Industry Space Days 2014 SMEs and the Agency’s Industrial and Procurement Policy Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL ESTEC 03/06/2014 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use How many SMEs at ESA? • Number of active companies registered in ESA suppliers’ data base: some 1500 • Number of SMEs working with ESA over the last 5 years (all areas): 721 Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Distribution of SMEs by Country Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Distribution by Country – Value of Commitments 2009-2014 (Average: Some 6% of Total Commitments) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SME Turnover at ESA - Distribution by Year Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Distribution by IP Programme Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (1) The Origin of SME Policy 1. Since 2001, ESA has established a SME Office, in charge of liaising with SMEs, and a SME Initiative with limited ad hoc support resources (including specific Announcements for Opportunities, discontinued in 2010) Today headed by Ms Kenza Benamar with the help of Ms Vanessa Bleger, reachable by email at: [email protected] 2. The definition of SME at ESA is identical to the one recommended by EU in 2003 3. ESA Member States appreciate SMEs for their innovation character, their flexibility, and their business attitude (ready to work inside and outside ESA, spinning-off /spinning-in their acquired know-how) 4. SMEs are the backbone of the industrial tissue of many ESA Member States, foreseen to increase because of New Member States Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (2) ESA Programmes and SMEs 5. ESA IP supports participation of SMEs in all ESA programmes and activities a. In particular through technology programmes like CTP, TRP and ITI, GSTP, EOP (programmes where up to 20% is captured by SMEs) ask SME Office b. Through proper segmentation in certain missions c. By fostering teaming-up among SMEs (major purpose of ISD) d. By encouraging teaming-up with Large System Integrators (LSIs) e. By fostering coaching by LSIs Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (3) Overall Space Turnover (2010) Total Turnover 2010 Institutional budget ex ESA ESA contribution (average) 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 France turnover 6.1 B€ -2500 Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (4) Industrial Evolution: Relative Market Shares Share by domain: Share within each type of company: 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% Independent LES 40% LSI 50% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% Spacecraft Launchers Ground and Services Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Ground and Services Launchers Spacecraft SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (5) Downstream 6. Total turnover addresses mainly a traditional space market 7. Independent companies (essentially SMEs) have identified a large potential market in G/S and services area (much more than in traditional space activities) 8. ESA IP has therefore the role of addressing and encouraging downstream opportunities for SMEs (e.g. Integrated Application Programme, VAT and CCI in EOP) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (6) Training requested : Poll of Nov. 2013 Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (7) The solution to Increasing Training needs: an Improved Industry Portal for Early 2015 Presentation of the Industry Portal by D/IPL ( video ) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 13 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (8) Improved Industry Portal: Multifunction Change Frequency Latest News Industry Portal on Front page Navigation bar Business Opportuniti es Special Page for newcomers How to Do business = Education Portal Welcome and presentation of Industry portal by D/IPL Static Latest Events High Frequency 1/week Announcement of Training opportunities Medium Frequency 1/ 2 months Latest opportunities Medium Frequency 1/ 2 months Static information on each Business types by directorate – pointing to EMITS Presentation of EMITS Static Static Static articles ( Subjects ) Static Static Short 5 min Videos on specialised subjects Static Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver SMEs - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 14Announcement ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use On-line registration Static Static of Webinars Medium Frequency 1/ 2 months SMEs and ESA Industrial Policy (9) One Example: How to do Business Change Frequency Special Page for newcomers How to Do business = Education Portal Static articles ( Topics revisited to give more content on specific subjects – BP’s - , and adding content on costing, geo return rules ) Short 5 min Videos on specialised subjects Static Static Announcement of Webinars ( pointer to Webex Events page for ESA allowing On-line participants to register and registration obtain their credential ) + recorded past webinars Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Medium Frequency 1/ 2 months SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (1) Optimising Time-to-Contract BACKGROUND 1. Optimising “Time-to-Contract” for low / medium budget procurement actions has always been ESA’s objective, as well as a requirement of both Member States and Industry 2. The Procurement Department (IPL-P) has a long track record in devising new measures, processes and standards aimed at keeping the target procurement types agile and efficient while not forsaking the quality which ESA, the Member States and Industry are used to 3. This is also the case following the far-reaching series of reforms which have changed the Agency’s regulations and working methods Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 16 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (2) Optimising Time-to-Contract THE ISSUE 1. The “ESA Procurement Process” as currently defined covers a very wide spectrum of space procurement types, going from complex space systems to work (small studies; punctual technical activities, etc.) costing only a few k€ 2. ESA’s industrial partners have often indicated that the above is perceived (especially by SMEs or “newcomer” space companies) as disproportionately complex and time-consuming when applied to low to medium budget activities 3. Such complexity is seen as one of the factors often stretching the time between the announcement of ESA’s intention to initiate a tender action (List of Intended ITTs) and contract signature Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 17 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (3) Optimising Time-to-Contract THE SOLUTION As a result of recent consultations with Industry, D/IPL and D/TEC, with the full support of other ESA Directorates, have agreed to put in place measures having as target a tangible reduction of “Time-to-Contract” for small (i.e. up to 100k€) to medium budget (typically between 100k€ and the applicable IPC approval threshold) procurements Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (4) Optimising Time-to-Contract THE “EXPRO – EXPRESS PROCUREMENT” STANDARD New express procedure for Studies, R&D, Small Services, etc. procurements up to 100k€ already in use (since Spring 2013) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 19 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (5) Optimising Time-to-Contract EXPRO’S MAIN FEATURES 1. Quick procedure similar to the one used for Purchase Orders 2. Non-competitive and restricted-competitive procedure available 3. Standard templates with embedded instructions for Proposal and Cover Letter instead of Special Conditions of Tender 4. Self-contained and easily legible contract standard with embedded the (relevant part of the) GC&C. No need to study separate Applicable Documents. It accommodates virtually all procurement types 5. ESA can waive the submission of a full proposal (for noncompetitive tendering), replaced by the submission of a standard “Compliance Letter” (also based on a template) 6. Shorter tendering (4 weeks with proposal / 1 to 2 weeks with “Compliance Letter”) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 20 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (6) Optimising Time-to-Contract ADDITIONAL PROCUREMENT STANDARDS: “EXPRO+” 1. Still in view of the outcome of the recent consultations with industry, another standard has been developed, widening the EXPRO applicability range to cover larger procurement actions, namely those with budgets between 100k€ and the IPC approval threshold: the socalled “EXPRO+” package; 2. EXPRO+ re-uses as much as possible the “EXPRO” features excluding, for the time being, those requiring major modifications of ESA’s regulations; 3. EXPRO+ experimental pilots are being run since July 2013. . Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 21 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (7) Optimising Time-to-Contract SUMMARY OF EXPRO/EXPRO+ EXPECTED BENEFITS 1. Standard Proposal and Cover Letter templates simplifies proposal writing (Industry) and evaluation (ESA) 2. Self-contained contract, no external Appl. Documents improves legibility and understanding of contract terms and conditions (Industry) 3. Waiver of full proposal for non-competitive tendering makes responding to an ESA RFQ (Industry) and evaluation (ESA) much easier 4. Shorter overall tendering procedure (EXPRO and EXPRO+ noncompetitive) outcome of tender action known more quickly (Industry) 5. Shorter esa-p procedure (EXPRO and EXPRO+ non-competitive) simplified internal administration and approval cycles (ESA) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 22 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (8) Optimising Time-to-Contract ADDITIONAL TOOLS AND MEASURES Next to EXPRO and EXPRO+, a number of complementary measures are also being implemented. Among these: • Establishment of a web-based “Procurement Status Dashboard”, aimed at industry, reflecting the status of running tender actions (“In preparation”, “ITT out”, “Under Evaluation”, “Under Negotiation”, “Awarded”) • This should greatly improve bidders’ visibility on the progress of the tender actions to which they participate thus contributing to ease their perception of a “long TtC” Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 23 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (9) Optimising Time-to-Contract ADDITIONAL TOOLS AND MEASURES • More precise planning, between ESA initiators and PFLP, of coming ITTs in order to allow industry to correctly plan in turn (thus avoiding the re-issue of ITTs due to no response or repeated extensions of ITT closing dates) • Internal tools and facilities to reduce the time taken by purely clerical tasks in Tender Evaluation Boards (drafting minutes; reviewing of the same; collecting and accommodating changes / additions / suggestions by members; finalising TEB reports; collecting signatures; starting the internal endorsement process which allows contacting industry and the start of negotiations) Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SMEs and ESA Procurement Policy (10) Optimising Time-to-Contract OUR TARGETS Once the necessary measures are in place, the Executive shall compare the current averages, measuring the time between “Bid Invitation approved” (internal OK to prepare ITT for publication) and “PO Ordered” with the new actuals. Our targets are as follows: KPI# Start EVENT End EVENT Current Avg. Target Avg. =========================================== 1 Bid Invitation ITT/RFQ issue 0.8 months 0.5 months 2 ITT/RFQ issue TOB 2.6 months 2.5 months* 3 TOB Rec. Bid Resp. 2.0 months 1.0 month 4 Rec. Bid Resp. Commitment 2.4 months 1.0 month ======= ======= 7.8 months 5.0 months * To be further updated The intention is also to reduce the currently high variance relative to the averages Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 25 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conclusions It is time now to B2B encounters Keep in mind all the suggestions and information myself and my previous colleagues have given to you I wish you very fruitful ISD I thank you for the enormous interest this ESA event has raised throughout Europe See you at the next ISD! Industry Space Days 2014 | Eric Morel de Westgaver - D/IPL | ESTEC | 03/06/2014 | D/IPL | Slide 26 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use
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