Medical Devices for Your Patient’s Health essential, immediate, reliable ΔΔ Non-Invasive ΔΔ Vital Parameters ΔΔ Patient-Monitoring Immediate Assessment of Vital Parameters – Multiple Applications ΔΔ For professional use (and perfusion index) ΔΔ Automatic display-alignment ΔΔ Online USB-interface to PC u•oxi Finger pulse-oximeter REF 91100 Monitoring of ΔΔSpO2 – oxygen level of the arterial blood – non-invasive check of the respiratory system ΔΔHeart rate – continuous monitor of heart function ΔΔPI (perfusion index) peripheral perfusion quality ΔΔChild probe optional Suitable for Outpatient clinics, health posts, doctor’s office, emergency room, ambulance, intensiv-care, operating room, sleep clinic, intermediate care, mobile use Multi-Parameter Patientmonitoring – for Professional Use ΔΔ Spot-check and continuous monitoring ΔΔ Audible and visible alarms; adjustable for use in continuous monitoring ΔΔ Compact and portable with built-in rechargeable battery ΔΔ Adult, pediatric and neonates settings – for a wide range of patients ΔΔ Multiple accessories for adults, children and neonates u•vital Vital signs monitor NIBP Cuff adult Adult fingertip SpO2 probe REF 91200 Monitoring of ΔΔSpO2 – oxygen level of the arterial blood – a non-invasive check of the respiratory system ΔΔHeart rate – continuous monitoring of heart function ΔΔNIBP:Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure Suitable for Outpatient clinics, health posts, doctor’s office, emergency room, ambulance, intensiv-care, operating room, sleep clinic, intermediate care Basic Fetal and Vascular Diagnostic – Save Application, Non-Invasive ΔΔ Dual use: vascular and fetal doppler ΔΔ Fetal heart rate indicating fetal’s well being ΔΔ Probes for various depth and applications u•sono Pocket doppler, 2 MHz probe REF 91150 Monitoring of ΔΔFetal heart rate (FHR) u•sono Pocket doppler REF 91150 optional: 3, 4, 5, 8 MHz vascular probe Monitoring of Arterial and venous blood flow Suitable for Outpatient clinics, health posts, maternity care, emergency room, midwifes, gynecological clinic, homecare Basic Fetal Heart and Labor Activity Monitor ΔΔ Assessment and monitoring of uterine contraction ΔΔ Sensitive 2 MHz pulse doppler probe ΔΔ Waveform and numeric value simultaneously ΔΔ Manual fetal movement mark ΔΔ High resolution and long life built-in printer ΔΔ Twin monitoring (optional) ΔΔ Suitable after 12 week of pregnancy to monitor heart-rate of the fetus u•toco Cardio-toco-graph, 2 MHz probe Monitoring of ΔΔFetal Heart Rate (FHR) ΔΔUterine contraction (TOCO) Suitable for Gynecological clinic , maternity care, midwifes, mobile use, homecare REF 91300 Ordering Information REF u•oxi Finger pulse-oximeter 91100 including: USB-cable, software CD u•vital Vital signs monitor 91200 including: Adult fingertip SpO2 probe, NIBP adult cuff optional: Adult fingertip SpO2 probe Adult Soft Tip SpO2 probe Pediatric Fingertip SpO2 probe Adult SpO2 probe disposable Pediatric SpO2 probe disposable Infant SpO2 probe disposable Neonatal SpO2 probe disposable 91210 91211 91212 91220 91221 91222 91223 Digital 5-pin extension cable (is requested for all SpO2 probes) 91230 NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff NIBP Cuff Printer paper u•vital 91250 91251 91252 91253 91254 91255 91260 91261 91262 91263 91270 (46 - 66 cm) (33 - 47 cm) (25 - 35 cm) (18 - 26 cm) (10 - 19 cm) (6 - 11 cm) (3.3 - 5.6 cm) (4.2 - 7.1 cm) (5 - 10.5 cm) (6.9 - 11.7 cm) (10 rolls) thigh larger adult adult pediatric infant neonatal neonatal neonatal neonatal neonatal u•sono Pocket doppler, 2 MHz fetal probe 91150 optional: 91163 91164 91165 91168 3 MHz vascular probe 4 MHz vascular probe 5 MHz vascular probe 8 MHz vascular probe u•toco Cardio-toco-graph, 2 MHz probe 91300 981240/2014-07 © 2014 Human GmbH including: Toco transducer, abdomen belts, remote marker, printer paper optional: Twin monitoring probe Printer paper u•toco (5 packs) Distributed by: HUMAN Gesellschaft für Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH Max-Planck-Ring 21 · 65205 Wiesbaden · Germany Tel. +49 6122-9988-0 · Fax +49 6122-9988-100 · e-mail: [email protected] · 91319 91350
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