FAOWorldReferenceLaboratoryfor Foot‐and‐MouthDisease(WRLFMD) GenotypingReport ReportDateforthisBatch:26May2014 FMDVtypeO Country:Tunisia Period:2014 No.ofsequences:2(VP1) Originator:Dr.EmilianaBrocchi,NationalReferenceCentrefor VesicularDiseases,IstitutoZooprofilatticoSperimentaledella Lombardiaedell’EmiliaRomagna(IZSLER),Brescia,Italy. The contents of this report are copyright and should not be reproduced without permission © The Pirbright Institute FAO World Reference Laboratory for FMD Genotyping Report IAH-P-EP-MEG-FOR-005-3 Page 1 of 1 Serotype: O WRLFMD Ref No: TUN/1031/2014* Batch No: WRLMEG/2014/00010 Sender Ref: 1031 (IZSLER 134444/1) Location: Somaa, Tunisia Date collected: 26/04/2014 Date received by WRLFMD: 26/05/2014 Date received for sequencing: n/a Species: Cattle Material used: epithelial susp Region sequenced: VP1 RT-PCR primers: O-1C244F/EUR-2B52R O-1C272F/EUR-2B52R Report date: 26/05/2014 Reported by: N.J. Knowles Checked by: D.P. King Topotype: ME-SA Genotype/strain: Ind-2001d Sequence filename: TUN14-AA.SEQ Date sequence last updated: 26/05/2014 No. of Nt determined: 639 No. of ambiguities: 0 Gene length: 639 Total no. of comparisons: 3845 Min. no. of nt for comparison: 600 Total turn-around time: 0 days Comments: Most Closely Related Viruses Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Virus name O/TUN/1054/2014* O/LIB/1/2013 O/LIB/11/2013 O/LIB/12/2013 O/LIB/4/2013 O/LIB/5/2013 O/LIB/7/2013 O/LIB/13/2013 O/LIB/16/2013 O/LIB/17/2013 Filename No. nt comp. No. nt match. No. of ambig. % Id. % Diff. Topotype Strain TUN14-AB LIB13-01 LIB13-11 LIB13-12 LIB13-04 LIB13-05 LIB13-07 LIB13-13 LIB13-16 LIB13-17 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 637 632 632 632 632 632 632 631 631 631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99.69 98.90 98.90 98.90 98.90 98.90 98.90 98.75 98.75 98.75 0.31 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.25 ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Most Closely Related Reference Viruses (see http://www.wrlfmd.org/fmd_genotyping/prototypes.htm) Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Virus name O/BHU/3/2009 O/OMN/7/2001 (DQ164941) O/KUW/3/97 (DQ164904) O/UAE/4/2008 O/IRN/31/2009 O/TUR/257/2008* (FMDI) O/UKG/35/2001 (AJ539141) O/IRN/8/2005 O/PAK/16/2010 O/IRN/18/2010 nt, nucleotides *, not a WRLFMD reference number Filename No. nt comp. No. nt match. No. of ambig. % Id. % Diff. Topotype Strain BHU09-03 OMN01-07 KUW97-03 UAE08-04 IRN09-31 TUR08-AD UKG01-35 IRN05-08 PAK10-16 IRN10-18 639 639 639 636 639 639 639 639 639 639 608 582 579 570 570 565 565 564 563 562 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95.15 91.08 90.61 89.62 89.20 88.42 88.42 88.26 88.11 87.95 4.85 8.92 9.39 10.38 10.80 11.58 11.58 11.74 11.89 12.05 ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA Ind-2001d Ind-2001b Ind-2001a Ind-2001c FAR-09 PanAsia-2 TER-08 PanAsia-2 PanAsia PanAsia-2 PUN-10 PanAsia-2 BAL-09 PanAsia-2 Assembled with Report Generator v4.2 © The Pirbright Institute (not to be reproduced without permission) FAO World Reference Laboratory for FMD Genotyping Report IAH-P-EP-MEG-FOR-005-3 Page 1 of 1 Serotype: O WRLFMD Ref No: TUN/1054/2014* Batch No: WRLMEG/2014/00010 Sender Ref: 1054 (IZSLER 134444/4) Location: Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia Date collected: 29/04/2014 Date received by WRLFMD: 26/05/2014 Date received for sequencing: n/a Species: Cattle Material used: epithelial susp Region sequenced: VP1 RT-PCR primers: O-1C244F/EUR-2B52R O-1C272F/EUR-2B52R Report date: 26/05/2014 Reported by: N.J. Knowles Checked by: D.P. King Topotype: ME-SA Genotype/strain: Ind-2001d Sequence filename: TUN14-AB.SEQ Date sequence last updated: 26/05/2014 No. of Nt determined: 639 No. of ambiguities: 0 Gene length: 639 Total no. of comparisons: 3845 Min. no. of nt for comparison: 600 Total turn-around time: 0 days Comments: Most Closely Related Viruses Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Virus name O/TUN/1031/2014* O/LIB/1/2013 O/LIB/11/2013 O/LIB/12/2013 O/LIB/4/2013 O/LIB/5/2013 O/LIB/7/2013 O/LIB/13/2013 O/LIB/16/2013 O/LIB/17/2013 Filename No. nt comp. No. nt match. No. of ambig. % Id. % Diff. Topotype Strain TUN14-AA LIB13-01 LIB13-11 LIB13-12 LIB13-04 LIB13-05 LIB13-07 LIB13-13 LIB13-16 LIB13-17 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 639 637 634 634 634 634 634 634 633 633 633 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99.69 99.22 99.22 99.22 99.22 99.22 99.22 99.06 99.06 99.06 0.31 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.94 0.94 0.94 ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Ind-2001d Most Closely Related Reference Viruses (see http://www.wrlfmd.org/fmd_genotyping/prototypes.htm) Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Virus name O/BHU/3/2009 O/OMN/7/2001 (DQ164941) O/KUW/3/97 (DQ164904) O/UAE/4/2008 O/IRN/31/2009 O/TUR/257/2008* (FMDI) O/UKG/35/2001 (AJ539141) O/IRN/8/2005 O/PAK/16/2010 O/IRN/18/2010 nt, nucleotides *, not a WRLFMD reference number Filename No. nt comp. No. nt match. No. of ambig. % Id. % Diff. Topotype Strain BHU09-03 OMN01-07 KUW97-03 UAE08-04 IRN09-31 TUR08-AD UKG01-35 IRN05-08 PAK10-16 IRN10-18 639 639 639 636 639 639 639 639 639 639 610 584 581 572 572 567 567 566 565 564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95.46 91.39 90.92 89.94 89.51 88.73 88.73 88.58 88.42 88.26 4.54 8.61 9.08 10.06 10.49 11.27 11.27 11.42 11.58 11.74 ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA ME-SA Ind-2001d Ind-2001b Ind-2001a Ind-2001c FAR-09 PanAsia-2 TER-08 PanAsia-2 PanAsia PanAsia-2 PUN-10 PanAsia-2 BAL-09 PanAsia-2 Assembled with Report Generator v4.2 © The Pirbright Institute (not to be reproduced without permission) O/TUN/1031/2014* (IZSLER) O/TUN/1054/2014* (IZSLER) O/LIB/12/2013 O/LIB/11/2013 O/LIB/1/2013 O/LIB/4/2013 O/LIB/13/2013 O/LIB/5/2013 O/LIB/17/2013 O/LIB/7/2013 indicates viruses in this batch 96 O/LIB/22/2013 O/LIB/2/2013 Software: MEGA 6.06 Analysis O/LIB/3/2013 Analysis ---------------------------- Phylogeny Reconstruction O/LIB/6/2013 Scope ------------------------------- All Selected Taxa O/LIB/16/2013 Statistical Method ------------------ Neighbor-joining O/IND52/2013* (PD-FMD) Phylogeny Test 74 O/SAU/2/2014 Test of Phylogeny ------------------- Bootstrap method 87 O/SAU/3/2014 No. of Bootstrap Replications ------- 1000 O/SAU/1/2014 Substitution Model O/SAU/7/2013 Substitutions Type ------------------ Nucleotide O/SAU/8/2013 95 Model/Method ------------------------ Kimura 2-parameter model Substitutions to Include ------------ d: Transitions + Transversions 95 O/SAU/6/2013 O/IND179/2013* (PD-FMD) Rates and Patterns O/SAU/4/2014 Rates among Sites ------------------- Uniform rates O/SAU/3/2013 Pattern among Lineages -------------- Same (Homogeneous) O/SAU/1/2013 Data Subset to Use 96 O/SAU/4/2013 Gaps/Missing Data Treatment --------- Pairwise deletion O/IND127/2013* (PD-FMD) Codons Included --------------------- 1st+2nd+3rd+Non-Coding No. of Sites : 642 100 O/NEP/16/2013 No Of Bootstrap Reps = 1000 O/NEP/17/2013 Only bootstrap values of 70% and above are shown O/BHU/1/2013 99 O/NEP/16/2012 93 *, not a WRLFMD Ref. No. O/IND50/2013* (PD-FMD) O/NEP/10/2012 O/NEP/11/2012 99 N.J. Knowles, J. Wadsworth & K. Bachanek-Bankowska, O/NEP/13/2012 26 May 2014 O/NEP/6/2013 O/NEP/11/2013 © The Pirbright Institute O/NEP/12/2013 (not to be reproduced without permission) O/UAE/1/2014 99 87 O/UAE/2/2014 100 O/NEP/18/2013 O/IND205/2013* (PD-FMD) 88 O/NEP/1/2014 O/NEP/2/2014 O/IND219/2013* (PD-FMD) O/IND222/2013* (PD-FMD) 91 O/NEP/3/2013 O/IND189/2013* (PD-FMD) O/NEP/6/2014 O/BHU/3/2009 85 99 O/IND/102/2010* (KC506466) O/UAE/4/2008 O/KUW/3/97 (DQ164904) 88 87 O/OMN/7/2001 (DQ164941) 99 Report on FMDV O in Tunisia in 2014 Batch: WRLMEG/2014/00010 PanAsia PanAsia-2 88 89 94 O/IND/53/79 (AF292107) O/IND/R2/75* (AF204276) O1/Manisa/TUR/69 (AY593823) 100 99 100 98 100 100 84 76 76 0.02 SEA EA-2 EA-3 EA-4 WA EA-1 CATHAY ISA-1 100 ISA-2 EURO-SA d Ind-2001 ME-SA c a b
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