FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION DEPARTMENT TENTATIVE COURSE OFFERINGS FOR 2014-15 ACADEMIC YEAR Not all courses listed below are required Course # Course Title Units SU14 F14 Prerequisites W15 SP15 FSN 101-01 Orientation to the Nutrition Major 1 X FSN 101-02 Orientation to the Food Science Major 1 X FSN 121 Fundamentals of Food 4 X FSN 125 Introduction to Food Science 4 X FSN 200 Special Problems for Undergraduates 1-4 FSN 201 Enterprise Project 1-4 FSN 204 Food Processing Operations 4 FSN 210 Nutrition 4 FSN 230 FSN 244 Elements of Food Processing 4 Cereal and Bakery Science -unsure of course offering for 2014-15 4 FSN 250 Food & Nutrition: Customs & Culture 4 FSN 275 4 FSN 285 Elements of Food Safety (new class) Certified Organic Food Processing Ops- will not be offered in 2014-15 FSN 304 Advanced Culinary Principles & Practice 4 FSN 310 Maternal and Child Nutrition 4 FSN 311 Sensory Evaluation of Food 4 FSN 315 Nutrition in Aging 4 FSN 319 4 FSN 321 Food Technology for the Consumer Contemporary Issues in Food Choice & Preparation FSN 328 Nutrient Metabolism I 4 X X FSN 329 Nutrient Metabolism II 4 X X FSN 330 Introduction to Principles of Food Engineering 4 X FSN 334 Food Packaging 3 FSN 335 4 FSN 341 Food Quality Assurance Wines and Fermented Foods - unsure of course offering for 2014-15 FSN 343 Institutional Foodservice I 3 FSN 344 Institutional Foodservice II 4 FSN 354 Packaging Function in Food Processing 3 FSN 364 Food Chemistry 4 FSN 368 FSN 370 Food Analysis 4 Food Plant Sanitation & Prerequisite Programs 4 (previously FSN 270) X FSN 204; MCRO 221 FSN 374 Food Laws and Regulations 4 X FSN 375 Food Safety (previously FSN 275) Special Problems for Advanced Undergraduates 4 X FSN 125 or FSN 230; soph standing FSN 370 (FSN 270 for those following earlier catalogs) X Instructor consent FSN 400 X X X X X X X X FSN 125 or FSN 230 X X X X X X X X For non-FDSC majors only FSN 125 or FSN 230 X X X X X For non-FDSC majors only FSN 125 or FSN 230, or consent of instructor X FSN 121, CHEM 127 X FSN 210; junior standing 4 X X STAT 218; FSN 125 or FSN 230 X X X X X X 4 X FSN 210; sophomore standing Completion of GE Area B, junior X standing (for non-FDSC majors only) FSN 121 and FSN 210; sophomore X standing FSN 210; CHEM 313 or 371; BIO 111 or TBD 161; junior standing X X FSN 328 FSN 125, Math 118 or equivalent, PHYS 121 X FSN 125 and FSN 204 FSN 125 or FSN 230; junior standing Junior standing & completion of GE Area B X 4 1-4 Instructor consent FSN 121 or FSN 125 or FSN 230 and consent of instructor X FSN 121; junior standing X X X FSN 321; FSN 343 X Junior standing (non-FDSC majors) FSN 125 or FSN 230; CHEM 313 X X X X FSN 364 rev. 6/19/2014 FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION DEPARTMENT TENTATIVE COURSE OFFERINGS FOR 2014-15 ACADEMIC YEAR Not all courses listed below are required Course # Course Title Units SU13 F13 X Prerequisites FSN 201; junior standing and consent of instructor X FSN 311, FSN 364, senior standing W14 SP14 1-4 FSN 410 Advanced Enterprise Project Food Composition Science and Product Development Nutritional Implications of Food Industry Practices - unsure of course offering for 2014-15 FSN 415 Nutrition Education and Communications 4 X X X FSN 416 Community Nutrition 4 X X X FSN 417 Nutrition Counseling 4 X X FSN 328, senior standing. Recommend FSN 310, FSN 315, and FSN 415 Senior standing, PSY 201/202; prerequisite or concurrent: FSN 415 FSN 420 Critical Evaluation of Nutrition Research 4 X X X FSN 329, STAT 218, senior standing FSN 426 Food Systems Management 4 X FSN 429 Clinical Nutrition I 4 X X FSN 430 Clinical Nutrition II 4 X X FSN 444 Food Engineering 4 FSN 401 FSN 408 4 X X FSN 210, FSN 125 or 230 or one course in food processing; junior standing 4 FSN 328 & senior standing FSN 344 or consent of instructor FSN 329 or concurrent; ZOO 331, ZOO TBD 332 & senior standing X X FSN 429 FSN 204, FSN 330; FSN 230 for nonFDSC majors X FSN 461 Senior Project I 3 X X X GE A-3, STAT 218 and senior standing; also FSN 329 and FSN 420 or concurrent for Nutrition majors. FSN 462 Senior Project II 3 X X X FSN 461 FSN 463 Professional Practice in Nutrition & Dietetics 2 FSN 474 Advanced Food Processing Policy Arguments in Food and Nutrition - will not be offered in 2014-15 4 FSN 480 FSN 328, Sr. standing; Recommend FSN 329 & enrollment no more than (3) quarters prior to graduation X X FSN 444 and senior standing Junior Standing or consent of instructor 2 GRADUATE 500-LEVEL COURSES FSN 500 Individual Study 1-6 FSN 501 Lipid Metabolism and Nutrition FSN 516 Population Health and Epidemiology 3 Biochemical and Molecular Aspects of Human Macronutrient Metabolism 4 FSN 528 3 X X X Graduate standing and consent of supervising faculty member and graduate advisor Graduate standing, consent of supervising faculty member / graduate TBD TBD TBD advisor TBD FSN 416 and graduate standing TBD TBD TBD FSN 328 and graduate standing 1-4 TBD TBD TBD Graduate standing or instructor consent FSN 581 Selected Topics in FSN Graduate Seminar in Food Science and Nutrition 1-3 TBD TBD Graduate standing or instructor consent FSN 599 Thesis 1-6 FSN 570 X X X Graduate standing and instructor consent rev. 6/19/2014
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