PS Series Storage Array – Configuration

PS Series Storage Array – Configuration,
Operation and Management
PSSC0109ILTT (Pre-requisite for this course noted below)
No Charge
Instructor-Led Course
The Technical Training PS Series Storage Array - Configuration, Operation and Management course
provides the opportunity for you to gain an understanding of your customer's business requirements
driving their technology buying decisions to best address their storage needs today, and in the
future. This instructor led course allows the student to engage in a series of hands-on exercises that
are designed to provide the skills and knowledge to provide you with realistic and practical
experiences that can be leveraged in the field with your customers. This course also discusses the
operation and management of the advance features that are included with the PS Series Storage
Array, such as snapshots, replication, Host Integration Tool Kit (HIT Kit), VSS, MPIO and boot from
SAN. You will also install and monitor the PS Series storage array group with the EqualLogic SAN
Headquarters monitoring tool. The Dell Partner Portal is also discussed along with the variety of
tools available to you, such as the Dell EqualLogic PS Series Configuration Tool. This tool is designed
to assist you in matching a solution to your customer’s needs; this tool can help size configurations
based on numerous criteria.
Course Duration:
3 days
Who should attend:
This course is targeted towards Dell Channel Partner technical professionals.
What’s new:
This course addresses what features and products are supported by the latest EqualLogic firmware.
Course Prerequisite:
The following prerequisite knowledge is required before attending this course:
Completion of the PS Series Configuration and Management (PSPR1013WBTT) online course
Storage Network Protocols – iSCSI, SCSI, etc.
Local Area Network Protocols – Gigabit Ethernet
Internet Protocols
Network Management
Additional Reading Material:
Information relating to the topics listed above may be found on the or web sites.
Course Objectives:
Review key characteristics and advantages of the PS Series Storage Array
Review the PS Series Storage Array product family
Review the PS Series Storage Array software components
Setup the PS Series Storage Array using CLI commands and Remote Setup Wizard
Manage the PS Series Storage Array using CLI commands and web GUI
Interpret LEDs, capture a Diagnostic report from the PS Series Storage Array
Work with volumes to; create and connect to volumes, create volume folders and to work
with the volume wastebasket
Identify and perform key system troubleshooting steps
Describe replication and how replication can be used and then how to perform a replication
Configure and perform asynchronous replication between two groups
Describe and configure Replication Failback and also perform a manual transfer
Describe Synchronous Replication within a single group
Configure and use Synchronous Replication
Describe why use snapshots and then how to perform a snapshot. You will create a
snapshot, and then recover a single file from a snapshot and also recover a volume from a
Describe purpose of snapshots. Create a volume snapshot. Recover a single file from a
snapshot. Recover a volume from a snapshot.
Describe and configure Thin Clones
Describe and configure Clones
Configure multi-member groups, storage pools and discuss Storage tiering and how tiering
can be used with the array
Describe and configure Thin Provisioned volumes
Describe and configure Template volumes and Thin Clones and then replicate Thin Clones
and Template volumes
Review VSS and how it can be used in your storage environment and also how it integrates
with Auto Snapshot Manager
Discuss and configure MPIO and the Host Integration Tool Kit
Evaluate design considerations and best practices when using the PS Series Storage Array
Install and upgrade the firmware on the PS Series Storage Array
Capture a Diagnostic report from the PS Series Storage Array
Identify and perform key system troubleshooting steps
Install and configure and use SAN Headquarters
Course Outline:
Module 1 – Dell EqualLogic Solution and Product Overview
 Key characteristics of the PS Series Storage Array.
 PS Series Storage Array product family.
 Overview of software components
 Key features and benefits
o Single view management
o Scalability
o Terminology
 Initial Configuration of the PS Series Storage Array
o Command line setup utility
o Remote Setup Wizard
o Create volumes
o Connect and access a volume from a Windows Host
Initial creation and connection from server
o Access Control and Multi-host access
o iSCSI initiator connection
Thin Provisioned volumes
Volume Folders
Volume Recovery Bin and volume undelete
Review PS Series Storage Management Interfaces
Module 2 – Overview of Gigabit Ethernet, TCP/IP and iSCSI Technology
 iSCSI SAN environment
 Targets and initiators
 Discovery process
 Login redirection process
 Network setting including Flow Control, Jumbo frames and Spanning tree
 10GB Ethernet and DCB
 Integrating 10 GB with 1GB Ethernet
Module 3 – SAN Headquarters monitor tool
 Describe the SAN Headquarters tool
 Install and configure the SAN Headquarters tool
 Monitor your group with the SAN headquarters tool
Module 4 – PS Series Storage Firmware Upgrade
 Requirements for a Firmware update
Firmware update process takeaways
Module 5 – Clones and Thin Clones
 Describe volume cloning
 Describe and demonstrate clones
 Create a clone
 Describe Templates, Thin clones and their usage
 Describe and demonstrate Thin Clones
 Create Thin Clones
Module 6 – Snapshots
 What are snapshots and how can they be used
 Snapshot reserve space and snapshot space borrowing
 Creating a snapshot both unscheduled and using a schedule
 Connecting to a snapshot
 Using a snapshot to recover a file or a full volume
Module 7 – Replication
 PS Series Replication and replication features
o Normal
o Fast Failback
o Manual Transfer
 Configure replication between groups
 Local reserve and Replica reserve space
 Replication considerations
Module 8 – Multi-member Groups and Pools
 Storage Tiering
 Creating pools and managing pools
 Volume movement within a group, within a pool and between pools
 Explain the load balancing techniques in PS Series Storage pools
Module 9 – Synchronous replication
 Define the Equallogic implementation of Synchronous Replication (SyncRep)
 Describe the pool roles, sync active and sync alternate
 Describe the different states that a SyncRep volume can be in
 Explain how to configure a volume to use Sync Rep
 Describe the difference between switching over and failing over a SyncRep volume
Module 10 – Host Integration Tools
 What are the Equallogic Host Integration Tools
 Microsoft HIT
 VMware HIT
Module 11 – Troubleshooting and Tips
 Common problems and solutions in an Equallogic SAN
 How to capture a Diagnostic report
 Available support resourrces
Appendix B Design Considerations
 Key design considerations for a SAN
 Network design criteria
 Providing High availability and redundancy
Appendix C Legacy Arrays
 PS50- PS100 Hardware architecture
 PS50- PS100 FRU remove and replace
 PS6000- PS4000 hardware architecture
Appendix D PS4000 and PS6000
PS6000- PS4000 FRU remove and replace
Appendix E Partner Resources
 Partner Portal
 Training
 Support Site
Contact the Dell Partner Resource Desk
with questions; [email protected]