EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2014 - 2019 Committee on Petitions PETI_OJ(2014)235_1 DRAFT AGENDA Meeting Tuesday 7 October 2014, 9.00 – 12.30 Brussels Room PHS P1A002 from 9:00 to 9:30 (in camera) 1. Coordinators' meeting *** at 9:30 2. Adoption of draft agenda (1) PE 539.612 FdR 1036047 3. Chairman's announcements 4. Any other business _________________________ (1) In accordance with the committee’s decision of 30 September 1997, on the basis of working document PE 223.544, items in sections B of the draft agenda will not be discussed during the current meeting. However any member may ask before the end of the meeting for an item in section B to be moved to section A; it will then be automatically included in section A for discussion at a subsequent meeting. OJ\1036047EN.doc EN PE539.612v01-00 EN 5. Chairman's announcements concerning Coordinators' decisions 6. Report on the Annual Report on the activities of the European Ombudsman in 2013 Rapporteur : WALESA (EPP) - 1st exchange of views In the presence of the European Commission A. Petitions for discussion in committee on the basis of the Commission's written reply or other documents received Media 7. Petition 0745/2013 by Ioannis Daras (Greek) on behalf of the CM– PE 532.558 International Sports Press Association, on the accreditation fees FdR 1028722 that radio sports journalists are required to pay in Europe (in the presence of the petitioner) Immigration 8. Petition 1596/2012 by Lucie Haardt (German), on behalf of Jugendliche ohne Grenzen, supported by approximately 25 organisations and hundreds of co-signatories, on the human rights of refugees in Europe and Petition 1714/2013 by Elisabeth Schmock (German), bearing 31 signatures, on equal burden sharing with regard to refugees entering the EU through Italy and Greece And Petition 1769/2013 by Bernhard Sengen (German), on the refugee problem and a possible solution and Petition 1909/2013 by Renato Lelli (Italian), on behalf of Associazione Genitori Separati, on Regulation of Immigration in the European Union (in the presence of the petitioner) and Petition 1948/2013 by Dorothee Matthias (German), on the treatment of asylum seekers and Petition 2056/2013 by Cesare Rizzi (Italy), on behalf of Associazione Amici della Domenica, on immigration tragedy of Lampedusa (Italy) and PE539.612v01-00 EN 2/8 CM– PE 524,824/REV FdR 1035320 CM– PE 528.228 FdR 1018626 CM– PE 529.697 FdR 1018627 CM– PE 535.852 FdR 1029448 CM– PE 529.698 FdR 1018628 CM– PE 529.699 FdR 1018629 OJ\1036047EN.doc Petition 2088/2013 by Francesca Della Valle (Italian), on a common European immigration strategy in the Mediterranean area and Petition 2091/2013 by Emiliano Fratello (Italian), on a common european immigration strategy in the Mediterranean area and Petition 2126/2013 by Filippo Villani (Italian) on the Lampedusa immigration tragedy (Italy) (possibly in the presence of petitioners) sir CM– PE 529.700 FdR 1018630 sir FFV LIBE Environment 9. Petition 0359/2012 by Maria Elena Solís Yánez (Spanish), on the authorisation of oil prospecting in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands), allegedly infringing the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Habitats Directive and Petition 0559/2012 by Pedro Hernández Camacho (Spanish), bearing 164 signatures, on the authorisation of oil prospecting in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands), allegedly infringing the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Habitats Directive and Petition 0683/2012 by Ma del Carmen Cabrera González (Spanish), on the authorisation of oil prospecting in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands), allegedly infringing the Water Framework Directive and Petition 1826/2012 by Daniel Pérez Creus (Spanish), on the authorisation of oil prospecting in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands) and Petition 0801/2013 by María Mercedes Gómez Sande (Spanish) on the authorisation of oil prospecting activities in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands) and Petition 1542/2013 by Maria del Mar Rodriguez Cabrera (Spanish) on the search for hydrocarbons in the Canary Islands of Spain and Petition 2117/2013 by Jean Guy Le Roux (French), on shale gas in Canary islands and Petition 2192/2013 by Juan Jose Rodriguez Marrero (Spanish), on Shale gas in Canary Islands (in the presence of petitioners) OJ\1036047EN.doc 3/8 CM– PE 500.687/REV FdR 1015294 PE 500.687/REV. II FdR 1035622 sir sir PE539.612v01-00 EN *** B. Petitions which it is proposed to close in the light of the Commission's written reply or other documents received 10. Petition 0489/2010 by Carmen García Matas (Spanish), on CM– PE 454,614/REV pollution from polymer manufacturing plants in Daganzo, Madrid FdR 1029813 11. Petition 0118/2013 by Giulia Gaspari (Italian), on the transfer of CM– PE 536,059 pension rights between the European Investment Bank and the FdR 1030786 Italian National Institute for Social Insurance (INPS) 12. Petition 0198/2013 by Florence and Veronique Berg CM– PE 536,060 (Luxembourgish) concerning the exemption of students from the FdR 1030787 requirement to pay for a radio and television licence in Germany 13. Petition 0286/2013 by Wilhelm Krpalek (Austrian) concerning CM– PE 536,061 registration and costs of his boat in Croatia FdR 1030788 14. Petition 0330/2013 by Markus Weiler (German) concerning CM– PE 529,979 practices followed by Google in Germany FdR 1030779 15. Petition No 0371/2013 by R.M. (Dutch) concerning personal data CM– PE 536,063 on internet portals FdR 1030790 16. Petition 0499/2013 by K. H. (German) concerning uniform CM– PE 535,909 clothing sizes in SI units FdR 1029849 17. Petition No 0528/2013 by J.T (Italian) on harmonising temporary CM– PE 536,066 employment in Europe FdR 1030794 18. Petition 0537/2013 by Heloir Olivier (French), on regulating CM– PE 535,911 mobile phone applications FdR 1029851 19. Petition 0600/2013 by Horst Izykowski (German) concerning CM– PE 530,003/REV German pensioners resident abroad FdR 1029829 20. Petition 0609/2013 by Jureviciute Ausra (Lithuanian) on CM– PE 535,912 discrimination against the Lithuanian minority in Poland FdR 1029852 PE539.612v01-00 EN 4/8 OJ\1036047EN.doc 21. Petition 0680/2013 by Klaus Zauner (Austrian), on Residence CM– PE 535,914 card holders FdR 1029854 22. Petition No 0682/2013 by Katerina Smrckova (Czech) on alleged CM– PE 536,067 discrimination of EU nationals in Malta FdR 1034819 23. Petition 0692/2013 by Wilfried Gundske (German) on refusal of a CM– PE 535,915 tourist visa to his Egyptian wife FdR 1029855 24. Petition 0711/2013 by Jan Mazak (Slovak) on Discrimination in CM– PE 535,916 succession rights, Council directive 93/98/EEC FdR 1029856 25. Petition 0721/2013 by A.L-M. (Danish) on Customer rights CM– PE 532,556/REV FdR 1029830 26. Petition No 0730/2013 by Emanuele Tomasini (Italian) on EU CM– PE 536,069 cooperation with Russia FdR 1030801 27. Petition 0734/2013, by Lily Chrisnach (Luxembourg), on failure CM– PE 535,918 to recognise pension rights in Luxembourg FdR 1029858 28. Petition No 0752/2013 by Christina Anaya Mortensen C (Danish) CM– PE 536,071 on EU regulations in fashion industry FdR 1030804 29. Petition 0768/2013 by Fabiano Filippin (Italian), on the CM– PE 535,922 transparency and accessibility of court decisions in the Member FdR 1029862 States 30. Petition 0802/2013 by L.A.B. (Portuguese), bearing 3 signatures, CM– PE 535,923 on the construction of the Ribeira das Cortes dam in Covilhã, FdR 1029863 Portugal 31. Petition 0808/2013 by Gredo Förster (German) on contractual CM– PE 535,924 obligations for all electricity suppliers FdR 1029864 32. Petition 0855/2013 by H.H. (German), on inaccurate information CM– PE 535,925 in travel operator brochures FdR 1029865 33. Petition 0889/2013 by Rabia Balkanli (Cypriot), on the right to CM– PE 535,927 free movement of a third-country national married to an EU FdR 1029867 citizen OJ\1036047EN.doc 5/8 PE539.612v01-00 EN 34. Petition 0895/2013 by Jörg Bischof (German), on a breach of the CM– PE 535,928 emission trading scheme FdR 1029868 35. Petition 0911/2013 by Claus Hansen (Danish), on obstacles to CM– PE 535,929 free movement of goods FdR 1029869 36. Petition 0931/2013 by Heinrich Greive (German), on the right to CM– PE 535,932 own a weapon for the purpose of self-defence FdR 1029876 37. Petition 1004/2013 by J.M. (French), on allegations of spying by CM– PE 535,935 the USA and the granting of political asylum to Edward Snowden FdR 1029879 38. Petition No 1008/2013 by Piotr Szeja (Poland) on Polish courts’ CM– PE 536,073 refusal to recognise electronic signatures FdR 1030806 39. Petition No 1009/2013 by Jürgen Schröder (German) concerning CM– PE 536,074 alleged discrimination in Germany FdR 1030807 40. Petition 1021/2013 by Pierre Morel-A-L’Huissier (French), on CM– PE 535,936 Wolf protection FdR 1029880 41. Petition 1025/2013 Aurore Bardeau (French) on the compulsory CM– PE 535,938 sterilisation of pets FdR 1029882 42. Petition 1029/2013 by Alexander Marshall (British), on CM– PE 535,939 misleading advertising and computer software specification FdR 1029883 43. Petition 1043/2013 by F.M. (nationality unknown) concerning the CM– PE 535,940 penalisation of a Portuguese national driving a vehicle in Spain FdR 1029884 and alleged infringement of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport 44. Petition 1079/2013 by Rudolf Haller (German) on uniform CM– PE 535,942 warning panels for cycle carriers FdR 1029886 PE539.612v01-00 EN 6/8 OJ\1036047EN.doc 45. Petition 1088/2013 by S. M. (German) on the recognition of CM– PE 535,944 British university degrees in Germany FdR 1029888 46. Petition 1092/2013 by C.F. (German) on double payment of VAT CM– PE 535,945 FdR 1029889 47. Petition No 1108/2013 by Y.J. (Australian), on Consumer CM– PE 536,079 protection (eBay) FdR 1030812 48. Petition 1113/2013 by Aleksandra Majkowska (Polish) on the CM– PE 535,946 refusal of a French hospital to recognise Polish qualifications FdR 1029890 49. Petition 1124/2013 by Flavio Miccono (Italian), on the CM– PE 535,947 recalculation of energy costs FdR 1029891 50. Petition 1130/2013 by Angeles Seifart (German) on his pension in CM– PE 535,949 Spain FdR 1029893 51. Petition No 1138/2013 by Alvaro Lahoz Tornos (Spanish), on CM– PE 536,082 recognition of the qualification in thoracic and cardiovascular FdR 1030815 surgery in the European Union 52. Petition 1141/2013 by Farani Javid Taylor LLP (British), on CM– PE 535,952 behalf of Mrs. M. Venturini and I.R. Salles, on UK permanent FdR 1029897 residence status 53. Petition No 1143/2013 by Andreas Mihsler (German), on visa CM– PE 536,084 policy for Ukraine FdR 1030818 54. Petition No 1147/2013 by Sascha Jacobi (German), on trucks from CM– PE 536,085 Eastern European countries and road safety FdR 1030819 55. Petition No 1155/2013 by Okonkwo Chimezie (unknown), on UK CM– PE 536,086 Residence card FdR 1030820 56. Petition 1158/2013 by T.Ch. (Belgian), on Animal rights CM– PE 535,954 FdR 1029899 57. Petition No 1184/2013 by Michael Donegan (Irish), on behalf of CM– PE 536,089 Michael Campbell, on Repatriation of Michael Campbell from the FdR 1030825 Lithuanian prison to Ireland OJ\1036047EN.doc 7/8 PE539.612v01-00 EN 58. Petition 1187/2013 by Silvia Gracinda De Cunha (Portuguese), on CM– PE 535,955 problems caused by the French authorities with regard to the FdR 1029900 calculation of her pension 59. Petition No 1190/2013 by R. I. (British), on Transparency of aid CM– PE 536,090 to Palestine FdR 1030827 60. Petition No 1207/2013 by Josip Miljak (Croatian), on behalf of CM– PE 536,091 Hrvatska Cista Stranka Prava, on European arrest warrant FdR 1030828 61. Petition No 1208/2013 by Stjepan Ringwald (Croatian), on CM– PE 536,092 Justice system in Croatia FdR 1030829 62. Petition No 1218/2013 by Carlos Garcia Gonzalez and José CM– PE 536,094 Martinez Postigo (Spanish), on behalf of the ‘Asociacion Para la FdR 1030831 defensa de los recursos naturales de Cantabria’, on the installation of a wind farm in Cantabria (Spain) 63. Petition No 1219/2013 by Francisco Perez Escudero (Spanish), on CM– PE 536,095 animal welfare in Europe FdR 1030832 64. Petition 1223/2013 by K.C. (nationality unknown), bearing 341 CM– PE 535,957 signatures, concerning the potential risks of genetically modified FdR 1029902 organisms 65. Petition No 1228/2013 by Sh. W. (British), on Free movement of CM– PE 536,096 people FdR 1030833 66. Petition 1246/2013 by Muinos Cela Maria Azucena (Spanish), on CM– PE 536,099 behalf of a number of different associations of Spain, on Impact FdR 1030837 Assessment prior to planned railway line in Ferrol 67. Petition 1248/2013 by Pedro representing Projecto Gran Simio Pozas Terrados (Spanish) CM– PE 536,100 FdR 1030838 68. Petition 1258/2013 by J. S. R. (Spanish) on procedures for transfer CM– PE 536,101 from Italy to Spain FdR 1030839 69. Petition 1277/2013 by Chris Gernreich (German) on food CM– PE 535,959 packaging FdR 1029904 oOo 70. Date and place of next meeting 11.11.2014, 9.00 – 12.30 and 15.00 – 18.30 PE539.612v01-00 EN 8/8 OJ\1036047EN.doc
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