General Information Page Baker County - OJIN code BKN User Group Representatives FAUG: Will Benson FSN: Becky Monahan LEDS: Will Benson SOON: Becky Monahan SOSN: Becky Monahan Contact Persons Director: Will Benson SB1145: Will Benson Intake: Becky Monahan PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Will Benson Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 541-523-8217 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none none none Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs - accepts assaultive and sex offenses from counties who reciprocate accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders, fax to 541-524-2146 Call Becky Monahan 541-523-2812. (closed daily 12-1; closed Thursdays at noon) Intakes/Reporting Inst. - Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Will Benson 541-523-8217 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to the DA Circuit Court Baker County Courthouse 1995 3rd Street Baker City, OR 97814 Ph: 541-523-6303 Fax: 541-523-9738 updated: 4/30/2014 District Attorney Baker County Courthouse 1995 3rd Street Baker City, OR 97814 Ph: 541-523-8205 Fax 541-523-3913 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Benton County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Susan Sowers FSN: Judy Bell LEDS: Vicki Smith SOON: Judy Bell SOSN: Susan Sowers 541-766-6225 541-766-6222 541-766-6220 541-766-6222 541-766-6225 Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Justin Carley 541-766-6224 Joel Pickerd 541-766-6226 Ryan Roth 541-766-6230 Intake: Support Staff 541-766-6888 PSI: Justin Carley 541-766-6224 156 Hearings Officer: Abe Griswold 541-766-6233 Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: none Work Crew/Comm Serv: Vicki Smith 541-766-6220 Compact: Susan Sowers 541-766-6225 Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts person to person A misd and DUII accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; please fax to 541-766-6758 Please call support staff to obtain reporting instructions 541-766-6888 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Officer of the Day 541-766-6888 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all probation violation reports Copies of reports go to? PV - Original to DA; none to court. Structured sanctions go to court and DA. Benton County Circuit Court 120 NW 4th Street PO Box 1870 Corvallis, OR 97339 Ph: 541-766-6828 Fax: 541-766-6028 updated: 4/22/2014 Benton County District Attorney PO Box 1870 Corvallis, OR 97339 Ph: 541-766-6815 Fax: 541-766-6701 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Clackamas County - OJIN code CLA User Group Representatives FAUG: Marne Pringle FSN: Nora Jones Ellen Dickerson LEDS: Heidi Dew SOON: Toni Puckett SOSN: Cole Kieling 503-650-8927 503-655-8780 503-655-8754 503-655-8393 503-655-8709 503-722-2721 Contact Persons Director: Chris Hoy SB1145: Joan Criteser Intake: Donna Patlan PSI: Danny Cooper 156 Hearings Officer: Danny Cooper Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 503-655-8866 503-722-2723 503-722-2729 503-655-8352 503-655-8352 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: Eric Anderson Kayce McDowell Toni Puckett Donna Patlan Kelsey Hafner Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts person to person and sex offenses; DUII if reciprocal accepts with no restrictions does not accept low risk level offenders, but would like notification with offender's address. Fax requests to 503-650-8942 or email [email protected]; for PPS offender please attach the order to the request. Do not accept IRTs on offenders in the military IRTs - Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 503-655-8716 503-650-8929 503-655-8709 503-722-2729 503-723-2926 call 503-655-8649 (closed daily 12 to 1); please indicate DV partnerpartner and no contact information. Files/cases will be returned if judgment is sent with no judge's signature. Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Intake 503-655-8649 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, when requesting a warrant or hearing Copies of reports go to? Original to sentencing judge; copy to DA For PO appearance coverage in court for Clackamas convictions supervised in other counties PO Jason Ridgeway, Court Liaison and PV Hearing Coverage, [email protected], phone 503723-2927, fax 503-650-8942 Circuit Court Clackamas County Courthouse 807 Main Street Oregon City, OR 97405 Ph: 503-655-8643 Fax: 503-655-8280 updated: 8/18/2014 District Attorney Clackamas County Courthouse 807 Main Street Oregon City, OR 97405 Ph: 503-655-8431 Fax: 503-650-8943 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Clatsop County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Justin Hecht FSN: Kimberly Losada Carol Harrod LEDS: Carol Harrod SOON: Kimberly Losada SOSN: Traci Hubler Contact Persons Director: Sergeant: SB1145: Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Lt. Kristen Hanthorn Sgt. Traci Hubler Kimberly Losada Kimberly Losada Carol Harrod Traci Hubler Patrick McKerren Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 503-338-3785 503-338-3790 503-338-3792 503-338-3792 503-338-3790 503-338-3784 503-338-3780 503-338-3784 503-338-3790 503-338-3790 503-338-3792 503-338-3784 503-338-3782 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Andrea Kennet Traci Hubler Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - does not accept out of county misdemeanors for supervision accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders with felony convictions; fax to 503-861-8563 Please call 503-338-3790 Kimberly Losado 503-338-3791 503-338-3784 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Kimberly Losada 503-338-3790 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA Circuit Court Clatsop County Courthouse 749 Commercial Street PO Box 835 Ph: 503-325-8583 Fax: 503-325-9300 updated: 8/18/2014 District Attorney PO Box 149 Astoria, OR 97103 Ph: 503-625-8581 Fax: 503-325-9305 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Columbia County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Ken Yee FSN: Linda Hald LEDS: Linda Hald SOON: Karen Spieler SOSN: Trin Monahan Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Intake: Bob Severe Karen Spieler Karen Spieler Sharon Johnson Gayle Harbison PSI: Karen Spieler 156 Hearings Officer: Patsey Sadler Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 503-366-4659 503-366-4661 503-366-4661 503-366-4690 503-366-4665 503-366-4660 503-366-4690 503-366-4658 503-366-4658 503-366-4658 503-366-4690 503-366-4674 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Linda Hald Karen Spieler Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts partner to partner DV and sex offenses but only if reciprocal accepts FCD if risk score is MED or HI; no diversions accepts low risk offenders if reciprocal; Fax to 503-397-6645. For non sex offense transfers, please include IRT cover sheet, judgment/PPS order, photo. For sex offender transfer, please include IRT cover sheet, judgment/PPS order, photo, SO evaluation, PSI or police reports, completed SO risk assessment, most recent TX progress report or TX discharge report Call 503-366-4658 (closed daily 12 to 1; closed Fridays at noon) IRTs - Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 503-366-4661 503-366-4690 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Karen Spieler 503-366-4690 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV reports, revocation recommendations, and warrant requests. No affidavit is required for early termination or bench requests. Copies of reports go to? Original to sentencing judge; copy to DA Circuit Court Columbia County Courthouse 230 Strand Street St. Helens, OR 97051 Ph: 503-397-0154 Fax: 503-397-3226 updated: 4/30/2014 District Attorney Columbia County Courthouse 230 Strand Street St. Helens, OR 97051 Ph: 503-397-0300 Fax: 503-397-2760 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Coos County - OJIN code COO User Group Representatives FAUG: Erin Larson FSN: Janet Leep LEDS: Janet Leep SOON: Tina Shippey SOSN: Chris Webley Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Mike Crim Tina Shippey Tina Shippey Janet Leep Darin Larson Erin Larson Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-396-7712 541-396-7706 541-396-7706 541-396-7705 541-396-7709 541-396-7703 541-396-7705 541-396-7705 541-396-7706 541-396-7713 541-396-7712 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none none Tina Shippey Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs - does not accept misdemeanors accepts with no restrictions considers low risk offenders on a case-by-case basis; Fax to 541-396-1011 Intakes/Reporting Inst. - Always call 541-396-7701 on new intakes so WE can issue reporting instructions. Do not issue reporting instructions for us. (closed daily 12 to 1) 541-396-7705 [email protected] Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Tina Shippey 541-396-7705 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? No Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA Circuit Court Coos County Courthouse 250 North Baxter Street Coquille, OR 97423 Ph: 541-396-4100 Fax: 396-3456 updated: 4/30/2014 District Attorney Coos County Courthouse 250 North Baxter Street Coquille, OR 97423 Ph: 541-396-7550 Fax: 396-1015 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Crook County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Rich Vigil FSN: Margaret Hill LEDS: Margaret Hill SOON: Margaret Hill SOSN: Anne Hawkins Contact Persons Director: Rhonda Belanger SB1145: Rhonda Belanger Intake: Margaret Hill PSI: Rhonda Belanger 156 Hearings Officer: Rene Cardenas Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-416-3922 541-447-3315 x320 541-447-3315 x320 541-447-3315 x320 541-413-3927 541-447-3315 x329 541-447-3315 x329 541-447-3315 x320 541-447-3315 x329 541-419-6238 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Margaret Hill Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts sex offenders only accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-447-4921 Call Margaret Hill 541-447-3315 x320 (closed daily 12 to 1) 541-447-3315 x320 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Margaret Hill 541-447-3315 x320 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? No Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Crook County Courthouse 300 East 3rd Street Prineville, OR 97754 Ph: 541-447-6555 Fax: 541-416-3891 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney Crook County Courthouse 300 East 3rd Street Prineville, OR 97754 Ph: 541-447-4158 Fax: 541-447-6978 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Curry County - OJIN code CUR User Group Representatives FAUG: Dona Dotson FSN: Vicki Fisher LEDS: Vicki Fisher SOON: Vicki Fisher SOSN: Mike Lang Contact Persons Director: Sgt. Dave Denney SB1145: Sgt. Dave Denney Intake: Vicki Fisher PSI: none 156 Hearings Officer: Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-469-4732 541-247-3306 541-247-3306 541-247-3306 541-247-3380 541-247-3381 541-247-3381 541-247-3306 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none no program available Vicki Fisher Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - does not accept misdemeanors accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-247-6893; submit IRT for investigation Call 541-247-3306 (open daily 8 to 4) IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-247-3306 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Vicki Fisher 541-247-3306 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV reports and warrant requests. Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; none to court. Structured sanctions go to DA and court. Circuit Court/Financial Obligations 94235 Moore St, Ste 200 Gold Beach, OR 97444 Ph: 541-247-4511 Fax: 541-247-6731 updated: 8/18/2014 District Attorney 94235 Moore St, Ste 232 Gold Beach, OR 97444 Ph: 541-247-3298 Fax: 541-247-6680 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Deschutes County - OJIN code DES User Group Representatives FAUG: Chris Bell FSN: Mary Barnes LEDS: Nicoli Taylor SOON: Nicoli Taylor SOSN: Patricia Rursch Contact Persons Director: Supervisor: Ken Hales Chris Bell Dave Guerrero Jeff Pickens Administraive Mgr: Deborah Saia Admin: Tanner Wark SB1145: Nicoli Taylor Intake: Front Office PSI: Chris Bell 156 Hearings Officer: Lisa Stone Jeff Pickens Patty Rursch Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Lisa Stone Jeff Pickens Patty Rursch Gang Info Officer: none Work Crew/Comm Serv: Lisa Stone Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-383-4387 541-330-8268 541-330-8256 541-330-8256 541-383-4387 541-317-3115 541-383-4387 541-330-8254 541-317-3103 541-330-8255 541-330-8260 541-330-8256 541-385-3246 x0 541-383-4387 541-330-8259 541-317-3103 541-330-8259 541-330-8259 541-317-3103 541-330-8259 541-330-8259 accepts DV Assa VI (with DV TX) and sex offenses accepts FCD; does not accept diversions does not accept low risk offenders for transfer Call the front office 541-385-3246 x0 (closed daily 12 to 1) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Front office staff 541-385-3246 x0 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, revocation requests and warrant requests Copies of reports go to? Original to DA via fax and mail; copy to court Circuit Court Deschutes County Courthouse 1164 NW Bond Bend, OR 97701 Ph: 541-388-5300 Fax: 541-388-5309 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Deschutes County Courthouse 1164 NW Bond Bend, OR 97701 Ph: 541-388-6520 Fax: 541-330-4691 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Douglas County - OJIN code DOU User Group Representatives FAUG: Andie Cortes FSN: Kerri Humbert LEDS: Kerri Humbert SOON: Kerri Humbert SOSN: John Skourup Darren Hoschouer Nick Berriman Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Allen Boice Joseph Garcia Duty Officer none Kimm McArthur Neil Daniels Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-957-2074 541-957-2083 541-957-2083 541-957-2083 541-673-2485 541-673-2085 541-673-2456 541-957-2045 541-957-4632 541-957-8148 541-957-8148 541-957-8148 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Charla Thompson Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - does not accept misdemeanors accepts FCD; does not accept diversions does not accept low risk offenders for transfer; Fax 541-957-8149 or email [email protected]; please send with IRT cvoer sheet and judgment Call (closed daily 12 to 1) IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-957-2072 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Joseph Garcia 541-957-4632 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, but not notarized on PV reports; however, if it is a warrant request, a notarized PV report and affidavit needs to be sent to the DA Copies of reports go to? DA Douglas County Circuit Court Justice Building, Room 201 1036 SE Douglas Street Roseburg, OR 97470 Ph: 541-957-2409 Fax: 541-957-2461 updated: 6/20/2014 Douglas County District Attorney PO Box 1006 Roseburg, OR 97470 Ph: 541-440-4388 Fax: 541-440-4403 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Gilliam - OJIN code GIL User Group Representatives FAUG: Tina Potter FSN: Shannon Winters LEDS: Tina Potter SOON: Shannon Winters SOSN: John Folliard 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x3 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x3 541-565-0520 x1 Contact Persons Director: John Folliard SB1145: Tina Potter Intake: Tina Potter PSI: Tina Potter 156 Hearings Officer: John Folliard Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board H.O. 541-565-0520 x1 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x1 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Shannon Winters Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts person to person, second and subsequent DUII only accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-565-0525 or email [email protected] call intake for appointment date; if not available, direct offender to report by phone within 24 hours of arrival. Fax contact information to 541-5650525 IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-565-0520 x3 (available Mon-Wed-Fri) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Tina Potter/John Folliard 541-565-0520 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all probation violation reports Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Gilliam County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Gilliam County PO Box 622, Condon, OR 97823 Ph: 541-384-3572 Fax: 541-384-2170 District Attorney - Marion Weatherford PO Box 636, Condon, OR 97823 Ph: 541-384-3844 Fax: 541-384-3846 Sherman County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Sherman County PO Box 402, Moro, OR 97039 Ph: 541-565-3650 Fax: 541-565-3249 District Attorney - Wade McLeod PO Box 393, Moro, OR 97039 Ph: 541-565-3534 Fax 541-565-3178 Wheeler County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Wheeler County PO Box 308, Fossil, OR 97830 Ph: 541-763-2541 Fax: 541-763-2543 District Attorney - Dan Ousley PO Box 446, Fossil, OR 97830 Ph: 541-763-4207 Fax: 541-763-2186 updated: 4/30/2014 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Grant County - OJIN code GRA User Group Representatives FAUG: Jim Gravley FSN: Roni Hickerson LEDS: Roni Hickerson SOON: Roni Hickerson SOSN: Dean Hoodenpyl Contact Persons Director: Dean Hoodenpyl SB1145: Jim Gravley Intake: Roni Hickerson PSI: Dean Hoodenpyl 156 Hearings Officer: John Folliard Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 541-575-1743 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Roni Hickerson Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - does not accept misdemeanors accepts with no restrictions acceptance of low risk offenders for transfers evaluated on a case-bycase basis; fax 541-508-4225 or email Call Roni Hickerson 541-575-1743 IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-575-1743 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Roni Hickerson 541-575-1743 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, The Grant County DA provides the affidavits and the Probation department provides Parole Violation report, detainers, and pertinent information Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA Circuit Court Grant County Courthouse PO Box 159 Canyon City, OR 97820 Ph: 541-575-1438 Fax: 541-575-2165 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney 201 S. Humbolt, Suite 100 Canyon City, OR 97820 Ph: 541-575-0145 Fax: 541-575-0173 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Harney County - OJIN code HAR User Group Representatives FAUG: Roger Stampke FSN: LEDS: Roger Stampke SOON: Roger Stampke SOSN: Contact Persons Director: David Glerup SB1145: Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-573-2933 541-573-2933 541-573-2933 541-573-8395 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Darrell Williams Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs - accepts misdemeanors accepts FCD; does not accept diversions accepts low risk offenders Report immediately upon return to Burns, 348 #B W. Adams, Burns, OR, 541-573-2933 (closed daily 12 to 1) Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-573-2933 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Roger Stampke 541-573-2933 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PVs, Show Cause, and Special Information Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Harney County Courthouse 450 North Buena Vista Ave Burns, OR 97720 Ph: 541-573-5207 Fax: 541-573-5715 updated: 4/30/2014 District Attorney Harney County Courthouse 450 North Buena Vista Ave Burns, OR 97720 Ph: 541-573-8300 Fax: 541-573-8304 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Hood River County - OJIN code HOO User Group Representatives FAUG: Shaun Anderson FSN: Bertha Logsdon LEDS: Chelo Ramirez SOON: Chelo Ramirez SOSN: Shaun Anderson 541-387-7051 541-387-7052 541-387-7052 541-387-7052 541-387-7051 Contact Persons Director: Jamie Hepner SB1145: Chelo Ramirez Intake: Chelo Ramirez PSI: Chelo Ramirez 156 Hearings Officer: Shaun Anderson Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-387-7056 541-387-7052 541-387-7052 541-387-7052 541-387-7051 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts misdemeanors accepts low risk offenders Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Chelo Ramirez 541-387-7052 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA Circuit Court Hood River County Courthouse 309 State Street Hood River, OR 97031 Ph: 541-386-3535 Fax: 541-386-3465 updated: 8/15/2014 District Attorney Hood River County Courthouse 309 State Street Hood River, OR 97031 Ph: 541-386-3103 Fax 541-387-6804 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Jackson County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Michael Elkinton FSN: Crickett Hanna LEDS: Diane Ballard SOON: Diane Ballard SOSN: Debbie Moss Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Shane Hagey Glenda Oscar Bryan Hescock Front Desk Dina Harris Glenda Oscar Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-774-4919 541-774-4973 541-774-4962 541-774-4962 541-774-4960 541-774-4901 541-774-4910 541-774-4915 541-774-4900 541-774-4978 541-774-4910 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Nancy Payne Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - does not accept misdemeanors accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax 541-770-9484 or email [email protected] Call front desk 541-774-4900 IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-774-4964 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Front office 541-774-4900 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? No Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA. Send original PV reports to DA; no copy to court. Circuit Court Justice Building 100 South Oakdale Ave Medford, OR 97501 Ph: 541-776-7171 Fax 541-776-7057 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney 715 West 10th Street Medford, OR 97501 Ph: 541-774-8181 Fax: 541-608-2982 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Jefferson County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Denise Easterling FSN: Nola McLennan Terri Chandler LEDS: Nola McLennan SOON: Nola McLennan Terri Chandler SOSN: Dru VanRiper Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Intake: Kurt Symons Kurt Symons Nola McLennan Terri Chandler PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Brad Mondoy Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Brad Mondoy Gang Info Officer: Madras Police Dept Jefferson County Jail Work Crew/Comm Serv: Mike Beeler Compact: Andy Pointer Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-6145 541-475-2424 541-475-2201 541-475-3463 x4123 541-475-6145 accepts all sex offenses and DV cases accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; email to [email protected]. For general cases, use newest IRTR form and detail conformance; for sex offenders use sex offender transfer request form. Call 541-475-6145; if no answer during business hours, schedule for the following Monday at 11:00 a.m. (closed daily 12 to 1) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Nola McLennan or Terri Chandler 541475-6145 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Jefferson County Courthouse 75 SE "C" Street, Suite C Madras, OR 97741 Ph: 541-475-3317 Fax: 541-475-3421 When faxing, call first updated: 4/30/2014 District Attorney Jefferson County Courthouse 75 SE "C" Street, Suite C Madras, OR 97741 Ph: 541-475-4452 Fax: 541-475-4512 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Josephine County - OJIN code JOS User Group Representatives FAUG: Lily Morgan FSN: Angela Brown LEDS: Lily Morgan SOON: Charlene Rapley SOSN: Scott Hyde Genelle Bennett 541-474-5165 x3718 541-474-5165 x3727 541-474-5165 x3718 541-474-5165 x3723 541-474-5165 x3708 541-474-5165 x3706 Contact Persons Director: Abe Huntley SB1145: Darren Calvert Intake: Officer of the Day PSI: Abe Huntley 156 Hearings Officer: Darren Calvert Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-474-5165 x3713 541-474-5194 541-474-5165 541-474-5165 x3713 541-474-5194 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: Danielle Dickerson Annette Sorensen 541-474-5165 x3712 541-474-5192 Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts misdemeanors accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders Have client report by 4 p.m. next business day Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Officer of the day 541-474-5165 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, violation reports submitted by PO Copies of reports go to? Original to DA, who files a copy with the court Circuit Court Josephine County Courthouse 500 NW 6th Street, Room 258 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Ph: 541-476-2309 Fax: 541-471-2079 updated: 8/11/2014 District Attorney Josephine County Courthouse 500 NW 6th Street, Room 258 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Ph: 541-474-5200 Fax: 541-474-5201 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Klamath County - OJIN code KLA User Group Representatives FAUG: Allen Bergstrom FSN: Pam Mathes LEDS: Linda Mills SOON: Pam Mathes SOSN: Linda Mills Crystal Agard-Miller Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Kiki Parker-Rose Dennis Hirschy Bob Bogart Intake: Reception PSI: Aaron Hartman 156 Hearings Officer: Dennis Hirschy Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Dennis Hirschy Gang Info Officer: none Work Crew/Comm Serv: Terry Hynes Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-880-5500 x8222 541-880-5500 x8202 541-880-5500 x8212 541-880-5500 x8202 541-880-5500 x8212 541-880-5500 x8216 541-880-5500 x8220 541-880-5500 x8217 541-880-5500 x8213 541-880-5500 x8280 541-880-5500 x8206 541-880-5500 x8217 541-880-5500 x8217 541-880-5500 x8280 does not accept misdemeanors accepts FCD with no restrictions; accept only FELONY diversions does not accept low risk offenders; fax to 541-880-5513 attn: Pam Mathes or Terry Hynes Call corrections assistants Terry Hynes 541-880-5500 x8280 or Pam Mathes 541-880-5500 x8202 (closed Mon-Thurs 11:30 to 1; closed Fridays at 11:30) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Pam Mathes 541-880-5500 x8202 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all reports Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; they sign and forward to court Circuit Court Klamath County Courthouse 316 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Ph: 541-883-5503 Fax: 541-882-6109 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney 316 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Ph: 541-883-5147 Fax: 541-883-5107 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Lake County - OJIN code LAK User Group Representatives FAUG: Lili Frank FSN: Lili Frank LEDS: Connie Nash SOON: Lili Frank SOSN: Rachel Frederick Contact Persons Director: Jake Greer SB1145: Jake Greer Intake: Lili Frank PSI: Jake Greer 156 Hearings Officer: Jake Greer Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Jake Greer Gang Info Officer: none Work Crew/Comm Serv: Lili Frank Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-947-6056 541-947-6056 541-947-6057 541-947-6056 541-947-6058 541-947-6058 541-947-6058 541-947-6056 541-947-6058 541-947-6058 541-947-6058 541-947-6056 accepts DV and SO with ordered treatment, or if already on felony accepts with no restrictions does not accept low risk offenders Call Lili 541-947-6056 for instructions (closed Mon-Thurs 12 to 1; closed Fridays at noon) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Lili Frank 541-947-6056 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes Copies of reports go to? Original and motion to show cause to the DA Circuit Court Lake County Courthouse 513 Center Street Lakeview, OR 97630 Ph: 541-947-6051 Fax: 541-947-3724 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Lake County Courthouse 513 Center Street Lakeview, OR 97630 Ph: 541-947-6009 Fax: 541-947-6008 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Lane County - OJIN code LAN User Group Representatives FAUG: Larry Evenson FSN: Jeannie Olson-Shelby LEDS: Catherine Colley SOON: Jeannie Olson-Shelby SOSN: Contact Persons Director: Donovan Dumire SB1145: Intake: Front Desk PSI: Jeannie Olson-Shelby 156 Hearings Officer: Aaron Rauschert Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Aaron Rauschert Gang Info Officer: Ken Border Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs - Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-682-3103 541-682-6544 541-682-3050 541-682-6544 541-682-3171 541-682-3040 541-682-6544 541-682-3068 541-682-3068 541-682-3157 does not accept out of county misdemeanors unless accompanied by felony accepts FCD, does not accept diversions does not accept low risk offenders; fax to 541-682-3035 Please call 541-682-3040 and tell us you need reporting instructions. We will take the information and schedule an orientation appointment for the offender that you will need to relay to the offender. It's important they know they can't be even a minute late and no food or drink is allowed in this building. There is also no public restroom. (closed daily 12 to 1) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Front Desk 541-682-3040 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? No Copies of reports go to? Court and DA; please send directly to those offices and not to Community Corrections Lane County Circuit Court 125 East 8th Ave, Room 400 Eugene, OR 97401 Ph: 541-682-4020 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Lane County Courthouse 125 East 8th Ave, Room 400 Eugene, OR 97401 Ph: 541-682-4261 Fax: 541-682-3890 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Lincoln County - OJIN code LNN User Group Representatives FAUG: Carolyn Knox FSN: Angela Hoak LEDS: Carolyn Knox SOON: Carolyn Knox SOSN: Jennifer Landers Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Suzi Gonzales Carolyn Knox Dave Snow Dave Snow Carolyn Knox Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-265-0183 541-265-0184 541-265-0183 541-265-0183 541-265-0186 541-265-0193 541-265-0183 541-265-0198 541-265-0198 541-265-0183 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Ken Krause Rob Eoff Misdemeanors - does not accept misdemeanors accepts FCD with no restrictions; diversions are considered on a case-bycase basis, call Daniel Schram 541-265-0185 for consideration consider low risk offenders on a case-by-case basis; fax to 541-265-6041 or email to [email protected] with photo attachment please call for instructions (closed daily 12 to 1) FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-265-0187 or 541-265-0191 541-265-0192 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Daniel Schram 541-265-0185 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, separate notarized affidavit for each docket on report; revocation recommendations, probation violations, warrant requests Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Lincoln County Courthouse 225 West Olive Street Newport, OR 97365 Ph: 541-265-4236 Fax: 541-265-7561 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Lincoln County Courthouse 225 West Olive St, Rm 100 Newport, OR 97365-3818 Ph: 541-265-4145 Fax: 541-265-3461 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Linn County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Bonnie Timberlake FSN: Bev Mills Leslie Chapman Cindy Elliott LEDS: Angie Gustafson SOON: Angie Gustafson SOSN: Maureen Robb Contact Persons Director: Maureen Robb SB1145: Roxie Veilleux Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Gang Info Officer: none Work Crew/Comm Serv: none Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-967-6764 541-967-2009 541-967-2024 541-967-2034 541-967-2006 541-967-2006 541-967-6759 541-967-6759 541-967-2019 accepts sex offenders and Linn County misdemeanors only accepts FCD with no restrictions; does not accept diversions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-967-2004 Call support staff 541-967-2005 (press 5 for support staff) for instructions (closed 12 to 1 daily) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Maureen Robb 541-967-6759 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV reports; must have PC Affidavit if detainer is placed on a probation case. Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Linn County Courthouse PO Box 1749 Albany, OR 97321 Ph: 541-967-3841 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney PO Box 100 Albany, OR 97321 Ph: 541-967-3836 Fax: 541-928-3501 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Malheur County - OJIN code MAL User Group Representatives FAUG: Chris Garner FSN: Cindy Lootens LEDS: Lt. Hust SOON: Frances Murrey SOSN: Chris Garner Contact Persons Director: Lt. Hust Sergeant: Jim Warren SB1145: Greg Andersen Intake: PSI: Debbie Hust 156 Hearings Officer: Debbie Hust Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Gang Info Officer: Darrel Patzer Work Crew/Comm Serv: Sgt. Helen Keppinger Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-881-2410 541-881-2400 541-881-2407 541-881-2401 541-881-2410 541-881-2407 541-881-2406 541-881-2404 541-881-2407 541-881-2407 541-881-2409 541-881-2414 does not accept misdemeanors accepts FCD; does not accept diversions considers low risk offenders on a case-by-case basis; email to [email protected] or [email protected] Call staff 541-881-2401 or 2400 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Cindy Lootens 541-881-2400 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all violation reports Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Malheur County Courthouse 251 B Street West #3 Vale, OR 97918 Ph: 541-473-5171 Fax: 541-473-2213 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney 251 B Street West, Box 6 Vale, OR 97918 Ph: 541-473-5127 Fax: 541-473-5199 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Marion County - OJIN code MAR User Group Representatives FAUG: Gina Courson FSN: Heidi Grieser LEDS: Christina Montoya SOON: Susie Schindler SOSN: Cuahuctemoc Gomez 503-588-8564 503-540-8033 503-566-6902 503-588-8589 503-588-6813 Contact Persons Director: Commander Jeff Wood SB1145: Jean Steadman Intake: Intake Unit PSI: Heidi Grieser 156 Hearings Officer: Lt. Kevin Karvandi Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Lt. Kevin Karvandi Lt. Jeff Wagner Christina Montoya Sgt. Chet Bateman Sgt. Jay Bergmann Sgt. Lacey Carter Sgt. Matt Meier Gang Info Officer: Sgt. Jay Bergmann Work Crew/Comm Serv: Sgt. Dale Bradley Sgt. Bronson Hoppe Compact: Tiffany Abernathy 503-588-6824 503-540-8031 503-316-6632 / 503-316-6606 503-540-8033 503-540-8019 503-540-8019 503-566-6965 503-566-6902 503-566-6907 503-540-8084 503-540-8011 503-316-6617 503-540-8084 503-566-6959 503-540-8046 503-316-6624 Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts under Director's transfer agreement and other if reciprocal accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders for transfer; fax to 503-566-6978; DV/General please send IRT cover sheet, judgment, photo; SO IRT please send court/PPS order, SO eval, PSI or PD, current risk assessment, most recent TX progress report or discharge call the front desk 503-588-8492 and ask for reporting instructions Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Intake unit 503-316-6632 or 503-316-6606 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all violation reports Copies of reports go to? Original and two copies with motion and order to show cause to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Justice Building PO Box 12869 Salem, OR 97309-0869 Fax: 503-373-4360 updated: 4/30/2014 District Attorney Marion County Courthouse 100 High St NE Salem, OR 97301 Ph: 503-588-5222 Fax: 503-588-3564 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Morrow County - OJIN code MOR User Group Representatives FAUG: Dan Robbins FSN: Dan Robbins LEDS: Dan Robbins SOON: Dan Robbins SOSN: John Bowles Contact Persons Director: Dan Robbins SB1145: Dan Robbins Intake: Dan Robbins PSI: Rotating 156 Hearings Officer: Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officers 541-922-4103 x5512 541-922-4103 x5512 541-922-4103 x5512 541-922-4103 x5512 541-922-4103 x5513 541-922-4103 x5512 541-922-4103 x5512 541-922-4103 x5512 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Frank Jones Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - does not accept misdemeanors accepts FCD with no restrictions; does not accept diversions does not accept low risk offenders Contact Dan Robbins 541-922-4103 x5512 (closed daily 12 to 1) 541-314-5207 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Dan Robbins 541-992-4103 x5512 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all violation reports and warrant requests Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Morrow County Courthouse 100 N. Court Street PO Box 664 Heppner, OR 97836 Ph: 541-676-5264 Fax: 541-676-9902 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney 100 N. Court Street PO Box 664 Heppner, OR 97836 Ph: 541-676-5626 Fax: 541-676-5660 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Multnomah County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Wende Kirby Charles Adler FSN: Michelle Williamson LEDS: MTAP Lisa Gilbertson MTAD Karen Rhein MTCB Kathy Fenner MTDC Ashley Harmon MTDV Tracy Richards-Brown MTEA Emma Bouchet MTGN Lisa Gilbertson MTGR Lisa Wilcox MTLC Thane King MTMX Lisa Gilbertson MTNO Lisa Gilbertson MTSW Sandee Norman PSP Karen Rhein SOON: MTAD Mindie Everett MTAP Lisa Gilbertson MTCB Marla Wiese MTDC Ashley Harmon MTDV Nicole Pauly MTEA Emma Bouchet MTEA MTGN Lisa Gilbertson MTGR Lisa Wilcox MTLC Kari Garcia MTLC Laurel Howard MTMX Lisa Gilbertson MTNO Lisa Gilbertson MTDZ Sandee Norman MTSW Sandee Norman SOSN: Alison Kinsey 503-988-4425 503-988-8603 503-988-6427 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-5519 503-988-3680 503-988-8497 503-988-5056 503-988-3190 x241 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-3802 x223 503-988-8572 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-4363 503-988-5819 x85819 503-988-5518 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-8529 503-988-8497 503-988-8653 503-988-3190 x241 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-3802 x223 503-988-5557 503-988-8577 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-3393 x27551 503-988-4363 503-988-4363 503-988-4422 Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Scott Taylor 503-988-3701 Local Control Services Unit 503-988-3801 Manager Wende Kirby 503-988-4425 Intake: Brian Valetski, Manager 503-988-4553 PSI: Laurel Howard 503-988-8577 Carrie Kirk Patrick 503-988-3801 Manager Wende Kirby 503-988-3801 156 Hearings Officer: Hearings Unit 503-988-3801 Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Hearings Unit 503-988-3801 Gang Info Officer: Supervised at MTNO 503-988-3393 Work Crew/Comm Serv: ACS Office 503-988-3007 Compact: updated: 8/15/2014 To make changes contact: [email protected] Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - considered on a cas-by-case basis, call MTDC intake accepts with no restrictions; if FCD is part of STOP program, call intake accepts low risk offenders; send to MTDC Schedule offender to report for intake Monday through Wednesday or Friday 8:30 to 11 a.m.; chrono the date and time you directed the offender to report for intake; mail hard file to Multnomah County ARC, 421 SW 5th Ave, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97204 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - MTLC: Cindy Goyette 503-988-3801; all other offices: contact assignment officer at main phone number Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, for revocation recommendation and warrant request Copies of reports go to? Original to sentencing judge; copy to DA Circuit Court Multnomah County Courthouse 1021 SW 4th Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Ph: 503-988-3957 Fax: 503-988-3425 updated: 8/15/2014 District Attorney County Courthouse 1021 SW 4th Avenue, Rm 600 Portland, OR 97204 Ph: 503-988-3143 Fax: 503-988-3643 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Polk County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Angela Boyer FSN: LEDS: Donna Hemman SOON: Donna Hemman SOSN: Contact Persons Director: Marty Silbernagel Supervisor: Jack Basey SB1145: Julie Hurlburt Intake: Receptionist PSI: Donna Hemman 156 Hearings Officer: Julie Hurlburt Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 503-623-5226 x2834 503-623-5226 x2838 503-623-5226 x2838 503-623-5226 x2842 503-623-5226 x2830 503-623-5226 x2835 503-623-5226 x2844 503-623-5226 x2838 503-623-6226 x2835 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: Marty Silbernagel John Nyberg Angela Boyer Adriana Zuniga Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts sex offenses and Polk County convictions accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders with felony convictions; fax to 503-623-6326 or email to [email protected] Call 503-623-5226 main number, receptionist will take all information and give reporting instructions (closed daily 12 to 1) IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 503-623-5226 x2842 503-623-0895 503-623-5226 x2834 503-623-5226 x2816 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Jack Basey 503-623-5226 x2830 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV and special reports, must be notarized Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Polk County Courthouse 850 Main Street Dallas, OR 97338 Ph: 503-831-1778 Fax: 503-831-1779 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Polk County Courthouse 850 Main Street Dallas, OR 97338 Ph: 503-623-9268 Fax: 503-623-7556 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Sherman - OJIN code SHE User Group Representatives FAUG: Tina Potter FSN: Shannon Winters LEDS: Tina Potter SOON: Shannon Winters SOSN: John Folliard 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x3 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x3 541-565-0520 x1 Contact Persons Director: John Folliard SB1145: Tina Potter Intake: Tina Potter PSI: Tina Potter 156 Hearings Officer: John Folliard Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board H.O. 541-565-0520 x1 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x1 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Shannon Winters Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts person to person, second and subsequent DUII only accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-565-0525 or email [email protected] IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-565-0520 x3 (available Mon-Wed-Fri) call intake for appointment date; if not available, direct offender to report by phone within 24 hours of arrival. Fax contact information to 541-5650525 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Tina Potter/John Folliard 541-565-0520 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all probation violation reports Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Gilliam County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Gilliam County PO Box 622, Condon, OR 97823 Ph: 541-384-3572 Fax: 541-384-2170 District Attorney - Marion Weatherford PO Box 636, Condon, OR 97823 Ph: 541-384-3844 Fax: 541-384-3846 Sherman County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Sherman County PO Box 402, Moro, OR 97039 Ph: 541-565-3650 Fax: 541-565-3249 District Attorney - Wade McLeod PO Box 393, Moro, OR 97039 Ph: 541-565-3534 Fax 541-565-3178 Wheeler County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Wheeler County PO Box 308, Fossil, OR 97830 Ph: 541-763-2541 Fax: 541-763-2543 District Attorney - Dan Ousley PO Box 446, Fossil, OR 97830 Ph: 541-763-4207 Fax: 541-763-2186 updated: 4/30/2014 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Tillamook County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Robin Filbeck FSN: Robin Filbeck LEDS: Robin Filbeck SOON: Robin Filbeck SOSN: Dodie Gillespie 503-815-3344 503-815-3344 503-815-3344 503-815-3344 503-815-3336 Contact Persons Director: Holly Rico SB1145: Robin Filbeck Intake: Robin Filbeck PSI: Robin Filbeck 156 Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 503-815-3334 503-815-3344 503-815-3344 503-815-3344 503-945-9235 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew: Community Service: Compact: none Dave Jungling Robin Filbeck Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts person to person, DUII, and sex offenders accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 503-842-8086 call the front desk 503-815-3331 (closed daily 12 to 1) 503-815-3337 503-815-3344 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Lt. Jon Briscoe 503-815-3325 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all violation reports and warrant requests Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Tillamook County Courthosue 201 Laurel Avenue Tillamook, OR 97141 Ph: 503-842-2596 Fax: 503-842-2597 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney Tillamook County Courthouse 201 Laurel Avenue Tillamook, OR 97141 Ph: 503-842-3410 Fax: 503-842-1802 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Umatilla County - OJIN code UMA User Group Representatives FAUG: Jeff Brown FSN: Tammy Sundin LEDS: Tammy Sundin SOON: Geri Burrow SOSN: Lisa Close-McGraw Larry Criswell Contact Persons Director: Assistant Director: SB1145: Pendleton Intakes: Mark Royal Dale Primmer Janet Denny Geri Burrow Patty Arrington Hermiston Intakes: Mishelle Ringe PSI: Rotating 156 Hearings Officer: Janet Denny Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-276-7824 x293 541-276-7824 x222 541-276-7824 x222 541-276-7824 x227 541-567-7824 541-567-6300 541-276-7824 541-276-7824 x232 541-276-7824 x225 541-276-7824 x227 541-276-7824 x221 541-567-6300 x3041 541-276-7824 541-276-7824 x225 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: Neena Kik Bonnie Kessell Della Beers 541-276-7824 x231 Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - limited. Joel Edmonds (Magistrate Court) accepts with no restrictions IRTs - does not accept low risk offenders; fax to 541-278-0353; for IRT questions regarding Pendleton area, contact Jim Meyers 541-276-7824 x224; Hermiston area contact Lisa Close-McGraw 541-567-6300 x3042 Intakes/Reporting Inst. - Please call the front office for reporting instructions: Pendleton area 541276-7824 x0 (open during noon hour); Hermiston are 541-567-6300 x0 (closed daily 12 to 1) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Pendleton office: Jim Meyers 541-2767824 x224; Hermiston office: Pati Wynn 541-567-6300 x3045 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV, notice of violations, bench and early termination Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA Circuit Court #1, #2, #3 Umatilla County Courthouse PO Box 1307 Pendleton, OR 97801 Ph: 541-278-0341 District Attorney Umatilla County Courthouse 216 SE 4th Street Pendleton, OR 97801 Ph: 541-276-7111 x270 Fax: 541-278-5466 Circuit Court #4, #5 915 SE Columbia Drive Hermiston, OR 97838 Ph: 541-567-5225 Fax: 541-564-2727 updated: 4/25/2014 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Union County - OJIN code UNI User Group Representatives FAUG: Glenda McDaniel FSN: Deana L. Barry LEDS: Deana L. Barry SOON: Deana L. Barry SOSN: Travis Miller Ryan Browne Contact Persons Director: SB1145: Intake: PSI: 156 Hearings Officer: Travis Miller Travis Miller Deana L. Barry Ryan Browne Mark Perry Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 541-963-1005 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Brad Workinger Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts person to person and sex offenses considered on a case-by-case basis accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-963-1069 or email [email protected] please call 541-963-1005 (closed daily 12 to 12:30) IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-786-1048 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Deana L. Barry 541-963-1005 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV reports Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court (Criminal) 1008 K Avenue LaGrande, OR 97850 Ph: 541-962-9500 x2221/2223 Fax: 541-962-7710 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney 1007 4th Street LaGrande, OR 97850 Ph: 541-963-1007 Fax: 541-963-1080 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Wallowa County - OJIN code UNI User Group Representatives FAUG: Lt. Beth Hulse FSN: Amy Stangel LEDS: Lt. Beth Hulse SOON: Amy Stangel SOSN: Lt. Beth Hulse Contact Persons Director: Lt. Beth Hulse SB1145: Lt. Beth Hulse Intake: Amy Stangel PSI: Lt. Beth Hulse 156 Hearings Officer: Ryan Brown Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2301 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2301 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2301 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2311 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: none Lt. Beth Hulse Amy Stangel 541-426-3131 x2311 541-426-3131 x2301 Compact: Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - accepts accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Lt. Beth Hulse Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Circuit Court Wallowa County Courthouse 101 S. River Street, Room 204 Enterprise, OR 97828 Ph: 541-426-4991 Fax: 541-426-4992 updated: 4/22/2014 District Attorney 101 S. River St, Room 201 Enterprise, OR 97828 Ph: 541-426-4543 Fax: 541-726-6128 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Wasco County - OJIN code WAS User Group Representatives FAUG: Marco Beitl FSN: Nellena Watson LEDS: Jessica Jauken SOON: Jessica Jauken SOSN: Ashley Handley 541-506-2573 541-506-2759 541-506-2572 541-506-2572 541-506-2579 Contact Persons Director: Robert Martin SB1145: Jessica Jauken Intake: Jessica Jauken PSI: Jessica Jauken 156 Hearings Officer: Robert Martin Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board Hearings Officer 541-506-2574 541-506-2572 541-506-2572 541-506-2572 541-506-2574 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: Robert Martin Pam Branagan Marco Beitl Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs - does not accept misdeamors sentenced outside of Wasco County accepts FCD, does not accept diversions considered on a case-by-case basis Call Jessica Jauken 541-506-2572 and an appointment time will be assigned (closed daily 12 to 1) Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-506-2574 541-506-2570 541-506-2573 Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Jessica Jauken 541-506-2572 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, PV reports Copies of reports go to? Original to court; copy to DA Circuit Court Wasco County Courthouse 511 Washington The Dalles, OR 97058 Ph: 541-506-2700 Fax: 541-506-2701 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Wasco County Courthouse 511 Washington The Dalles, OR 97058 Ph: 541-506-2680 Fax: 541-506-2681 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Washington County - OJIN code WSH User Group Representatives FAUG: Christopher Swayzee FSN: Christy Elven LEDS: Theresa Hunker SOON: Christy Elven SOSN: Mike Albers Contact Persons Director: Steve Berger SB1145: Ken Rolfe Intake: Deanna Kemper PSI: Carla Pinto 156 Hearings Officer: Dawn Montes Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Dawn Montes Gang Info Officer: Dave Cadd Work Crew/Comm Serv: Bernadine Evenson Compact: 503-846-3448 503-846-4568 503-846-4807 503-846-4568 503-846-3534 503-846-3703 503-846-4319 503-846-4531 503-846-2885 503-846-3431 503-846-3431 503-846-3550 503-846-3730 Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts person to person, DV and SO, DUII with two or more convictions accepts with no restrictions IRTs - accepts on DV and SO low risk offenders; fax to 503-846-4509 (Deanna Kemper ph: 503-846-4531 Intakes/Reporting Inst. - English clients schedule appointmen two weeks out on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Spanish clients schedule appointment two weeks out on Thursday at 10 a.m. Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Deanna Kemper 503-846-4531 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, violation reports Copies of reports go to? Original to sentencing judge Washington County Courthouse 145 NE Second Avenue Hillsboro, OR 97124 Ph: 503-846-8888 Fax: 503-846-2951 District Attorney 150 North First Ave, Suite 300 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Ph: 503-846-8671 Fax: 503-846-3407 Probation Violation Clerk Washington County Courthouse 150 North First Ave, MS 37 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Ph: 503-846-2295 updated: 8/15/2014 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Wheeler - OJIN code WHE User Group Representatives FAUG: Tina Potter FSN: Shannon Winters LEDS: Tina Potter SOON: Shannon Winters SOSN: John Folliard 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x3 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x3 541-565-0520 x1 Contact Persons Director: John Folliard SB1145: Tina Potter Intake: Tina Potter PSI: Tina Potter 156 Hearings Officer: John Folliard Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Board H.O. 541-565-0520 x1 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x2 541-565-0520 x1 503-945-9235 [email protected] Gang Info Officer: Work Crew/Comm Serv: Compact: none Shannon Winters Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions - accepts person to person, second and subsequent DUII only accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 541-565-0525 or email [email protected] call intake for appointment date; if not available, direct offender to report by phone within 24 hours of arrival. Fax contact information to 541-5650525 IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 541-565-0520 x3 (available Mon-Wed-Fri) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Tina Potter/John Folliard 541-565-0520 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? Yes, all probation violation reports Copies of reports go to? Original to DA; copy to court Gilliam County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Gilliam County PO Box 622, Condon, OR 97823 Ph: 541-384-3572 Fax: 541-384-2170 District Attorney - Marion Weatherford PO Box 636, Condon, OR 97823 Ph: 541-384-3844 Fax: 541-384-3846 Sherman County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Sherman County PO Box 402, Moro, OR 97039 Ph: 541-565-3650 Fax: 541-565-3249 District Attorney - Wade McLoud PO Box 393, Moro, OR 97039 Ph: 541-565-3534 Fax 541-565-3178 Wheeler County 7th Judicial District Circuit Court, Wheeler County PO Box 308, Fossil, OR 97830 Ph: 541-763-2541 Fax: 541-763-2543 District Attorney - Dan Ousley PO Box 446, Fossil, OR 97830 Ph: 541-763-4207 Fax: 541-763-2186 updated: 4/30/2014 To make changes contact: [email protected] General Information Page Yamhill County - eCourt User Group Representatives FAUG: Betti Spencer FSN: Vicki Wood LEDS: Vicki Wood SOON: Vicki Wood SOSN: Randy Settell Contact Persons Director: Ted Smietana SB1145 (data entry): Vicki Wood SB1145 (release officer): Amy Hamilton Intake: Officer of the Day PSI: Kathe Bonfield 156 Hearings Officer: Duane Terry Parole Bd Hearings Officer: Duane Terry Gang Info Officer: none Work Crew/Comm Serv: Brett Henry Compact: Brian Rucker Misdemeanors FCD and Diversions IRTs Intakes/Reporting Inst. - 503-474-4979 503-474-4986 503-474-4986 503-474-4986 503-474-4977 503-474-4978 503-474-4986 503-474-4975 503-434-7513 503-474-4945 503-474-4983 503-474-4983 503-434-7513 x4520 503-474-4995 accepts sex abuse III, public indecency, assault IV, strangulation, menacing (DV), DUII (2+ convictions), harrassment (DV & SO), endangering a minor, animal abuse, and animal neglect accepts with no restrictions accepts low risk offenders; fax to 503-472-5216 call the main office number, ask for the officer of the day (closed 12 to 1) Who to contact if an inmate hasn't been assigned a PO - Amy Hamilton 503-474-4975 Court require affidavits with reports? If so, which? No Copies of reports go to? Original and one copy to DA Yamhill County Courthouse 535 East 5th Street McMinnville, OR 97128 Ph: 503-434-7530 Fax: 503-472-5805 updated: 4/25/2014 District Attorney Yamhill County Courthouse 535 East 5th Street McMinnville, OR 97128 Ph: 503-434-4539 Fax: 503-434-5760 To make changes contact: [email protected]
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