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Welcome to the kick-off meeting for the FP7 project!
Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables!
(Project No. 607405)!
Introduction to the Consortium!
K. Folkert Boersma – KNMI
Jan-Peter Muller – UCL
QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt A
Your QA4ECV hosts 2014-2017!
Prof. Jan-­‐Peter Muller (UCL, UK) Land co-­‐ordinator -­‐ management support -­‐ Land-­‐specific issues Dr. Folkert Boersma (KNMI, NL) Project co-­‐ordinator -­‐ interac3on with EC -­‐ overall project management 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt A
Your QA4ECV support 2014-2017!
Milene Kempenaars & Karin van der Scha: Patricia van der Kooy (KNMI, NL) Project support Contracts Officers: -­‐ deliverables -­‐ contracts -­‐ maintenance website -­‐ administra3ve & financial issues -­‐ report on final budget [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt A
Old QA4ECV Logo!
Q A 4 E C V!
Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables!
New Proposed QA4ECV Logo:!
2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Inspired by existing ECV logo’s:!
2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Measurement of Atmosphere climate variables The QA4ECV consortium!
QA4ECV is a partnership of: •  European scien3sts •  data providers •  developers of future climate services •  na3onal standards ins3tute •  interna3onal organisa3ons 17 partners 6 European countries UK: 3 Netherlands: 3 Belgium: 3 Germany: 4 Spain: 1 Greece: 1 Interna3onal: 2 The proposal is coordinated by KNMI, which leads a consortium of sixteen beneficiaries,
EUMETSAT being one of them.
The QA4ECV partners!
The partners are:
Participant no.
Participant organisation name
1 (Coordinator)
Royal Netherlands
Meteorological Institute
Belgian Institute for Space
University of Bremen
8 18 9
short name
The Netherlands
Max Planck Institute*
Free University
of Brussels
CSIC Toledo
University of Thessaloniki
ageningen University
U - 6 - Technology
Science & Technology
University College London
European Joint Research Centre JRC
The European Organisation for
the Exploitation of
Meteorological Satellites
Brockmann Consult
Govaerts Consulting
National Physical Laboratory
Logica Ltd
Table 2 – QA4ECV partners
The Netherlands
Netherlands The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Partner 1 Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute !
Tasks allocated: •  Project coordinator (Lead WP9 & WP10) •  Lead WP1 User engagement •  Lead WP7 Outreach, dissemina3on, and exploita3on •  Lead WP8 Overarching coordina3on FP7 Copernicus CC projects •  Deputy Lead WP4 Harmonised ECV retrieval schemes •  Involved in WP3 QA of independent reference data KNMI is 160 years old in 2014 Background in Atmosphere Earth Observa3on (SCIAMACHY, OMI, TROPOMI) Experience with satellite valida3on efforts (SCIAVALIG, campaigns) Experience with leading various EU-­‐projects 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 2 Belgian Institute for Aeronomy!
Tasks allocated: •  Deputy Lead WP2
•  Lead WP3 •  Lead WP5 •  Involved in WP4
Design & development QA system QA of independent reference data QA of atmospheric ECVs Harmonised ECV retrieval schemes Anne De Rudder Strong background in Atmosphere Earth Observa3on (GOME, SCIAMACHY) Pioneer in QA/QC and valida3on efforts Strong representa3on in interna3onal bodies on EO 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 3 University of Bremen!
Tasks allocated: •  Deputy Lead WP6 Fitness for purpose of products •  Involved in WP3 QA of independent reference data •  Involved in WP4 Harmonised ECV retrieval schemes Lead ins3tute for SCIAMACHY Strongly involved in retrievals from GOME, OMI, and GOME-­‐2 Long experience with Atmosphere Remote Sensing from space and from the ground Retrieval algorithm experts 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 4 Max Planck Institute!
Tasks allocated: •  Lead WP6 •  Involved in WP3
Fitness for purpose of products QA of independent reference data MPI-­‐C has long-­‐standing experience with ground-­‐based and satellite retrievals of atmospheric gases (NO2, HCHO) MPI-­‐M is a key ins3tute for climate research and modelling Exper3se with applica3on of remote sensing for climate modelling 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 5 Free University Brussels!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP4
Harmonised ECV retrieval schemes Notably for CO ULB has long-­‐standing experience with ground-­‐based and satellite retrievals of atmospheric CO Plays a leading role in interpreta3on of level-­‐1 data from IR sensors 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 6 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP3
QA of independent reference data Long experience with spectral measurements of solar irradiance and sky radiance in the UV/Vis spectral region Studying temporal and spa3al representa3veness of ground-­‐based NO2 as inferred from MAX-­‐DOAS and a long-­‐path SANOA system (polluted clear-­‐sky Thessaloniki) 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 7 CSIC Toledo!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP3
QA of independent reference data Extensive experience with atmospheric measurement, data analysis, laboratory studies in atmospheric photochemistry and chemistry-­‐climate modelling Studying temporal and spa3al representa3veness of ground-­‐based NO2 as inferred from MAX-­‐DOAS (polluted clear-­‐sky Madrid) 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 18 Wageningen University!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP4
•  Involved in WP5
•  Involved in WP6
Harmonised ECV retrieval schemes QA of independent reference data Fitness for purpose of products Experience with global TM5 CTM (globally opera3onal at 1° x 1°) for simula3ons of NO2 and HCHO QA for the NO2 and HCHO ECV retrievals through sta3s3cal analyses and evalua3ons with the TM5 CTM (WP5), and impacts on ozone 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 9 Science and Technology B.V.!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP2
Design & development QA system SoUware development firm with strong experience in cal/val & visualiza3on FP7 NORS Develop an opera3onal web-­‐based service to validate MACC data against correla3ve data from NDACC 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 10 University College London!
Tasks allocated: JPM -­‐ Project Deputy coordinator -­‐ Land (Lead WP4) Involved in WP1 User engagement Involved in WP2 Design & development QA system Involved in WP3 QA of independent reference data (MD, PL) Lead WP4 Harmonised ECV retrieval schemes & CV produc3on Involved in WP5 Valida3on of mul3-­‐decadal ECV data using the QA system •  Involved in WP6 Fitness for purpose of ECV products •  Involved in WP7 Outreach, dissemina3on, and exploita3on •  Lead, Land WP9 Project Scien3fic and Technical coordina3on • 
UCL consistently in the top 3 UK universi3es. JPM leads the Imaging Group within the largest space & climate physics department in a university in the UK. MD+PL lead Centre of excellence in Carbon modelling in UCL Geography Jan-­‐Peter Muller Mat Disney P. Lewis 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 11 Joint Research Centre – EC!
Tasks allocated: • 
Deputy L ead i n WP3
QA of independent reference data Involved in WP4 ECV retrieval schemes & ECV produc3on Involved in WP5 Valida3on of mul3-­‐decadal ECV data using the QA system JLW aka Anon Nadine Gobron As the Commission’s in-­‐house science service, the Joint Research Centre’s mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-­‐based scien3fic and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 12 EUMETSAT!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP1
•  Involved in WP4
•  Involved in WP5
•  Involved in WP6
•  Involved in WP7
User engagement ECV retrieval schemes & ECV produc3on Valida3on of mul3-­‐decadal ECV data using the QA system Fitness for purpose of ECV products Outreach, dissemina3on, and exploita3on EUMETSAT is the provider of Climate Data Records (CDRs) produced in opera3onal environment in Europe. JoS leads a dedicated team at EUMETSAT working on CDRs from all EUMETSAT missions and beyond. AL an expert in surface albedo retrieval leads a global SCOPE-­‐CM project on this. Jörg Schulz Alessio Lapanzio ? 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 13 Brockmann Consult GmbH!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP4 ECV retrieval schemes & ECV produc3on •  Involved in WP7 Outreach, dissemina3on, and exploita3on Carsten Brockmann Olaf Danne BC is a private company (30 staff) offering environmental data products and services. CB is head of the company. OD works in the Environmental Informa3cs branch on SW development and algorithm implementa3on. 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 14 FastOpt GmbH!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP4
ECV retrieval schemes & ECV produc3on Thomas Kaminski Michael Vossbeck FastOpt fields of exper3se include design and opera3on of data assimila3on and inverse modelling systems. They are co-­‐developers of the Carbon Cycle Data Assimila3on System (CCDAS) and the Twostream Inversion Package (TIP), whose land surface products they are hos3ng. 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 15 Rayference!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP3 QA of independent reference data •  Involved in WP4 ECV retrieval schemes & ECV produc3on •  Involved in WP5 Valida3on of mul3-­‐decadal ECV data using the QA system Rayference is a MicroSME providing high-­‐level scien3fic and technical exper3se in the area of Earth Observa3on project management, remote sensing, radia3ve transfer modelling, satellite data calibra3on and inverse modelling 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 16 NPL!
Tasks allocated: • 
Involved in WP1 User engagement Lead WP2
Design & development QA system Involved in WP3 QA of independent reference data Involved in WP4 ECV retrieval schemes & ECV produc3on Involved in WP5 Valida3on of mul3-­‐decadal ECV data using the QA system Nigel Fox Joanne Nigh3ngale Emma Woolliams NPL is the UK’s na3onal metrology ins3tute. Nigel leads Earth Observa3on & Climate Science at NPL; the groups’ key research ac3vi3es include providing traceable measurements for EO instrumenta3on & development of QA procedures Ella Garnham 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Partner 17 CGI IT UK Limited!
Tasks allocated: •  Involved in WP1
•  Involved in WP2
Formerly User engagement Design & development QA system Chetan Pradhan Clive Farquhar CGI, (formerly known as Logica) has been working within the Space sector for over 40 years and our clients include key European organisa3ons such as ESA, EUMETSAT and the EC. Ed Pechorro 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Consortium agreement!
•  DraUed Summer 2013 •  Followed DESCA standard model Version 3.0 (March 2011) •  Agreement reached Summer 2013 2. Introduc1on Consor1um & Advisory CommiJee – QA4ECV Kick-­‐off mee1ng, 6-­‐7 February 2014, De Bilt Consortium agreement – some articles!
Consortium agreement – some articles!