Words Their Way Level One: Letter Name Alphabetic Spelling Word Lists This packet includes word lists (3 per page). These word lists were derived from Words Their Way: Letter Name Alphabetic Word Sorts. I use these lists with my spelling groups. It is an easy way to make sure kids have a list of their words. You can tape these into students’ spelling notebooks or hole punch them to keep them in their binders. This is a great way to make sure spelling lists make it from home to school, and back again each week. Graphics purchased from Scrappin’ Doodles AT Word Families AT Word Families AT Word Families cat cat cat mat mat mat hat hat hat rat rat rat bat bat bat fat fat fat sat sat sat pat pat pat AD-AN Word Families AD-AN Word Families AD-AN Word Families fan fan fan dad dad dad pan pan pan sad sad sad man man man pad pad pad van van van mad mad mad can can can AP-AG Word Families AP-AG Word Families AP-AG Word Families nap nap nap wag wag wag cap cap cap rag rag rag map map map bag bag bag tag tag tag flag flag flag lap lap lap OP-OT-OG Word Families OP-OT-OG Word Families OP-OT-OG Word Families pot pot pot dog dog dog cot cot cot hop hop hop log log log frog frog frog top top top jog jog jog mop mop mop dot dot dot ET-EG-EN Word Families ET-EG-EN Word Families ET-EG-EN Word Families net net net peg peg peg jet jet jet hen hen hen pen pen pen pet pet pet beg beg beg wet wet wet leg leg leg ten ten ten men men men UG-UT-UN Word Families UG-UT-UN Word Families UG-UT-UN Word Families run run run cut cut cut mug mug mug jug jug jug tug tug tug sun sun sun hut hut hut rug rug rug nut nut nut bun bun bun shut shut shut bug bug bug IG-IP-ILL Word Families IG-IP-ILL Word Families IG-IP-ILL Word Families pig pig pig pill pill pill wig wig wig lip lip lip mill mill mill hill hill hill dig dig dig zip zip zip rip rip rip AT-OT-IT Word Families AT-OT-IT Word Families AT-OT-IT Word Families not lot not lot not lot pot fit pot fit pot hat kit hat kit hat kit bat pat bat pat bat pat rat cot rat cot rat dot lit dot lit dot lit got rot got rot got rot pit fat pit fat pit bit sat bit sat bit sat hit that hit that hit that fit cot fat mat mat mat AN-UN-IN Word Families AN-UN-IN Word Families AN-UN-IN Word Families run tan run tan run tan fun man fun man fun fin van fin van fin van pan plan pan plan pan plan than chin than chin than man chin fan fan fan bun bun bun ran ran ran win win win grin grin grin thin thin thin AD-ED-AB-OB Word Families AD-ED-AB-OB Word Families tab cob tab shed red shed had cab had cab sob mad sob mad lab pad lab grab mob grab mob glob led glob led blob job blob rob glad rob glad fed sled fed sled cob red pad job bad bad AD-ED-AB-OB Word Families cob tab red shed had cab sob mad pad lab grab mob glob led job blob rob glad fed sled bad AG-EG-IG-OG-UG AG-EG-IG-OG-UG AG-EG-IG-OG-UG Word Families Word Families Word Families jog bug jog twig fog twig beg drug beg drug wag hug wag hug rag fig rag flag big flag big frog wig frog wig slug leg slug dig plug dig plug rug snag rug snag bug fog fig leg peg peg bug jog fog twig beg drug wag hug fig rag flag big frog wig leg slug dig plug rug snag peg ILL-ELL-ALL Word Families ILL-ELL-ALL Word Families ILL-ELL-ALL Word Families fell well fell well fell well shell mall shell mall shell fill small fill small fill small mill tell mill tell mill tell sell tall sell tall sell smell hall smell hall smell hall spill will spill will spill will chill hill chill hill chill bill still bill still bill still fall drill fall drill fall drill mall tall hill call call call ICK-ACK-UCK Word Families ICK-ACK-UCK Word Families ICK-ACK-UCK Word Families tack quick tack quick tack quick thick luck thick luck thick tuck quack tuck quack tuck quack rack kick rack kick rack kick pick stuck pick stuck pick truck pack truck pack truck pack black tick black tick black tick trick lick trick lick trick sick snack sick snack sick snack back stick back stick back stick luck stuck lick shack shack shack ISH-ASH-USH Word Families ISH-ASH-USH Word Families mash cash mash dash dish dash rash mush rash mush flash blush flash blush flush swish flush smash fish smash fish rush trash rush trash brush hush brush cash dish swish hush ISH-ASH-USH Word Families cash mash dish dash rash mush flash blush swish flush smash fish rush trash hush brush wish wish wish crush crush crush crash crash crash Short A and O Vowels Short A and O Vowels hop cat hop ran sock ran jam lot jam lot job for job for mom fox mom had map had map wag top wag top ham was ham cab box cab box sad mop sad mop hot got hot cat sock fox was got Short A and O Vowels cat hop sock ran jam lot job for fox mom had map wag top was ham cab box sad mop got hot Short I and U Vowels Short I and U Vowels Short I and U Vowels pig rip pig rip pig rip cut zip cut zip cut big win big win big win tub nut tub nut tub nut did him did him did hum but hum but hum but siz pin siz pin siz pin will put will put will cup rub cup rub cup rub bit fun bit fun bit fun run jug run jug run zip him put jug Short A-I-E Vowels Short A-I-E Vowels that ship that then this then than check than check shin shack shin shack chap wham chap chill when chill when shell shed shell shed chin chick chin chat them chat them whip thin whip thin whiz chip whiz thick shall thick ship this wham chick chip shall Short A-I-E Vowels ship that this then than check shin shack wham chap chill when shell shed chick chin chat them whip thin chip whiz shall thick Short A and I Vowels Short A and I Vowels Short A and I Vowels flag drip flag drip flag drip slid clip slid clip slid plan slap plan slap plan slap grip skip grip skip grip skip glad cram glad cram glad crab flat crab flat crab flat slam clap slam clap slam clap grab grill grab grill grab slip flip slip flip slip flip brag drag brag drag brag drag brat drill brat drill brat spin trap spin trap spin clip cram grill drill trap Short E-O-U Vowels Short E-O-U Vowels Short E-O-U Vowels trot cross trot cross trot cross fog fret fog fret fog glum slob glum slob glum slob gruff gloss gruff gloss gruff gloss sled dress sled dress sled plug drop plug drop plug drop fluff flop fluff flop fluff flop plum from plum from plum club drum club drum club drum plot drug plot drug plot drug truck bled truck bled truck slot slug slot slug slot fret dress from bled slug Short Vowels Short Vowels Short Vowels self ask self soft fast soft must nest must nest cost dust cost dust best raft best milk lost milk lost tusk just tusk just melt left melt gift fist gift fist desk mask desk mask list past list half lift half ask fast raft left past lift ask self fast soft must nest cost dust raft best milk lost tusk just left melt gift fist desk mask past list lift half Short Vowels Short Vowels Short Vowels cloth cash cloth bath class bath kiss fresh kiss fresh with brush with brush moth such moth rush boss rush boss guess much guess much wish wash wish rich miss rich miss path pass path pass grass math grass push toss push cash class such wash math toss cash cloth class bath kiss fresh with brush such moth rush boss guess much wash wish rich miss path pass math grass toss push Short Vowels Short Vowels Short Vowels gang rang gang wing camp wing sing hung sing hung limp thing limp thing king pump king bring bump bring bump stamp lamp stamp lamp ring lump ring jump ramp jump ramp sung swing sung swing stump rung stump plump sang plump rang camp pump lump rung sang rang gang camp wing sing hung limp thing pump king bring bump stamp lamp lump ring jump ramp sung swing rung stump sang plump Short Vowels Short Vowels Short Vowels stink went stink spent send spent bunk drink bunk drink pant want pant want pink print pink blank hunt blank hunt stand bank stand bank wind trunk wind sand plant sand plant wink blend wink blend thank land thank think junk think went send print trunk land junk went stink send spent bunk drink pant want print pink blank hunt stand bank trunk wind sand plant wink blend land thank junk think Short O and OR Short O and OR shop sock shop short fox short fort sport fort sport rot rock rot rock corn torn corn job drop job drop spot sort spot sort work trot work fork pond fork pond for storm for storm horn word horn sock fox torn trot word born born Short O and OR sock shop fox short fort sport rot rock torn corn job drop spot sort trot work fork pond for storm word horn born Short O and OR Short O and OR shop sock shop short fox short fort sport fort sport rot rock rot rock corn torn corn job drop job drop spot sort spot sort work trot work fork pond fork pond for storm for storm horn word horn sock fox torn trot word born born Short O and OR sock shop fox short fort sport rot rock torn corn job drop spot sort trot work fork pond for storm word horn born
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