusel, Director, ERA, Trier Michael Hopmeier, Judge, Kingston Crown Court, London Rudy Hoskens, Partner, PwC Risk & Compliance, Brussels Anca Jurma, Chief Prosecutor, Service for International Cooperation, National Anticorruption Directorate, Bucharest Giovanni Kessler, Director General, OLAF, European Commission, Brussels Marco Loretti, Investigations Team Leader, Fraud Investigations Division, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg Alexandra Maruna, Public Prosecutor, Vienna Pedro Pereira, Senior Asset Recovery Specialist, Basel Institute on Governance, Basel Reinhard Priebe, Director, Internal Security, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels Wolfgang Rau, Executive Secretary, Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), Council of Europe, Strasbourg Paweł Rutkowski, Expert Coordinator for International Cooperation, Cabinet of the Head, Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA), Warsaw (invited) Filippo Spiezia, Deputy National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor, Rome ANNUAL FORUM ON COMBATING CORRUPTION IN THE EU 2014 NEW PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION TECHNIQUES Trier, 27-28 February 2014 ERA Conference Centre Metzer Allee 4, Trier, Germany Organiser: Laviero Buono, ERA This event has been co-financed by the European Commission (OLAF) under the Hercule II Programme Languages: English, French and German (simultaneous interpretation) Event number: 314DT77 Ute Beissel (E-mail: [email protected]) Tel. +49 (0)651 937 37 320 / Fax. +49 (0)651 937 37 773 Online registration: Education and Culture DG Lifelong Learning Programme ERA is funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein. Thursday, 27 February 2014 08:30 Arrival and registration of participants INVESTIGATING, PROSECUTING AND ADJUDICATING CORRUPTION CASES: EXPERIENCES IN MEMBER STATES (INCLUDING PROBLEMS OF MUTUAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE) 09:00 Welcome and introduction Chair: Lothar Kuhl I. III. Wolfgang Heusel INTRODUCTORY SESSION 14:00 Chair: Wolfgang Heusel 09:15 EU policy against corruption and fraud in the context of the protection of EU funds: role and powers of OLAF 15:15 Giovanni Kessler 10:00 Discussion 10:30 Break II. EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES: MAJOR CHALLENGES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION 2011-2014: the Commission’s efforts to forge a comprehensive anti-corruption policy at EU level Discussion 16:30 Break The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO): recent work and cooperation with the European Union The United Nations Convention against corruption and other recent international initiatives Pedro Pereira 12:30 Discussion 13:00 Lunch 09:00 Preventing corruption in the private sector: a banker’s perspective Liviu Chirita 09:30 Case and investigation strategies: establishing a proactive and effective approach Pedro Pereira 10:00 Corruption and business activities: a view from the European Investment Bank Marco Loretti IV. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS AGAINST CORRUPTION: HOW TO IMPROVE IMPLEMENTATION IN MEMBER STATES Chair: Reinhard Priebe 17:00 Presentation and main results of the 2013 Commission Study: providing tools which might feed into the general anti-corruption review mechanism 10:30 Discussion 11:00 Break VI. 17:30 Improving cooperation between the national competent authorities and the European Union: sharing of information as key feature Paweł Rutkowski 18:00 Discussion and end of the first day 20:00 Dinner SPECIFIC CHALLENGES IN INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION Chair: Lothar Kuhl 11:30 Specific aspects of corruption against and committed by elected persons: a comparative analysis • David Dickson • Alexandra Maruna 12:30 Organised crime and corruption in the Italian experience: investigative approaches of the Italian DNA Rudy Hoskens Wolfgang Rau 12:00 NEW INVESTIGATION TECHNIQUES IN PREVENTING ACTIVE AND PASSIVE CORRUPTION CARRIED OUT IN THE COURSE OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Chair: Anca Jurma National experiences in dealing with corruption cases: the perspective of judges 16:00 Reinhard Priebe 11:30 V. Michael Hopmeier Chair: Laviero Buono 11:00 Working with new investigation tools in prosecuting corruption cases: a view from the coalface • Anca Jurma • Alexandra Maruna Friday, 28 February 2014 Filippo Spiezia 13:00 Summing-up and final considerations 13:15 End of conference and lunch Lothar Kuhl
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