PROVINCE OF QUEBEC District of Quebec Division No.: 01-Montréal Court No.: 500-11-046321-143 Estate No.: 41-1845161 SUPERIOR COURT “Commercial Division” IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF: AIROUTE CARGO INC., a body duly incorporated according to law, having its principal place of business at 2800 André Avenue, in the City of Dorval, Province of Quebec, H9P 1K6. DEBTOR - and PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. TRUSTEE NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS (Subsection 102(1) of the Act) Take notice that: 1. AiRoute Cargo Inc. is deemed to have filed an assignment on the 6th day of April 2014, and the undersigned, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. (Eric St-Amour, CPA, CA, CIRP), was appointed as trustee of the estate of the bankrupt by the official receiver, subject to affirmation by the creditors of the trustee's appointment or substitution of another trustee by the creditors. 2. The first meeting of creditors of the bankrupt will be held on April 29, 2014, at 10:00 am at the office of Superintendent of bankruptcy, at 1155 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1071, Montreal, Quebec. 3. To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, before the meeting, a proof of claim and, where necessary, a proxy. 4. Enclosed with this notice is a proof of claim form, proxy form and list of creditors with claims amounting to $25 or more showing the amounts of their claims. 5. Creditors must prove their claims against the estate of the bankrupt in order to share in any distribution of the proceeds realized from the estate. DATED AT MONTREAL, this 14th day of April 2014. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. Trustee Eric St-Amour, CPA, CA, CIRP Trustee in charge of the estate PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. 1250 René-Lévesque Boulevard West, Suite 2800, Montréal, Quebec, Canada H3B 2G4 T: +1 514 205 5000, F: +1 514 205 5694, District de: Québec No division: 01 - Montreal No cour: 500-11-046321-143 No dossier: 41-1845161 original modifié FORMULAIRE 78_ Bilan - fafihito d'entreprise deposée par une entité (paragraphe 49(2), alinéa 1 58d) et paragraphes 50(2) et 62(I) de Ia Loi) Dans l'affaire de Ia faillite AIROUTE CARGO INC. personne morale légalement constituée, ayant son siege social au 2800, avenue André, dans Ia yule de Dorval, dans Ia province de Québec, H9P 1K6 Au faili Vous étes tenu de remplir avec soin et exactitude Ia present formulaire et les annexes appllcables indiquant Ia situation de von affaires ala date de votre faillite le 5 mars 2014. Une fois rempli, ce formulaire at Ian listen annexées, cons8tuent votra bilan, qui doitétre vérifé sous serrnent ou par une declaration solennalle. PASSIF (tel qua déclaré at estirde par l'officier) 1 Créanciers non garantis: voir liste A ................. Equilibre de reclamations garantis: voir liste ACTIF (tel que déclaré et estimé par l'officier) 890629.55 558171.00 I inventaire,,.,..,......,..................,.... 0.00 2.Aménagements ................................. 0.00 3. Comptes a recevoir et autres créances: voir lista E Créanciers non garantis total 2. Créanciers garantis: voir liste B ..................... 3. Créanciers privilegiés: voir liste C ................... 4, Dettes éventuelles, reclamations de fiducie ou autres (voir liste D)pouvant étre réclamées pour une somma de. , Total du passif .................................. Surplus ....................................... 1.448,800.55 1427,829,00 0.00 Bonnes ..,..,,,..,....,.. 660,894.00 Douteuses ................ 0.00 Mauvaises ................ 0.00 Estimation des créances qui peuvent être réalisées 660,894.00 4.Lettres de change. billets a ordre, etc., vcir liste F ...... 0.00 0.00 5. DépSts en institutions flnanciOres .................... 0.00 0.00 6. Especes ....................................... 2.876,629.55 NIL 7.Bétail .......................................... 0.00 8. Machines, outillage et installation ................... 0.00 9. Immeubles at biens reels: voir liste G ................ 0.00 10.Ameublament .................................. 15,420.00 11. REER, FERR, Assurances-vie etc .................. 0.00 12. Valeurs mobilieres(actions, obligations, debentures etc 0.00 13. Droits en vertu de testaments ..................... 0.00 14.Véhicules ..................................... 697,000.00 15. Autres biens: voir lisle H ......................... 54,515.00 Si Ic failli est une personne morale, ajoutez Montantdu capital souscrit 0.00 Montant du capital paye 0.00 Solde scuscrit at impaye ...................... 0.00 Estimation du solde qul peut ëtre réalisé 0.00 Total de l'actif .................. 1,427.829.00 Deficit ........................ 1,448,800.55 Je, Paul Gervais, de Laval en Ia province de Québec. étant dUmentassermenté (ou ayant déclaré solennellement) declare qua le bilan qui suit at les listes annexées sont. a ma connaissance, un relevé complet, veridique at entier de men affaires en ce 14 avril 2014, et indiquent au complet tous mes biens de quelque nature qu'ils soient, en ma possession et réversibles, tels qua définis par Ia Lor. ASSERMENTE (ou declare solennellament) devantmoi le l4avril 2014. Montreal en lx provin Cindy Fortin, Comjgsirea I'Assermen pour Ia province Qu4bec Expire Ic 15 nov 201j Paul Gei8ais Page 1 Dansl'affairedelafaillitede/In them atterofthebankruptcy of AiR outeCargo Inc. L istedescréanciers/CreditorsL ist 1 2 3 4 5 N om /N am e Créanciersgarantis/S ecured Creditors BanqueN ationaledu Canada BanqueN ationaledu Canada CIT GECanadaL easingS erviceCom pany S alairesem ployés A dresse/A ddress 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Créanciersnon-garantis/U nsecured Creditors 2800 Andre 132 S HEP P AR D AVEN U EW ES T ,S U IT E100,T O R O N T O O N M 2N 1N 5 A & R T ruck& T railerR epair 7374 T R AN M ER DR IVE,U N IT B,M ississaugaO N L 5S 1K4 A.R acine& FilsL tee 75 DEL 'EGL IS ES U D,L ACO L L EQ C J0J1J0 ACT IO N AU T O GL AS S 1300 S HAW S O N DR IVEU N IT 2-3,M ississaugaO N L 4W 1C3 Adm aco 5525 P AR E,M O N T R O YAL EQ C H4P 1P 7 Aero P acificExpressL td. 110-4840 M IL L ER R O AD,R ICHM O N D BC V7B 1K7 AIR CAN ADA CAR GO P .O BO X 966,W IN N IP EG M B R 3C 2V6 AlfaL ave 8355 CHAM P D'EAU ,S T .L EO N AR D Q C H1P 1Y1 AM CourrierL ogistiqueInc. 3700 GR IFFIT H U N IT 136,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4T 2B3 ArgusS ystem Integration 250 T HEEAS T M AL L ,S U IT E1223,T O R O N T O O N M 9B 6L 3 Aubut& Beauregard 1618 AU T O R O U T E440 ES T ,L AVAL Q C H7M 5E5 B.O .S .S .2203169 O ntario L im ited 2565 S T EEL ES AVE.E.S U IT E14A,BR AM P T O N O N L 6T 4L 6 BanqueN ationaledu Canada 600,ruedelaGauchetièreO uest,26eétage,M ontréalQ C H3B 4L 2 BanqueN ationaledu Canada 600,ruedelaGauchetièreO uest,26eétage,M ontréalQ C H3B 4L 2 BB ExpressInc. P .O BO X 448,21 W IL L O W S T R EET ,W AU BAU S HEN EO N L 0K2C0 BEL L CAN ADA CAS EP O S T AL 8712,S U CC.A,M ontrealQ C H3C 3P 6 BellM obility Inc. P .O BO X 11095,S T AT IO N CEN T R EVIL L E,M ontrealQ C H3C 5E7 BosliftT ruckS erviceL td 332 GU EL P H S T R EET ,GEO R GET O W N O N L 7G 4B5 BO U R R ET T R AN S P O R T C.P 816,375 BO U L .L EM IR E,DR U M M O N DVIL L EQ C J2B 8G8 Bray Dor 2300 23IEM EAVE.,L ACHIN EQ C H8T 3K3 Brossard L ocationsdeCam ions 2190 BO U L .HYM U S ,DO R VAL Q C H9P 1J7 Buckboard ExpressM essengerL td. U N IT 1-1514 R EGEN T AVE.W ES T ,W IN N IP EG M B R 2C 3B4 Bureau En Gros CP 8601 CEN T R EVIL L E(S ervicesdeCartesDesjardins),M ontrealQ C H3C 3V2 Cam ion & R em orqueHKInc. 11255 A CO T EDEL IES S E,DO R VAL Q C H9P 1B1 Cam ionsL agueDorvalInc 2799 M O N T EES T .R EM I,DO R VAL Q C H9P 1K9 Canadian ForkliftS afety Group 7270 T O R BR AM R O AD, U N IT 2 & 3,M ississaugaO N L 4T 3Y7 CannAm m Inc. 101,M CIN T YR ES T R EET W ES T ,2nd Floor,T HET HO M P S O N BL DG.,N O R T H BAY O N P 1B 2Y5 CentraledeS écuritéB.P .G. 60 S T .JO S EP H,L ACHIN EQ C H8S 2L 3 Certified L aboratories P .O BO X 2413T ,S T AT IO N A.,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 2K6 CIT P .O .Box 4546, S tn A,T oronto O N M 5W 4R 3 Consultax 103 R AN G CYR ,N AP IER VIL L EQ C J0J1L 0 CO N S U L T AX 103 R AN G CYR ,N AP IER VIL L EQ C J0J1L 0 CorporateExpress C/O T 04446C,P O BO X 4446,S tation A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 4A2 CorporateW aterS ervices P .O BO X 23106 S T N M AIN E,M IL T O N O N L 9T 5B4 CS T CanadaCo. CAR DL O CKDEP T T .P IP EL IN E,C.P 11446,M ontrealQ C H3C 5J6 DIS CO U N T CAR & T R U CKR EN T AL 720 AR R O W R O AD,W ES T O N O N M 9M 2M 1 Distribution T GL Express 8455 BO U L .HEN R IBO U R AS S A ES T .,M ontrealQ C H1E1P 4 Dynacom 1270 BO U L .DAGEN AIS O U ES T ,L AVAL Q C H7L 5E3 Dynam ex Canada(edm onton) P .O BO X 4668 P O S T AL S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 5J1 DYN AM EX CAN ADA L im ited (525) P .O .BO X 4668 P O S T AL S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 5J1 Dynam ex CanadaL m ited BC P .O BO X 4668 P O S T AL S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 5J1 DYN AM EX IN C.N F P .O BO X 4668 P O S T AL S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 5J1 Dynam ex R egina P .O BO X 4668 P O S T AL S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 5J1 Edpro Energy Group Inc 5 CU DDY BL VD.,L O N DO N O N N 5V 3Y3 EL IS ABET H GR EGO IR EM AJEAU 480 DECAS ABL AN CA,L AVAL Q C H7K3N 1 Em pressL ocation deCam ions 7700 R U ES T .P AT R ICK,L AS AL L EQ C H8N 1V1 EN BR IDGECO N S U M ER S GAS P .O BO X 644,S CAR BO R O U GH O N M 1K5H1 EN DIR ECT 3381 GR IFFIT H,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4T 1W 5 ET R 407 EX P R ES S T O L L R O U T E P .O BO X 407 S T AT IO N D,S CAR BO R O U GH O N M 1R 5J8 ET R 407 ExpressT oll102 P .O BO X 407,S T AT IO N D,S CAR BO R O U GH O N M 1R 5J8 EX T IN CT EU R S HAU T ES ECU R IT ES .L 360 R U EDES M ER L ES ,T ER R EBO N N EQ C J6Y 1C4 FEDER AL EX P R ES S CAN ADA L T D P .O BO X 4626 T O R O N T O S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 5B4 FEDEX CU S T O M CR IT ICAL P .O BO X 371627,P IT T S BU R GH P A 15251-7627 U S A FleetBrakeQ uebecL td. 1223 M O N T EEDEL IES S E.,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4S 1J7 FO R M CO R IN C. 3-425 S U P ER IO R BL VD.,M ississaugaO N L 5T 2W 5 FortGarry IndustriesL td. 731 GAN A CO U R T ,M ississaugaO N L 4S 1P 2 Freno 6555 CHEM IN S T .FR AN CO IS ,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4S 1B6 FutureCellT elecom m unication Inc. 4527 JEAN T AL O N ES T .,M ontrealQ C H1S 1K2 GAZ M ET R O P O L IT AIN C.P 6115 S U CC.CEN T R EVIL L E,M ontrealQ C H3C 4N 7 600,ruedelaGauchetièreO uest,26eétage,M ontréalQ C H3B 4L 2 600,ruedelaGauchetièreO uest,26eétage,M ontréalQ C H3B 4L 2 P .O .Box 4546, S tn A,T oronto O N M 5W 4R 3 P O BO X 9790,S tation A,T oronto O N M 5W 2R 3 Créance/Claim 580, 829.00 272, 000.00 255, 000.00 170, 000.00 150, 000.00 1, 427, 829.00 2, 612.51 5, 272.22 374.82 305.10 854.66 3, 625.53 92.97 2, 809.71 10.58 228.38 735.84 551.02 419, 171.00 78, 000.00 125.00 373.64 27, 971.21 2, 365.99 60.98 1, 435.71 828.00 179.75 1, 368.92 15, 191.59 990.82 1, 084.80 1, 007.65 310.43 651.80 10, 000.00 6, 552.81 2, 536.60 269.27 118.65 28, 950.85 1, 546.61 5, 786.00 222.44 446.43 352.51 76.61 217.31 288.61 2, 521.45 130.00 43, 389.06 1, 537.48 615.50 187.94 1, 204.32 372.52 1, 781.22 110.00 1, 037.37 5, 149.41 1, 441.12 13, 253.72 4, 826.31 2, 216.93 Dansl'affairedelafaillitede/In them atterofthebankruptcy of AiR outeCargo Inc. L istedescréanciers/CreditorsL ist 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 N om /N am e GECanadaL easingS erviceCom pany GES T IO N YAR IC IN C. GO JIT HEN AIR E, DAN IS , BR U N ET Hew ittEquipm entL im ited HIS T AR GR O U P IN C. HT S EngineeringL td HU B IN T ER N AT IO N AL Q U EBEC L IM IT EE KeyserM ason Ball,L L P L abradorL aurentienneInc L ABR AN CHET R AN S P O R T L esIndustriesGotham L ocation CanvecInc. L ocation deR em orquesBlue M acEw en P etroleum M AN IP U L EX P R ES S IN C. M AN IT O U L IN T R AN S P O R T M apleL ogisticS olutions M artin R oy T ransport M ecaniqueS tephkevInc. M idw estT ruck& T railer M IN IM AX T R AN S P O R T AT IO N IN C. M S R Custom sCorporation N AT IT R AN S P O R T C/O BAR O N FIN AN CE N orw ich Brick& T ileL im ited N ovitex EnterpriseS olutionsCanadaInc. O N ES T O P T R AVEL IN C. O R KIN CAN ADA CO R P O R AT IO N O T P T ransport P & JS pringW heelAlignm entS erviceL td. P AKT EKEM BAL L AGES IN C. P enskeT ruckL easingCanada P ER FO R M AN CEEQ U IP M EN T L T D P ER M AX S ER VICEDEP ER M IS L T EE P ER M AX S ER VICEDEP ER M IS L T EE P ilot P IT N EYW O R KS P neusM .K.2005 Inc. P raxairDistribution P R O DU IT S AN IT AIR ES L IO N Q uebecL ingeS erviceD'U niform es R AP ID R IDE R CIEN VIR O N N EM EN T IN C R em orquage514 T ow ing R em orquageW estIsland R essortsM ontrealN orth R ogersBusinessS olutions R ogersT elecom Business R om an BarskiT ransportL td S alairesem ployés S electcom T elecom S FJInc. S GP P (M ontreal)Inc. S ousaT ruckT railer S P AR KL EEN M O BIL EW AS H IN C. T elus T FIT ransport2,L .P . T HEN EW YO R KS T AT ET HR U W AY T R ACT IO N VIL L ES T -LAU R EN T T rafficT eam T railerW izardsL td. T R AN S IT N O R D P L U S IN C. T ransportEcono N ord T R U CKM AS T ER S U niqueP ersonnelCanadaInc. Vim acT ransportL td. VO L VO M O N T R EAL A dresse/A ddress P O BO X 9790,S tation A 5530 P AS Q U IER ,L AVAL Q C H7K2W 4 5530 P AS Q U IER ,L AVAL Q C H7K2W 4 C.P 1118 S U CC.CEN T R EVIL L E,M ontrealQ C H3C 5H4 3090 BO U L .L ECAR R EFO U R ,BU R EAU 600,L AVAL Q C H7T 2J7 P .O BO X 1200,P O IN T ECL AIR EQ C H9I4R 6 23 BL U FFW O O D CR ES CEN T ,BR AM P T O N O N L 6P 2P 4 115 N O R FIN CH DR IVE,N O R T H YO R KO N M 3N 1W 8 110 BO U L .CR EM AZIEO U ES T 8IEM EET AGE,M ontrealQ C H2P 1B9 4 R O BER T S P ECKP AR KW AY,S U IT E1600,M ississaugaO N L 4Z 1S 1 P .O BO X 4514 S T AT IO N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 4L 7 4649 A BO U L .S T .JO S EP H,S T .N ICEP HO R EQ C J2A 1Y6 231 BO U L .R EN EA R O BER T ,S T E– T HER ES EQ C J7E4L 1 325 N O R M AN ,L ACHIN EQ C H8T 1A3 400 R U EM ICHEL JAS M IN # 300,DO R VAL Q C H9P 1C1 P .O BO X 219,KEM P T VIL L EO N K0G 1J0 13215 R U EAL BER T R O U S S EAU ,Q uébecQ C G2A 4C5 P .O BO X 390,GO R EBAY O N P 0P 1H0 912050 P .O BO X 4090 S T N A,T O R O N T O O N M 5W 0E9 543 BO U L .T EM IS CAM IN GU E,R O U YN N O R AN DA Q C J9X 7C8 1664 R U ECHAS S E,S AIN T -LIN -LAU R EN T IDES Q C J5M 0B1 6970 KEN DER R Y GAT E,M ississaugaO N L 5T 2S 7 P .O BO X 92,CO R N W AL L O N K6H 5R 9 2 T IP P ET T R O AD,T O R O N T O O N M 3H 2V2 7-25 EDIL CAN R O AD,CO N CO R D O N L 4K3S 4 345517 Q U AKER S T R EET R R 3,N O R W ICH O N N 0J1P 0 P .O BO X 278,O R AN GEVIL L EO N L 9W 2Z7 5550 S O U T H FO R T AP ACHER O AD,S U IT E102,L AS VEGAS N V 89148 U S A 5840 FAL BO U R N ES T .,M ississaugaO N L 5R 4B5 3500 DEM AIS O N N EU VEW ES T ,S U IT E1510 (c/o Accord FinancialInc.),M ontrealQ C H3Z 3C1 181 R U T HER FO R D R O AD S O U T H # 15,BR AM P T O N O N L 6W 3P 4 127 M O N T EEDEL IES S E,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4T 1S 6 P .O BO X 11325,S T AT IO N CEN T R EVIL L E,M ontrealQ C H3C 5H1 6950 T O M KEN R O AD,M ississaugaO N L 5T 2S 3 5510 CHEM IN S T .FR AN CO IS ,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4S 1B4 5510 CHEM IN S T .FR AN CO IS ,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4S 1B4 5500 L O N AS DR IVE,S U T E260,KN O X VIL L ET N 37909 U S A P .O BO X 280,O R AN GEVIL L EO N L 9W 2Z7 1400 R U ET EL L IER ,L AVAL Q C H7C 2H2 P .O BO X 400 S T AT IO N D,S CAR BO R O U GH O N M 1R 5M 1 4001 BO U L .IN DU S T R IEL ,L AVAL Q C H7L 4S 3 BO X 51032R P O T YN DAL L ,W IN N IP EG M B R 2X 3C6 P .O BO X 337,S T AT IO N B,ET O BICO KEO N M 9W 5C3 C.P 1300,AN JO U Q C H1K4H2 1975 CHEM IN S T .FR AN CO IS ,DO R VAL Q C H9P 1K3 1540 CR O IS S AN T CL AIR E,L ACHIN EQ C H8S 4E6 8065 HEN R IBO U R AS S A ES T ,M ontrealQ C H1E2Z3 P .O BO X 2000 S T AT IO N D /C.P 2000 S U CC.D,S CAR BO R O U GH O N M 1R 5P 4 P .O BO X 2000 S T AT IO N D /C.P 2000 S U CC.D,S CAR BO R O U GH O N M 1R 5P 4 300-5167 JEAN T AL O N E.,M ontrealQ C H1S 1K8 5500 L O N AS R O AD,KN O X VIL L ET N 37909 U S A 1260 VO L T A,BO U CHER VIL L EQ C J4B 6G6 1900 GAGECO U R T ,M ississaugaO N L 5S 1S 1 145 CIT YVIEW DR IVE,U N IT 3,T O R O N T O O N M 9W 5B1 CP 11049 S U CC.CEN T R EVIL L E(Acct.# 23737034),M ontrealQ C H3C 4Y5 6600 CHEM IN S T .FR AN CO IS ,S U IT E100,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4S 1B7 P .O BO X 15186,AL BAN Y N Y 12212-5186 U S A 4915 R U ECO T EVER T U ,S T .L AU R EN T Q C H4S 1E1 P .O BO X 68585,BR AM P T O N O N L 6R 0J8 1880 BR IT AN N IA R O AD EAS T ,M ississaugaO N L 4W 1J3 80 BO U L .M AIS IN N EU VE,S T .JER O M EQ C J5L 0A1 851 R O L AN D GO DAR D BL VD.,S T .JER O M EQ C J7Y 4C2 10365 AVE.R YAN C.P 294 S U CC. P O IN T ECL AIR E,DO R VAL Q C H9R 4N 9 455 FEN EL O N ,BU R EAU 210,DO R VAL Q C H9S 5T 8 130-5200 M IL L ER R O AD,R ICHM O N D BC V7B 1K5 1275 BO U L .HYM U S ,DO R VAL Q C H9P 1J5 Créance/Claim 51, 000.00 8, 107.38 4, 920.36 1, 644.14 2, 623.93 700.00 550.00 948.59 638.62 180.63 18, 017.55 1, 486.62 4, 946.67 2, 483.48 7, 786.89 2, 050.00 1, 599.77 650.00 750.00 433.46 5, 804.96 75.79 754.11 750.00 500.00 243.80 8, 860.00 468.13 600.00 994.40 3, 758.38 63, 248.62 1, 440.82 399.00 268.72 2, 134.99 1, 505.30 12, 630.26 1, 461.56 197.35 2, 121.48 947.98 941.69 459.90 4, 647.88 20, 480.62 1, 764.15 3, 463.04 1, 150.00 100, 721.00 739.31 191, 976.81 2, 516.02 1, 822.28 1, 086.21 22, 640.63 3, 898.50 1, 234.60 349.75 750.00 25, 374.59 485.88 289.89 4, 804.61 13, 947.63 72.40 15, 680.79 Dansl'affairedelafaillitede/In them atterofthebankruptcy of AiR outeCargo Inc. L istedescréanciers/CreditorsL ist 132 133 134 135 T O T AL N om /N am e W esttransauto Inc. W illiam P alum bo T ruckingInc W urth CanadaL im ited Young'sT ireS ervice A dresse/A ddress 1136-3 CEN T R ES T R EET ,S U IT E390,T HO R N HIL L O N L 4J3M 8 107 W estsideAvenue,Jersey City N J07305 U S A 6330 T O M KEN R D.,M ississaugaO N L 5T 1N 2 55 R U T HER FO R D R O AD S , U N IT 7,BR AM P T O N O N L 6W 3J3 Créance/Claim 1, 250.00 72, 125.00 3, 442.92 24, 271.03 1, 448, 800.55 $ 2, 876, 629.55 Reserved for Administration Secured : Privileged : Unsecured : PROOF OF CLAIM Original: (see in st ruct ion son page 3 ) Collocated on: Amendment: Initials IN TH E M A TTER O F TH E B A N KRUP TC Y O F: AiRoute Cargo Inc., of t h e cit y of D orval, provin ce of Q uebec (referred t oin t h isform as“ the debtor” ) an d t h e claim of , (referred t oin t h isform as“ the creditor” ). All notices or correspondence regarding this claim must be forwarded to the creditor at the following address: (attention) (civic number and street) (city, province, postal code and country) Telephone: Fax: Email address: I, resid in gin t h e cit y of (n am e of in d ivid ualcom plet in gt h isform ) in t h e P rovin ce of If an officer of the company, state position or title. , d oh ereby cert ify t h at : 1. Iam t h e cred it orof t h e above-n am ed d ebt oror Iam of 2. The attached statement of account or affidavit must specify the vouchers or other evidence in support of the claim. 3. Check and complete the appropriate category. 4. Ih ave kn ow led ge of allt h e circum st an cescon n ect ed w it h t h e claim referred t obelow . Th e d ebt orw as, att h e d at e of ban krupt cy, n am ely t h e 6 th d ay of A pril2 0 1 4 , an d st illis, in d ebt ed t ot he cred it orin t h e sum of $ , asspecified in t h e st at em en tof accoun t (or affid avit ) at t ach ed an d m arked S ch ed ule “ A ” , aft erd ed uct in gan y coun t erclaim st ow h ich t h e d ebt oris en t it led . A Check appropriate description. Set out an attached sheet details to support priority claim. Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. (n am e of cred it ororit srepresen t at ive) (st at e posit ion ort it le) . B Unsecured claim of $ (Other than a customer contemplated by Section 262 of the Act). In respectof t h is d ebt , Id on oth old an y asset sof t h e d ebt orassecurit y an d : (i) Regard in gt h e am oun tof $ (ii) Regard in gt h e am oun tof $ , Iclaim arigh tt oapriorit y un d ersect ion 13 6 t h e A ct . Claim of lessor for disclaimer of a lease of $ . Ih ereby m ake aclaim un d ersubsect ion 6 5 .2 (4 ) of t h e A ct , part icularsof w h ich are asfollow s: , Id on otclaim arigh tt oapriorit y. . Give full particulars of the security, including the date on which the security was given and the value at which you assess the security, and attach a copy of the security documents. C Attach a copy of sales agreement and delivery receipts. D Claim by farmer, fisherman, or aquaculturist of $ Ih ereby claim un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .2 (1 ) of t h e A ctfort h e un paid am oun tof $ . . Give full particulars of any wage earner’s claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. E (i) or (ii) Claim by wage earner of $ Ih ereby m ake aclaim un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .3 (8 ) of t h e A ctin t h e am oun tof $ . Ih ereby m ake aclaim un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .4 (8 ) of t h e A ctin t h e am oun tof $ . Give full particulars of any employee’s claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. F (i) or (ii) Claim by employee for unpaid amount regarding pension plan of $ Ih ereby m ake aclaim un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .5 of t h e A ctin t h e am oun tof $ , Ih ereby m ake aclaim un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .6 of t h e A ctin t h e am oun tof $ . To be completed when a proposal provides for the compromise of claims against directors. Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. G Claim against director of $ . Ih ereby m ake aclaim un d ersubsect ion 5 0 (1 3 ) of t h e A ct , part icularsof w h ich are asfollow s: Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based. H Secured claim of $ In respectof t h isd ebt , Ih old asset sof t h e d ebt orvalued at$ assecurit y, part icularsof w h ich are asfollow s: . . . Claim of a customer of a bankrupt securities firm of $ . Ih ereby m ake a claim asa cust om erforn etequit y ascon t em plat ed by sect ion 2 6 2 of t h e A ct , part icularsof w h ich are asfollow s: . Chose the right formulation for your situation by checking it and striking the non desired portion. 5 . Tot h e bestof m y kn ow led ge, Ior t h e above-n am ed cred it or am / isor am / isn otrelat ed t ot he d ebt orw it h in t h e m ean in gof sect ion 4 of t h e A ct , an d h ave/ h asor h ave/ h asn otd ealtw it h t h e d ebt or in an on -arm ’s-len gt h m an n er. Provide details of payments, credits and transfers at undervalue. 6 . Th e follow in gare t h e paym en t st h atIh ave received from , t h e cred it st h atIh ave allow ed t o, an d t he t ran sfers atun d ervalue w it h in t h e m ean in gof subsect ion 2 (1 ) of t h e A ctt h atIh ave been privy t oorapart yt ow it h t he d ebt orw it h in t he t h ree m on t h s(or, if the creditor and the debtor are related within the meaning of section 4 of the Act or were not dealing with each other at arm’s length, within the 12 months) im m ed iat ely before t he d at e of t h e in it ialban krupt cy even tw it h in t h e m ean in gof subsect ion 2 (1 ) of t h e A ct : . Applicable only in the case of the bankruptcy of an individual. 7 . Irequestt h atacopy of t h e reportfiled by t he t rust ee regard in gt h e ban krupt ’sapplicat ion ford isch arge pursuan tt osubsect ion 1 7 0 (1 ) of t h e A ctbe sen tt ot h e above ad d ress. Must be signed and witnessed. 8. Notes: D A TED A T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t h is_ _ _ _ _ t h d ay of , 2 0 1_ _ _ _ _ . (sign at ure of w it n ess) (sign at ure of in d ivid ualcom plet in gt h isform ) (n am e of w it n ess, prin t ) (n am e of in d ivid ualcom plet in gt h isform , prin t ) A llreferen cest o“ t h e A ct ” refert ot h e Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. If an affid avitisat t ach ed , itm usth ave been m ad e before aperson qualified t ot ake affid avit s. If acopy of t h isform issen telect ron ically by m ean ssuch asem ail, t h e n am e an d con t actin form at ion of t h e sen d er, prescribed in Form 1 .1 , m ustbe ad d ed att h e en d of t h e d ocum en t . Warnings: A t rust ee m ay, pursuan tt osubsect ion 1 2 8 (3 ) of t h e A ct , red eem a securit y on paym en tt ot h e secured cred it orof t h e d ebtort h e value of t h e securit y asassessed , in aproof of securit y, by t h e secured cred it or. S ubsect ion 2 0 1 (1 ) of t h e A ctprovid essevere pen alt iesform akin gan y false claim , proof, d eclarat ion orst at em en tof accoun t . If there are any questions in completing the proof of claim, please write or call the office of the trustee. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. 1 2 5 0 Ren é -L é vesque B oulevard W est , S uit e2800 M on t ré al, Q uebec H 3 B 2 G4 Attention: Mrs Audrey Huot Teleph on e: (5 1 4 ) 2 0 5 -5 0 0 1 ext . 19 6 6 Fax: (5 1 4 ) 2 0 5 -5 6 9 4 Em ail: aud rey.h uot @ GENERAL PROXY I, h ereby appoin t , of (n am e of cred it or) , of (n am e of proxy) , acred it orin t h e above m at t er, (n am e of t ow n orcit y) (com pan y orfirm ) ,t obe m y proxy h old erin t h e above m at t er, exceptast ot h e receiptof d ivid en d s, w it h pow ert oappoin tan ot h erproxyh old erin h isorh erplace or w it h outpow er t oappoin tan ot h erproxyh old erin h isorh erplace. D A TED A T ,t h is t h d ay of ,2 0 1 (S ign at ure of w it n ess) (S ign at ure of t h e cred it ororit saut h orized represen t at ive) (N am e of w it n ess, prin t ) (N am e of cred it orof t h e cred it ororit saut h orized represen t at ive, prin t ) . 2 Instructions for completing proof of claim forms Every cred it orsh allprove h isclaim , an d a cred it orw h o d oesn otprove h isclaim isn oten t it led t o sh are in an y d ist ribut ion of t h e am oun t sfrom t he realizat ion of t h e asset s. C laim sn otcom plet ed correct ly in every respectw illbe ret urn ed . In com plet in gt h e at t ach ed form , yourat t en t ion isd irect ed t ot h e m argin aln ot eson t h e form an d t ot h e follow in grequirem en t s: Proof of Claim: 1. Th e form m ustbe com plet ed an d sign ed by an in d ivid ualan d n otby a corporat ion . If you are act in gfora corporat ion orot h erperson , you m ust st at et h e capacit y in w h ich you are act in g, such as, Credit Manager, Treasurer, Authorized Agent, et c. 2. Th e person sign in gt h e form m usth ave kn ow led ge of t h e circum st an cesin con n ect ion w it h t h e claim . 3. Th e d at e appearin gatt h isparagraph ist h e on e atw h ich am oun t sow ed are t obe calculat ed . A S t at em en tof A ccoun tcon t ain in gd et ailsof t h e claim asw ellast h e correctn am e of t h e d ebt orm ustbe at t ach ed an d m arked “ A ” . 4. Th e n at ure of t h e claim m ustbe in d icat ed by t ickin gt he t ype of claim w h ich applies, e.g. t ickin gt h e box: A in d icat est h e claim isun secured an d in d icat est h att h e cred it orisn otclaim in gan y priorit y in d icat est h e cred it orisclaim in gpreferred st at usun d ersect ion 1 3 6 of t h e A ct . D et ailst osupportt h e priorit y claim m ustbe setouton an at t ach ed sch ed ule. B in d icat esaclaim of lan d lord ford isclaim erof alease un d ersubsect ion 6 5 .2 (4 ) of t h e A ct . D et ailst osupportt h isclaim m ustbe setouton an at t ach ed sch ed ule. C in d icat est h e claim issecured an d t h e value atw h ich t h e cred it orassessest h e securit y m ustbe in sert ed . D et ailsof each it em of securit y h eld sh ould be at t ach ed asaseparat e sch ed ule an d subm it t ed w it h acopy of t h e ch at t elm ort gage, con d it ion alsalescon t ract , securit y agreem en t , et c. D in d icat es t h att h e cred it or is a farm er, fish erm an or aquacult uristw h o supplied good s w it h in fift een (1 5 ) d ays prior t ot h e d at e of receiversh ip orban krupt cy an d h asn otyetbeen paid fort h ose good s. E E(i) in d icat in gt h att h e cred it orisaform erem ployee of t h e d ebt or: Th e claim of a clerk, servan t ,t ravellin g salesperson , labourerorw orkerw h o isow ed w ages, salaries, com m ission sorcom pen sat ion by a ban kruptforservicesren d ered d urin gt h e period begin n in gon t h e d ay t h atissix (6 ) m on t h sbefore t h e d at e of t h e in it ialban krupt cy even t an d en d in gon t h e d at e of t h e ban krupt cy issecured , asof t h e d at e of t h e ban krupt cy, t ot h e ext en tof $ 2 ,0 0 0 — lessan y am oun tpaid for t h ose servicesby t he t rust ee orby areceiver— by securit y on t h e ban krupt ’scurren tasset son t h e d at e of t h e ban krupt cy. E(ii) Th e claim of a clerk, servan t ,t ravellin g salesperson , labourerorw orkerw h o isow ed w ages, salaries, com m ission sorcom pen sat ion by a person w h oissubjectt oa receiversh ip forservicesren d ered d urin gt h e six (6 ) m on t h sbefore t h e firstd ay on w h ich t h ere w asa receiverin relat ion t ot h e person issecured , asof t h atd ay, t ot h e ext en tof $ 2 ,0 0 0 — lessan y am oun tpaid fort h ose servicesby a receiverort rust ee — by securit y on t h e person ’scurren tasset st h atare in t h e possession orun d ert h e con t rolof t h e receiver. F in d icat est h e claim by em ployee forun paid am oun tregard in gpen sion plan un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .5 an d 8 1 .6 of t h e A ct . D et ailst osupportt h is claim m ustbe setouton an at t ach ed sch ed ule: un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .5 of t h e A ct , if itisaB an krupt cy un d ersubsect ion 8 1 .6 of t h e A ct , if itisaReceiversh ip D et ailst osupportt h isclaim m ustbe setouton an at t ach ed sch ed ule. A (i) A (ii) F(i) F(ii) G in d icat est h e claim isagain sta d irect orun d ersubsect ion 5 0 (1 3 ) of t h e A ct . Itisapplicable on ly in t h e case of a proposalw h ich provid esfor t h e com prom ise of claim sagain std irect ors. D et ailst osupportt h isclaim m ustbe setouton an at t ach ed sch ed ule. H (applieson ly t oban krupt ciesof securit y firm s) in d icat in gt h att h e cred it orisacust om erof t h e ban kruptsecurit iesfirm . 5. Th e person sign in gt h e form m ustin d icat e (by ch eckin gt h e appropriat e box an d st rikin goutw h atisn otapplicable) w h et h ert h e cred it oran d t he d ebt orare relat ed . S ect ion 4 of t h e A ctd efin esperson srelat ed t oa d ebt or. If t h e cred it orisrelat ed by blood orm arriage t ot h e d ebt or, t h e cred it or sh ould con sid erit self t obe a relat ed person . If t h e d ebt orisa corporat ion , a cred it orw ould be relat ed if itw asa sh areh old erorif t h e cred it orw as con t rolled by t h e sam e sh areh old ersast h e d ebt or. 6. Th e person sign in gt h e form m ustprovid e fulld et ailsof allpaym en t san d cred it sreceived from orallow ed t ot h e d ebt ord urin gt h e period in d icat ed . L eavin gablan k w illin d icat et h att h ere w ere n osuch paym en t san d cred it s. 7 . In t h e case of t h e ban krupt cy of an in d ivid ual, t ick t h e box if d esired . 8 . Th e person sign in gt h e form m ustin sertt h e place an d d at e an d t h e sign at ure m ustbe w it n essed . General Proxy: If itisd esired t oappoin ta proxy, t h e proxy form m ustbe com plet ed an d sign ed by t h e cred it or; if t h e cred it orisa corporat ion , t h e proxy form m ustbe sign ed by an aut h orized represen t at ive (w h oisn otn ecessarily t h e in d ivid ualsign in gt h e proof of claim form ) an d m ustbe w it n essed . 3
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