E a s t U n i o n B a p t i st C h u r c h God. To define Him is impossible. To understand Him takes a lifetime to just begin. We see Him in the wind, the face of a child, and the voice of an elder saint’s wisdom. We are touched by Him in sunsets, raindrops, sunshine, and many other ways. The Baptist Faith and Message (our statement of faith) gives us three parts under God. The first one is the Father. Our image of our Father is often formed by our earthly Fathers; good or bad. We must remember, however, that we have a heavenly Father who loves us and wants the best for us regardless of our earthly father. II. God There is one and only one living and true God. He is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal Being, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe. God is infinite in holiness and all other perfections. God is all powerful and all knowing and His perfect knowledge extends to all things, past, present, and future, including the future decisions of His free creatures. To Him, we owe the highest love, reverence, and obedience. The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being. A. God the Father God as Father reigns with providential care over His universe, His creatures, and the flow of the stream of human history according to the purposes of His grace. He is all powerful, all knowing, all loving, and all wise. God is Father in truth to those who become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. He is fatherly in His attitude toward all men. Gen. 1:1, 2:7; Ex. 3:14, 6:2-3, 15:11ff, 20:1ff; Lev. 22:2; Deut. 6:4, 32:6; I Chron. 29:10, Psalm 19:1-3; Is. 43:3, 15, 64:8; Jer. 10:10, 17:13; Matt. 6:9ff, 7:11, 23:9, 28:19; Mark 1:9-11; John 4:24, 5:26. 14:6-13, 17:1-8; Acts 1:7; Romans 8:14-15; I Cor. 8:6; Gal 4:6; Eph 4:6; Col. 1:15; I Tim. 1:17; Heb. 11:6, 12:9; I Pet. 1:17; I John 5:7. Edgar Spring Things! Easter Celebrations. March winds. April Showers. May Flowers. Daffodils pushing up through the cold hard ground. Trees budding. Spring house cleaning. Spring break. Basketball finals. Baseball spring training. Spring is just around the corner! March 2014 This Issue March Calendar 2 Budget Report 3 Servants List 4 Birthday & Anniversary List 5 East Union Child Care News 6 Ministry News 7 Church Information 8 PAGE 2 V O LU M E 6 I S S U E 3 March 2014 Sun Mon Each Sun. 8 AM Call to prayer AWANA 5 PM Choir 7 PM 2 Deacon 3 Tue Wed Each Tues. Sportsman Bible Study 7 PM Range USA Each Wed. Echoing Footsteps Wed. 7 PM 4 5 Thu Fri Sat 1 Christian Couple Event 7 PM EUBC FH 6 7 Mtg 8 AM 8 Wild Game Dinner AWANA Theme Night 9 10 11 12 13 Camo Sunday Guest speaker Brody Swisher 16 17 18 AWANA Grand Prix 30 5th Sun. Sing AWANA Talent night 20 Meal/Miss. Org Mtg. 5:45/7 PM AWANA Movie 23 19 Miss. 24 Spring break 24-28 31 25 26 14 15 Old WMU Yard Sale EUBC FH Time Turkey Shoot WMU Yard Sale 21 22 FH Reserved FH reserved Widow2Widow 27 April Grapevine mailed 28 No Man Left Behind Training 29 SUMMARY of ACCOUNTS - January - 2014 V O LU M E 6 I S S U E 3 All Operating Bank Accounts First South Bank Operating Checking First South Bank Money Market Total Operating Funds Balance 1/31/2014 $10,005.43 $20,555.66 $30,561.09 Designated Undesignated Other Bank Accounts Savings: Bergie Ervin Scholarship Trout Fund Emergency Fund CD CD: Lottie Moon Fund TOTAL Savings and CD TOTAL CHECKING/SAVINGS 1/31/14 Designated Funds: In Operating Accounts Benevolence Brotherhood College/Career Deacon Fund Debt Retirement Disaster Relief* Harvest 365 Sportsman Bible Study New Church Bus Fund Offering Praise Fund Operation Christmas Child Sonshiners Total Designated funds Total Designated Funds (Checking & SavTotal Undesignated Funds Available 1/31/14 $7,460.53 $1,000.00 $8,460.53 $2,633.94 $13,128.71 $0.00 $15,762.65 $24,223.18 $54,784.27 $1,771.16 $172.21 $27.00 -$15.81 $1,265.10 $855.68 $738.81 $1,990.77 $5,052.26 -$21.79 $444.55 $274.90 $12,554.84 $21,015.37 $33,768.90 Budget Report: January Budget Receipts 1/1/14-1/31/14 Budgeted expenditures 1/1/14-1/31/14 Budget Receipts over/under Expenditures $26,507.86 $28,782.06 -$2,274.20 Budget Report: Year to Date Budget Receipts 1/1/14-1/31/14 Budgeted Expenditures 1/1/14-1/31/14 $26,507.86 $28,782.06 Budgeted Receipts over/under Expendi- -$2,274.20 Actual Budget Receipts 1/01/14- 1/31/14 Amount Budgeted 1/01/14- 1/31/14 Receipts over/under Budget $26,507.86 $28,852.24 -$2,344.38 Balance Due on Church Note 1/31/14 $442,865.68 PAGE 4 March MARCH SERVANTS BUS DRIVER Nancy Lovelace DEACON OF THE Week Mar 2 Mar 9 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30 Steve Cornelison, Jr. Steve Cornelison, Sr. Emmett Dodd Jimmy Stanford Curtis Harston CHILDREN’S CHURCH DEACON Mar 2 Brian Kemp Mar 9 Jerry Boone Mar 16 Steve Cornelison, Jr. Mar 23 Steve Cornelison, Sr. Mar 30 Emmett Dodd YOUTH SERVICE DEACON Curtis Harston SOUP KITCHEN CAKES ICU BOX MINISTRY PLEASE Sign up for the Cake and ICU Ministries or they may have to be discontinued due to lack of participation. COUNTERS Mar 2 Cornelia Camper, Brenda Smith, Randy Honey Mar 9 Gail Honey, Janice/Jerry Boone Mar 16 Brenda Smith, Donald/Margie Key, Doris Newman Mar 23 Gail Honey, Allen/Shelia Castleman Mar 30 Cornelia Camper, Brian / Ginger Kemp CHURCH SECURITY Mar 2 Tommy Hatchett / Pearce Jones Scott Castelaw / Roger Havner Gerald Thompson / John Cole Donald Key / Richard Lott Randy Honey / Jim Robinson Mar 9 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30 NURSERY WORKERS Mar 2 AM Mar 9 PM AM Infant… Ashley White, Jennifer Hollaway Toddlers……..Ashley Harvill, Paula Trimmer ………..Donna Callis, Lindsey Callis Infant……………....Ginger Kemp, Alice Cole Toddlers… …Kasey Houston, Jenny Israel …….…Judy Presson & Zeida Callis PM Infant ………….....Hope & Abby Cornelison Toddlers ……..Jennifer Butler, Chante King ….....................Lisa Cox, Labina Maxwell Mar 16 AM PM Mar 23 AM Mar 30 PM AM PM Infant..........Shelia Castleman, Hailey Edding Toddlers …....Britney Shumate, Jenny Israel ...…….….. Rachelle Brooks, Jenny Israel Infants .Cornelia Camper, Rachelle Brooks Toddlers…….....Nancy Lovelace, Patty Israel ………………...…Sherry Jones, Leah Gunter We are in need of volunteers to work in the Nursery. Please sign up to serve. We need your help! Thank you! The Nursery Committee MISSION MEAL - March 19 Easter Apr. 20 5:45 PM Pork Loin & Gravy Vegetables Banana Pudding Miscellaneous Desserts Tea & Coffee Cooks: Gail Honey, Scott Castellaw Helpers: Brenda Smith & Ginger Kemp Box: Cornelia Camper & Geraldine Thompson Anyone who would like to help please contact Gail Honey or the Hospitality Comm. Mission Org Meetings 7:00 PM - Join us for food and fellowship! Thank you to all who helped with the Valentines Banquet and to those of you who prayed for the youth who went to the Student Life Conference. It is a blessing to work with such devoted brothers and sisters in Christ. In Christ, Michael UPCOMING EVENTS FOR WOMEN….. Baptist Women Trip - Gatlinburg April 4-6 See Linda Holloman for details ↓ PAGE 5 March 2014 1 - Greg Stewart 2 - Peggy Clifford 4 - Julie Clanton, Michelle Foga, Mike Taylor, Whitney Hogg 6 - Donny Lay 7 - Robin Marie Kirk 8 - Jackie Bridger, Judy Jack 9 - Cornelia Camper, Kathryn Dean, Ginny Melton, Dylan Spain 10 - Linda Stanford 11 - Lisa Griggs 12 - Scotty Riddle, Michael Bullock 13 - Lila Grace Cox, Cindy Evans, Jim Johnson, Gavin Lindsey, Cristen Long 14 - Dennis McLemore, Gordon Street 15 - Shelby Bickerstaff, Brandon Maxwell, John Lovelace 16 - Tim Cochran, Sandra Cornelison 17 - Derek Clements, Justin Cobb, Jada Bradshaw 18 - Robbie Doyle, Joyce Jack, Craig Rogers, Patricia Smith 19 - Mike Nelson, Taera Price, Cecelia Thierjung 20 - Jane Arnold, John Lee, Abby Lenard, Raven Meadows 21 - Leslie Rodgers, Hunter Stegall, Emma Jo Stubblefield 22 - Alan Dean, Jeremy Israel 24 - Madalyn Shephard 26 - James Price, Scott Houston 27 - Arica Staples 28 - David Tyler Thompson 30 - Diane Johnson, Geraldine Thompson, Amber Wilson 31 - Chase Castellaw COUPLES! All couples are invited to the Christian Couples Event in the EUBC FH on Saturday, March 1 - 7 PM Menu - Soup & Salad Food, Fun, Fellowship!!! Yahoo!!! EUBC Quick Reference Mar. 1 Christian Couples Event - 7 PM EUBC FH Mar. 2 Deacon’s Meeting - 8 AM Mar. 8 EUBC Wild Game Dinner Mar. 9 Camo Sunday - Brody Swisher Mar. 14 WMU Yard Sale (Inside) Mar. 15 WMU Yard Sale (Outside) Mar. 15 Old Time Turkey Shoot - 7 AM-1 PM Mar. 19 Mission Meal/Miss. Org. Mtg.5:45/7PM Mar. 21 FH Reserved Mar. 22 Widow2Widow Group Mar. 24-28 Spring Break Mar. 27 April Grapevine mailed Mar. 28 Mar. 30 4 - Gerald & Geraldine Thompson 10 - Rus & Nancy Carter 11 - Jackie & Gina Bridger, Barney & Tommy Moore 14 - Norman & Mona Gates 16 - Jimmie & Kay Lee 22 - Leon & Kim White 23 - Tommy & Mary Escue 26 - Alan & Teresa Dean 27 - Ronnie & Geraldine Melson Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!! No Man Left Behind Training 5th Sunday Singing Call to Prayer Each Sunday 8 AM Awana - Sundays - 5 PM Choir - Sundays - 7 PM Sportsman’s Bible Study - Tuesdays - 7 PM Echoing Footsteps Bible Study - Wed. 7 PM Pray for our VBS leadership as they prepare for VBS. Teachers and helpers will be needed. Make plans now for your children to attend!! Have them invite their friends!! PAGE 6 EUBC CHILDREN’S CORNER Dear East Union Friends: Welcome new preschooler! Parker Allen Smith, son of Erica Smith AWANA Our theme for preschoolers this month will focus on spring and gardening. Preschoolers tend to be curious about their environment. This is a good time to emphasize there is a time for everything: Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall. It is also a good opportunity to explore God’s creation and marvel at all the things God has made. The preschoolers will also learn about the good soil and the bad soil. They will have an opportunity to examine how seeds grow into plants. Preschoolers are naturally curious and this theme offers many opportunities for them to experiment with plants, seeds and food. Our early Learners will hear Bible stories, music and singing. Love you all, Jimmy & Doris Think Ahead! Make Your Plans Now! ↓ Bible Story: Creation Memory Verse: “Take care of the land and water it.” Psalm 65:9 In Christian love, Mrs. Sandra SONSHINERS!! Be watching for announcements about upcoming events that will be fun and exciting!!! ALL Veterans & Present Military Personnel The Decorating Committee would like to honor our Veterans and Military Personnel with a special presentation on Sunday, May 25. We are requesting all veterans and military personnel submit a picture in your uniform. Please include your name, branch of service, rank, and time of service. Give photos to Kim White, Belinda Glisson or the church office. Deadline for submission is April 13. Photos will be returned to you. Upcoming Youth Events/Functions 2014 Spring Break - March 24-28 Student Paintball - Trip over Spring Break Super WOW Student Camp - Ft. Walton Beach, FL June 16-20 Family Trip - to Nashville Shores in July Upcoming Children Events/Functions 2013/14 Spring Break - March 24-28 AWANA Camping Trip - (Sometime between March 1 and May 1) Zoo Snooze - Friday, March 28th – Sat. March 29th (Tentative) Easter Activities - Sun. April 20 Family Trip - to Nashville Shores in July 1 This list does not include weekly activities that take place on Sundays and Wednesday Nights. 2 Other events will be added as the year progresses. Michael PAGE 7 The EUBC Choir Presents Sunday April 13 Family ideas for spring! Take your family for a walk in the woods. Look for budding trees. Listen to the different sounds. Plant some flowers with your children and watch them grow. Talk to your family about the meaning of Easter! Prayer Concerns… Call the EUBC office at 424 -2261 or email [email protected] or [email protected] Join the EUBC Facebook Group We want to keep YOU in prayer! EAST UNION BAPTIST CHURCH www.eubchurch.org 2244 BEECH BLUFF ROA D JACKSON, TENNESSEE 38301 Church Office Phone: 731-424-2261 Fax: 731-424-9945 Church Office Email: [email protected] [email protected] Edgar Pierce, Pastor Home Phone: 731-868-2300 Email: [email protected] Website: www.exposingtheword.com Zack Langley, Minister of Music [email protected] Michael Brooks, Minister of Students Email: [email protected] Sunday School Morning Worship Discipleship Training Evening Worship Adult Choir Practice Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Jackson, TN Permit #102 A d d ress S ervice R eq u ested «First name»«last name» «current resident» «address» «city» «state» «zip» 9:00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. A Fresh Wind! March is considered the windy month. Do you take notice of the wind as it blows through your hair? Do you notice the rustle of the wind through the trees? I enjoy the wind blowing through an open window. Wind is powerful yet also refreshing. When we ask, the Holy Spirit will blow the fresh powerful wind of His presence into every area of our lives. How often are you aware of His presence? Acts 1:2 “ And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit.” Spring is in the air! Publishing deadlines: If you have information to put in the Vineyard (bulletin), the office must receive the information by Wednesday afternoon. If you have information to put in the Grapevine, the office must receive the information on or before the 22th of the month.
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