CKF Coalition Update - Colorado Community Health Network
April 2014 Coalition Update
CKF Update
Agency Partners Work Group (APWG)
April 25, 2014, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
CCHN (600 Grant St., Ste. 800, Denver)
March 2014 Meeting Recording
March 2014 Meeting Notes
Denver Outreach Partners (DOP)
May 13, 2014, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
CCHN (600 Grant St., Ste. 800, Denver)
March 2014 Meeting Notes
Health Policy Work Group (HPWG)
June 19, 2014, from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
CCHN (600 Grant St., Ste. 800, Denver)
February 2014 Meeting Notes
CKF Coalition
July 9, 2014, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Rose Community Foundation (600 S. Cherry St.,
Ste. 1200, Denver)
January Meeting Recording
January Meeting Notes
Guide to CKF Meetings and Work Groups
2014 CKF Meeting Calendar
CKF’s Coalition webpage
Contact Liz Tansey with questions
Health Reform
Health Reform in Colorado – Latest Stats
Duplicate Denial Letters
PEAK April Enhancements
Changes in Tax Filing Requirements for Survivors
of Domestic Violence Seeking Coverage in the
New 2014 Medicaid and CHP+ Income Guideline
Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits Start April 1
Health Policy
CHI Estimates that 80,000 Children are Eligible but
Not Enrolled in Colorado
Colorado Health Report Card
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County
KIDS COUNT in Colorado! Annual Report
Outreach & Enrollment
Roles in Outreach and Enrollment
Denver County SNAP Into Health Training
Immigrants and the ACA
ACC Video
CASBHC Connect Collaborate Care Conference
Connect for Health Colorado Jobs
Kaiser Permanente Jobs
CKF Annual Survey Results
The 2014 CKF Annual Survey asked respondents to reflect on their engagement with CKF, and
on the issues kids and families face while seeking health coverage in Colorado. The survey
identified compelling challenges and barriers faced by families and will help guide CKF’s work to
meet the needs of coalition members and Colorado kids and families. Click here to access the
full report from the survey.
We thank everyone who contributed to the survey and we always welcome feedback. Please
feel free to reach out to CKF at any time.
Health Reform
Health Reform in Colorado – Latest Stats
As of April 15, 2014, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and
Connect for Health Colorado (C4HCO) reported that 305,741 Coloradans have enrolled in
health coverage. C4HCO reported that 178,508 people have enrolled in Medicaid and 127,233
people have enrolled in private health insurance plans through the marketplace. For more
information and additional enrollment and application stats, read this press release from HCPF,
this metrics report from C4HCO, and C4HCO’s first open enrollment report.
Duplicate Denial Letters
HCPF announced at the end of March that the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS)
incorrectly sent denial letters to some adult Medicaid clients. HCPF explained that the letters
were inadvertently generated between March 7 and March 19, 2014, after a mass update to
CBMS. The letters were sent to some Medicaid expansion clients (adults, parent and caretaker
relative categories) who had applied for Medicaid in October, November, or December 2013.
These clients would have received the “hold on” denial letter telling them that they were not yet
eligible for Medicaid, but would be eligible beginning Jan. 1, 2014. The incorrect denial letters
sent in March are incomplete and do not provide a reason for the denial. Clients are encouraged
to call their local county office to verify their eligibility and enrollment; however HCPF believes
the eligibility and enrollment of clients were not affected by the CBMS update or letter.
PEAK April Enhancements
Program Eligibility Application Kit (PEAK) enhancements scheduled for April 28, 2014, include:
 PEAK Mail Center with E-Noticing allows clients to view all of their benefit letters through
the Manage My Account function. They can also choose to have a text message or
email notification when there is new mail in their PEAK Mail Center.
 PEAK Application Status Checker allows clients to check the status of their submitted
application by signing into their PEAK account.
 The PEAK application will ask about information necessary to determine retroactive
Medical Assistance (MA).
 Creating an account will be easier because security questions will no longer be required
to create an account.
 MA applications for Long-Term Services and Supports that are submitted through PEAK
will now include the option to complete the self-assessment online.
The PEAK Outreach Team will host several webinars to help counties, MA sites, Presumptive
Eligibility (PE) sites, and community-based organizations understand new system changes:
County, C4HCO, MA, PE Command Center Call:
Monday, April 28 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. MT
Dial: 1-877-820-7831
Access code: 349141#
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April 2014
County, C4HCO, MA, PE Post-Build Call:
Thursday, May 1 from 3:00 - 3:45 p.m. MT
Dial: 1-877-820-7831
Access code: 349141#
Community Partner Support Call:
Wednesday, May 7 from 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. MT
Dial: 1-712-432-0220
Access code: 5642211#
Accompanying webinar trainings by the PEAK Outreach Team include:
 April Enhancements Overview
Friday, April 25 from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. MT
 April Enhancements Overview
Monday, April 28 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. MT
 PEAK Mail Center/E-Noticing
Tuesday, April 19 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. MT
 Retroactive Medical Assistance
Wednesday, April 30 from 10:00 -11:00 a.m. MT
 Level of Care Self-Assessment
Wednesday, April 30 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. MT
Changes in Tax Filing Requirements for Survivors of Domestic Violence Seeking
Coverage in the Marketplace
Legally married couples are required to file a joint tax return with their spouse in order to receive
financial assistance to purchase health insurance on the marketplace. For survivors of domestic
violence, filing taxes jointly with their spouse may not be an option. As a result, the IRS has
announced a change that allows married survivors of domestic violence and abuse who file
taxes separately from their spouse to be eligible for financial assistance. The Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that survivors of domestic violence and
abuse are now eligible for a special enrollment period and have until May 31, 2014, to enroll in
health insurance in the marketplace. If clients are unsure of their tax filing status, they can use
the “What’s My Filing Status?” tool from the IRS to find out.
New 2014 Medicaid and CHP+ Income Guideline Charts
HCPF has released updated income levels for Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)
based on the 2014 Federal Poverty Level guidelines, which are updated annually. The updated
guidelines apply to Medicaid programs, which are determined using the Modified Adjusted
Gross Income (MAGI) methodology (i.e. non-disability programs), and CHP+. See the income
charts on the Agency Letters page of the HCPF website here or via the links below:
 2014 MAGI Medicaid Income Guidelines
 2014 CHP+ Income Guidelines
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April 2014
Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits Start April 1
The adult dental benefit for Medicaid clients 21 years of age and older began on April 1, 2014.
These benefits will be limited to preventive, diagnostic, minor restorative services, and treatment
planning with a $1,000 cap through June 30, 2014. More complex restorative procedures and
any service that requires prior authorization will not be covered until July 1, 2014. The $1,000
cap will be renewed when the full benefit becomes available on July 1, 2014.
All covered services outlined in the benefit coverage standard will be available starting July 1,
2014, when the Administrative Services Organization (ASO) contract beings. The ASO will
manage the adult and children’s Medicaid dental benefits beginning July 1, 2014.
HCPF has released the following information for providers and clients:
Information for Providers
 Adult Medicaid Dental Benefit Provider Frequently Asked Questions
 Adult Medicaid Dental Benefit and PETI Frequently Asked Questions for Providers &
Nursing Facilities
Information for Clients
 Adult Medicaid Dental Benefit Fact Sheet
 Adult Medicaid Dental Benefit and PETI Frequently Asked Questions for Clients
Health Policy
CHI Estimates that 80,000 Children are Eligible but Not Enrolled in Colorado
The Colorado Health Institute (CHI) estimates that approximately 80,000 children in Colorado
are eligible for public health insurance programs but are not enrolled. This analysis comes from
CHI’s annual report on children’s health insurance status. CHI analysts used new methodology
this year which makes estimates from prior years harder to compare. However, the number of
children who are eligible but not enrolled (EBNE) in Colorado does appear to be decreasing.
Visit the CHI website here to view the report, fact sheet, data supplement, methodology, and
presentation to All Kids Covered.
Colorado Health Report Card
The Colorado Health Foundation and CHI released the annual Colorado Health Report Card on
March 26, 2014. The report card provides data on 38 key health indicators in five life stages.
Compared to other states, Colorado received a C for Early Childhood, a C for Children, and a B
for Adolescents. To view the report card and read more about the data behind the grades, visit
the Colorado Health Foundation report card page here or visit the CHI page here.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Rankings
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has released its annual County Rankings and
Roadmaps. The rankings measure vital health factors (e.g. high school graduation rates,
obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, etc.) in nearly every U.S. county.
Covering Kids and Families (CKF) Update
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April 2014
These rankings can be useful in understanding the needs of local counties. The rankings can be
found here.
KIDS COUNT in Colorado! Annual Report
An annual publication from the Colorado Children’s Campaign, the 2014 KIDS COUNT in
Colorado! report was released March 24, 2014, in a news conference at the State Capitol with
Gov. John Hickenloper. The report details measures from multiple sources on issues affecting
kids, including health and education. The report also ranks Colorado’s 25 largest counties in the
areas of health, education, and family economic sufficiency. This year, Douglas, Elbert, and
Broomfield counties were at the top of the list for best child well-being outcomes. Montezuma,
Adams, and Denver counties ranked lowest. Visit the KIDS COUNT website to download the full
report and other materials.
Outreach and Enrollment
Roles in Outreach and Enrollment
CKF’s new fact sheet, Roles in Outreach and Enrollment, outlines opportunities to provide direct
and indirect assistance to families wishing to enroll into coverage in Colorado. CKF hopes that
the outreach and enrollment community will use this document as a reference to strategize how
to best serve families.
Denver County SNAP Into Health Training
Denver Human Services (DHS) is offering a navigator training for community partners in the
Denver area. The navigator training includes an overview of the programs DHS offers, including
food assistance, basic eligibility for Medicaid and cash programs, energy assistance, child
support, child care assistance program, PEAK, and a brief overview of the Affordable Care Act
(ACA). For more information or to register, contact Kathy Crusan-Ford, Agency Trainer for
SNAP Into Health, at [email protected]. The upcoming trainings will be
 Friday, April 25 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MT
1200 Federal Blvd
 Friday, May 23 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MT
1200 Federal Blvd
Immigrants and the ACA
CKF’s new fact sheet, Immigrants and the ACA, helps immigrant families and community-based
organizations understand new coverage options for immigrants and the citizenship eligibility
rules under the ACA.
ACC Video
HCPF released an animated video to help Medicaid clients understand how the Accountable
Care Collaborative (ACC) helps them get the right care at the right time.
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April 2014
CASBHC Connect Collaborate Care Conference
The Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care (CASBHC) is holding their 2014
annual conference, “Connect, Collaboration, Care: Growing School-Based Health Centers One
Community at a Time,” on May 1 and 2, 2014, at the Double Tree Hotel in Aurora.
The conference will bring together both primary and behavioral health care providers, schoolbased health center administrators, state government representatives, health policy experts,
and school and community leaders all focused on, and dedicated to, supporting positive student
health outcomes. To register or learn more, click here.
C4HCO Jobs
C4HCO is hiring a Service Manager, Grant Accounting Coordinator, General Counsel, Accounts
Payable Specialist, Administrative Assistant, Director of Health Plans, and Director of Customer
Service. For more information, visit the C4HCO jobs page.
Kaiser Permanente Jobs
Kaiser Permanente is hiring four Community Health Specialists for various Kaiser Permanente
medical offices. For more information, visit the Kaiser Permanente jobs page and search for
“Community Specialist” in Colorado.
Community Health Association of Mountain/Plains States (CHAMPS) is hiring an Outreach and
Enrollment Coordinator. For more information, visit the Colorado Community Health Network
jobs page.
Do you have an open position? Let us know! Contact Liz Tansey at [email protected]
Join our coalition of outreach and enrollment professionals seeking to streamline and maximize
children’s’ enrollment in Medicaid and CHP+ in Colorado. Click the link above or contact Liz
Tansey for more information.
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April 2014