Transfusion Statistics of Last Years: Europe, Switzerland and Inselspital Bern Behrouz Mansouri Taleghani Blood Transfusion Service, Swiss Red Cross, Bern and Department of Hematology Division of Transfusion Medicine Inselspital, Bern University Hospital B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 1 Development of RBC-Transfusions per 1000 inhabitants in 9 European Countries 70.00 60.00 50.00 2009 40.00 2010 2011 30.00 2012 2013 20.00 10.00 0.00 A B B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 C D E F G H CH 2 Development of RBC-Transfusions per 1000 inhabitants in 9 European Countries 65 60 A 55 B -5% 50 C -17% 45 D E -8% F -7% 40 G +6% +2% -8% 35 -7% H -18% -11% -6% 30 CH MW 25 2009 2010 B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2011 2012 2013 3 Development of FFP-Transfusions per 1000 inhabitants in 8 European Countries 20 +26% 18 A 16 B 14 C D 12 -15% 10 -5% -3% 8 -31% 6 +6% -12% -14% 4 2009 B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2010 2011 2012 E G H CH MW 4 Development of PLT-Transfusions per 1000 inhabitants in 8 European Countries steady 8 B 7 6 +14% C -3% D -7% E +9% F +15% G +41.5% H +7% 5 CH 4 +15% MW 3 2009 B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2010 2011 2012 5 Development of SC-Tx in CH as an Example for Increasing Numbers of Procedures with high needs of PLT units 600 +19.5% 500 400 +20% 300 Allo-Sc-Tx Auto-Sc-Tx Total 200 +32% 100 0 2007 2008 B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 6 RBC:FFP-Ratio in 8 European Countries 7.50 6.50 5.50 +14% +3.5% -4.5% B +35% D +1.7% -6% steady -6.5% 4.50 C E F G H CH 3.50 MW -23.5% 2.50 2009 B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2010 2011 2012 7 RBC:PLT-Ratio in 8 European Countries 11.00 +12% 10.00 9.00 -17% 8.00 -4% -15.5% -15.5% 7.00 -16% 6.00 5.00 B C D -12% E -10% +2% F G 4.00 H 3.00 CH MW 2.00 -23% 1.00 2009 B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2010 2011 2012 8 Development of Transfused Blood Units in Switzerland 350000 40000 300000 35000 30000 250000 25000 200000 20000 150000 15000 100000 10000 50000 5000 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 RBC units B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2007 2008 FFP units 2009 2010 2011 2012 PLT units 9 Development of Transfused Blood Units at the Inselspital 25000 4500 4000 20000 3500 3000 15000 2500 2000 10000 1500 1000 5000 500 0 0 2007 2008 RBC units B. Mansouri, SVTM, Bern, 01. 24. 2014 2009 2010 FFP units 2011 2012 PLT units 10
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