Acceleration of FFT computation using NVIDIA GPUs. Akira Nukada Tokyo Institute of Technology Research(History 1999 2001 2007 2004 The(University(of(Tokyo Tokyo(Ins3tute(of(Technology So#ware(Tuning( Hand(Tuning,(some3mes(in(assembly(languages. Auto(tuning FFT SpMV DGEMM Checkpoint(for(CUDA TSUBAME[KFC Sun( E10000 Merced SGI( Origin2000 ES SGI(Al3x GPGPU BG/L POWER5 CRAY(XT3 PS3 Intel(MIC FFT((Fast(Fourier(Transform) FFT(is(a(fast(algorithm(to(compute(DFT((Discrete(Fourier(Transform).( When(the(input(size(N(can(be(factorized(into(M(and(L,((N[point(FFT(is(replaced( (by(L(x(M[point(FFTs,(M(x(L[point(FFT,(and(mul3plica3ons(by(twiddle(factors.( twiddle(factors M[point(FFT L[point(FFT Fine6grain(parallel(computa:on(of(FFT Memory L[point(FFT L[point(FFT L[point(FFT L[point(FFT Data(Exchange Twiddle(factor( mul3plica3on Twiddle(factor( mul3plica3on Twiddle(factor( mul3plica3on Twiddle(factor( mul3plica3on M[point(FFT M[point(FFT M[point(FFT M[point(FFT Memory 16D(FFT(on(CUDA(GPUs Data(is(read(from(global(memory.( Global Memory ( Many(threads(simultaneously(compute(( small(FFTs(using(registers.( ( Shared Memory Threads(exchange(data(using(shared(memory.( ( Finally,(data(is(wriaen(back(to(global(memory.( ( ( Global Memory Three(CUDA(FFTs(in(2008(based(on(this(fine[grain(parallel(implementa3ons( (1)(Ours(((2)(N.(Govindaraju,(et.(al.(((3)(V.(Volkov,(et.(al.( Twiddle(factor(mul3plica3on(in(CUDA(FFT( ( Twiddle(Factors(are(triangular(func3ons,( and(thread[dependent(value.( In(CUDA,(they(should(come(from(one(of( (1)(registers.( (2)(table(on(constant((cache)(memory.( (3)(table(on(texture((cache)(memory.( (4)(table(on(shared(memory.( (5)(calculate(using(SFU(each(3me.( We(selected(‘texture(plan’(to(reduce(the( number(of(instruc3ons(and(registers.( ( Fast(Fourier(transform(on(AMD(GPUs Implementa3on(with(RADEON(/( OpenCL(is(similar(to(NVIDIA(/(CUDA( Read%from%device%memory 4[point( 4[point( 4[point( • Each(thread(computes(a(small(FFT( 4[point( FFT FFT FFT FFT • Data(exchange(between(threads( Data%exchange%between%threads • Via(shared(memory((CUDA)( 4[point( 4[point( 4[point( 4[point( FFT FFT FFT • Via(local(memory((OpenCL)( FFT • Twiddle(factor((cos&sin)(table( Write%to%device%memory • On(texture(memory((CUDA)( Example(of(16[point(FFT(using(4(threads • On(constant(memory((OpenCL)( Performance(comparison(with(NVIDIA(GPUs ( • GeForce(and(Tesla( • Intel(Core(i7(CPU( • X58(Express(Chipset( • CUDA(4.0( • CUFFT(library(4.0,(or( NukadaFFT( • RADEON( GFLOPS 200( 150( RADEON(HD(6970( GTX(580((CUFFT)( 100( GTX(580((NukadaFFT)( C2050((CUFFT)( C2050((NukadaFFT)( 50( • AMD(Phenom(9500(CPU( 0( • AMD(APP(SDK(2.4( • Custom(FFT(code(in(OpenCL( 256[point( 512[point( BoIle6neck(&(efficiency(|(ra:o(to(theore:cal(peak • DP(performance( • Boale[neck(on(GeForce( • Memory(access(efficiency( • Double[complex((double2)(data( • Good(for(RADEON,(Bad(for(GeForce( AMD%RADEON% HD%6970 NVIDIA%GeForce%% GTX%580 NVIDIA%Tesla%% C2050 Peak(DP(performance 675(GFLOPS 197GFLOPS 515GFLOPS Achieved(performance 171GFLOPS((25.3%) 144GFLOPS((73.1%) 114GFLOPS((22.1%) Peak(Memory(B/W 176GB/s 192GB/s 144GB/s((128GB/s*9/8) Achieved(B/W 137GB/s((77.8%) 115GB/s((59.9%) 91GB/s((71.1%) Boale[neck Memory DP(perf. Memory Number(of(floa:ng(point(opera:ons 5N(log2(N(is(pseudo(number(of(FP(opera3ons( Real(number(of(FP(ops.(and(FP(instruc3ons Powers[of[two(FFT( • Large(number(of(FPADD/FPSUB(ops.( 256Mpoint 512Mpoint • Low(ra3o(of(FPMAD(combina3on( 5N(log2(N 10,240 23,040 • RADEON(GPU(architecture(can(execute( ADD/SUB(ops. 4,672 11,776 (((one(of(the(following(instruc3ons(in(a(cycle( MUL(ops. 2,304 4,352 • 2(FPADD/FPSUB( FPADD/FPSUB 3,520 9,984 • 1(FPMUL( FPMUL 1,152 2,560 • 1(FPMAD( FPMAD 1,152 1,792 Min.(FP(cycle( (AMD) 4,064 9,344 Min.(FP(cycle( (NVIDIA) 5,824 14,336 Performance(of(16D(FFT((GTX(280) GFLOPS Power(of(two( 300 250 200 150 100 odd(numbers.( Memory(access(is(par3ally(coalesced( 50 0 128 144 192 243 256 320 324 375 432 512 Auto6Tuning(of(FFT(on(CUDA(GPUs Many(varie3es(in(compu3ng(environment:( • Genera3on(of(GPU((G8X/G9X,(GT2XX)( • #(of(registers(per(SM( • #(of(cores,(clock(frequency((shader,(memory)( • Compiler(version((op3miza3on(of(PTXJIT)( • Actual(register(usage(is(determined(by(compiler.( • Driver(version((CUDA(&(display(driver) Tuning(Parameters (1)((Selec3on(of(radices(of(FFT(kernels(((generic(for(FFT)( ((((((([(combina3on(&(ordering( (((((((ex)((240[point(=>(4,(4,(3,(5( ( In CPUs, this parameter determines (2) Selection of number of threads (generic for GPU) # of floating-point ops Sufficient thread blocks to exploit memory bandwidth # of load/store to cache memory In GPUs, this parameter also determines # of threads per thread block (3) Avoid bank conflicts on shared memory (CUDA & FFT) In above example, radix pattern/rule. 3 is the smallest. Insert padding in a specific Then, # of threads is set to 80 (240/3). Shared(memory(access - as fast as registers. - consists of 16 banks of 32-bit. Up to 16 threads can access simultaneously, if there are no bank conflicts. 0 64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 64 128 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bank((#0 Bank((#1 Bank((#2 Bank((#3 Bank((#4 Bank((#5 Bank((#6 Bank((#7 Bank((#8 Bank((#9 Bank((#10 Bank((#11 Bank((#12 Bank((#13 Bank((#14 Bank((#15 16 15 128 32 192 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 192 48 47 256 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Shared(memory(access(paIern(in(FFT Implementa3on(based(on(Stockham(auto[sort(algorithm.( 64[point(FFT(using(16(threads(is(described(as(follows.( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No bank conflicts in WRITEs READs may cause some bank conflicts Default(access(paIern 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Padding((1)(:(aWer(every(block(stride 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Padding((2)(:(aWer(every(16n(elements. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Adjustment(of(number(of(thread(blocks GFLOPS 350 GeForce GTX 280 Tesla S1070 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # of active thread blocks per SM 10 11 Auto6Tuning(FFT(for(CUDA Start!? Generate(code(to(FILE Radices(and(Ordering. Load(PTX(to(MODULE Padding Generate(PTX(code( Generate(&(Compile Send(data(to(GPU on(MEM Call(NVCC(command( to(compile #(of(threads Execute(Kernel Run(&(Measure Receive(data(from(GPU Update Update Update Goal Check(result(on(CPU Performance(improvement(by(padding GFLOPS 350 With Padding 300 250 batch=65,536 200 150 100 50 0 w/o Padding 128 140 150 180 192 240 243 256 320 400 420 512 Transform Size Padding(@(1926point(FFT GeForce(GTX(285 GFLOPS 250 4[way 4[way 2[way w/o Padding 4[way 8[way 200 8[way 150 batch=65,536 8[way 100 50 0 3,4,4,4 3,8,8 4,3,4,4 4,4,3,4 4,4,4,3 Radices 4,6,8 With Padding 6,4,8 Time(of(auto6tuning(for(16D(FFTs Time (s) 80 batch=65,536 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 128 140 150 180 240 243 256 320 400 420 512 Transform Size O(Data(size)(*(O(#(of(varia3ons(in(factoriza3ons)( 16D(FFT(with(kernels(op:mized(for(Tesla (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 128 140 150 180 240 243 256 320 400 420 512 Transform Size batch=65,536 Performance(of(16D(FFT GFLOPS 350 batch=65,536 300 NukadaFFT 250 CUFFT 2.3 200 FFTW 3.2.1 150 MKL 11.0 100 50 0 128 140 150 180 240 243 256 320 400 420 512 Transform Size FFTW and MKL libraries use four cores of Intel Core i7 920. 16D(FFT(in(double(precision GFLOPS 60 batch=32,768 CUFFT2.3 50 FFTW3.2.1 40 MKL11.0 30 20 10 0 NukadaFFT 128 140 150 180 240 243 256 400 420 512 Transform Size Warp6level(op:miza:ons #(of(threads(per(thread(block(is(constant(in(kernel( !(Some(threads(may(perform(unnecessary(ops. 160[point(FFT((by((40(threads White(part(is(unnecessary(opera3ons 4[point(FFT(x(40(threads 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5[point(FFT(x(32(threads 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8[point(FFT(x(20(threads 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 In(warp(level(:(32(threads(share( instruc:ons. 160[point(FFT(((by((40(threads Warp(0 Warp(1 4[point(FFT(x(40(threads 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5[point(FFT(x(32(threads 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8[point(FFT(x(20(threads 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Give(up(here Try(to( eliminate( this.( Warp6level(flow(control. ( for((….)({( ((((global_load();( ((((radix4_x();( ((((shmem();( ((((radix5_x();( ((((shmem();( ((((radix8_x();( ((((global_store();( } ( Warp(0 for((….)({( ((((global_load();( ((((radix4_x();( ((((shmem();( ((((radix5_x();( ((((shmem();( ((((radix8_x();( ((((global_store();( } ( Warp(1 for((….)({( ((((global_load();( ((((radix4_x();( ((((shmem();( ((((( ((((barrier();( ((((( ( } Warp6level( 160[point(FFT(((by((40(threads Warp(0 Warp(1 4[point(FFT(x(40(threads 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5[point(FFT(x(32(threads 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8[point(FFT(x(20(threads 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Performance(improvements(by(the(warp6 level(op:miza:on. GFLOPS Proposed 300 Normal CUFFT 3.1 250 200 150 100 50 0 231 234 260 264 273 297 308 312 325 330 350 351 352 363 364 375 385 390 396 400 Transform size NukadaFFT(library(and(Updates( • Ini3al(version(for(GT200(GPUs(in(2010.( • Minor(update((from(PTX(1.4(to(2.0)( • Recompile(for(CUDA(4.0( • Recompile(for(CUDA(5.0( • Recompile(for(CUDA(6.0( hap://matsu[ On(Maxwell(GPU((GeForce(750(Ti) 65,536(batched(1[D(FFT((N=100~600). Counts NukadaFFT(fails( 274(((sizes(which(need(prime(factors(>(32) CUFFT(fails 31(((several(sizes(greater(than(512() Both(work(and(NukadaFFT(is(faster 225((up(to(x4.48(speed[up) Both(work(and(CUFFT(is(faster 2((((128,(256) 250( 200( 150( 100( 0( 100( 108( 115( 120( 126( 133( 140( 147( 154( 161( 169( 175( 184( 190( 198( 207( 216( 224( 231( 240( 247( 253( 261( 272( 279( 288( 297( 306( 315( 323( 336( 342( 350( 360( 368( 377( 385( 396( 405( 416( 429( 437( 448( 459( 465( 480( 490( 496( 507( 520( 528( 540( 551( 561( 575( 585( 595( 50( CUFFT6.0( NukadaFFT( Mul:6node(36D(FFT FFT((Fast(Fourier(Transform) ( Used(in(many(kinds(of(applica3ons( • 1[D(FFT((!(Signal/audio(processing,(…( • 2[D(FFT((!(Image(processing,(…( • 3[D(FFT((!(Large[scale(HPC(applica3ons( • Bioinforma3cs,(Molecular(Dynamics,(…..( Computa:onal(aspects(of(36D(FFT Suitable(for(GPU(architecture(due(to( • Really(memory[bound(computa3ons( • Only(O(NlogN)(FP(ops(for(O(N)(data( • Sufficient(parallelism( • Performs(many(1[D(FFTs(for(each(dimension( ((((ex)(A(CUDA(thread(block(compute(a(1[D(FFT.(( 1[D(FFT(for(dim.(X 1[D(FFT(for(dim.(Y( 1[D(FFT(for(dim.(Z( Mul:6GPU(36D(FFT • Requires(all[to[all(comm.(( ((like(parallel(3[D(FFT(on(clusters) (NX,NY,NZ/P) (NX,NY/P,NZ) all[to[all 1[D(FFT(for(dim.(X 1[D(FFT(for(dim.(Y( 1[D(FFT(for(dim.(Z( TSUBAME(2.0( Compute(Nodes((Thin)( HP(SL390s(G7( • • • • 2(Intel(Xeon(X5670((Westmere)( 3(NVIDIA(Tesla(M2050( 2(Mellanox(QDR(InfiniBand( 54(or(96(GB(Memory(and(SSDs DDR3(RAM DDR3(RAM DDR3(RAM CPU(0( Westmere[ EP QPI QPI DDR3(RAM DDR3(RAM DDR3(RAM CPU(1( Westmere[ EP IO[Hub( Tylersburg PCI[E(x8 PCI[E(x8 QDR(x4(IB QDR(x4(IB PCI[E(x16 GPU(0( Fermi PCI[E(x16 GPU(1( Fermi PCI[E(x16 GPU(2( Fermi QPI QPI IO[Hub( Tylersburg TSUBAME(2.0(InfiniBand(network Voltaire( GridDirector(4700 Primary GridDirector(4036 …….. 1,408(Compute(Nodes((Thin) Fat(Nodes …….. Secondary I/O(Nodes Typical all-to-all between GPUs using MPI • Pipelined stages (D2H, MPI, H2D) • Bi-directional IB and PCI-E • Four DMA transfers simultaneously D2H( 0[>1( D2H( 99[>0( D2H( 0[>2( MPI_Send( 0[>1( D2H( 98[>0( MPI_Recv( 99[>0( On node #0 D2H( 0[>3( MPI_Send( 0[>2( H2D( 0[>1( D2H( 0[>4( MPI_Send( 0[>3( H2D( 0[>2( D2H( 97[>0( MPI_Recv( 98[>0( H2D( 99[>0( D2H( 96[>0( MPI_Recv( 97[>0( H2D( 98[>0( for((i(=(1;(i(<(np(+(2;(i++)({( (((((((if((i(<(np)( ((((((((((((((cuMemcpyDtoH(….();( (((((((if((i(>(2)( ((((((((((((((cuMemcpyHtoD(.….);( (((((((if((i(>(1(&&(i(<(np(+(1)({( ((((((((((((((MPI_Irecv(…….);( D2H(((((((((((((((MPI_Isend(……..);( D2H( D2H( 0[>5(((((((((((((((MPI_Waitall(…..);( 0[>6( 0[>7( (((((((}( MPI_Send( MPI_Send( MPI_Send( 0[>4( 0[>5( 0[>6( (((((((cuCtxSynchronize(…);( H2D(} H2D( H2D( 0[>3( D2H( 95[>0( MPI_Recv( 96[>0( H2D( 97[>0( 0[>4( D2H( 94[>0( MPI_Recv( 95[>0( H2D( 96[>0( 0[>5( D2H( 93[>0( MPI_Recv( 94[>0( H2D( 95[>0( Performance of 3-D FFT using MPI (1GPU/node) Performance (GFLOPS) 1600( 800( 256( 400( 384( 512( 200( 1024( 100( Single GPU: 68GF@256, 48.5GF@384, 50.7GF@512 50( 4( 8( 16( 32( # of node 64( 128( Multi-GPU per node, multiple nodes. (1) Hybrid : multiple GPU per process Hybrid(results(in(larger(MPI( message(size. 1GPU (0) 2GPU (0) (2) Flat: one GPU per process 3GPU (0) QDR x4 IB CPU0 GPU0 GPU1 CPU1 2GPU (0-0) GPU2 2GPU (0-1) Placement(of(processes(also( indicates(the(placement(of( buffers(used(for(MPI(and(CUDA. 3GPU (0-0-0) 3GPU (0-1-1) 3GPU (0-0-1) Performance(with(64(nodes Memory(on(two(CPUs(are(used. 1400( Performance (GFLOPS) 1200( 1000( 800( 600( 256( 384( 400( 512( 200( 1024( 0( To(see(this(limited(scalability… Many(people(say(many(things( Hardware("(Hardware(off[loading,(etc.( System("(New(rou3ng(algorithm,(tuned(run3me,(etc. Sales("(Please(buy(our(network(hardware,( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((network(analyzer(so#ware Users("(No(problem.(It(is(normal.(Please(GIVE(UP! Our(answer(is(“It’s(too(early(to(give(up!” Op:miza:ons Two(major(issues( • Overhead(of(sending(small(messages( • Network(conges3ons( ( To(stabilize(and(improve(the(all[to[all(performance,(we(need( following(op3miza3ons:( 1) Low[level(IBverbs(API( 2) NUMA[aware(buffer(alloca3on(:(3~11%(improvement( 3) Simultaneous(RDMA(transfers(and(scheduling(( 4) Dynamic(Rail[assignment(control( MPI overheads (size: 256x256x256) Ibverbs( MPI_Isend,Irecv( Performance (GFLOPS) 800( 700( 600( • MPI(splits(messages(into(mul3ple(IB(rails( • Ibverbs(uses(only(one(rail(for(each(peer(node 500( 400( 300( 200( 100( 0( 4( 8( 16( 32( # of node 64( 128( NUMA(and(rail(assignment Performance((GFLOPS) CPU0(&(CPU1:(CPU0[[HCA0,(CPU1[[HCA1( CPU0(only(:(CPU0[[HCA0&1( 500( 400( 300( 200( 100( 0( 2( 4( 8( 16( 32( #(of(communica3ons(in(each(stage((=chunk(size) 3~11%(improvement(by(using(all(CPU(memory(regions 64( All-to-all using IBverbs RDMA Synchroniza3on(is(required(before(star3ng(RDMA(to(ensure(message(packing(completed. D2H( 0[>1( D2H( 0[>2( ( 0[>1( D2H( 0[>3( ( 0[>2( D2H( 0[>4( ( 0[>3( D2H( 0[>5( ( 0[>4( D2H( 0[>6( ( 0[>5( D2H( 0[>7( ( 0[>6( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( 99[>0( 98[>0( 97[>0( 96[>0( 95[>0( 94[>0( On node #0 H2D( 99[>0( H2D( 98[>0( H2D( 97[>0( H2D( 96[>0( H2D( 95[>0( all-to-all using multi-rail IB-RDMA D2H( 0[>1( D2H( 0[>2( D2H( 0[>3( D2H( 0[>4( D2H( 0[>5( D2H( 0[>6( D2H( 0[>7( D2H( 0[>8( D2H( 0[>9( D2H( 0[>10( D2H( D2H( 0[>11( 0[>12( Rail[0 ( 0[>1( ( 0[>3( ( 0[>5( ( 0[>7( ( 0[>9( Rail[1 ( 0[>2( ( 0[>4( ( 0[>6( ( 0[>8( ( 0[>10( Rail[0 rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( 99[>0( 97[>0( 95[>0( 93[>0( 91[>0( Rail[1 rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( 98[>0( 96[>0( 94[>0( 92[>0( 90[>0( On node #0 H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( 99[>0( 98[>0( 97[>0( 96[>0( 95[>0( 94[>0( 93[>0( 92[>0( Reduction of synchronizations Mul3ple(RDMA(are(executed(concurrently,(with(rela3vely(smaller(overhead. D2H( 0[>1( D2H( 0[>2( D2H( 0[>3( D2H( 0[>4( Rail[0 Rail[1 Rail[0 Rail[1 On node #0 D2H( 0[>5( D2H( 0[>6( D2H( 0[>7( D2H( 0[>8( D2H( 0[>9( D2H( 0[>10( D2H( D2H( 0[>11( 0[>12( D2H( D2H( 0[>13( 0[>14( 0[>1( 0[>3( 0[>2( 0[>4( 0[>5( 0[>7( 0[>6( 0[>8( 0[>9( 0[>11( 0[>10( 0[>12( rdma_read(99[>0( rdma_read(97[>0( rdma_read(98[>0( rdma_read(96[>0( rdma_read(95[>0( rdma_read(93[>0( rdma_read(94[>0( rdma_read(92[>0( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( rdma_read( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( H2D( 99[>0( 98[>0( 97[>0( 96[>0( 95[>0( 94[>0( An(example(to(show(advantage Step%1 Step%2 #0 Rank(#0 Line(A Line(B #1 Rank(#1 Line(B Line(D Rank(#2 Line(A Line(C #2 Rank(#3 Line(C Line(D Line(A Line(B Line(C #3 Line(D #0 #1 Edge(Switch #0 #1 #2 #2 #3 #3 Chunk(size(and(performance Performance((GFLOPS) (256x256x256(3[D(FFT(using(64(nodes) 500( 400( 300( 200( 100( 0( 2( 4( 8( 16( 32( 64( #(of(communica3ons(in(each(stage((=chunk(size) Small Chunk%size Large Large #(of(synchroniza3ons Small Large %(of(Overlap( Small Cri3cal For(network(conten3on Robust Dynamic(Rail(Selec:on • Exchange(assigned(rails(for(slow(connec3ons( Rail[0 1 3 7 Slow( 2 Rail[1 Rail[0 5 4 6 8 Rail[1 1 3 4 7 2 5 6 8 Changing(rail(may(avoid(the(slow[down(by( • Less(conten3on(due(to(different(rou3ng( • Not(using(bad/unstable(links( Exchange 0 1 2 3 4 5 Effect(of(dynamic(rail(selec:on (Size:(256x256x256) 7(jobs((and(many(other(users(jobs)(are(executed( concurrently. Performance((GFLOPS) Rail(Selec3on( No(selec3on( 600( 500( 400( 300( 200( 100( 0( Block(1( Block(2( Block(3( Block(4( Block(5( Block(6( Block(7( Compute(Nodes(((Each(block(has(64(nodes,(3GPU(per(node) Block(1~6:(5~6(edge(switches((H/X(queue),((Block(7:(9(edge(switches((S(queue) Effect(of(dynamic(rail(selec:on The(dynamic(rail(selec3on(can(avoid(terrible(network(conten3ons.( Rail(selec3on( No(selec3on( 500( 400( 300( 200( 100( 0( 1( 76( 151( 226( 301( 376( 451( 526( 601( 676( 751( 826( 901( 976( 1051( 1126( 1201( 1276( 1351( 1426( 1501( 1576( 1651( 1726( 1801( 1876( 1951( Performance((GFLOPS) 600( Final(results Performance(improvement( (256x256x256(36D(FFT(using(64(nodes) Performance (GFLOPS) 600( 500( 400( 300( 200( 100( 0( Before A#er 3-D FFT using 1GPU per node Performance (GFLOPS) 1600( 800( 256( 400( 384( 512( 200( 1024( 100( Single GPU: 68GF@256, 48.5GF@384, 50.7GF@512 50( 4( 8( 16( 32( # of node 64( 128( 3-D FFT using 3GPU per node 4.8TF(with(256(node( Size(:(20483( 3200( Performance (GFLOPS) 1600( 800( 256( 384( 400( 512( 200( 1024( 100( Single GPU: 68GF@256, 48.5GF@384, 50.7GF@512 50( 4( 8( 16( 32( # of node 64( 128( Breakdown(of(the(execu:on(:me( (256x256x256,(1GPU(per(node) 45( 40( Time (msec) 35( FFT((Z)( 30( All[to[all( 25( FFT((X&Y)( 20( 15( 10( 5( 0( 4( 8( 16( # of node 32( 64( 128( Breakdown(of(the(execu:on(:me( (256x256x256,(3GPU(per(node) 45( 40( Time (msec) 35( FFT((Z)( 30( All[to[all( 25( FFT((X&Y)( 20( 15( 10( 5( 0( 4( 8( 16( # of node 32( 64( 128( Breakdown(of(the(execu:on(:me( (256x256x256,(1GPU(or(3GPU(per( node) On(board(FFT(is(faster(in(3GPU 45( 40( Time (msec) 35( 30( 25( All[to[all(part(is(( • Faster(in(3GPU(for(large(message(size( • Faster(in(1GPU(for(small(message(size FFT((Z)( All[to[all( FFT((X&Y)( 20( 15( 10( 5( 0( # of node Summary • Auto[tuning(FFT(for(CUDA(GPUs.( • Scalable(all[to[all(comm.(between(GPUs(on( TSUBAME(2.0.
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