11th Annual Meeting of the International Water Resource Economics Consortium The impact of Irrigation Capital Subsidies on Common-pool Groundwater Use and Depletion Results for Western Kansas Nicolas E. Quintana Ashwell Graduate Research Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate Jeffrey M. Peterson Professor Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University Background • More efficient technologies may result in higher water use and faster aquifer depletion in certain river basins • • Sheierling et al., 2006; Ward and Pulido Velazquez, 2008 “….optimal control would not enhance the welfare of farmers compared with a strategy of free markets.” • • Gisser and Sanchez, 1980 Without intervention, efficient irrigation technology adoption may be slower than socially optimal. • Shah et al., 1995 Research Goal Assess the effects of irrigation capital subsidies in a dynamic common pool context. • Water extraction • Discounted welfare and answer the questions Can an irrigation capital subsidy policy capture potential surplus? How much? Assumptions Framework from Burness and Brill (2001) – extension of Gisser and Sanchez (1980). • Single-cell, unconfined aquifer • Water is weakly essential input • Water requirements set to meet FWY Model • Hydrology • Evolution of the water table height (elevation, ft) over time H • 1 N 1 (k ) w As '(k ) 0 Declining yields from groundwater storage (AF/hr) d Y 2Q0 d H (t ) Hc 2 • Water accounting identity/application efficiency e(k )w CR A e(k ) 0,1 de (k ) 0 dk d 2e (k ) 0 dk 2 Model • Costs: Marginal cost of water Marginal pumping costs ($/AF) C H t SL H t H t Hc 120 100 MC in $/AF • Cˆ (w, k ; H ) C ( H )w (r )kA L(k ) 80 60 40 20 0 • Capital costs ($): (r )kA • Labor cost associated to irrigation capital ($) 100 110 120 130 140 150 Lift (ft) L(k ) wage : labor required for flood irrigation operation (hrs) dL (k ) 0 dk 160 Model • Revenues($): revenue is area under the Value Marginal Product of Water (VMP). Net Present Value of Net Farm Benefits t* V e 0 • rt VMP of Water 250 200 VMPW($) • 150 100 50 0 0 R(e(k ) w) Cˆ ( w, k ; H ) dt 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 Pumped water(AF) VMP(40%) VMP(80%) Myopic solution: Max R(e(k ) w) Cˆ ( w, k ; H ) w, k • Planning solution: optimal control problem where w and k are the control variables and H is the state variable. Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Baseline Simulated Results Simulation Results: Efficiency 0.8 110 0.75 100 Application efficiency Water extraction ('000 acre-feet) Simulation Results: Water Extraction(AF) 90 80 70 60 50 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 40 30 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 Year Myopic 150 Year Planning Myopic Planning 200 Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Baseline Simulated Results Simulation Results: Net Private Benefits ($) 2645 7000 2640 Net PrivateBenefits ($ '000) Water table elevation (ft above sea level) Simulation Results: Water table height(ft) 2635 2630 2625 2620 2615 2610 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2605 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 Year Year Myopic 150 Planning Myopic Planning 200 Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Optimization given irrigation capital subsidy Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Optimization given irrigation capital subsidy Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Optimization given irrigation capital subsidy Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Optimization given irrigation capital subsidy Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Optimization given irrigation capital subsidy Myopic Planning Subsidy 133.1 142.5 138 9.4 6.1 7.04% 3.64% 142.5 135.3 9.4 2.2 7.04% 1.67% Net Farmer Benefits NPV ($ millions) Gain ($ millions) Net Social Benefits NPV ($ millions) Gain ($ millions) 133.1 Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Conclusions • Gains from management are larger than in early studies • Competitive capital underinvestment in the short run but overinvestment in long-run • Irrigation capital subsidies result in water savings and small social welfare improvements, capturing nearly 24% of potential surplus. Q&A This material is based upon work supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation under Award No. EPS-0903806 and matching support from the State of Kansas through the Kansas Board of Regents. Case Study: Sheridan Co, KS Estimated VMP (inverse demand ) for water
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