46.0 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE REVIEW BOARD (SARB) HEARING PROCESS 1. ATTENDANCE POLICY The attendance policy is as follows: Reasons for absence must be satisfacto rily confirmed by the student’s parent/guardian in person, in writing or by telephone. For students in Kindergarten through Grade Six, such confirma tion must be made to the school within five school days. For students in Grades Seven through Twelve, such confirmation must be made to the school within two days. Absences not satisfactorily confirmed by the stu dent’s parent/guardian within the time specified, will be designated as per manently unexcused (for all absence codes see Appendix “H.13” ). A student’s absence may be excused legally for the following reasons (Education Code 46010): Excused Absence a. b. c. d. Personal illness. Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer. Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic appointments. Participation in religious instruction or exercises in accordance with district policy. NOTE: THIS IS OPTIONAL PURSUANT TO EDUCATION CODE 46014. Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family. Exclusion, for up to five (5) school days, for failure to present evidence of immunization. Jury duty in the manner provided by law. Personal Absence Upon written request of the parent/guardian, a student’s absence may be excused for the following reasons (Education Code 48205): a. b. c. d. Appearance in court. Observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion. Employment interview or conference. Attendance at religious retreats for no more than four hours during a semester. Other reasons requested in writing by the parent/guardian and considered legitimate by the principal or designee. Absences described above shall have prior approval of the principal or des ignnee. When students contemplate absence for reasons other than those listed above, their parents/guardians should write the principal to ask that the expected absence be excused. The request will be considered and approved or disapproved. If the request is denied, reasons will be given. . ESP Manual 03/08 Page 56 46.0 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE REVIEW BOARD (SARB) HEARING PROCESS “EVERY DAY AND ON TIME” GOAL: 2. to work with students and families to identify a solution to attendance problems by utilizing resources within the school district and community. IDENTIFYING NO SHOW STUDENTS The No Show Parent Letter (Appendix “H”) which is automatically gener ated by SIS must be sent to parents who do not enroll their child in school at the beginning of the school year and for whom we have no record for a request for transfer (for all absence codes see Appendix “H.13” ). 3. If a parent who claims the student no longer resides with them they must sign the bottom of the No Show Parent Letter (Appendix “H”) . Non Attendance Verification Form (Appendix “ H.12” )should be filled out for those students who did not enroll at the beginning of the school year or you are unable to locate and cannot verify where they have gone. This form can should be filled out at the site and then given to the designated district personnel. Someone from the district office will make a home visit to complete the Non A tten dance Verification Form (Appendix “ H.12” ). TRUANT STUDENTS A student is considered “truant” who is absent from school without a valid excuse when they are absent more than three days or tardy in excess of 30 minutes on each of more than three day in the school year. (Ed. Code 48260) The school site person responsible for attendance should: 1. have already made at least two telephone calls home to verify an absence if the school has not already received a written note or voice mail from the legal parent/guardian 2. mail out the Truancy Letter (Appendix “H.1”) when a student has three or more unexcused absences 3. begin a file for the student and begin documenting absences and all communications using the Site Documentation Log (Appendix “H.11.1”) . Be sure to include all copies of letters. ESP Manual 03/08 Page 57 46.00 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE REVIEW BOARD (SARB) HEARING PROCESS (CONTINUED) 4. PARENT NOTIFICATION Ten Days or More Letter (Appendix “ H.2) will be generated from SIS and sent to a student who has missed ten or more days of school. These days will include excused and unexcused absences. These letters will be sent by regular mail and be filed in the student’s file for the SARB process. Fifteen Days or More Letter (Appendix H.3) will be generated from SIS and sent to a student who has missed fifteen day or more days of school. These days will include excused and unexcused absences. These let ters need to be hand delivered and signed or sent by certified mail. Keep the letter as part of the SARB file. 5. out MANDATORY STUDENT STUDY TEAM MEETING A MANDATORY STUDENT STUDY TEAM MEETING will take place If excessive absences continue. The principal or vice principal will meet with the parents, student, and teacher at a Student Study Team. At the Student Study Team the Contractual A greement (Appendix H.4) will be filled out. At the Secondary Level, student study team meetings must be conducted and must include the student’s language ar ts and math teacher s. Letter s sent to teachers to comment on a student’s strengths and weaknesses will no longer be used in lieu of the Student Study Meeting. The definition of a Stu dent Study Meetings is teachers, parents, students, and principal and vice principal at the same meeting at the same date and time. Interventions and plans to remediate a student’s absences must be addressed. A time line of pro posed interventions needs to be included in the Student Study Meeting Plan. 6. SARB HEARING If the student’s attendance has not improved has not improved after at least four weeks contact the Student Well-Being Facilitator at the district office to set up a date for a SARB Hearing. Fill out A pplication for a SA RB Hearing (Appendix “H.5”). SARB Hearings will only be scheduled if there is proof that the interventions from the Student Study Team Meeting have been tried. After a SARB Hearing Date has been agreed upon, the school site ensure that the legal parent/guardian receives the Habitual Truant Letter (Appendix “H.6”), the SA RB Hearing Notification (Appendix “H.7”), and Proof of Parent Receipt (Appendix “ H.7.1” ). Parent/legal guardian must receive this no tification at least seven days before the hearing. ESP Manual 03/08 Page 58 46.00 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE REVIEW BOARD (SARB) HEARING PROCESS (CONTINUED) 7. SARB RECOMMENDATION The SA RB Summary of Recommendations (Appendix “H.8”) will be filled out at the SARB Hearing. Parents and referring school will re ceive a copy. These recommendations are made by The SARB Panel consist ing of a representative from the Calexico Police Department, Imperial County Probation Department, Imperial County Behavioral Health Services, Calexico Family Resource Center, Imperial County Department of Social Services, Imperial County Office of Education Alternative Education Pro grams, and a parent. The SARB panel agrees to these recommendations after listening to the administrator from the school site present the legal case, com plete SARB Packet, for each student. The panel has an opportunity to ques tion administrators, parents and students about the student’s poor attendance before the SA RB Summary of Recommendations (Appendix “H.8”) is filled out. In some cases the Imperial County Department of Social Services will make changes in family’s aide status. If a student continues to break the SA RB Recommendations (Appendix “H.8”) and SA RB A ppeal (Appendix “H.9”), the student wellbeing facilitator will fill out the District A ttorney Letter (Appendix “ H.10” ) and send it to the district attorney. 8. ALTERNATIVE EDUCTION REFERRAL PROCESS Once the SARB recommendation has been completed, parents are to be in structed as to the referral process which needs to take place to ensure a smooth transition (see Appendix “H.14”). It is the parent’s responsibility to set up an appointment at ICOE Al ternative Education at 312-5523 or 312-5501. Student is to continue to attend at CUSD until he/she has been en rolled and starts classes at Community School (usually takes five days). Parent is to notify school of attendance once his/her enrollment proc ess has been completed so that they can be dropped from CUSD at tendance and proper paperwork complete. All requirements as specified by the SARB Panel must be completed before re-enrollment can be considered. Set up appointment with Dana-Sue Gonzalez at 768 3888 xt 3093 to get clearance to re-enroll within the Calexico Unified School District. ESP Manual 03/08 Page 59 46.00 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE REVIEW BOARD (SARB) HEARING PROCESS (CONTINUED) 8. (Appendix filled SARB APPEAL If a parent does not agree with the Summary of Recommendations “H.8”) they can request a meeting with the assistant superintendent of schools. At the meeting, the SA RB A ppeal Form (Appendix “H.9”)is out by the assistant superintendent. The assistant superintendent has the au thority to change the Summary of Recommendations (Appendix “H.8”). She will give a copy of the changed SA RB A ppeal Form (Appendix “H.9”)to the parents, student well-being facilitator, and the school site. If the contract is not adhered by the student, he is referred to the Community School immedi ately. If a student continues to break the SA RB Recommendations (Appendix “H.8”) and SA RB A ppeal (Appendix “H.9”), the student wellbeing facilitator will fill out the District A ttorney Letter (Appendix “ H.10” ) and send it to the district attorney. ESP Manual 03/08 Page 60
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