EASTWEST TRAVEL GmbH CONGRESS & CONVENTION CALENDAR 2014-2021 Location Congress Boston Chicago Nashville San Francisco Boston Orlando Las Vegas New Orleans Seattle Bahamas Scottsdale New Orleans AAAAI AACC AACE AAD AADR IADR AAFS AAFS AAFS AAFS AAHS AAHS AAI Philadelphia AAMI Savannah AANEM Honululu AANEM New Orleans Washington D.C. Chicago Chicago Las Vegas Chicago AANEM AANS AAO AAO AAO AAO Honululu AAOMS Washington D.C. San Diego Chicago AAOMS AAP AAP Austin AAPM Anaheim AAPM Washington D.C. Seattle Baltimore AAPM AATS AATS Atlanta ACAAI San Antonio ACAAI San Francisco Washington D.C. San Diego Austin Chicago Boston ACAAI ACC ACC ACCP ACEP ACEP Am. Acad. of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Am.Ass. for Clinical Chemistry Am. Ass. of Clinical Endocrinogists Am. Acad. of Dermatology Am. Ass. for Dental Research Intl Ass. for Dental Research Am. Acad. of Forensic Sciences Am. Acad. of Forensic Sciences Am. Acad. of Forensic Sciences Am. Acad. of Forensic Sciences Am. Assoc. for Hand Surgery Am. Assoc. for Hand Surgery Am. Ass. for Immunologists Assoc. for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Am. Ass. of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine Am. Ass. of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine Am. Ass. of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine Am. Assoc. of Neurology Surgeons Am. Ass. of Orthodontists Am. Acad. of Ophthalmology Am. Acad. of Ophthalmology Am. Acad. of Ophthalmology Am. Assoc. of Oral + Maxillofacial Surgeons Am. Assoc. of Oral + Maxillofacial Surgeons Am. Acad. of Pediatrics Am. Acad. of Pediatrics Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Am. Ass. Thoracic Surgery Am. Ass. Thoracic Surgery Am. College of Allergy,Asthma & Immunology Am. College of Allergy,Asthma & Immunology Am. College of Allergy,Asthma & Immunology Am. Coll. of Cardiology Am. Coll. of Cardiology Am. College of Chest Physicians Am. Collgege of Emergency Physicians Am. Collgege of Emergency Physicians Phoenix ACNP Hollywood, FL from until Year Local DMC for rooms, social programs & congress services 27.2. 29.7. 13.5. 20.3. 3.3. 31.7. 17.5. 24.3. 2015 2014 2015 2015 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 11.3. 16.2. 22.2. 13.2. 19.2. 21.1. 13.1. 8.5. 14.3. 21.2. 27.2. 18.2. 24.2. 24.1. 18.1. 12.5. 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2015 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver Cocoon Incentives, LLC Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 31.5. 2.6. 2014 29.10. 1.11. 2014 28.10. 31.10. 2015 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 14.9. 2.5. 5.5. 18.10. 14.11. 15.10. 17.9. 6.5. 8.5. 21.10. 17.11. 18.10. ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago 2016 2015 2018 2014 2015 2016 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. 8.9. 13.9. 2014 28.9. 11.10. 17.10. 3.10. 2015 14.10. 2014 20.10. 2015 20.7. 24.7. 2014 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 12.7. 16.7. 2015 UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver 31.7. 25.4. 14.5. 4.8. 2016 29.4. 2015 18.5. 2016 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 6.11. 11.11. 2014 ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. 5.11. 10.11. 2015 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 10.11. 25.10. 27.10. 26.10. 15.11. 2016 2014 2015 30.10. 2014 30.10. 2014 29.10. 2015 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Am. Coll. of Neuropsychopharmacology 7.12. 11.12. 2014 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ACNP Am. Coll. of Neuropsychopharmacology 6.12. 10.12. 2014 Cocoon Incentives, LLC Hollywood, FL ACNP Am. Coll. of Neuropsychopharmacology 4.12. 8.12. 2015 Cocoon Incentives, LLC Boston Chicago ACP ACR Am. Coll. of Physicians Internal Medicine 30.4. Am. College of Rheumatology 21.10. 2.5. 2015 24.10. 2018 All dates are subject to change. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. page 1 of 5 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York GMS, Inc./Chicago EastWest Travel GmbH 50667 Cologne / Germany Tel. +49(0)221-476712-10 Fax: +49(0)221-476712-15 www.eastwest.travel EASTWEST TRAVEL GmbH CONGRESS & CONVENTION CALENDAR 2014-2021 Location San Francisco Chicago Washington, D.C. San Diego Boston San Francisco San Diego Congress ACS ACS ACS ACS ACS ACS FNCE San Antonio Seattle Philadelphia Houston Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Washington, D.C. New York Toronto Atlanta Washington, D.C. Toronto Denver Washington, D.C. San Francisco Chicago Washington, D.C. San Diego San Diego New Orleans San Diego Chicago Boston San Francisco Orlando Houston Seattle Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago AER AES AES AES AHA AHA AMA AMA AMA AMIA APA APA APA APA APA APA APA APA APA APA APA APhA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASBMR ASBMR ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO Chicago ASCRS Hollywood, FL ASCRS Ashville Washington D.C. New Orleans Chicago Boston Denver ASET ASGET ASGET ASHE ASHE ASHE Anaheim ASHP Kissimmee Baltimore ASLMS ASMS All dates are subject to change. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Am. Coll. of Surgeons Am. Coll. of Surgeons Am. Coll. of Surgeons Am. Coll. of Surgeons Am. Coll. of Surgeons Am. Coll. of Surgeons Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Assoc. for the Educ. and Rehab. of the Blind and Visually Impaired American Epilepsy Society American Epilepsy Society American Epilepsy Society American Heart Assocation American Heart Assocation Am. Medical Association Am. Medical Association Am. Medical Association Am. Medical Informatics Ass. Am. Psychiatric Ass. Am. Psychiatric Ass. Am. Psychiatric Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. Am. Psychological Ass. American Pharmacists Association Am. Soc. of Anesthesiology Am. Soc. of Anesthesiology Am. Soc. of Anesthesiology Am. Soc. of Anesthesiology Am. Soc. of Anesthesiology Am. Soc. of Anesthesiology Am. Soc. for Bone & Mineral Research Am. Soc. for Bone & Mineral Research Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am.Soc. Clinical Oncology Am. Soc. of Cataract + Refractive Surgery Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Am. Soc. of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists Am. Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Am. Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Am. Soc. for Healthcare Engineering Am. Soc. for Healthcare Engineering Am. Soc. for Healthcare Engineering American Society of Health-System Pharmacists American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Am. Society for Mass Spectrometry from until 26.10. 30.10. 4.10. 8.10. 16.10. 20.10. 22.10. 26.10. 21.10. 25.10. 27.10. 30.10. 27.9. 30.9. 30.7. 5.12. 4.12. 2.12. 16.11. 11.11. 7.6. 6.6. 11.6. 15.11. 3.5. 16.5. 14.5. 7.8. 6.8. 4.8. 3.8. 9.8. 8.8. 9.8. 12.8. 27.3. 10.10. 24.10. 22.10. 21.10. 13.10. 19.10. 12.9. 9.10. 30.5. 29.5. 3.6. 2.6. 1.6. 31.5. 29.5. 3.8. 9.12. 8.12. 6.12. 18.11. 13.11. 11.6. 10.6. 15.6. 19.11. 5.5. 20.5. 18.5. 10.8. 9.8. 7.8. 6.8. 12.8. 11.8. 9.8. 15.8. 30.3. 14.10. 28.10. 26.10. 25.10. 17.10. 23.10. 16.9. 13.10. 3.6. 2.6. 7.6. 6.6. 5.6. 4.6. 2.6. Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 Local DMC for rooms, social programs & congress services Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 2014 2014 2015 2016 2014 2018 2014 2015 2016 2014 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2015 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Vitamine Canada/Montréal Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Cocoon Incentives, LLC Agentours, Inc./San Francisco UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago 16.4. 19.4. 2016 GMS, Inc./Chicago 17.5. 21.5. 2014 Cocoon Incentives, LLC 20.8. 21.5. 13.5. 3.8. 12.7. 10.7. 23.8. 24.5. 16.5. 6.8. 15.7. 13.7. ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2016 7.12. 11.12. 2014 22.4. 15.9. 26.4. 2015 19.6. 2014 page 2 of 5 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Cocoon Incentives, LLC ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York EastWest Travel GmbH 50667 Cologne / Germany Tel. +49(0)221-476712-10 Fax: +49(0)221-476712-15 www.eastwest.travel EASTWEST TRAVEL GmbH CONGRESS & CONVENTION CALENDAR 2014-2021 Location St. Louis San Antonio Indianapolis San Diego Atlanta Congress ASMS ASMS ASMS ASMS ASMS Philadelphia Montréal Bahamas ASN ASNR ASPN Honululu ASRM Baltimore ASRM New Orleans ASTMH Atlanta ASTMH T.B.A. ASTRO Chicago Baltimore Los Angeles Minneapolis San Diego Denver San Francisco Washington, D.C. Orlando San Diego Philadelphia Chicago Indianapolis Anaheim St. Johns Ottawa Vancouver Chicago Chicago San Diego Boston Orlando ASTRO ATA ATA ATA ATS ATS ATS ATS AUA BIO BIO BIO CSM CSM CUA CUA CUA DDW Orlando Las Vegas Chicago Grapevine ENDO ENDO ENDO FHCA FRS / FRBMA HFSA HIDA HIDA Toronto Las Vegas Nashville New Orleans San Francisco Chicago Boston Tampa San Diego National Harbour ISMRM MGMA MGMA NAMSS NASS NASS NASS OTA OTA OTA San Diego PAS All dates are subject to change. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Am. Society for Mass Spectrometry Am. Society for Mass Spectrometry Am. Society for Mass Spectrometry Am. Society for Mass Spectrometry Am. Society for Mass Spectrometry Am. Soc. of Nephrology ASN Kidney Week Am. Soc. of Neuroradiology Am. Soc. for Peripheral Nerve Am. Soc. for Reproductive Medicine Am. Soc. for Reproductive Medicine Am. Soc. of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Am. Soc. of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Am. Soc. for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Am. Soc. for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Am. Telemedicine Association Am. Telemedicine Association Am. Telemedicine Association Am. Thoracic Soc. Am. Thoracic Soc. Am. Thoracic Soc. Am. Thoracic Soc. Am. Urological Ass. Biotechnology Industry Organization Biotechnology Industry Organization Biotechnology Industry Organization Combined Sections Meeting Combined Sections Meeting Canadian Urological Association Canadian Urological Association Canadian Urological Association Digestive Disease Week Endocrine Society Endocrine Society Endocrine Society Florida Health Care Association Florida Radiolog. Soc. / Florida Radiolog. Business Mgm. Ass. Heart Failure Soc. of America Health Industry Distributors Association Health Industry Distributors Association Intl. Soc. for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Medical Group Management Association Medical Group Management Association National Ass. Medical Staff Services North Am. Spine Society North Am. Spine Society North Am. Spine Society Orthopedic Trauma Association Orthopedic Trauma Association Orthopedic Trauma Association Pediatric Academic Societies / Annual Meeting from until Year 31.5. 4.6. 2015 5.6. 9.6. 2016 4.6. 8.6. 2017 3.6. 7.6. 2018 2.6. 6.6. 2019 Local DMC for rooms, social programs & congress services ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. 11.11. 17.5. 23.1. 16.11. 2014 22.5. 2014 25.1. 2015 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Vitamine Canada/Montréal Cocoon Incentives, LLC 18.10. 22.10. 2014 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 17.10. 21.10. 2015 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 2.11. 6.11. 2014 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 11.11. 15.11. 2015 14.9. 18.9. 2014 T.B.A. 31.10. 18.5. 1.5. 15.5. 16.5. 15.5. 13.5. 19.5. 18.5. 24.6. 15.6. 2.5. 4.2. 17.2. 29.6. 28.6. 26.6. 6.5. 21.6. 20.6. 4.6. 8.7. 3.11. 20.5. 3.5. 18.5. 21.5. 20.5. 18.5. 24.5. 21.5. 27.6. 18.6. 5.5. 7.2. 20.2. 1.7. 30.6. 28.6. 9.5. 24.6. 23.6. 7.6. 11.7. 2021 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2014 2015 2016 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2018 2014 2015 2016 2014 GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Cocoon Incentives, LLC Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Vitamine Canada/Montréal UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Cocoon Incentives, LLC 11.7. 14.9. 17.9. 9.9. 13.7. 17.9. 19.9. 11.9. 2014 2014 2014 2015 Cocoon Incentives, LLC Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 30.5. 5.6. 2015 26.10. 29.10. 2014 11.10. 14.10. 2015 27.9. 1.10. 2014 12.11. 15.11. 2014 14.10. 17.10. 2015 26.10. 29.10. 2016 15.10. 18.10. 2014 7.10. 10.10. 2015 5.10. 08.10.206 2016 25.5. page 3 of 5 28.5. 2015 ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco GMS, Inc./Chicago ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Cocoon Incentives, LLC Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco EastWest Travel GmbH 50667 Cologne / Germany Tel. +49(0)221-476712-10 Fax: +49(0)221-476712-15 www.eastwest.travel EASTWEST TRAVEL GmbH CONGRESS & CONVENTION CALENDAR 2014-2021 Location Congress Baltimore PAS San Francisco PAS Toronto PAS Baltimore PAS Philadelphia PAS Anaheim PCSO Los Angeles POSNA Atlanta Chicago Chicago POSNA RSNA RSNA Las Vegas SCAI San Diego SCAI Baltimore San Diego SCAI SIR St. Louis SNM Baltimore SNM San Diego SNM Toronto Toronto Atlanta San Diego New York San Francisco SOAP SOBP SOBP SOBP SOBP SOBP Anchorage SRS Minneapolis SRS All dates are subject to change. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. from Pediatric Academic Societies / Annual Meeting Pediatric Academic Societies / Annual Meeting Pediatric Academic Societies / Annual Meeting Pediatric Academic Societies / Annual Meeting Pediatric Academic Societies / Annual Meeting Annual Session of the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists Pediatric Orthopaedic Soc. of North America Pediatric Orthopaedic Soc. of North America Radiological Soc.of North.Am. Radiological Soc.of North.Am. 35th Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Society of Interventional Radiology Soc. of Nuclear Medicine / 61st Annual Meeting Soc. of Nuclear Medicine / 62nd Annual Meeting Soc. of Nuclear Medicine / 63rd Annual Meeting Society for Obstetric Anesthesia & Perinatology Society of Biological Psychiatry Society of Biological Psychiatry Society of Biological Psychiatry Society of Biological Psychiatry Society of Biological Psychiatry Scoliosis Research Soc. / 49th Annual Meeting Scoliosis Research Soc. / 50th Annual Meeting until Year Local DMC for rooms, social programs & congress services 30.4. 6.5. 2016 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 6.5. 9.5. 2017 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 5.5. 8.5. 2018 UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver 27.4. 30.4. 2019 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 2.5. 5.5. 2020 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 2.10. 5.10. 2014 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 30.4. 3.5. 2014 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 29.4. 1.12. 30.11. 2.5. 2015 6.12. 2013 5.12. 2014 ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. GMS, Inc./Chicago GMS, Inc./Chicago 7.5. 10.5. 2014 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 6.5. 9.5. 2015 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 4.5. 23.3. 7.5. 2016 28.3. 2014 Cocoon Incentives, LLC Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 7.6. 11.6. 2014 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 6.6. 10.6. 2015 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York 11.6. 15.6. 2016 Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 14.5. 14.5. 12.5. 18.5. 3.5. 16.5. 18.5. 16.5. 14.5. 20.5. 5.5. 18.5. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver ITM-Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atl. Agentours, Inc./San Francisco ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Agentours, Inc./San Francisco 10.9. 13.9. 2014 UniquelyNorthwest/Seattle + Vancouver 30.9. 4.10. 2015 GMS, Inc./Chicago page 4 of 5 EastWest Travel GmbH 50667 Cologne / Germany Tel. +49(0)221-476712-10 Fax: +49(0)221-476712-15 www.eastwest.travel EASTWEST TRAVEL GmbH CONGRESS & CONVENTION CALENDAR 2014-2021 Location Congress from until Year Local DMC for rooms, social programs & congress services This list contains a selection of major medical and other conventions in the USA and Canada. All dates are subject to change – we cannot vouch for the absolute correctness of these dates. Room Allotments: Our DMCs can book room allotments for your groups on request. Please note that Agentours and GMS have booked room allotments for many of these congresses in the past. DMCs Agentours, Inc./San Francisco Ms Nathalie de Roche or Mr Jeff Hollander: [email protected] www.agentours.com / Tel +1-415-661-5200 / Fax +1-415-661-4259 Cocoon Incentives, LLC Ms Steffi Kordy: [email protected] www.cocoonincentives.com/ Tel +1-850 279 6961 GMS - Global Management Services, Inc./Chicago Mr Hanson Ansary: [email protected] www.globalmsi.com / Tel +1-312-332-1919 / Fax +1-312-332-1918 ITM - Incentive Travel & Meetings/Atlanta Ms Andjela Kessler: [email protected] www.usaitm.com / Tel +1-404-252-2728 / Fax +1-404-252-8328 ETS-Event Travel Solutions/New York Ms. Pia Jayatilake: [email protected] www.etsevents.com / Tel +1-212-629-0964 / Fax +1-212-629-3647 Uniquely Northwest/Seattle+Vancouver Mr Malte Kluetz: [email protected] www.uniquelynorthwest.com / Tel +1-206-352-9020 / Fax +1-206-352-9021 Vitamine Canada/Montréal Ms Odette Guay: [email protected] www.vitaminecanada.ca / Tel +1-514-526-0217 / Fax +1-514-288-4603 Travel Services, Inc. Ms Joan Ferguson: [email protected] www.destinationpuertorico.com / Tel. +1 (787)-982-1200 / Fax: +1 (787) 982-1270 All dates are subject to change. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. page 5 of 5 EastWest Travel GmbH 50667 Cologne / Germany Tel. +49(0)221-476712-10 Fax: +49(0)221-476712-15 www.eastwest.travel
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