Discover the power of ELA Certification

Discover the power of ELA Certification
“Companies don’t compete
Supply Chains compete”
Martin Christopher
Emeritus Professor of Marketing & Logistics at
Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University
ELA Fellow
E LA Head Office • K u n stlaan 19 • B - 1210 B ru ssels • [email protected] • w w w
ELA Certification, the benefits
 What would happen if cross border logistics team could
understand each other because they used the same logistics
 Wouldn’t it be great if you could increase your customer
satisfaction thanks to your well-trained logisticians being
assessed according to harmonised and uniform European
 And what if HR could base their selection for hiring and training
on those same European Standards?
ELA Certification, your solution
The European Logistics Association – ELA
offers a certification programme based on the
ELA Standards aiming for a harmonised level
of qualification in logistics.
The system
 The ELA Standards of Logistics Competence reflect the
expectations of workplace performance for logisticians. They
have been developed with and agreed by the industry.
These Standards are outcome-based and form the basis of
assessment. Assessment is independent of any learning
 The ability of candidates to meet the required Standards will be
assessed by our National Certification Boards.
We offer
 One common standard
 Using the same terminology and definitions everywhere.
 International Recognition
 ELA certification is widely recognised. This increases the flexibility
and mobility of your certified logistics employees.
 A local assessment by National Certification Boards
 Assessment is available from our National Certification Boards
established in more than 20 countries.
We offer Organisations
 A Standard of Competence
 ELA certification recognises people’s competence making the certificate
extremely attractive for serving as a basis for evaluation, training and
 The European Qualifications Framework - EQF
 The ELA Standards are mapped to the European Qualifications Framework, an
EU initiative for harmonising life-long learning.
 EQF is a common European reference system that links a number of national
qualifications systems and frameworks together. In practice, it functions as a
translation device making qualifications transferable. Using this common
framework enables learners and workers to have their skills and qualifications
recognised in many countries.
 Updated regularly and in touch with the needs of the market
 The ELA Standards are updated on a regular basis. Through a network of experts
and logistics professionals, the Standards are checked against the needs of the
We offer Logistics Professionals
 A Standard of Competence
 An ELA certificate recognises competences and validates logisticians’ experience
at different levels.
 The three levels are:
 For supervisors in an operational role and for first line managers we offer the
European Certified Logistician at the Supervisory/Operational Management level
– EJLog.
 For managers or consultants planning, coordinating and controlling different
parts of the logistics network we offer the European Certified Logistician at the
Senior Management level – ESLog.
 For senior managers, senior consultants or directors with considerable
experience in logistics management we offer the European Certified Logistician
at the Strategic Management level - EMLog.
 Independent and neutral assessment
 We offer individuals an independent, neutral assessment of skills and knowledge
to identify strengths and gaps for future development.
Leon Simons ESLog (NL):
“The added value of being a Certified
Logistician has been very high for me. I
had several promotions during my career.
With my level of education, I could not
progress enough. It was virtually
impossible for me to get a higher
management position. Getting the ESLog
certificate enabled me to grow further in
my job and, ultimately, to become a
member of the management team.”
Romeo Dimitriu ESLog (RO):
“With the ESLog certificate, I can better
understand logistics opportunities, and
solve logistics challenges, for my company.
We have a lot of suppliers and customers
abroad. Having a European certificate
gives me more confidence to
communicate within my supply chain
François Caussil ESLog (FR):
“Being ELA Certified facilitates the
exchanges and understanding with my
clients, having the same definitions behind
the words used avoids misunderstandings
and a waste of time. It gives to my firm
recognition and visibility of our skills on
the European market as well as on the
French market. It will help me to recruit
new consultant with the right skills.”
 Austria
 Poland
 Belgium
 Portugal
 Czech Republic
 Republic of South Africa
 Finland
 Romania
 France
 Russian Federation
 Georgia
 Shanghai
 Germany
 Spain
 Indonesia
 Sweden
 Italy
 Switzerland
 Netherlands
 United Kingdom
About ELA
 ELA, the European Logistics Association, is a federation of 30 national
organizations, covering almost every country in Central and Western
 ELA’s goal is to provide a forum for networking and promotion of the
logistics and supply chain profession.
 From the finalists of national award winning projects, the European Award
for Logistics Excellence celebrates the best Logistics project of the year.
 To promote the profession doctorate students from all over Europe are
invited to join an annual ELA Doctorate Workshop in order to explore
papers on a range of logistics and supply chain topics.
 To ensure interaction with the European Parliament and the different
Directorate Generals in the European Commission, ELA organises joint
events and meetings.