Known Transferology Issues/Bugs

Known Transferology & Transferology Lab issues/bugs
Date submitted Date resolved
Find a replacement course is returning inaccurate equivalencies when filtering by iflg
Unknown equivalencies show Year Month instead of Year Term
9/22/2014 Fixed 10/12/14
CLEP exams course bank number in Transferology is wrong
3/10/2014 Fixed 10/9/14
Match %'s are different for the same type of equivalency at two different schools
Glossary Message hover text in View Equivalencies (Lab) only shows message for first
glossary msg
Blankc character (#) inaccurately affects Transfer Rules validation
Student requested audits in Transferology apparently run for the current year/term so
errors out for future programs. In it ran for 999908. Proposed short-term
solution: 1) If the program's lyt < school's current yearterm, then we won't show the
program. 2) If the program's fyt > school's current yearterm, then we'll request the
audit with the program fyt as the yearterm. 3) Else request the audit with the school's
current yearterm.
Long-term: Version 1.1 will be coming in the summer and we
will have an enhancement allowing the current term or future term to be chosen when
the audit is requested.
Same match displays different Glossary Message in Transferology vs. Transferology Lab
Course import may fail when a student only at a college who has enough earned credits
to get the pop-up screen in eServices that asks what their plans are after they leave the
college AND only if they choose to SKIP answering that question AND if the student has
other colleges or universities in their eServices record. Sometimes the student is
directed to the wrong college/univ from which to import their courses. This pop-up
was rolled out on 3/27, so wasn't a factor in our beta testing.
When an Admin creates a Transferology lab account by making an Inactive user active,
no automated message is generated.
Issue #
4/30/2014 Fixed - 7/30/14
5/28/2014 Fixed - checked 6/13/14
3/10/2014 Fixed 6/06/14
4/11/2014 Fixed 4/29/14
4/17/2014 Fixed 5/13/2014
3/31/2014 **Fixed by MnSCU ITS.
3/27/2014 Fixed 4/1/2014
USEL-1441 BUT it
has been
determined that
this is an eServices
problem that must
be resolved by
Various college name issues - multi-campus schools appearing in drop down as
separate institutions but appear to have reverted in production Transferology. All been
changed changed according to our specs in beta. Also need to change St Cloud State U
& St Cloud TCC to add period after St in order for search functionality to work properly.
When the student clicks on the "circle i" in the course matches next to ELECT***, they
sometimes get inaccurate glossary messages
3/31/2014 Fixed 4/1/2014
3/24/2014 Fixed 4/15/2014
4/14/2014 Fixed 4/23/2014
4/16/2014 Fixed 4/23/2014
Fake course used in CLEP processing to remove excess credits (NO RESIDUAL) is
supposed to be hidden in equivalencies in Transferology and it shows
Problem reported by SCSU about inaccurate display of target course matches.
Specifically showing ELECT*** instead of PSYC3T**
3/14/2014 Fixed 4/24/2014
Fixed with 3/31/2014
2/28/2014 rollout
Problems reported with 'Can't sign in' link on log in page - automatic email is not being
received for password recovery
Transfer rules with begin & end dates display incorrect year. Also Spring semester
imported courses show with label of Winter.
Resolved 4/1/2014.
Determined that problem
lies in SPAM/JUNK filters at
4/1/2014 the receiving school.
TFO-293 &
3/26/2014 Fixed 9/15/2014
Of the two ways students can access their Plans (audit reports) in Transferology, one
produces an Interative Audit report and the other does not. CS confirms this is a bug.
School programs that are in Test status in and did not show there for students,
appear on the list as active programs in Transferology