Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 FEI-LING WANG Professor The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0610, USA. (404) 894-1904; (404) 894-1900 (fax) E-mail: [email protected] I. EARNED DEGREES Ph.D. in political science. 1992. University of Pennsylvania. Master of Law in international economics. 1984. Beijing Institute of International Relations. B.A. in history. 1982. Anhui Normal University. II. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology. April 2005-present. Visiting Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, summers 2011-present. Minerva Chair, U.S. Air Force Academy, June 2012-May 2013. Visiting Fellow, University of Macau, Macau, China, December-January 2011. Visiting Fellow, the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, SeptemberDecember, 2009. Visiting Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, France, September-December, 2009. Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, October, 2009. Visiting Senor Research Fellow, East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore, April-August, 2008. Visiting Professor, School of International Studies, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, June-July, 2007. Fulbright Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. September 2005-June 2006 (while onleave from Georgia Tech). Visiting Fellow, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, MayAugust 2005, December 2005-February 2006, and June-August 2006. Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology. April, 1999-March, 2005. Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology. July, 1993-March, 1999. Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. July 1992-July 1993. Instructor, University of Pennsylvania, Summers, 1991 & 1992. Instructor, Temple University, Spring, 1989. Assistant Research Fellow, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, 1984-1986. III. TEACHING A. COURSES TAUGHT 1 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 INTA 1110 (Introduction to International Relations) INTA 3130A (Chinese Foreign Policy) INTA 4308HP (Honors Program: Dissecting the Rise of China) INTA 6302S (Graduate Seminar on International Political Economy) INTA 3301A (International Political Economy) INTA 4903 (Independent Study, East Asia Integration) INTA 4330/8823 (Chinese Economic Reform) INTA 4332/8833 (Chinese Institutions & Policy-Making) INTA 4803/8803 (Independent Study of Chinese Political Economy) INTA 4400 (Senior's Seminar) INTA 3330 (Political Economy of China) INTA 4803/8803 & CHIN 4813 (Issues in China Studies - Language Cross Curriculum) INTA 3131 (Pacific Security Issues) INTA 8000 (Graduate Independent Study) INTA 3320/8803 (Government and Politics of China) INTA 1000 (Introduction to International Relations) INTA 4956 (Study on Chinese Banking System INTA 6200 (Graduate Seminar of Comparative Politics) INTA 4878/8660 (Modernization and Development) INTA 3460 (Developing Nations) INTA 4876 (East Asian International Relations) INTA 4953 (Special Problems) INTA 8803FW/4803FW (Seminar on East Asia) INTA 2230 (Government and Politics of East Asia – co-taught) INTA 7000, MS Thesis Supervising American Foreign Policy (in Yonsei University as a Fulbright Professor) B. INDIVIDUAL STUDENT GUIDANCE Supervised and advised master’s students’ theses. Supervised undergraduate students under Georgia Tech’s PURA grants. Supervised and advised graduate student's Ph.D. theses. Supervised undergraduate student to conduct a survey research. Chairing PhD qualifying exams. C. OTHER TEACHING ACTIVITIES Executive Education: Advisor, Co-cordinator and Faculty Lecturer: the Shanghai Municipal Leaders Training Program II, Atlanta, October 1996- April 1997. Lectured at the Ivan Allen College of Georgia Tech's Continued Education Program for Business Executives, Georgia Tech. June 19 and July 8, 1996. Advisor, Co-cordinator and Faculty Lecturer: the Shanghai Municipal Leaders Training Program, Atlanta, May 1995- March 1996. Advisor and Faculty Supervisor, Georgia Tech's CETRA Business Executive Education Program (co-teaching), March-April, 1994. Study Abroad: Co-director and faculty, Georgia Tech Summer Program in China, 1996-2000. Director and faculty, Georgia Tech Summer Program in China, 2000-2004. Director, Georgia Tech Summer Program in East Asia, 2004-2005. 2 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 Director, Georgia Tech Summer Program in East Asia, 2010-2011. Invited to Lecture at Other Universities: Columbia University Emory Senior University. Furman University, Greenville, SC, October. Georgia Perimeter College/University Center. Georgia Southern University. Joint University of U.S. Special Forces. Morehouse College. Princeton University. University of Denver University of Hawaii University of Oklahoma. University of Pennsylvania Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China. Anhui University, Hefei, China. Chinese Renmin University, Beijing, China. East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Hallym Institute of Advanced International Studies, Seoul. Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Korea University, Seoul, Korea Korean National Defense University. Kyunghee University, Suwon, Korea. Kyungnam University, Seoul, Korea. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany. Ming Chuang University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. National Chungshin University, Taichung, Taiwan. National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. National University of Singapore, Singapore. Peking University, Beijing, China. Providence University, Taichong, Taiwan. Sciences Po, Paris, France. Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Tam Kang University, Danshui, Taiwan. Tunghai University, Taizhong, Taiwan Univérsidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil. University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. University of Macau, China. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. IV. SCHOLARSHIP A. BOOKS Organization through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou (Household Registration) System, Stanford CA: Stanford University Press. 2005. 3 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy, a co-edited book (with Yong Deng of US Naval Academy), Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. 走进西点军校 Zoujin xidian junxiao, (U.S. Military Academy at West Point), Beijing: Chinese Youth Press, 2004. Uncensored version, Hong Kong: Times International Press, Spring 2006. In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World, Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, (50%). April 1999. Institutions and Institutional Change in China: Premodernity and Modernization, London & New York: Macmillan Press & St Martin's Press, August, 1998. From Family to Market: Labor Allocation in Contemporary China, Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, March, 1998. B. MONOGRAPHS Nominal Reunification versus Democracy Card: Towards an Ending of the BeijingTaipei Dispute, Japan Foundation Monograph Series, The Japan Foundation, Tokyo & Kuala Lumpur, 2000. Tacit Acceptance and Watchful Eyes: Beijing’s Views about the U.S.-ROK Alliance, the SSI (Strategic Studies Institute) Monograph Series, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: SSI, the U.S. Army War College, January, 1997. C. BOOK CHAPTERS IN ENGLISH “The Hukou (Household Registration) System.” in Oxford Bibliography in Chinese Studies. Ed. Tim Wright. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, March 2014. “Resisting, Reducing, and Replacing: China’s Strategy and Policy towards the United States,” in Jung-Ho Bae ed., China's Domestic Politics and Foreign Policies, and Major Countries’ Strategies on China, Seoul, Korea: KINU Press, December 2012:155-186. “China: Rural Migration,” in Immanuel Ness & Peter Bellwood eds., The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, London: Blackwell, 2011. “Reformed Migration Control and New Targeted People,” originally published in The China Quarterly, 177 (2004), 115-132. Contemporary China Studies – Politics, 4 volumes, edited by Tak-Wing Ngo (Leiden University), London, SAGE Publications, 2011. “China: Rural Migration,” in Immanuel Ness & Peter Bellwood eds., The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, London: Blackwell, 2011. “Reformed Migration Control and New Targeted People,” originally published in The China Quarterly, 177 (2004), 115-132. Contemporary China Studies – Politics, 4 volumes, edited by Tak-Wing Ngo (Leiden University), London, SAGE Publications, 2011. 4 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 “Conflict, Resistance, and the Reform of the Hukou System,” a chapter in Edited Elizabeth J. Perry, Mark Selden eds., Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance, 3rd edition, London: Routledge, 2010. “China's Evolving Institutional Exclusion: The Hukou System and Its Transformation,” a chapter in Xiaoming Huang ed., The Institutional Dynamics of China’s Great Transformation, London: Routledge, 2010. “Government and Politics in East Asia,” in Southern Center for International Studies ed., Survey of East Asia, forthcoming, 2010. "Looking East: China's Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula," chapter 3 in Sung Chull Kim & David C. Kang eds., Engagement with North Korea: A Viable Alternative, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2009, pp. 47-72. "Renovating the Great Floodgate: The Reform of China's Hukou System," in Martin King Whyte ed., One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in Contemporary China, Harvard University Press, 2009, pp. 335-364. “China and U.S.: A Pivotal but Uncertain Relationship,” in Gungwu Wang and John Wong eds., Understanding Contemporary China, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2008. "Stratification and Institutional Exclusion in China and India: Administrative Identification versus Social Barriers,” in Richard Baum & Manoranjan Mohanty eds., Local Governance in China and India: Rural Development and Social Change, New York, Sage, 2007. “Brewing Tensions while Maintaining Stabilities: The Dual Role of the Hukou System in Contemporary China,” a chapter in Dali L. Yang ed., Discontented Miracle: Growth, Conflict, and Institutional Adaptations in China, London: World Scientific Press, 2007. “Stability with Uncertainties: U.S.-China Relations and the Korean Peninsula,” in Tae-Hwan Kwak and Seung-Ho Joo eds., The United States and the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century, London: Ashgate, October, 2006. "Balancing the Cross-Pacific Exchange: American Study-Abroad Programs in the PRC," in Cheng Li ed., Bridging Minds Across the Pacific: U.S.-China Educational Exchanges, 1978-2003, Lanham, MD, Lexington Books, March, 2005. "Introduction: The Making of China’s Foreign Policy," in Yong Deng and Fei-Ling Wang, eds, China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy, Lanham, Boulder, New York, & Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. " Beijing's Incentive Structure: The Pursuit of Preservation, Prosperity, and Power," in Yong Deng and Fei-Ling Wang, eds China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy, Lanham, Boulder, New York, & Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. "Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics: The Hukou System and Its Role of Migration Control," in Gordon Liu, Kevin Zhang, and Aimin Chen eds., Urbanization in China: Theory, Evidence, and Policy, London, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003. 5 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 “China’s Strategic Intentions and Demands,” a chapter in Wang Gungwu and Zheng Yongnian eds., Reform, Legitimacy and Dilemmas: China’s Politics and Society, Singapore University Press, 2000: 345-366. "Labor Issues and Foreign Direct Investment in the PRC," a chapter in C. Jayachandran & Lin Guijun eds. The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in Greater China, Vol. 6 of Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies, (General series editor: Nigel Campell), London: JAI Press. 1999:175-188. "Introduction: Toward an Understanding of China's Worldview," a co-authored chapter in Yong Deng & Fei-Ling Wang eds., In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World. Lanham, Boulder, New York, & Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, February, 1999. "Self Image and Strategic Intentions: National Confidence and Political Insecurity," a chapter (Chapter 1) in Yong Deng& Fei-Ling Wang eds., In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World. Lanham, Boulder, New York, & Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, February, 1999. “Chinese Perception of the U.S.-ROK Alliance,” a chapter (Chapter 3) in Tae-Hwan Kwak and Thomas L. Wilborn eds., The U.S.-ROK Alliance in Transition, Seoul. Korea: Kyungnam University Press, 1996: 73-91. “Chinese Security Policy in Northeast Asia,” a chapter (Chapter 2) in Tae-Hwan Kwak & Edward A. Olsen eds., The Major Powers of Northeast Asia: Seeking Peace and Security. Boulder, CO and London: Lynn Rienner Publishers, July, 1996: 41-68. D. BOOK CHAPTERS IN CHINESE 户籍制度的變遷及其引發的衝突與爭端 ,in Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden eds., [中國社會], Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2013. “Mingyun youguan de zhidu changcheng jiang hequhecong?” (What to do about the crucial institutional great wall?), a chapter in Liu Yawei et al., Daguo Tuowei (China to become a great power), Beijing, 2010. “Zhonghua beiju: hiaxia liangan jijiang daolai d minzhu zhuyi da chongtu” (Chinese tragedy: the coming clash of nationalism in the Taiwan Strait), a chapter in Li Jialong & Zheng Yongnian eds., Minzhu zhuyi yu liangan guanxi (Nationalism and cross-strait relations), Taipei, Taiwan Research Foundation, 2001: 409-432. “Xinjin zai gongping yu xiaoli zhijian: zhongguo fengsan de laodongli shichang qun tangxi” (Between Equity and Efficiency: On the Segmented Community-Based Labor Markets in China), in Aiming Chen ed. Zhongguo laodongli shichang yu jiuye wenti, Southwestern University of Finance Press, Chengdu, 2000. "Tudi, laogong yu Taiwan fazhan jingyan" (Land, Labor and the Taiwanese experience of development) a chapter in Huang Xiaoming ed.: Zaikang Taiwan: zhengzhi, shihui, jingji he liangan guangxi (Another look at Taiwan: Politics, society, economy, and the cross-strait relationship), Hong Kong, Social Sciences Press, 1996: 70-80. E. OTHER CONTRIBUTION TO BOOKS AND GUEST-EDITORSHIP 6 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 "Household Registrations (hukou) System," in David Pong ed., Encyclopedia of Modern China, Charles Scribner’s Sons Reference Books, forthcoming "China's Hukou System," in Jing Luo ed. Encyclopedia of Chinese Civilization, 1949-present, Greenwood Publications, 2004. Guest editor of three Special Issues Collecting China's SARS-Related Document of the journal of Chinese Law and Government, UCLA, Vols. 36-4 (July-August) and 36-6 (NovemberDecember) 2003, Vol. 37-1 (January-February) 2004. Contributed to the editing of Understanding International Relations: The Value of Alternative Lenses , eds. by Dan Kaufman, Joe Collins, and Tom Snyder. 2nd edition. New York. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1994. Meiguo Zengjuan Shichang Shouche (A Handbook of the American Securities Market), a co-authored book. Beijing, Shishi Press, 1987. F. JOURNAL ARTICLES “China in Africa: Presence, Perceptions, and Prospects,” co-authored with Esi A. Elliot (GWU/Suffolk University), Journal of Contemporary China, 23:90, November 2014: 1-21. “Status Quo Being Reassessed: China’s Persistent But Shifting Views On Korean Unification,” International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, Seoul: Korea Institute for National Unification, Vol. 20-2, 2011. “China’s Anti-Encirclement Struggle: the U.S., India, and Japan,” coauthored with John W. Garver, in Asian Security, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2010 (October), 238-261. “Institutions, Modernity, and Modernization,” in Protosociology: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Vol. 26-1 (November 2009), pp. 100-120. “Zhongguo de hukou zhidu zhuanxing” (中國戶口制度的轉型 China’s Hukou system in reform), Ershiyi shiji (二十一世紀 The 21st Century), Hong Kong , 109 October, 2008: 4-14. “A Regional Play of the Global Game: China's Korea Policy and the Sino-American Relationship,” International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, No. 14, Vol. 2, Seoul: Korea Institute for National Unification, 2006. “Brewing Tensions while Maintaining Stabilities: The Dual Role of the Hukou System in Contemporary China,” in Dali L. Yang ed. "Interests, Institutions, and Contentions in China," a special issue of Asian Perspectives, Vol. 29, No. 4, (Winter 2005-2006), 85-124. “A Regional Play of the Global Game: China's Korea Policy and the Sino-American Relationship,” International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, No. 14, Vol. 2, Seoul: Korea Institute for National Unification, December 31, 2006. "Preservation, Prosperity, and Power: The Motives behind China's Foreign Policy," Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 14 (45), November 2005, 669-694. 7 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 “Chinese Policy towards the Korean Peninsula: Stability First, Possible Trade-offs Later,” in Pacific Focus, Seoul, Korea, Spring (April), 2005. “Reformed Migration Control and New List of the Targeted People: China’s Hukou System in the 2000s,” The China Quarterly, (March) 2004, 115-132. "Zhonghua beiju: haixia liangan de minzu zuyi da chongtu " (Grand Chinese tragedy: the coming clash of nationalisms in the Taiwan Strait), in Zhanlue yu Guangli, (Strategy and Management), Beijing, Augsut, 2000. "Joining the Major Powers for the Status Quo: China's Views and Policy on Korean Reunification," A lead article in Pacific Affairs, Vol. 72-2, (Summer),1999: 167-185. "Cong zhuquan zhi zheng dao zhiquan xietiao: jiejue Taiwan wenti de yige xin siwei" (From disputes over sovereignty to coordination of administration: a new thinking on the solution of the Taiwan issue), a co-authored article (with Prof. Huang Xiaoming of Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand), Asian Review, Hong Kong, No. 9, June, 1999. (50%) "Floaters, Moonlighters, and the Underemployed: A National Labor Market with Chinese Characteristics," The Journal of Contemporary China, Oxford, UK, Vol. 7, No. 19 (Fall), 1998: 459-475. "China and Korean Unification: A Policy of Status Quo," Korea and World Affairs, Seoul, Korea. Vol. XXII, No. 2, (Summer 1998): 177-198. "To Incorporate China--A New China Policy for a New Era," The Washington Quarterly, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), Washington, Vol. 21-1 (Winter, 1998): 6781.. “Guoji zhengzhi zhixu yu guoji guanxi lilun: Guanyu guoji wuzhengfu zhuangtai de zuoyong de yige sibian” (International political order and theories of international relations: a conceptual discourse on the functions of international political anarchy), Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Jikan (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly), Beijing & Hong Kong. Vol. 18-19, Spring-Summer, (May) 1997: 295-312. "Changing Views: Chinese Perception of the United States-South Korea Alliance," in Problems of Post-Communism (formerly Problems of Communism), Washington DC, JulyAugust, 1996: 25-34. “Lengzhan yihou zhongguo de dongya anquan zhengce jianxi” (An analysis on Chinese security policy in the post-Cold War East Asia), Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Jikan (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly), Beijing & Hong Kong. No. 10, Spring, 1995: 11-22. “Four Cheers for International Political Anarchy,” in Journal of Chinese Political Science, ACPS, Knoxville, TN. Vol 2 (1), Winter, 1995: 67-108. “To Distort the Market: The Role of Society in Chinese Modernization,” Chinese Journal of Political Science, CSIRPS, USC, Los Angeles, Vol. 1(1), May 1995: 43-72. “International Market and Domestic Changes: the Case of China”, In Depth, Washington, DC, Vol.4 (1), Winter, 1994: 22-42. 8 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 "Meiguo de feiranliao kuangwu wenti jiqi jing ji yiyi yu yingxiang” (Non-fuel minerals problem in the United States and its economic significance and impact), Shijie Jingji (World Economy), Beijing. No. 8, August, 1985: 60-67. "Zhongguo fangzhi chukou hangye wenti baogao“ (An investigation on problems in the Chinese textile exporting business) , Guoji Guanxi Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of Institute of International Relations), Beijing. Vol. 1 (2), May, 1984: 1-9. G. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Research Reports I have written numerous policy reports on U.S.-China relations, Chinese political economy, and Chinese foreign policy for various research institutions in the U.S., Singapore, Japan, and China. Working Papers "Chinese Labor Market in the Late 1990s," Working Paper Series, Georgia Tech CIBER (Center for International Business Education and Research), 97-006, Atlanta, 1997. Essays and Book Reviews “The China Dream: A Rejoinder,” an essay published at The Asan Forum, http://www.theasanforum.org/the-china-dream-2/, September 6, 2013. “Can Obama build trust with China's next leader?” an op-ed in CNN, February 13, 2012. http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/13/opinion/wang-china-leader/index.html. “China’s Grand Experiments,” in The Diplomat, December 12, 2011. Translated into Chinese and published as “Zhongguo de hongda shiyan.” “A Success Tough to Duplicate: the Chinese Hukou System,” in Fair Observer, October 24, 2011. “Stuck in Panic Mode,” in the debate on “ Why China Is Nervous About the Arab Uprisings”, The New York Times, February 28, 2011. Book Review “End of the Revolution by Wang Hui”, Journal of Asian Studies, volume 69, number 4 (November) 2010. “Review Essay: To Assess the Rise of China,” Asia Policy, No. 8, Seattle: NBR, July, 2009. “Gei women xuanpaio ba” (Give us the ballot), Chinese Elelction and Governance, Beijing, www.chinaelections.org, Beijing, January 9, 2009. “Zhongmei guanxi: dongtai wending zhong de xin biansu” (Sino-American relations: new factors in a dynamic stability), Wenhua zongheng (Cultural horizon), Beijing, December, 2008. 9 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 “Yiben nanneng kegui de lizuo” (A timely rare book), a book review of Aobama: ta gaibianliao meiguo (Obama: he changed America, Beijing, Shehuikexue Wenxian Press, October 2008). October, 2008. “After the Beijing Games: What We Learned?” International Herald Tribune, Paris, and The New York Times, September 18, 2008. "Taiwan: A Key to China’s Rise and Transformation." Silver City, NM and Washington, DC: Foreign Policy In Focus, December 21, 2006. “Taiwan: Catalyst for Change in China,” Christian Science Monitor, Boston, September 19, 2006. “Heading Off Fears of a Resurgent China,” International Herald Tribune, April 11, 2006. “East Asia: An Ideal Community,” International Herald Tribune, November 5-6, 2005. “Make up with Japan.” International Herald Tribune, Paris, August 25, 2005. “Lots of wealth, lots of people, lots of flaws: China rising.” International Herald Tribune, Paris, July 21, 2005. "Peiyang you daode de lingdaoren" (To educate leaders with morals), Shangxueyuan (Business school), Beijing, January, 2005. "Les Relations Sino-Americanies” (Sino-American Relations: Stability with Uncertainties), in Diplomatie (Diplomacy), Paris, France, (June-July) 2004: 45-49. "Sino-American Relations: Stability with Uncertainties," in Diplomatie (Diplomacy), Paris, France, (May-June) 2004. ""Chinese and American Currencies: Pegging for Stability," Aspenia, The Aspen Institute, Rome, Italy, No 23-24. (May) 2004. "Taiwan daxuan jiaju 'minzu beiju'" (Taiwan's general election exacerbates the "national tragedy"), Fenghuang zhoukan (Phoenix weekly), Hong Kong, No, 144, April 15, 2004. “Zhongguo zhengzhi changzhi jiuan yu minzhuhua de zuijia tujiing: dangnei minzhu he dangnei paibie de hefahua” (The best way to achieve long and peaceful governance and democratization in China: inner-party democracy and the legitimization of the factions inside the party), essay written and distributed in 2000. Published by China Elections and Governance, Beijing, June 13, 2003. "La moneta chinese vive bene col dollaro" (On the peg between Chinese currency and the U.S. dollar), Aspenia, The Aspen Institute, Rome, Italy, No. 23 (December), 2003, pp.79-84. “Meiguo shiji you duochang?” (How long will the American Era be?). Huanqiu Shibao (Global Times), Beijing, January 24, 2003:10. "Zhonghua da beiju: haixia liangan de minzu zuyi da chongtu zhengzai riyi lingjin" (Grand Chinese tragedy: the coming clash of nationalisms in the Taiwan Strait), leading article in Yazhou Zhoukan (Asian Weekly), Hong Kong, May, 21, 2000. 10 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 “Zhuzhi bdeiju: hua haixia liangan de minzhu zhuyi chongtu wei zhonghua xinxin heli” (Stop the tragedy: To turn the clash of nationalism into forces of China's take-off), a column article in Shijie ribao (World Journal). New York, April 2000: A20. “Beiju jiangling: haixia liangan de minzhu zhuyi da chongtu” (Coming tragedy: the clash of nationalism in the Taiwan Strait), a column article in Shijie ribao (World Journal). New York, April 2000: A20. "Yong meishi luojie to yingfu meiguo: Zhongguo de duice" (Learn to use the American logic in dealings with the US: On China's foreign policy), an invited leading article in Huanqiu Shibao (Global Times), Beijing, August 20, 1999: 10. "Waijiaojie de wushi yu yuangjian," (Pragmatism and insights of a diplomat), an invited article in Lianhe Zhaobao (United Daily), Singapore, July 27, 1999: F-3. "China's Security," a book review. International Politics, Boston, MA. Vol. 36, No. 1, (Spring), 1999. “Shichanghua de daijia shulai fu?--qianxi zhongguo de guoyou qiye gaige” (Who will pay for the marketization?--On the reform of the state-owned enterprises in China), A column article in Hua Ren (The Chinese), Hong Kong, No. 3, March, 1998. “Jingji shichanghua de daijia shulai zhifu?--qianxi dalu guoqi gaige de zhengzhi jingji xue” (Who will pay for the economic marketization?--On the political economy of reforming the state-owned enterprises in China), A column article in Shijie ribao (World Journal). New York, February 10, 1998: A20. "Hong Kong: Business as Usual," an invited editorial article written for the Media Relations of Georgia Tech, Atlanta, September 24, 1997. "Erzhi, jiaowang, heishi jina" (Containment, engagement, or incorporation), in Shijie ribao (World Journal). New York, March 16, 1997. “Minshi fenli lun--jiejui taihai chongtu de muohu luoji” (To divorce the name from the fact: a fuzzy logic for the solution of the Taiwan conflict), in Ming Po Yuekang (MingPo Monthly), Hong Kong, April 1996: 8-11. "Meiguo yu taihai jushi" (The United States and the situation in the Taiwan Straits), in Ming Po (Ming Daily), Hong Kong, March 20, 1996. “Taihai liangan de lengzhan yu rezhan” (The Cold War and hot war across the Taiwan striate), A “New Thinking” column article in Yazhou Zhoukan (Asian Weekly), Hong Kong, August 6, 1995. “ Jianxi meiguo junshi ganyu taihai zhanshi de kenengxing” (On the possibility of an American military involvement in a possible Mainland-Taiwan war), in Ming Po Yuekang (MingPo Monthly), Hong Kong, August 1995. An invited theme article published with the editor's introduction and a commenting essay. This article was re-published by the influential internal publication of the Chinese Government, Gangautai Wenzhai (Digest of Journals in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), No. 18, 1995. (The Digest is distributed nation-wide to the Chinese officials above county magistrates). 11 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 "China: An Arduous Journey to Democracy". Daily Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia, PA. June 29, 1989. "Meiguo de kongjan jihua” (Space development programs in the U.S.), Wanxiang (Panorama), Beijing. No. 2, (September) 1985: 24-27. "Jishu yu jiuye” (Technology and employment), Guoji Jingji ( International Economy), Beijing. Vol 1., No. 1, 1985: 7-11. H. PRESENTATIONS Since 1993, I have delivered four dozen speeches and addresses, more than 51 conference papers, and more than four dozen conference presentations to national and international conferences in the United States, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan. V. SERVICE A. PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Membership of International and National Organizations American Political Science Association, International Political Science Association, Association of Asian Studies, International Studies Association. Council on Foreign Relations. Associate, China Research Center, Atlanta, GA. Associate, Center for U.S.-China Policy Studies, San Francisco State University. Chairman, Conference Group on China Studies, American Political Science Association, 2000-2002. Board Member, the Council on US-China Affairs, 1995-1997. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 1994-2002. Member, Academic/Education Advisory Board, the Southern Center for International Studies. Atlanta. 1993-present. Member of the Board of Directors, Association of Chinese Political Studies, 1994-1996. International and National Professional Activities Founding director/moderator of CPS, an international list-server for several hundreds of scholars based in 15 countries, since 2000. Made 53 funded trips to attend national and international conferences overseas since 1993. External reviewer for tenure and promotion cases in ten US colleges. 12 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 Peer reviewer for 16 US academic journals, one Singaporean journal, two British journals, one Korean journal, four US university presses, one British university press, three US commercial presses and two British commercial presses. Testified as an expert witness at the U.S. Congress, September, 2005. Consultant for the Belgian Government, the Holland National Bureau on Refugee Repatriation, the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board, U.S. General Accounting Office, the U.S.-China Business Council, CNN, NPR, and UPS. Olympic Envoy to Chinese Taipei Team for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. 1994-1996. Organized numerous panels for the annual conventions of APSA since 1993. Organized numerous panels for the annual conventions of ISA since 1995. Served as panel chair and/or discussant numerous times for the annual conventions of APSA since 1993. Served as panel chair and/or discussant numerous times for the annual conventions of ISA since1995. Served as panel chair and discussant for the annual convention of AAS. Served as panel chair or discussant for the annual conferences of Southern Political Science Association, Northeast Political Science Association, and Association of Chinese Political Scientists. Hosted the CNN (Cable News Network) Interactive Message Board "Visions of China," September 25, 1999 to January 2002. B. CAMPUS CONTRIBUTIONS Student Honor Committee, Faculty Senate, Georgia Tech, 2011-13. Member, Graduate Committee, Sam Nunn School, 2009-2013. Member, Steering Committee, Sam Nunn School, 1999-2001. Chair, 2004-2009. Member, Georgia Tech’s Ad Hoc Committee on China Initiative, Fall 2003-2005. Host of numerous visiting scholars and delegations from China, 1997-2007. Host of visiting scholar form Korea, 2006-2007. Member, Georgia Tech Young Faculty Award Committee, January-February, 2003. Member, Sam Nunn School Awards Committee, 2003-2005. Representative of Georgia Tech to the Asian Council and Committee of the University System of Georgia, 1998-2000. Member, Graduate Program Committee, Sam Nunn School, 1997-2000. 13 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 Representative of the Sam Nunn School to the Academic Senate and the General Faculty Assembly, Georgia Tech. 1998-2002. Chair, East Asian Faculty Caucus, Georgia Tech, 1997-1998. Chair, Committee of The 1996 Olympic Envoy Legacy Award. Sam Nunn School, 1997. Faculty Advisor: Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Georgia Tech, 19951999. Member of the Core Faculty of the Georgia Tech CIBER Program, 1993-present. Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, School of International Affairs, 1993-1995. Member, Graduate Program Committee, School of International Affairs, 1993-1995. Organized and hosted guest speakers from several countries, 1998-2008. Talk at Georgia Tech’s International House’s Theme Dinner, October 29, 2006. Speaker at the Monthly Seminar series of the Georgia Tech/Emory’s Biotechnology Policy Forum, October 23, 2006. Deputy Director of Asia Program: the Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy. Georgia Tech, 1993-2002. One of the initiators and speakers, INTA Faculty Seminar Series, since April, 1994. C. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS National and International Media Exposure I have appeared as a commentator or expert frequently since 1996 in TV and radio news programs of the following news media: CNN and CNN International Fox News Voice of America, CNBC, CBS, NBC Radio Free Asia Aljazeera TV (Qatar) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) News Radio FM 930 (Jamaica) Radio France Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany) Radio Singapore Singaporean TV News Asia TV (Singapore) CTN (Hong Kong & Taiwan) Sky TV (Italy) Radio Beijing International (China) 14 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 I have been interviewed and quoted by the following news media numerous times: Associated Press and United Press International The New York Times Businessweek China Digital Times The Cox News Group Chronicle of Higher Education The Christian Science Monitor CNN Interactive Chicago Tribune The Baltimore Sun The Atlanta Journal & Constitution IDG News Network (Computerworld, PC World). The Philadelphia Inquirer The Daily Telegraph The Stars and Stripes Assafir (Lebanon) Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Correio Braziliense (Brazil) Jornal do Brasil (Brazil) Energy Risk (Britain) The Financial Times (Britain) China Business News (China) The Xinhua News Agency (China) Jiefang Daily (China) Dongfang Zaobao (Oriental morning news, China) Fenghuang Weekly (Hong Kong) The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) Jetro Sensor (Japan) Russia Business (Russia) The Strait Times (Singapore) The United Daily (Singapore) Pravda (Slovakia) The El PaÌs (Spain) Discipline-Related Community Service I have given several lectures or speeches to local civic and educational groups in greater Atlanta area since 1994. Member of the Board of Directors of NACA (National Association of Chinese Americans), Atlanta Chapter, 1994-1997. Secretary of NACA, Atlanta Chapter, 1994-1995. VI. GRANTS As a principal investigator, I have been awarded numerous research and/or conference grants from the following sources: The Council on Foreign Relations, Georgia European Center, The Fulbright Commission, The Ivan Allen College, The Georgia Tech Foundation, The United States Military Academy, Tufts University, Center for China Research (UCLA), Center for International Business Education and Research, Harvard University, Princeton University, The Stanley 15 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 Foundation, U.S. Army Research Institute, U.S. Department of Defense, University of Pennsylvania, The Asian Foundation, The Ford Foundation. Hitachi Ltd., National University of Singapore, Chinese Association of Eurasia Studies (Taiwan), The Salzburg Seminar (Austria), The Central Party School (China), Center for Asia Pacific Studies (China), University of Victoria (Canada), Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). As a co-investigator or a member of a group, I have been awarded grants from the following sources: International Studies Association, CNN International, US Department of Education, US Department of Defense, The Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Research Center of the Chinese State Council, and The Coca Cola Foundation. VII. HONORS, AWARDS AND VISITING/ADJUNCT POSITIONS Visiting Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2011-14. Minerva Chair, U.S. Air Force Academy, 2012-2013. Visiting Fellow, the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 2009. Visiting Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, France, 2009. Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, 2009. Senior Visiting Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2008. Listed by Contemporary Authors as a “prominent author,” 2007. Visiting Professor, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, 2007. Member, Council on Foreign Relations, since 2005. Fulbright Scholar in Korea, Fulbright Commission, 2005-06. International Affairs Fellow in Japan, Council on Foreign Relations and Hitachi Foundation, 2005-06. Visiting Fellow, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, 2005-06. Honorary member of the 613th Special Force Group of the U.S. Air Force, January 2004. Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, 2002. Foreign Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1998-99. Chancellor's Awards for Faculty Development, the University System of Georgia, 1997 & 1999. 16 Fei-Ling Wang -- C.V. -- Updated, May 2014 Honorary professorships in two Chinese Universities: the Chinese Renmin University in Beijing and the Anhui Normal University, since 1996 & 1998. Commander's Award for Civilian Service in the U.S. Army, from Lieutenant General Howard D. Graves, June, 1993. Penfield Scholar, University of Pennsylvania. 1991-1992. Phi Beta Delta Honor Society, University of Pennsylvania. 1991. --- Updated, May 2014 --- 17
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