POLICY ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Division: Education Development & Assessment Department: Examinations Title: Conduct of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Science and Principles Examination 1. Ref. No. EDA-EXA-007 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The policy provides the criteria for the conduct of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Science and Principles Examination. The purpose of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Science and Principles (PRSSP) Examination is to ensure Trainees are equipped with knowledge of the basic sciences relevant to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery early in their surgical training. The Examination consists of two written papers of equal length. The Board in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has devolved responsibility to the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialty Court for the conduct of the Examination and approval of results. 2. KEYWORDS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Science, Eligibility, Prerequisites, Application, Conduct, Time Limitations, Results. 3. BODY OF POLICY 3.1. Format of the PRSSP Examination The Examination consists of two papers (Paper A and Paper B) each containing 100 Type X (True/False) Multiple Choice Questions. The Examination is conducted over two consecutive days. Each paper runs for 2½ hours. 3.2. Eligibility to Present for the Examination Active and interrupted Trainees on the Plastic and Reconstructive Training program are eligible to sit. 3.3. Prerequisites Candidates must have successfully completed the following: 3.4. 3.5. 3.3.1. The Generic Surgical Science Examination 3.3.2. The SET Clinical Examination. Application 3.4.1. Candidates are required to submit an application form and pay the PRSSP examination fee prior to sitting the examination. 3.4.2. Applications will only be accepted up to the closing date for the examination and no late applications will be accepted. 3.4.3. The examination date and application closing date are published on the College Examinations’ website. Timeframe and Venue The Examination is offered twice annually. The Plastics and Reconstructive Surgical Sciences Examination will be held at various sites in Australia and New Zealand in June and October as set by the Examinations Department. 3.6. Progression towards Fellowship Successful completion of this examination is a pre-requisite to present for the Fellowship Examination in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Authorised By: Director, Education Development & Assessment Original Issue: 27/10/2009 Document Owner: Manager, Examinations Version: 3 Approval Date: February 2014 Review Date: February 2017 Page 1 of 3 POLICY ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Division: Education Development & Assessment Department: Examinations Title: Conduct of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Science and Principles Examination 3.7. Ref. No. EDA-EXA-007 Conduct The Examination is conducted by Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Examiners and as appropriate, the regional surgical supervisors or others as deemed appropriate by the Board in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Examiners in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery are responsible for setting the questions, defining the standards and approving results of the Examination. Curriculum areas covered in the Examination include basic science, anatomy, general patient care and surgical principles. 3.8. Number of Attempts and Time Limitations 3.8.1. 3.8.2. 3.9. 3.10. Number of Attempts a. The maximum number of attempts at the examination is four. b. If the Examination is not completed successfully within four attempts the Trainee will be dismissed. Time Limitations a. Trainees must pass this Examination by the completion of SET4. b. Failure to successfully complete the Examination by SET4 will result in dismissal from the training program. Results 3.9.1. Candidates will be awarded a result of pass/fail only for the Examination. There is no rank order. 3.9.2. Paper A and Paper B are considered in conjunction to determine the final Examination result. 3.9.3. The Examinations Department formally advises candidates in writing of their result. Results of the Examination are also communicated directly to the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialty Board Chair. Withdrawal Applicants withdrawing from the Examination must formally notify the Examinations Department in writing. Applicants who do not formally notify the Examinations Department of their withdrawal will forfeit the examination fee. The following withdrawal fees apply. Applicants who: 3.10.1. withdraw from the examination prior to the examination closing date will be refunded 100% of the examination fee. 3.10.2. withdraw from the examination more than 10 working days prior to the first scheduled day of the Examination will be refunded 50% of the examination fee. 3.10.3. withdraw from the examination 10 working days or less, of the first scheduled day of the examination will be refunded 25% of the examination fee. Authorised By: Director, Education Development & Assessment Original Issue: 27/10/2009 Document Owner: Manager, Examinations Version: 3 Approval Date: February 2014 Review Date: February 2017 Page 2 of 3 POLICY ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Division: Education Development & Assessment Department: Examinations Title: Conduct of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Science and Principles Examination 4. Ref. No. EDA-EXA-007 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS Policies EDA-EXA-010 EDA-EXA-013 ETA-SET-007 Conduct of the Fellowship Examinations Notification of Special Circumstances and Disability Dismissal from Surgical Training Forms PRSSP Examination Application Form Application for Special Circumstances Approver Authoriser Education Board Council Authorised By: Director, Education Development & Assessment Original Issue: 27/10/2009 Document Owner: Manager, Examinations Version: 3 Approval Date: February 2014 Review Date: February 2017 Page 3 of 3
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