Neuro MRI Protocols Routine Brain G- (G+) 1. 3 plane Loc 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag T1 4. Ax DWI 5. Ax FLAIR 6. Ax T1 7. Ax T1 + Gd 8. Sag BRAVO +Gd 9. Cor T1 FS +Gd 10. Ax T2 FSE (after Gd) 11. reformat: Ax BRAVO +Gd along ACPC Routine Brain Options 1. 2. 3. 4. Cor FSPGR BRAVO Ax DTI ASSET DWI Propeller Ax SWI CEskey MRA s/p coiling 1. 3DTOF 3SLAB MT FS 9min 2. Dyn 3DTOF (+Gd) GBM 1. ASSET Calibration 2. Sag T1 3. Ax DWI ASSET 4. Ax FLAIR 5. Ax T1 6. Perfusion 40 phases 7. Ax T1 +Gd 8. Sag BRAVO +Gd 9. Cor T1 FS +Gd 10. Ax T2 ASSET (after Gd) 11. reformat: Ax BRAVO +Gd along ACPC GBM Optional Brain, COW, Carotid HNS Coil, prefer GE scanner 1. ASSET Calibration 2. 3DTOF 3Slab MT FS ASSET 3. Sag T1 4. Ax DWI 5. Ax FLAIR 6. Ax T2 FSE 7. Ax T1 8. COW 3 slab TOF SPGR 9. Carotid: Ax 2DTOF FSPGR 10. Carotid: Cor Dyn TRICKS/TWIST updated 7/2014 12. Ax scout for MRS T1 MEMP +Gd 13. Probe-Sv 144 Dementia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3 plane Loc ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Ax DWI Ax T2 Ax FLAIR Cor 3D BRAVO Neuro MRI Protocols ESP Brain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ASSET Calibration Ax DTI Sag T1 Cor 3D BRAVO Cor T2 thin Obl Ax FLAIR Cor FLAIR 3/0 Ax SWI Intracranial hemorrhage 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag T1 4. Ax T2 ASSET 5. Ax DWI ASSET 6. Ax FLAIR 7. Ax SWI/SWAN 8. Ax T1 9. Ax T1 +Gd 10. Cor T1 SE FS +Gd MS Brain +Gd 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Ax DWI ASSET Sag FC TRF FLAIR (not volumetric) Ax T1 SE MEMP Ax T1 SE MEMP +Gd Ax T2 FSE (after Gd) updated 7/2014 Quick Brain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T2 SSFSE Ax T2 SSFSE Cor T2 SSFSE Infant Brain (0-2 yo) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Ax T2 FSE-XL Ax FLAIR Ax DWI Cor 3D BRAVO Ax T1 FSE-XL Pediatric Brain (2-12 yo) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Ax T2 FSE-XL Ax T2 FLAIR Ax DWI Ax T1 FSE-XL Fiducial Stealth +Gd 1. 2. 3. 4. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration AX BRAVO + GD if no Gd: Ax T2 FSE 2/0 Neuro MRI Protocols IAC Fiducial Pre-op AVM 1. COW 4 Slab 2. Ax BRAVO +Gd RT Brain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Ax BRAVO Ax T2 FLAIR +Gd Ax T1 +Gd Ax BRAVO +Gd Frame Parkinson Disease 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Cor T2 Cor IR Ax SPGR 3D VOL fMRI PRISM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Ax T2 propeller fMRI task Ax FSPGR BRAVO DTI 2mm 20 directions updated 7/2014 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag T1 4. Ax DWI ASSET 5. Ax 3D FIESTA 6. Ax FLAIR 7. Ax T2 FSE thin brainstem 8. Ax FSE T1 thin pre 9. Ax FSE T1 thin FS +Gd 10. Cor FSE T1 FS +Gd 11. Ax T1+Gd (whole head) Cholesteatoma 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Ax DWI (Propeller/Resolve) 3/0 Tbone Ax 3D FIESTA Ax T2 FSE 3mm brainstem Ax T1 FSE 3mm Ax T1 FSE FS + Gd 3mm Cor T1 FS + Gd 3mm Pituitary Routine 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag FSE T1 thin Pituitary 4. Cor T2 FSE thin 2/0 pituitary 5. Ax FLAIR 6. Cor FSE T1 thin Pre 7. Cor T1 FS thin +Gd 8. Sag T1 thin +Gd Option: Cor T1 Dynamic +Gd pituitary Neuro MRI Protocols Pineal 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag T1 2/1 midline 4. Ax T2 5. Ax FLAIR 6. Sag 3D FIESTA midline 7. Ax T1 8. Ax T1 +Gd 9. Cor T1 FS +Gd 3/1 pineal only 10. Sag T1 thin +Gd 2/1 midline Skullbase 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag T1 4. Ax DWI (Propeller/Resolve) 5. Ax FLAIR 6. Ax T2 FSE FS 3mm 7. Cor T2 FSE FS 3mm 8. Ax T1 pre 3mm 9. Ax T1 +Gd 3mm 10. Cor T1 FS +Gd 3mm Trigeminal Nerve 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Sag T1 4. Ax DWI 5. Ax T2 6. Ax FLAIR 7. Cor FIESTA 8. Cor T2 FSE FS 3mm 9. Ax T1 3mm trigeminal 10. Cor T1 3mm trigeminal 11. Ax T1 FS +Gd 3mm 12. Cor T1 FS +Gd 3mm updated 7/2014 Orbits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Cor STIR Orbit or IDEAL Ax T1 thin Orbit Cor T1 thin Orbit Ax T1 FS (DIXON) thin +Gd Cor T1 FS (DIXON) thin +Gd Face 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cor T1 Ax T1 Ax T2 FSE FS Cor T2 FSE FS Ax T1 FSE +Gd Cor T1 FSE FS +Gd TMJ with cine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Cor FSE T1 thin closed mouth Sag FSE T1 thin closed mouth Sag FSE T1 thin open mouth Cine SPGR Rhinorrhea CSF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3Plane Loc SSFSE ASSET Calibration Sag T1 Cor T1 2/2 Sag T2 FS FRFSE_XL 2/2 (inc matrix, 320 phases) 6. CorT2 FS FRFSE_XL 2/2 (inc matrix, 320 phases) 7. Cor FIESTA Neuro MRI Protocols Soft Tissue Neck 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sag T1 Ax T2 FS Ax T1 Ax T1 FS +Gd Cor T1 FS +Gd Ax T1 +Gd Belden Neck protocol 1. 3Plane Loc SSFSE 2. ASSET Calibration 3. Ax T1 4. Ax T2 FS 5. DTI 2mm 20 directions 6. DWI propeller 7. DCE Dynamic Dry run 8. T1 MAP 30 9. T1 MAP 20 10. T1 MAP 15 11. T1 MAP 10 12. T1 MAP 5 13. DCE Dynamic +Gd 14. perfusion 15. Ax T1 FS +Gd Brachial Plexus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cor T1 Sag T1 Cor STIR Sag STIR Ax T1 Optional: Ax T1 FSE FS +Gd Optional: Sag T1 FSE FS +Gd Optional: Cor T1 FSE +Gd 3D MRA Spine 1. 3D MRA TOF updated 7/2014 Scoliosis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cspine Sag T1 Cspine Sag T2 Cspine Cor T1 Tspine Sag T1 Tspine Sag T2 Tspine Cor T1 Lspine Sag T1 Lspine Sag T2 Lspine Ax T1 stack, T10-sacrum Cervical Spine Radiculopathy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sag T1 Sag T2 Ax T2 FSE at disc spaces 2/1 Ax GRE Optional: Bilateral Sag oblique T2 FSE 2/1 6. Optional: Sag T2 SPACE and reformat sag oblique Cervical Spine Myelopathy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sag T1 2mm/skip 0 Sag T2 2mm/skip 0 Ax T2 FSE Sag DWI Optional: Ax T1 Optional: Sag T1 +Gd 2mm/skip 0 Optional: Ax T1 +Gd Optional: Sag 3D T1 MPRAGE (TR 3000 ms, TE 4.5 s, TI 750 mc, flip angle 8) Neuro MRI Protocols Cervical Spine Trauma 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sag T1 Sag T2 Sag STIR Ax T2 Optional for cord injury: sag GRE Thoracic Spine Radiculopathy 1. Sag T1 2. Sag T2 3. Ax T2 FSE at disc spaces Thoracic Spine Myelopathy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sag T1 2mm/skip 0 Sag T2 2mm/skip 0 Ax T2 FSE Optional: Ax T1 Optional: Sag T1 +Gd 2mm/skip 0 Optional: Ax T1 +Gd Thoracic Spine Trauma 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sag T1 Sag T2 Sag STIR Ax T2 Optional for cord injury: sag GRE Lumbar Spine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sag T1 Sag T2 Ax T2 Sag SPACE T2 with Ax reformats Optional: Ax T1 updated 7/2014 6. Optional: Sag T1 +Gd 7. Optional: Ax T1 +Gd Lumbar Spine Trauma 1. 2. 3. 4. Sag T1 Sag T2 Sag STIR Ax T2 Tethered Cord 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cspine: Sag T2 Tspine: Sag T2 Lspine: Sag T2 Lspine: Sag T1 Lspine: Ax T2 FS (stacked) Lspine: Ax T1 (stacked) Optional: Cor T1 conus Sacral Spine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cor STIR Sag T1 Sag T2 Ax T2 Ax T1 Sacrum/SI Joints 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cor STIR Ax T2 FS Cor Oblique T1 Cor Oblique T2 FS Ax T1 Neuro MRI Protocols Spine Intradural Screen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cspine Sag T1 +Gd Cspine Ax T1 +Gd Tspine Sag T1 +Gd Tspine Ax T1 +Gd Lspine Sag T1 +Gd Lspine Ax T1 +Gd After contrast: Cspine Sag T2 FSE After contrast: Tspine Sag T2 FSE After contrast: Lspine Sag T2 FSE Spine Intramedullary/ Intradural Full 1. Cspine Sag T1 2. Cspine Sag T2 3. Cspine Ax T1 4. Cspine Ax T2 5. Tspine Sag T1 6. Tspine Sag T2 7. Tspine Ax T1 8. Tspine Ax T2 9. Lspine Sag T1 10. Lspine Sag T2 11. Lspine Ax T1 12. Lspine Ax T2 13. Cspine Sag T1 +Gd 14. Cspine Ax T1 +Gd 15. Tspine Sag T1 +Gd 16. Tspine Ax T1 +Gd 17. Lspine Sag T1 +Gd 18. Lspine Ax T1 +Gd Bone Met Survey 1. Cspine Sag T1 2. Cspine Sag STIR 3. Cspine Ax T2 updated 7/2014 4. Tspine Sag T1 5. Tspine Sag STIR 6. Tspine Ax T2 7. Lspine Sag T1 8. Lspine Sag STIR 9. Lspine Ax T2 10. Cspine Sag T1 FS +Gd 11. Tspine Sag T1 FS +Gd 12. Lspine Sag T1 FS +Gd Lumbosacral Plexus 1. 2. 3. 4. Ax T1 Ax T2 Cor T1 3D Coronal STIR SPACE Diskitis-Osteomyelitis, Epidural Abscess 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sag T1 Sag T2 Sag STIR Ax T1 Ax T2 Sag T1 FS +Gd Ax T1 +Gd ! Paraspinal mass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sag T1 Sag T2 FS Ax T1 Ax T2 Cor STIR Ax T1 +Gd Sag T1 FS +Gd Cor T1 FS +Gd Ax T1 FS + Gd thin through mass
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