Efficient and easy 350W PFC solution based on LM-FOT current control Luigi Galioto ABSTRACT As part of power factor corrector (PFC) boost topology circuits, STMicroelectronics has developed the new controller L4984D dedicated to manage circuits with 150W <P <300W power range. The key feature of this device is linked to the new and proprietary method of the inductor current control called "line-modulated fixed off-time (LM-FOT)". This method includes the main features of the two most widely used control techniques: the simplicity typical of the transition mode (TM) used for P <100W, and the ability to handle high power (P> 500W) typical of fixed frequency continuous current mode(FF-CCM). In this article it will be showed the details of the LM-FOT control method, the major features of the new controller L4984D and the related evaluation tools. INTRODUCTION STMicroelectronics, with the introduction of the new device L4984D, is able to offer a complete range of controllers dedicated to the PFC regulators. According with the power to manage, the control techniques and the ICs used are different. The traditional control methods for boost topologies are the transition mode (TM) and the fixed frequency continuous current mode (FF-CCM). The TM method uses the simple peak current control, brings the boost inductance to work always at the boundary between continuous and discontinuous mode and uses a variable switching frequency but with ton constant (Fig. 1). This method is easily implemented through low cost controllers and making use of a small number of external components; all this makes the circuit a less expensive solution. However, the TM cannot be used for power higher than 100 W otherwise there would be too high peak currents, which means having high current ripple, high RMS current value and heavy EMI filter. The ST controllers that implements this method are L6562A, L6563* and L6564*. Fig.1 – Line and inductor current waveforms in TM control 500W. The ST controllers that implement this method are L4981A and L4981B. Fig.2 – Line and inductor current waveforms in CCM control Considering the PFC boost topology with 150W <P <300W power range, it is necessary to have the best compromise cost / performance of the two methods discussed before. For this purpose, STMicroelectronics has developed a new control method called "line modulated fixed off time" (LM-FOT). This method has been implemented in the new controller L4984D we discuss in the next sections. THE LM-FOT CONTROL METHOD The innovative LM-FOT control method uses the conventional peak current control in which, assuming that the inductance works in CCM, the ton is determined by the achievement of the programmed peak value, and the toff is modulated by the input voltage value so that the switching period is constant (see formula). ∙ 1 ∙ → ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ The LM-FOT method allows fixed frequency (FF) switching operations as long as the converter operates in continuous current mode CCM (i.e. inductor current IL is greater than zero); this behavior in a semi period is not always guaranteed but depends on the Vin and Iout values (Fig. 3). Fig.3 – Boost inductor current envelope with LM-FOT control The FF-CCM method uses the average current control, brings the boost inductance to work always in continuous mode (i.e. the IL never goes to zero), and uses a constant switching frequency (Fig. 2). This method ensures low input current ripple and a high performance converter in terms of power factor, THD and efficiency. The FF-CCM is quite complex so the related controllers are more expensive and require a greater number of external components compared with the TM ones. Considering these aspects, the FF-CCM is recommended for power higher than The line voltage increasing and / or the load decreasing, in the regions close to zero, drive the boost inductor in DCM (discontinuous current mode) working mode, and produce a switching frequency increase; this means fsw is no longer constant in the line voltage period (Fig. 4). In any case, this frequency increase is considerably lower than what would occur in TM. More details on the LM-FOT method are reported in the application note AN4149. Fig.4 – Frequency change in LM-FOT control voltage mode error amplifier and an accurate (1%@Tj=25°C) internal voltage reference. To meet the latest regulations on energy saving (Blue Angel, Energy Star, Energy 2000, as examples), the device is optimized for low power consumption and includes a disable function for IC remote on/off. Thanks to this function, in conditions of minimum load, the downstream DC-DC converter is able to turn off the L4984D, saving the entire energy system consumption. Regarding the line current (IAC) harmonic content, the multiplier present in the device includes a special circuit that reduces the current distortion resulting from the Vin zero crossing; in this way a low THD value is obtained over a Vin wide range and even over a large load range. STMICROELECTRONICS’ SYSTEM SOLUTION STMicroelectronics has developed, to better appreciate the L4984D features, some system evaluation tools: a system evaluation board (hardware) and a simulation tool (software). Concerning the evaluation board, a 350W PFC solution based on L4984D (order code EVL4984-350W) was developed (Fig. 6). L4984D, THE LM-FOT CONTROLLER The L4984D controller (Fig. 5), which is available in SSOP10, implements the LM-FOT control. The device is able to drive Power MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 600mA and 800mA power switch-off, and includes a wide range of functions, most importantly those mentioned below, that improve the performance and safety of the PFC converter. Fig.6 – Evaluation board EVL4984-350W Fig.5- L4984D block diagram The main electrical system specifications of EVL4984-350W are summarized in Table 1. It is a conventional boost converter (Fig. 7) with excellent performance based on the use of the following ST devices. The L4984D is the controller. The main switch is formed by paralleling two MOSFETs: the STF21N65M5 (650V/21A, MDmeshTM V Power MOSFET) and the output diode STTH8S06FP (600V/8A, Turbo 2 ultrafast high voltage rectifier). Regarding protection, the device is able to manage the transient output overvoltage and those due to accidental feedback loop failures. For overcurrent, the L4984D includes protection against the inductor saturation, the lowering of input voltage (brownout), and the usual consequences of the start-up phase converter (soft start). The loop stability is optimized by the voltage feedforward function that compensates for the variation of the power stage gain with the square of the input voltage . The missed compensation would lead, for certain Vin values, to a slow control loop. The output voltage regulation is controlled by means of a Tab.1: EVL4984-350W, main electrical specifications 90VacVin , input voltage range 265Vac Max output power 350W Regulated output voltage Switching frequency Min efficiency (at Vin=90Vac, Pout=350W) Max 2 fL output voltage ripple (peak to peak) 400V 70 kHz 94% 12.5V The most significant test results of the board are shown in the following figures. Fig.7 – EVL4984-350W schematic The power factor (PF), in full and half load conditions, is greater than 0.9 over the entire range of Vin (Fig. 10), while for 70W load condition, the PF value decreases with the Vin increase. Fig.10 – Power factor (PF) diagram The test inductor current waveform reflects the requirements of the LM-FOT method theory. At Vin = 115Vac and in full load condition (Fig. 8), the boundary condition between CCM and DCM operation takes place close to the zero crossing, and therefore for most of the semi-sinusoid, the inductor works in CCM mode. The THD value is below 20% up to 230Vac and increases with higher Vin (Fig. 11). Fig.11 – THD diagram Fig.8 – Inductor current envelope @ Vin=115Vac - full load At Vin = 230Vac and in full load condition, instead, the before mentioned boundary condition moves toward the peak of the semi-sinusoid and so the CCM working mode happens only in the related central area (Fig. 9) Fig.9 – Inductor current envelope @ Vin=230Vac - full load The converter efficiency meets the ES-2 regulations for all load conditions and for all Vin values (Fig. 12). Fig.12 – Efficiency diagram The output voltage is very stable throughout the full Vin range and for any load condition (Fig. 13). More technical details about EVL4984-350W board can be found in ST’s AN4163 application note. Fig.13 – Output voltage regulation As previously stated, it is possible to evaluate the L4984D performance by software tools as well. eDesignSuite, the on-line simulation tool, is primarily oriented to the power management applications: LED lighting (AC-DC and DC-DC), Power Supply (AC-DC and DC-DC), Photovoltaic, Battery Charger, Filter and Antenna design. The tool supports a lot of topologies based on the entire ST product portfolio (controllers, MOSFETs, diodes, fuses, regulators, etc.) included in the new L4984D. By inserting the main specifications (Vin, Vout, Iout, etc.) of the converter and choosing the controller that you want to adopt, eDesignSuite, in mere seconds, is able to develop a complete design in all its parts: a fully annotated and interactive schematic, a complete and interactive Bill of Materials, a set of analysis diagrams (e.g the main current and voltage simulations, the efficiency, the Bode stability, and the power losses) and the transformer design. By connecting to ST web site www.st.com/edesignsuite, after simple online registering, it is possible to access the software tool pictured below.
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