BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 AT A GLANCE (Rs. in Lakhs) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 A Opening balance Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 4,765.24 - 4,811.01 - 1,470.10 812.00 1,232.00 880.00 31,995.00 38,229.55 32,400.00 25,077.53 144.59 - 134.96 24.70 iv R.K.V.Y 1,265.02 - 940.00 - v I.C.A.R. Plan B Receipts i Direct Receipts ii Non - Plan iii Dept.Sponsored Schemes 4,519.15 3,569.77 4,851.31 4,085.00 vi Government of India 795.54 609 1,077.33 785.73 vii Other Agencies 348.96 - 271.60 85.70 viii Other Accounts 2,728.49 3,556 1,596 3,997.95 - - - - Total (B) 43,266.85 46,776.32 42,503.20 34,936.61 Grand Total (A+B) 48,032.09 46,776.32 47,314.21 34,936.61 29,530.37 39,041.55 35,106.16 25,957.53 94.82 - 134.96 24.70 iii R.K.V.Y 1,747.19 - 940.90 - iv I.C.A.R. Plan 6,960.57 3,569.77 4,851.31 4,085.00 v Government of India 1,150.28 609.00 1,077.33 785.73 vi Other Agencies 391.03 - 271.60 85.70 vii Other Accounts 3,346.82 3,556.00 4,931.95 3,997.95 - - - - 43,221.08 46,776.32 47,314.21 34,936.61 4,811.01 - - - 48,032.09 46,776.32 47,314.21 34,936.61 ix A.P.NL & AP WM Project C Expenditure i Non - Plan ii Dept.Sponsored Schemes ix A.P.NL & AP WM Project Total (C) D Closing Balance Grand Total (C+D) i BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 (in Rupees) Head of Account a Opening balance Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 47,65,24,304 - 48,11,00,927 - 14,70,10,010 8,12,00,000 12,32,00,000 8,80,00,000 Receipts b Direct Receipts c Grants-in-aid: Non-Plan 319,95,00,000 382,29,55,000 Dept. Sponsored Schemes 324,00,00,00 250,77,53,000 1,44,58,784 - 1,34,95,830 24,70,000 R.K.V.Y. 12,65,02,193 - 9,40,00,000 - I.C.A.R. Plan 45,19,14,852 35,69,77,000 48,51,30,870 40,85,00,000 Government of India 7,95,53,600 6,09,00,000 10,77,33,277 7,85,72,920 Other Agencies 3,48,96,345 - 2,71,60,000 85,70,000 APNL & AP WM Project Total (c) 390,68,25,774 424,08,32,000 396,75,19,977 300,58,65,920 d Other Accounts Sundry Deposits 19,15,05,097 28,72,00,000 11,67,00,000 18,43,73,073 1,79,81,641 1,89,00,000 1,34,00,000 18,59,22,000 ANGRAU Staff EWF Scheme 37,18,575 35,00,000 35,00,000 35,00,000 HB Advance(Incl. Interest) 13,59,144 - - - Contributory Pension Scheme 5,01,84,107 4,60,00,000 2,60,00,000 2,60,00,000 Other Miscellaneous Receipts 81,00,480 - - - 27,28,49,044 35,56,00,000 15,96,00,000 39,97,95,073 Loans and Advances Total (d) Total (b+c+d) 432,66,84,828 467,76,32,000 425,03,19,977 349,36,60,993 Grand Total 480,32,09,132 467,76,32,000 473,14,20,904 349,36,60,993 ii BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 Expenditure e Civil Expenditure Non-Plan 295,30,36,724 390,41,55,000 351,06,16,000 259,57,53,000 Dept. Sponsored Schemes 94,81,530 - 1,34,95,830 24,70,000 R.K.V.Y. 17,47,19,049 - 9,40,90,000 - I.C.A.R. Plan 69,60,57,110 35,69,77,000 48,51,30,870 40,85,00,000 Government of India 11,50,28,246 6,09,00,000 10,77,33,277 7,85,72,920 - - - - 3,91,03,465 - 2,71,60,000 85,70,000 APNL & AP WM Project Other Agencies Total (e) 398,74,26,124 432,20,32,000 423,82,25,977 309,38,65,920 f) Other Accounts Sundry Deposits 26,84,02,137 32,60,00,000 44,90,00,000 36,50,00,000 Loans and Advances 5,04,36,304 2,51,00,000 2,66,94,927 2,05,95,073 ANGRAU Employees Welfare Fund 1,58,43,640 45,00,000 1,75,00,000 1,42,00,000 33,46,82,081 35,56,00,000 49,31,94,927 39,97,95,073 Total (f) Total (e+f) Closing Balance 432,21,08,205 467,76,32,000 473,14,20,904 349,36,60,993 48,11,00,927 Grand Total - - - 480,32,09,132 467,76,32,000 473,14,20,904 349,36,60,993 iii BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER NON-PLAN (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 RECEIPTS a) Direct Receipts University Administration 2,81,82,475 1,20,00,000 2,80,00,000 1,30,00,000 Agricultural Colleges 8,52,32,120 5,00,00,000 6,50,00,000 5,50,00,000 Polytechnic Colleges 1,03,68,688 40,00,000 80,00,000 45,00,000 Research Stations & Schemes 2,16,75,068 1,52,00,000 2,00,00,000 1,55,00,000 14,54,58,351 8,12,00,000 12,10,00,000 8,80,00,000 Total (a) b) Grants-in-Aid Block Grant Salaries Grant 282,00,00,000 290,00,00,000 290,00,00,000 170,73,47,000 Other Grants 37,95,00,000 34,00,00,000 34,00,00,000 22,18,84,000 i) Addl.Grant for (5) Polytechnic - - - - ii) Addl. Grant for conduct of World Agril. Forum - - - - Total (b) 319,95,00,000 324,00,00,000 324,00,00,000 192,92,31,000 c) Addl. Grants to be sought from Govt. Pay & Allowances - 22,68,47,000 - 54,90,65,000 Contingencies - 35,61,08,000 - 2,94,57,000 - 58,29,55,000 - 57,85,22,000 Total (c) Total (b+c) d) Dept. Sponsored Schemes RKVY Total (d) Grand Total (a+b+c+d) 319,95,00,000 382,29,55,000 324,00,00,000 259,57,53,000 1,44,58,784 - 1,34,95,830 24,70,000 12,65,02,193 - 9,40,00,000 - 14,09,60,977 - 10,74,95,830 24,70,000 348,59,19,328 390,41,55,000 346,84,95,830 259,82,23,000 iv BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER NON-PLAN (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 EXPENDITURE University Administration 23,53,57,699 26,95,78,000 25,01,08,000 15,84,56,000 Pension 91,16,23,565 95,00,00,000 95,00,00,000 66,70,00,000 Education 79,42,02,440 107,60,91,000 105,30,70,00 78,57,63,000 Research 57,98,93,278 82,54,78,000 79,70,04,000 62,49,87,000 Extension 10,38,84,544 13,60,24,000 13,93,78,000 10,05,32,000 Common Expenditure 19,40,26,775 22,64,84,000 16,56,23,000 17,78,15,000 6,02,51,589 34,05,00,000 7,54,33,000 3,48,00,000 61,38,928 - - - 6,76,57,906 8,00,00,000 8,00,00,000 4,64,00,000 Works Intensification of Research (incl. RKVY) State Share (25%) (AICRP Scheme of ICAR) Total Dept. Sponsored Schemes RKVY Grand Total 295,30,36,724 390,41,55,000 351,06,16,000 259,57,53,000 94,81,530 - 1,34,95,830 24,70,000 17,47,19,049 - 9,40,90,000 - 313,72,37,303 390,41,55,000 361,82,01,830 259,82,23,000 v BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER ICAR-PLAN (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 a) Opening Balance RECEIPTS b) Direct Receipts 15,51,659 - 22,00,000 - 15,51,659 - 22,00,000 - 7,82,48,797 6,01,02,000 6,88,82,725 - 7,82,48,797 6,01,02,000 6,88,82,725 - 26,60,87,434 18,63,89,000 28,30,51,958 29,63,00,000 85,29,244 1,07,61,000 1,08,56,250 1,10,00,000 c) One Time Catch Up Grant - - - - d) UGC arrears (ICAR) - - - - Total (ii) 27,46,16,678 19,71,50,000 29,39,08,208 30,73,00,000 iii) Krishi Vignana Kendras 9,90,49,377 9,97,25,000 12,23,39,937 10,12,00,000 Total (iii) 9,90,49,377 9,97,25,000 12,23,39,937 10,12,00,000 Total (c) 45,19,14,852 35,69,77,000 48,51,30,870 40,85,00,000 Total (a+b+c) 45,34,66,511 35,69,77,000 48,73,30,870 40,85,00,000 Total (a+b+c) 45,34,66,511 35,69,77,000 48,73,30,870 40,85,00,000 Total (b) c) Grants i) Education Dev. Grant Total (i) ii) Research a) Agriculture b) Home Science Extension vi BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER ICAR-PLAN (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 EXPENDITURE i) Dev. Grant Education 10,83,21,849 6,01,02,000 6,88,82,725 - 10,83,21,849 6,01,02,000 6,88,82,725 - 23,90,12,446 18,63,89,000 28,30,51,958 29,63,00,000 83,46,916 1,07,61,000 1,08,56,250 1,10,00,000 c) One Time Catch Up Grant - - - - d) Refund of UGC arrears - - - - Total (ii) 24,73,59,362 19,71,50,000 29,39,08,208 30,73,00,000 Krishi Vignana Kendras 14,49,93,159 9,97,25,000 12,23,39,937 10,12,00,000 Total (iii) 14,49,93,159 9,97,25,000 12,23,39,937 10,12,00,000 19,53,82,740 - - - Total (iv) 19,53,82,740 - - - Grand Total 69,60,57,110 35,69,77,000 48,51,30,870 40,85,00,000 Total (i) ii) Research a) Agriculture b) Home Science iii) Extension (including common zone) iv) Refunded UGC arrears 6th Pay Commission vii BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER GOVT. OF INDIA (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 RECEIPTS a) Grants Received Total Receipts 7,95,53,600 6,09,00,000 10,77,33,277 7,85,72,920 7,95,53,600 6,09,00,000 10,77,33,277 7,85,72,920 11,50,28,246 6,09,00,000 10,77,33,277 7,85,72,920 11,50,28,246 6,09,00,000 10,77,33,277 7,85,72,920 EXPENDITURE b) Expenditure Total Expenditure viii BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER OTHER AGENCIES (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 RECEIPTS a) Grants Received Total Receipts 3,48,96,345 - 2,71,60,000 85,70,000 3,48,96,345 - 2,71,60,000 85,70,000 3,91,03,465 - 2,71,60,000 85,70,000 3,91,03,465 - 2,71,60,000 85,70,000 EXPENDITURE b) Expenditure Total Expenditure ix BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER OTHER ACCOUNTS (in Rupees) Head of Account RECEIPTS a) Other Accounts Interest on GPF Interest on Pension deposit Interest on EWF Interest on Endowments Interest on other Deposits Interest on ICAR Deposits Interest on KVK deposits Interest on APWM & APNL Biotech Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 4,81,088 1,73,299 1,32,198 11,27,812 1,36,13,723 - 10,00,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 50,00,000 - 5,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 40,00,000 - 1,15,00,000 1,50,000 23,073 13,00,000 1,50,00,000 - 1,55,28,120 10,52,00,000 47,00,000 2,79,73,073 16,77,05,928 82,71,049 18,00,00,000 20,00,000 11,00,00,000 20,00,000 15,44,00,000 20,00,000 Total (b) 17,59,76,977 18,20,00,000 11,20,00,000 15,64,00,000 Total (a+b) 19,15,05,097 28,72,00,000 11,67,00,000 18,43,73,073 1,79,81,641 13,59,144 1,80,00,000 9,00,000 1,25,00,000 9,00,000 18,44,00,000 15,22,000 1,93,40,785 1,89,00,000 1,34,00,000 18,59,22,000 37,18,575 5,01,84,107 43,56,130 37,44,350 35,00,000 4,60,00,000 - 35,00,000 2,60,00,000 - 35,00,000 2,60,00,000 44,00,000 18,00,000 6,20,03,162 4,95,00,000 2,95,00,000 3,57,00,000 Total Receipts (b+c+d) 27,28,49,044 35,56,00,000 15,96,00,000 40,59,95,073 Grand Total 27,28,49,044 35,56,00,000 15,96,00,000 40,59,95,073 Total (a) b) Sundry Deposits GPF Subscription Other deposits Earnest Money and Works Deposits c) Realisations Loans and Advances House Building Advance Total (c) d) Miscellaneous Subscriptions to EWF Scheme Contributory Pension Scheme Receipts on Deposit works Other Miscellaneous Receipts Total (d) x BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER OTHER ACCOUNTS (in Rupees) Head of Account EXPENDITURE e) Sundry Deposits GPF Withdrawals GPF Investments GPF Payments to SVVU/APHU CPS Investments CPS Payments to APHU Refund of Earnest Money & Works Deposits Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 16,30,91,259 5,75,00,000 2,88,002 4,37,80,000 2,00,000 16,00,00,000 12,00,00,000 4,00,00,000 10,00,000 20,00,00,000 16,00,00,000 5,00,00,000 10,00,000 17,60,00,000 13,00,00,000 2,80,00,000 10,00,000 35,42,876 - 50,00,000 - 3,80,00,000 - 3,00,00,000 - 26,84,02,137 32,60,00,000 44,90,00,000 36,50,00,000 1,25,95,000 1,66,439 20,89,900 1,20,00,000 6,00,000 40,00,000 1,35,00,000 6,00,000 40,00,000 1,00,00,000 5,00,000 30,00,000 13,65,000 1,823 2,98,66,646 40,38,000 3,13,496 40,00,000 45,00,000 - 40,00,000 94,927 45,00,000 - 30,00,000 95,073 40,00,000 - 5,04,36,304 2,51,00,000 2,66,94,927 2,05,95,073 1,17,84,342 40,59,298 10,00,000 35,00,000 1,40,00,000 35,00,000 1,10,00,000 32,00,000 1,58,43,640 45,00,000 1,75,00,000 1,42,00,000 Total Expenditure (e+f+g) 33,46,82,081 35,56,00,000 49,31,94,927 39,97,95,073 Miscellaneous & other Deposits APNL Bio Tech & WMP Deposits Total (e) f) Loans and Advances Festival Advances Other Misc. Advances (Including HBA) Advance for purchase of Vehicles (Including Cycle) Advance for Marriage NAC & APBOCWB Deposit works Educational Loans Interest on Corpus fund towards Housing Loan to Staff (Teaching & Non-teaching) Total (f) g) Miscellaneous ANGRAU Staff EWF investments ANGRAU Staff EWF payments Total (g) xi BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2014-15 UNDER APNL & A.P. WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT (in Rupees) Head of Account Accounts 2012-2013 Budget Estimates 2013-2014 Revised Estimates 2013-2014 Budget Estimates 2014-2015 a. RECEIPTS Grants Received b. Expenditure Total (b) 10,79,349 - - - 10,79,349 - - - xii
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