WinDart-History 20141019 windart.exe/ .web Function “LoadScoreBoards online” fixed (restore saved Score Boards) Bugfix: ErrorMessage @ 1st start of windart fixed Playernames was moved to Playernames\Edit-Menu new ExecExt Event: eeAllure (all 10 Min, restart bei Mouse, Key or Strike) sizable KeyPics for OptionSoftKeys (can be changed in EventController) 1500 Icons available … V4x4B_0E: 7+7=14 OptionKeys (T8..T14 an V0, s. mf_4_3_2_Anschlussplan V4x4x-02xx.pdf) new OptionKeyEvents "Favorite[1..8]" bugfix for SplitScore-Team ServerList on with Single & Dual WebCam contact other WinDarts thx Cellarag & Abaddon (06.2012 ;-) click on offline (yellow) server in server list restore local players after closing online game WinDart-PHP-server moved from “” to “” (please check in network setup) 20140907 windart.exe/ .web WebCam-Server changed from “” to “” bugfix: blinking winner didn´t end if offline bugfix for average of x01 (was wrong after match mode was deaktivated) bugfix for score display in SteelDart event controlled WebCam refresh simulation in x01; click numbers to activate global exeption handler in WinDart.exe 20140807 windart.exe/ .web CheckOut-table for “double out” in windart.ini reactivated WebCam event controlled up- and download (strike -> SnapShot -> upload -> message to clients -> download -> refresh) Round & Average in Match-WebCam green PlayerOn Remaining darts |||, .||, ..|, … Score WebCam in Demo-Mode and for ComputerPlayer (to refresh Scores) EventController: pipe for commands, wait for StropoDuration before set new color Match: show CheckOut percentage & averages for Legs, Set & Match Show averages delayed after end of game (show remaining points first for a view seconds) Bugfix for games “50” and “51” NoScore-Darts (20 Points minus in “50”) all darts must hit in “51” averages AutoStart-Button automatic restart game WinDart-Liga: OneClickSetup for Liga A, B, C & Relegation with password Simulator for x01(click numbers) WinDart install folder changed to “C:\WinDart” no more Vista/Windows 7 UAC and VirtualStore problems Statistics for one Player Open csv-File in Excel! 200 HighScores (was 100) NewsFlash new OptionLedState: "olsGameOff" (= not "olsGameOn") Favourites: press long to store/delete current game press (short) to start game No averages in Team and League Averages for x01, 50, 51, HighScore, if possible (max. 4 players, PlayerOrderLeftRight) Bugfix: no “SoundNoScore” if sound is deactivated ComputerPlayer where too strong (too many double & triple), changed Clear RemainingDarts after end of Leg Switch off Match, Team, League & Liga @ WinDartStart-StartUp Check if Controller Firmware Up2Date EventConfigurator\Option Panel\IO-Config\”negate outputs”: separate negation for each controller output (LED) Liga-Average (\highscores\WinDart-Liga) windart.µc new Firmware V4x4B_0C bugfix for option keys @ controller startup new firmware: V474B_0B RGB-Channels for LED-Stripes BRG/RBG, setup in EventConfigurator new OptionLedStates: "olsBoardActive" und "olsBoardInactive" (thx Dragon169) 20140201 windart.exe Tournament (Menu\Setup\Tournament) Single- & Double-K.O. 8/16 players Only offline for now RealPlay & Demo Colors for running game, winner, loser ThreadSafety for WebCam (parameters WebCamLastStart, TimeOut, Rotation) windart.exe/ .nsis/ .µc bugfix V4A4x: double-4 & double-18 new Firmware V464x V4x4x (One for All) for Boards (Smartness, Carromco) new Firmware V4x4B_09 Key-LEDs off at Controller-StartUp (setup “Negate Outputs” to save Configuration) 20140106 windart.exe/ .nsis WinDart-SoundCard (Menu\Setup\Sound) EventConfigurator: max StropoDuration from 10 (3) to 20 Seconds new OptionKeys: Sound, Team, League, Liga, SteelDart switching between Main- & GameWindow Server proceeds all ClientRequests “New Client wants to connect …” bugfix: WebCam was hanging bugfix: show ControllerVersion in StatusBar after Board-Wizard bugfix: DiddleForTheMiddle, Player 2 was always starting after “Ask” bugfix: detect correct FirstStartOfWinDart in Initialization to start BoardFinder windart.exe/ .nsis new (v6.6.1) CP210x-VCP-Driver (USB) windart.µc V4x4B_08.wff Bugfix: controller was frozen, while RGB-Controller was deactivated save writing of eSerial RGB-Program 1-3 @ ControllerStartup (= eeWinDartFinished) ist stored in µc 20131215 windart.exe Windows 8 new games: HighScore, ShootOut Double new mode: League new Network-Interface 20131112 windart.exe Match: Mail to "Ligaleitung" in MessageBox "The Winner is ..." Menu/ PermissionChanger – enebled, visible Synchronize Match-Mode (was buggy if „Liga“ is checked on Client) Bugfix: WebCam – AccessViolation, handle TeamSpeak-Control via EventConfigurator (ExecExt: *.vkb) 20131016 windart.exe WinDart goes to (from Real FullScreen (WideScreen too) Restore, Minimize Movable Spitters Manual_ge.pdf updated new Colors: PlayerPaneFace, PlayerPanelBorder Quit BullOff (in Offline Game too) Save & Load ScoreBoard Counting Darts while MsgBoxes bugfix: Random Cricket TeamPlay: Looser starts Match: Restart with Round 1 after every Leg EventConfigurator OptionBoard for Keys, LEDs & RGB-Stripes -> static color, fade, stroposcope "SoundFunTriple1.wav" and "SoundFunTriple5.wav" new Game: "x01\CheckOut" CheckOut Table for Double Out in WinDart.ini "Auto Show WebCam if Offline" ScoreColor for "PlayerOn" new SoundFiles: -> Sound_GameOn.wav -> Sound_GameShot.wav (not used) -> Sound_Match.wav -> Sound_LetsPlayDarts.wav bugfix: ExecExt: eeLocalPlayer and eeRemotePlayer in BullOff too bugfix: storing RRG.ColorWinDartFinished in Controller (StartUpColor) ExecExt: eeComputerPlayer bugfix: WebCam-handle ... no Error, if SoundFiles doesn´t exist MessageBoxes on active Monitor windart.µc V444B (Quattro) V4A4B (Novomatic/Cyberdine) 20130719 windart.exe Liga 2013 (x01, 7:x or 6:6) WebCam with MatchScoreBoard integrated in WinDart TeamPlay for x01 : 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, 4 vs. 4 x01.Überworfen: SoundTooMuch (activate via WinDart.ini.SndAijaijai=0) enable StartServerButton after StopServer windart.µc V474B_04: AmbiLight via RGBPWMLEDs 20130513 windart.exe WinButton (TastBar) new SpeakerIcon bigger message boxes bugfix: TimeOut Parameter for VirtualKeyBoard bugfix in USB telegram comunication was frozen faster start of WinDart indicators for Set and LegBeginner and 'Player On' bugfix in X01throwover (correct average) new game: 170 (training game) instead of 901 new game: random cricket backup files for highscores setup: SuddenDeath, DiddleForTheMiddle ExecExt: eeGameOn, eeBoardActive PickUpTime and Sound in BullOff Client unable to send/receive any data until accepted "Optimal CheckOut Calculation" in Background picture for disabled Button "StartServer" windart.µc V4xxB_03 (BootLoaderInfo, ReleaseInfo, Configuration via WinDart) V49 the merkur controller new Bootloader V2.1 with VersionInfo and protection against loss of prog/data 20130220 windart.exe "Match": Sets & Legs in "x01" windart.µc V440A width PiezoDelay; please update manually! 20130106 windart.exe bugfix: KillerCrickert "Update!" (available) in frmCricket.StatusBar, if not AutoUpdate player "red", after escape from online game ExecuteExternals: event controlled call of external progs PlayerOrder LeftRight/UpDown (saves place for WebCam) bugfix: not closing ChatWindow while opening VKeyBoard ServerTree: Date instead of IP VKeyBoard: TimeOut for AutoClose in ConfigMenu Bull in CheckOut advice calculation Controller Update with 2digitComPort like "COM10" Color of Scores changable ChatButton in MainMenu Chat always on top, but menu is accessable new Sounds "CheckOut possible" and "A remote player wants to be connected to your WinDart Server" windart.µc V47xx/V48xx with Crumb644 PiezoDelay in V4xxA Connector for 7 Keys and 7 Leds in V474A V484A for Smartness FullHouse 20120726 windart.exe some bugfixes in online game 20120719 windart.exe Offline WinDarts in ServerList (thx A.S.) GameServer keep alive and deaktivation via TimeOut no synchronized (long) PickUpTime if online but no clients Virtual WinDart Keyboard & Bottom Button Bar :) ready for TouchScreen bugfix: triple two in V45xx was triple four bugfix: HyperThreading/ MultiCore/ Freeze of WinDart (thx R.G., C.S.) bugfix: delete disconnected clients in tree (thx C.S.) mutex: only one start of WinDart 20120413 windart.µc V46xx Industrial Controller windart.exe CPU Usage minimized bugfix: closing Messages with "X" HotKeys: F11/ F12 for WinDartServers 20120402 windart.exe 3DPanels in GameWindow HighScore Counter & HighFinish bugfix: ShootOut Sync Aim bugfix: Killer Cricket windart.µc V4xx9: 750ms Piezo Time 20120315 windart.exe OnlineServer on top of ServerTree Higher TimeOut & PickUpTimes WebCam support with YawCam windart.µc V4xx9: NoScore Sensor 20120126 windart.exe bugfix: Game doesn´t end bugfix: DecimalSeparator for local Hiscores in Win7 20120108 windart.exe Controller V4.5 Löwendart bugfix: OnlineHisc.Listenindex bugfix: TimeOut @ Esc game bugfix: ServerData in Tree "Chase the Sun" and Russ Bray Score Sounds Menu\Setup\Config\AutoAcceptNewClients 20111016 windart.exe bugfix: WinDart was hanging bugfix: valuate 1st dart of game 20110908 windart.exe bugfix: player sorting after game RoundCountSound after last dart of game windart.µc firmware bugfix: update to V43x8 more detection failures 20110812 windart.exe any bugfixes for SplitScore: ...wrong winner ...Aim error (in TargetDisplay) ...Target font color "Pause (F2)" to disable board ServerTree: OnlineServer on top of ServerTree windart.web GuestBook 20110729 windart.exe SetupWizard for USB Board (COM Finder) ExtendetInfo in GameWindow.StatusBar bugfix 'Computer' Send180 bugfix for Elimination (reset @ > 400) 20110712 windart.exe bugfix for OnlineHighscores (double entries) 20110627 windart.exe bugfix for synchronization of EliminationGame bugfix: deactivate GameServer on WinDartShutDown 20110618 windart.exe bugfix for tournament mode some new LogInfos patch for DeaktivateServer at WinDartShutDown SyncGameStart with "AllClientsReady"Signal 20110605 windart.exe bugfix: read last highscores tournament highscore colors (shorter color range) 20110601 windart.exe, .µC V4.4x.x: LöwendartWinDartAdapter windart.web WinDartHomepage updated 20110523 windart.exe OneHundredAndEightyList @ WinDartHomepage read renamed "Easter 2011"highscores no overwrite of basic sound files multiline updateinfo 20110508 windart.exe tournament mode ready for "Pentecost 2011" (Pfingstturnier) MenuColors changed bugfix: Stop NetworkGame: Delete Players of DeactivatedServer bugfix: Delete Player 8 bugfix: DeActivateWdServer at Cancel Msg "You´ve startet... TtimeOut for 2ndStrikeNoStrike := 0.7 * TimeOut TtimeOut for Cricket and RoundTheClock := 0.6 * TimeOut 20110419 windart.exe game favorites fast setup your last games 20110321 windart.exe BugFix for StrikeTimeOut 20110316 windart.exe separate TimeOut for 2nd and 3rd Dart (thanks G.D.) no overwrite of RoundCountSound in AutoUpdate color for local players in NetGame changed (thanks C.S.) 20110306 windart.web HotFix for WinDartWebServer php.socket_read.length = Length(TWinDartMessage) windart.exe FastExit HotFix for WinDartWebServer HotFix for WinDartServerLog (DecodeHandshake, AddMemoServer in BroadCast) BugFix for WinDartClientConnect (ServerIP) BugFix for NetPakets (Paket Initialize) BugFix for ServerTree (new(pData) for Node.Data, color for online servers/ players) BugFix for hsPLAYERQUITACKNOWLEDGE (quit backwards) BugFix for hsSTRIKEREQUEST (ClientIP in ClientConnect) BugFix for DeletePlayers in Online Game delay in PopStrikes (seperate strikes of remote player) 20110302 windart.web WinDartWebServer your connection to other WinDartBoards windart.exe ClientConnect on running game (wait for restart) ClientConnect with RightClick in ServerTreeView (only Online Servers) Client accept/deny by GameServer 20110210 windart.web WinDartWebServer beta your connection to other WinDartBoards 20110109 windart.exe new games: "Killer Cricket", "Shoot Out" 20101229 windart.exe analog highscore colors in prog and web (young: yellow; old: red) bugfix for flashing boardfirmware (COMPort issue) windart.µc detection of manually pressed target in V43x7 (install manually!) 20101210 windart.exe reverse highscore animation automatic updater with silent installer better online highscore 20101123 windart.exe Please upload your Highscores! new game: "Double Round The Clock" 20101116 windart.exe hotfix for online highscores compatibility for Win7 (DateTimeFormat) 20101109 windart.exe Online Highscore windart.µc Bootloader for V40xx 20101007 windart.µc V4xx6: USB board eSerial windart.exe roundlimit in x01 changed from 20 to 50 (thanks M.D.) 20100903 windart.setup Manual in Installer windart.exe bugfix: set ALL handled applicationevents to "handled" bugfix: error in autodetection of USB board at first start bugfix: disable "Start F10" during game (bug in multimonitor) Manual_ge.pdf Manual in Prog.Menu brighter "game" in bottom line 20100810 new game: "SplitScore" windart.setup delete "update.ini" at uninstall messageBox "Connect USB Board now!" install and uninstall WinDartµC_V4325.hex windart.exe bugfix: don´t close WinDart while closing playerlist 20100804 new games: "Cricket NoScore", "Shanghai", "50", "51" updateinfo multimonitor temporary hiscore in demo 20100202 first web release 1995xxxx the big(Win)Dartbang DosDart “Cricket” have seen the light first LPTBoard was running in "Keller"
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