Polysaccharides analysis Purification of oligosaccharides Glycosidic composition High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detector (HPAEC-PAD) High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detector (HPAEC-PAD) Glc A Glc Fuc Gal Glc Ara DP3 Rha Man Xyl DP5 Rib DP4 Gal A DP6 DP2 DP7 Separation of monosaccharides on a CarboPac PA1 column (Dionex) Separation of cellodextrins from DP 1 to 7 on a CarboPac PA1 column (Dionex) Gas Chromatography with Flam Ionisation Detector (FID) Exclusion Size Chromatography (SEC) with Differential Refractometric Detector Myo DP1 GalA GlcA DP5 DP7 Man DP6 DP3 DP 8,9,10 DP2 DP4 GlcA Glc GalA Gal GlcA Glc Gal Man GlcA Gal GlcNAc GalA GlcNAc Separation and purification of maltodextrins from DP 1 to 10 on a Biogel P2 column (BioRad) Separation of methyl glycoside trimethylsilyl derivatives of monosaccharides on a HP-5MS column Glycosidic linkages High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Differential Refractometric Detector and UV Detector Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detector (GC/MS) DP3 PMAA derivatives 1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-1deuterio-6 deoxy 2,4di-O-methyl Drhamnitol 1,3,5-tri-O-acetyl-1deuterio-2,4,6-tri-Omethyl D-mannitol 1,5-di-O-acetyl-1deuterio-6 deoxy 2,3,4-di-O-methyl Drhamnitol 1,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-1deuterio-2,3,6-tri-Omethyl D-glucitol DP2 !3)-Man-(1! DP6 -Rha-(1! Separation of oligochitins from DP 2 to 6 on a NH2 column !4)-Glc-(1! Missions of the Service Molecular weight and polydispersity of polysaccharides 212 000 Da with double DP5 !3)-Rha-(1! PMAA derivatives, separated on a Supelco 2380 column Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) equipped Refractometer, Multi- Angles Light Scattering DP4 Corresponding substituted residue detection: Differential 22 800 Da 5/$$&8/'&,/+.(G12=(&#&>%;1#($&8/'&2/'1%.(( &+>(G12=(1+>".2'1&$(#/;:&+1%.( ?$1*/.&##=&'1>%.( <"'1E#&,/+( @+&$3.1.( -%:/',+*( Contacts : [email protected] [email protected] Tel : 04 76 03 76 23 !"#$%&'()&*+%,#(-%./+&+#%(0$123( 45)67(6'%+/8$%( <'%A2'%&2;%+2(( BC%.&$,+*7(D$2'&E$2'&,/+7(0'&#,/+&,/+F(( </$3.&##=&'1>%.( Analysis of a mixture of pullulans on a OH-Pak SB-803HQ Shodex column Interaction with other analytical Services )&..(9:%#2'/;%2'3(0$123( (45)67(6'%+/8$%(
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