ENMU Alumni Association Awardees Alphabetical List Last Name First Name Award Category Year Ackerman Adair Anderson Armstrong Atchley Babauta Baca Barnes Beck Bender Bennett Bergman Bergstrom Bettina Bigbee Blakeley Blocker Bogard Bonnell Brack Bratcher Brinckmeyer Bryant Buckner Burnett Burroughs Scheihing Call Calton Carman Carter Chaplin Chavez Chesser Clayton Cocking Coleman Colson Compton Cone Cook Cope Cottle Covington John Senator Rod Robert O. Judy William Juan Nakai Elmo Paul H. Marjorie and Robert Gary Max Sandi Herbert Al Paul Gary Gary Craig and Lynn Ann Ted A. Robert Gary Lynn Margie and Allen Ellen Jane Paula Jean Lloyd L. Gary Charles Anderson Ron Justice Edward L. Barbara Emmitt Roberta Robert and Margaret Clark C.V. Terry Cecil Johnny William (Andy) David Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni 1986 2010 1980 2010 1982 2003 1998 1978 1993 1991 1983 2000 2002 2000 1991 1974 1989 1992 1979 2003 2011 2009 2007 1976 2001 1987 1970 1981 1990 1967 1976 2008 1981 1979 1990 1981 1984 1978 1974 1971 2006 1971 1971 Page 1 of 6 ENMU Alumni Association Awardees Alphabetical List Last Name First Name Award Category Year Cox Crites Crook Danforth Davis Davis Denish Domenici Douglas Egan Elder Elliott Evans Evans Fails Fails Ferguson Fernandez Finney Fischer Gladden Gladden Graham Gressett Gurley Gurley Hagler Hapke Harden Hardin Jr. Harman Harris Harris Harris Hatch Hays Hays Henry Hensley Herrera Holcomb Holden Hoover Ronny Owaissa Anna Charleyrene Don and Gertrude Michael Diane Pete John Gail Thurman Patricia Bill Jack G.Y. Gari Gail Ida and Herb Bart Scott Mike Sandra Hop Nancye Jay Jay Kathy Dick R.A. Clinton Jim and Jackie Larry Randy David W. Frantelle Brad Larry Pat Fred Socorro Ron Don Charlie Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni 1972 1968 1993 1972 1990 2000 1997 2007 1999 1974 2011 1995 1969 1994 1972 2005 2009 1989 1975 2010 1993 2002 1974 2001 1999 1996 1993 1975 1976 2001 1991 1982 2006 2002 1985 1977 2005 2002 1979 2005 1986 2009 1969 Page 2 of 6 ENMU Alumni Association Awardees Alphabetical List Last Name First Name Award Category Year Howell Howell Hubbard Huey Hurd Hurley Ihde Ingle Ingle Jennings Johnson Jones Kay Kiker King King Kinyon Knudson Kull Lacey Langston Leavell Lees Lehman Lyall Lynch Mahoney Marley Martinez Martinez Matheny Mayer McGary McGuire McMillan McMillan Mehrens Melendez Melton Melton Miller Mills Mills Norvil Norvil Kenneth Ken Peter Wilson Daniel Stuart Stuart Senator Timothy Jody W. Paul Clarence John Bruce Alice Bill Russell Michael Stuart Dewey Carroll Jimmie Fern Stanley R. Peter Dudley J. Robert Donovan Eloy F. Bob Robert and Sandra Hazel Dave Mickey Colin Colin Harold Manuel Howard Howard Harry Ernie Vernon Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni 1969 1995 1966 1996 1975 1990 1980 1995 2001 2009 1997 1992 1967 2004 1974 1991 1988 2002 1986 1997 1973 2005 1984 1991 1971 1976 1973 1998 1978 1999 1998 1978 1995 1987 1999 1992 1968 1980 1989 1994 1969 1981 1966 Page 3 of 6 ENMU Alumni Association Awardees Alphabetical List Last Name First Name Award Category Year Mitchell Moberly Moberly Moberly Montgomery Moore Murray Newton Niblett Ortega Paul Payne Pearl Phillips Piatt Pinnell Powell Price Price Propes Radosevich Ragsdale Ramsey Ratliff Reynolds Rice Richardson Richardson Robbins Robinson Robinson Saavedra Sanchez Rael Sanders Sando Sawyer Sawyer Schlenker Scott Scott Scott Cassan Shearer Sigala Sara Janie Jacob Jacob Joe John and Paula Robert Ken Gary Katherine Paula Ronald George William T. Bill Gay Su Ray Earlene Mel Ernest Carol Van Clint John George and Leone Jim Frances Bill Gary Jimmy Joe Ben Louis Kimberley Dallan Joe Dessie Deborah Kendall Hanson Laraine Doris Jimmie Rafel (Ralph) Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni 2004 1982 1987 1970 1998 1986 1988 1985 1985 1977 1988 1988 1994 2008 1997 1990 1984 2004 1973 1994 1996 2008 1979 1982 2006 1968 1997 2003 1987 2003 2010 1968 2004 1975 1970 1975 2007 1975 2005 2006 1987 2009 2011 Page 4 of 6 ENMU Alumni Association Awardees Alphabetical List Last Name First Name Award Category Year Skarda Slaten Slone Smith Smith Smith Snow South Southard Spencer Spray Stanfield Stanley Stinnett Stone Stone Stovall Stratton Strong Swearingen Swearingen Talley Teague Thompson Tonjes Towe Tucker Umberson Walker Walker Wall Walsh Wheeler Wheeler Jr. Whitehead Whitehead Willaimson Willard Williamson Wilson Wivel Wood Woodward Lyrell Stan Jim Tommy Joe Albert Clifton Clyde Mary Ann W.W. "Bill" Jacqueline Steve Jana Bill Marshall Douglas David Travis Wayne Bob Addie Addie Thurman Cleve Floren Gary Bess Joan George Gene Gene Cleo E. Richard (Dick) Ruth Ernest Al Al Jack Larry Jack Buck R. Nelson Bob Danny Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Outstanding Alumni Distinguished Service Distinguished Service 1983 1985 1977 1979 2003 2007 1989 1969 1983 1999 1967 2006 1992 1992 1977 1986 1966 1984 1983 1983 1994 1993 1995 1988 2001 1994 2000 1984 1996 2008 1969 2008 1970 1978 2004 1985 1966 1989 2000 1972 1996 1973 2010 Page 5 of 6 ENMU Alumni Association Awardees Alphabetical List Last Name First Name Award Category Year Worley Worley Wyeth-Hurd Yates Dick Clarence Henriette Peggy Distinguished Service Honorary Lifetime Achievement Honorary Lifetime Achievement Distinguished Service 1967 1977 1982 1980 Page 6 of 6
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