Botany _English_

SPMVVPGCET – 2013-14
Time : 90 minutes
Marks : 100
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1. The question paper contains three sections. Section-A contains 30 questions, Sectioncontains 30 questions and Section-C contains 40 questions.
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1. Who demonstrated the foot-and-mouth disease caused by viruses?
(A) Beijer inck
(B) F.W.Twart and d’ Herelle
(C) Loefler and Frosch
(D) Hershey and chase
2. Which of the following enzyme is responsible for the hydrolysis of the bacterial cell wall?
(A) Dehydrogenase
(B) Lysozyme
(C) Hydrases
(D) Enolase
3. Where does the protein synthesis occurs among phages?
(A) On ribosomes of the host
(B) Inside the capsid
(C) On ribosomes of the phage
(D) Outside the host
4. The viruses which can attack on yeast are known as
(A) Cyanophages
(B) Yeastiophages
(C) Monophages
(D) Zymophages
5. Which of the following disease is not caused by viruses?
(A) Crown gall of Apple
(B) Bunchi top of Banana
(C) Malformation
(D) Yellow vein mosaic Bendi
6. Aquatic horsetail is
(A) Equisetum
(B) Chara
(C) Ectocarpus
(D) Oedogonium
7. Pyrenoids are absent in
(A) Pandorina
(B) Vaucheria
(C) Chlorella
(D) Gonium
8. How many number of cells are present in carpogonial filament of Polysiphonia
(A) 3-4
(B) 5-6
(C) 4-5
(D) 6-7
9. Morphological anisogamy occurs in
(A) Ectocarpus siliculosis
(B) Ectocarpus coniferus
(C) Ectocarpus secundus
(D) Ectocarpus indicus
10. Which type of life cycle can be seen in Polysiphonia?
(A) Diplo-biontic
(B) Halpo-biontic
(C) Isomorphic diplohaplontic
(D) Heteromorphic diplohaplontic
11. Which type of vegetative reproduction occur in Mucor?
(A) Oidia
(B) budding
(C) Conidia
(D) none of these
12. The cup or saucer shaped fruit body found in
(A) Perithecium
(C) Apothecium
(B) Cleistothecium
(D) Pseudothecium
13. Which fungal speciies shows biflagellate zoospores ?
(A) Phytophthora
(B) Penicillium
(C) Mucor
(D) Albugo
14. Black rust of wheat disease is caused by
(A) Puccinia
(C) Claviceps purpurea
(B) Ustilago tritici
(D) Ustilago scitamineae
15. Which lichen contain anticancer characters?
(A) Parmelia
(B) Roccella
(C) Pulmonaria
16. Terricolous lichens means
(A) Lichens grown on rocks
(C) Lichens grown on bark of trees
(D) Peltigera
(B) Lichens grown on soil
(D) Lichens grown on sand
17. By whom Bryophytes are called as atracheata?
(A) Tippo
(B) Brown
(C) Martin
(D) Smith
18. Find out the number of peristomal teeth present in polytrichum capsule
(A) 16
(B) 32
(C) 48
(D) 64
19. Pseudo elaters are present in
(A) Lycopodium
(B) Plytrichum
(C) Marchantia
20. The development of Antheridium in Riccia is similar to the development of
(A) Anthoceros
(B) Plytrichum
(C) Marchantia
(D) Licopodium
21. Rhynia belongs to the period
(A) Cretaceous
(C) Permian
(B) Carboniferous
(D) Devonian
(D) Anthoceros
22. The development of embryo in Lycopodium is
(A) Exoscopic
(B) Endoscopic
(C) Episcopic
(D) Mesoscopic
23. Which pteridophyte shows circinate venation?
(A) Marsilea
(B) Lycopodium
(C) Rhynia
(D) Equisetum
24. Ectopholic siphonostele can be seen in
(A) Lycopodium (B) Marsilea
(C) Adiantum
(D) Osmunda
25. Two or three concentric ringed polycyclic dictyostele is present in
(A) Matonia
(B) Pteridium
(C) Gleichenia
(D) (A) and (B)
26. The Lycopodium species contains plectostele is
(A) L.cernuvum (B) L. volubile (C) L. selago
27. The sporangia development in Marsilea is
(A) Asporangiate
(C) Leptosporangiate
(D) L. phegmaria
(B) Eusporangiate
(D) Multisporangiate
28. How many neck canal cells are present in Archigonia of Equisetum?
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 8
29. The spirally coiled antherozoid in Equisetum consists of
(A) Biflagellea
(B) Uniflagellia
(C) Aflagellea
(D) Nuerous flagellia
30. The term pteridophyte was first proposed by
(A) Haeckel
(B) Engler
(C) Sinnott
(D) Dr.Kidston
31. Nature of endosperm in Gymnosperms
(A) Triploid
(B) Diploid
(C) Haploid
32. Synongia means
(A) Group of megasporangium
(C) Group of megassporophylls
(D) Polyploid
(B) Group of microsporangium
(D) Group of microsporophylls
33. The following is the most valuable among the fossils
(A) Petrifactions
(B) Compression
(C) Mouds
(D) Impressions
34. In which period conifers were appeared?
(A) Jurassic
(C) Permia
(B) Triassic
(D) Devonian
35. Specific characteristics features of Bennett itales
(A) Haplocheilic stomata
(B) Sunken stomata
(C) Stomata are absent
(D) Synditocheilic stomata
36. Polyembryony generally occurs in
(A) Angiosperms
(C) Bryophytes
(B) Pteridophytes
(D) Gymnosperms
37. Winged pollengrains are presented in
(A) Cycas beddomei
(C) Gnetum
(B) Pinus
(D) Cycas
38. Terpentine oil is obtained from
(A) Cycas beddomei
(C)Pinus roxbufghii
(B) Operculine turpethum
(D) Gnetum ula
39. Pavement tissue present in
(A) Pinus
(B) Gnetum
(C) Cycas
40. Chilgoza seed belongs to
(A) )Pinus Gerardiana
(C) Cycas circinalis
(D) Taxus
(B) Pinus longifolia
D) Gnetum ula
41. Bordered pits are found in
(A) Phloem
(C) Metaxylem
(B) Protoxylem
(D) Pith
42. The following plant cells without nuclei are
(A) Cambium
(C) companion cells
(B) Root hairs
(D) Vessels
43. Guttation takes place through
(A) Stomata
(C) Chloroplast
(B) Hydathodes
(D) Lenticells
44. Tunica – carpus theory was proposed by
(A) Schmidt
(C) Nageli
45. The outer most layer in roots is
(A) Pericycle
(C) Cuticle
(B) Haunstein
(D) Wolff
(B) Meristem
(D) Piliferous layer
46. Phloem is fairly well developed as compared with the xylum in
(A) Xerophytes
(B) Aquatic plants
(C) Gymnosperms
(D) Angiosperms
47. Which of the following plant shows anomalous secondary growth?
(A) Dacus carota
(B) Betavulgaris
(C) Ipomea batatus
(D) Raphanus sativa
48. Bulliform cells are presented in
(A) Sorghum
(C) Nymphaea
(B) Cucurbita
(D) Vanda
49. Root cap is produced by
(A) Dermatogen
(B) Calyptrogen
(C) Periblem
(D) Plerome
50. Casparian thickening can be seen in
(A) Epidermis
(B) Exodermis
(C) Endodermis
(D) Cortex
51. In which ecosystem we can see inverted pyramid?
(A) Pyramid of number in plant ecosystem
(B) Pyramid of number in pond ecosystem
(C) Pyramid of biomass in pond ecosystem
(D) (A) and (C)
52. What is the most hazardous pollutant for plants?
(A) CO 2
(B) SO2
(C) CO
(D) CFCs
53. What is the plant Amphibian?
(A) Typha
(B) Fragmites
(D) (A) (B) and (C)
(C) Sagittaria
54. If the plant grow increvices of rocks, it is called as
(A) Lithophytes
(B) Sammophytes
(C) Chasmophytes
(D) None of these
55. Which plants having highest osmotic pressure?
(A) Xerophytes
(B) Hydrophytes
(C) Mesophytes
(D) Herbs
56. In a hydrosere, the submerged stage is followed by
(A) Phytoplanktons
(B) Sedges
(C) Floating plants
(D) Climax
57. Syne cology is the study of
(A) Individual study
(C) Study of environment
(B) Ecosystem
(D) Plant community
58. Recognize the useful ecological factor to differentiate Palisade tissue in the leaves of plants
(A) Light
(B) Temperature
(C) rainfall
(D) humidity
59. Energy flow in an ecosystem is
(A) Multidirectional
(C) Bidirectional
(B) Unidirectional
(D) Circular
60. The ultimate source of energy in ecosystem is
(B) Sun light
(C) Protein
(D) Glucose
61. The specimen or element used by the author as nomenclatural type is called as
(A) Isotype
(B) Paratype
(C) Syntype
(D) Holotype
62. Scientific name of Indian telegraph plant is
(A) Indigofera tinctoria
(C) Canavalia ensiformis
(B) Desmodium Gyrans
(D) Butea frondosa
63. Nectar disc stylopodium on the top of the ovary is present in the family
(A) Euphorbiaceae
(B) Orchidaceae
(C) Apiaceae
(D) Lamiaceae
64. According to Braun and Eichler Tendril is
(A) Modified stipule
(C) Modified flower
(B) Modified bracteole
(D) Modified leaf
65. Pitcher shaped corolla present in
(A) Stephanotis
(C) Cryptostegia
(B) Stapelia
(D) Ceropegia
66. Syngenesious stamens are presented in the family
(A) Malvaceae
(B) Asteraceae
(C) Asclepiadaceae
(D) Amaranthaceae
67. Which Type of inflorescence can be seen in Lucas aspera?
(A) Panicle
(B) Thyrsus
(C) Verticillaster
(D) Spike
68. Die naturlichen pflauzen familien is written by
(A) Bentham and Hooker
(B) Engler and Prantle
(C) Linnaeus
(D) hutchison
69. Which tissue having the main role in the dehiscence of the anther?
(A) Epidermis
(B) Endodermis
(C) Endothecium
(D) Tapetum
70. Which type of ovules contains single layered unicellular tissure?
(A) Tenuinucellate oveules
(B) Crassinucellate ovules
(C) Unitegmic ovules
(D) Bittegmic ovules
71. Helobial endosperm can be seen in the following
(A) Dicotyledons
(B) Monocotyledons
(C) Gymnosperms
(D) angiosperms
72. Which layer of the pollen wall is thin and having high refractive index?
(A) Sexine
(B) Nexine
(C) Intine
(D) Endointine
73. What type of ovule can be seen in Opuntia and Plumbago?
(A) Amphitropous ovules
(B) Hemi anantropous ovules
( C) Circinotropous ovules
(D) Campylotropous ovules
74. Both chalazal and micropylar haustoria are present in
(A) Magnolia
(B) Impatiens
(C) Crotalaria
(D) Melampyrum
75. Mosaic endosperm can be seen in
(A) Maize
(B) Andrographics
(D) Trillium
76. The study of pollen grain in honey known as
(A) Geopalynology
(C) Mellito palynology
(B) Aeropalynology
(D) Iratro palynology
77. Which in of embryosac development exhibited by onion?
(A)Monosporic type
(B) Bisporic type
(C) Trisporic type
(D) tetrasporic type
78. Long cotton fibers are known as
(A) Flint
(B) Fluzz
(C) fuz
79. Find out the great millet in this following
(A) Wheat
(B) Rice
(C) Jowar
(D) Lint
(D) Bajra
80. Which wood is useful for making musical instruments?
(A) Dalbergia
(B) Hardwickia
(C) Pterocarpus
(D) Quercus
81. What is the terminal acceptor of electrons in non –cyclic photophosphorylation?
(A) Plastoquinone
(C) Plastocyanin
(D) Ferredoxin
82. The correct sequence of protein synthesis is
(A) DNA ----- RNA --------AMINO ACIDS---------PROTEINS
(B) DNA ----- AMINO ACIDS---------RNA--------- PROTEINS
(C) RNA ----- DNA-------- AMINO ACIDS--------- PROTEINS
(D) AMINO ACIDS------DNA---------RNA---------- PROTEINS
83. Seed vigour is controlled by
(A) Water availability
(C) Environmental availability
(B) Oxygen availability
(D) Genetic constitution
84. The term photoperiodism was proposed by
(A) Lysenko and Thimann
(C) Garner and Allard
(B) Black mann and Skoog
(D) Chalakhyan and Borthwick
85. The Respiration Quotient (RQ) in succulent xerophytes is always
(A) One
(B) More than one
(C) Less than one
(D) Zero
86. Premature leaf fall is caused due to the deficiency of
(A) Calcium
(B) Phosphorous
(C) Potassium
(D) Nitrogen
87. Chief components of hill reaction used in Blackman’s reaction are
(A) ATP and NADPH2
(B) ATP and NAD
(C ) ADP and NADP
(D) ADP and NADPH2
88. A transfer of lipid molecule from one side of the bilayer is known as
(A) Lateral diffusion
(B) Substitute motions
(C)Flip-flop motions
(D) Surface motions
89. What is the ribosomal factory of a cell?
(A) Chromatin
(C) Nuclear sap
(B) Nuclear membrane
(D) Nucleolus
90. Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane was proposed by
(A) Hoffman
(B) Singer and Nicolson
(C ) Robert son
(D) Danielli and Davson
91. Which Type of cross is helpful to identify the hererozygocity of hybrid plant?
(A) Back cross
(B) Phenotypic test
(C) Test cross
(D) Genotyppic test
92. The genes are different but produce similar phenotypic expression present in two individuals
known as
(A) Epistatic genes
(B) Complimantary genes
(C)Hypostatic genes
(D) Supplementary genes
93. How changes the strength of linkages while increasing the temperature?
(A) Decreases
(B) Increases
(C) Partially increases
(D) no change
94. What is the number of chromosomes in Nullisomics?
(A) 2n – 1
(B) 2n + 1
(C) 2n – 2
(D) 2n + 0
95. What is the structural difference between thymine and uracil?
(A) CHO group
(B) NH3 group
(C)CO group
(D) CH3group
96. Which type of the following DNA contains 12 base pairs per turn?
(A) A – DNA
(D) Z –DNA
97. Which of the following enzyme plays an important role in breaking and reassembling one
strand of
(A) Helicase
(B) Ligase
(C) Topo isomerage
(D) DNA –polymerase
98. The substitution of a purine for a pyrimidine in a codeon is known as
(A) Transversion
(B) Inversion
(C) Transition
(D) Reverse mutation
99. In which organism Jacob and Monad proposed the LAC OPERON model?
(B) Pseudomonas
(A) Fusarium
(C) Klebsiella
(D) E. Coli
100. The plant part used as inoculums in tissue culture is known as
(A) Cosmid
(B) Explant
(C) Spawn
(D) Callus