APA Division 42 Program Summary

Division 42 Program Summary
— Washington D.C., August 7 — 10 , 2014
Thursday - August 7
Skill-Building Session (A): What We Didn’t Learn in School — Building a Successful
Private Practice
8:00 AM 9:50 AM
Convention Center — Room 103A
Trina F. Young, PsyD, EdS
Steven A. Greer, BS
Skill-Building Session (A): Ethical Risk Management in Complex Situations
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Convention Center — Room 152B
Eric A. Harris, EdD, JD
Jeffrey N. Younggren, PhD
Joe Scroppo, PhD, JD
Eric A. Harris, EdD, JD
Jana N. Martin, PhD
Symposium (A): Co-Parent Counseling — An Effective Intervention for HighConflict Families of Divorce
12:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Convention Center — Room 145B
Jeffrey Zimmerman, PhD
Lauren Behrman, PhD
Symposium (A): Preventing and Solving Problems in Independent Practice Under the
Affordable Care Act
2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Convention Center — Room 202B
Robert H. Woody, PhD, JD Jana N. Martin, PhD
Robert H. Woody, PhD, JD
Jeffrey N. Younggren, PhD
Gerald P. Koocher, PhD
Friday - August 8
Symposium (A): Supersize —Developing a Great Group Practice
8:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Convention Center — Room 140A
Steven Walfish, PhD Lawrence Beer, EdD
Nicole Lipkin, PsyD
Mary K. Alvord, PhD
Dave Verhaagen, PhD
Steven Walfish, PhD
Symposium (A): I Thought Talking Together Was Against the Law — Antitrust
Issues in the Era of ACA
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Convention Center — Room 147A
Sallie E. Hildebrandt, PhD Marcus H. Meier, JD, MPA
Ryan Kantor, JD
Peter M. Oppenheimer, PhD
Alan C. Nessman, JD
Discussion (A): Providing Mentorship for Clinical Trainees — Opportunities for Alumni
in Independent Practice
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Convention Center — Room 102A
Eva Feindler, PhD Jenny Klein, MA
Adi Avivi, PsyD
Amy Mack, PsyD
W. Brad Johnson, PhD
Skill-Building Session (A): From Research to Practice — Using PCIT in a Clinical
Setting for Treatment of Disruptive Behavior
5:00 PM - 5:50 PM Convention Center — Room 140A
Erlanger A. Turner, PhD
Student Early Career Social Hour
6:30p – 7:30p
Marriott Marquis Washington DC Hotel — Room TBD
Free Food...
Cash Bar...
free membership .... PLEASE JOIN US!
Saturday - August 9
Paper Session (A): New Directions
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center —East Salon F
Andrew M. Pomerantz, PhD
Neal R. Morris, EdD, MS
Symposium (A): Nuts and Bolts of Successful Practice
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM Convention Center — Room 140B
Michael E. Schwartz, PsyD
Kristina Roberts, PhD
Kelly Ray, PhD, MP
Michael E. Schwartz, PsyD
Executive Committee Meeting
12:00 PM - 4:50 PM Marriott Marquis Washington DC Hotel — Capitol Room
Gordon Herz, PhD
Steven Walfish, PhD
June W.J. Ching, PhD
Michael E. Schwartz, PsyD
Gerald P. Koocher, PhD
Armand R. Cerbone, PhD
Elaine Ducharme, PhD
I. Bruce Frumkin, PhD
Michi Fu, PhD
David L. Shapiro, PhD
Rachel Smook, PsyD
Kristina Roberts, PhD
Derek C. Phillips, MA
Douglas C. Haldeman, PhD
Nancy S. Molitor, PhD
Robert J. Resnick, PhD
Lenore E. Walker, EdD
Robert H. Woody, PhD, JD
Jeffrey N. Younggren, PhD
Social Hour (S): and Awards Presentation
6:00 PM - 7:50 PM Marriott Marquis Washington DC Hotel — Independence Salon D
Sunday - August 10
Skill-Building Session (A): Therapist Self-Care —A Life Span Perspective:
Evidence-Based Expressive Writing As a Tool
8:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center — Room 145A
Ellen K. Baker, PhD
Poster Session:
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Convention Center —Halls D and E
Nathan W. Engle, MA
Justin M. Puder, MA
Lara A. Herman, MS
Amy M. Mitchell, MA
Skill-Building Session (A): Working With Suicidal Patients — Practical, Legal, and
Ethical Considerations
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Convention Center — Room 152B
Robert S. Meyers, PsyD, JD
Symposium (A): Psychologists’ Involvement in U.S. Immigration Court
11:00 AM - 12:50 PM Convention Center — Room 158
Lenore E. Walker, EdD
Michael G. Simonds, PsyD
David L. Shapiro, PhD
Stephanie Roque, MS
Jonathan Shook, BS