AV Transcending Geoscience Paradigms for Exploration Opportunity Growth* Carlos A. Dengo1 Search and Discovery Article #110171 (2014)** Posted May 19, 2014 *Adapted from oral presentation at Discovery Thinking Forum, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 6-9, 2014 **AAPG©2014 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. 1 Texas A&M University, College Station, TX ([email protected]) Key Points Opportunities grow as the circumference of knowledge. Examples of change of paradigm Pre-salt play Continental carbonate reservoirs Fundamental questions Identification of new HC sources Basin formation, filling, and evolution Rock properties Fluids present Optimal fluid production Human creativity and technology Selected References Beasley, C.J., J.C. Fiduk, E. Bize, A. Boyd, M. Frydman, A. Zerilli, J.R. Dribus, J.L.P. Moreira, and A.C. Capeleiro Pinto, 2010, Brazil’s presalt play: Oilfield Review, Schlumberger, v. 22, p. 28-37. http://www.slb.com/~/media/Files/resources/oilfield_review/ors10/aut10/03_presalt.pdf (website accessed May 2, 2014). Blenkinsop, T., and A. Moore, 2013, Tectonic geomorphology of passive margins and continental hinterlands: Treatise on Geomorphology, Elsevier, v. 5, p. 71-92. Donovan, A. D., T. S. Staerker, A. Pramudito, W. Li, M. J. Corbett, C. M. Lowery, A. M. Romero, and R. D. Gardner, 2012, The Eagle Ford outcrops of West Texas: A laboratory for understanding heterogeneities within unconventional mudstone reservoirs: GCAGS Journal, v. 1, p. 162–185. Gardner, R.D., M. C. Pope, M.P. Wehner, and A.D. Donovan, 2013, Comparative stratigraphy of the Eagle Ford Group strata in Lozier canyon and antionio creek, Terrell County, Texas: GCAGS Journal, v. 2, p. 42-52. Harris, P.M., J. Ellis, and S.J. Purkis, 2013, Assessing the extent of carbonate deposition in early rift settings: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, p. 27-60. Péron-Pinvidic, G., and G. Manatschal, 2009, The final rifting evolution at deep magma-poor passive margins from IberiaNewfoundland: A new point of view : International Journal of Earth Science, v. 98/7, p. 1581-1597. Péron-Pinvidic G., G. Manatschal, S.M. Dean, and T.A. Minshull, 2008, Compressional structures on the west Iberia rifted margin: Controls on their distribution : Geological Society, London, Special Publications 306, p. 169-183. Pratt, W.E., 1952, Toward a philosophy of oil-findingAAPG Bulletin, v. 36, p. 2231-2236. Halbouty, M.T., 1980, Methods used, and experience gained, in exploration for new oil and gas fields in highly explored (mature) areas: AAPG Bulletin, v. 64, p. 1210-1222. Wright, V.P., 2012, Lacustrine carbonates in rift settings: The interaction of volcanic and microbial processes on carbonate deposition: Geological Society of London, Special Publications, v. 370, p. 39-47. Website EIA, 2011, North American shale plays, https://www.google.com/search?q=eia+unconventional+gas+basins+map&biw=1280&bih=915&tbm=isch&imgil=RdV7tB4JFf g0kM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencryptedtbn3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcRjoWiTnKw7IYwiiBbO2vqf6guQblZnXlwZr2yymCmbUsw4y6ZlA%253B2200%253B1300%253BF4dJCOf7kxeXM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.rigzone.com%25252Ftraining%25252Finsight.asp%25253Finsight_id% 2525253D346%25252526c_id%2525253D4&source=iu&usg=__WL7a3jcn5ac64ytSE9NsXm59Ieo%3D&sa=X&ei=m2BkU9i _N-Xy8QHL_4CoAg&ved=0CCwQ9QEwAg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=D0DaGWuqOZGGYM%253A%3Bss0CAwAnupLAM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.eia.gov%252Foil_gas%252Frpd%252Fnorthamer_gas.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F %252Fwww.eia.gov%252Fnaturalgas%252F%3B1650%3B1275 (website accessed May 2, 2014). Transcending Geoscience Paradigms For Exploration Opportunity Growth Carlos A. Dengo Director Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedimentary Systems College of Geosciences 17N# MIchel T. H.'bouty Cleo.c\ence. 9u\\6\~~ GE'OtOGY J~ BERG-HUGHES C E NTE R EJf(on Mobil. ~========~========~~======~========~ I Introduction Closing Paradigms What is next? Halbouty Lecturers and Others “Fundamentally the human brain is the most powerful tool in exploration” (D. Lawrence, 2011) “Economic competition in the flat world will be more equal and more intense…the most important attribute you can have is creative imagination” (T. Friedman, 2005) “Where oil is first found, in the final analysis, is in the minds of men” (and women) (W. Pratt, 1952). “Mental inflexibility is the greatest hurdle to overcome to finding oil” (W. Pratt) Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Technology Enables New Plays Seismic Imaging Rapid update modeling and simulation Laboratory capability Physics based Models Shale gas characterization Potential Fields Geodynamics Quantitative Stratigraphy Integrated platforms HPC Introduction Paradigms Data Analytics Remote HC detection What is next? Closing Technology Enables New Plays Seismic Imaging Rapid update modeling and simulation Laboratory capability Shale gas characterization Physics based should Technology Potential not quell creativity; in fact, Models Fields Geodynamics there’s a great deal of evidence that suggests Integrated that technology enhances creativity Quantitative platforms Stratigraphy Data Analytics HPC Introduction Paradigms Remote HC detection What is next? Closing From Data to Wisdom ̎There can be no WISDOM without UNDERSTANDING And no UNDERSTANDING without KNOWLEDGE ̎ (R. Ackoff, 1989) Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing From Data to Wisdom ̎There can be no WISDOM without UNDERSTANDING And no UNDERSTANDING without KNOWLEDGE ̎ (R. Ackoff, 1989) 10% 20% Wisdom Understanding 30% 40% Knowledge Information Data Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing From Data to Wisdom ̎There can be no WISDOM without UNDERSTANDING And no UNDERSTANDING without KNOWLEDGE ̎ (R. Ackoff, 1989) 10% 20% Wisdom Understanding 30% 40% Knowledge Information Data Introduction Paradigms What is next? VIRTUALLY NO WISDOM Closing Opportunities Grow as the Circumference of Knowledge Seeing first what others have not Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Stratigraphic Traps “Experience would say that large accidental discoveries are possible, but should they remain as accidents or do they systematically lead to new opportunities?” Subtle Traps and Happy Accidents – East Texas Field Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Paradigm Shifts ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERIES CONCEPTS TECHNOLOGY 3500 Stratigraphic Traps 3000 Unconventional Reservoirs Continental Carbonates Cumulative TBOE 2500 Horizontal and Extended Reach Drilling Sequence and Seismic Stratigraphy 2000 Full Wavefield Inversion Deepwater Drilling Deepwater Reservoirs 1500 3-D Seismic Plate Tectonics 1000 Digital Reservoir Simulation Hydraulic Fracturing 500 Stratigraphic Traps Rotary Drilling Reservoir Stimulation 1920 1940 Introduction 1960 Paradigms 1980 2000 What is next? 2040 2020 Closing Hyper-Extended Margins J~ BERG-HUGHES CENTER Péron-Pinvidic & Manatschal (2008) --~::::::::::::::~--;:::::::::::::::~~~::::::::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::I-- Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing r Hyper-Extended Margins Ocean – Continent Boundary Péron-Pinvidic & Manatschal (2008) Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Hyper-Extended Margins Ocean – Continent Boundary Péron-Pinvidic & Manatschal (2008) Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing AJtM I TEXAS A&M Pre-Salt Play • U:N I VERS I TY BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro BM-S-9 Carioca \ BM-S-11 Parati I " \ BM-S-10 BM-S-8 " \ lara \ BM-S-l1 "\ Tupi \ Y/ Bem-Te-Vi BM-S-24 Jupiter BM-S-21 / Caramba BM-S-22 Guaranr o I BM-S-9 Guara Santos basin km 200 I 200 Beasley et al., 2010 Pre-Salt Play .. Harris et al., 2013 BERG-HUGHES CENTER Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Pre-Salt Play Beasley et al., 2010 Harris et al., 2013 Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Pre-Salt Carbonates J~ BERG-HUGHES CENTER Wright, 2010 Petrobras, 2004-05 --~::::::::::::::~-;::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::~ I- Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing r Continental Carbonates Marine Carbonate Reservoirs Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Continental Carbonates Marine Carbonate Reservoirs Introduction Presalt Discovery Paradigms Change of Paradigm What is next? Continental Carbonate Reservoirs! Closing Continental Carbonates Marine Carbonate Reservoirs Presalt Discovery Change of Paradigm Continental Carbonate Reservoirs! NEW QUESTIONS • Reservoir Architecture • Physical Properties • Reservoir Performance Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Rift and Passive Margin Basins -- .-r- • , J~ BERG-HUGHES CENTER Continents Passive Margin Non-Volcanic Passive Margin Ocean Volcanic Passive Margin Uncertain Volcanic Passive Margin after Pinto, 2007 --~::::::::::::::~--;:::::::::::::::~~~::::::::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::I-- Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing r Unconventional Shale Basins • Co l o rado Group Current SMa. pa.ys ShKked PI_ys - SNIIowHtIYou~ k\CqtmedW", Ocpth/Age _ ~~t Prospective Shale Plaiys eia.gov BERG - HUG HES C E N T R Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing I Paradigms If you are a hammer, all your problems look like nails. But what happens if you encounter a screw? Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing “Unconventional Fracking” 1860 – Stimulation job with liquid nitroglycerin 1883 – Stimulation job using 40 lb of black powder “Unconventional Fracking” 1967 - Project Gasbuggy; 40 kiloton bomb 1973 - Project Rulison; 40 kiloton bomb 1973 - Project Rio Blanco; 30 kiloton bomb Unconventional Shale Basins trillion cubic fe·e t History 30 Pro ' ections 2009 1% 25 46% 20 15 22% 8% 10 C<>albed methane 20% 6% 8% No n-associated onshore gas 5 8% ore 2% o 1990 1995 2000 i 2005 2010 Associat~d with oi l 2015 2020 Alaska 1% i 2025 2030 7% 2035 eia.gov BERG-HUGHES C E N T E R Introduction Paradigms ",==W=h~a~t~is=n~e~xt~?===!1 [....--===C =I= os=in ....:g:;"""'=----I Eagle Ford Play • 13,000+ drilling permits issued since 2008 (9000+ since 2012) • 2014 Oil Production: 1 MMBOD • 2014 Gas Production: 4 BCFD • Estimated 10+ BBOE recoverable reserves Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Unconventional Shale Basins General Questions liou ston " ~:, "t Nil Eaglo Ford Producing Wolls (HPOI) Mexico • OIL • GAS Eagle Ford Potroloum Windows (Potrohawk . EOG. 01) Oit Wet GasiCondonsale Dry Gas BERG - HUG HES CE NT ER Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing I Unconventional Shale Basins General Questions • Facies distribution and lateral variability • Porosity & permeability distribution • Reservoir behavior • Fracture distribution • Estimation of reserves • Identification of fluid types • Reservoir fluids distribution • Petrophysical properties Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Texas A&M Eagle Ford Research Outcrop Studies Simulation Geologic Modeling 3-D Data Integration of Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering Petrophysics Diagenesis Geomechanics Texas A&M Eagle Ford Research A This study Lozier Canyon Donovan et al., 2012 3,000 feet (900 m) B Antonio Creek 1,000 feet (300 m) Gardner et al., 2013 Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Fundamental Questions Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Fundamental Questions Identification of New HC Sources Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Fundamental Questions Rock Properties Identification of New HC Sources Fluids Present Basin Formation, Filling & Evolution Optimal Fluid Production Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Human Creativity and Technology AND Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Human Creativity and Technology AND Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing Human Creativity and Technology AND Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing The Human Element Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing The Human Element DATA - INFORMATION - KNOWLEDGE - WISDOM Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing The Way Ahead J~ BERG-HUGHES CENTER --~::::::::::::::::~-;::::::::::::::::~~~::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::~ Introduction Paradigms What is next? Closing THANK YOU JUAN CARLOS LAYA, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor PHILIPP TESCH, Ph.D. Student Berg-Hughes Center Department of Geology and Geophysics College of Geosciences
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