A $30. per team fee will be billed for teams which attend interconference regattas. Billing to the Conferences will be after the Fall season and included with the Spring bill. Teams which withdraw properly will not be billed. See ICSA Billing Policy for full details. Approved November 19, 2013 Week-end #2 9/13-14 Z420s NEISA FJs 2014 FALL SEASON WD=8/29 Harry Anderson Trophy @ Yale 12 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 9/13-14 NEISA Colgate 26s (crew of 4) Pine Trophy Fleet Race @ Coast Guard 6 NEISA, 2 MAISA, 2 Invite 9/13-14 MCSA 420s Fall Fury @ Wisconsin MCSA as scheduled, 1 MAISA, 1 NEISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA Week-end #3 9/20-21 1 420 MAISA 1 FJ (3 Div) 1 Laser WD=9/5 Nevins Trophy @ Kings Point 11 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 2 Invites 9/20-21 NEISA FJs Z420s Mrs. Hurst Women's @ Dartmouth 10 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 Invite 9/20-21 NEISA 2 FJs 1 Firefly Hatch Brown Interconference @ MIT by Boston Univ/MIT 12 NEISA, 1 each other conference 9/20-21 MAISA Navy 44s Shields Trophy @ Navy Military/Maritime affiliated teams may apply. Week-end #4 9/27-28 Larks NEISA WD=9/5 – ** 3 Week Drop Deadline** Hood Trophy @ Tufts 14 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 Invites 9/27-28 MAISA St. Mary’s College of Md Interconference @ St. Mary’s 9 MAISA, 5 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 Invite FJs Z420s Week-end #5 10/4-5 FJs NEISA 420s ** BEGINNING AT THIS TIME ALL REGATTAS HAVE A 1 MONTH DROP DEADLINE ** WD=9/5 Danmark Trophy at Coast Guard 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA 10/4-5 SAISA J-22s T.S. Stern Match Race @ Charleston Charleston, 2 SAISA, 2 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 1 Invite Same crew requirements as Match Race Nationals 10/4-5 MCSA 420s Cary-Price Memorial @ Michigan 8 MCSA, 2 MAISA, 1 NEISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA, 1 Invite Approved November 19, 2013 P a g e | 2 (’14 Fall) ** BEGINNING AT THIS TIME ALL REGATTAS HAVE A 1 MONTH DROP DEADLINE ** Week-end #5 WD=9/5 10/5-6 420s Jesuit Open @ Fordham MAISA 10 MAISA, 6 NEISA, 1 MCSA, 1 PCCSC 10/5-6 MAISA Colgate 26s Intrepid Trophy Match Race@ Navy 4 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 2 Invites Week-end #6 10/11-12 1 Z420 MAISA 1 FJ (3 div) 1 Radial WD=9/12 Navy Women's Fall Interconference @ Navy 7 MAISA, 3 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 2 SEISA 10/11-12 NEISA FJs Moody Trophy @ Rhode Island 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 3 Invites 10/11-12 MAISA 420s Hobart/WmSmith Fall Interconference @ Hobart/WmSmith 9 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA 10/11-12 Boats provided Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta @ Larchmont YC **PROMOTIONAL** One-design racing in offshore classes Contact Adam Loory [email protected] Week-end #7 10/18-19 1 Z420 MAISA 1 FJ (4 div) 1 Laser 1 Radial WD=9/19 Fall Interconference @ Navy 11 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 SEISA 10/18-19 NEISA Z420s FJs Yale Women's Interconference @ Yale 12 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 10/18-19 NEISA Z420s FJs Capt. Hurst Bowl @ Dartmouth 10 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 Invite 10/18-19 PCCSC CFJs BYO Boat Stoney Burke Interconference @ UC/Berkeley – EVENT ENTRY FEE All PCCSC, 3 NWICSA, 1 each other conference, 2nd team (all women) welcome Limited charters (w/fee) available Week-end #8 10/25-26 420s NEISA WD=9/26 Hoyt Trophy @ Brown 11 NEISA, 5 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 10/25-26 SEISA FJs Kathryn Hammond Memorial Regatta @ U/Texas 4 SEISA, 3 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 3 NEISA, 2 NWICSA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA 10/25-26 NEISA FJ Stu Nelson Women's @ Connecticut College 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA, 1 Invite 10/25-26 MAISA Colgate 26s (crew of 4) Small Keelboat Invitational Scrimmage **PROMOTIONAL** 11 berths JV collegiate teams ICSA rules apply Contact: Jahn Tihansky (410)293-5608 [email protected] Approved November 19, 2013 Week-end #9 11/1-2 FJs NEISA Z420’s WD=10/3 Women's Victorian Coffee Urn @ Harvard Dartmouth 13 NEISA, 3 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 Invite 11/1-2 NEISA Freshman Interconference Regatta / Nickerson Trophy @ Tufts 16 NEISA, 2 Invites Larks Week-end #10 11/7-9 Lasers, Laser Radials 11/7-9 ICSA Navy 44s P a g e | 3 (’14 Fall) Nov 2--2:00 am Standard Time Begins--Turn clocks BACK 1 hour. WD=10/10 2014-2015 ICSA / LaserPerformance Singlehanded National Championships @ Western Washington University & Bellingham Bay Yacht Club Glen S. Foster Trophy (Men) and Janet Lutz Trophy (Women) 18 Qualifiers each 2014-2015 50thth Kennedy Cup @ Navy Navy, 1 each conference Mandatory practice Fri a.m. Week-end #11 11/15-16 2 CFJs PCCSC (3 div) BYO Boats WD=10/17 Pacific Coast Championship @ UC/Santa Barbara– EVENT ENTRY FEE All PCCSC, 3 NWICSA Limited charters (w/fee) available Teams bring 2 CFJ’s and rotate 3 divisions through the boats 11/15-16 MA/NE/SA FJ’s 420s Atlantic Coast Dinghies Fiske-Harriman-Sleigh Trophies @ Coast Guard 7 MAISA, 8 NEISA, 3 SAISA Top teams from these Conferences' Fall Dinghy Championships 11/15-16 MA/NE/SA FJ’s Atlantic Coast Tournament @ Hobart & William Smith Colleges 7 NEISA, 7 MAISA, 2 SAISA Next teams from these Conferences' Fall Dinghy Championships , Host first alternate if not a qualifier 11/15-16 MA/NE/SA FJ’s Fireflies Atlantic Coast Women's @ MIT 8 MAISA, 7 NEISA, 3 SAISA Week-end #12 11/21-23 Sonar ICSA WD=10/24 2014-2015 ICSA Match Race National Championship 44th Shields Trophy @ Seawannakha Corinthian Yacht Club (Cornelius Shields, Sr Trophy) 10 qualifiers 11/22-23 MCSA Timme Angsten @ MCSA/Chicago YC– EVENT ENTRY FEE 14 MCSA, 4 Invites 420s Week-end #13 12/30-31 420s SEISA WD=11/21 Sugar Bowl @ Southern YC/Tulane 4 SEISA, 1 each other conference 12/30-31 SEISA 420s Sugar Bowl Women's @ Southern YC/Tulane 4 SEISA, 1 each other conference Women's berths not filled 6 weeks prior to the regatta become invite coed berths. 1/3-4/15 PCCSC FJs WD=12/5/14 Rose Bowl Regatta @ USC/Alamitos Bay YC – EVENT ENTRY FEE 17 PCCSC, 2 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 2 NEISA, 2 NWICSA, 2 SAISA, 2 SEISA, 2 Invites Approved November 19, 2013 Spring—FYI 1/17-18/15 FJs P a g e | 4 (’14 Fall) Peter Wenner Memorial Rainbow Invitational @ Hawaii *PROMOTIONAL* 12 possible berths Contact Andy Johnson ([email protected]) A $30.00 per team fee will be billed for teams attending interconference regattas. Billing to the Conferences will be after the Fall season and included with the Spring bill. Teams which withdraw properly will not be billed. See ICSA Billing Policy for full details. Proposed May 26, 2014 2015 SPRING SEASON Coaches Colloquium @ Park City, Utah ICSA Mid Winter Meeting @ Park City, Utah 1/6-10 1/10 1/17-18 CFJs Week-end #1 2/7-8 SEISA 420s Week-end #2 2/14-15 Week-end #3 2/21-22 SAISA Peter Wenner Memorial Rainbow Invitational @ Hawaii *Promotional* 12 possible berths ICSA Rules apply Contact Andy Johnson ([email protected]) WD= Harris Kempner Memorial @ Texas A&M Galveston 4 SEISA, 3 SAISA, 1 each other conference WD= 420s FJs WD= Spring Interconference @ Charleston 4 SAISA, 4 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 2 PCCSC, 1 SEISA, 2 Invites 2/21-22 SAISA FJs Women's Interconference @ South Florida 4 SAISA, 2 NEISA, 2 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 Invite 2/21-22 SEISA 420s Nelson Roltsch @ Southern YC, New Orleans, LA 3 SEISA, 2 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 2 NEISA, 1 NWICSA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA Week-end #4 2/28-3/1 SAISA 2/28-3/1 SAISA 420s FJs WD= - ** 3 Week Drop Deadline** Old South Regatta @ U/Florida 7 SAISA, 2 SEISA, 1 Invite Frank Mendelblatt Team Race @ South Florida 3 SAISA, 2 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 Invites ** BEGINNING AT THIS TIME ALL REGATTAS HAVE A 1 MONTH DROP DEADLINE ** Week-end end #5 WD= 3/6-8 Catalina 37s Harbor Cup @ Los Angeles YC PCCSC (crew of 7) 10 teams by invite/résumé: (4 PCCSC, 6 Invites) Request for invitation due by December 15 to Charlie Arms ([email protected]) 3/7-8 SAISA 420s FJs Bob Bavier Team Race Interconference @ Charleston 3 SAISA, 3 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 2 Invites 3/7-8 PCCSC FJs Z420s Jeremy McIntyre Team Race @ Stanford – EVENT ENTRY FEE 4 PCCSC, 1 NWICSA, 5 Invites Proposed May 26, 2014 Week-end #6 3/14-15 FJs SAISA WD= Eckerd Interconference @ Eckerd 6 SAISA, 3 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SEISA P a g e | 2 (’15 Spring) 3/14-15 MAISA 420s FJs Navy Women's Spring Interconference @ Navy 7 MAISA, 3 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 2 SEISA 3/14-15 MAISA FJs Z420s St. Mary's Team Race Interconference @ St. Mary's 5 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 Invites 3/14-15 MAISA FJs John Jackson Team Race @ Georgetown 5 MAISA, 3 Invites Week-end #7 3/21-22 MAISA FJs Z420s WD= St. Mary's Women's Interconference @ St. Mary's/MD 6 MAISA, 6 NEISA, 2 MCSA, 2 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA 3/21-22 MAISA FJs 420s Graham Hall Team Race @ Navy 8 MAISA, 4 NEISA, 2 SAISA, 2 Invites 3/21-22 NEISA FJs Southern New England Team Race @ Connecticut College 6 NEISA, 2 MAISA, 2 Invites Week-end #8 3/28-29 MAISA FJs WD= Aaron Szambecki Team Race @ Old Dominion 4 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 2 Invites 3/28-29 MAISA 18 420s 6 FJs Admiral Moore Team Race @ NY Maritime **Wet suit/dry suit strong recommended 5 MAISA, 3 NEISA, 2 Invites 3/28-29 NEISA Larks Friis Team Race @Tufts 7 NEISA, 3 Invites 3/28-29 SAISA 420s FJs Women's Interconference @ Charleston 4 SAISA, 4 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 2 PCCSC, 1 SEISA, 2 Invites 3/28-29 PCCSC CFJs BYO Boat St. Francis Yacht Club Interconference @ St. Francis YC All PCCSC, 3 NWICSA, 1 Each Other Conference 2nd team (all women) welcome Limited charters (w/fee) available. Week-end #9 4/4-5 NEISA FJs Fireflies 4/4-5 NEISA Week-end #10 4/11-12 NEISA 4/11-12 MCSA 420s FJs 420s FJs WD= Lynne Marchiando Team Race @ MIT 12 NEISA, 4 Invites Dellenbaugh Women's Trophy @ Brown 10 NEISA, 3 MAISA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 Invite WD= Emily Wick Trophy at Coast Guard 12 NEISA, 3 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 Invite OSU Invite @ Ohio State MCSA as scheduled, 1 MAISA, 1 NEISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA Proposed May 26, 2014 P a g e | 3 (’15 Spring) APRIL 15th Annual deadline for submission of nominations to the ICSA-NA Hall of Fame. For complete information on the process see the ICSA-lists. Annual deadline for submission of nominations to the ICSA All-Academic Committee. Week-end #11 4/18-19 NEISA FJs WD= President’s Trophy Women's at Boston University 14 NEISA, 2 MAISA, 2 Invites 4/18-19 MAISA 1 420 1 FJ Truxtun Umsted @ Navy 10 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 5 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 SEISA 4/18-19 NEISA (3 Div) FJs 420s Thompson Trophy @ Coast Guard 10 NEISA, 5 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 4/18-19 NWICSA BYO CFJ Rainier Cup @ The Gorge, Cascade Locks, OR All NWICSA, 6 PCCSC, 2 MCSA, 1 each other conference 2nd team (all women) welcome Limited charter (w/fee) available. Week-end #12 4/25-26 NEISA (3 Div) 2 FJs 1 Firefly WD= Boston Dinghy Club Challenge Cup @ Harvard/MIT 10 NEISA, 3 MAISA, 1 each other conference 4/25-26 NEISA FJs George E. Morris Trophy @ Boston University 14 NEISA, 2 MAISA, 2 Invites 4/25-26 MAISA (3 Div) 1 420 1 FJ 1 Laser Admiral's Cup @ Kings Point 10 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 5 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 SEISA Week-end #13 5/2-3 POST SEASON May 25-June 3 @ NYYC WD= A $30. per team fee will be billed for teams which attend interconference regattas. Billing to the Conferences will be after the Fall season and included with the Spring bill. Teams which withdraw properly will not be billed. See ICSA Billing Policy for full details. Proposed May 26, 2014 2015 FALL SEASON Week-end #1 WD= 9/5-6 Week-end #2 9/12-13 Z420s NEISA FJs WD= Harry Anderson Trophy @ Yale 12 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 9/12-13 NEISA Colgate 26s (crew of 4) Pine Trophy Fleet Race @ Coast Guard 6 NEISA, 2 MAISA, 2 Invite 9/12-13 MCSA 420s Fall Fury @ Wisconsin MCSA as scheduled, 1 MAISA, 1 NEISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA Week-end #3 9/19-20 FJ NEISA WD= Stu Nelson Women's @ Connecticut College 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA, 1 Invite 9/19-20 MAISA (3 Div) 1 420 1 FJ 1 Laser Nevins Trophy @ Kings Point 11 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 2 Invites 9/19-20 NEISA 2 FJs 1 Firefly Hatch Brown Interconference @ MIT by Boston Univ/MIT 12 NEISA, 1 each other conference 9/19-20 MAISA Navy 44s Shields Trophy @ Navy Military/Maritime affiliated teams may apply. Week-end #4 9/26-27 Larks NEISA WD= – ** 3 Week Drop Deadline** Hood Trophy @ Tufts 14 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 Invites 9/26-27 MAISA St. Mary’s College of Md Interconference @ St. Mary’s 9 MAISA, 5 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 Invite FJs Z420s ** BEGINNING AT THIS TIME ALL REGATTAS HAVE A 1 MONTH DROP DEADLINE ** Week-end #5 WD= 10/3-4 FJs Danmark Trophy at Coast Guard NEISA 420s 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA 10/3-4 SAISA J-22s T.S. Stern Match Race @ Charleston Charleston, 2 SAISA, 2 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 1 Invite Same crew requirements as Match Race Nationals ** BEGINNING AT THIS TIME ALL REGATTAS HAVE A 1 MONTH DROP DEADLINE ** Proposed May 26, 2014 Week-end #5 10/3-4 420s MCSA WD= Cary-Price Memorial @ Michigan 8 MCSA, 2 MAISA, 1 NEISA, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA, 1 Invite P a g e | 2 (’15 Fall) 10/3-4 MAISA 420s Jesuit Open @ Fordham 10 MAISA, 6 NEISA, 1 MCSA, 1 PCCSC 10/3-4 MAISA Colgate 26s Intrepid Trophy Match Race@ Navy 4 MAISA, 2 NEISA, 2 Invites Week-end #6 10/10-11 1 Z420 MAISA 1 FJ (3 div) 1 Radial WD= Navy Women's Fall Interconference @ Navy 7 MAISA, 3 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 2 SEISA 10/10-11 NEISA FJs Moody Trophy @ Rhode Island 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 3 Invites 10/10-11 MAISA 420s Hobart/WmSmith Fall Interconference @ Hobart/WmSmith 9 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 SEISA 10/10-11 Boats provided Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta @ Larchmont YC **PROMOTIONAL** One-design racing in offshore classes Contact Adam Loory [email protected] Week-end #7 10/17-18 1 Z420 MAISA 1 FJ (4 div) 1 Laser 1 Radial WD= Fall Interconference @ Navy 11 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 4 NEISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 SEISA 10/17-18 NEISA Z420s FJs Yale Women's Interconference @ Yale 12 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 10/17-18 NEISA Z420s FJs Capt. Hurst Bowl @ Dartmouth 11 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA, 1 MCSA Week-end #8 10/24-25 FJs NEISA Z420s WD= Mrs. Hurst Women's @ Dartmouth 10 NEISA, 4 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 2 SAISA, 1 Invite 10/24-25 NEISA 420s Hoyt Trophy @ Brown 11 NEISA, 5 MAISA, 1 PCCSC, 1 SAISA 10/24-25 SEISA FJs Kathryn Hammond Coed Interconference at U/Texas 4 SEISA, 3 MAISA, 2 MCSA, 3 NEISA, 2 NWICSA, 2 PCCSC, 2 SAISA 10/24-25 MAISA Colgate 26s (crew of 4) Small Keelboat Invitational Scrimmage **PROMOTIONAL** 11 berths JV collegiate teams ICSA rules apply Contact: Jahn Tihansky (410)293-5608 [email protected] Week-end #9 10/31-11/1 FJs WD= Women's Victorian Coffee Urn @ Harvard Proposed May 26, 2014 NEISA 13 NEISA, 3 MAISA, 1 SAISA, 1 Invite 10/31-11/1 NEISA Larks Freshman Interconference Regatta / Nickerson Trophy @ Tufts 16 NEISA, 2 Invites 10/31-11/1 PCCSC CFJs BYO Boat Stoney Burke Interconference @ UC/Berkeley – EVENT ENTRY FEE All PCCSC, 3 NWICSA, 1 each other conference, 2nd team (all women) welcome Limited charters (w/fee) available Week-end #10 11/6-8 Lasers, Laser Radials 11/6-8 ICSA Navy 44s P a g e | 3 (’15 Fall) Nov 2--2:00 am Standard Time Begins--Turn clocks BACK 1 hour. WD= 2015-2016 ICSA / LaserPerformance Singlehanded National Championships @ Glen S. Foster Trophy (Men) and Janet Lutz Trophy (Women) 18 Qualifiers each 2014-2015 50thth Kennedy Cup @ Navy Navy, 1 each conference Mandatory practice Fri a.m. Week-end #11 11/14-15 2 CFJs PCCSC (3 div) BYO Boats WD= Pacific Coast Championship @ UC/Santa Barbara– EVENT ENTRY FEE All PCCSC, 3 NWICSA Limited charters (w/fee) available Teams bring 2 CFJ’s and rotate 3 divisions through the boats 11/14-15 MA/NE/SA Atlantic Coast Dinghies Fiske-Harriman-Sleigh Trophies @ 8 MAISA, 7 NEISA, 3 SAISA Top teams from these Conferences' Fall Dinghy Championships 11/14-15 MA/NE/SA Atlantic Coast Tournament @ 7 NEISA, 7 MAISA, 2 SAISA Next teams from these Conferences' Fall Dinghy Championships , Host first alternate if not a qualifier 11/14-15 MA/NE/SA Atlantic Coast Women's @ 7 MAISA, 8 NEISA, 3 SAISA Week-end #12 11/20-22 ICSA WD= 2015-2016 ICSA Match Race National Championship 45th Shields Trophy @ (Cornelius Shields, Sr Trophy) 10 qualifiers 11/21-22 MCSA 420s Timme Angsten @ MCSA/Chicago YC– EVENT ENTRY FEE 14 MCSA, 4 Invites Week-end #13 12/30-31 420s SEISA WD= Sugar Bowl @ Southern YC/Tulane 4 SEISA, 1 each other conference 12/30-31 SEISA 420s Sugar Bowl Women's @ Southern YC/Tulane 4 SEISA, 1 each other conference Women's berths not filled 6 weeks prior to the regatta become invite coed berths. 1/2-3/16 PCCSC FJs WD=12/4/15 Rose Bowl Regatta @ USC/Alamitos Bay YC – EVENT ENTRY FEE 17 PCCSC, 2 MAISA, 1 MCSA, 2 NEISA, 2 NWICSA, 2 SAISA, 2 SEISA, 2 Invites Proposed May 26, 2014 P a g e | 4 (’15 Fall) Spring—FYI FJs Peter Wenner Memorial Rainbow Invitational @ Hawaii *PROMOTIONAL* 12 possible berths Contact Andy Johnson ([email protected])
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