Comparison of Mode-Matching and Two-Port Formulations for Acoustic Impedance Eduction of Liners Under Grazing Flow Augusto Amador Medeiros Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil Zargos Masson Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil Pablo Giordani Serrano Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil Danillo Cafaldo dos Reis EMBRAER S.A., São José dos Campos, Brazil Julio Apolinário Cordioli Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil Abstract Measuring acoustic impedance of liners used in aircraft engines has become a point of interest in the last decades, especially in the presence of grazing flow, similar to what occurs under their operational conditions. Different indirect methodologies have been developed by independent research groups to assess this problem, such as the Mode-Matching technique and the Two-Port method. In this paper, these two indirect techniques are implemented and then validated by means of numerical simulations using the Finite Element Method in both no-flow and grazing flow conditions of up to 0.3 Mach numbers. The two methods are then compared based on their accuracy, computational cost, required inputs and limitations. Finally, both methods are evaluated with test data measured in a new grazing flow impedance eduction test rig designed and built by the authors. 1. Introduction The rapid growth of the aircraft transportation sector in the last decades, coupled with the urbanization of airports’ surrounding areas in most cities, has led to stricter regulations regarding noise levels radiated by aircraft, specially during take-off and approach conditions. As a consequence, aircraft manufactures have focused their attention in identifying and reducing the main noise sources of aircrafts, specially at take-off and landing [1]. One of the main sources of noise in an aircraft is its engine, which holds specially true during previously cited conditions. Because of that, noise treatment of aircraft engines has become a point of interest for manufactures. Since engine noise is generally dominated by tonal components, associated with blade-passage frequencies, one efficient way of noise (c) European Acoustics Association treatment for this application are tunable narrow frequency acoustic treatments known as liners. Their typical form is a layer of honeycomb material, on top of a rigid plate, and below a perforated plate. That configuration can be seen as a single-degree of freedom system, providing good attenuation in a narrow frequency band, which can be tuned to be around a specific blade-passage frequency [2]. A very important property of an acoustic liner is the acoustic impedance, specially under grazing flows, similar to what is seen under operational conditions. The determination of impedance under grazing flow is a non-trivial task, and efforts have been carried out by multiple research groups around the world in the last decades to develop a methodology, resulting in many indirect techniques [3, 4, 5]. The so-called "impedance eduction techniques" usually consist in measuring the acoustic field in a duct where a sample of liner material is subject to a grazing flow. An analytical or numerical model is used to calculate the acoustic field for a given impedance value and the results are compared to the measured l FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow z data. The impedance is then varied until the calculated acoustic field matches the measured data. z b y b The mainx differences between the multiple techz niques available are the way the acoustic field in the presence of the liner material is calculated, and the optimization process adopted. h y x In this paper, two different impedance eduction methods were implemented, validated using numerical simulation results in both no-flow and grazing flow conditions of up to 0.3 Mach numbers, and compared based on accuracy, computational cost, required inputs and limitations. The first technique, hereafter called Two-Port Method (TPM) [6, 7] uses a formulation based on twoport matrices to describe a lined section of a duct. An analytic transfer matrix is used in a cost function for an optimization problem from which the longitudinal wavenumbers in the lined duct are found. These wavenumbers are then used to directly calculate the unknown impedance. The second technique, hereafter called the ModeMatching Method (MMM) [8, 9] uses the modematching approach to calculate the amplitude of each mode propagating in a lined duct for an expected impedance value. Those modes and their corresponding amplitudes and wavenumbers are then used to calculate the acoustic field in the duct, which is compared to the measured data in a cost function. The expected impedance is then varied in an optimization process until the calculated acoustic field converges to the measured data. In the last section of this paper, both methods will be used to calculate the impedance of a liner sample in no-flow and Mach 0.25 conditions, using test data from a new test rig designed and built by the authors. l z Figure 1. Rectangular duct with height h and width b, whose wall at x = b has an impedance Zwx along a section of length l. 2.1. Sound Propagation in a Duct with Uniform Mean Flow In a duct with uniform mean flow in the axial direction, the convected wave equation [10] for linear acoustics is given by ∇2 p − fc = c0 (1 − M 2 )1/2 , 2h (2) where M is Mach number of the uniform mean flow in the duct, and h could be replaced by b for the modes in the other direction. The acoustic field in each of the three ducts n, pn , is calculated by the summation of the Q modes in the duct, whose mode shapes are given by Φ(x, y), so that pn = Both the TPM and the MMM assume a duct with the geometry shown in Figure 1, whose walls are rigid except for a section of length l where an impedance Zwx is applied to the wall at x = b. The duct can be seen as having three different sections: an inlet duct (1), then a lined duct, which represents the region with the liner in the experimental configuration (2), followed by a outlet duct (3). Both the inlet and outlet ducts have hard walls. Uniform flow is assumed in all sections. (1) where D/Dt is the material derivative. Each solution to the wave equation represents a mode, that propagates only above its cut-on frequency fc , given by 2. Impedance Eduction Techniques The two techniques cited in the introduction are very similar in essence, so this section will be used to describe some of the theory shared by both methods. After that, each method will be presented in more detail separately. 1 D2 p = 0, c20 Dt2 Q X q=1 (q) (q) (q) ani Φni e−jkzni z + Q X (q) (q) jkznr z a(q) (3) nr Φnr e q=1 where the indexes i and r represent the incident and reflected waves which propagate respectively in the z+ and z− directions, q is the index of the mode, in a crescent order of its cut-off frequency, a is the (q) amplitude of each mode, and kzn is the wavenumber in the z direction for the q-th mode, that satisfies the dispersion relation [10] kx2 + ky2 + kz2 = (k0 ± M kz )2 , (4) where k0 is the wavenumber ω/c0 , c0 being the speed of sound in the fluid. The wavenumbers in the crosssectional directions, kx and ky , are implicit in the mode shapes Φ(x, y). An omitted ejωt harmonic time FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow dependence is assumed in the solution of equation 3 and all equations derived from it. Using the hard-wall boundary condition at all walls in ducts 1 and 3, the wave numbers and the mode shapes can be calculated. The wavenumbers in the x and y directions for the q-th mode are and the reflection coefficient at its exit. These quantities can be computed using the well-known TwoMicrophone Method on each hard-wall section. A more general procedure for determining these quantities using multiple microphones at each side of the lined section is presented here, which has the advantage of helping suppress random errors like aerodynamic fluctuations in test data, as seen in references [13] and [14]. Assuming that all higher order modes have decayed, only plane waves propagate in the hard ducts. Therefore the acoustic field, equation 3, can then be rewritten to include only propagating waves in the form (q) (q) kxi = kxr = π(q − 1)/b, and (q) (q) kyi = kyr = π(q − 1)/h, (5) with the mode shapes having a cosine form for symmetric modes and a sine form for anti-symmetric modes, in each direction [9]. An important hypothesis made by both the TPM and the MMM is that only plane waves propagate in the section with hard walls, i.e., the maximum frequency under analysis should be below the lowest cuton frequency in the duct, given by equation 2. That means that if only plane waves are incident in duct 1, higher-order modes generated at the interface with duct 2 will decay exponentially with axial distance. The same happens with modes generated at the interface of duct 3 to duct 2. In the lined section, the boundary conditions are symmetric in the y direction, and, similarly to what occurs in the hard-wall sections, the wave numbers can be found from equation 5. Below the first cut-on (1) (1) frequency in the y direction, ky2i = ky2r = 0, and from the dispersion relation, equation 4, the wave numbers in the x direction are q (q) (q) (q) kx2i = (k0 − M kz2i )2 − (kz2i )2 , and (6) q (q) (q) (q) kx2r = (k0 + M kz2r )2 − (kz2r )2 . Also, by taking the expression for the acoustic field in the duct, equation 3, and applying the Myers boundary condition [11] for the impedance at x = b, the following equation is derived: ! (q) 2 k0 kz2i (q) Zwx = jZ0 (q) 1 − M cot(kx2i b), (7) k 0 k x2i where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the fluid, given by the product of its density and speed of sound. The same equation could be written in terms of the reflected wave numbers (index r) by changing the sign of the Mach number M inside the parenthesis [7]. Equation 7 is used by both the TPM and the MMM in slightly different but equivalent forms [8]. 2.2. Multiple-Microphone Wave Decomposition As will be seen later, both methods rely on some form of the Two-Microphone Method [12]. The TPM requires acoustic pressure and velocity on both sides of the lined duct, and the MMM takes as input the amplitude of the incident wave in the lined section (1) (1) (1) jkzr z p(z) = pi (z)+pr (z) = ai e−jkzi z +a(1) .(8) r e In this case, the wave numbers in directions x and y are zero, and the dispersion relation, equation 4, can (1) be solved for kz , so that kz(1) = k0 , 1±M (9) (1) where the plus sign is used for the incident wave (kzi ) (1) and the negative, for the reflected wave (kzr ). The velocity in the z-direction in a given position z can be calculated [15] from: ! (1) (1) (1) ai −jk(1) z ar jkzr z uz (z) = e zi − e , (10) Z0 Z0 or, by comparison with equation 8: uz (z) = 1 1 pi (z) − pr (z). Z0 Z0 (11) From equation 8, it is possible write the pressure at a position z = z1 as a function of the pressure at another position z = z2 as p(z1 ) =pi (z1 ) + pr (z1 ) (1) =pi (z2 )e−jkzi (z1 −z2 ) pr (z2 )e (12) + (1) jkzr (z1 −z2 ) . If the acoustic pressures in two positions z1 and z2 are known, one could use equation 12 to form a system of 2 equations and 2 unknowns, the pressure amplitudes at, for instance, z1 , pi (z1 ) and pr (z1 ). This system could also be extended to an overdetermined system of N measurements in different positions, resulting in: p(z ) 2 † p(z3 ) pi (z1 ) = A , . pr (z1 ) .. p(zN ) e (1) −jkzi (z2 −z1 ) (1) ejkzr (z2 −z1 ) (1) −jk(1) (z3 −z1 ) jkzr (z3 −z1 ) e zi e .. .. . . where [A] = (1) e−jkzi (zN −z1 ) (1) ejkzr (zN −z1 ) (13) , FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow and the † represents the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse [16]. With equation 13, it is possible to calculate the incident and reflected waves at any axial position within a hard duct, given that the pressure is known on at least two positions. 2.3.1. Hard-soft Wall Transition 2.3. Two-Port Method In the Two-Port Method, it is assumed that there is only a single, dominant mode propagating throughout the whole duct, although its exact mode shape might change depending on which region it is propagating in. In this case, equation 3 could be rephrased for the lined section, duct 2, as p2 = a2i Φ2i e−jkz2i z + a2r Φ2r ejkz2r z . (14) Applying the Linearized Momentum Equation to equation 14, the acoustic velocity distribution can be derived [7] as: 1 1 −jkz2i z −jkz2r z Φ2i e − Φ2r e , (15) uz2 = Zi Zr where Zi e Zr are defined as k0 − M kz2i , and Zi = Z0 kz2i k0 + M kz2r Zr = Z0 . kz2r Santana [7] suggests that the effects of the hard-soft wall transition to the present method be considered through the addition of a new transfer matrix, [Ttr ], which represents an infinitesimal transition element before and after the lined section, as shown in Figure 2. 𝑝1𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑝2𝑖𝑛 𝛿 (16) Once the pressure and velocity fields along the lined section are known, the incident pressure at the exit of the lined section (index 2out) can be written in terms of the pressure at its inlet (index 2in), in a similar fashion to what was done for the hard ducts in section 2.2. The relations between pressures and velocities on both ends of the lined section can be written as a twoport system represented by a transfer matrix of the form [6] p2out p2in = T , where [T ] = u2in u2out " + −jk l − jk l + − −jkz2i l ikz2r l # (17) Z Z (e −e ) z2i +Z e z2r Z e Z + +Z − e−jkz2i l −ejkz2r l Z + +Z − As outlined above, the TPM assumes that only one mode propagates throughout the entire duct. This can be approximately true in most of the duct length, if the frequency considered is below the first cut-on frequency. However, although the higher order modes generated by scattering in the hard-soft-wall transitions decay with distance, they are still present in their vicinities, and the transfer matrix approach does not take this into account. Additionally, there’s data suggesting that the physical phenomena in these transitions in the presence of flow are reasonably complex [17, 18, 19]. Z + +Z − Z − e−jkz2i l +Z + ejkz2r l Z + +Z − This is the main equation of the TPM. It presents a system of two equations and two unknowns (kz2i and kz2r ) that when solved provides the wave numbers in the axial direction inside the lined duct. Applying these wave numbers to equation 6, the wavenumbers in the x direction can be calculated, and then used to calculate the unknown impedance, Zwx , using equation 7. The method implies that pressure and velocity before and after the lined section need to be known beforehand, what can be achieved using the technique presented in section 2.2. This assumes that the pressure and velocity at the beggining of duct 2 equals pressure and velocity at the exit of duct 1, and the same is assumed at the interface of ducts 2 and 3. This assumption will be discussed in the following section. T𝑡𝑟 𝑝2𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑝3𝑖𝑛 l 𝛿 T −1 T𝑡𝑟 Lined Duct 𝑢1𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑢2𝑖𝑛 𝑢2𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑢3𝑖𝑛 Figure 2. Schematic representation of the two-port matrix representation of the inifinitesimal transition element. The matrix [Ttr ] relates the pressures and velocities before and after the transition region. The effects on both sides of the lined section are considered symmetric, so that the transfer matrix on the exit is the inverse matrix of [Ttr ]. It can be shown that the pressure and velocity at the beggining of the third duct can then be related to the pressure and velocity at the end of the first duct by: p3in u3in −1 = [Ttr ][T ][Ttr ] p1out . u1out (18) At first, no assumption is made about the form of the transfer matrix, [Ttr ], and 4 new unknowns (the elements of [Ttr ]) are included in the analysis, additionally to the two wave numbers in the z direction from equation 17. Since there are 6 variables to be determined, and the system given by equation 18 is actually a system of 2 equations, two additional independent measurements have to be made, which can be achieved by means of the two-source or two-load techniques [20]. The final system consists of 6 equations and 6 variables, which can be solved, for instance, via an optimization procedure. FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow 2.4. Mode-Matching Method the exit reflection coefficient Re = a3r /a3i , which is zero for all q > 1 since the only reflected mode is the plane-wave mode, as per equation 21. Both inputs can be easily computed using the procedure outlined in section 2.2. It is also required to know the wave numbers for each mode, in each direction, in each duct. In the hard sections, they are easily computed from equations 5 and 9. In the lined section, they have to be computed from an expected impedance value by solving together equations 6 and 7. From solving the forementioned system of equations for an expected impedance value, the modal amplitudes are found, and the acoustic field can be computed at any position in the ducts with equations 19 to 21. It makes sense then to use the microphones (1) (q) positions already used to compute a1i and Re to compare the calculated acoustic field to the measured one. From that, a cost function is built, and by minimizing it the unknown impedance can be found. A more detailed derivation and the full system of equations can be seen in references [8] and [9]. (q) The TPM uses a two-port representation of the lined section to describe how a propagating plane wave would be affected by the liner. To achieve that, it was assumed that the waves in the vicinity of the hardsoft-wall transition were plane. This can lead to errors, since the impedance discontinuity scatters the incident waves into higher order modes [19]. Below the plane-wave cut-off frequency, these modes decay exponentially with distance, but ideally they should still be taken into account when coupling the acoustic fields of the hard ducts with the lined section. The MMM solves this problem by taking into account as many modes as necessary in each duct. It still assumes that the only mode propagating towards both sides of the lined section is a plane wave mode, such that the acoustic fields in ducts 1 to 3 can be written as: (1) (1) (1) p1 = a1i Φ1 e−jkz1i z + Q X (q) (q) (q) a1r Φ1 ejkz1r z , (19) q=1 p2 = Q X (q) (q) (q) a2i Φ2i e−jkz2i z + q=1 p3 = Q X Q X (q) (q) (q) a2r Φ2r ejkz2r (z−l) ,(20) q=1 (q) (q) (q) (1) (1) (1) a3i Φ3 e−jkz3i (z−l) +a3r Φ3 ejkz3r (z−l) .(21) q=1 In equation 19 the summation only occurs for the reflected modes, since the only incident mode is the plane-wave mode (q = 1). Analogously, in equation 21 the summation only occurs for the incident modes, since the only reflected mode (which propagates in z−, i.e., towards duct 2) is the plane-wave mode. The MMM then assumes continuity of pressure and axial velocity at the interface of duct 1 with the lined section (z = 0), and then at the interface of the lined section with duct 3 (z = l), so that: p1 (x, y, 0) = p2 (x, y, 0), (22) p2 (x, y, l) = p2 (x, y, l), (23) uz1 (x, y, 0) = uz2 (x, y, 0), (24) uz2 (x, y, l) = uz3 (x, y, l). (25) and Elnady [9] then applies the boundary conditions (equations 22 to 25), to end up with a system of 4Q equations and 4Q unknowns, the model amplitudes (q) (q) (q) (q) a1r , a2i , a2r and a3i , for q from the first mode to the Q-th mode. The required inputs to the system of equations are (1) the incident plane-wave amplitude in duct 1, a1i , and (q) (q) 3. Numerical Validation Both the TPM and MMM were implemented in MATLAB, using the built-in fsolve optimization function with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and mostly default options [21]. The generation of input data for both methods was done using numerical models based on the the Finite Element (FE) method [22]. The FE model followed approximately the geometry of the grazing flow impedance eduction test rig built at the Vibration and Acoustics Laboratory of Federal University of Santa Catarina by the authors [1]. The main parameters of the test rig are: • Duct cross-section of 0.04 by 0.10 m, • Test section for liner samples 0.20 m, covering the entire duct height (0.10 m), and • 4 microphones before and after the lined section, each group symmetrically positioned in the wall opposite to the liner sample, non-uniformly spaced, with the closest at 0.28 m from the lined section and the furthest away 0.59 m from it. The mesh, seen in Figure 3, was built with 20 elements per wavelength of the highest frequency of interest (2500 Hz), taking into account the highest simulated flow speed (102.9 m/s, or Mach 0.3). The acoustic mesh was created with TETRA elements, using linear interpolation functions. The software chosen for solving the model was the FFT ACTRAN 13 [23] because it allows inclusion of uniform flow effects in the solution of the FE method, required for a complete validation of the TPM and MMM. Besides the impedance boundary condition on the region of the liner sample (green region in Figure 3), an arbitrary impedance was applied to the duct exit FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow Normalized Impedance TPM, 280 seconds, in a 3.2 GHz quad-core Core i7 with 16 Gb of RAM. Figure 3. FEM model used on the validation of the methods. The green elements represent the liner region. In red, both the inlet and outlet faces. The dark points are the microphone positions. 5 0 −5 Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance −10 4 3 2 0 0 0 500 500 Normalized Impedance Relative Error (%) Relative Error (%) 2 5 5 Normalized Impedance 1 0 00 1000 1500 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] Reference, Real Figure 5. no-flow validation results. Reference, Real Reference, Real numericalReference, Imaginary −5 MMM Reference, RealImaginary Reference, −5 Reference, Reference (Real Part) Reference Imaginary Educed, Real (Imaginary Reference, Imaginary Educed, Real Educed,(Real Real Part) Educed, Imaginary Part) Educed Educed (Imaginary Part). Educed, Real Educed, Imaginary −10 Educed, Imaginary Educed, Imaginary 4−10 8 3 6 3.2. Flow speed of Mach 0.2 2 4 For the 1second validation case, a uniform mean flow 2 of Mach number 0.2, or 68.6 m/s, was included in the acoustic0 FE simulation. The results can 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000be seen 2500 in 0 500 Frequency 1000 [Hz] 1500 2000 2500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1000Frequency 1500[Hz] 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] Relative Error (%) Relative Error (%) Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance The first validation case is a simple, no-flow case. Figures 4 and 5 show the educed complex impedance for 5 5 the TPM and the MMM, respectively. In each figure, the reference impedance curve is also plotted in the 0air charsame graph. All values are normalized by the 0 acteristic impedance. Below each figure, the relative error (calculated as the percentage difference−5between the reference value and the educed one) is−5shown. Additionally, each impedance result will show a blue ver−10 since it tical line in the plane-wave cut-off frequency, −10 4 is theoretically the limit of application for both meth8 ods. 3 6 It can be seen from the results that both meth2 ods converged to almost the imposed impedance in 4 the no-flow case, with almost identical error1 curves. 2 The MMM solve time was around 30 seconds and the 0 3 500 0 Relative Error (%) 3.1. No-flow Case Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance Relative Error (%) Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance 5 (in this case, the air characteristic impedance). At 1 5 5 5 the inlet face, a modal duct boundary condition [23] 0 was created to impose a plane-wave incident mode 00 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 Frequency [Hz] in the duct as an excitation and also to make0 it non0 Reference, Real reflecting (anechoic). For the TPM, in order to obtain Figure 4. no-flow results. Reference, Real Reference, Realnumerical validation Reference, Imaginary −5 TPM linearly independent measurements, two other simuReference, RealImaginary Reference, −5 Reference, Reference (Real Part) Reference Imaginary −5 Educed, Real (Imaginary Reference, Imaginary lations were carried on for each flow speed: −5 first, the Educed, Real Educed,(Real Real Part) Educed, Imaginary Part) Educed Educed (Imaginary Part). Educed, Real Educed, Imaginary exit impedance was doubled (two-load technique), an −10 Educed, Imaginary Educed, Imaginary −10 (modal then the boundary conditions switched places 4−10 −10 4 8 duct on the outlet and impedance on the inlet - two8 3 source technique). 6 3 6 2 The impedance curves imposed in the liner region 4 2 were obtained using the Extended Helmholtz Res5 1 4 2 onator model [24], with parameters chosen in1order to 0 obtain a curve that resembled typical liner 2impedance 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 0 values. 0 500 Frequency 1000 [Hz] 1500 2000 2500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 0 500 1000Frequency 1500[Hz] 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] In all MMM results in this paper, only 0one mode Frequency [Hz] will be taken into account in the solution. Although −5 this article will not get into detail on this matter, increasing the number of modes only improve −10 marginally the results, at small number of frequen4 cies [9]. Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow Figures 6 and 7 for the TPM and the MMM, respectively. Again, the results are very similar. In this case, however, there is a slight deviation of the results in lower frequencies with the MMM displaying larger erros below 700 Hz. Overall, the relative error is sligthly higher in the MMM when compared to the TPM, but both results are still acceptable, below 6% over the whole frequency range. Solve time was 51 seconds for the MMM and 304 seconds for the TPM. The third and last validation case was carried out with a uniform mean flow of 102.9 m/s, or Mach 0.3. The results are shown in Figures 8 and 9 for the TPM and the MMM, respectively. Normalized Impedance 5 3.3. Flow speed of Mach 0.3 0 −5 3 2 1 00 500 Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance 5 5 5 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 0 Frequency [Hz] 0 Reference, Real Figure 7. MMM numerical validation results for M = 0.2. Reference, Real Reference, Real Reference, Imaginary −5 Reference, RealImaginary Reference, −5 Reference, Reference (Real Part) Reference Imaginary −5 Educed, Real (Imaginary Reference, Imaginary −5 Educed, Real Educed,(Real Real Part) Educed, Imaginary Part) Educed Educed (Imaginary Part). Educed, Real Educed, Imaginary −10 Educed, Imaginary Educed, Imaginary −10 4−10 −10 4 8 8 3 6 3 6 2 4 2 4 1 2 1 2 0 lative Error (%) elative Error (%) 10 4 2 5 Relative Error (%) −5 4 0 5 5 Normalized Impedance 1 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] Reference, Real Figure 8. numerical results forReal M = 0.3. Reference, Reference, Real validation Reference, Imaginary −5 TPM Reference, RealImaginary Reference, Imaginary −5 Reference, Reference (Real Part) Reference ( Imaginary Educed, Real Reference, Imaginary Educed, Real Educed,(Real Real Part) Educed, Imaginary Educed Educed (Imaginary Part). Part) Educed, Real Educed, Imaginary −10 Educed, Imaginary Educed, Imaginary 4−10 8 3 6 2 4 5 1 2 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 Frequency 1000 [Hz] 1500 2000 2500 10000 1500 2000 2500 1000Frequency 1500[Hz] 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] 500 0 Relative Error (%) Relative Error (%) 00 −5 −10 8 elative Error (%) 0 Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance −10 6 5 Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance −5 2 6 4 5 2 5 Normalized Impedance 500 500 3 0 00 1000 1500 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] Reference, Real Figure 9. numerical resultsImaginary for M = 0.3. Reference, Real Reference, Real validation Reference, −5MMM Reference, RealImaginary Reference, −5 Reference, Reference (Real Part) Reference Imaginary Educed, Real (Imaginary Reference, Imaginary Educed, Real Educed,(Real Real Part) Educed, Imaginary Part) Educed Educed (Imaginary Part). Educed, Real Educed, Imaginary −10 Educed, Imaginary Educed, Imaginary 4−10 8 3 6 2 4 1 2 0 Relative Error (%) 0 −5 500 0 elative Error (%) 0 5 Normalized Impedance 1 500 5 Relative Error (%) Relative Error (%) 2 00 Relative Error (%) 3 5 Relative Error (%) 10 4 5 1 Normalized Impedance Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance −5 2 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 0 Frequency [Hz] 0 Reference, Real Figure 6. TPM numerical validation results for M = 0.2. Reference, Real Reference, Imaginary −5 Reference, Real Reference, RealImaginary −5 Reference, −5 Reference, Reference (Real Part) Reference Imaginary Educed, Real (Imaginary −5 Reference, Imaginary Educed, Real Educed,(Real Real Part) Educed, Imaginary Part) Educed Educed (Imaginary Part). Educed, Real Educed, Imaginary −10 Educed, Imaginary Educed, Imaginary −10 4−10 −10 4 8 8 3 3 6 6 2 2 4 4 5 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 2500 0 0 0 500 Frequency 1000 [Hz] 1500 2000 2500500 10000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000Frequency 1500[Hz] 2000 2500 Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] Normalized Impedance 0 3 0 0 −10 4 −10 4 5 5 Relative Error (%) Normalized Impedance Normalized Impedance FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014 7-12 September, Krakow Methods for Impedance Eduction Under Grazing Flow These results repeat the trends seen in the previous case. Again the TPM achieves errors below 4% in the entire frequency range, reaching their peak around 1600 Hz. For the first time, though, they are also around 4% in the first analyzed frequencies, similarly to the MMM results, which this time reach around 8% in the lowest frequencies, the biggest difference in all test cases. The MMM solution took 38 seconds this time, versus around 310 for the TPM. Both methods made the assumption that the frequency range was below the plane-wave cut-off frequency, so that only plane waves propagate in the hard sections of the duct. However, upon testing these methods with FE method generated data, both had good agreement even above the first transverse mode cut-on frequency, which might suggest that the acoustic field is still dominated by the plane-wave mode, and the assumption is approximately valid. The TPM and the MMM showed good accuracy and reasonably insignificant solution times in all test cases, where more then a 100 frequencies were solved. However, the TPM was still around ten times slower then the MMM in the current implementation, but its results, at least in the numerical validation, were slightly better. In the test cases solved, both methods seemed to find reasonable solutions, which resemble typical liner impedance curves. It was also interesting that worse results were found in lower frequencies for the higher mach-number test data. It is believed that such oscillation might be due to high vibration levels in the test rig affecting the measurements. More research is needed to better understand how to improve the measurements and the signal-to-noise ratio in this cases, because of the high sound pressure level needed to overcome the aerodynamic noise from the high speed flow. 4. Data From New Impedance Eduction Test Rig A new grazing flow impedance eduction test rig was designed and built by the authors at the Vibration and Acoustics Laboratory of Federal University of Santa Catarina. Its test section geometry is similar to the numerical model described in section 3, but only 3 microphones were used in the measurements (same positions of the microphones closer to the lined section). The measured sample is a typical single degree of freedom honeycomb/perforated plate liner, and measurements were made in no-flow condition and up to Mach 0.25. Data was acquired from 100 Hz to 3000 Hz, in steps of 20 Hz, using tonal excitation. More details on the test rig, acquisition system and specifications of the measurements can be seen in reference [1]. The first result, shown in Figure 10, is for the noflow condition. Satisfactory agreement is seen, specially from 500 Hz and up. There is some slight oscillation around the plane-wave cut-off frequency, but the curves match again above 2200 Hz. The second test case, for target Mach 0.25 (actual Mach 0.24), shows more dispersion and oscillation in the results obtained by both methods, specially below 500 Hz. Above 1000 Hz both methods show satisfactory agreement. 5. Conclusions In this paper, two techniques for acoustic impedance eduction of liners under grazing flow conditions were described, implemented and validated by means of numerical simulation using the Finite Element Method. The first method, called Two-Port Method (TPM), used a straight-forward two-port representation of a lined duct to find the wave numbers in it and calculate the acoustic impedance. The second, called ModeMatching Method (MMM), used the mode-matching technique to couple the acoustic fields in the hard and lined sections of the duct and find the modal amplitudes in each duct for a given impedance value, which was iterated on until the calculated acoustic field matched a measured (or simulated) one. References [1] P. G. Serrano: Desenvolvimento de uma bancada de determinação da impedância acústica rasante com escoamento. Diploma Thesis. Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2014. [2] G. W. Bielak, J. W. Premo, A. S. Hersh: Advanced turbofan duct liner concepts. 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Vertical blue line represents the plane-wave cut-off frequency. 10 Normalized Impedance 5 0 −5 −10 TPM, Real Part TPM, Imaginary Part MMM, Real Part MMM, Imaginary Part −15 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency [Hz] 2000 2500 3000 Figure 11. Impedance eduction from test data at Mach 0.24: comparison between MMM and TPM. Vertical blue line represents the plane-wave cut-off frequency.
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