[Authoritative English text this Department Notification No.i-15173-Dp-Apptt (2014) dated·i 15.11.201405 requiredunderCl<l.use (3) of t\£.ticle348 of the Constitution of India) GOVerntnentofl1itnachal Pradesh Depor'ttnent of Personnel Appointment-! Section No. 1-15173-Dp-Apptt.(2014) Doted· Shimla-2, In exercise the 15th November, 2014. of the powers conferred by the Rule l(a), Order LJ:II (Service of Documents) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to au'thorize/(lppoint the Principal Resident Commissioner/Resident Commissioner, Government of Himachal Pradesh at New Delhi to receive notice alongwith a copy of the petition with its annexures as well as to execute vakalatnama in favour of the respective Advocates-onRecord, withimmecHateeffect. Parthasarathi Mitra Chief Secretary to the Government of Himachal PrQdesh Dat~d Shimla-171 002, the 15th November, 2014. Endst. No. As above Copy to:1. The Registrar, Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi-ll0 201. The particulars of Resident Commissioner is given as Sh.A.P.Singh, IPS, Resident Commissioner, Government of Hitnachal Pradesh, Himachal Bhawan, 27-Sikandra Road. New Delhi110 001. (E-mail: [email protected]). 2. All the Additiohal Chief Secretariesl PI". Secretarie:;/FC (Revl Appeals)/ Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-Z. 3. The Add!. Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh, Shimlo-2. 4. The Advocate General, Himachal Pra8~sh, Shimla-I. 5, S~.A.P.5in9h,:rpS, Resident Com;issioner,.Govt. of HP, Himachal Bhawan, 27-Sikandra Rood, New Delhi for necessary action. 6. All the Heads of Departments/Divisional CommIssioners/Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. 7. The Director, Prosecution, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla..9. 8. The Additional A.dvocate General. HP, Himachal Bhuwan, 27-Sikandra Road, New Delhi with the request to bring the said notification in the. notice of the Advocates-on-Record representing the State Government. 9. The Contro/ler;.Printing & Stationery, Himachal P'adesh, Government Press, Shimla, Shimla-5 for publication in Gazette 10. The ALR-cum-Under Secretary (Law) to the Government of HP, Shimla With reference to their Dy.No.5070 dated 01.11.2014. 11. The Sr. Law officer (Official Language Wing) Law Departmut, Himachal Pradesh Secretariat, Shimla. 12, Guard File (Dr. Man Singh) Addi'l'ionol Secretary (Personnel) to the A Government of Himacnal Pradesh fuli-rq err q~ ~ "fR <PIx cmf4Cfi fa1Tfli f;r~fcrn- 1 3Pj,'BPT ~rf~fliIl1 ~ q0 -xmq-r~. 11~~ (ffftf~ W'll ;gT<nilt<:ff) ~ f~<:rJ1 1 ('!) mxr 1Am-.:f 3flcfRft<:T 3IT~Cffi / 3Trcrrm 3f111<fCi, ~cq em <nf~:r<PT ~. ~ ~"\3f(fff.n ~, ~ ~ql~c-3rrv:r ftev[i <$ tRf if 1A~nq~ '1~(i t f.i<.!<fff ~ / <fJTi X1~ Tri~. 2013 cti 3lTtx II i ~rf4\'mT 11~ <nl J;f1.l1lJ (h~ ~JZ, ~q ..~ ~, ;:rf~~ l1N -ct>~ 3Th Wcf>fx, l,l~~T ~n~ l1fu ~ f.1e::n~ CfJ~ crqimC'l'1flIT ft:R ~ -~ I tIT~-;m{2.ft ftE;n ~~ "fffuq ~lfIT.j(1\.T~VT ~lSOi~ 1. "ff'{9:TI:<:l~m ~~R ffi~ 3lT~'ffl <liT ~ ~~ ~~ 15:- ~ l1CfJH . 15 -'~,2014 0 201. 31I<ffif)<l '!01flOft:{~.3~01flO\[tfO 3TT~ ~:.fI-11 ~ wmx, 27-fu~xr ':1'&1 3Tfuft<n1 (~ / 3ltftc;j)/ Xlfqq xT¥, .~ ~-qq ~, ~ ~ q~~r ~~Cf<ffiT.ffi1:rrq('T fG~, ~ ~ ~ zrti 3FJ~q <$ t~R 3&flf<fClT31T <pi ~fdf.1fuq en'x x~ ~. I Pi~;;:=;tifl. 'J~UT ~ ~m <t;:rR41 f15>:ff~~ UfTrn 4" C1'T'! 1)~~ trXCf>T{ ~<mft ft;Trr~ ll~![f I ~I CfJt 3rnnlTCfJ {1X<fir~, 27-ftrqp:-G~ ~" t fcp \ill ~ fW:!c;n-5 en-t I l.r~'!lT 11' lJ<t>~m ~m<n f<1m "CRr~ ~ci il>i\Ffq3 ~1T.fQf <m ~ \fCffi ~'t:R1 ful-rill I 311<],((a, 27-R-iifl-=Gxl ~~, F5f1I'ilC'l 'l=fCr<i, -;ni ~ ~l1ffi fcf~r11Tt~ef/ ~U'Si?llg,Cffi / ftnc:rrtf1~ f.1~~1Cf) (mf<fmT) ful:n-i/Co1 l)-G~ ftfl:rC{T~2 ~<R, l1~H fS+:rriR1 q~'!lT fu1ic11-2 itJ1TilC'l 'A~~f ftPTfff I '!otf)oftr~,31~ot:fT£~o 3fl<fT-81'L! 3I~ / f5mifC1 11~~ "{l~R ':1~ trftrq :1(:~ 3Tfti~ 10. I I ~--4<[email protected]. ~~ ~ ;:m<n('T'L!. 11~~ 3TT<l<Rl. ~ifC1 -~~ ftP1C11-2 ~rr<A1<:l~~ mCf]T~ \1<f(f ~~, f6ll~ ~~ f6~~ {j,h"r I ~~ 3fT];'<TU 3lCR -,nNcr (f4fu) fu~C1 1,f~~r ~~ 5070. ~-;fiCf) 1.11.2014 q; ~~4' -{:i'@.fT; qIT ~~¢N f fcn fWTC'l1 r)~ f<t>"4T \Jffill ~ I 11. CfftE:o 12_ ~.<ffC'l<i fulrMl- 2 'n~ '1'fuf! fcrfQ 3Jft:rcf>rtT (X-fGfl1T6fT ~) ~ fcl11Pf, fl5Ji!il&l l1<hr
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