Providence Pres part of you Volume 49 August 2014 Issue 8 Dear Friends… Yesterday we piled a bunch of grandkids and their mommies into the boat and took a ride around the backside of Edisto Island. The Intracoastal Waterway is pretty wide for much of the way as it follows the South Edisto River, but then it narrows significantly when it turns in to a stretch called Watts Cut. Watts Cut isn’t much more than a big ditch that splits marshes and farm land. The water is always slick and the ride is smooth. There is one bend in Watts Cut and, as we rounded it, we noticed a little yellow airplane flying very low to the ground. It would dive behind the treetops where we couldn’t see it and then pop up, fly about a hundred feet up, bank steeply, and come back in the opposite direction. I turned around and said to the kids and moms, “Look, there’s a crop duster!” They looked and the chatter began that wouldn’t stop for the next 20 minutes or so. It looks like great fun to me, but these people are basically stunt pilots who have to put their planes in the right place at the right time so the material they are putting down will find its target and do its job … all at 120 miles an hour, 20 feet off the ground. The show got better as we got closer, and at one point the crop duster made a couple of passes directly over us. This got the kids all excited and they started waving and yelling, and I wondered if the pilot would wave back. He was probably pretty busy and I really wasn’t sure he would notice a bunch of four-year-old hands waving at him. A pilot waves, but he uses his airplane to do it. He rolls the airplane slightly to the left and then to the right. On the next pass the kids started jumping up and down and those little hands started waving … and just as he passed over, the crop duster waved back. I watched the news last night and saw that they’re still slugging it out in the middle-east. I also heard that Russia is retaliating with sanctions of its own on some Western nations. I saw that they are still trying to define ‘ethics’ at the State House and the World Health Organization has elevated the Ebola alert to the highest level. With all the world has to worry about, it’s pretty wonderful that the deep mystery of God can show up in the excited waves of a child and cause a busy crop duster pilot to wave back. … Jesus said, "Let the children to come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) Providence Youth ANNUAL YOUTH POOL PARTY AND COOKOUT will be Sunday, August 24th, 4-6:30 pm at Dr. Mike’s. All 3rd-12th grade youth and their parents are invited to come and enjoy some fun and fellowship! Bring either a two liter soda, a bag of chips or snack to share. If you would like to ride the church bus, a group will leave at 3:50 and return at 6:45. Youth Meetings are each Sunday evening* from 4:30-6 pm (following Rally Day) for all 3rd-8th graders. *Youth will meet for lunch from 12-2 pm following worship on the 3rd Sunday of each month due to Session and Ministry meetings THANK YOU FROM THE COLEMAN FAMILY We would like to express our appreciation for the cards, calls and prayers that were received after Martha Coleman’s death. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to us. MUSIC NOTES Thank you so much, dear friends, for your continued thoughts and prayers for Marty and for me, Chris, Rachel, and Ethan, during this time of illness and recovery for Marty. You are a true source of comfort, encouragement, and loving care. "I thank God upon every remembrance of you." In about a month, we will begin the 2014 - 2015 Program Year of the church. I look forward to having all of our Providence musicians back for regular rehearsals and services. New members are always welcome. Watch the bulletin, emails, and newsletters for scheduling information, and, of course, let me know if you have any questions about our music program. This fall is especially exciting, since we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Providence Church. I hope you will make plans to come to church for everything! JOIN THE MUSIC! Donna Rally Day! — September 7 Join us as we kickoff the program year with a church family lunch following worship CDC NEWS The Providence Child Development Center Management staff is now complete with the addition of Jason Bundrick as Assistant Director. Mr. Jason or “Lunch Lady Jason” has been part of the PPCDC team since June serving as Kitchen Manager. He will now take on the additional role of Assistant Director serving along with Assistant Director Sharon Enlow, Director Joan Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Kyle McCree. Jason will work afternoons and some early mornings with his Assistant Director hat on but will continue to handle all kitchen duties as usual. Jason is a member and elder of Providence and is excited about the opportunity to work a daytime, weekday schedule giving him more family time with the added bonus of spending his days around 100 excited children who love his lunches! August 14 marks the end of the summer program at the CDC for 2014. Thanks to summer staff members Kathryn Helms and Karan Bundrick, along with year round staffer Veronica Sampay, our afterschool children have experienced a wonderful summer of field trips, water days, swimming lessons, pool time and movies. Vacation Bible School for the CDC will take place the first full week of August and all the children will participate in the “Blast Off—Launching Kids on a Mission of God’s Love” curriculum. This is always an exciting time at the CDC as the teachers, children and staff work together to sing the songs, make the crafts, hear the stories and grow together as Christians. The CDC will hold its second annual Teacher Work and In-Service Day on August 15. This allows all staff time to prepare for the coming school year which officially begins August 18. Meet and Greet for the parents will be held from 5:30—6:30 that evening. Thanks, as always, for your continued support and prayers. The CDC STAFF Vacation Bible School August 8-10 Join us for this fun weekend. Friday, August 8 Registration — 5:30 pm Program — 6:00—8:30 pm Saturday, August 9 Registration — 8:30 am Program — 9:00 —11:30 am Sunday, August 10 Worship — 11:00 am Family Lunch following service If you would like to volunteer or would like more information text Emily Mooneyhan at 463-6783 or email her at [email protected]. September 19-21, 2014 God has sustained Providence over the years and now it’s time to celebrate 50 years of Christian witness in this community. Mark your calendars for the weekend of September 19-21, 2014. • The celebration will begin on Friday, September 19th in the old Fellowship Building (site of the first church worship services and Sunday School). A “Wine and Cheese Reception” will be held from 5:30-7 PM. Child care will be provided. • A “BBQ Supper” is planned for Saturday evening, September 20th, at 6:30 PM. Music will be provided by a Blue Grass band and a love offering will be received for the band. • The celebration will culminate on Sunday, September 21st, with a celebratory worship service. Charter members will be recognized and a prepared luncheon and program will follow. Women will be asked to bring their favorite dessert. Invitations will be given out in church. Elders will deliver invitations to those who do not receive an invitation in church. It is very important that you fill out the reply card and return it immediately. A line item was not included in the 2014 budget for this event. The committee is hoping that many in the congregation will come forward to help. Your gift/check can be returned with your reply card or put in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. All contributions will be most appreciated. Thank you very much. Presbyterian Women… Presbyterian women will have their annual Kick Off Dinner on August 7, 2014 at 6:30pm. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall, salad, dessert and drinks will be furnished. We look forward to seeing all of our church ladies that night. In Christ, Laurie White CIRCLE 2 will meet on Thursday, August 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Fran Bragan. Men of the Church As a reminder to the men of Providence, Men’s Prayer breakfast is every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am at Providence in the Fellowship Hall. If you are not an early bird, you can also attend the MOC on the second Monday of every month. Our next meeting will be August 11. Newcomers always welcome. Keep the Change Sunday, August 24 That's right! Keep the change --- to retire the debt! We encourage every Providence family to set aside your pocket change daily. On the 4th Sunday of the month, August 24, -"Keep the Change" Sunday -- we will collect the change we've saved. Mark your calendars, save your change and help us retire the debt. Good Samaritan Clinic The Good Samaritan Clinic is a faith-based 501(c)(3) group that provides free health care to those in need. Be alert for specific needs which will be listed from time to time in our weekly church bulletin. Prayerfully consider donating as you can. If you have questions, please call Joretta Rawl at (803) 234-7844. Nursery Schedule VERY IMPORTANT—WE COULD USE YOUR HELP! We are in the process of updating the schedules for 2014. If you are interested in serving with this ministry, please contact the church office at 794-6766. Date Sunday School Nursery Worship Nursery Worship Toddlers Jr. Church 08/03 Maria Patton Maria Patton Kathy Hawks Lorraine Carter 08/10 Karen Edwards Rosie Robinson Karen Edwards Emily Mooneyhan 08/17 Ray Renner Ray Renner Doris Simmons Laurie White 08/24 Jordan & Haley Renner Jordan & Haley Renner Kim Simmons Dave McCree 08/31 Ann Smith Staci Chitty Ann Smith Rosie Robinson 09/07 Jessica Moore Jessica Moore Lauren Finnegan Tim Monetti 09/14 Wanda McKeever Jordan & Haley Renner Kathy Hawks Wanda McKeever 09/21 Karen Bundrick Rosie Robinson Karen Bundrick Lorraine Carter 09/28 Maria Patton Maria Patton Doris Simmons Emily Mooneyhan 10/05 Karen Edwards Staci Chitty Karen Edwards Laurie White 10/12 Ray Renner Ray Renner Kim Simmons Dave McCree 10/19 Ann Smith Jordan & Haley Renner Ann Smith Wanda McKeever 10/26 Jessica Moore Jessica Moore Karen Bundrick Tim Monetti Worship Schedules Our ushers continue to do an excellent job and we want to express our appreciation for their dedicated service. If you would like to become part of this ministry, you may call the church office (794-6766). Listed below are our schedules for the next 3 months. If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please make arrangements with someone on the list to substitute for you. Worship Directors 08-03 08-10 08-17 08-24 08-31 Nancy Pilat-Renner Lauren Finnegan Rosie Robinson Violet Hane Karen Bundrick 09-07 09-14 09-21 09-28 Janet Jordan Caralytta Barnhill Nancy Pilat-Renner Lauren Finnegan Usher/Communion Elder AUGUST 2014 Janet Jordan, Eddie Enfinger, Violet Hane, Tim Hawks EXTRA COMMUNION ELDERS 08/10 Cindy Enfinger, Rory Carlise SEPTEMBER 2014 Maria & Stoney Patton, Phillip Enlow Jason Bundrick EXTRA COMMUNION ELDERS 10-05 10-12 10-19 10-26 Violet Hane Karen Bundrick Nancy Pilat-Renner Janet Jordan 08/10 Roger Woods, Joretta Rawl OCTOBER 2014 Jay & Teresa Coles, Chris Bragan, Mike Simmons EXTRA COMMUNION ELDERS 08/10 Simons & Violet Hane Elder Readers 08-03 08-10 08-17 08-24 08-31 Mike Simmons Roy Turner Lauren Finnegan Tim Hawks Laurie White 09-07 09-14 09-21 09-28 George Hayes Jason Bundrick Janet Jordan Joretta Rawl 10-05 10-12 10-19 10-26 Eddie Enfinger Alice Wyatt Debbie Pardue Emily Mooneyhan Acolyte Schedule No acolytes first two weeks of August Lightbearer Bookbearer 08-24 Wyatt Robinson Virginia Johnson 08-31 Julian Coles Morgan Swygert 09-07 09-14 09-21 09-28 Sarah Bragan Jon Simmons Hunter Helms Wyatt Robinson Adam Smith Avery McCree Margo Mathis Knox Robinson 10-05 10-12 10-19 10-26 Julian Coles Sarah Bragan Jon Simmons Hunter Helms Colby Carter Laken Robinson Christopher Bragan David Lyell 25 24 31 18 17 Committee Chairs 4:30 pm Committees 5:00 pm Session 6:00 pm Shirley VanKley 11 Men of the Church 6:30 pm 10 Blast Off Vacation Bible School after church Family Dinner 4 Mon 3 Sun Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 am Jason Bundrick Clayton Hinrichs Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 am Alli Gordon 26 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 am 19 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 am 12 5 Tue Chancel Choir 6:15 pm 27 Chancel Choir 6:15 pm Roy Rushing 20 No Chancel Choir Stoney Patton 13 No Chancel Choir 6 Wed CDC Board Mtg 5:30 pm Circle 2 6:30 pm 28 Christopher Bragan 21 Wanda McKeever Charlene Mooneyhan 14 7 PW Annual Kick Off Dinner 6:30 pm Thu Ray Bullock 29 22 30 23 16 Blast Off Vacation Bible School 8:30 am registration 9:00 am Program Allison Turner 9 2 Sat August 2014 CDC Teacher In-Service Day Daycare closed Dylan McInchok Blast Off Vacation Bible School 5:30 pm registration 6:00 pm Program Mike Bragan 15 8 1 Fri Church Family Prayer Requests We encourage you to remember them in your prayers. If you know of any sickness or concerns, please call the church office at 794-6766. Our Members Mary Elizabeth Mack Pearl Langford Ralph Barton Laurie White Violet Hane Jean Rushing Caroline Patton Tom Wyatt Faye Daniel Bob Dennis-Leigh Graham White Renner Family Judy Thrana Bucky Masters Elsie Britton Betty White Pete Johnson Mary Woods Margaret Lankford Andy Wactor Bob Brown Shirley Van Kley Maria Patton Craig Wactor Frances Julian Bea Shannon Gail Pukl Dot Wilson Betty Jackson Our Family and Friends Family of Charlie Dickerson Barbara Dickerson (Pardue) Alex Petroff and family (Renner) Linda VanDeusen (Curry) A. B. Mitchell (Carter) Mary Reynolds (Pardue) Will White (Billingsley) Marty Martin Jessica Bently & unborn child (Renner) Katrina Black (Renner) Michelle Fallucca (Curry) Eliza O'Neill Mary Poole (Pardue) Danette Nelson (Woods) Aleita Suber (Bragan) Brenda Stinson (McCree) Frank Austin (McCree) Jason Martin (Lois McLeod) Debbie Berry (Debbie Pardue) William Thomson Taber (Violet & Simons Hane) Stephanie Hartzog (Martin) Algie Grubbs, Sr. (Phillip Enlow) Stephanie (Cindy Enfinger) Alice Fay (Finnegan) Family of Bennett Buckelew (Moore) Megan Sease (Donna Martin) Judy (Mary Elizabeth Mack) Vickie McGahee (Patton, Bullock, & Pardue) Diane Connell (Roy & Jean Rushing) Terri Barton (Barton) Janice Satterfield (Barton) Brenda Hyleman (Mckeever, Patton, Pardue, Coles, Bragan) Baby Violet (Martin) Tyler Hunt (Edwards) Carla Nocilo (Mary Elizabeth Mack) Gail Morgan (Rawl) Chris & Michelle (Gayl Curry) James & Kate (Gayl Curry) Michael Hendrix (Woods) Dot Van Norman (Rawl) Bob & Jane Harris (Rawl) Nancy Stella Mack (Mary Elizabeth Doug & Ann (Curry) Troy Pepper (Coles) Art Shealy (Mary Elizabeth Mack) Betty Mathias (Cindy Mathias) David Todd (White) Lori Crocker (Billingsley) Shannon Wessinger (Carter) Kendall Smith (Sharon Groves) Mack) Erika Browning (Woods) Gloria Gray & Family (G. Curry) Gary McLeod (McLeod) Chris Michael Weathersbee (McKeever) Wilmont Family Elena Carter (Patton) Joyce Kistler (Montgomery) Tom Johnson (Martin) Pauletta Graham (McKeever) David Smith (Crystal Stroman CDC) Aubrey (Toby) Batson (Canaday) Bill Lackland (Wyatt) Carmen Dennis-Leigh Rick Merritt (Merritt) Jennifer, Matt & Chelsea Saunders Ashley & Justin Lewis (Giovannone) Mari McGregor (Maria Patton's sisGene & Flo Jordan (Jordan) ter) Callie Simpson (Sandra Simpson) Katie Atkinson (Barton) Chuck Curry Bill Peterson (Johnson) Jenny Richards Newton Family (McKeever) Brian Fallaw (Lindsey Fallaw, CDC Chip Houser teacher) Kathy Rigg (Monetti) Burney & Liz Mack (Mary Elizabeth Kent Rigg (Cathy Monetti) Mack) Pat Causey (CDC Teacher) John Sox (Bundrick) Military Service Members & Jan Collins (Jordan) Families George Lail (Renner) Eloise Sarvis (Jay & Teresa Coles) Lenny Picarillo (Patton) John Coles (Jay & Teresa Coles) Gods Helping Hands Thank you for responding to the needs of this ministry. Your help is greatly appreciated. The suggested items for August are: crackers, jelly, canned milk, bath soap and paper products. You may drop them by the church any time you would like or bring them with you to church on Sunday. Thanks! Save Those Tabs While you’re saving labels remember to save your drink can tabs and deposit them in the container in the hallway collection area. The Ronald McDonald House, the families who stay there, and the children who are hospitalized greatly appreciate our support. Calling All Cell Phones Evangelism and Mission Committee is collecting old cell phones for Sister Care. If you have any cell phones that their calling is to serve Sister Care, please bring them to church and place them in the marked box around the corner from the Narthex. Clip The UPC Labels for Thornwell You may have heard that Campbell’s is changing the way they collect the soup labels. The only change is that you now clip the UPC code instead of the front label. Thornwell still redeems them for merchandise as they have done in the past. So please keep clipping! *5100002429* Also, clip the box tops from hundreds of your favorite General Mills products! Each box top is worth $.10 to Thornwell. Church Contacts Mike Bragan, D. Min .................. Fran Bragan, D. Min ................... Pattie Mikell ............................... Donna Martin ............................. Emily Mooneyhan ...................... Alice Wyatt ................................. Debbie Pardue ........................... 794-6766 Pastor Parish Associate Secretary Music Director Christian Educator Clerk of Session Treasurer Child Development Center 796-0492 Joan Bullock .................................................................................. Director Sharon Enlow ................................................................ Assistant Director Jason Bundrick .............................................................. Assistant Director Kyle McCree ................................................ CDC Administrative Assistant Active Elders Bob Dennis-Leigh ...............2015 Janet Jordan ...................... 2015 Emily Mooneyhan ............. 2015 Mike Simmons ...................2015 Lauren Finnegan ................2016 George Hayes.................... 2016 Roy Turner .........................2016 Laurie White ......................2016 Jason Bundrick .................. 2017 Eddie Enfinger ....................2017 Tim Hawks......................... 2017 Joretta Rawl ...................... 2017 Program Ministries WORSHIP MINISTRY Alice Wyatt MISSION MINISTRY Eddie Enfinger CHRISTIAN LIFE MINISTRY Teresa Coles Cindy Smith OUTREACH AND ASSIMILATION Lauren Finnegan STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY BUSINESS AND FACILITIES MINISTRY Phillip Enlow Chuck Pardue CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER MINISTRY Debbie Pardue 1112 Hummingbird Dr. West Columbia, SC 29169 803-794-6766 Visit our web site at August 2014 Providence Presbyterian Church, USA
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