Analyses Page 1 of 2 Inter Laboratories Rings 30/07/14 16:00 PIN of the Laboratory : 124 Name of the Laboratory : MALTERIA DO VALE SAO PAULO SP BRESIL Dead line of validation : 30th of each month excepted in july Campaign CAMPAGNE 2014 Circuit MALT Date 1 - 2014-08-01 - 2014-08-31 - @M201401 contact Change password Serial number of samples operator (Format) 201401A 201401B Code analysis Not saved back Warning range of values Saved Validate save unit modified date validate date Imput error 44 M DMS-P (CPG) 45 M N-NITROSODIMETHYL AMINE NDMA 46 M SO2 (2.1 ) As is 47 M Total DMS (2.1 ) As is 48 M Free DMS (2.1 ) As is 17 M Moisture (EBC 4.2) (1.1 ) % 18 M Fine Grind Extract (EBC 4.5.1) (2.1 ) % As is 19 M Coarse Grind Extract (EBC 4.5.1) (2.1 ) % As is 20 M Difference fine grind - coarse grind Extract (EBC 4.5.2) (1.1 ) 21 M Wort Colour (visual method) (EBC 4.7.2 ) 22 M Wort Colour (spectrophotometric method) (EBC 4.7.1 ) 23 M Wort pH (EBC 8.17) 24 M Total Proteins (EBC 4.3.1 or EBC 4.3.2) (2.2 ) % dry matter 25 M Soluble Proteins (EBC 4.9.1 or EBC 4.9.3) (1.2 ) % dry matter 26 M Hartong 45°C (2.1 ) % 27 M Diastasic Power (EBC.4.12) (3.0 ) WK/dry matter 28 M Wort Viscosity (EBC 8.4) (1.2 ) mPa.s 29 M Alpha Amylase (EBC 4.13) (2.0 ) DU % dry matter 30 M Boiled Wort Colour (visual method) (2.1 ) EBC 31 M Boiled Wort Colour (spectrophotometric meth) (EBC 4.19) 32 M Friability (EBC 4.15) (2.1 ) % 33 Partly unmodified Grains (2.1 ) % (2.1 ) As is (2.1 ) (2.1 ) method used * As is % As is EBC (2.1 ) EBC (1.2 ) (2.1 ) EBC http://srvapps/TIL/Forms/Analyses.php?action=Selection&Langue=2 30/07/2014 Analyses Page 2 of 2 M 34 M Whole (glassy) grains (2.1 ) % 35 M Free amino nitrogen (EBC 4.10) (3.0 ) mg/l 36 M Wort turbidity (2.1 ) FU EBC 37 M Malt modification calcofluor (3.1 ) % 38 M Malt homogeneity calcofluor (2.1 ) % 39 M Final attenuation (EBC 4.11.1) () 40 M Wort Soluble Beta Glucans () % mg/l * Indicate the lmethod used if it's not the mentioned method and make sure all A&B are reported Only validated tests are taken account (29) http://srvapps/TIL/Forms/Analyses.php?action=Selection&Langue=2 30/07/2014
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