: 7ftfr<r7tt-'rc €eqr- qofto$oq0,/Aoqo(ql-S)/Rrowo (qW) or.Fdqsq rcrftftro Aogo (<H). wofto$ogfuwva | 6 2-9 e^ 3ll9 116 riT|F|q /qnrd s*'T{ rdrdq - gsr{ Aq <ffi (som) frR-{rqa-{r Rqin- le I lr l)t, ffi),qrroft-e-f,frqr 5fus aa, 1am. $YT fu: r$bso + tuq Frqfttun erStucYs+ft&t{ d moi F0 r$0 grTl"TzF-rfuflur 1 mffi-FiqffiqO dr5fra boo gqogaoto (orar-ffiqre) osfro 2. 3{tq{{l6 qql;Ir {|-Rr 120qo (oofro) sg{ oqsT 18"x l8"(Cotton) 4. fur oqsr 20"x l8"(Cotton) 5 sNIfud 50 TITo 220 q 220 Trl 160 Trl 6. ffiwovno{ffi 20 TfT m-0 20fro ffid 8 sqr (PranayS-2) e lffiffi 10 ii--t -__--l @(+sficn) 140 Trl- 14 ffi--z 15 qqeilEqEldzuuil 180 TII sooto soto rs frrqlo p q 16 l-ti 25 ftrno 180Trr ffi 100/- 60 TIT Md HrS{ 75 ilo dr{w-Erq H|-gq 125 rtro 12. 13 3,000/- rz to ( oofro) 3. 7 aqr orqRtq-dfus ) d 656 ftqt6 tz'tt't+ ffi ffiqtr-looTrTo f 1 e €r{d frnr{a orfroto (Trishul 20 qd sl-rE tpr{ 18 ffi@Tftdr 22 wffiqTddErT 23. ffi-A1 6" S fuq B 24. qr$q{qsr (Shikher) 25. offiqrs q{E so rl-to 80 Tt d' 30 to oo Qo 200 ;Trl200 ilt 40frrno 20 TTT 60 TIT 24 ;Ft I t2-ll-20r4 (1600Hrs.) -2- tdFffii-offio ffi qrssq (Talc) 2oo 1ITo ffi erEs 5ooqTo 35.- -5oo gqo*oE-oo qro Fnq€-+-q-gsnGFgqi aw orq ft-sq.- qffi, .riloftofrogo,gsnr dq'qffi cs'.d.ont.rifl-q:- srRiffi qrqn a1 eqr$ eloSo dfuq asnqK.TG qs fu-qtqrtrnt (sovo)i u{ d ffi-a Swrco qH, rnrofrTtST sfus co nA-" # *"t (tqr cn-sT), ft-we-fuq{uraerT ni5frtfr fr 6rd tu+*{ ovi qq'p-{i6-ziro,*d 11.11.14 g* *" ; f -U # #-"i#'*t q4'i fr1 Bt qqof Ffd_{r ffi -lT q on.o*O t 1u.o'e-d li< yran (euftA$qqqrqT s-+p"C a-o's-qn qr+offrrnofto$ogfu-s ea tqqr{d"***.iibp.gou.inw frcio:- zt'ro'tl t sqoeld'ft d fo *l ftt otTd(soroo,z.-) F6ql E* .d"d= fo-mw so-ort r gir-srs+*s fuc -rc # "m r* d<-aeqr grfrnd qa i . *Je *-o enqstrssr(t-6^ots -Fli;-g*t-" ;i";;,ft1iJ -"" t""p#.*; "m, sfr. ftfufl d si.t q'Troqfl d'rr r ftfosrFIdsq rcifrQa-o t ffi ou.'rJ to Erce d qert f,g.& eierqr *" str** (eld})(d-n6ls-_oors) ;\# ,i*raq qrlrnt sro sm fu'qr ,.lJriJi s|q frfut Sors rS "ffi, "o.^n-*o fu*; so-ar'trS.rdrq'd-e 'Effi -*.ff'r* q,rqda Eq- fift<*"i o\'sro e-dd sc i so 65l- (t!"^5T m)d! q+tt FfrE *" i a*.t ro." a n"i a ft{ f** s-drdriTS d'n aqrg*rErtt ffi ff 3rf,nqo1so-t{ rS fuq qrhnt z 3. frogqo$o @Tqtf,q, fi-flf,Rr qsq qrf am g{YnGil-{.S, qflqq-d s-qTo\ +[eFT, frfuqT qqe fi:gw qft fuq GIi d t w,ft Fq dr $.il- fr*; q-6Tfr4.'/.,$q ag veil.r{ q-qd al'Ahrmit d ftq rsed a. qqr orfr enqrtroEt T€ft 61 nfq-qrq.d'a qrq fr 'rg qqnr qrRT g.fi nox € n"f ftfuqT(srnq Rrfutqrcsnsr d frfu{r {rm it' 'iI fu erTmfuorflq $ fu qt s. n fiqfRf, ftl$ q H{q e-osrd qr} t {sr E3{IEnTr dJTKTIq-3 -3- qt qf€-dd frtu{ ffi 6. q"d defi BTd cPdftg fifqa P ss{ffi cbqr or {"f *ri d *,tgoffi qqq R-twct.t-e qrs u=*'J'ftit'e*"'ffi d d!" {qo € qan Y^ftt" fti +olri Q qqrqr 5*l"s t e-d{rt R-tr-dtrr "tdi rrqqilils riwr 6yfrt d ftq orffinit d {-n ft} n*Trt-d foo$o q{ {qd-fuqr qr sfi-flr B I tffi{ qRN tn Gn{S [email protected] digkmnp,itUn.eov.in qi fri t qYd, GTfdqrroTft d fuq oTr$Adt'fi'of aqnr{c unvw'itbp'gov'in qn a qwad qrgfr et 3tr t s' f € ) DistributionTo:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll l2 l3 l4 l5 t6 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 M/S.M.P.Electricals& SuppliersBukharaNear ITBP. Bareilly (UP) M/S SaviksDistributorsA-4, Butler PIaza,Civil Lines Bareilly (U.P) M/S CosmosComputersB-37,42,FirstFloor,Butler Plaza,Bareilly (U.P) M/S JaiswalTradingCo. 8l/llnder Lok QuanoonBhoor PremNager lSareilly(U.P) M/S JPGTechnosoftPvt.LtdH.O.43ParvezNagernearBBL Public SchoolChaudhary MohallaBareilly(U.P) M/S KhareEnterprisesShopNo. 101BhagwatiComplexCivil Line Bareilly (U.P) M/S KanchanEnterprises,Near Rathi Pump,Nokha- 334803(Bikaner)Raj M/S AssociateTradersC-263 SangamBihar Delhi M/S M.N Interprises,l48,CivilLine, TLC Building GroundFloor,Near Kotak Mahendra Bank Bareilly(U.P) M/S Leo International2640HemaltonRoadkashmiriGateNew Delhi-06 M/S SONDHI BROTHERSH.O:208-F,BagBrigtanNear Roadways,f]areilly M/S Ar-y Sales,8699,First Floor,Model Basti,New Delhi M/S Y.J. TradeLinkers .52,Jankpuri,Izatnager, Bareilly (UP) M/S SainiEnterprises,486ll5.lndFloor BhagwatiMotor Market,Gali RanjanKlalan Kashmiri gate, Delhi M/S SethiEnterprises (Govt ApprovedContractor)D-24,1" Floor Main Haji NagerNew Delhi. M/S The Print Mall ShopNo. I &2 Connaughtplace.Dehradun(UKD) M/S om Enterprises Sco-50BashmentSector47-C Chandigarh(UT) M/S Deep& Brothers29 RamaMarket Dehradun(UKD) lT cell ftr ddn: Pse Publishin ITBP websitefor wide publicity. lT Cell shq brly.for mandatorypublicationof Tender Enquirieson The Central publicProcurementPortal. DM.Distt.Bareilly(UP) with request to paste on Notice Board for wide Publicity. SP.Bareillywith request to paste on Notice Board for wide Publicity. Nagar Nigam office Bareillywith request to paste on Notice Board for wide Publicity. NoticeBoard SHQ. Brly. ITBP. TI]NDERNOTICE Dlc,SectorHeadQuarter[Brly.]ITBPF',P.o.Bukharacamp'Distt.Bareilly(UP.),for.andonbehalfofthe Bids) on the prescrib€d of tndiainvitessealedtendersunderTwo bid systems(Technicaland commercial President of Hygieneandsanitationitems of SHQ'BareillyITBP ' form by l2.l l.14 at I 530hrs.for the Procurement S . No D.*tipti* of Sto*; Qty. (in Nos.) Fi"ay"t( Nib,, flaver) Lizol 500 ml.Pack 120Pack (60 Ltrs.). l2 Pack Finayal( Black Doctor Brand) 05 Ltrs' ( 60 Ltrs.) Pack 1. 2. 4 5. Odonil50Gm. 6 7 Detol Liquid I l0 ml Pack BesonLiquid 0l Ltr. Pack B. T;il.i B*in Pru""rvr-j 60 Nos. 9. Vimbar powder0l kg.Pack Detol Soap75 Gm LifebuoySoap125Gm. GoodknightiAllout Refill, 45 DaYs 25 Kg. 180Nos. 180Nos. 140Nos. 300Pkt. 50 Pkt. l5 Kg. 12Nos. 1n 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16 Blade Topaz lLazor Blade-7O-ClockSuPPerPlatinum Naptftaiin.gull Z0OC* Pack 400ml.Pack BrashoMultipurPose ?o Acid 0l ltr. Pack RobineBlueNeel 100Gm. White Finayal0l ltr. Trishul PoolJharuSuPriorqualitY 21 Nariyal iharuSupriorqualitY 22 Bilr Stitk-- 23. 24 Bamboofor Brum Stick 8 Fit Long Biper Large( Shikher) 25 Odomosstube 50 Gm ?6 s"liihi"s po*d.. 17 18 19 27 ?a 29. 30. 31. PoogchemicalHilmala 05 ltr.Pack PondsPowderTalc 200 Gm. C*. S*f fiO. SOO S"rf E.*l- 500G* Hit SparyBlack200M1. 33. RootnSparYPremium/FreshVallY ' Rin Soap250 Gm. 34. 215Ml tif.Buov Handwash ?? 35. 3,000/- (loost ofTender :t (Non Reset l u ndable r 100/- Tender oPening date & Time tz-rl-2014 (1600Hrs.) 220Nos. 220Nos. 160Nos. 20Nos. 20 Ltrs. DusterCloth l8"x 16" Cotton PochhaCloth j EarnestMoney Required 80 Nos. 30 Pkt. 60 Pkt. 200Nos. 200Nos. 40 Kg. 20Nos. 60Nos. 24 Nos. I 15Kg. 0l Ltr. 24 Nos. 140Nos. 140Nos 100Nos. 100Nos. 200Nos. 150Nos. 160Nos. Contd-2 2 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. C o l i n e5 0 0M l . p a c k V i m b a r 3 0 0G m . Pack GoodknightCoil GoodknightMachinewith Air wik Refill Pack 80 Nos. 1 5 0N o s . 1 6 0N o s . 40 Nos. 04 Nos. SPECII.'ICA.I-IONSAND OTFIER DE.TAII,S AS PER TENDER SCHEDTJLE F.O.R Destinations:-Supply of above Hygiene & Sanitationitems Should be done at SHQ.( Brly.),lTBP.,Bukhara ( UP.) at firm's own risk and freeofcost on freightpre-paidbasisat consigneeend. Camp,Bareilly 2. The detailed particularsand tender forms can be obtained from the office o1'the DIG. SHQ.Brly.(ln-Charge, Camp,Distt.Bareilly ( UP.) by placing a demandletter mentioningthe ACTT. Branch),SHQ,ITBPF,P.O.Bukhara n a m eo f w o r k s ,w . e . f .2 1 . 1 0 . 1 4t o l l . l l . l 4 o n a n y w o r k i n gd a y b e t w e e n0 9 3 0 h r s .t o 1 8 3 0h r s .o n c a s hp a y m e n t 'l'he Complete tender enquiry will also be available on ITBP. Web site w.e.f mentionedabove (non-refundable). 21.10.14 (wvrw.itbp.gov.in) which can be downloaded by the interested firms, The cost of this downloaded tender document (Rs 100/-) has to be deposited in the form of a separate Bank Draft drawn in favour of DIG. SIIQ(Brly.), ITB Police payable at SBI.Main Branch Bareilly (Bank code-0615 ) alongwith the Technical Bid. Tender fonn can also be obtained by post from the above addressagainst money order or demand draft drawn in favourof DIG., SHQ(Brly.),ITB Police(Bank code 0615 ). No other modeof paynrentwill be accepted. Tenderers desiredto obtain tender documentsby post shall add Rs 65/- (RupeesSixty five only) towards postage.Department shall not be responsiblefor any postal delay and no correspondencein this regardwill be entertained. 3. Tenderforms are issuedfree ofcost to NSIC, registeredfirms from the office ofCMO, JeevanTara Building, ParliamentStreet,New Delhi-I I 0001. 4. All firms who are not registeredwith DGS&DNSIC for the specificationof subject storesshall be requiredto depositEarnestMoney as mentionedabovealongwiththeir technicalbid. 'I'ender documents duly completed in all respect to be submitted in the tender box of QM. 5. Branch,SIIQ,Brly.ITBP. kept at the ground floor Admn. Block Dntrance before specilied time and date. 'l'he lirms or their reps. Desired to present during the time of the OPENING OF TENDER should 6. come and get their " Gate Pass" timely made from the Reception, to avoid any hassle in getting entry into the Sector lIead Quarter (Brly,), ITBP, 7. ln caseofany difficulty being faced while cornpleling the above procedures the following officers can be contactedat the given telephonenumber and id mails. 'l'elephone No. A) rG ( HQ ) N FTR.DDN.rTBP B) DIG SHQ(BLY)ITBPOLICE C) Commandant Staff(SHQ)BLY. ID Mail 0135-27 67622 0581-2517109 0581-2517073 [email protected] [email protected] For and on behalf of Presidentof India DistributionTo:I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1I 12 13 14 l5 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 M/S.M.P.Electricals& SuppliersBukharaNear ITBP. Bareilly (UP) M/S SaviksDistributorsA-4, Butler Plaza,Civil Lines Bareilly (U.P) M/S CosmosComputersB-37,42,FirstFloor,Butler Plaza,Bareilly (U P) MiS.laiswalTradingCo. 8l/llnder Lok QuanoonBhoor PremNager l3areilly(U.P) M/S JPG TechnosoftPvt.Ltd H.O.43 ParvezNagernearBBL Public SchoolChaudhary MohallaBareilly (U.P) M/S KhareEnterprisesShopNo. 101BhagwatiComplexCivil Line Bareilly (U.P) M/S KanchanEnterprises,Near Rathi Pump,Nokha- 334803(Bikaner) Raj M/S AssociateTradersC-263 SangamBihar Delhi M/S M.N Interprises,l48,Civil Line, TLC Building GroundFloor,Near Kotak Mahendra Bank Bareilly(U.P) M/S Leo International2640HemaltonRoadkashmiriGateNew Delhi-06 M/S SONDHI BROTHERSH.O:208-F,BagBrigtanNear Roadways,f]areilly M/S Army Sales,8699,First Floor,Model Basti,New Delhi M/S Y..1.TradeLinkers .52,Jankpuri,Izatnager, Bareilly (UP) M/S SainiEnterprises,486/15.lnd Floor BhagwatiMotor Market,Gali RanjanKlalan Kashmirigate, Delhi (Govt ApprovedContractor) M/S SethiEnterprises D-24,1" FloorMain Haji NagerNew Delhi. M/S The Print Mall ShopNo. I &2 Connaughtplace.Dehradun(UKD) M/S Om Enterprises Sco-50BashmentSector47-C Chandigarh(UT) M/S Deep& Brothers29 RamaMarket Dehradun(UKD) lT cell ftr ddn: Pse Publishin ITBP websitefor wide publicity. lT Cell shq brly. for mandatory publicationof Tender Enquirieson The Central public ProcurementPortal. DM.Distt.Bareilly(UP) with requestto paste on Notice Board forwide Publicity. SP.Bareillywith request to paste on Notice Board for wide Publicity. Nagar Nigam office Bareillywith request to paste on Notice Board for wide Publicity. Notice Board SHQ. Brly. ITBP. ITBP. SHQ.@rly.) t r €
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