Great Lakes Conference May, 2014 THE MSA FACULTY LEARNING COMMUNITY (FLC) Central Michigan University PHASE I: FLC OBJECTIVES: 1. Determine ways we can help our MSA /MA in ED students successfully complete the capstone experience; 2. Consider and reflect on the best practices that faculty use in methodology (MSA 600) and capstone (MSA 699) courses that facilitate student completion/success rates. 3. Provide a forum for faculty and staff to discuss important issues as they relate to the two purposes above. According to FACIT (Faculty Center for Innovative Teaching, 2013), FLCs provide effective "deep learning that encourages and supports faculty to investigate, attempt, assess, and adopt new methods of teaching". It is also the goal of this FLC to create a product, such as a presentation or publication, that highlights the findings of the FLC participants. PHASE II: FACULTY SURVEY (Fall, 2013) a survey of all faculty teaching MSA 600 and MSA 699 was distributed to approximately 95 faculty. The data was then collected and analyzed with these results: 1. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MSA 600? (Research Methodology class) Learn and apply APA style to scholarly works (91%) Develop a research question (91%) Differentiate research methodologies and typologies (86%) Learn how to do a literature review (86%) Identify appropriate statistical measures (82%) To have students produce a research proposal (I, II, III) (73%) To introduce students to the CMU Library (55%) Only to prepare student to complete the MSA 600 proposal (5%) Page 1 of 9 2. THE CAPSTONE PROJECT (MSA 699) IS INTENDED TO BE A/AN: Research project (95%) Plan B paper (38%) Thesis (19%) Extended literature review (14%) 3. WHAT IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONNECTION BETWEEN MSA 600 AND MSA 699? With MSA 699 instructor approval, the MSA 600 proposal may be modified for use in the MSA 699 project. (100%) 4. WHAT ADDITIONAL RESOURCES WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE PROVIDED TO AID YOU IN THE INSTRUCTION OF MSA 600/699? Discussion board administered by seasoned MSA 600/699 faculty (40%) Best practices guides (30%) APA tutorials (25%) Video clip library (5%) 5. SHOULD THERE BE AN (ONLINE) ORIENTATION FOR ALL NEW FACULTY TEACHING MSA 600 or MSA 699? Yes (91%) 6. WHAT RESOURCES WOULD YOU LIKE PROVIDED TO AID IN THE INSTRUCTION OF MSA 600/699? Powerpoints (65%) Peer evaluations (65%) Video clips (60%) Guest speakers (50%) Service learning (30%) Page 2 of 9 7. IDENTIFY ONE BEST PRACTICE THAT IMPACTS STUDENT SUCCESS IN MSA 600. A pre-class assignment that explains what students will need to do in class and forces them to identify research ideas Understanding what constitutes a realistic topic Having students incorporate a research typology Availability of research proposal template Provide an APA template for students to follow Time spent on stating the problem, purpose and research question Meeting individually with the instructor and the librarian to launch a literature search strategy Having students complete a library tour Developing a data collection spreadsheet and preparing it for statistical analysis Analyzing a data set Peer review by other students Submission of drafts for review and feedback Use the research proposal as a teaching tool Instructor needs to be sure that students have met all objectives of class PHASE III: CURRICULUM MAPPING: Dr. Eron Drake, of CMU’s Faculty Center for Innovative Teaching (FACIT), helped our FLC complete a “curriculum mapping” activity. The purpose of this activity was to: 1. Align curriculum, instruction and assessment 2. Develop a process for collecting data 3. Document the relationships between components of the curriculum 4. Ensure a quality process is followed for design, assessment and teaching and learning activities 5. Support reflective inquiry, collaboration and accountability BENEFITS OF CURRICULUM MAPPING Identify when and where learning is taught and assessed Fosters conversation about curriculum content Identifies gaps Identifies repetition between scope and sequence Page 3 of 9 Improves delivery and assessment over time Provides information for the analysis of assessment and skills Reinforces the value of the curriculum Serves as a communication tool MSA 600- Objective #1: “Determine administrative issues/topics that can be researched within private, public and not-for-profit sectors.”(objectives from Master course syllabus) • Share 699 rubric in 600 and give advance notice of expectations as to what constitutes a high quality research project. • Make certain that the proposed capstone project topic is acceptable for the MSA program. • Have students seek perceptions of people in real organizations regarding current organizational issues or problems. • Be certain project is work and concentration related. • Use case studies, role plays and simulations to help achieve this objective. • Have students determine top issues or concerns within their disciplines. • Determine where students encounter barriers or “bottlenecks” and help them work through them. MSA 600 - Objective # 2: “Identify, collect, evaluate and synthesize research/literature to draw and support conclusions and make recommendations.” • Provide samples of excellent literature reviews. • Introduce students to a framework for summarizing and analyzing articles for future reference. • Require a research component in all courses. • Develop an ongoing library connection/relationship. • Have students practice analyzing and evaluating research- how was the research conducted, what are the strengths and weaknesses? Page 4 of 9 • Showcase good practices using excellent examples of related literature reviews. • Use the Foundation for Critical Thinking for a framework for reading articles that is helpful for students. • Annotate parts of literature reviews to reinforce or unpack expectations. • Require strong criteria for Chapter II. MSA 600 - Objective # 3: “Identify, evaluate and synthesize research data to draw and support conclusions and make recommendations.” • Ensure that research is current and relevant. • Encourage students to be careful in drawing conclusions. Sometimes better to say “there is not enough data to draw conclusions” or “data does not support a conclusion.” • Have students practice an abbreviated version of real data collection, analysis and synthesis. • Develop checklist to help students know how to make more informed decisions about appropriate conclusions and/or recommendations. MSA 600 - Objective # 4: “Effectively and concisely communicate research findings and conclusions to others in a written form using standard written English and APA format.” • Make certain project is data-based and has strong foundation for accurate findings. • Have students consider a 360 degree evaluation of their potential project. MSA 600 - Objective # 5: “Effectively and concisely present research findings/conclusions/recommendations to others in oral form using appropriate visual aids.” Have discussions about what and how the research tells us about a given issue. Page 5 of 9 MSA 600- Objective # 6: “Demonstrate an understanding of research methods by developing a practice research proposal that may or may not be appropriate to the student’s MSA capstone project.” Determine if a rubric would be useful in completing MSA 600 requirements; MSA 600- Objective # 7: “Demonstrate an applied knowledge of APA style/format.” • Require the purchase of the current APA edition. • Determine whether students are performing these requirements before the final project is submitted. • APA format use and understanding must be emphasized through the program- not a surprise when the student gets to 699. • APA format should be required throughout program. • Use APA tutorials and templates as necessary. • Integrate mini-assignments and/or require APA citations. RELATED ISSUES: Clarification of polices such as: extension of project due dates, ensuring consistency between 600/699 faculty, when 600 should be taken by the student, provide orientation for 600 and 699 faculty and requiring primary data collection in other MSA classes. MSA 699- Objective # 1: “Conduct applied research in the field of Administration.” (objectives from Master course syllabus) • Best practices include: • Very good 699 projects are related to student’s passion/field of study. Important to help students brainstorm good project ideas. “They can’t bail the ocean” in the capstone. • Provide a checklist of items needed to complete the project. • Syllabus is starting point for 699. It must be detailed and specific. • Rubric review of the capstone is critical. Page 6 of 9 • Project selection is key- students should be encouraged to ask their supervisors or other organizational officials for project ideas and or issues. This helps ensure their buy-in and support. Better yet: have students get their supervisors to come up with a topic of concern- even in MSA 600. • Students need to get out of the “weekend assignment mode.” This is a far different and more complex project. Students need to forget about the bottom level of Bloom’s taxonomy. MSA 699- Objective #2: “Analyze administrative issues and problems critically and creatively.” • Instruct students (through syllabus) to bring to class a problem statement about an “administrative issue” at their workplace. Have them write a problem statement, then have the other students critique and help develop the idea. May become an actual proposal. • Remind students that there may be a number of proprietary issues with a given organization and their reluctance to share information- or have any primary data collected. Have students obtain written permission early, or be prepared to take on another project idea. Discourage data collection becoming an extension of Chapter II. • Figure out more ways to connect 600 and 699. • Tell students how critical it is to get access to organizational informationand that there are no guarantees they will get it. If they fail to get critical information/permission, students may want to consider feasibility study. • Students are intimidated about “administrative issues.” Discuss examples, such as “no smoking” policies as an issue. MSA 699- Objective # 3: “Identify, collate, synthesize, and use primary scholarly research sources to generate research questions to examine a professional work-related problem.” Introducing MSA 699 rubric in each of the core courses to help students prepare for the Capstone; Page 7 of 9 Having students understand the challenges in obtaining approval to conduct research at the organization studied- and the time constraints associated with it. Remind students that project may not be directly related to job. Students may need to look outside of immediate workplace. MSA 699- Objective # 4: “Apply quantitative and/or qualitative research methods to examine a professional work-related problem.” Have students complete quantitative analyses before 699. (Need a primer/learning modules for completing quantitative analyses). Be certain students can conduct qualitative and quantitative research and avoid an “extended literature review” in Chapter IV; Suggest alternatives for students who are not able to conduct primary research in an organization- especially if they are unable to obtain appropriate permission; MSA 699- Objective #5: “Develop research findings and make recommendations based on literature and data analysis.” Remind students that there is “no one size fits all” capstone. The project depends on the student and problems they want to take on. The dialog between faculty and student needs to be ongoing. The objective is to help the student be successful. MSA 699- Objective # 6: “Effectively present findings and recommendations to solve or improve upon a professional work-related problem.” Providing an opportunity for students to discuss/defend the capstone project with faculty and/or other students (before final submission); MSA 699- Objective # 7: “Present and defend their research when it comes under scholarly and/or professional scrutiny.” Standardize MSA 600 and 699 minimal expectations and outcomes; Create forums to brainstorm project ideas. Consider reviewing various current events and have students determine approaches to addressing issues. Page 8 of 9 PHASE IV: NEXT STEPS 1. Develop an online orientation for new and existing MSA 600 and MSA 699 faculty—that includes a faculty and student- developed “best practice ideas.” (Include in master course syllabus). 2. Develop a Student Manual for MSA 600. 3. Amend master course syllabus of all five core MSA courses to include a primary research component. 4. Recognize outstanding Capstone projects for students completing the program. 5. Consider a second proposal to FACIT to examine alternative strategies to completing the Capstone- such as a Comprehensive Examination at the completion of the program. NOTES SECTION MSA: Masters of Science in Administration MSA 600 refers to the course “Foundations of Research Methods in Administration.” Course description can be found at: MSA 699 refers to the course “Applied Research Project in Administration” Course description can be found at: Central Michigan University uses the APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide 6th Edition Each course at Central Michigan University has a “master course syllabus” that instructors are to use in developing the actual course offered. The survey instrument used was “Survey Monkey” and administered over a three week period with a 50% rate of return. “The Student Guide to the Capstone Project” is an MSA publication used to help instructors and students understand the capstone process. TheDepartment/Documents/ Page 9 of 9
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