STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, MONROE COUNTY KRITERIUM, LLC, SUMMONS Plaintiff, INDEX NO.: - V- MONRO MUFFLER BRAKE, INC., Defendant. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the plaintiffs' attomey(s) within 20 days after service of this summons, exclusive ofthe day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the state, or within 30 days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner. In case of your failure to appear or answer,judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Plaintiff designates Monroe County as the place of trial. The basis ofthe venue is defendant's place of business. S o Dated: October 23, 2014 Rochester, New York p'] THE GLENNON L^W FIJ^ 1 ^ p«. C: By: Peter J. Gldnnon, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff T -X Q ^ 160 Linden Oaks Rochester, New York 14625 Tel: 585-210-2150 [email protected] STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, MONROE COUNTY KRITERIUM, LLC, Plaintiff, COMPLAINT - V- INDEX N0.:jtj'H9L|^ MONRO MUFFLER BRAKE, INC., Defendant. The plaintiff, Kriterinm, LLC ("Kriterium"), by its attorney, Peter J. Glennon, Esq. of The Glennon Law FirmP.C., as andfor its Complaint against defendant, Monro MufflerBrake, Inc. ("defendant" or "Monro"), alleges as follows: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 1. In this action, Kriterium seeks damages for defendant'sbreach of contract, conversion of Kriterium's property, andunjust enrichment arising from defendant's failure to perform its obligations under certain contracts, invoices, and other agreements (collectively, "agreements") with Kriterium, related Kriterium's provision of certain information technology services and equipment to defendant. 2. Accordingly, Kriterium seeksjudgment in its favor in an amountto be X determined at trial, but in no event less than $100,000, plus interest. -Jr. 3. C~5 -H rn Jurisdiction and Venue r; no CO cr Thejurisdiction of this Court is invoked pursuant to New York Civil •sr -< a cn' pu. • o * o 4. Venue is proper beforethis Courtpursuantto C.P.L.R §503 because defendant maintains executive offices in this County, a substantial portion of the transactions and wrongs complained of hereinoccurred in this County, and Defendant has received substantial compensation in this County by doing business hereand engagingin numerous activitiesthat have had an effect in this County. Parties 5. Plaintiff Kriterium is a limited liability company formed and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and has a principal place of business located at 595 Blossom Road, Suite 220, Rochester, New York 14610. 6. Upon information and belief. Defendant Monro is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws ofthe State ofNew York, with its principal executive offices at 200 Holleder Parkway, Rochester, New York 14615. Background 7. Kriterium is a provider of technology management services and provides businesses, including Monro, with various information technology ("IT") services and equipment, including, among other things, network design, installation, administration, hardware and software sales, premise writing, voice over internet protocol telephony, and related managed services. 8. Upon information and belief, Monro operates numerous locations throughout the United States that provide automotive undercar repair and tire services under the brand names of Monro Muffler Brake and Service, Mr. Tire, Tread Quarters Discount Tires, Autotire, Tire Warehouse, Tire Bam, and Towery's Tire and Auto Care. Currently, Monro operates 953 locations in 22 states and the District of Columbia. The locations provide a full range of services for brake systems, steering and suspension systems, tires, exhaust systems, and many vehicle maintenance services. 9. Beginning in or around 2006, Monro contracted with Kriterium for various managed services (including periodic monitoring of information technology equipment and hardware for security compliance), licenses, software, and equipment pursuantto the agreements (collectively, the "services"). 10. Kriterium performed its obligations tmder the agreement, including providing IT services and IT equipment, as well as providing various licenses for Monro's use with the required IT equipment. 11. In exchangefor Kriteriumperformingthe services, Monrowas obligated to pay Kriterium pursuant to the agreements. 12. However, Monro has failed to perform as obligated and failed to pay Kriterium for theservices it provided, resulting in Kriterium being damaged in an amount no less than $100,000. 13. Upon information and belief, Monro knowingly failed topay Kriterium the full amount owed for the contracted services and equipment Monro received from Knterium for over three years. To this day, Monro stiU continues to use the equipment from Kriterium without paying appropriate compensation to Kriterium. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION Breach of Contract 14. Knterium repeats and realleges the allegations ineach ofthe foregoing paragraphs as iffully set forth herein. 15. Knterium entered into a valid and legally enforceable agreements with Monro to provide managed services, licenses, other services, and equipment inexchange for compensation as set forth in the agreements. 16. Knterium performed allof itsobligations under the agreements, including the managed services, provision of licenses, and provision of ITequipment. 17. Monro breached the agreements by failing to make full payment forthe services provided by Kriterium and byfailing to retum to Kriterium the IT equipment it owns, which is used by Monro. 18. Kriterium hasinvoiced defendant for the services provided. 19. Defendant acknowledges that it owes payments to Kriterium. 20. Defendant willfully refuses to perform its obligations. 21. Defendant willfully refuses to pay forthe services and IT equipment it received from Kriterium. 22. Defendant has acted in bad faith in its performance of its obligations under the agreements. 23. Defendanthas continued receiving tiie benefit ofKriterium's servicesand equipment without paying the contractualsums owed to Kriterium. 24. Defendant failed to pay Kriterium the full amoimt owed under the agreements for the services and equipment received fromKfiterium. 25. Accordingly, Kriterium has been damaged by defendant's bad faith acts and omissions and is entitledto judgment in its favor in an amountto be determined at trial, but in no event less than $100,000. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION Conversion 26. Knterium repeats and realleges the allegations in each ofthe foregoing paragraphs as iffully set forth herein. 27. Knterium has legal ownership orimmediate superior (i^t ofpossession to the specific IT equipment (including among other things computer servers and firewalls) as setforth in the agreements ("the IT equipment"). 28. Defendant is presently exercisingunauthorized dominionand control over the IT equipment. 29. Because of defendant's acts andomissions, Knterium has requested the retum ofthe IT equipment at issue in this action. 30. Because of defendant's acts andomissions, Kriterium has requested the retum of the IT eqmpment at issue in this action. 29. Defendant has refused to retumthe servers to Kriterium, unlawfully converting and assuming ownership oftliese assets. 31. Knterium has thereforebeen damaged by defendant's unlawfiil conversion in an amountto be determined at trial, but in no eventless than $40,000. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION Unjust Enrichment 32. Knterium repeats andrealleges the allegations in each of theforegoing paragraphs as iffully set forth herein. 33. In the alternative, Monro improperly accepted services and equipment firom Kriterium with a value in excess of $100,000. 34. Defendant failed to fully pay Kriterium as required by the contract forthe services and equipment received from BCriterium. 35. It would therefore be imjust for Monro to continue to benefit from the unpaid services and equipmentit received from Kriterium. 36. Accordingly, Kriterium is entitled to judgment in its favor in an amount to bedetermined at trial, butin no event less thanthefull amount bywhich it was damaged by Monro's unjust enrichment Wherefore, Plaintiff Kriteriumprays for judgment in its favor as follows: (i) on its First CauseofAction in an amount to be determinedat trial, but in no event less than the full amount owed to Kriterium for the licenses, services, equipment, and managed services, plus other consequential damages, and pre and post judgment interest; (ii) on its Second Cause ofAction in an amount to be determined at trial, but in no event less than the fiill amountby whichKriterium was damaged by defendants' unjust enrichment, plus pre and post judgment interest; (iii) on its Third Cause ofAction in an amount to be determined at trial, but in no event less than the full amount by which Kriteriumwas damagedby defendant, plus pre and post judgment interest; (iv) on all Causes ofAction, punitive damages for defendant's willful bad faith conduct; and (v) grantingKriteriumthe costs ofthis action, including attorney's fees, together with such other and further relief as the court deemsjust, necessary, and proper. 6 Dated: Rochester, New York October 23,2014 THEGLENNONLA By: Peter J, Glerinon, Esq. Attorneyfor Plaintiff 160 Linden Oaks Rochester, New York 14625 Tel: 585-210-2150 [email protected]
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