SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES December 1 – 3, 2014 Hilton Toronto (Toronto, ON) THIS FALL . . . join Credit Union Central of Canada as we proudly present the National Credit Union Treasury & Finance Forum. The Forum is the fourth and final offering of the 2014 National Conference series. Don’t miss this chance to promote your organization to Treasury & Finance professionals from across the country. This event has a limited number of outstanding visual sponsorship opportunities – book yours now! Note: There are no Exhibit opportunities associated with this event. APPLICATION FOR SPONSORSHIP DEADLINE SNAPSHOT OF AVAILABLE SPONSORSHIPS (In CDN dollars, plus applicable taxes) Network breaks (3x opportunities) .................................................$1,500* Breakfast Sponsor (2x opportunities) .............................................$3,000* Banquet Wine .................................................................................$3,000* Banquet Reception ..........................................................................$3,000* Opening Keynote Speaker (Tuesday AM) .......................................$3,500* Plenary Session (Tuesday PM) ........................................................$3,500* Keynote Speaker (Tuesday PM) ......................................................$3,500* Closing Keynote Speaker (Wednesday)...........................................$3,500* Luncheon (Wednesday) ..................................................................$4,000* Luncheon & Presentation (Tuesday) ...............................................$4,500* Welcome Reception (Monday PM) .................................................$4,500* Banquet & Presentation (Tuesday PM) ...........................................$6,000* *13% HST does not apply to: Centrals, credit unions, Concentra Financial or Deposit Insurance Corporations. (HST Reg. #100762384). Attendee list excludes email addresses as per current Privacy Legislation. As of July 1, 2014, new anti-spam legislation stipulates that the agent or business (in this case the P/SP) may send a single message to the prospective client (the attendee), as long as the agent (P/SP) has both provided the prospective client (attendee) with the full name of the individual who made the referral (i.e. Canadian Central) and has included the sender identification and unsubscribe requirements set out in CASL. This is your organization’s opportunity to gain prominence as well as valuable name recognition in the credit union market by becoming a Sponsor at the 2014 National Credit Union Treasury & Finance Forum. This event offers a unique opportunity to introduce your company to Treasury Professionals, Credit Union CFOs, CEOs, GMs Controllers and Risk Managers from across the Canadian credit union system. For more information, please contact Debbie Steeves, Sponsorship Co-ordinator [email protected] Cell: 613-796-4974 SP O N SO R SHI P S AVAI LA B LE 2014 National Credit Union Treasury & Finance Forum Presented by: Credit Union Central of Canada & the Central Treasury Managers Advisory Group | 151 Yonge Street, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M5C 2W7 ® HANDS & GLOBE design is a registered certification mark owned by the World Council of Credit Unions, used under license. Program subject to change without notice. Check for conference updates on Canadian Central's website www.cucentral.ca Page 1 – application Form WELCOME RECEPTION 90 MINUTE EVENT (MON PM) NETWORK BREAKS (X 3 OPP.) BREAKFAST SPONSORS (X 2 OPP.) As the event WELCOME RECEPTION SPONSOR your company will be the first one introduced to the Forum audience. Other benefits include: (TUES AM) LUNCHEON & PRESENTATION (TUES) PLENARY SESSION (TUES PM) Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $1,500 As one of our BREAKFAST SPONSORS, you will help each Forum attendee start their day - the right way! Other benefits include: Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $3,000 As the OPENING KEYNOTE SPONSOR, you will introduce the Opening Keynote Speaker to the Forum audience. Before introducing the speaker, you may use this exclusive opportunity to introduce your company to Forum attendees (max length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $3,500 As our LUNCHEON SPONSOR your logo will be displayed throughout the luncheon service. Before luncheon service you may use this exclusive opportunity to introduce your company to Forum attendees (Max length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: Your company will receive 4 complimentary tickets to this Luncheon Event. Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) As the TUESDAY AM PLENARY SESSION SPONSOR your company representative will introduce the panel to the Forum audience. Before introducing the speakers, you may use this exclusive opportunity to inform Forum delegates about your company (Max length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) †Applicable taxes apply to all non-member credit union organizations *All pricing in CDN dollars + 13% HST applies (HST Registration #100762384) (Provincial/Regional Centrals, credit unions, Concentra Financial and Deposit Insurance Corporations do not pay HST) Page 2 $4,500 As one of the NETWORK BREAK SPONSORS, special acknowledgement of your support will be included in the Forum program. Other benefits include: OPENING KEYNOTE Your company will receive 4 complimentary tickets to the Welcome Reception Event. Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic conference collateral; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $4,500 $3,500 As the TUESDAY PM KEYNOTE SPONSOR your company representative will introduce the keynote speaker to the Forum audience. Before introducing the speakers, you may use this exclusive opportunity to inform Forum delegates about your company (Max length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) TUES PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER $3,500 As the exclusive sponsor for the BANQUET RECEPTION, special acknowledgement of your support of this event will be included in the Forum program. Other benefits include: BANQUET RECEPTION Your company will receive 2 complimentary tickets to this event. Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) As the EXCLUSIVE DINNER WINE SPONSOR your company logo will appear on acknowledgment cards that will grace each and every banquet table. Other benefits include: Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) DINNER WINE (BANQUET) $3,000 $3,000 As the Sponsor of the FORUM BANQUET, your company representative will have an exclusive opportunity to introduce your company to attendees (Before dinner service, max length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: BANQUET & PRESENTATION LUNCHEON BUFFET (WED) CLOSING KEYNOTE SPEAKER Your company will receive 8 complimentary tickets to this event. Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $6,000 As our LUNCHEON SPONSOR your logo will be displayed throughout the luncheon service. Before luncheon service you may use this exclusive opportunity to introduce your company to Forum attendees (Max. length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: Your company will receive 4 complimentary tickets to this Luncheon Event. Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $4,000 As the CLOSING KEYNOTE SPONSOR your company representative will introduce the Closing Keynote Speaker to the Forum audience. Before introducing the speaker, you may use this exclusive opportunity to introduce your company to Forum attendees (Max length 5 minutes). Other benefits include: Your company name and logo will be displayed on print and electronic Forum collateral; Additional registrations at a discounted fee of $845†; Special acknowledgement of your sponsorship will be noted in the conference program; and You will receive the Forum attendee list (which includes delegate contact information, excluding email addresses) $3,500 †Applicable taxes apply to all non-member credit union organizations *All pricing in CDN dollars + 13% HST applies (HST Registration #100762384) (Provincial/Regional Centrals, credit unions, Concentra Financial and Deposit Insurance Corporations do not pay HST) Page 3 S PONSORSHIP APPLICATION F ORM Complete this form and return to the Conference Registrar (see page 4 for contact details) no later than OCTOBER 31, 2014 Please keep a copy for your files. Invoices will be issued automatically based on sponsorship selection. STEP 1: CHOOSE YOUR SPONSORSHIP I would like to sponsor: ______________________________________________________ $_____________________ (Sponsorship name) (Cost) Sponsor Contact Information CONTACT PERSON (NAME & TITLE) ORGANIZATION Postal Code BUSINESS ADDRESS TEL/CELL # ( ) Fax ( ) EMAIL STEP 2: PAYMENT INFORMATION Sponsorship (s) $ SUB-TOTAL $ (+13% HST) $ TOTAL PAYMENT DUE: $ Payment by VISA, MasterCard or by Cheque (Please make cheques payable to Credit Union Central of Canada) VISA® MASTERCARD® CHQ (CDN) included CHQ (CDN) following by mail ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD NUMBER EX P I R Y D A T E CVV# CARDHOLDER NAME SIGNATURE OF CARD HOLDER A N I N V O I C E F O R Y O U R C O M M I T M E N T W I L L AU T O M A T I C AL L Y B E I S SU E D B A SE D O N Y O U R SE L E C T I O N Page 4 Name Badge Requirements List Person(s) accepting Complimentary Tickets to events (if applicable to sponsorship) (i.e., 4 tickets for the Welcome Reception Sponsor; 4 tickets for each Luncheon Sponsor; 2 tickets for Banquet Reception Sponsor and 8 tickets for the Banquet Sponsor). All Forum Sponsors must wear a name badge at all times – name badges will be generated from the information you provide below and will be available for pick-up at the conference registration/information desk. FIRST NAME LAST NAME COMPANY (CITY, PROVINCE) STEP 3: SEND YOUR COMPANY’S LOGO, URL & PROFILE Please send a high resolution (“.EPS” or “.AI” file formats) of your company’s logo in colour and B&W; your company’s electronic profile (max. 150 words) and your company’s website URL via email to [email protected], no later than OCTOBER 31, 2014 so that we may include these as part of our print & electronic conference materials. STEP 4: REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE (if applicable) All approved sponsor representatives planning to participate as a Forum delegate will require a REGISTRATION CODE in order to register online at the discounted price†. Please contact Forum organizers at email [email protected] for registration information. (†Applicable taxes apply to all non-member credit union organizations) Terms & Conditions: Please remit your completed application form (including payment) to the Conference Registrar, (Edith Wilkinson) at the address noted below, by fax to 416-232-3734 or by email at [email protected]; Notice of receipt of payment, and your sponsorship confirmation will be provided via email. Retain this document as your proof of payment; Credit Union Central of Canada will endeavor to meet every Sponsor requests; Credit Union Central of Canada takes photographs and videos at its conferences and events - by participating as a Sponsor at the 2014 Treasury & Finance Forum, December 1 – 3, 2014 in Toronto, ON; you consent to being photographed or filmed, and authorize Canadian Central to use the photographs or film in print, digital, video or web-based format for its promotional needs and its archives. You may revoke this consent by contacting Canadian Central in writing (or by email); Cancellation Policy: You may receive a full refund up to and including November 7; from November 8-14: Less 30% of total sponsorship; and after November 14: No refund of sponsorship fee; and This is not a contract until officially received and acknowledged by Credit Union Central of Canada. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Authorization Name Signature Date (Please Print) 2014 National Credit Union Treasury & Finance Forum Presented by: Credit Union Central of Canada & Treasury Managers Advisory Group | 151 Yonge Street, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M5C 2W7 ® HANDS & GLOBE design is a registered certification mark owned by the World Council of Credit Unions, used under license. Program subject to change without notice. Check for conference updates on Canadian Central's website www.cucentral.ca Page 5
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