2014 First Nations Language Keepers Conference Agenda Saskatoon Inn Hotel & Conference Centre Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Note: Please be advised that the following agenda may be subject to change. Tuesday, November 25, 2014 5:00pm-‐9:00pm Registration, Courtyard Room 5:30pm-‐6:30pm Trade Show Open 5:00pm-‐5:30pm APPETIZERS/MEET & GREET: Ballroom A SICC Staff Wab Kinew, Dr. Neal McLeod, Rhonda Head, DerRic Starlight Conference Sponsors Conference Delegates Book Launchers Entertainment SNTC Cast Public LAUNCH: Ballroom A Animation Project by Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre What’s Wrong With Me? by Krista George Pimȃtisiwin: The Good Life, Global Indigenous Knowledge Systems by Pricilla Settee 6:30 pm-‐6:45pm ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A St. Frances School Group 7:00pm-‐7:20pm STAGED READING: Ballroom A Acknowledgement of Sponsors 7:30 pm-‐8:00pm ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A Classical Music Performer -‐ Rhonda Head 2014 First Nations’ Language Keepers Conference Agenda Saskatoon Inn Hotel & Conference Centre Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:00am-‐12:00noon Registration: Courtyard Room (Nov 25, 5:00pm-‐9:00pm, Nov 26, 8:00am-‐4:00pm) Trade Show: Mezzanine ABC (Nov 25, 5:00pm-‐8:00pm, Nov 26-‐27, 8:00am-‐4:00pm) 9:00am-‐9:30am OPENING REMARKS: Ballroom A/B Opening Prayer & Morning Song: Augustine Paskemin (Cree) Sweet Grass First Nation Masters of Ceremony: Tommy Christian (Lakota) Fort Peck Reservation & DerRic Starlight (Nakota) Tsuu T’ina Nation Treaty Six Territory Welcoming Remarks: Tribal Chief Felix Thomas (Saulteaux), Saskatoon Tribal Council FSIN Welcoming Remarks: Vice Chief Bobby Cameron Welcome Address: Dorothy Myo (Saulteaux/Cree), President, SICC TH 9:30am-‐10:15 am KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ballroom A/B THE 8 FIRE by Wab Kinew (Ojibway) 10:15am-‐10:30am Health Break 10:30am-‐12:00pm Elders Panel: Isaac Chamakese (Plains Cree) Pelican Lake First Nation, Peter Nippi (Saulteaux) Kinistin First Nation, Lorraine Yuzicappi (Dakota) Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation, Margaret Reynolds (Dene) English River First Nation, William Stone (Nakota) Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head First Nation, Melvina Eagle (Dakota) Whitecap Dakota First Nation 12:00pm-‐1:00pm Lunch Break LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A/B Classical Music Performer – Rhonda Head (Swampy Cree) Opaskwayak Cree Nation LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A/B Maria’s Dictionary (You Tube Video) LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A/B Puppet Presentation – DerRic Starlight (Nakota) Tsuu T’ina Nation Breakout Session Meeting Room 1:15pm-‐2:45pm Trade Show Open Ballroom A CAROL JOHNSON – FHQTC “Teaching Traditional Languages with the iPad &iPhone – FHQ Language App Ballroom B Ballroom C ROGER WHITE & MIKE TURCOTTE (ASSINIBOINE) ALLAN ADAM (DENE) “Teaching Assiniboine in Fort Belknap” “Our Dene Language in the Modern Age – Adopting Technology to Share the Language and Culture” 2:45pm-‐3:00pm Brass Lantern Room Canadian Room DARRELL MCCALLUM (WOODLAND CREE) “ A Community Framework to Address Language & Culture” LYNN COTE (SAULTEAUX) “Using Recorded Saulteaux Elder Text for Saulteaux Language Study and Preservation” Health Break 3:00pm-‐4:30pm LAURA BURNOF (NORTEP) “Using Technology & Music to Strengthen Indigenous Languages” CELIA DESCHAMBEAULT (SWAMPY CREE) “Integrating Language, Technology & the Provincial Curriculum” TYRONE TOOTOOSIS (CREE/ASSINIBOINE) “Sacred Sites” MARK PARKHILL-‐ FOUNDER OF SAY IT FIRST INC “When Everyone Thinks Alike, Nobody Is Thinking” 4:30pm Thank You Prayer: Lorraine Yuzicappi (Dakota) Standing Buffalo First Nation 5:00pm-‐12:00 Midnight Round Dance at White Buffalo Youth Lodge – A shuttle will be provided to/from the Saskatoon Inn Hotel & Conference Centre STUDENTS FROM THE FIRST NATONS LANGUAGE INSTRUCTORS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM “Using Total Physical Response (TPR) Across the Language As A Way To Teach Value, Culture, and Tradition in the Contemporary Classroom 2014 First Nations’ Language Keepers Conference Agenda Saskatoon Inn Hotel & Conference Centre Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Thursday, November 27, 2014 9:00am-‐4:00pm Trade Show: Mezzanine ABC 9:00am-‐9:30am OPENING REMARKS: Ballroom A/B Prayer & Morning Song: William Ratfoot (Plains Cree) Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation Masters of Ceremony: Tommy Christian (Lakota) Fort Peck Reservation & DerRic Starlight (Nakota) Tsuu T’ina Nation Morning Speaker: Chief Robert Merasty (Plains Cree) Flying Dust First Nation & Chairperson SICC Board of Governors FSIN Remarks: Vice Chief Kimberly Jonathan – TBC Miss FSIN Jolene Creely (Cree), Okanese First Nation – TBC 9:30am-‐10:30am KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ballroom A/B nehiyawiwin (Creeness) & Modernity by: Dr. Neal McLeod (Plains Cree) James Smith Cree Nation Health Break 10:30am-‐10:45pm 10:45 am-‐12:00pm Panel: Ballroom A/B NAVAJO CODE TALKERS OF WWII” by Zonnie M. Gorman 12:00pm-‐1:00pm Lunch Break LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A/B Classical Music Performer – Rhonda Head (Swampy Cree) Opaskwayak Cree Nation LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A/B Puppet Presentation – DerRic Starlight (Nakota) Tsuu T’ina Nation 1:15 pm-‐2:15 pm 2:15pm-‐2:30pm LUNCH ENTERTAINMENT: Ballroom A/B Maria’s Dictionary (You Tube Video) Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C Brass Lantern Room Canadian Room AROK WOLVENGREY -‐ FNUniv “E-‐Learning Cree Language Resources: Current Developments at First Nations University” DR. PETER WOOD – U of S “Computer Assisted Language Learning” PETER NIPPI (SAULTEAUX) “Saulteaux Ceremonial Protocols of the Nakawe People” BRENT DILLION (PLAINS CREE) “kipîkiskwêwininaw mîna kipimâcihowinaw – Our Language Our Culture” CELESTE TOOTOOSIS (PLAINS CREE) “Sakewew Substance Awareness & Empowerment for Youth – SSAEY Inc” Health Break Ballroom A/B Ballroom C Brass Lantern Room Canadian Room Nȋcimos by the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company SASK CULTURE -‐ DAMON BADGER-‐HEIT “Grant Funding for First Nation Languages and Communities” FISHING LAKE (SAULTEAUX) “Nahkawe Language & Cultural Initiatives” ERICA BEAUDIN & DARREN OKEMAYSIM (SAULTEAUX & CREE) “Kapesiwin – Elder – Youth Language Camp 2:30pm-‐3:30 pm 3:30pm-‐4:00pm 4:30pm CLOSING CEREMONIES: Ballroom A/B Emcees: Tommy Christian (Lakota) Fort Peck Reservation & DerRic Starlight (Nakota) Tsuu T’ina Nation Thank You Presentations & Recognition: Darren Okemaysim (Cree) SICC Language Consultant Door Prize Draws Closing Remarks: Dorothy Myo (Saulteaux/Cree), SICC President Thank You Prayer: Angus Esperance (Cree) Beardy’s & Okemasis First Nation
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