Exploring opportunities in new market segments

Sylvain Allard
École de design
Université du Québec
à Montréal
SOUP | Gabrielle Saintonge | UQAM
A Packplay Project
WER | Alexandre Michaud | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Duetto | Millagros Buroncle | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Duetto | Millagros Buroncle | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Gaminets | Annabelle Soucy | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Pulp | Selva Balasingam | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Disolve | Simon Laliberté | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Disolve | Simon Laliberté | UQAM
A Packplay Project
BING BANG BOOM | Mélanie Laviolette | UQAM
A Packplay Project
BRRR | Michèle Beauchamps-Roy | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Ketshup Wax Pouches | Kévin Tremblay | UQAM
Les Petit Déj’ | Céline Descamps| ECV Nantes, France
A Packplay Project
The sweet Touth | Davina Vogrig | UQAM
TY Matin | Anne-Stylite Dubost | ECV Nantes, France
A Packplay Project
L’après-ski | Émilie Rolko | UQAM
Bee Bright | Maude Paquette-Boulva | UQAM
A Packplay Project
KIK | Élise Levasseur | UQAM
A Packplay Project
KIK | Élise Levasseur | UQAM
A Packplay Project
The Polar Beer | Pascal Lefebvre | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Rice Bag | Audrey-Claude Roy | UQAM
Milk | Else Kosonen | Luas Lahti, Finland
A Packplay Project
Aube Wine Box | Veronica Kjellberg and Milagros Rodriguez
Nackademin, Stockholm, Sweeden
A Packplay Project
Backbutter | Sabrina Moschütz | HTW, Berlin, Germany
A Packplay Project
ILLICO | Gabrielle Gersant | ECV Nantes, France
A Packplay Project
Golden Spread | Catheleen Thoms and Nadine Hädrich
HTW, Berlin, Germany
A Packplay Project
Butterlego | Marta Suslow | HTW, Berlin, Germany
A Packplay Project
Buttercups | Melanie Twele | HTW, Berlin, Germany
A Packplay Project
Snackpack to go | Katarina Stendahl and Sofi Ragnefors
Nackademin Stockholm, Sweeden
A Packplay Project
Fertility | Ingrid Laflamme Gordon | University of Montreal
A Packplay Project
Lait maternisé | Marine Lestère | University of Montreal
A Packplay Project
SI | Kim Labonté-Beaudoin| University of Montreal
A Packplay Project
At Home | Marie Priour et Tiffany Marchis | ECV Nantes, France
A Packplay Project
PACKT| Paul Lanaers | ECV Nantes, France
A Packplay Project
L’épicier | Alex Sauvageau | UQAM
A Packplay Project
L’épicier | Alex Sauvageau | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Side Effects | Agnese Rodriguez | Politecnico di Milano, Italy
A Packplay Project
Informative Labels | Maude paquette-Boulv | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Pregnancy Tests | Valérie Andraos | UQAM
A Packplay Project
Humanitary Packaging | Maud Pillet | UQAM
A Packplay Project